The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 30, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
cm mMTIET Y3uMm
5MPHESS on the yotm man who is burning the candle at both ends
and who is spending his hi? salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACC0U2T. Start him on the BIGHT ROAD today.
If he is not hopeless he at once will see the error of his ways. The open
ing cf a bank account has put a stop to many a youth's wild desire to be
a HIGH niEH.
Lee r.i'uwn .-hipped a car of
cat tlr t South Omaha Tuesday.
Si'!al near accidents from
aiitorn. jtilvs occurred on the
lreet Saturday.
Mrs. (). A. Davis ami Mrs. Dirk
Pitman were visitin? Mrs. Pit
man's parents Tuesday.
Minford & Creamer had a car
load of fat cattle on the South
Omaha market Tuesday.
Mi-s Neva I. alia will spend the
summer with her uncle's family,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Latfa.
F.lha Iolson and son, from
ivar Nehawka, were visitors in
Murray Sunday morning.
William Schlichtemeior had a
car of fat cattle on the South
imaha market Wednesday;
W. S. Smith, traveling sales
man out of Omaha, spent several
d:?ys wiMi hi home folks this
Mr. John Taylor of Rock Island,
Texa. is visit in? his sisters, Mrs.
William Lone- and Mrs. Mary
Johns. n.
John Dermond, who has leen
laid up with a fractured limh for
I lie pat three weeks, is slowly
The Misses Jeannett and Agnes
Rutherford of Plattsmouth were
visit in? their aunt, Mrs Mary
Dull. Sunday.
rr. P.. F. Tlrendel was called to
Vep in? Water Saturday to con
sult with Dr. Welch in a very
Serjou ease.
Remember the school house
will be offered at auction sale
Saturday at 2 o'clock, at the
school grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Tak. Alden,
southeast of town, are rejoicing
over the arrival of a new boy at
their home Sunday mnrnin?.
This is a busy town for car
penters this spring. The several
new homes under construction
are rapidly approaching completion.
Something You
Didn't Know
You do know you can't send
your produce to a mail order house.
You do know we have a direct from
the factory catalogue in most of
your homes. May be you didn't
know we take your produce in pay
ment for any article you want that
is listed in our catalogue. Think it
over isn't this the fairest proposi
tion you ever heard of.
Robert Alford of Nehawka
spent Monday afternoon in Mur
ray. Uncle George Shrader was in
Nebraska City Thursday on busi
ness. Adam Shafer shipped out a car
of fat hogs to the South Omaha
market Tuesday even in?.
W. J. Philpot of-ML Pleasant
precinct, left for his ranch in
Lo?an county, Nebraska. Friday.
The question of "War ami
Peace" will be settled in our
school this week by fonr selected
"Scotty," our station a?ent, is
supplyin? this community with
the very best tomato and cabbage
plants ever let out.
Mrs. A. L. Baker was a Platts
mouth visitor Wednesday morn
in?, going to Union on the noon
flyer, and comin? home on the
evenin? train. '
George Smith, assessor by ap
pointment, is busy in West Rock
IJluffs precinct this week findin?
out how poor each inhabitant
claims he is.
The Sludy club met Tuesday
afternoon and are studying1 the
mean in? of "Evolution." The
next meetin? will be Tuesday aft
ernoon. Visitors invited.
The best authorities at the
state university claim that dan
delions can be exterminated by
not mowing" the lawns. If this is
true most of us would like to try
it for ten or twenty years.
The revival services at the Ot
terbein church, five miles south
west of Murray, have been suc
cessful beyond expectations.
Seventy-five have united with the
church in the past three weeks.
Robert Davidson, who has been
suffering from pneumonia at Fred
Meisinger's, in Eight Mile Cirove
precinct, is improving some at
the present, writ in?. Miss Jacobs
of Lincoln is the attending- nurse.
Wm. Nickels was a Platts
mouth visitor Saturday.
R. R. Nickels was a Platts
mouth visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Todd was in Oma
ha Wednesday shopping.
Miss Laura Puis is spending
the week with home folks.
Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver is list
ed anion? the sick this week.
James Tigner visited friends in
this vicinity Tuesday evening.
Roy Cline was visitin? friends
in Plattsmouth Sunday evening.
C. W. Tigner was called to
Plattsmouth on business Tues
day. Mont Shrader of Nehawka visit
ed friends in this vicinity Mon
day. W. R. dood and wife were look
in? after business in Plattsmouth
Mrs. J. D. Lewis was transact
ing business in Plattsmouth Wed
nesday. Alvin Lon? and mother, Mrs.
Sarah Lon?, were Murray visitors
Nick Klaurens and family were
guests of George Reynolds and
family Sunday.
II. C. Creamer had a load of
stock on the South Omaha mar
ket Wednesday.
Services at Lewiston Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. You are in
vited lo attend.
Charles Creamer and wife were
visitin? friends in plattsmouth
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. H. C. Lon? and daughter,
Miss Gertrude, were Nebraska
City visitors Saturday.
John Hobscheidt and wife and
his mother, attended church at
Plattsmouth Sunday.
Miss Henrietta Creamer was a
guest of Miss Isabella Shrader
Saturday and Sunday.
Lee Nickels and sister, Miss
Etta, spent Sunday with Henry
Ost and wife at Nehawka.
Miss Ueulah Sans closed a suc
cessful term of school at the
Buck school house Tuesday.
G. S. Ray, wife and daughter,
Miss Esther, were Plattsmouth
callers Saturday afternoon.
A. L. Tiaker went to Clay Center
Friday morning to pay a brief
visit to her sister, residin? there
3iiss Mauue uusternouz was a
Plattsmouth visitor Saturday,
lookin? after some business mat
Mrs. Rusterholtz has built an
addition to her tenant house. It
improves the appearance much
and makes a nice eight-room
Bert Jameson, Ed Gansemeier
and Dee Shrader were taken to
Plattsmouth Tuesday bv Don
Rhoden in his automobile. Mr
Shrader went from there to Oma
ha, while the other boys returned
home the same evening.
Miss Etta Nickels was a pas
senger on the early M. P. train
for Omaha Thursday morninj
where she will attend the Spirella
Corsetierie Training school bein?
held in Omaha this week.
The Lewiston Glee club met
with Miss Bertha Nickels Satur
day evenin? and a very enjoyable
evening was spent by those pres
ent. Miss Nickels served a two
course luncheon, which was high
ly appreciated.
:urs. Mepnen Jieckner was
taken suddenly and seriously ill
T1 1 r i i
j-nursuay oi iusi weeK. r or a
time her recovery seemed doubt
ful. It is thought she will have
to be removed to an Omaha hos
pital to receive special treatment
and special care.
The spring convention of the
Cass County Sunday School as
sociation, first district, meets in
Murray Wednesday, May G. Aft
ernoon and evenin? sessions.
More complete announcement
will be made next Sabbath, but
this much is certain now every
body is welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Friedrich
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Baker at Sunday dinner. And in
the afternoon the four attended
the baptising1 in the stream near
Charles Countryman's, southwest
of town. Fourteen were im
mersed on this date, and fifty-two
on previous dates.
Bert Youn?, who has been here
with his mother all winter, will
depart for his ranch in Canada
next Monday. Bert is a most
genial gentleman, and his numer
ous friends regret his departure.
His grand old mother will miss
Bert more than anyone else, as he
has been a great pleasure to her
during1 the long winter. i
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same lo this oflice. It will ap
liear under this heading. We
want all news items Editor
Surprised on His 51st Birthday.
J. D. (Dee for short) Shrader
was 51 years old on Saturday,
April 25, and his good wife, he
surmises, was the instigator of
the whole business. Anyhow, a
large crowd of old neighbors and
friends, consisting of members of
the whist, elub, broke in upon Dee
and his wife Friday evenin? with
well tilled baskets of everything
good for man or woman to
masticate, and at a time when
Dee was least expecting1 them,
and it. was not long until the
genuine good time began. Tables
were loaded down with the many
good things to eat, which all en
joyed, and games, music, etc.,
were on the pro?ram, and the
night seemed (o pass entirely too
swiftly, and when the hour for
their departure arrived, it was
not altogether welcomed by the
departing- "surprisers," but Un
wished Mr. Shrader many more
such happy birthdays. In honor
of the event the happy throng
presented Mr. Shrader with a fine
violin, and now Dee can "fiddle"
to his heart's content. It was in
deed a happy time for not. only
Dee and his wife, but also for the
parly of fifty old neighbors and
friends, who assisted so material
ly in making it so. Yet Dee won't
believe but what his wife knew all
about it before hand.
Almost a Fatal Accident.
Wednesday morning as Galen
Rhoden was passin? alon? the
road, riding one horse and lead
in? two, the one he was ridin? in
some manner slipped and fell ant
rolled onto him in a ditch. It jus
happened that a few minutes
later John Thomasnn and Dave
Amiek came alon?, and with
their assistance he was release
from his perilous condition. He
was taken to his home, and Dr
Brendel called, who found tha
while no bones were broken, hi
body was very badly bruised, an.
he will be compelled to keep to his
bed for several days in con
sequence. ILwas indeed an ex
ceedingly narrow escape for
Galen from instant death. At last
accounts he was doing fairly well
Beautiful School Grounds.
The grounds for the new schoo
house in the north part of town
are indeed a beautiful spot. There
is just one acre, for which the
school board paid Mr. Virgin
$350, but. it is well worth the
price. It makes a large and
roomy play ground, unattended in
any way by danger to the smal
children v. ho would heretofore
wander into the streets to play.
the grounds where the old schoo
house is located bein? so small
The first thin? that should be
done now is to set out some
youn? shade trees on the new
grounds, and in a few years Mur
ray will have one of the finest
school parks in the state.
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Roy Gregg and Miss Fern
McVey were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Monday,
April 27. This was indeed a sur
prise to most, of their intimate
friends. Miss McVey is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M
McVey of Liberty precinct. She
is a youn? lady of accomplish
ments, and has many friends in
the community in which she lives
The groom, who practically grew
up anion? us, is well and favor
ably known. He is a hustling
youn? farmer of sterlin? worth,
and congratulations of his host
of friends are extended to him
and his young bride.
Library Notes.
Tuesday evening was the reg
ular meeting of the Library as
sociation, forty-eight bein? pres
ent. It was the second largest
attendance. The question of state
federation was discussed and a
motion was made and carried to
join the federation.
Mrs. Gapen was elected as a
dele?ate to- attend the first dis
trict meetin? at Auburn Friday
and Saturday.
The committee on entertain
ment for the evening was Miss
Clara Young, Miss Susie Bintner,
Mrs. Warren Wiley, Mrs. Marler,
Mrs. Shrader, II. Minford and Al
bert Young.
The next meeting will be May
25U. ,5!f-f;fnsa
Alfalfa Wanted.
A few tons of alfalfa, second
or third cutting. State amount,
price and location in letter. Ad
dress Arthur Crunk, Murray, Nel.
From Tuesdays Dally.
This morning the time oT the
county court was occupied in
hearing the matter of the probating-
of the last will and testament
of the last Mrs. Gertrude M.
Wiley, deceased, and the admis
sion and allowing of the will is
opposed by Charles E. Wiley of
Lincoln, a son of the deceased.
There was quite a number of wit
nesses present to testify in the
case, and the object of the de
fense seems to be to secure an
interperlation on the will of Hip
late W. W. ;iley, the husband of
the deceased lady, as they claim
her interest in part of the estate
was only for life, and at her death
reverted back to the original
estate, and that she had no right
to will it away. Attorney Stanley
F. Mutz of Lincoln appears for
the contestant and Attorney A. L.
Tidd for the proponents of the
will. The case will occupy the
entire day, as there are quite a
number of witnesses to testify.
Wiley Case Is Continued.
From Wednesday's Dally.
In the matter of the probating
of the will of Mrs. Gertrude M.
Wiley, deceased, which occupied
the attention of the county court
yesterday, the case lasted until -i
o'clock in the afternoon, when the
contestant was given, on the re
quest of his attorney, until Fri
day to prepare a brief on the law
points of the case to present to
the court. It is thought that re
gardless of the findings in this
court, mat it win ne taken to a
higher tribunal for settlement.
Out of the flotsam floalin? on
the sea of annonymous journal
ism, some one has secured this
bon-mot, and dubbed it "The
Knocker's Prayer." It is not a
classic, but it deserves at least
passin? reco?nition :
L.oru, piease uou i lei mis
town grow. I've lived here for
forty years and during that time
I have fought every improvement;
I have knocked everything and
everybody; no firm or individual
has established a business here
without my doing all that I could
to put them out of business. I
have used every method known to
the knocking fraternity to injure
their business; I've lied about
them and would have stolen from
them if I had had the courage; I
have done all I could to keep the
town from growing; never nave I
spoken a good word for it; but
instead I've knocked hard and
"It pains me, O Lord, to see
that in spite of my knocking, this
town is beginning to grow. Some
day, I fear, I will be called to put
down sidewalks in front of my
property, and who knows but what
I may have to help keep up the
streets that run by my property?
This, O Lord, would cost me
money, and I could not afford to
put out my money, although all
have was made right here,
"Then, too, more people might
come if the town begins to grow, tw0 dau?h(ors) moved to Paul
which would cause me to lose tne first of the week, but arrang
some of my pull. I ask,, there- ed for their daughters, Myrtle
fore, that you keep this town at a and Helen, to remain here to
standstill, that I may continue to
be the chief knocker. Amen,
For Sale.
quire of II. L. Oldham.
Steers, coming 2 years old. In-
The David Cole Creamery Co.
pays the highest market price for f
Dutter iai, ana me siuuon is lo
cated at Oldham's.
Tomato Plants.
Tomato plants by the first of
May or earlier. Will have early
and late cabbage and sweet
potato plants about May 10th.
W. A. Scott, Murray, Neb.
Murray Property for Sale.
A brand new house, two acres
of ground, good barn; well locat
ed, in Murray. Will sell or trade
for good eastern Nebraska land.
For further particulars apply at
his office.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
2,000 hedge posts of all sizes,
also 300-split bur oak posts for
sale. For prices and terms tele
phone or call at the farm known
as the Levi Churchill farm, four
miles east of Murray.
E. R. Queen.
Are You Going to Build
This Season?
If you are, be sure and let
The Murray Lumberman
Figure with you on what you need in lumber
and other building material in general.
He will save you time and trouble.
Mr. Kikendall is an up-to-date
The Murray Lumberman
I). Ray Frans was in Omaha
on Monday and Tuesday taking
some of the degree work and in
struction in the Masonic mys
teries. T. M. Patterson of Plattsmouth
was here Tuesday afternoon at
tending to business matters and
visitin? his son, J. M. Patterson
W. R. podson arrived Wednes-
day from Magnet lo complete his
arrangements for openin? a new
meat market in this villa?e
Mrs. Freda Mueller, a student
in an Omaha business college,
came home last Saturday to make
a few days visit with her parents
and other relatives
Gene Applegate went to Platts
mouth Tuesday evenin? to visit
his sister, Mrs. Wayne Dickson,
and admitted that he expected to
meet "Mutt & Jeff" at the opera
Mrs. Charles Byers of Walthill,
Mrs. Evans of Decatur and Mrs.
Fred Archer of Walthill, daugh
ters of James Baker, have been
here the past week with their
father, who has been so serious
ly ill.
William Balfour of the Swift
with his musical
violin, was in town Sunday after-
noon, and went to Omaha on the
Pvoninr frain to make his share
nf mUsic at a fiddlers' contest
I Mr. Balfour always enjoys those
contests and never misses the
opportunity to attend Ihem
Prof. Charles Severvn of
Schuyler was here last week dnd
dosed the contract to officiate as
principal of the Union schools
rOP ie nox, school year. lie
rank as one of the best, bein? a
praduate of Fremont college,
holds a life certificate and has
had a great deal of practical ex-
vr q Foster, who was oper-
alor here for some time, has been
transferred to the station of
where both he and his wife
IUvill be in the employ of the rail-
road company at satisfactory
salaries. The family (excepting
f nish the term of school
Team for Sale.
Good young team, unbroke, for
sale right, if taken soon. Also a
Red Polled yearling bull.
Alf. Nickels.
School Building For Sale
The School Board of District No.
56, which includes the village of
Murray, will be offered for sale at
the North door of the School build
ing in Murray, Neb., at 2 o'clock, p.
m. on Saturday, May 2, 1914. By
order of the Board of Directors.
School Board
Dave West is making prepara
tions lo take out a battery of field
artillery, if he is called.
Uncle Jim Stone is getting so
he can tod the Hudson through
town and almost reach twelve
miles an hour.
M. H. pollard purchased a fine
thoroughbred Red Polled bull
from the Luke Wiles herd at
Plattsmouth Monday.
Frank Sheldon shipped three,
and Z. W. Shrader two cars of
cattle to South Omaha Tuesday.
The two gentlemen accompanied
their shipments.
L. H. Young showed us a
branch from a peach tree the
other day that was loaded with
buds, and he says he will have
better than an average crop, pro
vided nothing happen? to them
from this on.
Miss Olive Whiteman, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Whiteman, and Ralph Johnson
were married in Nebraska City
Monady. These popular young
people have a host of friends who
will join the News in wishing
them the best there is in life.
Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs.
Fulton were guests Tuesday of
Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz, who lives
seven miles north of Nehawka.
The occasion was the 72d birth
day of Mrs. Rusterholtz, and a
number of her friends spent the
dav there and were treated to a
magnificent dinner.
Grover Hoback will take the ex
amination for fourth class post
masters to be held in Lincoln
next month. This does not neces
sarily mean that we are to have a
new postmaster at Nehawka, but
that if Grover passes the exam
ination successfully and a va
cancy occurs here he would he in
position to accept the appoint
ment. Frank Pollard, the C-year-old
son of E. M. Pollard, fell from a
tree Friday and had both bones
in his forearm fractured, one of
them bein? broken clear off and
the other fracture a "green stick"
break. The little fellow suffered
a good deal of pain, and it will be
some time before he is able to
climb trees again.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of