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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1914)
THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1914. PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmoutb Journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Mebr. Entered at the l'ostofflce at riattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class nlail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price; S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe It is also taking lluerta a Ions time to drink himself to death, or lor his fellow patriots to sret a shot at him. Some men just na turally die hard. :o: Candidates for governor arci "STARVE THE FLY." Fly swatting will soon be It s real v lo had that now on when the nation has at last huil i with the usual show of activity, hip a fine licet it should he corn- charges and feints, thrusts and pelled lo go to war with a govern- parries, loss of temper and the meut that hasn't a shin to its usual rear guard of disappoint- name. ments. In anticipation, of the im :o: i . . not so numerous, either rei.ub- penning coninci, one win take - r There are satisfaction in running down The Colorado militia in the liean or democratic. There are sausiaction in running down r ,liniiw !., irSM nnnnnr . . . I, r .i. , i 11 who is a combination of Villa Japan proposes to remain neutral in the Mexican trouble. ,That certainly is a wise proposition. :o:- Nebraska jiish 4,500 four hours' necessary. is prepared to fur soldiers in twenty notice, and more, if :o:- Opliinism is a most delightful thing when it isn't over-worked or made to appear as a joke. This isn't a joke. :o: "General" Coxey and his twen ty "soldiers' should turn their faces toward the border if they really want something to do. :o: Sending llcets to Mexico will afford many young men a chance to see the world, beginning at one of the worst places on earth. :o: Official announcement has been made, barring unforseen ac cidents, the Panama canal will be open for merchant ships July 1. :o: Nobody believes in bad roads, but it seems some farmers are ferninst putting them in good shape, even along their own farms. :o: It is all right to know a good thing when you see it, but you should know enough to let it alone when it doesn't belong to you. :o: Taking up the matter where it was left off last year, we venture lo sijgijest that now is a good time for the farmers to test their seed corn. :o: A correspondent wants lo know hnw to get rid of miserable neighbors. Every try playing a flule or graphaphone every night about 12 o'clock? :o: The way the hostile warships ore assembling in the harbors of Mexico, Huerta's opportunities for taking a trip to Europe are rapidly diminishing. :o: Progressives expect Roosevelt in Nebraska in the fall, democrats expect Wilson, and farmers are expecting great crops. This is to be a great year for expecting things. . :o:- The head of a Chicago mail order house must pay the tax on an income of more than a million a year. You haven't heard of any of his customers being placed in such an unpleasant position. to: It seems hard to work much interest over a great-grand-ii'phev of Napoleon Bonaparte, who recently got married. The relationship is not sufiich'ntly distinct for the young man to get engagements with the picture shows. -:o: Our fellow citizen, Mont Robh, has tiled for the republican nom ination for recorder of deeds of ("ass county. Mr. Robb is an ex ceedingly clever gentleman, and is well known in various sections of the county, and being qualified and very sociable, he is, person ally, very popular. :o: A republican representative in congress has found a magazine article written by Woodrow Wil son in 1871) in which Mr. Wilson said that "Congress is a de liberative body in which there is little deliberation and a legis lature which legislates wilh little real discussion.". Well, isu't it? TO A UNITED AMERICA. It is war, of course, and, in they seem to be a little bit afraid from last year to part wilh that ?50 tiling fee. :o: lhere is no telling how many to be the proud! one way or another, we are all in candidates, there will be in Cass it. We are ashore at Vera Cruz, county by the time they get and may be at any hour ashore through tiling. From present elsewhere in Mexico. And wher- indications the number exceeds ever the Hag goes up it should that of any previous year to a stand while it Hies Tor a united considerable extent. That's the America. No baitings, no bicker- beauty of the primary election! ings now. Business, and par- system. The more the merrier, .. . . . . ... ticuiariy war business, is busi- :o: ness. A pull, a strong null, and a In the filing of John Wonder- parents of several billions of off- Silti IklU ail(, Ul0 Ma(, Mullall. spring in 1914. With perfect glee, th os i3 old stock are laid low and one ieeis mat one nas saved a billion swats or so otherwise coming to one next summer. In some cities, the boys are paid 10 cents apiece for the pells of these big bull-llies better than 10 cents a pound for their off spring after awhile. The new- slogan for the summer 11 v cam paign ought to be "Starve the It is certainly an outrage the way they have been shooting down men. women and even children. :o: null nliosfpther. while the nation- lich of Nehawka for the nomina- inis 1S tne ryai up-lo-Uale al duly runs, says the Washing- lion of sheriff, it places one of balt,c cr' of lho erstwhile fly- ton Star. the verv best men in Cass county scatters of the country. To pre- Let it be remembered bv everv- before the people. There are no Pare for lh new campaign, one I n : . i i i i ii body that the period of "watchful belter citizens, and the beauty of i'n uown town ami du.n -niii.,re" ti.-.i .- o if j f.von-mi, wh.i know .Tuiiii a covered, air-tignt garbage can chapter. That is a subject for Wunderlich know him to be re- instead of purchasing a fly swat lint folio--. hUloiinn- mi.I ho will markablv well oualiiied for sheriff u'r- thereupon stalls in to I I i ii . i deal with it in his own time and in every way. uieane uie premie, renoaie the back yard and remove all re- .... The government of Chile seems lust wnicn is guaranteed lo naieii to ho ilis'nil.p.l mop tin. nclion of "Ut periect young llios. A few the United States in regard to finances are adopted to keep way. Present European judg meiu almost unanimously con demns it. But the period of action is w of,. Mivirii v i i n i-.m inl.r ioouiuns coereu m me siore.s I a i i i f Infill I'ikcf nnp'inf w liniiriiTi?jiiii niirciN ni-P rWLri n II nol linr IIK1L 1L lias IlOOll nil IV a lOW VCl 'S -iiwiii.-f r, ur v.-- - I 1 1 -111.. ample for what is e.vpectr.l of us, since Chile was given "time" to ami M-reens u eonsere and what we must do if anything comply to a simple Iillle request lor numan beings. inese arc w.uthv and of lasting value is In made by Uncle Sam. Chile might Ju-H a few of the melhods adopt- i i issue from what we have in hand, have given Mr. lluerta a valuable kd lo keep the fly from growin I . l 11 l .1.2 T .f l.r. .t. inrt Uiiof-i.c inn l,fc inv 1 iai aiui ay 111 ino pmu omi thing the future historian will trouble. summer time. Right now, the :o: campaign should be along two .Toll n Mnftps. it- was in the lines for every householder ' " .. t.nfo si.n.ifo v fiv vears swat the old tell-over inc.- chronicle with admiration as well as approval. For this reason let us all give tne president support in un- No country on earth can boast of more genuine patriotism than the United Slates. This is being displayed every day by the large number of young and brawny men in all towns and cities who lire willing to go to the front lo resent Mexico s insult to the Stars and Stripes. :o: All reports agree that winter wheat never looked better, and the acreage is large, while the ground could baldly be in better condition for soring planted crops. inch is cause enough for rejoicing, regardless of a number of things that can hap pen between now and harvest lime. :o: A prominent democrat from lho capital city was in Plalls- niMulh a few days since, ami re ports politics in rather a mixed condition. Ihit he says CSover- nor .Ylorehead is decidedly the favorite for congress among the democrats of Lincoln and Lan caster county, and it is general and 'y believed the governor will hav The One That Always Makes Good J n If you want a machine that is always ready, that will serve you all the time at any time, for epeed, touring or business, note the records of the alsw Aistocyc le It hoId3 the World's Rccord3 for cne and one hundred miles end practically all intcrmediata distances, bus proven its qual ity in every big public test of reliability, power and economy and thousands ore in constant daily use in all kincta of business and municipal service sad they Always Make Good Come and see the 1914 models, the most complete, serviceable and satisfactory motorcycles ever built. A demonstration is our most satisfactory argument. Corns in and let us show you. fjni:f!ff -M-rTri-rt:8rtiim i i in i iiiniiiii linn n n i 11 Excelsior Agents for ColS.s Covinty Write or Call on Us for Demonstration. PHONE 380-J. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. ntrn :unl hiKP w in k-iiiiw .r ik shim; mi' iraruut iuiui- t.. ii..- . .m-. i., ifi..f i...,ii- n io ti'.i.i inn. iiic removal oi rriiix." riuu-iii;; Hiu.iMiir. jii nus iiuii- i - '"" jm... ut im.i n.n lo.- wo tn.iw ivIipm ho lnmU. if asri'c that ho mailt? an t'xct'lh'iit NOW will lx effort ivc in koepin? he has not reached his position reputation and was one of thoKh'wn the swarms of Hies later on I I i . it . i f.nii.o I . ill -,,- nitli imn iit of the sennle lie MilHC Uie r I IS a trood 1 'J l ' ' VI I .V II IV. II (ill 11 l Z III- I -ww ' ' " " " " - I dorsod, now that he is there, with can do much better now, and if siopran nr a ciean eu ?omi iiniein lho Unir in lmml lionl,l bnve nominated and elected, lie will it furnishes a warning- and an in- ci,fii nsinpnnoA fi.nm oil .i-iir, ni'iivn it in (ho vn!fr nf nlim nml ronlivc for desperate action. Keeping1 the premises clean is a written promise of protection for the summer pests, disease spreaders aim au-roumi piraies, the hated house flies, whose lives and all sections as will inspire Cass counties him to his host spirit and efforts. :o:- i As commander-in-chief he is en- lho man who lias made such a titled to all we can do to sustain success as governor of Nebraska him. as John II. Morohead, has cer Gossip will he abundant. Such tainly proved himself abundantly have been condemned to extiuc n cif nation invitos o-ncii Tin f. I canahlo of lookilllT after- the in- lion by recourse flie rr,,;irw dionlil T-evfrnJn f h m It ores f s of his constituents in the and sanitation. selves, and the public should pass First district in congress. He every yarn under the strongest has certainly proved himseii a xew glass. Take the story about Mr. Bryan. It reallv is an affront to him lo suggest that he meditates leaving the cabinet. Desert hi? York's unemployed turn- man of sound judgment, with tMj down farm labor because the brains sufficient to carry out his farmers offered but twenty-live brilliant ideas. dollars a month and board. :o: Fortv-tive dollars and mamten- easy sailing lor the nomination in Lancaster county. : :o: (lus Young, former county clerk of Otoe county, was in the city yesterday afternoon attend ing to some business with tin county commissioners, and fmnn lime lo call on the Journal. Mr Young is one of the best fellows in lho world, very popular among all democrats, and we are of flu pinioii that lie would make a stronger race for iToat represent. ative than anv person we know of in the two counties, lie is abl to hold lho position with distinc tion to himself and honor lo his constituents. :o: Because thev are alleged to nave Kept company" with young men who were their pupils. Miss minimum hxed by i,.,iim wiinv of n,;,..,,,,. .,. Miss Mabel Smith of Urbani, teachers in the Areola (111.) High school, have been summarily dis missed by the board of educa- lo clcanlinc: There is a line slate of affairs ance was the chief on the very threshold of the among the democrats in Lincoln, j f hose sons of rest who have de engagement? He would be in- all created over the postmaster- voted a hard winter to lindin eapable of such a thing. By such ship in that city, which remains fault with the social system an act he would dig his grave, unsettled, and is liable to remain Quite likely, also, some of the 1. Ii. - 1 : i - - 1 -v I I ... I 1 ...... ..II.. rr.. 1. t - I ... J 1 , . . . . 1 t, n ooiu as politician anu man. e or i inui wuy lor mmiiu niuiiiu?. xu: jons weru rejecieu miuu' l"ulfion IlefusiTi"- lo '"ccenf flie no- has he been so necessary to Mr. friends of bolh Brown and John- farmer neglected to supply grape- hjco ()r dismissal the teachers Wilson as now. Although the ad- son are in battle array, and no fruit for berakfast or steam heat .)rosontt.j themselves at tin ministration': Mexican policy, or I matter which one is successful in the hired hands headquarters. want of policy, has been credited there will remain a bitterness Which reminds a man who has to Mr. Wilson, Mr. Bryan has that will not clear away for many never had much time or oppor known of every step taken and by months, and probably never. tunity lo serve with the army of remaining in his office approved :o: unemployed that he once acted as all. Bis place is at his chief's school, on advice of their attorney They were refused admission. Both refused to accept checks foi back pay, and sav they will sue for the full amount of their con- The state primary law needs chief engineer of a fourteeu-ineh Lapl aml alj!l foI ,HM.sonal (lam side, and we mav nil he verv sure remodelintr verv hadlv. In fact, stirring plow and other walking he will keep it. we wouldn't care if the next implements for the remuneration The great danger of gossip is legislature repealed the law en- of lifteen bones per month. A pit- not here at home. We know how lirely. Under this law any one lance, lo be sure, but he ate reg lo discount it. What should be and everybody can get into the ularly, and it look him out in the guarded asainst is the possible running for office, and some good, open air, and, all around, was . . . offi-pf nhrn.Tfl Vn Vnrnnnn iw iliworvinrr cif ;?rn rrof Iefe;l(eI ill InrohahlV 111010 prOlllahlO UiaU Asiatic power should gather an consequence of the number of silling in the back end of a sa- i i ... impression that vo are not united candidates. The primary should loon reciting wrongs, ueniamiins as a neonle at Ilns lone when the ho for fhe mirnnsn nnlv of select- Higher wages arid linumg lauu " I ' - i - - A - - - ' I die has-been cast and so much of Mug delegates to bolh the stale with the administration. national duly and prestige .is at and county conventions, and they slake. Uncle Sam expects every will be vested wilh power of nom- son to do his duly. That signal inaling candidates, should be read around the world. :o: :o: CJovornor Morehead is gaining The taxpayers who fully un- friends every day in Cass county, dersland the proposition to re- and we are nlased to note this move the state university to the fact. A man who has tate farm will vole against its public life as long as the gover- from removal every time. It is a I lwiT. most eorfninlv :o:- :o.- Writing heavy editorials when it is lime lo be out making far- . ' . l .... I ilen is not what h is craciveu up lo be. The time to be out is when soring is opening-, when the electrical impulse is en- Senator Tillman whose obituary notice's were in type in many newspaper ollices several years ago, has regained ins health oy physical culture, and is now able to wield the pitchfork in old-lime orm. (ihauncey Depew, former senator and after-dinner orator, modified his menu and is young m his old age. John J), hocko- feller has gadded the golf links until he has banished a bum stomach,, although failing to grow hair on a bald head, and seems equal to the strenuous task of clipping coupons for somo lime to come. uid am been in deavoring to awaken the blood . . . t its winters ieuiaig, in miytlie.'subsl ilued dumbells for i I would make fact it is the time wnen you aiu drinI.s as a slimulus and has re- mi ... I i 1 eranij scheme of speculations to one of the foremost represent- to get out ol doors and com- gained u,e figure and health of make a lot of money out of thejatives in congress. His person- mune with nature. Youth, and ex-President Taft is proposition at the expense of the ality is one that will make 'friends : :o: r fefding fine since he quil takii laxpayers oi tne slate. A close wherever he goes, and his ability Mexico need not feel so resent- care -of this country and Mexico, examination of the scheme will would certainly make him a peer ful over the seizure of the custom and began taking care of him- soon show you that the laxpayers among the statesmen in Washing- houses in .Vera Cruz and Tarn- self. The moral of all this being ire the ones who bear the great ton. That is the kind of a man pica. It isn't as if the govern- that every man should be his own expense ol removal. mat's all fo represent the First congres- hnent was going to put those doctor, and try to take as g'ooiL t - 1 - there is to it for the people sional district as it should be awful I'ayne-Aldrich rales into care of himself as he would of a f-axes. I renrpsenf od Iforce fhere. horse in his enmlov l'atriots who said battleships were a useless expenditure arc quietly remaining . in the' back ground just now. :o: I his being a campaign year, a number of able harvest hands Uouoliess win pe otherwise en gaged when they are most heed ed. :o : The war excitement continues, notwithstanding the proceedings of peace propositions, which may possibly end the differences. .We simply hope so. :o: The disgraceful bluffing and seizure of valuable land belong ing to the Columbian republic is at an end. This took place when work on the Panama canal start ed. A treaty has been signed under which ihe Limed States agrees to pay a lump sum of Siu.Ooo.OOO for her rights to that territory. Thus have amicable lipiomatie relations between us and Columbia been restored and the honor of our country is ruarded. There arc always factions in any parly before nominations are made. In every presidential campaign some are for one man and some are for another. In the last democratic national con vention there were several can didates for the presidency, in cluding Wilson,' Clark, Harmon and Underwood. After the mat ter was settled the friends of all the candidates rallied to the support 'of President Wilson and helped elect him. Now it seems that an applicant for office must be an original Wilson man to have a ghost of a show to be successful. Is that right? It doesn't look that way to the writer. . :o: Otoe county has another can didate, in the person of Charles Marshall, president of the Otoe County National bank at Ne braska City, whose friends are booming him for the republican nomination for governor. But they do not mention whether on the bull moose or stand-pat ticket. nternational Harvester Manure Spreaders Ihe X H C Line CRAIM AND HAI MACHiNS Hssdtn. Mowers Pckei, S!acke;s Har Loader IW Prtir CORN MACHINES PUnterf, Fkkcn r;ilidi'r, Coitiratcra Eniiljo CMtart SJicUiit. i'KdJirf TILLAGE Tc:, Sprir;-Toolh. cd Disk Hutu w a Cultiratnrt GENERAL LIN'2 Oil ai Gaa Erttiaaa Oil Tric!or tlannic SpreaJer Crtaa berrtora Kara Vr'tson t.iotor Tiack Tiraitera Crain DriiJ FtsJ Crinifrt Kail Crinriei T OOK for the following points in the manure spreader you buy: i. Cor rect, efneient, well-tested design. . 2. Guar antee of first-class -materials. 3. Reinforc ing of parts where strains usually come. 4. Strength of parts where occasional strains come. 5. Wearing qualities and protection of driving parts. 6. Repu tation of manufacturer, insuring efficient repair service. Satisfied American farmers find these essen tials m International manure spreaders. International spreaders have, besides, many feat ures that grew out of long field experience. Study the steel construction in frame, wheels, and driving mechanism; the easily-removable beater; the differ entials in rear axles, insuring even spreading while turning corners; the reversible worm aad gear; low, easily-loaded box; and many others International spreaders are of alf styles and size3, Iiigh and low, endless and reverse apron.' Write for illustrated catalogues, and when we send them we will tell you where you may see the spreaders. International Harvest Ma, ,7 y-jpiT wxxmcxica . council tiutts aTI . aaav -hv.TJ 1 i n i hi- MeComick K3warte Iau OaBorst Pkno , ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaai