The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1914.
KPMI.UeEKLV journal.
Speaking of
Wall I Fapeir
We have the LARGEST Stock to
select from and the only EXCLUSIVE
Wall Paper and Paint Store
We have many up to the minute Patterns
as low as 3c per roll.
Also everything in Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Stains, etc.
I I ' 1 . -
Frank Gobelman
Hotel Riley Block.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
From FriJay's Dailv.
The bard of (unty commis
sioners, al their session yester
i!ay. Iniik up I In eonsideral in of
Jio matt r if tlif issuance of a
license t operate a saloon at
Odar r'-k to Andres Thom.-en.
whose petition was siL'iicil by a
larye number of the most wealthy
au.i intlueiitial farmers of Fiirht
Mile lii'ivc precinct. There had
I'l'i-n a protest presented a few
lays aurtt with 11 i t a luiiiitjcr of
-i'io-rs to it. a i ill tin- maJ ti- was
thoroughly di-cus.-ed by 1 1 1
board b'for4. lakinir action in the
matter, anl the fact that Mr.
Tlionin li;ts iuii t It most or
derly place they have hail for
vars there, derided the board to
rant the licns. The protest
was largely over the fact that
the;' was no police protection
afforded the residents of the vil
lage from any person who miuhl
.'et. too much liquor. The board
aUo heard a report from Dr. J. H.
Huntrate. the fnimty phyician.
on the .-malljiox situation in the
rounty. both at the Wilkins home
near Murdock. and al tlie Cross
home in Liberty precinct, and
uied that all residents of the
county who knew of cases of con-
ta-'eous diseases should report
them at once to the board in
order that prompt action mifrht
be taken, and to this end a
resolution was adopted by the
1Go Acres of Land.
Will trade 1G0 acres of land in
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property. V. It. Bryan.
For Infants and Children.
:Tli8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Petition Filed for Administrator.
From Fri.iay's Daily.
This iiioniinu petition was tiled
in the county court asking for
the appointment of an adminis
trator of the estate of (Jeort-'e
Vass. deceased, who died recently
at Oakland, California. Th
Mate consists 01 real estate in
this cilv of the value of r00 and
the heirs of the estate are Mrs
Matlie Williams ,f this city and
Mrs. Mamie I. Keithley of Casey
Illinois. The petition names M
. iwiirjrs oi I'laiismouiii as a
suitable persons for the position
of administrator and asks for
his appointment.
This morning' County Fupern-
inlendenl Mary E. Foster filed
with the counlv clerk tier an
nouncement of tier caiididacv for
the ollice of county superintend
cut on the democratic ticket.
Miss Foster lias tilled this ollic
for tlie past few years ami has
liven a most satisfactory ad
ministration of the ollice, seek
niir as tar as possible lo remove
il from politics and conducting
the ollice with a view of niakin
as iiiiiii a standard oi uie school
work as il is possible to secun
and in the discharge of her
duties Miss Foster has conduct-
led the ollice with a view of fiiv
ing the taxpayers th
Hi their money, regardless oi iiei
peronal feelings in the mallei
and as a reull has made a great
many friends throughout (In
county among those who hav
observed closely the operation of
the school work. The candidacy
of Miss Foster will meet with tin?
warm approval of her friends
throughout the county, who have
urged her repeatedly to get into
the race and, they will be i
to give her their most h
support in her candidacy.
Ladies and Misses
Sun Bonnets
From Friday's Dallr.
A letter received hero today by
Miss Jennie Reynolds, from her
brother, Charles Reynolds, who a
short time ago enlisted in the
United Stales navy, aud who is
situated at present at the naval
station at. (ireat Lakes. Illinois.
just out of Chicago, in which he
informs her that on account of
the intervention in Mexico it
may he necessary for him to be
sent (o the front. In the letter
Charles stales that 1)0 men had
Mnde of Phnmhrn PArnniAhln-ady b it for the seaooast to Ik
and Gingham, all have the
patent process stiffening head
fun value piece and you will want one which
if you see them.
Zuckweiler & Lutz
assigned lor service, and mat an
other detachment was to leave
tomorrow, while tlie squad in
he was stationed expected
to be called out some time next
week and sent, to assist in man
ning the vessels that will be put
in commission to assist in lam
ing lluerta. lie is very much
pleased a I I he prospect oi service
at the front, but desires verv
much to see his sister before thev
cave Chicago, and Miss Reynolds
will, if possible, go there to visit
him before the boys leave for the
We have just received a car load of
Mammoth Pearl
Per Bushe!
nn nn
1 lien
daughter of
tied at
From Saturday's Daily.
This afternoon at
rilta. the (vear-old
Mr. ami Mrs. Mike Prie
her honie on Wintersteen Hill as
the results of the bite of a dog
intlicted several weeks ago. ami
from which the little girl de
veloped an attack of the rabies
The first symptoms of the dis
ease was noliiced Thursday and
medical attendance was at once
summoned, but despite all that
could be done for her relief she
steadily grew worse and this
morning was .seized with con
ulsjons and died this afternoon,
despite all that her family and
medical aid could do. This case
clearly points that all dogs that
are suffering with any symptoms
of the rabies should he killed
without any queslion, and the
authorities should be upheld in
the matter of the discharge of
their duties.
From Friday's Daily.
The Plattsmouth board of
education last evening held a
hort session to take up the mat
ter of tilling the two vacancies m
the teaching force of the city
schools in the West Second ward
and .Mercerville school. 1 he
names of Miss FJizahcth Oliver
and .Miss Marie Svohoda were se
lected to 1 1 1 1 tlie vacancies, and
se young ladies were elected
unanimously to the positions.
...I a la - a I
.miss timer has laugiu in the
schools ill the county lor the past
live years and has been very suc
cessful in her work and will look
after the Mercerville school for
the coming year. Miss Svohoda
is at present one of the county
teachers in the vicinity of Cedar
Creek. and is one of the best
pialilied teachers in that section
and her selection for a position
in the city school will be the
ource of much pleasure to her
friends in this citv. These two
lections will Jill the list of the
teachers for the ensuing year,
and the school board feels well
alistied with the prospects for
the work in the school, and un
less the teaching force is invaded
by )an Cupid during the year
there is every reason to feel
gratified over the outlook in the
On Saturday afternoon John
Mattes, jr., City Attorney A. 1
Moran, Peter llouschild and
deorge Oulten of .Nebraska City
motored up from their home to
Omaha, and slopped here for a
few minutes, both on the trip up
and hack, and visiteu here with
friends. Mr. Mattes, who is one
f the most prominent residents
f the Oloe county city, is a can
ilidate for the nomination for
stale senator on the democratic
ticket, ami ins menus nere win io
their best for him and should he
secure the ollice the counties of
the district can rely on having a
good wide-awake man on the ioi
in t he legislature.
Residence for Sale.
Tvostory brick on Main and
8lh streets, contains 8 rooms,
not including bath room and
closets. Beautifully located and
modern fixtures. Two ami a half
lots, with trees, barn and out
houses. For further particulars
address Silas Long, 048 N. 2Gth
St., Lincoln, Neb.
4-8-1 mo-d&wi
Don't Hide Them With a Veil:
Remove Them With the
Othine Prescription.
2lzC curtain net 8c
15c curtain net 10c
25c curtain net 1Zj4c
$2.00 Lace Curtains, in lace or
ecru 98c
Watch these specials and come down to the
Rebuilding SALE and take advantage of fine
clean, seasonable merchandise at rediculous prices.
The "Big Four" will appear
daily in this paper.
The Variety Store
SIMONS CO., Successors.
Plattsmomth, Neb.
This prescription for the re
moval of freckles was written by
a prominent physician and is
usually so successful in removing1
freckles and giving a clear,
beautiful complexion that it is
old by druggists under guar
antee to refund the money if it
Don't hide your freckles under
a veil; get an ounce of othine and
remove them. Even tlie first few
applications should show a won
derful improvement, some of the
lighter freckles vanishing en
lie sure to ask the druggist for
the double strength othine; it is
this that is sold on the monev-
back guarantee.
Foley Kidney Pills Successful for
Rheumatism and Kidney
Positive in action for backache,
weak back, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder troubles. P. J. Boyd.
Ogle, Texas, writes: "After tak
ing two bottles of Foley Kidney
Pills, my rheumatism and kidney
troubles are completely gone."
Safe and effective. For r.i1 bv
all druggists.
Eggs for Hatching.
White Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching; also baby chicks for
sale. Mrs. Geo. A Kaffenbererer.
In the County Court.
Win. Leddy and mother, Mr
Win. Leddy, sr., from near South
Hend: John Leddy and sister
Mrs. Anna Duerr and Mrs. Mary
Marshall, from near Alvo, were in
the city last Salurdav. being Ihe
willows and thesons and daugh
ters of Ihe lale Wm. Leddy, whoso
estate is now being, probated in
tlie district court, and Saturday
was the hearing dale. TVdh gen
tlemen were pleasant callers at
the Journal ollice, and Mr. John
Leedy, at Alvo, added his name to
the Journal list al that point, v
Asks for Probate of Will.
Ibis morning in Ihe office of
County Judge Heeson petition
was tiled asking for the probate
of the as( will and testament of
Cieorge W. Ciilmore. deceased, of
near Weeping Water. The will
names Charles R. Ciilmore, a son
of Imp deceased. and Thomas
Akeson as the executors of the
insl rument.
From Friday's Pally.
Ihe Woman s Auxiliary of St.
Luke's church yesterday after
noon met at the home of Mrs. J.
I. Donnelly, where they were
nleitained by Mrs. Donnelly and
Mrs. J. II. Kuhns, as hostesses
and transacted a great deal of
business, including the elceth
of officers of the society for tlie
ensuing vear, lor which positions
the following were eslected:
President Mrs. A. W. Daw
Vice President Mrs. V. V
Secretary Mrs. J. H. Kuhns.
Treasurer Miss Dora Fricke.
The meeting of the ladies wa;
called to order ami presided over
by the new rector of the parish,
the Rev. W. S. Leete, and the
ladies greatly enjoyed the oppor
tunity of meeting the new rector
and his wile, and their presence
added greatlv to Ihe pleasure of
the afternoon. In addition to the
uisiness session the ladies spent
a lew moments in visiting anu
talking over the plans for tin1
coming vear s worn. ir imp
This morning in the ollice of
the district clerk a petition was
tiled by Louis Simons asking that
a degree of divorce be granted
him from his wife Delia Simons.
In his petition the plaint iff states
he was married to the defendant
at Liberty, Missouri, February L'7,
11MI3, and that for the past few
years he and the defendant have
not lived in harmony and that
the defendant being possessed of
a very irritable temper, lias used
him with great cruelty and has al
lilVerent times loft her home and
remained away lor several days.
and a few months ago deserted
the plaintiff and has not return
ed to her homo.
Dancing Lessons.
Starting Wednesday, April 20,
Miss Mary Coll, from the Coll and
Prairie Park school, Omaha, will
! .1 C I -i- I r ? r; r II J nn . . O 1 1 Ifnnl-
1 .l-Y 1 7 O 1 1 , "lit etll 11 t I,
providing a class of 50 are in at
tendance Wednesday, the 29th.
Wallz, Iwo-slep taught 8 lo 8:15
p. m. One of the following latest
lances will bp taught each even
ing lrom to lit: Argentine
Fango, Twinkle Hesitation, Cas-
lie-Walk, One-Step, Brazilian
Maxixe and Adelaide.
i-2 i-3ld-ltw
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
Saturday at. Papilli'on, Neb.,
occurred the marriage of one of
Cass county's fair young ladies,
and a young man well known in
this county, whre for years he
was a resident, being- the wedding
of Mr. Walter 11. Hessenflow and
Miss Mary Moore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. r. Moore of near
Murray. The groom has been
engaged in the lumber business
at Randolph. Neb., for some time
past ami prior to that resided at
Cedar Creek, where his parents
reside, and it was there that Iip
met his bride while she was en
gager! in teaching school in that
village. He is a Fine young man
and of excellent character and
standing'. The bride is well known
throughout this section of the
county, being one of the most
popular members of the teaching
force of the county and a young
woman who lias made a host of
friends, who will be deighted to
learn of her wedding and trust
tlrtil in the years to come the
most unbounded happiness will
be the lot of Mr. and Mrs. Hessenflow.
Residence for Sale.
The Mrs. McVicker residence
property on North Sixth street is
offered for sale. For particulars
call on Mrs. J. E. Leesley.
FOREST hOSE Best flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
Corrugated Roofing.
Before placing your orders
elsewhere, get my prices. I know
I can save you money.
Will Richardson.
Yale Motorcycle for Sale.
Fully equipped and good as
new. Inquire at the Journal
Now is the time to place
your order for a Farm
Cushman Engine. Last
year the factory was com
pelled to turn down hun
dreds of orders received
at harvest time.
GINE will not only do what any
of equal horse power will do, but
will operate your binder as well.
Can use it 365 days a year. One
party to whom I sold Cushman
last year voluntarily told me he
considered it saved him at least
fifty dollars by giving him two
teams to continue his corn plow
ing. For further particulars
call up
W. T. Richardson
Mynard, Neb.
Proof Is Here the Same as
For those who seek relief from
kidney backache, weak kidneys,
bladder ills, Doan's Kidney Pill
ill'er hope of relief and the proof
is here in Plattsmouth, the same
v 1 11
as evervwnere. j'lausmouiii
people have used Doan's ami
Plattsmouth people recommend
Doan's, the kidney remedy used
in America for fifty years. Why
it' ...ft ItM... 41k,-. .til- ..r
Sllliei : 1 1 run me n-'iv i'i
langerous kidney ills fatal
Hrighf's disease? Here's Plalts-
niouth proof. Investigate it.
Jonathan Halt, general store
keeper, ili Main St., Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills a very good
iemedy for backache and other
kidney troubles. They have
proven their value to me. Others
of my family have also tried
Doan's Pills, procured at dering
& Co.'s Drug Store. They think
just as much of them as I do."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
ButTalo, New York, sole agents
for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Give Comfort to Stout Persons.
A good wholesome cathartic
that has a stimulating effect on
the stomach, liver and bowels is
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Thor
oughly cleansing in action, they
keep you regular with no griping
and no unpleasant after effects.
They remove that gassy distended
feeling so uncomfortable to stout
persons. For sale by all drug
Remember the "Poverty Ball"
Saturday evening at Coates' hall,
and be sure and attend and have
a good time. Prizes will be given
for the worst appearing costumes.
flakes Life Worth Living
This is the car that made the greatest record
of all in the past season. The thousands of
Detroiter, in hardest service, averaged, from
January, 1913, to January, 1914, just $3.81
apiece for repair parts. No other car, of any
type, or at any price, can touch this record.
With its long stroke,
thirty-two horse-power,
ball bearing motor, the
Detroiter climbs a 15 per
cent grade at 28 miles
per hour "on high." On
second and first speeds it climbs
anywhere its wheels can find
Because of its ball bearings,
correct power ratio and light
weight, the Detroiter uses at least
22 per cent less fuel than is de
manded by over-powered cars of
its class: 20 to 25 miles per gallon
is its everyday record.
It has the smooth gait of the
platform spring. The added
amount of comfort is 33 per cent.
The Detroiter has the
greatest proportion of
braking surface of any
car made one square
inch per 9 5-10 pounds.
The long stroke motor
and the sensible gear ratio (4 to
1), make for slow depreciation:
the rear axle cannot give way
its margin of safety is 2,000
pounds overload; the ball bear
ings, of finest grade, do not wear
out and never need adjustment
as do other tvpes, neither can
they bind when the car is distor
ted by rough roads or accident;
and ruinous road shock has no
terrors for the platform spring.
Such a car lasts.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co., Dealer
Plattsmouth, Phone No. 1. Omaha Phone Douglas 6292.
1910 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.,
rS-" ?l-.?