The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1914.
Cass County, ss.
In ( tmiilT C'onrt.
In t) Matter of the K-uate of Cor
n-lius land. Icensesl.
Xorire hr-tiv rivn to tlie credit
firs of saiii deceased that hearings will
t 1;:k1 i:i: chiims fileil aeainst faut
estate. l.-lorc me. County Juilsr of
C;i-s Co'.intv. Nehraska. at tlie County
'tirt room in 1'laltsmouth. in sanl
County, on the 4tii iay of May. 1 ! 1 -
arnl on th- .".th ilay of Xovembor, lf14
hi ! o'clock a. m.. each lay for ex
animation, mliustment una allowance
All claims must he ii!el in said court
r.n or ln-fnrc s:ii.l Inst hour of heanntr,
Witness mv Land an'l sea! of said
Cnjtiiv Court. at P!attsmoutli. Nt-t.ra-ka.
tl..s 4th iav of Ai-ril. H'14.
.eui allkx J. i:ki-:.j.v.
County Juilge.
Attorney for Admr.
HTATI-: f xi:i'.i:aska.
Cass Co-.inty, ss.
In ( imiitv (tiiirt.
In t'ie Matter of the" IJstate of John M
.lofirison. I iwcaseil.
Notice is herehv iriven to the credit
'.rs of said deceased that hearings will
he had iuri c Uinis filed itirainst said
-state, hefore me. t'ounlv .Imlsre
'ass County, Nehraska. at the County
'niirt room" in 1 'la 1 1 smoiil h. in said
County, on the 16th day of May. JM4
and on the 17th !av ol Novem her. 114
at ! o'clock a. m.. each dav for exam
ination, adiustmeiit arid allowance.
.VII claims must he fled in said court
on or hefi.-e sail last hour of he.'trinp
Witne-s mv haiid and seal of said
Co.intv "ourt. at I'laltsmout h, Ne
braska, this l.'.th day of April. A. 1
County J mice.
STati: k ni:i:i:aska.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Kstale of Joseph
Havir. l ec eased.
Notice is herehv piven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had noon claims riled asrainst said
estate. In fore me. County Judtre of
Cass County. Nehraska. at the County
Court room In J Mattsmout h. in said
County, on the 1st day of May, 1914
and on the :nd day of November, 1914
at 9 o'clock a. m.. each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance
Al' claims must be riled in said court
on or hefore said last hour of hearins:
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, this Cist dav of March. 1914.
L'ountv Judtre.
4-6-4 wks
In the Matt-r of the Guardianship of
Georjre lwyer, Leona lwyer, I e
Forest Iwyer. Kdward lawyer and
l-.lmer I'wver. Minors.
Notice is hereby siiven that in pur
suance ot an order ot James x. nefiiey
Judtre of the lMstrict Court of Cass
l'ountv. Nc-hre.ska. made on tlie 1'th
clay of Marc I . 1914. for the sale of
real estate hereinafter descr i bed. t here
w 1 1 ! he sold at the front door of tlie
Court House in I'lattsmouth. Nehraska
on the 9th day of May. 1914, at 11
o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the
l.!trhest bidder for cash tlie undivided
t wo-rifteeiiths interest in and to the
foiKiwintr described real estate to-wit:
Lots " and 4. in Ulock i2. in tlie City
of I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Ne
braska. Said saie will be open one
I'ated this 3rd dav of April. 1914.
As Guardian of Georire Iwyer,
Iina Iwyer. I e Forest I wyer,
Kdward Iwyer and Elmer
hwycr. Minors.
1 Till' HlsTlllCT (III1IT OK Till:
( illM V l' .. NKIIIt tK .
In Le Instate of Ie!ilah Schwab. le-
c-ased. Application of Charles K
Schwab, i:ecutor. for License to
Sell Leal K.-tate:
This came on for hearing upon
the petition of Charles I:, s-chwab. e.-ef-utor
ot lije last will and testament
;!r,'l estate of Ie!iLih Schwali. rie
c-ase.l. praying for a license to sell
the following described real estate,
siib.ict to the lease tt:-reoii to James
M. Woo'.ward from Match 1. 1914. to
March 1. 191".. to-wit:
Lot eitrht in the Northeast
Quarter NK't of the Northwest
Cjuarter (NU'4i; Lot f:!teen c l .". wi
t!,e Southeast Quarter Si:'4 of the
Northwest Quarter iXW'.i: Lot
twelve z in the Northwest Quar
ter i.VU'h) of the Southwest Ouar-
ter iSW'-,; Lot eleven 11) in the
Southwest Quarter iSV'4 i of the
Southwest Quarter (SV'4i. ami tlie
Last half lEUl of the Southwest
Quarter (SW . al! of Section twen-ty-eiirht
in Townsl.ii eleven
11 North. Lansre fourteen 14
Kast fith P. M.. in the County of
ass, Nebraska,
for the pavment of debts allowed
atrainst said estate, cost of adminis
tration and expense of these proceed
ings, and to carry out the provisions
of the last will and testament of said
I'eliiah S'-.'iwah. in respect to the
shares civen to the trranddau crhters of
said de-eaed. the children of one An
drew Schwab, deceased: there not be
insr sufficient personal property to pay
said debts and expense, anil to carry
out the provisions of said last will anil
testament in respect to the shares de
vised and bequeathed to said prand
c h i hlren.
it is Tni:r:F.Fnr.r: oinFr:nn that
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at the office of the
Clerk of the Iistri't Court in the
Court House jn I'lattsmouth. Cass
Countv. Nehraska. on the lfith dav of
May. A. I . 1914. at 9 o'cloc k a. m. to
show cause why a license should not
be trranted to said executor to sell the
above described real estate to pay said
debts and expense to carry out the
provisions of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased in respect to the
shares of the said cranddautrhters of
said deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
Iated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judtre District Court.
It Is hereby ordered that the above
order to show cause be published in
the Palttsmouth Journal, a newspaper
published and of sreneral circulation
in the County of Cass. Nebraska, for
four successive weeks.
Iated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judpe District Court.
MTicn to ih:fi:xdats.
To Henry A. 1'earsons. trustee. The
Northwestern Itond and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Mar
tin Cain, deceased. Letitia M. Vounp.
the unknown heirs or devisees of
Letitia M. Young, deceased, Letitia
M. Pottenirer, the unknown heirs or
devisees of Letitia M. Pottenper, de
ceased. Letitia M. Potenper. the un
known heirs or devisees of Letitia
M. Potenper, deceased, Sanford Pot
tenper, the unknown heirs or de
visees of Sanford Pottenger, de
ceased, Sanford Potentrer, the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
Potenper, deceased. James McMahon.
the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon. deceased. James W.
McMahan. the unknown heirs or de
visees of James W. McMahan, de
ceased: You are hereby notified that, upon
the 20th day of March. 1914. Aupust
AVendt. as plaintiff, tiled a petition in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quietinp
the title to tlie west half of tlie south
west ouarter (WU of SW4 of Sec
tion twenty-four ("24 , also the north
west ejuarter (XW) of Section twen-tv-flye
2o. all in Township eleven
(11 J, North, Kanpe ten (10). East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the
County of Cass. State of Nebraska, as
apainst you. and each of you. and as
apain any and all persons claiming, or
to claim, by. throuph or under you. or
any of you, and for such other relief
as may he just and eoultable.
You "are further notified that you are
reouired to answer said petition on or
Lefore the 8th day of June. 1914.
Dated this 20th day of April. 1914.
AUGUST WENDT, Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
Doctor Bussey of State Univer
sity Has Something to Say
Regarding This Pest.
Swat liio tlaixk'linn. I.clor
IJosscy nf tin botanical depart
inont of the slate uni d'.-ity ha
some original il'as regard in".
this c;i',,vth and ha found a sin
nieiiioii ,ii iiestrovni": tneni n mu
only has patience. Industry i
Hot needed. i,ii- uie more out
putters and works around hi
iroiu lawn uie worse crop o
these pels he is liable to hav
In fact, the dandelions rather en
joy beinir cultivated. The bes
thinir about the new method is
that it is entirely automatic. Al
one has to do i to sit down ant
watch the dandelions fade away
Nature does the work and
with a sure method.
1 cs i
The real trouble with tin
dandelion in this part of t lit1
count rv is, according to Doctor
Hessey, the fact that the pras:
dies, but the dandelions do not
"The best thimr to kill dande
lions is blue prass. Hut the dif
ficulty is that pi-ass is cut t
much. It doesn't pet a chance
and dies out. A few years aso
started with a yard full of dand
lions; I let tlie prass prow aiu
now there aren't any dande
lions." says I'rofessor Uessey
"Last fall there were a lew
scrawnv dandelions, but they
were so weak aim so crowueu out
bv the blue piass that I could
leach down ajid I'ull them out
roots and all. without any
trouble." Doctor Ilessey think
it will usiiallv take more than
one seaon to Completely eradi
cate tlie botanical pests, but h
i. quite confident that by the em
of the second season one wil
tind his lawn fairly well rid o
the dandelion.
"Not loiitr aero I saw two lot?
adioininsr each other. I he own
er of the one kept himself oc-
eupied mowinir and pryinir up in
. i i.
dandelions. Hut the funny thin:-'
about the lot next door was that
it was left t its own cultivation
and the result was that ther
was scarcely a sinsrle dandelion.'
Hlue trass will always hold its
own. i tie proiessor cues in
proof id the siaiemeni uiai nun
rass j. killed by short cutting
the fact that it nearly alway.
turns when mowed low.
Asked as to the efficacy of
nasolino and other "sure-killimr
liquids, he said: "Oh. yes. oasn
line will kill, but Sllppos,. you
have a million plants? You'd
have to work thief or four
months and it'd keep you busy
every minute. I think there is no
real hone in poinsr at it that way.
The old-fashioned pocket knife is
also declared to have about a
much real eflicacv as the paso-
ine can.
"What we really need." says
I'rofessor Uessey, "is a man who
will invent a lawn mower that
will cut the prass so that it will
remain four inches hiph and yet
run easiiv. n prass was cui nii-rn
- i - i .
instead ol low it would he like
walkincr over Brussels carpet.'
Doctor Bessey thinks water has
an indirect tendency to eradicate
the dandelion inasmuch as it
jelps to make the blue prass
thrift v. Dandelions are rather
indifferent to water. "Oh, of
course, said Doctor Hessev as
an afterthought, "a dandelion
oes enjoy beinp watered." How
ever, this is considered of small
account a the blue prass ap
preciates the wet t inpr more. Hut
if one does not feel inclined to
cut his pras four inches hitrh he
may cut it at two inches, and he
will be better off than the man
who cuts it at one. State Jour
lousework. Apply
for peneral
at the Journal
Cass County, ss.
In County Coorl.
In the Matter of the Kstate of William
Leduy, I'eceaseil.
Notice is hereby priven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
he had upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me. County Julee of
'ass County, Nebraska, at the County
'ourt room in I'lattsmouth. in said
County, on the 23rd day of May 1914.
and on the 24th day of November, 1914.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. each dav for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said Court
on or before said last hour of hearing-.
uness my nana and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 2oth dav of ADril. A. D
Countv Judge.
Returns From Hospital.
f;om Saturday's tally.
Last eveninp .Mrs. j'eter lialser
returned home on No. - over the
Burlinpton from Omaha, brinp-
inp with her her dauphter, Mis
Florence, who for several week
has lic.'n at one of the Omaha
hospitals recovering: from the ef
tects of an operation which she
underwent there. Miss Balser i
leeiinpr much heiter and her re
turn will be the source of much
pleasure to her friends in thi:
When run down with kidney
trouble, backache, rheumatism or
bladder weakness-, turn quickly
for help to Foley Kidney Pills.
l ou cannot take them into your
system without havinp pood re
sults. Chas. N. Fox. Himrod. N.
Y., says: "Foley Kidney pills
have done me more pood than
S150.00 worth of medicine." They
pive you pood results. For sale
by all druppists.
Buys Old County Jail Building.
From Friday's Daily.
Tlie old jail buildinp and the
bd on which it stands, on Pearl
street, has been disposed of by
the county commissioners, who
have entered into an ajrreemnt
with L. B. F.penberper of this citv
for the sale of the property to
him for the sum of souo. This
will prove a very valuable in
vestment for Mr. Euenberper. as
it adjoins his other real estate
holdinps on lower Main street
and can be utilized bv him in
1 shape. The buildinp itself
is not ol a treat deal of value t
anyone who purchase it
for rental purposes, but situated
as it is will be very handy lor Mr.
Children's Diseases Very
Whoopinp couph is about
everywhere. Measles and scarlet
fever almost as bad. Use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for in
flamed throats and couphinsr.
Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Orand Island.
Neb., says: "My three children
had severe attacks of whoopinp
couph, and a very few doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar pave crreat
relief." For sale bv all druppists.
O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
praduate of the Kansas City
Veterinary Collepe, is per
manently located in Platts
mouth. Calls answered
day or nipht. 'Phone 255.
Oflice COG Main.
Stat' 4,T Oblrt. citr nf Tolroo. Ln- County.
frank J. bent-r ciak.-s oatn tout L- n iteolor
partm r of tin tirm of K. J. CbiuT & l'o., i-
lne Lusiiiss In tue City ii Tuleuo. I oanty and
iMate arorvmiu. and tiiat said hrm will vaj
the sum of ONE IirXDIlEI IxrlLAKS toe
earh anj cvfrt caf of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by tne use ol Ilan a Catarrh Cure.
Ftrorn to rofar me and Fabscrltxd In mj
presn-e, thia Oth day of 1'ecrmtxr. A. v.. ISsG.
Seal. A. W. CLEASON.
Notary I'ublic.
Hall's Catarrh Cn- U tafcen lnt'Tnallr and
acts dirftly uKn the llcl and mumiH sur
faces of the nyftfia. Ueiid for testimonLul.
V r. J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all Prupsists. 7c. 9
Take Ilall'a Family TUla for constlpaUoo.
"Honest John"
The Gasoline Saver. Is the la
bor of 50 men worth One Dollar
a dav to you? "HONEST JOHN"
will do all the hard farm work
pump, grind, shell, saw wood,
wash, churn, bale hay, spray, lr
rigate, cut alfalfa and put it in
the barn, light your house, ner
a ia. m
orm all tne drudgery or the up
o-date farmer, saves time. To
save time is to lengthen life. Com
mon sense counts as much in buv
ing a gasoline engine as anything
else. Buy an HONEST JOHN,
made by western men for west
ern requirements, keep your mon
ey at home where you can get it
back again both sides of your
dollar work when you get an
"HONEST JOHN," most sub
stantial and economical engine
manufactured. Made in Platts
mouth, Nebr., by the
Machine and Foundry Company
(Not Inc.)
Plattsmouth.Neb. L.C.Sharp.Treeo j
Mr, and Mrs. Willard Dill and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Kit rell.
Miss Lenta McDonald of Mur
doek spent Saturday forenoon
with Clarice streipht.
Luella Sawyer of Murdock came
in Saturday to spend Sunday with
her parents.
Mrs. Nannie streipht and chil
dren spent Sunday with Fred
Wnirner and fannfy.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clifton of
Richfield spent Sunday at the
Saw er home.
John Kitrell spent Sunday
eveninp in Louisville.
Emmett Cadle had the misfor
tune to fall an. I break his ankle
while woikinp at the quarry tlie
first of the week. He is at a hos
pital in Lincoln and is p-etlinc
ab-Tip- nicely.
Mrs. Williams of Lincoln spent
Saturday at the Kaneff home.
Mrs. Berpe went to DeWitt the
first of the week to visit with her
daughter. Mrs. Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Lancinsr
-pent Saturday in Ashland.
Reliable Foley's Honey and Tar
Just be sure that you buy
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
it is a reliable medicine for
couphs, colds, croup, whoopinp
couphs, bronchial and in prippe
couphs, which are weakening1 to
the system. It also privea nromnt
and definite results for hoarse
ness, tickling throat and stuffy
wheezv breathing.
The enf crprisinpr irri'iv-ry linn
f II. M. S M'iiniclis-n lias received
a cat'louu ol line in italics irniii
Minnesota, which tht-y will place
on tne market ai one' lor tlie
ltt-nt'lit of th cu-toiie is of the
.tore. The potatoes, which are
of the eeldrat'd Mammoth Pearl
variety, were raised on Uie farm
f Iavid Wiehniann at Fort Rip
t'v, Minnesota, and are the finest
. r sed nnd table ne tiiat can
procnr'd in the markets of tlie
conntrv. Thev will be sold for
l.nt) per bushel, and the public
who desires to purchase potatoes
for their use should not fail to
call on Mr. Soennichen and have
their wants supplied before the
amount on hand is exhausted.
From South Omaha.
Mr. V. L. Toltz of South Oma
ha was in the city a few hours to
day, coininp: down on the train,
and returnintr this afternoon, af
ter lookinpr to some business
matters at the court house. Mr.
Toll was a former resident of
"ep in ir Water, but has been
Iivinar in South Omaha for some
years, but still has land interests
at the former home. He has been
a reader of the Journal for many
ears. and while here called at the
oflice to renew for himself and
brother, Iavid. of the same city.
K nry Jasper was a passenger
this moriunu- for Omaha to look
after some business matters for
i he day.
Henry H. f;erinir of Omaha vas
in the city Saturday evening- and
Mimiay visit ins- with his mother
and sisters.
T. E. Parniele was in the city
yesterday visit incr with his familv
for the day, returning this morn
inir to Louisville.
W. A. Inpralls departed this
morninp- for his duties on the
road, after an over Sunday visit
with his familv in this citv.
Anton Knubek of Omaha came
down Saturdav even in sr on i
for i short visit here with hl.
mother and other relatives in this
Try the Journal for stationery.
308 LICE
Or More
on One Hen
is by no means on common. No one would eznea
u laiicu a steer wiin inu namoer ni ticki-- suck-
ine nia oiooa, cui many expect '
the old hen to go ahead shelling
oat eggs while lice and mites are
sapping her very life. U e have
oouated over 2000 dead lice nnder
a row of ten hens, on a roost
board painted thenieht before with
Lee's Lice Killer. This greatkillerdoes
aonoie auty contact kills mite, bee
oeatnigs, etc. aSout the roosts; the
vapor kills lice on the chickens sitting
over ft. Put np only in airtight cans.
r n ai mr iu.vuu tons.
Tawoilin ilea.. Wctt.. 11.00. PDabryBookftM.
Applications for Brigade Posi
tions Continue to Pojf In.
One of Most Efficient Signal Corps of
Any Volunteer Organization of Its
Type in the Country Is Ready for
Service at Moment's Notice.
Lincoln. April 27. Indications that
a Mexican war might yet be averted
and that the organized militia might
not have to mobilize for service at the
front, did not perve to dissipate activ
ity in the Nebraska natiocal guard
The work of making final details lor
assembly here or at Fort Crook went
fahead just the same.
General Hall was satisfied that bar
ring the disqualification or a propor
tion of the enlisted men on account of
physical defects, most of those now
readj- to go to the front would be ac
cepted. His medical examiners have
been extremely careful throughout the
past j ear and as a result the men who
have gone into the guard have been
in gcxd condition. Likewise the nu n
who have been enlisted during the
past wek have passed the tests in a
satisfactory manner.
Applications for positions in the
brigade continue to come to state
headquarters. Major J. A. Penn. who
eeived in 1911 as instructor of the
guard, and who is row stationed at
Honolulu, cabled that he would like to
wage battle against the Mexicans as
an officer of a Nebraska organization.
He is one of the most popular regular
army offcers that ever came in con
tact with Nebraska troops and it is
probable in the event of war he would
net be forgotten. Lieutenant Martin
Rhallenberger, son of ex-Governor A.
C. Shallenbergor, likewise ask?d that
he be given a ohr.nce to fight with the
home boys. He is at present in th
regular army and was sent only a few
davs ago from San Francisco to El
Paso. H? is well liked by the organi
zation md is known in the army as
one of the most efficient of the young
er commissioned officers.
Captain Jess of the Fremont signal
corps reported at headquarters and as
bured the military board that he would
put a war strength force into the field
for service with the guard. He de
clared that Vernon Knox of his corps
hr.d just returned from taking six
months' course in the government avi
ation school at Los Angeles. The
corps biplane is being rebuilt at th
present time and Kr.ox hopes to get it
In shape for several trial flights and
much training if the troops are mobil
Major Spealman of the medical
corps reported from a local recruiting
office that a well-built young fellow
who applied to him for enlistment
proved to have defective vision and
was rejected. He sat down on the
edsre of the steps at the local company
quarters and cried like a baby.
Will Not Relax.
It seems to be the opinion around
thp local war department that th
present lull in the Mexican situation
is the calm before the storm and Gen
eral Hall does not intend to relax his
efforts to build up the fighting strength
of the Nebraska troops. General Hall
Colonels Eberly and Paul, Major Birk-
ner. Major Haysel, Major Waldron
Major Craig, Lieutenant Howley and
the representatives of the war depart
ment. Colonel Hamilton and Lieuten
ant Stoll, have been on duty constant
ly until late into the night, while de
tails from the state armory have beta
on duty during the night.
Believing from the nature ot press
rlisnatehes that it would be best to
have the Sixth regiment companies
mustered as soon as possible. Adjutant
General Hall detailed the following of
ficers as mustering officers, with or
ders to proceed to the mustering of
the companies which are being filled
From the Firth infantry: Major E.
E. Sterricker, Lieutenants Bruner,
Dulin aud Cramer, Captains Eobey and
From the Fourth infantry: Lieuten
ants Koester, Funk and Anderson.
Train Strikes Two Autoists.
Tecumseh, Neb., April 27. Fred
Ayers and Ohler Baty, two joung men,
engaced in a fast ride here that came
near costing their lives. The men at
tempted to cross the Burlington track
ahead of a passenger train In the
yards. The automobile was struck by
the engine and mn and machine were
hurled into the air. Ayers' shoulder
was broken, but otherwise it is not
thought the men .re seriously hurt
The automobile was ruined.
Straight Two-Cent Rate.
TJnco'n, April 27. The state railway
commission has issued an order allow
ing all railroads of the state to charge
fi straight 2 cents per mile, except at
competing points. This is in line with
a i recent order which gave the North
western permission to charge the -full
mileage out of Omaha to points be
yond Fremont.
Code Committee Meets Socn.
Lincoln, April 27. The state cod;
committee, appointed by Governor
Morehead to look over the school laws,
will meet with the state superintend
ent on May 2. James E. Delzell is
chanrman of the commitee and Miss
Edith A. Lathrop, secretary.
Children Cry
Tlie Kind You Hare Always
in use for over SO years,
ana has been made under hi9 per
il - sonal supervision since its infancy.
'&cc4u4 Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Tust-as-good ' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric. Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its apre is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fev irishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Elatulcncy, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Iiow-ls,
assimilates tlie Food, giving healthy and natural bleep
The Children's Panacea The blotter's Friend.
fBears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
-4 c ceN
11 -"tgg
Local RIews
Frank Ofk ami wife came
l'twii ratui'uav l!in iiaveick anu
viitt-ii .ver Sumiay with Mr. and
Mt f T' r....L- ,i.Hi ,,f !. -ilv
Paul Outlaml f Mmalia was a
visitor in tii. citv ycieriay. visii-
inir wi'.li his frit-mi-; hf!. ami de-
part il lhi morning: for his home
in the met rom 1 is.
Mis St-va Johnson was an over
jmiay visitor in thi- city, com
'lown n o. 2 Saturday ami
sjiin(iiii'- tn day lu-ie wiin Her
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Cust John
Mrs. F.mily Drew of Omaha was
an 'ivtT unay visitor in mis ciiy
at the home of her sisters, Mrs. J.
C. Cummins and Mrs. K. W.
Kennedy, returning home this
afternoon on No. 23.
France r.allance was over from
";!envood yesterday to spend the
day viitinc with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Tlallance re
turning this morninsr to take up
his work in the Iowa oity.
Charles Ilift departed this
morning on tlie early Thirlingfon
train for Omaha, where he goes
to secure some material for u e in
the construction of a new larn
in Mills county near the Junction.
J. E. Johnson, wife and son,
Edgar, and two daughters, Jose
phine and F.lcanor, came down
Saturday evening from their home
ai Omaha and spent Sunday here
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Y. Johnson.
Misses Blanche and Matie Ptoli
erts'on. who were here over Sun
day visiting at the home of their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Rob
ert son. departed yesterday after
noon for Omaha, where Miss
Blanche is engaged in school
work. "While Miss Marie will go
on to Lincoln to take up her work
The Journal for stationery.
Take advantage of the very attractive excursion rates this coming
summer applying over a complete
other, that will include many of the
localities of the east.
You may include the Adirondacks, the White Mountains, the St.
Lawrence River region. Lake George,
New York, the Hudson River, the ocean trip to Newport News, the Jer
sey coast, the Virginias, Washington, D. C.
Leave your name with me and
and hotel literature that will describe
R. W.
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
Signature of
A fsj V .
New VOOTM. C t T V .
i iju mm
From Friday's Dallv.
The city and this section of the
county was visited last evening
by a most generous downpour of
rain, which commenced to fall
about 1 o'clock, being accom
panied by quite a generous di
play of lightning ami heavy
thunder. which shows that the
summer season is rapidly ap
proaching. During the day there
were frequent showers, but t hex
did not last long and it was not
until evening" that the rainfall
was suiTieient to be noticeabb'.
The weather this morning was
very warm and the lowering sky
betokened that there was to be
more rain. The reports from out
in the state indicate fiat the
storm was general throughout
the state.
Come out Saturday evening to
the German Home prepared to
have one of the times of your
life, and you will not be disap
pointed in the least. The dance
will be one of the most pleasant
of the season.
You may need an
and we want to inform vou
that dates can be made
at this office for
the Weeping Water Auctioneer
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
circuit, going one way, returning an
most famous mountain and seashore
Saratoga, Montreal, Quebec, Boston.
let me secure for you some railroad
the summer journey you have in
NEW: Through Sleepers now in service be
tween Omaha and Peoria, Train Number 12.
CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.