The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 23, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    PAGE 7.
County of Cass, ss. ,
la County Court.
In He-Kstate of William Leddy, De
ceased. To All Persons Interested:
You are lieretv notified that on the
4th day of April". 114. there was filed
In this Court an instrument in writing
purporting to he the last will and
testament of William Leddy, deceased,
topether with the petition of William
I'ildy, jr.. prayins: therein for the al
lowance and probate of said proponed
will and that administration thereof
be erar.ted to Eliza Leddy. John Leddy
and William Leddy. jr. That a hear
ing will he had upon said petition on
the .th lav of April. A. I.. 1914. at
10 o'clock a. m.. in the County Court
room, in the Citv of Plattsmouth. Cass
County. Nebraska. If you tail to ap
pear at paid time and contest said
petition, the Court will, upon proper
testimony, allow said propounded in
strument as the last will and testa
ment of said William Leddy. deceased,
and trrant execution thereof and ad
ministration of said estate to Eliza
lx-ddv. John Leddy and William Leddy,
jr.. and proceed to the settlement of
said estate.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
Countv Court, at I'lattsmouth. Cass
Count v, Nebraska, this 4th day of
April. "A. L)., 1H14.
Countv Judge.
la the Matter of the Application
f Henry H. Wiedeman , for
Liquor License:
Til is is to certify that Henry H.
Wiedeman, of the Village of
(ircciiwoi'd, Cass County, Ne
braska, filed a petition in the ollice
of the village clerk on April 13,
iUli, as required by the statutes
of the state of Nebraska and the
ordinances of the Village. of
;reenWod, to sell malt, spiritu
ous and vinous liquors for the
coming municipal year, in the
building situated on lot No. 277,
fronting on Second street, in said
village. C. E. CALFEE,
Village Clerk..
In the nutrlct Court of t'i County,
YV. I. Machael, 1'laintitT,
Carl II. Otis. Grace E. Otis. N. K. Teo
p'e Special Administrator of the
Estate of orin 1. Monroe. Deceased.
Anna Amelia Monroe. Klmer Monroe,
Edith McFarlane, Elmer E. Monroe.
Kenneth E. Monroe. Floyd Warren. J.
Warren (first name unknown), and
the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of
Orion I'. Monroe, Deceased.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants and
1'nknown Heirs and Devisees:
To Carl H Otis. Cracc E. Otis. Elmer
Monroe. Edith McFarlane. Elmer E
Monroe. Kenneth E. Monroe. Floyd
YVarrtn. J. Warren (first and real name
unknown), and the Unknown Heirs and
1 ii v)pps of Orin f. Monroe, deceased.
defendants: Yon will take notice that
on the .loth dav of March. 1914. I'laintin
herein filed his petition in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against vou and others, the object,
purpose and prayer of which petition is
to foreclose a certain mortfrape deed,
executed bv the defendants. Carl H.
Mis anil Crace E. Otis, in favor of one
Ellen I'. Wriht. and by said Ellen I.
Wriirht. assicned to this Plaintiff.
the west half of lot four 4.
In block thirty-three CIS, in the City
of I'lattsmouth. Cass County, enraswa,
excepting a strip four (4 inches in
n-i.uh oiT of the east side of said west
half of said lot. all as shown by the
published and recorded plat of said
Citv. siven to secure the payment of a
proniisasorv note of $500.00, with in
terest at 10 per cent from
s..t.tiipr 29. 1913. and the
further sum of J 10.00 with In
terest at 10 per cent from October 12,
151". expended for -premium on in
n'lra'nce pdicv. and the further sum of
Jf.l with 10 per cent interest from
the Uh dav of March, 1914. expended
for the redemption of a tax sale on said
permises. for which sums, with interest
us afnppsnid. nlaintiff nravs for a de
cree, that defendants be required to
pav the same, or that said premises
may lie sold to satisfy the amount
found to be due by the Court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 12th day of May.
1914. or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true and
a uecree rendered as prayed for therein.
Date: March sntli. 1914.
W. D. MACHAEL, Plaintiff.
T.Y- JOHN M. LEY DA. His Attorney.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of
David Stettler, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be had upon claims
tiled against said estate, before
me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court
room in I'lattsmouth, in said
county, on the 25th day of April,
i i 4 . and on the 2Gth day of
October, 1914, at 9 o'clock a. in.,
each dav for- examination, ad
justment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, this 27th day
of March, A. D. 1914.
County Judge.
DALE S. 1JOYLES, Attorney.
LIQUOR Liutmat.
ViHpp lierebv sriven to nil
iuii-ii!i i ii t oresl oil ami in the
public, that the undersigned, dus
'. Mohr, has filed his petition and
rirlial inn with fhe villnsre clerk
, . ... ,
f the village of Avoca, County of
required i law, signeu ny ine re
quired number of resident iree
l.r.Lhr nf the said village, set
ting forth that the applicant is a
.man of respectable character and
standing and a resident of the
Slate of Nebraska, and praying
that a lice.ise may be issued to
the said dus F. Mohr for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous
i;,-innr for the municinal vear
inU" - .
ending May 2. 191T, at his place
- . I t . 4
of business, snu-uefi on me wes
tVt birds of lot five (5), in
block thirteen (13),' in said Vil
lage of Avoca, Nebraska.
G12S F. MOHR, Applicant.
April 13, 1914.
riTirR to I'RF.niTn its.
Cass County, as. ' - ,
... la Ctly Coart. , .
In the Matter of the Estate of Cor
nelius Land. Ieceased.
Notice is hereby eiven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled against said
estate, lefore me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in I'lattsmouth. in said
County, on the 4th day of ' May," 1914.
and on the oth day of November. 1914,
at 9 o'clock a. m.. each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
AH claims must be nleu in said court
on or before paid last hour of hearing1-
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court. at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 4th flay of April. 1914.
County Judge.
Attorney for Admr.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter' of the Estate of John M.
Johnson. I deceased.
Notice is hereby sriven to the credit
ors of said deceased that bearings will
be had upon claims hied acainst said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 16th day of May. 1914.
and on the 17th day-of November, 1914,
at 9 o clock a. m.. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
itness my liana and seal or said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, this loth day of April, A. JJ.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph
Havir. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled acainst said
estate, before me. County Judre of
Cass county, Nebraska, at tlie County
Court room in I'lattsmouth. in said
County, on the 1st day of May, 1914,
and on the 2nd day of November, 1914,
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be hied in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
itness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, this 31st day of March. 1914.
County Judge.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
George Dwyer, Leona Iwyer, Le
Forest Dwyer, Edward Dwyer and
Elmer Dwyer. Minors.
Notice is hereby civen that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Begley.
Judge of the District Court of Cass
Countv. Nebraska, made on the 1-tn
dav of March. 1914, for the sale of
real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold at the front door of the
Court House in I'lattsmouth. Nebraska,
on the Sth day of May. 1914, at 11
o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the
highest bidder for cash the undivided
two-fifteenths interest in and to the
following described real estate to-wit:
Lots 3 and 4. in Block in the City
of I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Ne
braska. Said sale will be open one
Dated this r.rd dav of April. 1914.
As Guardian of George Dwyer,
Leona Dwyer, De Forest Dwyer,
Edward Dwyer and Elmer
Dwyer, Minors.
OITl Ol' C.i. N Hlllt AK A.
In Re Estate of Delilah Schwab. De
ceased. Application of Charles E.
Schwab. Executor, for License to
Sell Real Estate: TO MIOW CAtSE.
This cause came on for hearing: upon
the petition of Charles E. Schwab, ex
ecutor of the last will and testament
and estate of Delilah Schwab, de
ceased, praying for a license to sell
the following described real estate,
subject to the lease thereon to James
M. Wool ward from March 1, 1914, to
March 1. 191.".. to-wit:
Lot eight (S), in the Northeast
Quarter i.NKUl of the Northwest
Quarter NV', i; Lot fifteen K in
the Southeast Quarter SE'4) of the
Northwest Quarter (NW4); Lot
twelve (12) in the Northwest Quar
ter (XVitl of the Southwest Quar
ter (SW'U; Lot eleven 11) in the
Southwest Quarter ISV4) of the
Southwest Quarter fSWVi). and the
East half (KHsl of the Southwest
Quarter SY). all of Section twen-tv-eight
(2S. in Township eleven
(11 North, Range fourteen 14
East th I. M., in the County of
Cass. Nebraska.
for the payment of debts allowed
against said estate, cost of adminis
tration and expense of these proceed
ing's, and to carry out the provisions
of the last will and testament of said
Delilah Schwab. in respect to the
shares given to the granddaughters or
said deceased, the children of one An
drew Schwab, deceased: there not be
ing sufficient personal property to pay
said debts and expense, and to carry
out the provisions of said last will and
testament in respect to the shares de
vised and bequeathed to said grand
all persons interested in said estate ap
pear before me at the ottice or the
Clerk of the District Court in the
Court House in I'lattsmouth, Cass
Countv. Nebraska, on the 16th day of
May. A. D. 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. to
show cause why a license should -not
be granted to said executor to sell the
above described, real estate to pay said
debts and expense to carry out the
provisions of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased in respect to the
shares of the said granddaughters of
said deceased, children of one Andrew
Schwab, deceased.
Dated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judge District Court.
It is hereby ordered that the above
order to show cause be published in
the I'alttsmouth Journal, a newspaper
published and of ceneral circulation
in the County of Cass, Nebraska, for
four successive weeks.
Dated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Judge District Court.
County Judge A. J. Ileeson was
a passenger this morning for
Central City, Neb., where he was
called to look after ome matters
of importance for a few hours.
Henry A. fiuthmann, the Mur
dock banker, was here yesterday
looking after some matters of
business and visiting with his
mother and other relatives in the
On next Saturday evening the
Modern Woodmen of America
will give another of their pleas
ant dances at their hall on Sixth
and Pearl streets, and the public
is cordially Invited to be present
and have a good time.
Corn Ground for Rent. .,
About three acres of good corn
ground, south of the Columbian
school building. See Joseph
Watch our windows for the
standing of the piano contest
ants. H. M. Soennichsen.
- AJe-xarwlcr -Dumas said -duty -A&
poruethLng that we exact from others. Your
t:uty to yourself is to take Allen's Cough
Balsam when y cm have a deep-seated conh
or cold. Nothing will give yon quicker
aad more permanent relief. Try it. Doc
not contain anything harmful. 25c, 00c.
and $1.00 bottles at all dealers.
Colic, and stomach
ache usually relieved
This famous remedy seldom fails to
relieve pain, both external and in
ternal. 25. 35 and 50c. Bottles.
Play at the K. S. Hall.
The Bohemian Catholic Dra
matic club has made arrange
ments to give another of their
pleasant dramatic offerings at
the K. S. hall on Saturday even
ing, April 25, and are making
every arrangement to make the
event , one of the most pleasant
ever given by the society. The
title of the play is "Zastavenicka
Pri Mesicku," and it is a comedy
of the type much enjoyed by the
Bohemians in their native land,
and in the hands of the excellent
company of actors of the club
will be a great success. The ad
mission will be 25 cents.
For Sale on Easy Terms.
Six-room cottage, with two
bts, barn, chicken bouse and
yard. Cistern and city water.
South Park addition. Would
talk some trade.
Also nine-room modern bouse,
coal house and line brick cave;
two lots, and only two blocks
from Main street. (iood terms
or trade. Phone 1 50-J, or ad
dress P. O. Box 4 4.
of The Plattsmouth Journal,
published Daily and Semi-Weekly
at Plattsmouth, Neb., required
by the Act of August 24, 1112.
Kditor, M. A. Bats, Platts
mouth, "eb.
Managing Editor, It. A. Bates,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Business Manager, It. A. Bates,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Publisher, It. A. Bates, Platts
mouth, rs'eb.
Average number of copies of
each issue of this publication
sold or distributed through the
mails or otherwise, to paid sub
scribers during the six months
preceding the date of this state
ment: Daily 810
Semi-Weekly 1,000
R. A. BATES, Owner.
Sworn to and subscribed be
fore me this 8lh day of April,
Notary Public.
(My commission expires Feb
ruary 13, 1919.)
Best results arc secured by ad
rertising in the Journal.
"Honest John"
The Gasoline Saver. Is the la
bor of 50 men worth One Dollar
a day to you? "HONEST JOHN"
will do all the hard farm work
pump, grind, shell, saw wood,
wash, churn, bale hay, spray, ir-
rigate, cut alfalfa and put it in
the barn, light your house, per
form all the drudgery of the up
to-date farmer, saves time. To
save time is to lengthen life. Com
mon sense counts as much in buy
ing a gasoline engine as anything
else. Buy an HONEST JOHN,
made by western men for west
ern requirements, keep your mon
ey at home where you can get it
back again both sides of your
dollar work when you get an
"HONEST JOHN," most sub
stantial and economical engine
manufactured. Made in Platts
mouth, Nebr., by the
Machine and Foundry Company
" .';"-! (Wot Inc.) -
Plattmouth,Net. U.C.Sherp.Trea
Local News
From Tuesday's Dally-
County Commissioner C. E.
lleebner of Nehawka came in last
evening to attend the meeting of
the county board today.
A. E. Seybert of Cullom came
in this morning to meet with the
county commissioners at the
court house.
County Commissioner C. It.
Jordan came in last evening on
No. 2 to attend the hearing of
the county commissioners today.
L. J. Mayfield of Louisville was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters with
the county commissioners at the
court house.
W. M. Philpot of Weeping Wa
ter came up yesterday afternoon
from his home and spent a few
hours here looking after some
business matters.
Mrs. E. II. Frey of lied Oak,
Iowa, who has been here for the
past few days the guest of Mrs.
L. B. Egenberger, returned to her
home last evening on No. 2.
Mrs. Enoch Morel and was a
passenger this morning on No.
13 for Omaha, where she goes to
visit for the day with friends and
in looking after some matters of
C. F. Vallery,. the road over
seer of Plattsmouth precinct, was
in the city today interviewing the
county commissioners in regard
to road wJork.
A. L. Baker of Murary was in
the city last evening for a few
hours visiting with his friends
and transacting business matters.
Miss Anna Ciarrison of La
Platte, who has been making her
home here for-some time, de
parted this afternoon for her,
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman and
Mrs. Albert Shaffer, a sister of
Mrs. Pitman, autoed up from
Murray this forenoon to attend
to some business and interview
somo of our merchants.
Mrs. J. M. Eades came in this
morning from her home near this
city and was a passenger on the
early morniiiir Burlington train
for Omaha, where she goes to
visit with relatives for a short
Mrs. E. O. Anderson of llild
redth, Neb., who has been here
visiting with relatives and
friends, departed yesterday aft
ernoon for Fremont, where she
will make a short visit before re
turning home.
W. D. Wheeler came in this
morning from his farm home, a
few miles south of, the city, and
wns a passenger on the early
Buiiington train for South Oma
ha, where he goes to look after
some matters on the stock market.
C. C. Wiggins of Los Angeles,
California, an uncle of Rev. Mc
Clusky of this city, who was
here for a day, the guest of his
nephew, departed last evening on
No. 2 for Chicago, where he was
called to settle up some business
affairs, and will then return to
his home on the coast. He ar
rived here Sunday evening and
spent yesterday with his nephew
and niece.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Waller Wunderlich of Ne
hawka was in the city last even
ing attending the performance of
"Mult and Jeff" at the Pannelc.
Mayor F. II. Colder of Weep
ing Water came in this afternoon
to visit for a short time here
looking after business matters.
J. C. Slroy of Murdock came
down this morning from his
home, spending the day here look
ing after matters at the court
Mrs. John Fight "was a pas
senger this afternoon for Omaha,
where she will visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan in
that city.
Lee Nickels and sister, Miss
Etta Nickels, were here last
evening attending the show at
the Parmele, driving in from
their hemic near Murray.
Mrs. G rover Long of Colum
bus, Neb., arrived here yesterday
on No. 2 and will, visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Don
nelly for a few days.'
7: F, A. Boedeker,. cashierof. the
Nehawka bank, and mother, Mrs.
A. F. Boedeker, were in Platts
mouth a few hours yesterday, go
ingr from here to Omaha, for a
brief visit.
Mrs. Fred Archer of Thurston
county, who has been here visit
ing at the home of her father-in-law,
Judge M. Archer and wife,
for the past few days, departed
this morning for her home.
Dr. J. B. Hungate of- Weeping
Water, and Dr. (i. II. Gilmore and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker of
Murray motored up yesterday
from' their home and visited
here for several hours , with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sutton, re
siding about twelve miles south
of plattsmouth, were county seat
visitor today, and while here
Mr. Sutton called at the Journal
ollice to renew bis subscription
for another year.
From Wednesday's Dally.
C. A. Jauer of Cedar Creek was
a visitor in this city today and
made this oflice a pleasant call.
Charles Johnson of the vi
cinity of Louisville was a visitor
in this city yesterday and a pleas
ant caller at this oflice.
Henry Becker of Union was in
the city yesterday afternoon,
coming up to have a small cinder
which had lodged in one of his
eyes removed.
Matt McQuin, one of the old
rock-ribbed democrats of Liberty
precinct, was in the city today
lookiug after some matters at the
court house for the day.
International Harvester
Manure Spreaders
X f
The IHC Line
Ciaden. Keapera
Headers. Mowers
Rake. Stackers
Hay Loaders
Har Preuea
PiaDters. Picker
Bieden. Cultivators
Ensilage Cotter
Sbeller. Shredders
Pec. Sprujt-Tootn,
ud Pah Harrows
Oil and Gas EAf loco
Oil Tractor
Manare Spreaders
Cream Separators
Fars Wacona
Motor Tracks
Crmia Drills
Feed Grinders
Kaife Graders
Binder TsriBS
STEEL frame on steel wheels that
is the lasting basis on which Inter
national manure spreaders ar built. All
parts, including box, beater, spreading
mechanism, apron, are built by experts,
using best materials, from careful designs
based on field tests.
Every detail is strong and durable, built
for long life and ease of draft. Among the
features that will interest you are these: Simple
protected beater driving mechanism, all of sU-el;
load carried oa rear axle, insuring traction; reversible
gear and worm; low, easily loaded box, with ample
clearance underneath; end "gate, preventing clogging
of beater while driving to the field; etc.
All styles are in the I H C spreader line, high and
low, endless and reverse apron, and various size3
for small and large farms. Our catalogues will tell
you more. Write fcr them and let us tell you also
where ycu may ee I HC manure spreaders.
International Harvester Ccmpany cf America
Council Bluff la.
Mnwtt&ee Oiaone PUao
Misos Minnie (lullimann and
Roj-o Vondran were passengers
this inrniii;-r fur Omaha, v. In re
they will isit f.r the day with
relatives and friends at the hospital.
Don't Hide Them With a Veil;
Remove Them With the
Othine Prescription.
This prescription for the re
moval of freckles was written hy
a prominent physician and is
usually so successful in removing
freckles and giving a clear,
beautiful complexion that it is
sold by druggists under guar
antee to refund the money if it
Don't hide your freckles under
a veil; get an ounce of othino and
remove them. Kven the lirst few
applications should show a won
derful improvement, some of the
lighter freckles vanishing en
tirely. Be sure to ask I lie druggist for
the double strength othine; it is
this that is sold on the money
back guarantee.
Girl for general
Applv at the Journal
Frank Barcus was among the
visitors in Omaha today, going
to that city on the afternoon
Burlington train.
Mrs. J. A. Murray was a pas
senger this afternoon for Omaha,
where she will make her home in
the future in that ciiy.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
Reward Planned by Achievement As
sociation For Good Work.
The Auiericnn Association of
Achievement, to recognize and encour
age achievement of every Liud nuioug
public school pupils of the United
States, lias been organized.
Conk county. 111., in which the move
ment had iis origin, will supply gold
buttons to be bestowed vu pupils found
wcrt!iy. Physical, mental, social, ma
terial and moral achievement will be
Among the vice presidents 'f the r.
sociation are dacub A. Uiis of Xew
Yorli and A. IZ. Winhip of Doston.
Farm for Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 5' a miles
northeast of Union; IS acres hay
land, 20 acres? pasture timber,
rest in cultivation; well improv
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address Miss Ftta Nickels, Mur
ray, Neb.
Worth Crowing About
Comparison cf results and profits before
and after using
ttaf Poultry
yP3 Regulator
Fhas. Z5c, SCie, 6bc, tl.OO; 5 lb. pai!
the ETcat tonic rinrt oornitionor is eure to make you a
permanent friend ol all fratt I'roducls.
Satisfaction Gasrameed cr aloncy Esck
Pratts Lice Killer. Powdei 2T.c and so-. Al?o
Sprinjr necessity. Sure death to aU danccrous veraun.
Kef use substitutes; insist on Pratts.
Cet Praiie 1C0 page poultry Eeik
For sale by J. V. Egenberger, Plattsmouth.
Wolff & Ault, Cedar Creek. 4515.
Every lady likes the
daintiness of laces and insertions.
So for a real good bargain we are
offering Pure Linen in White and
Cream Truchon Laces and inser
tions, at per yard
5c and 10c
Curtain Materials
Freshen up your win
dows and rooms by using
some new curtain goods
in Swiss Madras and
Scrims, prices
10c, 12-lc, 15c uapt 75c
Muslin Under
wear Our summer line of
Muslin Underwear i s
now complete in Chil
drens, Misses and Ladies
ilk Hosiery
The best by test we find the
Fame us Gordon Dye Hosiery to ex
cell any other kind. Sili and Silk
Lisle at
25c 35c and 50c
$1.00 and $1.50
In the Gold Stripe.