PAGE . XZbz plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly at Platttmouth, Nebr. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter- R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloej S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe COL. PRICE: REBEL. Col. V. 11. Price of Lincoln has contumeliously refused to stand aside. Secure or his place in the hearts of his countrymen he has boldly proclaimed himself a can didate for congress without wait ing for the aid or consent of any other democratic leader on earth. The situation makes us trem ble. Having: been given his orders by a superior officer, Col. Price has rebelled and raised the black Hag- of insubordination and the red Hag of defiance. He must be a bold man, careless of the object lessons which bestrew the pages of our history telling the stories of the sad fate of other ambitious malcontents. Col. Price is not, like President Huerta, a drinking man. lie is, furthermore, of a calm and judicial temperament, modest to a degree, and with a record for self-sacrifice that has made his name a household word in demo cratic circles. What can such a man be thinking of when he takes such a stand, at such a time, when all good men should be rallying about the leader and waiting fop their instructions? We very much fear that Col. Price, with all his temerarious ness, will find himself, the first thing he knows, obliged to apologize- and lire a salute of twenty-one guns, lest a worse fate befall him. World-Herald. :o: Now, will Mr. McKelvie be pood? We would think so. :o: The recent rains have made vegetables jump and the lawns have put on their carpets of green in great shape. - :o : It's an ill wind that blows no business. Ten thousand khaki uniforms for Mexican rebels are being made in Houston, Texas. :o: Have you noticed that the prices have been reduced to any extent since the "Low Cost of Living Convention" in Omaha last week? -:o:- "llope" may be all right at times, but yon can't get as much good exercise from it as you can by helping your wife spade up the garden.' :o: Chicago's score in the past two years is fourteen women ac quitted of killing men. Chicago is about to start a campaign for malo suffrage. :o: Our "eminent" congressman says he stands pat on his recom mendation, of A. V. Johnson for the Lincoln postollice. Mr. Bryan is for Frank W. Brown. Now we will all see who is who in this Lincoln postollice fight. :o: The State Journal company loses out in trying to stop the printing board from letting con tracts to foreign corporations. The Journal seems to be losing out in a great many things these days. The Journal has had its way too long already in the mat ter of state printing. :o: - Evidently the Nebraska Re publican was started for the only purpose of fighting Governor Morehead. But the editor, who seems ashamed of his little bantling-, will find that the peo ple of Nebraska know the gov ernor too well to Relieve anything that an editor of such a paper may say against John H. More head. The people have no faith in such little flybythe-night sheets as this Cantling, anyway. Have you planted your pota toes yet? Better get at it. :o: The straw hat seems fo be very slow in making its appearance in public. :o: Who will win out in the Lin coin postollice fight Bryan or Maguire? We are betting on Bryan. :o: The Hawaiian heiress who has secured a divorce by wireless will probably take her next honeymoon trip on an aeroplane :o: Considerable "clean-up" work was done in Plattsmouth yester day, but there should have been more. :o: The story from Oklahoma that alfalfa has been killed by an April freeze must be a slander on that handy plant. :o: Of all the heralds of spring are here, including the base ball fan, and the latter is much more than circumstantial evidence. :o: It was strange that a technical charge had to be brought against that Arkansas man who had ac quired fifteen unlawful wives. :o: They say Huerta has been drunk for six months. He'll be sober enough by the time thf United States gets through with him. :o: Huerta refuses point blank to accede to President Wilson's re quest, and now he must be com pelled the contrary, drunken old whelp. :o : Don't forget to use that road drag since the late rains. It is just the proper lime. By all means let's keep the roads in good shape. :o : One possible reason the Mexi can commander at Tampico re fused to salute the American flag was because he didn't have powder enough. :o: Along about the third week in July the forecast, "fair and warmer," may become rather tnonotous, but at this season it is mighty gratifying. :o: The leading newspapers of the country defend the policy of the administration in the canal toll controversy. The fact is, Presi dent Wilson is always right. :o: It was fortunate that the naval paymaster, arrested in Tampico (over whom all this trouble is about) was not carry ing the pay mil at the time. :o: J Paul Topping, it seems, is de termined to keep in the limelight, if nothing more. He is now a democratic, candidate for the nomination for county attorney of Otoe county. :o: Wu Ting Fang, who put in so much of his time while Chinese minister to the United States in asking- questions of folks he met,; has written, a book about America which should prove in teresting. :o: Spring calls for a genuine! "brushing up" with paint. Noth ing adds more to the looks of the property, and, then, strangers speak of the prosperous and enterprising citizens. They talk about Plattsmouth. And that is just what we want. We done well last year, and let's do the same this year. COWLE88 MILK. Many a man who, in early youth was driven from the farm! because he had to milk a platoon rf lirinHI n r i ' jr fn 4 nn pit MlOIP . a, enthusiastic offsprings to drink from a pail or apply perpetual motion to an old-fashioned churn, may go back again if the cientists come up to their ad- vanced notices. The particular Ci.-arrtn. inn.. nnHnT nnn o Ifloro f iiti ici r mrln .j a m i I L- iml rrnol'u " " milk, nor mare's milk, nor camel s milk, as are used by some nomadic people, but eythetic simi lo jju iiiaiLuidCLuri'U hi u rv t i i .1 comfortable laboratory, which won't kick the bucket over, or switch one in the eye with a rapid-lire tan lull oi cocKieourrs. rw . t . it 1 J. lie Dasic property oi me nuim made milk will be casein secured from the soy bean, which can be grown in waste places, and other ingredients can be added and sweetened to taste, until a milk as good as the journeyman Jer- onvc hnvn i ifTr r n ri lw nr'n. - auceu ai smau cost, anu wuuout assuming a perilous position on 1 1 1 ! 1 1. 1 a tnree-ieggeu siooi oy ine siar- board side of an uncertain cow. This is a large promise, but nothing we can ininK oi wouiu add more lo the joys of rural life, lhe only milkmaids who have any fun are those sometimes seen on the stage amid other dis- :o: AI lo.-l lli'll li;r lio Cilwl fin- ... ..... congress in the Jrirst uistrici, and he stands about as much .-ti,tii of vnl I !nv Htik nom inn f ion as tue man in tne moon :o: Tli -k n r cnnniL $ t Ka no orvCt I ..un, t, wu 11W lion to tho nomination of Judge Jepley in Otoe county, and the indications are mai ne win nave no opposition in the general elec- ion. -:o: The Fremont Tribune says, fhe bull mooser who imagines I le is a progressive republican ... i hould get his eyes open to the ituation. The progressive re- publican party is the republican party." :o: Senator Hitchcock and the emocratic members of congress rom this stale will protest to the federal reserve board against Nebraska being placed iu the tenth regional bank district vansas City. The primary system of nomin- ating candidates ostracises the ousiness man anu also the poor man from striving for office, be- cause, on the one hand it disrupts business, and on the other it is All! I li i nnnli f Id.. . . . M .i.-kl . I'""' cxu on account or its expense. o: Already some people are talk- in ? of a successor to Speaker Clark. Better wait awhile, at east until Champ speaks. lie will probably have something to ay about the matter. And please ear in mind his friends are egion throughout this great country of ours. :o:- Is it not an outrage and shame i!,n ti,.. ..n.,i- i ..p 4i. democrats of Nebraska have to otter along through life and await the notions of a few lead- Tf il.ov Unni- w do those democrats who furnish n. n. , ill., iu CSUJ 11. U iSUIlIU . Not much, Mary Ann. Why have I not the federal appointments that belong to Nebraska been made? Simply because those who con- trol that business at Washington can't agree upon who they shall be, and as a result of this tardi- ness in Avhat is simnosed to be their duty, the rank and file are to stand this tomfoolery, and at the polls go down in defeat in conseciuence. The inanv irood and true democrats, would like to aspire to different state offices, but do not care to do so under present circumstances. They are the democrats that have lo suffer I not those drawing pay at Washington. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. May parties will soon be in order by the young people. " :o : . . if "April showers bring forth I t ....... . .. . . 1. 1 j ... 1. rt -I hua' "uwll8 e uubul plenty of nature's beautiful. :o: The friends of -radium should publish a-list of folks who have been cured by its use, to, offset the list of deaths. I utunioi I I lri L 4 K n . i ... m 1 1 . nu i opening "I ie wanKMip- tri.s nm rhildren? It is season, along with the base ball season, how are the fans going to keep tab on both? i n , The American public finds it- self in doubt which it detests the more the barbarity of Villa, or the cool insolence of Huerta. :0;- In the excitement over the war, don't forget the fight that we ought to continue lo make on the dirt about the premises. :o: Secretary McAdoo does not nnnn ,,r... n. .!!.- ..r V.:.. I rtL - llvu uic uaiu ui wis I ... . - ..I wedding is changed, so long as it is brought nearer with every change. :0:- The Nebraska militia are ready i - for the fray with Mexico, if it .i.i aiuj luiAii-", comes to that Two regiments are ready to depart at a day's notice. :o: W Massachusetts has more en than men. There is likely to I... .. 1..1: ... :r n. I .. UB u muuiuiiii u Mi.e seuuie passes the bill to license cats, al- ready passed by thc house. - ti : . ..... i . . i . i 1 1 . i I it iiuUB. au-t-t .mu Huerta, seeing his inevitable J .. 1. I. ,1 . 1 . .......1,1,,!, was uec.ueu lie ou.u rather be whipped by Uncle Sam than wait to be whipped by Villa. -or Farmers are clamoring for help, and crreat. big. husky fel- lows can be seen on the streets very day "lo(king for work." Do they expect the farmers , to bring it to them? :o: The Washinsrton disnalches disclose that Congressman Flood h.s chairman of the house com mittee on foreign affairs. Doesn't he really belong on the rivers and harbors committee? :Q: it would seem, from all re- ports, that Congressman Dan St.eohens has criven better satis- , r. J c faction than any of them in the . . i j: . i I manner in vwucii ne nas uisposeu f the poslotlices in his district. :o: v. lth a man like George Berge for governor, Governor More head for congress, John Mattes, jr., of Otoe county, for senator, 1. 1 11 1 ,1 you nave a comoinauon mat sure will carry the democratic Hag on to victory. -:o:- A Los Angeles, California, youth shot himself lo death be- cause he thought his fiance was too good for him. With such aff absence of conceit this young man nucrhf. to draw something pretty good from St. Peter. ;o: The chemists insist that ah.chol made from corn will ..n.. r gasoline. An automobile propel- led by insidious draughts of corn iuice will be a dangerous thing i" i ...,.f i Ki.v hi.lm-nv :o: - t. . i J. lie MlLIll ULlllUH "111 VvJll. II I lion of Lancaster county failed to give Senator Ililchock any en dorsement- in fact. Dolitely ignored him entirely. Maybe that was because Senator Bitch- cocy has been ignoring his friends to such an extent that f hev do not cue. :o:- Don't think for one moment that the bull moosers will give up the shin not bv a 2o"od deal, Over at Indianapolis .Jast week they met, and besides booming Roosevelt for president, Beverage for senator, they nominated an entire" state ticket. They were simply enthusiastic for Teddy for president in 1916. HOW BOYS 8AVE TREES. Why not interest the schoo children of Plattsmouth, and in everv other town in Cass county for that matter, in waging war on insect pests which attack and blight shade trees, following an nTamnIft in SOPvil.n m.aeticed in nnormia n,Pr and lowns iu lhe , American re- 1 i- i ii 1 public with commendable I suits in making more healthy am: withill thfi )f such . I)lovemcnt to save the com. munity's shade trees from partial or t.f destruction. tlierehv ad- ding to the bcauty anJ cuuteuU m . nf .npo MnI,invpP. ,ho rhii( npn t'hl in lllB lore of nature and city forestry. are given something to do and think about out-of-doors and are developed into good citizens by being imbued with a new civic spirit otherwise unlikely and possessed of the satisfaction of ervice well rendered to their fel lmvmen. The latest eitv to adont tho plan js lliUsDlir pa xvhore , 5Q0 g t h.e hn en listed in a warfare against shade tree pests in the city under the ..:....,. ,, :...,...,.. .n. uiiixiinii i in; toy loresier. xne . i u t, in- ,i i , cciift ninth Inn pixlillmrr Tiwtlli and thc ovster-shell scale will be Jh( rhir of :,lln,k of. forU being lnad,. t() destroy lho f i Pi w in O luifol'ii lllit oiL.'nl)tL.' or worn-h,.,.,,!,..;, , ,,k ,.,.or,, , ,rouble the caterpillers would I , jf all,m0li to cet a slart patrols of 1Jov Scouts Iiave bl.un into districls and one natrol lias been sct oyep cach djst,.ict The g ts , b provided with :nl . , , t ,huJ the cocoons and scales havo s0, .(J wurk ,vilh They will also note and report all broken tree guards and all diseased trees. Scoutmasters are expected to keep tab on the efficiency of their work and re port the number of cocoons de stroyed and trees treated. The efficiency of this method of en- .. ...... llllll lUUUlL'll 111 work of the city forester has been proven already in East Orange. X. J., and j,t.av0I.f Pa., xvhoi.c the school children have almost eliminated insect pests which had made reat inroads upon the shade trees of these communities. Not only are the IreesHn these cities ne ing protected and saved from ,.(t.,,,-, ..l,;!,!,.,,,, inti10. ,vork are beintr traillPd Ul practical, beneficial citizenship. Their service is bui,dins? them for a belter life and more capabilities later in life. What Pittsburg, Fast Or ange and Beaver are doing may be accomplished here in a like manner and the community at one and the same time will be growing both better trees and more conscientious citizens im- )ued wilh civic prid(? Giyo ,ho boys a chance along with the Lhade lrvcs of the city A good asset, young man, is cheerfulness, look around and vou will lind those who succeed apparently the easiest are those wno go annul ine s work cneer- 1U"'' i,,u '-"' peryone on exery suojeei, out -""1U l- i ' . i l : .. opinion anu u you must disagree u" s" lum,u"' a,iU ,,tl turedly. rIhe grouch never gels -:o: lhe LImwood Leader-Leho has changed hands. George Blessing is the new man at the helm, and we trust the change will indeed prove a "blessing" to the patrons of the paper. No town in the west has a more enterprising class of business men than Elmwood, and they demonstrated a willingness to support a good paper, and we hope Mr. Blessing is of the kind that will bring that which tjie good people of Elmwood have been praying for for lo, these many years. Success to the new editor. At the beginning of the Span- There are numerous matters ish-American war a great deal that need the attention of the was said by Spaniards about up- Commercial club, as well as thc holding their- honor. Dictator city council, and they should get Huerta is making the same kind their peepers open to the many of a bluff in defense dT what he things that ought to be done for designates as Mexican dignity. the benefit of the city. Don't de- ;0 . lay in these matters until sum Folks who marry to surprise mer has come and gone, but get their friends usually end up by a hustle on you. Remember, a surprising themselves and some- stitch in time saves nine. ' times the surprise - isn't, alto- :o gether pleasant, says Anna Carl- Bill Price is still in the race son. And Anna is about right for something, but he cannot tell about it, too. ;o. If an old drunken whelp like . ... Huerta is allowed to insult the merican flag- wilh impunity, we should haul in-our declaration that the emblem of purity rep- resents thc "Home of the Free and Brave." :o: We note from, our home on High School Hill many improve- meats already started. New didate for the democratic nom residences entire, repairing old ination for sheriff, in the person homes, building new outhouses, of A. L. Wallinger of Stone Creek planting shade trees, etc. De- precinct. Mr. Wallinger is one notes lively times in Plattsmouth of the very best men in Cass again this season. Let the good work go right on unceasingly. . :o: President Pena of Argentina las written a book in which he ridicules the Monroe doctrine as The Guttapercha Message." Senor Pena should dwell more on what the Monroe doctrine did for lis country when it was weak md young, and not indulge in idle fears of the future. :o: The end of the copper mine trike in the lake penisula, by the miners . accepting what they could have got long ago without the loss of $1,000,000, is an argument against exempting abor mines from government regulation and control as trusts in which the trust is often mis- placed. :o: Every county in the slate should hold an old-fashioned democratic convention some time utervening- the state primary. It s the best plan iu the world to 'lithuse and get the party in shape for the fight this fall. Let us hear from those interested uid set the ball to rolling in that direction. :o: Uncle Joe Cannon is a stand- pat republican and don't like a democrat anyway, but he is loyal o his country, every inch of him. lere's what he says in reference o the Mexican trouble: "The president is entirely competent to act. I hold that the country light any cbuntry on earth that should support him and will sup- insults the American flag. The port him. For the country is not United States has more natural a divided one, but united." soldiers than any nation on :oi earth, so what are you talking We nolo that the merchants in about? many of the towns and cities ;q; throughout the stale have ar- One thing about Governor ranged wilh the picture shows of Morehead's candidacy for con their towns to give free shows to gress is that he is well known in farmers and their families who the First district as a farmer, come to the city to trade. Plaits- then a merchant, county treas mouth merchants are able to do urer, representative in the legis what most any other towns can lature, state senator and lieuten d'o, so why not try it here? ant governor and then governor. :o: Tn all these positions he acquil- The house voted lo uphold the led himself with credit to himself hands of President Wilson in his and won the confidence and re stand on Mexico. They could not spect of all the people. Such a possibly do otherwise. The sen- man is able to represent the First nte will take action today. Presi- district as it should be represent dent Wilson is right in this mat- ed. He is a man of the people, ter and the American people are and it is the people he appeals lo! with him, notwithstanding a few :0; republicans, like Mann of Illinois, Says the Nebraska Cilv Press- who opposes the proceedings simply because the administra- tion is democratic, and nothing niore. :o: "Prohibition never will be en- forced in a ChrisLinn ninnlrv "hp,.,,..,! . Jt says Cardinal Gibbons. "While ties are doing. Besides, news I am an ardent advocate of tern- papers must have aomethin fo perance, I am intuitively per- suaded that prohibition cannot be enforced in this, country. It is calculated to make hypocrites and lead to the manufacture of illicit whisky replacing the good pressed for something sensible material wUh the bad, while at to say, politics, of course, con the same time robbing the gov- stituting a very sensible and eminent of the legitimate tax." timelv Snhie,fcna,;m . , THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914. yet wiiat. ne wants 10 run jum where he can do the most good for the little cotorie in Lincoln . . i I Ml - V AnMj'lwl who want 10 Kin on some mmuiu- ates they do not want. Bill is pretty clever in some ways, and be will go just where he sees the most money in it for Bill. Bill Price is a hanay man. :o: - There is another good man coining lo the front as a can- county, and is very popular among all who arc personally acquainted with him. The Elin- wood people think he is just the man for the place. :o: Huerta is not as much of a dictator as he would like to be. He bit off more than he could chew when he refused to salute the American Hag, and took it all back. We have no love for Villa, but it will prove a Godsend when he slips upon the blind side of the old butcher and riddles him with bullets and then flees the country himself. Then, maybe, there would be some show, for peace. .Q. Governor Morehead, in his aspiration for congress, is be- coming more popular everv day. The name of John II. Morehead is a household word all over the J First congressional district, and that is the best indication in tho I world that he is the coming man for the place. They know he is honest, competent and possesses theabili ty toiepresent the peo- pie of this congressional district las they desire to be represented. :o: The Omaha Examiner says the "United States has no army." Maybe not a very large one, but it has millions of young Ameri- cans of which to make one of tho greatest armies in the world, and it would only tae a very short lime lo get them in readiness to Cass county is riot slow in pro- ducing men for county and slate ollice and people who believe Otoe county has been a little pre- mature in offering candidates at this early -date si,i.i Uiullu U1IU f.j-L. n;u oiner roun- talk about, and as Nebraska has an election only once every two years - the earlier into the fiffhi lhe i.n..... rnnUu editors, who. so often