The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 16, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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thiibsdaY. APRIL 16, 1914.
ZA Jzzi
Any Hat in our Show Window will be sold for
Reduction Prevails Through the Entire Store. Your Dollar
will Buy More Goods Here than Elsewhere
V. ZUCKER, Manager
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fanger's Department Store
The Home of Guaran
teed Values."
If favorable pres criticism
and I a rye audiences are any
criterion Manager (ius Hill evi
dently has cornered the entire
laughter market in his latest of
fering, "Mutt and JelT in Pana
ma," and the second of the "Mutt
and Jeff" stage series. The offering-,
which is in the nature of
a melodrama with musical com
edy trimmings, will be seen at the
J'armele theater on Tuesday
night, April 21. In this par
ticular production we can make
the usual prediction that the
rank and file of local theater
goers will be more than. amused
It -is an entertainment on new
lines, with features and. sur
prises not harbored in any other
show. You are bound to laugh
and hold high carnival over
what "Mutt and Jeff" say and do,
and when an author can do this
there is no gainsaying' that he
has accomplished the purpose he
has set out to accomplish. The
cast is a large, and 'Competent
one and the scenic investiture all
that could be desired. Ten song
hits are distributed and other
unique novelties are promised.
Starts Out on New Duties.
Herman Hough, the new rural
route carrier on route No. 1, out
of this cily, started out this
morning to take up his duties of
delivering the mail to the patrons
of the route. Mr. Hough is a
young man 21 years of age and
has been residing at Weeping
Water, taking the examination a
few weeks ago for the position of
rural carrier, with the hopes of
securing a position out of Iiis
home city, but was awarded the
Plattsmouth route.
Smoke "Keno" cigars.
I-rienus m this city received a
letter from Seattle, Washington,
this morning, which slates that
Mrs. C. F. Stoutenborough, who
resides in that city, had submit
ted to an operation for the re
moval of a tumor, on last Friday
morning, and that at this time
she was getting along nicely and
as well as could be expected. Mrs.
Stoutenborough formerly resided
in this city for a number of years,
being very prominent in both
social and religious circles and
her large circle of friends will be
sorry to learn o flier illness. She
has not been in the best of health
for some time and it is hoped that-
after her recovery from the
operation that she will have re
gained her health.
D. J. Pittman in the City.
Yesterday afternoon I). J. Pitt
man of Murray was in the city
visiting with his many friends
here, and they were delighted to
meet him, as it has been several
weeks since he had been here.
Mr. Pittman, about six weeks ago,
slipped and fell on the streets of
Murray and fractured one of his
lower limbs, with the result that
lie was confined to his home since
that time, and yesterday was the
llrst time he was able to visit the
county seat since the accident.
Our old friend is feeling in good
health and will shortly be able to
be around as usual, although at
present he is compelled to use a
crutch to get around.
Justus Lillie, who has been on
the sick list for the past few
days, is reported as being no bet
ter, which we are sorry to learn.
We trust that he may enjoy a
speedy recovery and soon be able
lo be among his large circle of
Your Home
Can be Given a Dis
tinctive Cheraccter
Which will make it the envy of your
friends and a joy to yourself.
It is the STYLE of the
and the way they are hung that produces
the effect it is not necessarily expensive.
The Exclusive
Wall Paper and Paint
Hotel R-iley Block.
JTiaiianiuuui, ncut fi
(Special Correspondent.)
- .T...T.
WW? V i i i WW. . WW
Mrs. James Hrittian of Lincoln
was visiting friends and rela
tives here Tuesday between
Dr. I. I). Jones was au Omaha
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. George Nicklas and Mrs.
W. O. Ciillespie were in Omaha
Friday and Saturday.
F. (). IJeall and daughter were
visiting relatives here Tuesday
between trains.
Miss Jessie Rush was an Elm
wood visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. G. G. Williamson and
daughter returned home Tuesday
from a week's visit with rela
tives. Olga Neitzel Sundayed with her
Fred Lawton of Wabash was
visiting his brother and family
Charles Schafer motored to
Manley Sunday morning for a
few hours' visit with relatives.
Mrs. George Moomey and Mrs.
Fred Lake returned Saturday on
No. 17 from Springfield, where
they were visiting friends.
G. Daur was in Ithica Mon
day and Tuesday.
Alvo Notes
Straight at It.
There is no use of our "beat
ing around the bush." We might
as well out with it first as last.
We want you to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy the next time you
have a cough or cold. There is
no reason so far as we can see
why you should not do so. This
preparation by its remarkable
cures has gained a world-wide
reputation, and people every
where speak of it in the highest
terms of praise. It it for sale by
all dealers.
Floyd McDaniels, accompanied
by his friends, Harold Hill and
Fern Werber, who have been his
guests for the past few days, de
parted this afternoon for Kear
ney, where he will resume his
studies in the military academy
in that place.
For baby's croup, Willie's
daily cuts and bruises, mamma's
sore throat, grandma's lameness
Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the
household remedy. 25c and 50c.
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Pic
ture Framing. Frank Gobelman.
The absurd man is the one who
nerer changes. Take our advice when you
have a cough or a cold and try Allen's Cough
Balsam. There is nothing more soothing,
ziothingthat will bringgreater relief. Cou
'alaa. no harmful ingredients. Used for
many years with satisfaction and success.
25c, 50c. and $1.00 Lotties.
Relieves External and
Internal Pain.
Heais Bruises, draws
the Ache from Stiff or
Rheumatic Muscles.
Taken in Hot Water
Stops ' Cramps, Colic,
Diarrhoea, and similar
There' only one Painkiller
i Perry Oavi'.
ZS. 35 and SOe. Bottles
Alfred Stroemer was in Elm
wood Tuesday.
Andrew Iloelofsz went to Lin
coln Wednesday.
S. C. Uoyles was in Omaha on
business Tuesday.
Sam Cashner was in Omaha
on business Thursday.
C. It. Jordan was in Lincoln
Mrs. Trimblin went to Lincoln
Wednesday morning.
Tuesday on business.
Mrs. H. A. Stone was shopping
in Omaha Wednesday.
Henry Iloelofsz of Elmwood
was in town Saturday.
C. R. Jordan returned home
from Plattsmouth Friday.
Miss Francis Myers was a pas
senger to Lincoln Wednesday.
Tom Stnut was transacting
business in Omaha Saturday.
Hob Hamilton went to Omaha
Wednesday (o visit his folks.
Ed Carr of Eagle went to Oma
ha by the Rock Island route Tues
day. Will Stewart was doing busi
ness in Omaha Thursday and
Ed Evans went to Council
Muffs to inspect the Iowa State
Miss Emily Strong accom
panied Mrs. It... A. Stone to Oma
ha Wednesday.
Mrs. S. C.Boyles and Mr. and
Mrs. Dale IJoyies autoed to Lin
cola Wednesday.
Charles Snavely returned from
Clalonia Wednesday, where he
had been on business.
J. 11. Stroemer and Ned Shatter
of Denver, Colo., drove to Ash
land Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hucknell and
little sons and George Frohlich
motored to Lincoln Monday.
Charles Ingwerson, three
daughters and son, Willie, were
shopping in Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mis. It. Kuehn and
children spent Easier Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Eveland.
Mrs. Fred l'rouly returned
from Lincoln Wednesday on No.
18, where she had been at a
J. A. Shatter and brother, Ned
Shaffer, of Denver, Colo., were
visitors in South Bend Monday at
the Weaver home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea
autoed' out to the Charles Hile
home Sunday." Mr. apd Mrs. llite
live on the Clayton Houck farm.
Dr. I. D. Jones and: daughter,
Miss Ruth, of Murdock, were in
town Saturday morning. A lit
tle friend of Ruth's accompanied
Ned Shatter of- Denver, Colo.,
came in Saturday, visjting his
brother, J. A. Shatter and wife,
until Wednesday, when he left for
home, via Omaha.
Mrs. Charles Grove. of Furnas
county, Nebraska, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. John
Woods, sr., for the past week,
left for her home Tuesday. -
The Easier services held in the
M. E. church Sunday morning
were fine and a much larger con
gregation than usual was pres
ent. Rev. Farwell is pastor at
this place.
C. C. Bucknel! met his son,
lay with his folks. Mr. Huckuell
and daughter, Miss Grayce, took
the train to Sterling Sunday even
Mrs. Nellie McCurdy and
daughter, Mrs. F. M. Grove, left
Monday on No. li for Grand
Mound, Iowa, to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. McCurdy's mother,
Mrs. Mahan. who was 90 years
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Casey went
to Lincoln Tue'sdav in their car.
They were accompanied by Mrs. I.
J. Jamison of Creighton; Neb.,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan.
Mrs. Jameson came in Thursday,
visiting Mrs. Casev ami Mrs. C.
M. Jordan and other friends un
til Tuesday. Mr. Jamison has
sold his interests at Weston, Neb.
The play, "How the Club Was
Formed," presented last Wed
nesday evening by .the Women's
Reading- club, was a decided suc
cess and the ladles are to be
complimented. The quartet com
posed of Messrs. Ed Evans, James
Foreman, Lee l'routy and Noel
Foreman, sang several pleasing
numbers, and Messrs. C. M. Jor
dan, J. V. Cochran and Orison
Sharp furnished excellent music
between acts.
Don't Hide Them With a Veil;
Remove Them With . the
Othino Prescription.
This prescription for the re
moval of freckles was written by
a prominent physician and is
usually so successful in removing
freckles and giving a clear,
tteautnul complexion that it is
sold by druggists under guar
antee to refund the money if it
Don't hide your freckles under
a veil: get an ounce of othine and
remove thems- Even the first few
applications should show a won
derful improvement, some of the
lighter freckles vanishing en
He sure to ask the druggist for
the double strength othine; it is
this that is sold on the money-
back guarantee.
Chris Schluntz departed this
afternoon on No. 23 for Omaha,
where he will meet his sister,
Miss Florence, who is returning
home from a visit with relatives
and friends at Cedar Rapids,
A lazy liver leads to chronic
dyspepsia and constipation
weakens the whole system. Doan's
Regulets (25c per box) act mild
ly on the liver and bowels. At all
drug stores.
James Emerson, roadmaster of
the Omaha division of the Bur
lington, was in the city today for
a few hours looking after some
matters of business for the company.
Itch! Itch I Itch! Scratch!
Scratch! Scratch! The more you
scratch, the worse the itch. Try
"Doan's Ointment. For eczema..
any skin itching. 50c a box.
For Sale.
I have a few choice shade trees
on hand 8 to 10 feet high. De
livery from Sam Smith's garage.
P. E. RulTuer.
George, of Sterling, at Eagl1. Sun
day morning. George spent the
clothes is their
ability to render
SERVICE just as
your value to your
self is based on the service
you can render. We want
you to judge us as mer
chants by that standard.
ING is stripped of
all dead-loss, don't-get-y
ou-any whe r e
costs. In other words its
the "Short Line" to Econ
omy and Satisfacion.
Take our Quality
Clothes $20 to $35
for instance n o custom
tailor can make you better
clothestor $10 more money.
Take our STYLEPLUS $17 Clothes thev
represent a new set of values hitherto unknown to buyers
of clothing. If these clothes were sold in the open market, minus trademark they
would easily bring $20 to $25. These are the sort of values we offer you in our
New Spring Line. Your suit awaits a try-on. ..........
' ' 1
Hibsh wicnrmc-CO'a
As usual we are the first ones to feature the New Balmaccan Coats.
Just the thing for morning and evening wear or auto riding; Prices $20 to $35
New Ties
Saturday Special
Boys Waist or
Shirts 23c