The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 13, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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15 doz. men's silk ties, 19c or 5
for 50c
This is a reversible tie of unusual merit
Men's Fine Chambry Shirts, Soft
Collar 39c
Also dark blue and fancy stripes
Ask For the Advertised Pay-Day Bargains
Ground Selected and Plant to Be
Erected as Soon as
The Ions sought .iff or artificial
ice plant, which some of the
leading business men and capital
ists of the city have ben working?
on for the past few months, has
at last been made a sure thing
and it is now only a question of
a short time until the plant is
pot ten under way. Saturday aft
ernoon the gentlemen bavins' the
project in charpe met with the
JJurlinpton ollieials in repard to a
location for the plant and were
aide to secure a most desirable
location for the plant on the
ripht-of-way of the railroad, just
south of the Ilaylor coal sheds on
Richy street, and here the new
factory will be erected as soon as
The promoters of the company
expect to put up a brick buildinp
sulliciently larpe to accommodate
the fifteen-ton plant that it is
iimir-d on puttinp in here. It is
figured that as soon as the plant
can he potten under way in pood
shape that more space will be ad
ded to accommodate those who
desire to use the buildinp for a
cold storage plant, as well as the
artificial ice plant. Messrs. Carl
Kunsmann, C. ". IJaylor and J.
II. McMaken, said to be the pro
moters of the proposition, de
parted this morninp for Omaha,
where they will look over the se
curing of machinery for t lie new
plant, and the plans for the erec
Our Easter Business
Proved Our Styles Were Right.
mm m
Men's Knockabout Hats, in Cloth or Fur
tion of the buildinp will be rush
ed at once in order that it may be
potten in operation as soon as
The supply of ice on hand se
cured by the different dealers will
not near supply the demand made
by the consumers, and it will be
necessary to push the new plant
to rapid completion in order to
have it in shape to care for the
task of supplying the different
consumers of ice throughout the
city. The new ice plant has long
been needed here and each year
has made that need more appar
ent to the business men and thn
eeterprise of the gentlemen be
hind the movement is to he com
mended and they will find that
they will hafe the united
support of the citizens here in
their new business enterprise.
Darshall, Dentist, Coatca blook.
FOREST ROSE Best flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
Try a sack of Forest Rose flour
Your money refunded if not satis,
Yale Motorcycle for Sale.
Fully equipped and good as
new. Inquire at the Journal
Motorcycle for Sale.
In excellent condition, good as
new. Big, powerful 2-cylinder,
developing 7-10 II. P. Need the
money. Must sell at once. See
Ed Steinhauer at Journal office.
O. Sandin, D. V. M.f
graduate of the Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per
manently located in Platts
mouth. Calls answered
day or night. 'Phone 253.
Office COG Main.
THE business it
self was good.
It was very grati
fying to us to have our
spring styles approved in
this way. Practically ev
ery man who bought as
sured us that he was ex
tremely well satisfied.
Their praise should carry
weight with those who still
have spring clothes to buy.
You'll find suits
here to fit your purse and
person that conform to
your ideas of color, style
and pattern here in large
assortments. You'll find
splendid qualities at
$15, $17, $20
The finest qualities at
$25 and $30
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
Men's plain blue all woolsuits $9.95
Also fancy stripes and mixtures
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits,
strictly all wool $2.95
Plain or Norfolk Coats Also Juvenile
The ice business of the firm of
II. C. McMaken & Son, in this city,
has been purchased by J. II. Mc
Maken, one of the firm, and he
will in the future look after the
interests of the patrons of the
firm in the city. The fact that
this gentleman has purchased
the ice business will be the mat
ter of a great deal of pleasure to
the patrons, as he is a most
obliging gentleman and will see
that the best possible treatment
is accorded his friends and
pati'ons who trade with him. The
firm has on hand a large quantity
of the finest Missouri river ice,
which will be used to supply the
trade until the new artificial ice
plant is placed in operation, and
Mr. McMaken, who is one of the
promoters of the plant, will then
supply the trade from this source.
Mr. McMaken is a live wire for
the best interetss of the city and
has labored long and hard to give
those who do business with him
the best that it is possible to se
cure and has carried this idea in
to the ice business and during the
coming season the patrons can
rely on the fact that they are se
curing the best ice that it was
possible to secure this winter off
of the river. A few more days
like the past two and the ice
dealers will be in full blast fill
ing 'orders from their customers.
This morning Miss Violet
Dodge and Miss Marie Geiger of
Missouri Valley, Iowa, who were
here over Easter visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Dodge, the parents of Miss
Dodge, departed for the Iowa
city. Miss Dodge, who is one of
the most accomplished trimmers
in this part of the state, has en
joyed a most successful season
at Missouri Valley, and M. Fang
er, in whose millinery department
she is employed, has had a very
large sale of the artistic crea
tions of the ladies, and those
here who have had the pleasure
of seeing the work of Miss Dodge
will appreciate the good fortune
of the people of Missouri Valley
in having this lady with them to
look after their millinery trade.
John S. Hall departed this
morning over the Burlington for
his duties on the road, represent
ing the Torrid Zone furnaces, and
will make a trip into Wyoming
before returning home.
Butter Fat Wanted.
The undersigned manager of
the Lincoln Pure Butter Co., at
this station, is paying the highest
price for butter fat, as de
termined by the government Bab
cock test. We are also paying the
highest market price at all times
for all kinds of produce and
poultry. Call and see me before
disposing of your produce.
Fred Dawson,
Lincoln Pure Butter Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
I-I-I-I- I-I-I-I-I- I"I"M"I- -M-M-l'
J We are desirous of se
f curing the name of every
person now living who 4
4 traded with "C. E. Wescott
The Boss Clothier," in the f
! year 1879. Will you please
$ call at the store or send us
the name by mail? f
The Churches of the City Cele
brate in a Most Supreme Man
ner the Easter Day.
With a cloudless sky and the
atmosphere as balmy as a sum
mer's day, Easter Sunday was
one of the finest days so far this
year in this city, and the citizens
were out almost ail day to take-
advantage of the day and to enjoy
its beauty. The churches of the
city all held special services in
commemoration of the event that
brought out a great crowd of the
worshippers from the different
At the Episcopal church the
Rev. Charles C. llnllit of Duluth,
Minnesota, had charge of the
services and held a celebration of
the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock,
which was attended by a large
number of the members of the
parish, and was followed at 11
o'clock bv a full choral celebra
tion of the Holy Communion, and
a most pleasing sermon by this
eloquent and powerful speaker.
The usual impressive Easter
services were held at the two
Catholic churches by the Revs,
Father M. A. Shine and John
VIcek, who celebrated the beaut i
ful mass of the church, being as
sisted by the choirs. At the St.
John's church the choir, at the
second mass, was assisted by W.
It. Holly and E. II. Schulhof, on
the violin and cornet, which ad
ded greatly to the beauty of the
music of the mass.
The Methodist church, in ad
dition to the usual very stronf
and pleasing sermon of the pas-
tor at the morning worship hour
on the great . event they were
celebrating, enjoyed some most
pleasing music from the. choir.
and in the evening the hour of
service was given over to the
rendition of the "Seven Last
Words of Christ" by the member.'
of the choir Jind the Euterpean
Glee club, and the members of
the organization are certainly to
be congratulated on the manner
in whieh this masterpiece of
music was handled, and those
who had the .pleasure of hearing
the performance a year ago were
much impressed with the im
provement in the singers in the
different parts of this sacred
number, which is one of the most
dillicult and classic that has ever
been undertaken by any of the
musical organizations of the city.
The choir was assisted last even
ing by Mr. Lucious Prior of
Omaha, one of the most pleasing
soToists in the state's metropolis,
and his splendid work added
greatly to the beauty of the num
ber. The evening hour at the
church was attended by a large
number of worshippers that filled
the church to its utmost seating
The services at the German St.
Paul's church were in thorough
keeping with the spirit of the day,
the church being decorated very
beautifully with flowers, and the
choir rendered twro very pleasing
hymns of the faster day, in ad
dition to the bass solo of Mr.
Adolph Wesh, which added great
ly to the interest and impres
siveness of the services. The
congregation joined in the sing
ing of two of the beautiful Ger
man Easter hymns during the
service. The pastor, Rev. J. II.
Steger, spoke from the text "Mein
Osterglaube," and the sermon
which was one of the best heard
in the church for some time, was
most thoroughly appreciated by I
the worshippers, who filled the
church to its utmost capacity. At
the morning service there were a
very large number present to
partake of the Lord's Supper, the
confirmation class of the year;
making their first communion,
The annual Easter collection at
this church was $li3, which will
be used to carry on the church
The morning and evening
services at the First Presbyterian
church yesterday were very large
ly attended The Knights Tem
plars attended the morning serv
ice in a body. Rev. H. G. Mc-
Clusky delivered a splendid ser
mon on "The Realising of the
Resurrection," and he was given
the closest .attention by the large
number present. The large
ch'oir, under the able direction of
their-leader, Miss Mathilde- Val-
lery, -rendered a beautiful an-
uit-iii, iiosuima, uy JUies
drainer, the solo part being very
sweetly sung by Mrs. Glen Rawls,
while Miss Vallery gave an ex
cellent solo, "Open the Gales," by
Crosby-Knapp, and Professor F.
J. Kolbaba a beautiful violin solo
at this service. In the evening
the large auditorium of Ibis
church was again filled to listen
to the Easter concert and cantata,
"The Crucified," by George B.
Tk,T 1 1 j a
;evin, renuereu ov uie large
chorus, and it was one of the
most pleasing concei ts which ha?
been given at this church for
some time. Each number on the
program was rendered in a man-
ner which showed much time, ef
fort and practice on the part of
both the members of the choir
and their instruct ess, and was
highly appreciated by the alrge
audience. The choir was greatly
assisted in making this evening's
entertainment so edlightful bv
Professor F. J. Kolbaba, who ren
dered a beautiful piece of music,
Reverie." Space and time will
not permit us to mention each
nupiber separately, but taking
the program as a whole it was a
splendid concert ami one of the
best ever given in the city, and
Miss Vallery deserves much
credit. The pulpit had been very
attractively decorated with
Easter lilies, hydrangea, ferns,
palms and the like.
Moving Pictures of the Rainey
Mail Catcher Looks Good to
All Who See It.
Tho moving- pictures shown at
the Gem theater on Saturday
evening of the Rainey mail catch
er were most interesting to the
people of this city, not only be
cause of the fact that the mail
catcher is the invention of a
former Plattsmouth young man,
but also because this invention is
one that bids fair to become one
of the biggest things that has yet
been placed on the market.
The pictures showed the test
made of the mail catcher in re
ceiving different number of sacks
of mail ranging from one to four,
and the ease with which the ma
chine operates and the absolute
accuracy that it has in both the
delivery and receiving of the mail
pouches makes its success un
doubted. No matter at what high
rate of speed the mail trains are
traveling the automatic arrange
ment of the mail catcher makes
it impossible for a failure to do-
liver the mail. As the train nears
a town or mail station the mail
clerk attaches the pouch to be
delivered to the arm of the mail
catcher, which extends from the
side of the car and this is met in
turn by the arm of the mail post
that takes the pouch from the
hanger on the coach and auto
matically delivers to it another
pouch, thus saving a great deal
of time and danger of the loss of
The device has had several
thorough tests at different points
of the country, the one shown at
the Gem having taken place near
Omaha a short time ago. Quite a
number of Plattsmouth people
are interested in the stock com
pany that is preparing to put this
mail catcher on the market and
they all feel very confident that it
will be one of the biggest things
yet placed before the railroads of
the country. The success of the
Rainey mail catcher is undoubted
as it fills every requirement of a
mail catcher and deliverer and
will be the means of saving a
great deal of time in the handling
of the mail on the through trains,
Farmers. Notice!
Have you seen our special
Work Shoes for hard use? All
leather. guaranteed. Electric
Shoe Store, So. Gth St.
die of bowel
trouble more
th.ft Mff other
Acaoae. It it
MtlmatMf that of
3 every 1000 chicks
hatched each
tM ttiM dM reach marketable size. Germo-
zooe users raise, nsuaily. 90 of chicks hatched.
Germozone keeps the bowels ref ular. It prevents
diarrhoea from overdrinkinc ol water: from eating
masty or apoiled food, etc. It should be given in
drinking water twice a week from the day. they are
hatched. It atops the lose. Every chick that dies
ecu bwitr lota the profit from tb ML Every chick asrad
will pay tea east of a boctla of Garmaaona.
One stae only. So casta, at esaiar see pestpoM.
Fop Sale by F. Q. Fricke A Co.
1 1. 4trr n. 1 -r 1
J A -T,
Two-Sixty Standard ModeL
7 H. f. 1 win equipped with 1 1 a. . I irfht llirrrie
Tail I-iht. Electric Signal. Two Set. Storage Batteries and Corbin
Brown Kcar-Drive Speedometer. trice $260.00 F.O.B. Factory.
See Catalog for detailed description.
The Electrically - Equipped INDIAN
Thirteen years of motorcycle manufacturing experi
ence of developing and perfecting noteworthy im
provements in Indian models are embodied in the
new Indian machines for 1914.
The foresight and engineering skill which introduced such
features as the twin motor, folding footboards and the famous
cradle spring frame, have now presented to motorcycle riders
a machine fitted with high class practical electric equipment.
AH standard Indian Models for 1914 are equipped with electric
head light, electric tail light, electric signal, 2 sets storage bat
teries and rear-drive speedometer.
Such a combination of motorcycle advancement with an equip
ment, the items of which are the products of manufacturers of
highest integrity, has never before been offered to motorcycle
purchasers. The electrically equipped Indian, with its many
valuable comfort and mechanical features retained with 38
betterments is an achievement which, for actual motorcycle
value is unparalleled.
Ask as for the new Indian Catalog. It illustrates and describes
fully Indian features and equipment which cannot fail to
interest all prospective motorcycle purchasers.
Arrange With Us for a Demonstration at Your Own Home
R. & J.
Agents for Cass County Indian Motorcycle Nehawka, Neb.
This morning in Justice M.
Archer's court Ed Sheared, of
near Weeping Water, was ar
raigned, charged with being
drunk, assaulting Fred Spahnle,
ine constanie, and resisting an
ollicer. To all three of these
counts the prisoner entered a
plea of guilty and asked that the
court be as easy as possible on
him, as he desired a chance to do
better. The story of the affair, as
told by the prisoner ami the
sheriff, it seems that Ed had be
come well tilled with intoxicating
liquor anil was quite loud and
boisterous and the marshal warn
ed him to keep still, and then at
tempted to arrest Ed, who resist
ed and tried to pull away from
him, and on the attempt a man
named Watson to assist the mar
shal, Sheared kicked him in tin
stomach, and he knocked Spah
nle down and out, as he was being
placed in the jail, and it was
necessary to assist, the marshal
home. The father of the prison
er was present at the trial and
asked that the court be as lienient
as possible on the man, and
the justice gave him a line of $10
on each of the three counts,
which, with the costs, will run it
close to $12, and the father
agreed to stand good for the
Carl Crist and brother, ttroy
Crist, were passengers yesterday
morning for Omaha, where they
visited for the day with rela
tives in that city.
TInrrv Carle, who was one of
fhn members 'of the Booster base
ball team last season, arrived
here yesterday from Twin Falls,
Idaho, and will again be with, the
boys this season.
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Gorder that we must insist
upon being setteld at once. This
notice is final, and if same is not
paid within a reasonable time,
the accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
Fred Gorder,
Foley Kidney Pills Successful for
Rheumatism and Kidney
Positive in action for backache,
weak back, -rheumatism, kidney
and bladder troubles. P. J. Boyd,
Ogle, Texas, writes: "After tak
ing two bottles of Foley Kidney
Pills, my rheumatism and kidney
troubles are completely gone."
Safe and' effective. For sale by
all druggists.
FOR 1914
Mayor Sattler Proclaims Friday
and Saturday as "Clean-Up"
Days in This City.
The governor of the stale of
Nebraska, Hon. John II. More
head, has proclaimed that on next
Friday and Saturday, April 17
and 18, will be devoted in Ne
braska to "clean-up" days, and
he has called upon all the citizens
of the state to see that all rub
bish, dirt and trash around their
homes and places of business is
removed without delay. This is a
movement that should have the
hearty co-operation of every per
son in the slate, as there is
nothing that can add to a city or
a farm or home more than to see
it spick and span and without any
rubbish scattered around to de
tract, from the appearance of
things, and to see the citizens or
residents busy at cleaning up
and making things look as if they
were the property 'of wide-awake
citizens. Another feature of the
movement is the one that is de
stined to see that all dangerous
fire traps are removed and no ac
cumulation of paper or dirt is al
lowed to add to the danger of
creating a big conflagration bv
having a match dropped in them.
To further the interest in the
movement Mayor Sattler has is
sued the following proclamation?
To the Citicens of Plattsmouth:
Friday and Saturdav. Anril 17
and 18, having been proclaimed
as "clean-up" days by Governor
Morehead, I earnestly renuesf. all
the citizens of Plattsmouth to see
that they do their utmost to make
the occasion a success bv remov
ing all dirt and rubbish from
Iheir property and cut down the
danger from fires through thi
accumulation of trash. The
business part of the city in par
ticular should be thoroughly rid
den of all rubbish.
Eggs for Hatching.
Vhitf Plvmnnlh nni.1. rm-n
hatching; also baby chicks for
Sale. Ml'S- Geo. A JZn TflnVr.n.n
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
iuu years, unless I die in th
meantime. I have now an extra
nne stallion, tne hest in the Af.skt.n.
for sale. Well hrokA for hntH
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. Nd. f,