The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 13, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MONDAY, APRIL' 13.
'Cbz plattsmouth journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, N e b r.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloej S1.50 Per Year in Advance
Some scientists connected with
the University of Chicago have
given preliminary notice that
they will soon announce to the
world the discovery that the
center of the earth is not a molt
en mass, as some hypothesists
have argued. The statement is
positive and specific, without ifs
or ands, though we must await
the full text of the announcement
before we ascertain just who has
gone to the center of the earth to
gather proof of conditions about
which there has naturally been
more conjecture than positive
cxidence. But the scientists have
chosen wisely in selecting the
form of their declaration, if it be
their purpose to kindle the en
thusiasm of partisans. A mere
statement that the theory of a
motion mass, gradually cooling,
is not upheld by all the phe
nomena would have fallen on
listless ears. The dogmatic as
sertion that the center of tin
earlh is solid as steel will find
stanch defenders in all walks of
Our poets and philosophers
have often expressed horror of
dogmatism and insisted on open
minded study and discussion of
all subjects. The world has pre
tended to acquiesce in such an
attitude, but it has deceived it
self. Humanity is fond of dog
mat ism and cannot bear any
question remaining "open." Like
Noah's dove, that sought rest for
the sole of her foot, the human
mind cannot bear suspense. It
want, things ..."settled." The
ancient philosophers who insist
ed that the earlh rested on the
backs of elephants and that
earthquakes were due to the
restiveness of the pachyderm
during fly-lime had many more
partisans than their contem
poraries who admitted they were
not certain what supported the
earth. In religion genuine ag
nostics have been without follow
ers, although some using the
title have gathered about them
partisans who delighted in dog
matic denial of dogmas. In the
battle raging over higher
criticism the same conditions are
seen. The reverent, conservative
higher critics arouse no en
thusiasm. But the radicals, who
form a hypothesis, reason on it
and announce their conclusions
as demonstrated beyond any
shadow of doubt, number their
followers by thousands.
Believers in verbal inspiration
of the scriptures and their infal
libility in all points are doubly
strong with the masses of men,
for I hoy thus avoid all the per
plexities of examination of "or
iginal sources" and contem
porary records, about which
there must arise many puzzling
questions, and they at the same
time furnish proof texts for set
tlement of all the baffling prob
lems concerning God and man
and their mutual relations. In
science, religion and statecraft
the leaders who have great
armies marshaled under their
banners are those that dogma
tize, who are always positive in
assertion and are not troubled
with doubts of the infallibility of
the doctrines they espouse.
Villa's followers are reported
(o be enthusiastic over the pros
pects of rich "pickings" be
tween Torreon and Mexico City.
The Anti-Saloon League is en
titled to all the consolation they
receive from the election returns
last Tuesday; It will be precious
little at that.
A woman who kicks on the
"double standard" may be in
clined to be a cut-up herself.
This editor officially opened the
fly swatting season yesterday. Do
your Christmas swatting early.
:o :
And now Villa proposes to fire
all the Jews out of his jurisdic
tion. Well, what do you think of
There will be a larger number
of candidates this year than ever
before by the time the filing time
Eagle, Avoca, Cedar Creek,
Greenwood, Louisville and
Plattsmouth will be noted in the
"wet" column again this year.
There has been some real
fighting in Mexico recently, and
it is a consolation to patriots to
learn that both sides are learning
to shoot straighter.
The rumor as to Attorney Gen
eral Mclleynolds engagement
raises a suspicion as to why so
many unmarried men were se
lected for the cabinet.
Louisville went "wet" last
Tuesday by 22 majority. Be
sides a straight vote on the ques
tion the "wet" candidates for
councilmen were elected.
Missouri spent $4,758,315 on
highways last year, in one way
and another, surprising as the
figures may be. No wonder she
is a grand old state, even in road
:o :
Omaha, New Orleans and
Baltimore certainly received bad
treatment by those who hv.d t!i?
locating of the regional banks.
They simply "got it in the neck"
good and hard, that's alt.
:o :
Villa wants to be president of
Mexico, and may succeed. Mexico
has stood for lluerta quite
awhile, without bombarding the
national palace or putting a poi
son pill in his pulque, and sure
ly Villa is no more nor better.
:o :
It may be said for the Irish,
who have been waxing warlike
recently, that a revolutionary
movement there won't drag as it
does in Mexico, should it start.
When Ishmen fight, the damage
is fierce and continuous until a
sudden end is reached.
Don't forget Governor More
head's request to observe "clean
up" days April 17 and 18. The
suggestions of the governor are
very appropriate, and if our peo
ple will observe the days, there
is no doubt much "cleaning up"
will be accomplished. Concerted
action can do much in this direc
tion. But the truth of the mat
ter is that every day should be
"clean-up day."
:o: .
Governor Morehead is losing
no sleep because Bill Price wants
to run for congress, or anyone
else, for that matter. The gov
ernor has many friends in every
county in the district, all of
whom will stand for him against
all comers. They are all good
and reliable citizens who know
him as private citizen, a legis
lator and as governor. His ability
displayed in these positions dem
onstrates to a certainty that 'he
is just the kind of a man to re
flect credit upon the constituents
of the First district in the halls
of congress. There is no dis
counting this fact.
The stork inyth is. as .injuriou
to children as the Santa Clau
myth, in the opinion of a speaker
hpfnr the Northwestern Iowa
Teachers' convention at Ceda
Rapids, and the speaker argued
that parents who impose thes
myths on the children will be
made out prevaricators when th
prosaic facts are learned. I
would be interesting to know
whether there has ever been i
boy or a girl who felt a loss o
confidence in parents upon dis
covering the truth about either
the stork or Santa Claus. When
an individual reaches an age
when childish myths are put
away he recognizes what delight
ful make-believe they were, how
they brightened his childhood and
filled the world of his activity
with fairy beings, whose like he
will never see again, except when
by aid of imagination he himself
plays child with children.
The dull persons who assail
the Santa Claus myth on moral
grounds know nothing of children
and very little of morals, in the
highest sense. The moral de
velopment of children finds great
need for a world of make-believe.
A child naturally can have few
practical activities, and it is well
that this is so. It dwells in play-
land, a wonderful land, peopled
with the most beautiful creatures
of fancy. Nothing is more piti
ful than an overwise child, cold,
practical and sometimes cynical.
The prosaic adult who would un-
delude children of their fond im
aginings at a time when they
contribute both to their pleas
ures and their symmetrical de
velopment would commit little
ess than a crime.
The way for the parents to
maintain a reputation for verac
ity is by being truthful in all their
iraclical relations with their
children. Every promise made
them should be kept as faithfully
as an agreement in the business
world. The little hypocrisies of
social life have a baneful in
fluence on observant children.
The child is much more alert
than adults generally suppose.
An outburst of temper on the
part of a parent may linger long
n the child's recollection. A
child has a keen sense of justice.
A bit of meanness will be iong
remembered, and when an in-
ustice has been done the child
the memory of it is never com
pletely erased. School teachers
iave often lost all their influence
over children by a single hasty
act of injustice. The punishment
f a child on circumstantial evi
ence, in spite of its protest of
nnocence, is especially danger
ous. A hundred oflenscs that
were never punished or detected
will not weigh in the memory of
he child against one case of in
uslice. There are so many
aults of parents and teachers
hat are grievous in their effect
n children that it seems a
heer waste of eirort to dwell on
maginary i wrongs done children
by not undeceiving them as to
armless myths.
Somebody claims to have figur
ed it out that, maturing every ten
ays and bringing new families
nlo the world, the descendants
of a pair of fiies in a single sea-
on would be 4,353,50 4,672, 000,-
000,000,000,000,000 flies in a
ear. So if you kill one fly now,
just think what you are doing.
)o your fly swatting early.
John O. Yciser of Omaha is the
nly republican candidate to date
that has the courage of his con-
ictions and has paid the neces
ary filing fee for the guberna
torial position. John has cir-
ulated his platform, which is a
good deal like a prospectus. He
lands for a good many things
good, bad and indifferent, but ad
mits that he has been up against
ilmost everything politically so
hat he does not care who
knows it.
Beatrice voted against Sunday
baseball, and. Falls City voted out
saloons for the first time in its
mstory. will- wonders never
' ' ' ' :o :
Under the law no saloon
license application is vana un
less the notice is published in the
paper having the largest circula
tion in the county.
It now turns out that the Chi
cago packers have gone down in
to Argentine and dominated the
tattle situation. The packing
1. 1 il 1 I J .
nouses wuicn iney insuuiieu in
our sister republic do by far the
major part of the entire business
That's another reason why there
are no reductions in meat price
nen you near a noise now
adays in the back yard somethin
like a cow pulling her foot out of
the mud you may know that it is
some thrifty housewife beating
the carpet. You will never catch
a man doing that kind of physical
VAt-l -lCT. H is too MOieill lOI I11S
delicate muscles.
Many years ago an ambas
sador was defined as a man
"sent abroad to lie for the bene
fit of his country." That may
till be a part of his duties, but
his principal function seems to
be to attend social and other
gatherings and be able to say
something nice without overdo
ing it. Still, there may be a good
leal of wise and shrewd diplo
macy in all that.
What do our merchants think
lbout the road dragging day pro
posed by the Journal? (Jive a
mall prize of some kind to every
armer who will come to town on
any dale in the near future with
a road drag. The merchants are
doing this in many towns, not
uily in Nebraska, but other
states, and why not Plattsmouth
nerchants do the same?
Let a man dies and he is sud
denly full of good qualities, his
faults are forgotten and only the
good one are remembered. This
s all right, but it will do no good
hen. Why not pass over the
shortcomings of the living while
they are with us, and do them
some good? Being kind to the
iving means something, but be
ing kind to the dead means noth
That Theodore Roosevelt did
not send a bill for S3. 000 to
Brazilians as pay for a speech
before a historical society in Rio
aniero,. after he had been feted
by that government, is a declara-
ion of Lawrence F. Abbott of the
Outlook. Abbott says the ar
rangement was made before the
olonel left for South America.
t last accounts the colonel still
has the money.
The state university removal
enthusiasts are not .so "gay" as
hey were a few months since.
he more the taxpayers of the
late think of the cost of rtMvi ov
al the more they think it will be
ust as well for it to remain
where it is. The principal ad
vocates of removal are simply a
ev land speculators in Lincoln,
and the taxpayers are rapidly
nding- out that this is truly a
This is a sort of topsy-turvy
world, to make the best of it. One
man is struggling to get justice,
and another one is Hying from it.
One man is saving every cent he
aji to buy him a house, and an
other one is trying his best to
ell his dwelling for less than it
cost him. One man is spending
all the money he can possibly
am in taking a girl to a threater
and another buying her valuable
presents in the hope that he may
eventually make her his wife, and
his neighbor is spending all the
old he has saved for years in
trying to get a divorce. burely
this is a queer old world.
O f Mil
Paster Russell Personally Con
ducted Exhibitions.
Over 35,000 See and Hear In One Day
the Story of the Bible as Presented by
This Truly Great Drama -In Fore
noon Pastor Russell Preached on That
Feature of His Photo-Drama Which
Relates to "the Chiefest Resurrec
tion," Which Began With Jesus His
Footstep Followers Share In It With
Him Then Will Come Another Class
on the Spirit Plane Then Will Fol
low the Resurrection of the Ancient
Worthies Remainder of World Will
Be Resurrected Gradually During
Thousand Years of Messiah's Reign.
Louisville, Ky.,
April 12. In the
Shubert Masonic
Theatre here this
afternoon Pastor
Russell presented
his Photo-Drama
of Crcution. It is
truly a wonderful
presentation of the
Bible narrative.
Nothing of the
kind has ever be
fore been shown
here. It is inter
m r
esting to the point of fascination. One
desires to see it over and over again.
It is now reported successful iu more
than thirty of the best theatres of the
principal cities, where crowds are the
rule. Over 35,000 attend In one day,
and the numbers are rapidly rising.
In the forenoon Pastor Kussell deliv
ered a discourse on "The Chiefest Res
urrection," from the text, "There shall
be a resurrection of the dead, both of
the just and the unjust." Acts 24:13.
The Tastor remarked that Easter
Sunday, throughout the civilized world,
stands as the reminder of the resurrec
tion of Jesus; and yet there has perhaps
never been a time when the professed
followers of Jesus have believed less
in the Resurrection of the Dead than
at present. This shows a great falling
away from the faith once delivered to
the saints. The Resurrection hope is
the great hope which the Bible sets be-
fore mankind.
The Pastor cited various Scriptures
to prove that death is the penalty of
sin the curse which came upon Adam
and all his race because of Adam's dis
obedience to God in Eden. He showed
that God's promise to roll away the
curse, and to give blessing instead, in
cludes every member of the human
family. He reasoned, and produced Bi
ble proofs in support, that tbe bless
ing of all the families of the earth,
therefore, will mean tbe resurrection
of the dead tbe resurrection of Adam
and every member of his race.
The earliest information on God's
part that He would do anything for
man's recovery from tbe death sen
tence, was given when our first parents
were expelled from Eden. There God
vaguely declared that at some future
time the Seed of the woman should
bruise the serpent's head. This was
merely a ray of hope, with no intima
tion of how It would be accomplished.
God's first definite statement of what
He purposed to do for Adam and his
race was made to Abraham two thou
sand years after sin had entered the
world. To Abraham God made known
His future good Intentions toward
Adam and all of his posterity. He
said, "I purpose to bless all the fam
ilies of tbe earth. Walk before Me
and be thou faithful; and the blessing
shall come to the human family
through thee and thy posterity." Aft
er Abraham had endured tests, God
confirmed the previous assurances and
gave His oath to prove the certainty
of the whole matter. The words were:
"In thee and in thy Seed shall all the
families of tbe earth be blessed."
The Law Covenant and Shadow.
God knew, when He made tbe Prom
ise to Abraham, that his Spiritual Seed,
The Christ, would not appear even in
the flesh for more than two thousand
years. He knew also that it would be
nearly two thousand years after that
before the Spiritual Seed would be giv
en the necessary power and authority
to bind Satan and to release the slaves
of sin from tbe tomb and from the
shackles of ignorance, superstition and
weakness. But it was neither neces
sary nor expedient that all this should
be told to Abraham. It was sufficient
that the friend of God should know of
a surety that a blessing was coming,
and that his seed would be Identified
with that work of blessing mankind.
God did. Indeed, give a typical lesson
respecting tbe fact tbat there would
be two seeds of Abraham; one, Heaven
ly, and the other, cartlilu. Without ex
plaining tbe matter to Abraham, God
stated it so that, it would be written
aforetime for the information of the
Household of Faith of this Gospel Age.
He said, "Thy Seed shall be as tbe
stars of Heaven, and as tbe sand of
tbe seashore." One of these seeds
would be developed under the Law by
being required to obey the Divjne Law,
and thus being helped up toward per
fection. The other Seed, the Heaven
ly, would be by grace, not by Law.
Good works accounted to the
Heavenly Seed on the basis of faith.
St Paul 'calls 'our nttentfon' to "these
two seeds, and assures us tnat tne
Promise of God made to Abraham ap-
pertains to both the Heavenly, Spirit-
ual Seed, and the earthly, human-na-
ture class. His words are: "Therefore
it is of faith, tbat it might be by
grace; to the end that the Promise
might be sure to all the seed; not to
that only which is of tbe Law, but to
that also which is of the faith of Abra
ham." Romans 4:1G.
God allowed Abraham's posterity,
through Jacob, to
o aown to Jgypt,
and there to become a nation of bond
men. Later, He brought them to
Mount Sinai, 'here He made a Law
Covenant Avith them. Moses serving as
its Mediator. In that Covenant God
promised that if the Israelites would
keep His Law perfectly He would use
them as His holy nation for the bless
ing of all nations. But God knew that
Israel could not keep that Covenant
into which they entered.
God had a double purpose In entering
into that Covenant with Israel. (1) It
served to show them that they were
sinners, who could not keep the Law
and who could not be blessed them
selves by anything that they could do;
a.d that hence they could not expect
to be used of God in the blessing of
other peoples. Additionally, it taught
a similar lesson to all others who
would snbsenuentlv know about the
arrangement. That one great lesson
was that God's Law is perfect, and
obedience to it requires perfection, and
that no man is perfect; hence no man
is able to keep the Law of God; hence
no man is entitled to eternal life; for
God purposes to give eternal life only
to the perfect,
(2) Another object was that the Law
Covenant and everything appertaining
thereto were typical, and pointed for
ward to slorious antitypes, which
would bring in the real blessings.
The Antitypes Far Superior.
The Law Covenant typified the New
Law Covenant of the future, which
will be in operation for ill the families
of the earth during the Thousand years
of Christ's reign. The Mediator of that
New Covenant will be the antitype of
Moses The Christ Jesus the Head,
and the Church His Body, enthroned
in power and great glory as the anti
typical Melchizedek a Triest upon His
Throne. As the typical Covenant was
Inaugurated by tbe sacrifice of bulls
and goats, so the antitypical Covenant,
tbe New Law Covenant, will be inaug
urated upon the basis of "better sac
rifices" than those. As the typical
Covenant had its Day of Atonement
for the sins of the people, so the an
litvnical Covenant will have a much
greater Atonement Day.
The offering of the "better sacrifices''
takes place during the early part of the
antitypical Atonement Day, which be-
can eighteen hundred years ago and is
not yet completed. Tbe great Sin-Of-
fering was that of Jesus, finished at
Calvary; but His secondary offerings,
as our great High Priest have contm
tied ever since; and during this period
He has been offering up the members
of His Body, justified through His
precious sacrifice. These, the Apostle
declares, are holy and acceptable sac
rifices, because offered by their great
Redeemer and Advocate,
Soon, we believe, tbe antitypical
sacrifices will all be slain. Soon all
the members will be glorified with
their Head, their Lord Jesus, beyond
the veil. This is the First Resurrec
tlon. The chance of Jesus to the
Heavenly condition at His resurrection
was the beginning of this Chief Resur
reclion; and the glorious change of the
last member of the Body of Christ, the
Church, will be the consummation of
the Chief Resurrection. Only the bless
ed and holy will have part In it.
The High Priest Will Appear,
The typical high priest on the Day
of Atonement, after having offered the
sacrifices, put on his glorious garments,
and then appeared to bless tbe people.
Tbe antitype will be when our great
High Priest. Jesus, shall have finished
offering the last member of His Body,
and when that last member shall have
passed bevond the veil. Then the en
tire Melchizedek Priest will put on nis
official robes as King of glory, and be
manifested to the world as tbe great
antitvnical Mediator, whose sacrifice
satisfies Divine Justice in behalf of all
Then, for a thousand years, this anti-
typical Priest. Mediator, King, will be
engaged in blessing mankind uplifting
Adam and all bis race from sin and
death; and thus He will fulfil, as God's
Representative, the promise, "God
shall wipe away all, tears. Rev. 21:4.
Redemption Necessary First.
We now see from God's standpoint
that tbe Law Covenant was added be
cause of transgression to show the
natural tendency of sin. tbe impossi
bility of any other way of righting the
matter than that which God foreor
dained; namely, through Jesus and His
glorious Messianic Kingdom.
We see also tbat whoever would be
the Seed of Abraham with power and
authority from God to bless mankind
must, first of all, accomplish a redemp
tionmust pay the penalty against
mankind. In God's Providence, only
one man was tried and sentenced to
death Adam, Therefore when tbe
time came for redeeming mankind it
required only one man, The Man
Christ Jesus, to die for Adam. As
Adam's sin had entailed Itself through
heredity upon all his children, so the
redemptive work of Christ's sacrifice
would be co-extensive, and signify recon
ciliation to all of Adam's race.
Thus it. was impossible for anything
to be done in the way of blessing man
kind or granting a resurrection from
the dead until Christ had died for the
sin of Adam the sin of the world. On
the third day after Jesus'
' crucifixion
dead, fullv
God raised Him from tbe
empowered to be
Adam and his race.
the Deliverer of
I Uutlvfcen" Jesus arose from the dead.
tne blessing of the woria was nox yei.
ana cinA. who had foreordained that
jeSus should be the antitypical Seed of
Ahrnhnm. had foreordained also mat
jeSus should have a Church to be IUs
joint-heir in the Kingdom or giory anu
the work of blessing mankind. God
foreordained that all who would be of
this Body of Christ must show the
same spirit that He had a spirit of
faithfulness, loyalty, self-sacrifice. God
nrAdostinated that this Church class
I 1 . . . . Tf in
must be conformed to toe image oi
Son must possess similar character.
All through this Gospel Age God has
been developing the Church as the
Body of the great antitypical Mediator
of the New Covenant. These are de
veloped under a special Covenant, dif
ferent entirely from the New Cove
nant, made with the world.
Jesus did not become the great Medi
ator under the Law Covenant; for the
Law Covenant offered life; whereas
the Covenant under which Jesus quali
fied called for death. The Church of
Christ is developed under the same
Covenant under which the Master
qualified, which reads: "Gather My
saints together unto Me; those that
have made a covenant with Me by
sacrifice." Psalm 50:5.
The New Covenant is to be sealed,
or made operative, through the blood
of Christ. The efficacious sacrifice was
that of Jesus Himself. The Church
has a share in tbe sacrifice of Christ as
a privilege; for in God's order, only by
suffering with Him can she reign with
Him; only by becoming dead with
Him to the earthly life, earthly Inter
ests, can she become alive with Him
on the Heavenly, Spiritual plane.
The Chiefest Resurrection.
From what we have seen, we are
prepared for St Paul's declaration tbat
Jesus faithful footstep followers only,
can share with Him in His Resurrec
tion. (Philippians 3:10.) Only those
who are to reign with Him will re
ceive. In the resurrection, the Divine
nature, to which He was changed In
nis resurrection. The Master's words
to these are: "Blessed and holy are all
they that have part in the Chiefest
Resurrection; upon such the Second
Death hath no power; they shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall
reign with Him a thousand years."
Next to the Royal Priesthood of the
First Resurrection will be the antityp
ical Levltes. Their resurrection will
be to spirit conditions, because they ex
perienced the begetting of the Spirit.
Failing to get the highest prize joint
helrship with the Savior they will con
stitute the Great Company, "whose
number no man knows," to serve God
In His Temple. As the Levites of old
were the servants of the typical priest
hood, so these antitypical Levltes will
be the servants of the Royal Priesthood
in the great work of blessing and in
structing mankind.
"Better Resurrection" of Ancient
We come now to the resurrection of
the world in general, and find that of
those who will be resurrected to hu
man perfection there is already select
ed a preferred class. Theirs will be
the chief resurrection on the earthly
plane. These are the holy ones of the
period preceding the coming of Jesus
and the offer of the High Calling of
Joint-heirsblp with Him. Some of this
glorified class St. Paul mentions In He
brews 11: Enoch, Noah, Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, all the Prophets and those
less notable. The last of these was
John the Baptist, as Jesus testified,
saying, "Among them tbat are born of
women there has not risen a greater
than John the Baptist; notwithstand
ing he that is least in the Kingdom of
Heaven is greater than he."
These Ancient Worthies, had they
lived during this Gospel Age, would
doubtless have been members of the
Royal Priesthood. As It Is, however,
being approved of God, they were
promised "a better resurrection" than
others of humanity. St. Paul says of
them: "These all died In faith, not
having received the promises,
God having provided some better thing
for us, that they without us should not
be made perfect." By this the Apostle
signifies tbat the Church must be per
fected on the Heavenly plane prior to
God's fulfilment of His promises to the
Ancient Worthies on the earthly plane.
Hebrews 11:13, 40.
The better resurrection of the An
cient Worthies will be to human perf ec-
tlon, to be used by Messiah as earthly
representatives of His Spiritual Klne-
dom. Of this Jesus said to some: "Ye
shall see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and
all the Prophets In the Kingdom."
They will be seen because they will be
human leings. Christ and the Church
will be unseen, because they will be
spirit beings. As Jesua said, "Yet a lit
tle while, and the world fceeth Me no
mora" Even the Church sees not her
Lord until she is changed.
The World's Resurrection.
As death constituted the Divine corse
upon Adam, which the whole world
Inherited by natural laws, and as sick
ness, sorrow and pain are elements of
death, tbe rolling away of the curse
will mean the rolling away of sickness,
pain, sorrow and death. God has nro-
vided a thousand years for this great
work, which will include all the mem
bers of tbe human family, "every man
in his own order." Those who have
fallen asleep must needs be awakened.
Then the world's resurrection program
win begin. It will include the pro
gressive steps of unllftlnff out of sin.
ignorance, imperfection, back to God'a
image and likeness. Only tbe wilfully
wicked shall ultimately be destroyed
in the Second Death.
Then every creature In Heaven anrt
farth - everywhere, will be heard say-
lns' " Vr!Lls glory, honor, dominion
vtiiv in a l Birretn
upon tbe Thron. and unto tht'Lattb