The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Alvo IMofiei
Our 5th shipment of Exclusive
Millinery is here
More than 100
Beatiful Hats of the newest
pattern for early summer com
pleting a most attractive collec
tion of entirely new styles.
Save Money With These Prices
W W & i
For attractive
hats priced else
where to $7.00.
For stylish Hats
usually priced to
For stunning
patterns selling
to $15.00.
I would suggest to those who can
to come as early as possible to avoid
the crowds of the afternoon and even
Open Saturday Evening
till 10 o'clock.
Only Dependable Goods
y sissa i Jjij
for 1 1 -1- kind hospitality, the
t.'iie:-s dispersed, d.-elaring the
hnsli'ss a;i excellent entertainer.
The iin inliors of the Woman's
R'Ii'f Corps lu ld their social
ineHiriir at the home ()f .Mrs. Inez
Stenner Tuesday afternoon, ami
tin- iiKiiih.M's ami friends in at
tendance had a lovely lime.
There a a lart-e number pres
ent and plenty of amusement va
derived from social conversation
and siilr hin'-r on beautiful fancy
work, i-oe tlie occasion the par
lors and sitting room had been
r 1 1 1 actively decoration with love
ly house plants. During the aft
ernoon the ladies took a walk
through I lie conservatory, which
was -ienily enjoyed. About 5
o'clock a delightful lunch was
served by the hostess, she being
asited hy hep mother and Mrs.
Cowb-s. After the hos
tess and thanking her
Give Comfort to Stout Persons.
A piMiil wholesome cathartic
that has a stimulating effect on
the stomach, liver and bowels is
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Thor
oughly cleansing in action, they
kcep you regular with no
ari l no unpleasant after effects.
They remove that, gassy distended
feelimr so uncomfortable to stout
persons. Fur sab by all druggists.
Eggs fop Hatching.
White Plymouth Hock epgs
hatehing; also baby chicks
sole. Mrs. Geo. a Ka.'Tenber!
I'ialtsinoul h.
Residence fop Sale.
The Mr. McVicker residence
property on North Sixth street is
offered for sale. For particulars
call on Mrs. J. E. Leesley.
Best results are secured by ad
(Crfisinpr in the Journal.
The lot around the government
building on Fifth street is hav
ing a concrete retaining wall
placed at the south end of the lot
next to the alley that will aid in
ielaining the dirt from shilling
from around the building. This
will greatly si lengthen the work
that has been done around the
building, and following this the
work of finishing up the sodding
govern ment lot will be
ted. When the sodding is
finished up it will make the sur
roundings of (he government
buildinp" as nice as ca;i possibly
be found and worthy of the hand
some structure that Uncle Sam
has placed here for the benefit of
the citizens of I'lat tsmout h.
of the
c mph
The Want Ads ge results.
Being Well Dressed
THERE'S more to being
well dressed than
having style and fit. The quality
is more than either, style and fit
depend on quality, good fabrics good tailoring.
Any clothes that fit and have good style look
well when you buy them; "well dressed" means
clothes that look well after a season'b wear.
Come in any day, we'll show you clothes that
you'll be well dressed in.
New Patterns
New Models
There is a strong tendency to
stripes and plaids; many black
and white, gray and white, blue and white, and
subdued greens and browns are right. The models follow the natural shape of
the figure, almost no padding, shorter coats, smaller sleeves, and narrower
' .X; i
c ' i it i i i
$ 1 I o
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
Alvo looses i s""r y " " il
business in
in .Lincoln on
a Lincoln
Will Casey bad
Lincoln Tuesday;
J. A. Shalfer was
business Monday.
Mrs. Moore was
visitor Wednesday.
Miss Flora JJoyles is mi the
(leoipe Skiles of Miirdoc-k was
in town Tuesday,
sick list. Ibis week.
Will Hoyles was visit inpr rela
tives in Alvo Tuesday.
Charels (lodbey was in Lincoln
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. James House
weul to Lincoln Wednesday.
l'ele Mick had business in
Omaha Mondav and Tuesday.
Mrs. S. (. Hoyles returned
home Saturday from University
Place and Lincoln.
Mrs. Shaffer bas a new Mandy
Lee incubator, which is certainly
a splendid machine.
Alex Skiles of University IMace
was in (own Monday. Jle reports
Mrs. Skiles no better.
Mrs. C. C. Huckneil and daugh
ter, (irace, were trading and
visiimp relatives j uesuay.
Dean Kamm shipped a carload
f cattle to South Omaha Mon
day, Mr. Kamm jroing: with the
Oct your "Arc LiphL" coal oil
for your incubalor at the druir
-tore. It will keep the heat where
it oupht to be.
U. H. Jordan was in Lincoln
Monday takintr treatment for his
yts. which have been pivinir him
rouble for ;i lonp- time. s
Mrs. Harry Ai'pleman returned
i'iiim Lincoln Saturday, where
she had been visit intr her lauph-
ei. Miss Marie, who is attending
the state university.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Hoye
in I .ir. ami .Mrs. jmi i-.vans went
Omaha I ucsday and Lmfoin
Last Week the Omaha Merchants Sold 50,000
Trees, Plants and Shrubs for 10c Each
By fcsfiirs s.
have on sale at our store the following
on April 1 1 th at the same price:
!S Jonathan, Grimes Golden. Wealthy Gano,
Davis, Yellow Transparent, Winesap, Greening.
250 ROSES 10 popular varieties.
200 GRAPES 3 hardy varieties.
150 PEACH TREES Daily, Champioe, Crawford, Heath Cling,
and Alberta.
100 CURRANTS Wilder, Red Dutch and Cherry.
150 SPIREA Van Hautter, Billardi and Hydrangas.
i'uesday niphl on business and
olensure. lelurninv' liorue Wed
nesday moininp:.
J. A. Shall'er i-eceived a thor
Miirhbred Oohl Hand strain Mot
tled Ancoiia cockerel from (en
lial Uitv lat week. After April
JOth will have a few settings of
epps to spare.
The play, "Hill the Cochman,"
presented last Thursday even
ing at the Sione hall by the Alvo
Dramatic club, was well attended
and well rendered. We hope the
ouiiir folks will continue such
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn
of Murdock isited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Hudolph Kuehn, the
latter accompany inp- them home,
remaining until Wednesday
morninp- with her parents, Mr.
and .Airs. Veter Eveland.
Mrs. V. M. (Jrove and children
returned home last week from
Central City, where she had been
visitinp- her sister, Mrs. Flla Van-
noy,.for a week. She was accom
panied home by her mother, Mr.-
.seine .Mccurily, wlio lias heen
there for several months.
The town election passed off
uuiellv Tuesday. The votes cast
for the candidates were as fol
lows: John Murfey, 3-S; J. L
Suavely. 3; S. C. I?yles, 29; Ular-
ence Curyea, 20; Jas. House, 0;
Charles Hosenow, ;j. Those re
ceiving the majority were elected
for two years.
Mrs. Fred - I'routy, w ho has
been sufferinpr with inflammatory
rheumatism lor some lime, was
taken to the Everett sanitarium
at, Lincoln Monday on No. 13,
where she will take treatment.
Mr. Prnuty and her sister, Mrs
Joe Armstronpr, accompanied her,
the latter reniaininer until Wed
Monday mornincr Mr. and Mrs
Perry Cook and Miss Stdla
Sheesley accompanied their sis
ter, Mrs. Carlton fSullion, and
son. Raymond, to Lincoln, from
where they departed Monday
eveninpr over the Ilurlinprton for
Salt Lake City, Utah, where they
will make their future home. Mr.
(lull ion preceded her several
weeks apro and has taken land
there. Mrs. Cullion and son
visited relatives here the past
Sunday morninfr about 11
o'clock, while driving to town,
Noel and Charloy Foreman had a
runaway, the team running: into
a telephone pole, breaking1 it in
two places, thus throwing" the
State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas Comity, si.
Frank J. Cheney makes outh that be i Ben lor
fiartner of tue firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., lo
riff business In the City of Toledo. County and
Ptate aforesaid, and that paid firm will pay
the sum of UX'E HUNDRED DtrLLAUS for
each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of liall'a Catarrh Cure,
Pworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this COi day of December. A. D., lSStt.
Notary IubUc.
Hall's Catarrh Ca'e Is taken internally and
acta directly unon the blKid and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
4 F. J. cnENEI & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all Druggists, 73c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constlpaUom.
telephone poles over the tele
graph wires, grounding" the cur
rents. The telephone company,
the Hock Island agent and the
section crew worked hard to get
the wires untangled. The acci
dent put. the telephone company
out of service until 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon.
Died Sunday morn ins at 7
o'clock. I'aul B., the 11-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl John
son, who reside two miles west
of town. The deceased was at
tending school in Alvo arid was in
school Thursday, remaining over
night' with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Johnson, sr., and
became sick during' the night. His
father look him home Friday
morning. His sickness proved to
be a severe case of the mumps
and after suffering1 greatly from
( p. m. Saturday, passed away
Sunday morning with con
vulsions. His death came as a
great shock to the community.
Funeral services were held at the
Catholic church at F.lmwood at
1(1 o'clock Wednesday morning,
conducted by Rev. Fdward llagan.
Hurial at the Alvo cemetery. The
pall-bearers were his school
mates. Orville, Klmer and Willie
Ingwerson, Charles Foreman,
Johnnie Parsell and Meger De
Jarnett. The children of the
Alvo school and teachers. Mi
M. Carr and Mr. Orison Sharp
gave a pillow of beautiful flowers
with the name, "Paul,"' in the
center, and there were manv
other beautiful tloral offering
Little Paul will be greatly missc
by all and the sorrowing parent
have the deepest sympathy o
their manv friends.
Mrs. Will Stoll is getting along
as well as can be expected under
the circumstances.
Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Stoll. was quite sick last week.
Dr. (iilmore was summoned Sun
day, and reports her much im
proved. F. C. Schomaker, accompanied
by his wife and mother, were in
Omaha Saturday on business.
Mrs. Lou Young sold nearly a
hundred dollars' worth of her line
bred Plymouth Rock chickens on
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and little
girls are home again from Lin
coin, where they had spent the
winter, while the g-irls were at
tending school.
Leo was quite sick Sat
urday for a short time.
Miss Lottie Wunderlich and
Clayton Rosenerans were num
bered among the invited guests
at the Oeorge Hansen home Sun
York Phone Hearing Has Second
Inning Before Rail Board.
Lincoln. April 9. The York tele
phone hearing had its second inning
belore the state railway commission
Some time ago the Lincoln Telephone
company made application to the com
mission for a raise in rates at the
York plant and a hearing was had, in
which objection was made to the valu
ation placed on the plant hy the com
mission's engineers and a request
made that an independent engineer be
sent to York to make a valuation on
the plant. The imported engineer,
Mr. Stone, placed the reproduction
value of the York plant at $155,981 and
the present value at $99,231. The en
gineers of the commission found the
reproduction value at $164,148 and the
present value to be $119,539.50.
Mr. Stone was on the stand and was
questioned as to what an ideal plant,
such as would be needed at York,
would cost and the best service to be
received for the least money. In his
opinion such a plant would cost $V5,-
000 and the cost of maintenance should
be 1 per cent.
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Gorder that we must insist
upon being; setteld at once. This
notice is final, and if same is not
paid within a reasonable time,
the accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
Fred Gorder,
Spring Laxative and Blood
Flush out the accumulated
waste and poisons of the winter
months; cleans your stomach,
liver and kidneys of all impuri
ties. Take Dr. King's New Life
Pills: nothing better for purifying-
the blood. Mild, non-griping
laxative. Cures constipation;
makes you feel fine. Take no
other. 25c, at your Druggist.
"Stitch in time saves nine." We
take the tired feeling out of old ma
chines. Only first-class machine
shop in the county. Let us fix it.
Helps you. Helps us.
Western Machine and Foundry Co.
(Not Inc.)
Plattsmouth, Neb. L. C. SHARP, Owner
The smallpox situation in the
vicinity of Union is being looked
after with great vigor by the
county authorities, who have
taken every precaution to see
that the disease is not allowed
to spread. The family of Mr.
Jefferson Cross, where the dis
ease was lirst discovered, is get
ting along nicely according to re
ports received from that section,
and there is no fear felt but
what they will recover in good
shape from the attack. The home
of J. D. Bramblett, the precinct
assessor, who, while Mr. Cross
was ill with the disease, visited
the Cross home to secure their
returns and conversed with Mr.
Cross,' has been quarantined in
order to see whether any symp
toms of the disease will appear
or not. There are a large num
ber in the precinct that have been
quarantined in order to be on the
safe side in case any dangerous
signs of the spread of the disease
appears. The county physician,
Dr. J. IL Hungate, of Weeping
Water, is looking after the situa
tion and will see that every effort
is made to stamp out the disease
and to prevent any further cases
appearing in that neighborhood.
One of the fortunate things is
that the case reported is not a
severe one and can be handled
Reliable Foley's Honey and Tar
Just be sure that you buy
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
it is a reliable medicine for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping
coughs, bronchial and in grippe
coughs, which are weakening to
the system. It also gives prompt
and definite results for hoarse
ness, tickling throat and stuffy
wheezy breathing.
The Journal for stationery.
Trimmed Hats and Hat Trimmings
TV yrUST be closed out in the next Ten
Days, and the prices will do it.
Look in our window and the prices will
astonish you . . .