The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 0, 1914.
Samuel G. Stone. Plaintiff,
Krederich Fuchs, et al.. Defendants. "
To 1'rederich Fuchs, Mrs. Frederlch
Fuctis, his wife, first and real name
unknown, tlie unknown heirs and de
visees of Frederic-h Fuchs, deceased;
T. V. Newman, first and real name
unknown, the unknown heirs and de
visees of T. "W. Newman, deceased;
H. F. Price, and the unknown heirs
and devisees of H. F. Price, deceased,
You and each of you are hereby
notififd that on the 17th day of Feb
ruary, A. 1. 114. the plaintiff herein,
Samuel O. Stone. nl-d his petition in
the Kistrict Court of Cai County, Ne
braska, atrainst you as defendants, the
object and prayer of which are to quiet
and confirm in the plaintiff the fee
pimple title in and to the following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt: Lots een
7. eight (8) and nine 9), in block
seventy-five (75), In the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska,
except a strip four and one-half feet
45 in width off of the east fide of
said lot nine (9), to obtain a judgment
decreeing that the plaintiff is the
owner in fee simple of all of said de
scribed real estate, and to forever ex
clude and enjoin you and each of you
from claiming any right, title, claim,
lien or interest in or to the above de
scribed real estate, and to remove cer
tain clouds from plaintiff's title there
to, and for equitable relief. Plaintiff
alleges that he and his immediate
grantors have been in the actual, con
tinuous, open, notorious, exclusive and
adverse possession and ownership of
all said described real estate, claiming
the same against all the world and
especially against the defendants here
in, sincethe year lbC6.
you and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
I" 7 th day of April, A. I. 1514. and if you
fail so to do your default will be
entered therein and judgment entered
as praved for in plaintiff's petition.
lated this 12th day of March, A. D.,
Attorney for rialntlff.
Notice is hereby jjiven that The Jean
Ijjnd and Cattle Company, a corpora
tion, was organized on the 7th day of
liHich. A. I. 114. The name of the
i i.rporation is The Jean Land and Cat
tle Company: the principal place
where said corporation will transact
business i at Platt.mouth. Cass Coun
ts Nebraska: the general nature of
the business to le transacted by said
corpora t ion is the operation of a ranch
for raising stock of all kinds, the pur
chase and tale of Ptock, planting,
cultivating and purchase of crops for
feeding stock, and purchase and sale
of real estate necessary for the con
ducting of a general ranching busi
ness, and including the erection and
repair of buildings and other improve
ments necessary therefor, and to ac
quire, by purchase or otherwise, all
properties necessary to carry Into
effect the purposes herein named. The
authorized capital stock of said cor
poration is JilO.000.00. Said corpora
tion commenced to do business on the
7th day of March. 1914. and continue
during a period of twenty years. The
hisrhest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation shall
at any time subject itself shall not
he more than two-thirds of the ag
gregate of its capital stock. The
an sirs of the company will be trans
acted and managed by a Board of
Iirecton. composed of not less than
three. nor more than live members.
To all of which you will tak due
Cas County,
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of
David Stettler. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be had upon claims
lih'd against said estate, before
rue, County Judse of Cass County.
'Nebraska, at the County Court
loom in Plattsmouth, in said
county, on the 25th day of April,
191 i. and on the 2Gth day of
October, 11) 1 i, al 0 o'clock a. in.,
each day for examination, ad
justment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said
court on op before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said Counly Court, at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, this 27 th day
of March, A. 1). 191 i.
County Judge.
DALE S. BOYLES, Attorney.
lx tiii: om TV cm ht ix axij
KtHt Till". 4-oI XTV OF CASS,
m;hk akka.
In Te Estate of John M. Johnson,
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that a Peti
tion has been filed in this Court asking
for the administration of the estate of
John M. Johnson, deceased, and that
l- Quinton has been nominated as
administrator: that a hearing will he
h::d upon said petition on the 14th (lav
of April. A. I). 114. at 9 o'clock a. m.,
at my office in the Court House, in the
Citv of Flattsmouth, Cass County,
All objections to Raid petition must
le filed before said hour on said dav.
Mated this 21st day of March, A." I.
(Seal) T v the Court.
County Jnrtce.
Notice i hereby riven to all
persons interested and to the
public, that the undersigned.
C. S. Trumble, has filed hit? peti
tion and application in the office
of the clerk of the Village of
Kagle, County of Cass, and State
of Nebraska, as required by law,
signed by the required number of
resident freeholders of the said
village, setting forth that the ap
plicant is a man of respectable
character and standing and a
resident of the State of Nebraska,
ar.d praying that a license may
lie issued to the said C. S. Trum
ble for the -sale of -mall,
spirituous ami vinous liquors for
tlif period of one year from the
dale of the hearing of said ap
plication, iu a building situated
on lols seven and eight '7 and 8),
in block nineteen (11;; of the
said Village of Eagle, Nebraska.
April 2, 101 i. Applicant.
1 The Journal for stationery.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested and to the
public, that the undersigned,
Edward F. Oelschlager, has filed
his petition and application in
the oflice of tho lerk of the Vil
lage of Eagle, County of Cass,
and State of Nebraska, as re
quired by law, signed by the re
quired number of resident free
holders of the said village set
ting forth that the applicant is a
man of respectable character and
standing and a resident of the
Stato of Nebraska, and praying
that a license may be issued to
the said Edward F. Oelschlager
for the salq of malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors for the period
of one year from the date of the
hearing of said application in a
building situated on lols live and
six (5 and 6), in block nineteen
(19), of said Village of Eagle,
April 2, 1914. Applicant.
In the Matter of the Ouardianshlp of
George Iiwyer, Leona Iwyer, Le
Forest Lwyer, Edward Dwyer and
Elmer Hwyer, Minors.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of James T. h!esley.
Judge of the District Court . of Cass
County, Nebraska, made on the 12th
day of March, 1914, for the sale of
real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold at the front door of the
Court House in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
on the 9th day of May, 1914, at 11
o'clock a. m., at public vendue to the
highest Iddder for cash the undivided
two-fifteenths interest in and to the
following described real estate to-wit:
Lots 3 and 4, in Block 52. in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, yaid sale will be open one
Dated this 3rd dav of April. 1914.
As Guardian of George lwyer,
Leona Dwyer, De Forest Dwyer,
Edward Dwyer and Elmer
Dwyer, Minors.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate or Joseph
Havir, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room In Plattsmouth. In said
County, on the 1st day of May, 1914,
and on the 2nd day of November, 1914.
at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in Faid court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 31st dav of March. 1914.
County Judge.
To Henry A. Pearsons, trustee. The
Northwestern Bond and Trust Com
pany, a corporation, Martin Cain, the
unknown heirs or devisees or Mar
tin Cain, deceased. Letitia M. Younc,
the unknown heirs or devisees of
Letitia M. Young, deceased, Letitia
M. Pottenger, the unknown heirs or
devisees of Letitia M. PotTenger, de
ceased. Letitia M. Potenger. the un
known heirs or devisees of Letitia
M. Potenger, deceased, Sanford Pot
tenger, the unknown heirs or de
visees of Sanford Pottenger, de
ceased, Sanford Potenger, the un
known heirs or devisees of Sanford
Potenger. deceased. James McMahon.
the unknown heirs or devisees of
James McMahon, deceased. James .
McMahan, the unknown heirs or de
visees of J ains V. McMahan, de
ceased :
You are hereby notified that, upon
the 20th day of March, 1914. August
Wendt, as plaintiff, filed a petition in
the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to the west hair of the south
west quarter (Wi of SWV4) of Sec
tion twenty-four (24), also the south
west quarter SVVi) of Section twen-tv-five
(25). all in Township eleven
11, North. T:anere ten 10). East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the
County of Cass, state of Nebraska, as
against you. and each of you. and as
nrain any and all persons claiming, or
to claim, by, through or under you. or
any of you, and for such other relief
as may hp just and equitable.
You are further notified that you are
required to answer said petition on or
before the ISth dav of Mav, 1914.
Dated this 4th dav of April. 1914.
Al'Cl'ST WENDT, Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
In I be DlMtrlct Court of Chsm County,
W. D. Machael, Plaintiff,
Carl H. Otis. Grace E. Otis. N. K. Peo
ples. Special Administrator of the
Estate of Orin P. Monroe, Deceased,
Anna Amelia Monroe. Elmer Monroe.
Edith McFarlane. Elmer E. Monroe,
Kenneth E. Monroe. Floyd Warren. J.
Warren (first name unknown!, and
the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of
Orion 1'. Monroe, Deceased.
Notice to Non-TTesident Defendants and
I'nknown Heirs nnd Devisees:
To Carl H. Otis. Grace E. Otis, Elmer
Monroe, Edith McFarlnne. Elmer- E.
Monroe. Kenneth E. Monroe. Flovd
Warren, J. Warren (first and real name
unknown), and the Unknown Heirs and
Devisees of Orin P. Monroe, deceased,
defendants: You will take notice that
on the 30th day of March, 1914. PlalntifT
herein filed his petition In the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and others, the object,
purpose and prayer of which petition is
to foreclose a certain mortgage deed,
executed by the defendants. Carl H.
Otis and Grace E. Otis, in favor of one
Ellen IT. Wright, and by said Ellen 1.
Wright, assigned to this Plaintiff,
covering the west half of let four (4).
in block thirty-three (33). in the City
of Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska,
excepting a strip four (4) inches In
width ott of the east side of said west
half of said lot. all as shown by the
published and recorded plat of said
City, given to secure the pavment of a
rromlsasory note of $500.00. with in
terest at 10 per cent from
September 29. 1913. and the
further sum of $10.00 with in
terest at 10 per cent from October 12,
1913, expended for premium on in
surance policy, and the further sum of
$51.75, 'With 10 per cent Interest from
the 9th day of March, 1914, expended
for the redemption of a tax sale on said
permlses, for which sums, with interest
as aforesaid, plaintiff prays for a de
cree, that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy -the amount
found to be due by the Court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion cm or before the 12th day of Mav.
1914. or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true and
a oecree rendered as jjraved for therein.
Date: Mareh "0th. 1914.
W. D. MACHAEL. Plaintiff. :
By JOHN M. LEYDA. His Attorney.
Motorcycle for Sale.
.In excellent condition, good as
new. Dig, powerful 2-cylinderfl
developing 7-10 II. P. ..Need the
money. Must sell at-onre;'-' See
Ed Bteinhauer at Journal office.
. Cass County, ss.
' In Conuty Conrt.
In the Matter , of the Estate of Cor
, nelius Land, Deceased.
Notice is -hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased "that hearings -will
le.had upon, claims filed against said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass Comity, Nebraska, at the County
Court -room in Plattsniouth, in said
County, on the 4th clay of May, 191J,
ahd on the 6th day. of November, 1914,
at 8 o'clock a. m., each day for ex
amination,' adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and Real of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska this 4th dav of April, 1914.- .
County Judge.
Attorney for Adrar,
County of Cas, ss.
In County Court.
In Tie-Estate of William Leddy, De
ceased. To All Persons Interested:
You . are hereby notified that on the
4th day of Arril. 1914. there was filed
in this Court an instrument in writing
purporting to be the last will and
testament of William Ieddy, deceased,
together with the petition of William
Leddy, jr., praying therein for the al
lowance and probate of said proposed
will and that administration thereof
be grnnted to Eliza Leddy, John Leddy
and William Leddy, jr. That a hear
ing will be had upon said petition on
the 25th .day of April. A. D., 1914. at
10 o'clock a. m., in the County Court
room, in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass
County, Nebraska. If you fail to ap
pear at said time and contest said
petition, the Court will, upon proper
testimony, allow said propounded in
strument as the last will and testa
ment of said William Leddy, deceased,
and grant execution thereof and ad
ministration of said estate to Eliza
Leddy, John Leddy and William Leddy,
jr., and proceed to the settlement of
said estate.
Witness mv hand and seal of said
Countv Court, at Plattsmouth. Cass
County. . Nebraska, this 4th day of
April. A. D., 1914.
Countv Judge.
Missourian Who Claimed Companion!
Drowned Faces Murder Trial.
Montgomery, Mo., April 9. I. II
tier, a young farmer of this county,
hns tx?en arrested, charged with tli-e
murder of FTrnest Heying and F. C
Metzler. While the three were in
skiff crossing the Missouri river re
cently, Stter claimed his companions
had been drowned by the capsizing oj
the boat. The body of Heying was
disinterred, liowever, and the skull
was found to be fractured. The bodj
of Metzler Is to be disinterred also for
investigation. The preliminary trial
will be held today.
Indicted for Misuse of Mails.
Tacoma, Wash., April 9. Everett K.
Ellis was indicted by a federal grand
jury for alleged fraudulent use of the
mails in sending from Camas, Wash.,
to women throughout the United
States a circular which offered them
a chance to obtain a diamond ring
and a trip to the Panama-Pacific expo
sition at his expense if they would aid
him in finding a wife. He promised to
enlighten them further on receipt of a
postal money order for 25 cents. Wom
en in all parts of the country are
enumerated in the indictment as his
Indian Slayer Shoots Self.
Sioux City, la., April 9. Isaac Mc
Kanley, a Winnebago agency Indian,
is dying in a hospital here from two
bullet wounds, self-inflicted, at Walt
hill. Neb. McKanley choked to death
Honry Warner, another Indian, at the
latter's home. Whn officers learned
his hiding place and were about to ar
rest him he shot himself twice. The
trouble which resulted in the killing
of Warner followed an attack on the
latter's wife.
You will Una trie most complets
line of stationery m the city oi
Plattsmouth at the Journal oAlce.
The finest line of box paper,
visiting and calling cards.
"Honest John"
The Gasoline Saver. Is the la
bor of 50 men worth One Dollar
a day to you? "HONEST JOHN"
will do all the hard farm work
pump, grind, shell, saw wood,
wash, churn, bale hay, spray, ir
rigate, cut alfalfa and put it in
the barn, light your house, per
form all the drudgery of the up-to-date
farmer, saves time. To
save time is to lengthen life. Com
mon sense counts as much in buy
ing a gasoline engine as anything
else. Buy an "HONEST JOHN,"
made by western men for west
ern requirements, keep ycur mon
ey at home where you can get it
back again both sides of vour
dollar work when vou cet an
"HONEST JOHN " most sub
stantial .and; economical engine
manufactured. Made in Platts
mouth, Nebn, by the'
Irlt : :, i W EST E R fjS,V5
lot Inc.)
Pattmouth,Neb. L.C.Sbarp.Tra.
United States Industrial Com
mission Announces Hearings.
Looking For New Ideas Along Con
structive Lines Labor Men of Chief
Cities to Furnish Data Some of tho
Subjects That Are to Be Inquired
Into and Cities to Be Visited.
Washington. Public hearings In Im
portant Industrial centers from New
York to San Francisco will be held
during the spring and early summer by
the United States commission on in
dustrial relations. This announcement
was made by Frank P. Walsh, chair
man of the commission. The hearings,
according to Mr. Walsh, will embrace
in their scope all the main divisions of
the inquiry directed by congress.
Among. the cities that probably will
be visited, are Jsew York. Philadelphia.
. K mi j
X " - ; v.
Photo by American Press Association.
Doston, Taterson. Scranton. Pittsburgh,
Buffalo, Wheeling. Charlotte, Green
ville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville,
Louisville, New Orleans, Detroit. In
diannpolis, Cleveland, Chicago, Hough
ton, .Milwaukee, Madison, St. Louis,
Kansas City, St Paul, Denver, Trini
dad, Dallas, Houston or Galveston, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Butte
and Lead.
Through examination of witnesses
competent to speak for employers,
trade unions, other labor organiza
tions, unorganized employees and the
general public, the commission hopes
to obtain information concerning the
industrial situation that will lead to
constructive recommendations.
Some of the subjects to be inquired
into in each city are Irregularity of
employment, possibilities1 of ending Ir
regularity and increasing production
through scientific management, the ac
tivities of trades unions and employers'
associations nnd the extent and opera
tion of governmental machinery for
regulating the conditions of industry,
including the relations between em
ployers and employees.
Successful methods of maintaining
harmonious relations beneficial to both
employers and employees will be In
quired into particularly, with a view to
their adoption in other centers where
no such methods have been tried.
Eminent authorities In subjects to be
included within the scope of the in
quiry have Joined the staff of the com
mission and are now aiding in plan
ning the hearings.
Witnesses desired by the commission
will be summoned under the authority
granted it by congress and volunteer
testimony will be welcomed. Announc
ing the plan for hearings. Chairman
Walsh said:
"The commission will carefully avoid
feting as a board of mediation and con
ciliation and will not allow itself to be
drawn into local controversies or rec
ognize such controversies unless in do
ing so it can obtain information that
has more than local and temporary
"Every Interest will be given a hear
ing. The commission will strive to put
aside all bias and prejudice. It will
Urge others to do the same in the hope
that the industrial problem may be
studied in the light of reason. The
open mind will be our watchword, and
we shall endeavor to provide a forum
where men representing all factions can
meet in the common purpose of finding
a way ut from bitterness and strife.
To accomplish this we shall need the
co-operation and help of all concerned.
We shall ask those who meet with ns
at the hearings to come not as employ
ers or employees, but as men belonging
to the same human family.
, "The hearings, are to be undertaken
as one means of carrying out the In
structions of congress to inquire -into
the industrial situation and to report
onr conclusions and recommendations.
"The commission wishes in particu
lar to Invite the help of every person
who has a constructive suggestion.
Such suggestions will be especially
welcome when they are supplemented
by testimony as to the suecesKfnl car
rying out of the ideas they embody." -
XI,II",Z !",I",I,X'I" ,!"2III'
vv """ vvvw
William Tnop made a busi
ness trip to Omaha last week.
William Puis and William
Rennor were in Plattsmouth Sat
urday. Miss Eva riailoy was in Platts
mouth having some dental work
done Saturday.
We are very sorry to learn that
Mrs. William Troop is numbered
among the sick.
Mrs. J. W. and Troy Schrader
spent Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. R. C. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Oliver spent
last week with Mrs. Oliver's
mother, Mrs. It. G. Bailey.
J. It. Hills' baby has been very
sick the past week, but we are
glad to learn ft is much better.
Mrs. J. B. Noell, Jannette
Young and Etta Swartz were do
ing some trading in Nebraska
City Saturday.
We are glad to learn that
Uncle Abraham Mast, who has
been confined to his bed for some
weeks, is now able to be out
Protracted meetings com
menced at Otterbein Sunday.
They will be conducted by llev.
Bugabee of Lincoln and llev.
Hedges of Nehawka.
Clyde Berge is a victim of the
Virgel Kilrell sold his horse to
Mr. Brunson.
John Kilrell was in Louisville
Thursday night.
I.uella Sawyer spent Saturday
and Sunday at home.
Sterling McDonald was in
Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 red Wagner
spent Sunday in town.
Ora McDonald was on the sick
list the last of the week.
Arthur Slander was a business
visitor in town Saturday.
Mrs. Murphy spent Wednesday
night with. Mrs. Charles Fosby.
Samuel Long and Martin Zaar
were in Weeping Water Tuesday.
II. E. Pankonin of Louisville
was in town on business Friday.
James Keegan of Fairmont,
Neb., spent Thursday with his
daughter, Mrs. Arch Towle.
Mrs. Sadie Stewart of Thur
man, Iowa, spent Thursday night
with her sister, Mrs. Arch Towle.
Mrs. Critchfield of Omaha
spent a few days of this week
with her daughter, Mrs. George
J. I. Lansing is going to build
a new residence. O. T. McDon
ald will occupy it when it is com
pleted. Sunday school every Sunday at
10:30 a. m. Also singing every
Sunday evening at the M. E.
The postoflice was moved into
the Hill building Wednesday
morning, Mrs. Arch Towle now
being postmistress.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Whit
ney and their niece, Mrs. Jennie
Bornside, of Ashland, were Tues
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J.
We are afraid the Louisville
Courier lias made some mistake
in a piece which they printed
about one of our young men.
Show us a young man who can
get drunk and into such trouble
in fifteen minutes. Furthermore,
why do they carry a line of
"stuff" that will make one drunk?
16o Acres of Land.
Will trade 100 acres of land iu
Perkins count fcr plattsmouth
property. - W. R. Bryan.
To admire, to love, to regret, ia to
lire, said a great writer. Do not let the
regret be brought on by a cough or cold,
which if treated when it first appeared
would have eas-ily been controlled. Allen's
Congb Balsaai brings welcomed relief in such
cases. Contains no harmful ingredients.
25c, 50c and 1.00 bottles at all dealers.
Keep it Handy
For an emtmrafr : !
when aecMAnta or midden irt'knms
eoniM. notliing u more usetul Uuui I
I (PERKY Dinsl I
for Diarrhoea,
Cramps, etc
International Harvester
Manure Spreaders
The IHC Line
Binder. Reaper
headers. Mowers
F.ake. Stacker
Hay Loaders
Hay Presses
Planters, Pickers
Binders. Cultivators
Eniilare Careers
Snellen. Si.redJsra
Pec. Sprins-Tootn.
and Disk larrewa
OM and Gas Ensure
Oil Tractors
Manure Spreaders
Cream Separators
Farm Wae-ons
Motor Tracks
Grain Drills
feed Crindera
Kaife Grinoers
Binder Tariaa
rect, efficient,
nnfpft of first-class
ing of parts where strains usually come.
-f T-"rt whp.rfl occasional strains come.
International HarresI
Council Bluffs la.
Cbamploa Deer Ing IffsCarxicfe LTSwaokea Osboru Flano
Gforpo llild ina! a buiiH-ss
trip to Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. Annie (ianstMiier madr a
business trip t Murray Tuesday.
Aupust Encrelkemeir, sr., made
n business trip to Lincoln Tues
day. This community was well rep
resented at the county seat Sat
urday. fieorgre Enjrelkemrir delivered
hgs t the Nehawka market on
Charles Herren was re-elected
chief of police of Maple Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis spent
Thursday with relatives in
Mrs. Levi Rusterlmltz is build
ing an addition tn the house
where William Patterson lives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ausust Engelke
meir and Albeit KirhofT were the
Kuesls of Mr. and Mrs. George
L'ngelkemeir Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kngeike
meir and family pent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ
Parkening, near Plaltsniouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Uild, Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. llild and Mr. and
Mrs. William Puis spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Friedrich.
Tiie German Lutheran church
in the north part of this locality
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240
e mmm
The Celebrated Young Jack
r - 1 1
.. : J? 1 hirf .
by Frank Busch of Villa Ridge, Mo. He has been inspected
this spring by the State Inspector and is sound in every way.
Sandors will make the season of 1914 at our home, six
miles west of Murray, and six miles east of Manley, every day
in the week.
$15 to insure colt to stand up and suck.' Parties disposing
of mares or removing from the locality, service fee becomes
due and must be paid immediately. All care will be taken to
prevent accidents, but owners will not be responsible should
any occur.
LOOK for the following points in the
manure SDreader vou buy: i. Cor
well-tested design,
materials. 3.
2. Guar-Reinforc-
4. Strength
5. Wearing
qualities and protection of driving parts. 6. impu
tation of manufacturer, insuring efficient repair
service. Satisfied American farmers find these essen
tials in International manure spreaders.
International spreaders have, besides, many feat
ures tbat grew out of long field experience. Study
the steel construction in frame, wheels, and driving
mechanism; tho easily-removable beater; the differ
entials in rear axles, insuring even spreading while
turning corners; the reversible worm and gear; low,
easily-loaded box; and many others.
International spreaders are of all styles and sizes,
high and low, endless and reverse apron. Write for
illustrated catalogues, and when we send them wo
will tell yon where you may see the spreaders.
er Company of America
which is being conducted by Rev.
Huebner, was a beautiful seem
Sunday. There were seven con
firmed, as follows: Wellie Park
ening, Waller Eugrlkenieir,
Tenia Krueger, Ina M"isiuger,
Emma Buehler, Mata Engelko
meir and Annie Lohues.
Yale Motorcycle for Sale.
Fully equipped and good as
new. Inquire at the Journal
0. Sandin, D. V. M.f
graduate, of the Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per
manently located in Platts
mouth. Calls answered
day or night. 'Phone 255.
Ollice GOG Main.
The Best Flour
on the Market
fosrsT ROSE
loftlcnay Till Cored
out the knife. Permanent curtt eur.rantcrd.
Write tor Free Illustrated book on Rectal
Diseases and testimonials of hundreds of
cured patients In Hebratha and Iowa.
Bee BIdg., Omaha, Keb.
Sandors is an excellent
youcg Jack, coming 3
years old, weighing 900
pounds, plenty of extra
heavy bone, black with
mealy points.
Sandors (5298) was
foaled June 2, 1911; his
sire was San Salvador,
2nd, by Salvador, im
ported from Spain. San
dors was bred and owned