The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY, APftlL 9, 1914.
I Murray
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interna in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ai
pear under this heading. We
want all news items Editor
fife ' ir rl.!
TAET on the ROAD TO PROSPERITY today. The first milestone
is a BANK ACCOUNT. It is a check against extravagance. Head
the autobiography of any of our great captains of industry and
finance. Invariably, close to the opening paragraph, he will tell of his
ITRST BANK ACCOUNT. It was the first milestone in his ROAD TO
-Mi-. LaRue is on the kk list.
i;iy Stk-s was a Plattstnouth
viit..f Salurda.
Mi- rtta Nikds was looking
af!-r Spir-i!a husint-ss in Union
V. L. Rljod.-n was calling on
l":ii"H iii.'ivhanf s Saturday after-r.-.i.ji.
Mrs. Ir. r.:i.wn f Mynard lias
)--; iuil' sick f i w past
I.. V. Filch and wife nf Union
sjm ij( m:lay wilh .!,. Campbell
an. laiinl.
JariK's Tiin-r was visiting
f r i ! j 1 1 - in this iriniiy Monday
and Tuesday.
;uid F.d Lewis wtTP look-in-
aft.-r hu-in-ss in platts-
I. 't.'Utls Saturday.
.;T':i-. iixuiicts anil caps, be
. a lime, at the social
Saturday, April 11.
Tw. i iits f, .r- I'Vi-iy inrh your
f -4 itK-a-ur.-.. Saturday night at
the In;rvh.
Como in and see the pretty
su:il...Tiin t s aiid aprons at the
rhurrh April 1 1.
Mi-s j.Mtta. the lions. guest of
Mr-. . s. Smith, is vi-itin with
lipoids in I.jn-dii.
I1-:immi iiT tin ha.aar at tho
!i':rch Saturday ev.-nhii--. April
II. M'-a-urini; fia!. h.rt pro-'-rant
and iuin-h.
Th.- 1 ;t i. :! Creamery Co.
p.-.y- hii;h't market pn'ee for
l.:iit.-r 1 at. and th.. station is ,
;;!. .! at. HdhanTs.
The Missionary society moots
with Mis (i.-rtmd" I.onjr Friday
afivrnoon. Tin iihmiiIhts are
p.-o!.-d ti att.-nd Willi. .lit fur
lior in ilat i-.n.
H-Tt Y..un'' pave tho views
with tho ladoptiojan Tiu-sday
nir,2r ..f his jtj,, through Can
ada and Alaska. Tho railroad
cn-liuetion in Alaska was very
inforolinir. :in. a mo. limn sized
rr.wd was in attendance
Tonv Klonint was a JMatts-
niouth visitor Saturday.
Little Ruth Croon was very
ick several days last wook.
Frank Dugay was visiting with
iri' m i nion bunuay
Win. Nickels and son, Lerny,
visited tho county soat Thursday.
of eourso you a iv going- to at
ton.l tho bazaar at tho Christian
church Saturday.
John Hobsohcidt, jr., wife and
littlo son woro visiting friends in
lMattsmmith Sunday. .
Tho bazaar will bo held in the
church April 11, in the afternoon
and evening'. Remember the date.
Attend the bazaar at the
church April 11, 1911. Bonnet
and apron sale. A program and
supper in the evening.
Tho ladies of the K. X. K.K will
hold a business mooting at the
Fowiston church Thursday after
noon, April 10. Fvery member
is requested to bo present.
Mrs. Alpha ickels has boon
sick for a week or two, but is
slightly improved at present. Mr.
Nickels was hotter for a few
days, but. is suffering again.
Mrs. Fd Word loll from the
stops of the house at her home
Monday of this week and dis
located her knee. The dislocation
was reduced and she is getting
along nicely.
William FaRuo, tho section
foreman. eoming o tho con
clusion that it is almsot impos
sible to keep house any longer
without the Journal, orders this
great family friend sent to his
address hero.
Our genial friend. W. C. Fos
ter, one of the M. telegraph
operators at. this place, requests
us to send the Journal to his
homo at Union. Mr. Foster is
one of tho best fellows in the
world, and loves to tell a good
joke. je is popular with all who
know' him.
ipke swellest line of Ladies Hats -now on
display at our store. The hats this
year are better values than we have ever
been able to get before. You will pay
Two Dollars more for the same hat in an
exclusive store. Get in early and get
the choice.
Men's Hats and Caps Also in Stock of
the Latest Designs
Murray, Nebraska
Mrs. Joe Hird has been quite
sick the past few days.
A new addition lo Mrs. bull's
residence is under headway.
Remember the placo and dale
of the social, Saturday evening,
April 11.
Miss Fva l.altue will return
from tho hospital in Omaha in a
low days.
Rex Young's new residence will
bo ready for the plasterers in
about ten days.
Minford A Creamer had a car
of hogs on the South Omaha
market Wednesday.
Holt. Root look in "The Shep
herd of the Hills" at the Par
nude theater Friday nighl.
Albert Wheeler bought a horse
on tin' South Omaha market
Tuesday and had it shipped to
Wear your largest shoes Sat
urday night, April 11. Two cents
for every inch your foot
Dr. (Jilmore was in Plaits-
mouth Wednesday fr a brie
lime, looking after some import
ant matters.
Mrs. Jane Jenkins returne
from Rosalie, Neb., Tuesday
where she visited Mi, and Mrs
Farl Jenkins for a few days.
A W. O. W. camp will be in
stituted here Saturday. The
brag drill team of tho state wil
be hero from Nebraska City lo d
the work.
J. I. Shrader and daughter
Isabel!, were among the numbei
from Murray that witnessed "The
Shepherd of tho Hills" at tlu
Parmele Friday night.
Mark White returned from
Kansas City Sunday evening-.
where he had been taking treat
ment at the Thornton & Minor
hospital for a few days.
Minford & Creamer had two
mules and three horses shipper
in Wednesday from South Oma
ha, where Mr. Creamer had pur
chased them on the market.
Section Foreman m. LaRue
and pang have been doing some
good work at the depot in the
way of lilling in the ruts with
cinders and making a walk from
the depot platform to the side
walk steps.
Rex Young was in Berlin Fri
day and Saturday, where ho cryed
a two days' sale. Rex is climbing
up as an auctioneer, and we pre
dict he will be one of the fore
most auctioneers in the country
before many months.
Mrs. I.awtou of Morrison, Il
linois, and Mrs. Ona Young Law-
tun, accompanied by Rex Youn
went to Sioux City, Iowa, Monday
to settle up the affairs of the late
Mr. I.awton, who was kill
ed by falling walls recently, an
account of whose tragic death
has appeared in this paper.
Water arrived here Wednesday
evening to accompany her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Moses
Hiatt, to bet home, where Mr,
lliatt will celebrate his 78th
birthday on Saturday, April 11
Uncle Moso has hosts of friends
who will be gdad to learn that he
is in fairly good health for one of
his age, and hope that he may
live to celebrate his 100th birth
The Lewis ton Olce club met
Saturday evening at the home of
Mr. G. W. Shrader and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Wolfe, and a royal
time was enjoyed by all present.
The Glee club orchestra was
present and furnished some ex
cellent music and singing". A de
lightful lunch was served at a
late hour, which was thoroughly
appreciated by all. Those pres
cut were: Frank Rhoden, Frank
Dug-ay, Wayne Lewis, Earl Mer
rill, Roy Cline, Mrs. Frank Rho
den, Esther Ray, Etta Nickels,
Hertha Nickels, Mae Lewis.
Everybody was smoking; cigars
in Murray Wednesday. Even
Scotty and Foster at the depot
were pulling; away and making
smoke in curls over their heads
This was all due to the fact that
our young friend, O. E. Powers,
who was married in Plattsmouth
Wednesday evening, was setting
them up to the boys. Mr. Powers
is very popular in Murray, and
wherever known, for that matter,
and we hope the step he has
taken will never be regretted, and
as down the pathway of Time he
and his companion for life trod,
may it always be strewn with the
choicest of flowers, and if any
troubles overtake them, may they
Thomas Hansen, from south of
Murray was visiting with county
seat friends Thursday of this
Mrs. Minford and children re
turned to Lincoln Saturday, after
spending the vacation week at the
old homo.
Glen Hoedeker and wife were
attendants at the Parmele thea
ter Friday night to see "The
Shepherd of the Hills."
Miss Florence Corey was the
guest of Mr. anil Mrs. Ed Tutt
Wednesday, and spent a very en
joyable day with Mrs. Tutt.
The children of Eli Smith have
been very sick, one with mem
branous croup and the other with
a cold and remittent fever.
Charley Carroll returned from
Plainview Thursday, where he
had been visiting his son, Earl
and family, near that place.
Eggs for hatching from S. C.
Rhode Island Reds, $1.00 per 15;
95.00 per 100. Extra choice mat
ing?, $2.00 and $3.00 per 15.
A. O. Ramge.
Rex Young, who has been up
in Sioux' City for the past few
days looking after the interests
of his sister, Mrs. Lawton, re
turned home Wednesday evening
Deo Shrader is not only a bar
her, but when he has no one to
shave he puts in his spare time
mending shoos and repairing
harness, and he does good work
Green Piggot was looking af
tor some business matters in the
county seat Tuesday of thi
week, and while there called a
the Journal oftice to renew hi
The United Presbyterian con
gregation will celebrate the Com
munion of the Lord's Supper next
Sabbath, April 12th. Preparatory
services will be held Friday even
ing at 7:30 and Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Everyone is
invited and will be welcomed a
these services.
Evan Royal, youngest son o
William Royal, died at the home
of his parents near Plainview.
Neb., -Sunday morning from tha
dreaded disease, consumption
The Royal family formerly resid
ed in this vicinity, where the
young man was born. A large
number of their old neighbors
deeply sympathize with the be
reaved parents. .
Making Good as Auctioneer.
W. R. Y'oung, better known in
this locality as "Rex," has sure
been making good this season as
an auctioneer. While he has
devoted a great deal of time for
the past few years to this profes
sion, this is the first season that
Rex has really been given an op
portunity lo properly display his
ability in the ring. He has had
a number of sales here this sea
son, the last of which was the
one held by Enoch Moreland on
the 30th of March, at which time
he made good in the fullest sense
of the term, and Mr. Moreland
was more than pleased with the
results. He is a sticker for the
high dollar all the lime, and we
believe will get as much, if not
more, money than any of the
older men in the ring.
New Tested Seeds.
Home grown recleaned, tested
red clover 91) per cent pure
$9.90 nu.,' timothy $3.00, alsike
and timothy pasture mixture
$5.50, alfalfa 99 per cent pure
$7.00, rye $1.00, spring wheat
$1.25, blue grass $2.25, Kherson
oats G5c. Pure Red River Early
Ohio seed potatoes $1.25. Seam
less bags 22,lc. All delivered in
your town. We are state agents
for the "Chatham" seed cleaners
and graders. Also "Old Trusty'
incubators. Write for specia
prices and catalog.
Johnson Bros, Nebraska City.
Farm fop Sale.
Farm of 121 acres, 5i miles
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation; well improv
ed. Price right if taken soon.
Address Miss Etta Nickels, Mur
ray, INeu.
The Season
is Here!
and I am prepared to do all
kinds of blacksmithing. Bring
in your work now and avoid
the rush. I also carry a line
of oils, both auto and machine.
Farm Implements
Better known as the
Maple Grove Blacksmith
School Items.
The eighth grade are taking
their second preliminary exam
inations. Naomi Adams, from
district 00, is also taking the ex
A great number of pupils have
been absent on account of Ger
man measles.
During the month of March
there were only three cases of
tardiness in the grammar room.
The fifth grade are studying
nature; they are now studying
the birds of Nebraska.
The fifth grade reading class
are studying the life of Henry W.
The sixth grade agriculture
class are now studying the types
and care of cattle.
The school are enjoying two
new pieces on the Yictrola. The
pieces are played by the Neopoli-
tan Trio.
Be Sure and Visit the
Murray Lumberman
and get estimates and prices on the
building material you need
We Are Here to Please
and propose to do it both in quality of material
and prices. Don't go away from home to
get what you can just as well
get right here at home
The Murray Lumberman
In the Fine Hog Business.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwab,
from west of Murray, were
Plattsmouth visitors last Satur
day, looking after some business
matters, and while there Mr.
Schwab called at the Journal
ollice for the purpose of renew
ing his subscription. In conver
sation with Mr. Schwab he tells
us that he is in the hog business
this year deeper than ever, and
has made the practice for several
years of breeding some excellent
sows that are sold on the market
just a trifle over the market price.
He has some fine ones this year
that the now ready for those who
are in the market for such hogs.
Departs fop Missouri.'
Enoch Moreland and children,
who have resided in this locality
for several years, departed last
Saturday for a few days' visit
with a brother over in Iowa, from
where they will later go to the
old home in Worth county, Mis
souri, where they will make their
home. Mr. Moreland's parents
reside in Missouri. Enoch has a
great many friends in this lo
cality who will deeply regret to
see him leave Cass county, and
trust that he may meet with
abundant happiness and prosper
ity wherever he may cast his fut
ure lot.
Library Notes.
The following books have been
misplaced. Will the parties hav
ing them please call 'phone No.
16. If you have only had them a
few days, just deposit them so
the numbers can be put on the
book slips. This will be of great
heln in arranging the books at
the library:
1 The Trail of Lonesome
2 The Woman Thou Gavest
3 Five Littlo Peppers.
4 Girl of Limberlost.
4 Little Shepard of Kingdom
5 Riverman.
6 Joe's Boys.
7 Victory of Allen Rutlidge.
8 Inner Shrine.
10 Old Mother West Wind.
10 Ner-Do-Wells.
12 Joe's Luck.
13 Burning Daylight.
14 Heart of the Hills.
15 Prodical Judge.
1C Uncle Kennies and
Little Boy.
18 The Third Degree,
19 Katherine.
20 Girl Montana'.
21 Winning of Barbara
22 Wells Bros.
23 Second Generation.
24 Fireside Stories.
25 Frost is on the Pumpkin
26 Girl in Ten Thousand. .
27 Fun and Work Series.
Birthday Party.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Dill was the scone of a joyous
gathering Saturday night, the oc
casion being in honor of the
birthday of their son, Frank. At
an early hour the participants
began to arrive, and it was not
long till the house was filled
with both young and old neigh
bors and friends who -had come
to do honor to Frank. The even
ing was spent in the usual pas
time games, music and social
conversation, and everyone pres
ent seemed to enjoy tho event to
the fullest extent. At the proper
hour a delicious and appetizin
lunch was partaken of by those
present, after which for a short
time the party engaged in socia
conversation until the lime o
departure arrived when al
wended their way homeward, with
the wish that Frank might live to
enjoy many more such happy
The following is the list o
those who were present: Misses
Agnes Lloyd, Esther Lloyd, Fern
Lloyd, Miss Jones, Delia Adams
Naomi Adams, Ester Murdock
Etta Swartz, Janette Young, Eva
Bailey, Myrtle Rice, Pearl Greg
ory, Fay Gregory, Fredia Cun
ningham, Mamie Rogers, Hannah
Hansen, Vera Yardley, Eflie
Smith, Ethel Dill, Grace Dill
Fern Dill, Nellie Roger, Nellie
Tucker, Tessie Philpot, Anderson
Lloyd, Fred Ulrich, Frank Marler,
Earl Marler, James Lancaster,
Green Piggott, Roy Gregg, Gussie
Pullen, Lester Murdock, Dwight
Cooley, Morris Bailey, John Rice,
Will Rice, Carl Gregory, Walter
Jenkins, Warren Leonard, James
Erhart, Charley Vallery, Guy Mc
Gill. Jess Terryberry, Homer
Yardley, Chester Manies, Alph
Beverage, Garland Tilson, Fritz
Tigner, Jim Tigner, Frank Dill,
Will Cook, George Elliott, Bas-
sit Rice, Marvin Rice, Arval
Roger, Lester Dill, Harold Phil-
pot, Donald Philpot, Vilas Tuck
er, Gerald Shrader, Perry Manier,
Jim Hill, Mrs. James Rice, Mes
srs. and Mesdames Oscar Shrad
er,, Elmer Boedecker, Harve
Gregg, Elmer Philpot, Ben Nole,
Ed Jones, Walt Manier, Jake
Smith, Charlie Tucker, Ben Dill.
In Omaha With Sheep.
Deitrieh Koester, from near
Weeping Water, was an over
night visitor in Plattsmouth on
Tuesday, returning home Wed
nesday morning. He had been in
Omaha with several cars of sheep
that were on the market Tuesday
morning, and took advantage of
the occa-ion to spend a few hours
with county seat friends, among
whom woro ttie Journal people.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
I have several thousand good
hedge posts for sale. All sizes.
Louie Puis, 5 miles west of
Card of Thanks.
The relatives of Aunt Sallie
Campbell dosiro to express their
appreciation of the kindness
shown at the tim of Mrs. Camp
bell's death.
From "Wednesday's Daily.
There was a quiet weddincr at
the court house Saturday even
ing, at which time Judge Bischof
united in marriage Herman Stoll,
31, of Nehawka, and Miss Evelyn
Wilson, 18, of Lincoln. The
happy couple will make their
home near Nehawka. Nebraska
City Press.
For Sale.
First-class alfalfa seed, at my
farm, 5 miles north of Nehawka.
Z. W. Shrader. 3-30-6wks-v
Murray Property for Sale.
A brand new house, two acres
of ground, good barn; well locat
ed, in Murray. Will sell or trade
for good eastern Nebraska land.
For further particulars apply at
this office.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
fine stallion, tne best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
6 Pep Cent Loans.
Obtainable to buy, build or im
prove farm, ranch and city prop
erty or remove incumbrance
herefrom; special privileges
and reasonable terms. For pro
position, address: Finance Dept.
1527 Busch Bldff., Dallas, Texas.
Butter Fat Wanted.
The undersigned manager of
the Lincoln Pure Butter Co., at
this station, is paying the highest
price for butter fat, as de
termined by the government Bab-
cock test. We are also paying the
highest market price at all times
for all kinds of produce and
poultry. Call and see me before
disposing of your produce.
Fred Dawson,
Lincoln Pure Butter Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Baker & Mickles
The New Hardware Men
Besides a general line of Hardware and Stoves, we
carry a full line of the
John Deere Farm Implements
as well as some other lines of Farm Implements.
We are here to please our patrons, and pro
pose to do so, if kind treatment and the right prices
will do the work. Come and see us.
Baker & Wickles
be "little ones."
The Journal ads pay.