The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APRIL S, 1914.
Hish Wicrwmc-Co S
f Clothes ,
Our 35 th Easter
in Plattsmouth
"CINDS us better equipped than ever
before to serve you. A larger
and better store a larger and better
stock. Our aim is to make this store
one of real service to this communi
ty and one you will take pride in
pointing out to strangers. Every-
TtiRSH-Wi crwmi -CO'S;
thing up to the "split
second" in style.
For this 35th Easter
Season we have spared
no efforts to lay before
you the greatest array
of fine clothing for the
piiLC wc navccvci unci-
ed. We are so enthusi-
1 j lu Jl J
asuc auouL it mat our
statements may seem
extreme, but if you will
step in and let us show
you, you will say we are
We introduce you to
these five young men
as fair samples of the
style and appearance
we have put into these
new Easter Suits. Don't
overlook our $17 Style
plus line. It solves the
"high cost" problem for
. Clothes
you. Our clerks are paid to show our
goods. Don't be afraid to look.
C. E.
Wescott's Sons
Hi rsh-w 1 cm re-co-s
Miss Ellen Piil'ck was a pas
senger this nmrnintf for Omaha,
where shi will visit with her
father at the hospital for the
William Baird. superintendent
of the Burlinctun shops in this
city, returner! lnuni' this morning
from Chicago, where ho has been
looking after some company
Mrs. William MrCauley
granddaughter. Miss Dorris
terson, departed this morning
for Lincoln and Arapahoe, where
they will visit, with relatives for
a hort time.
Misses Tony and Agnes Jam! a
were passengers this mrning on
the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they spent the day
faking in the sights of the Ne
braska metropolis.
Mrs. Joe McCarthy, accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Allen
Meeter, of Afton, Iowa, were pas-
engers this morning for Omaha,
where they will visit for t lie day
looking- after matters of business.
Robert Walling came in this
afternoon from Omaha and will
visit here with his parents for
the Easter vacation.
Mr. Louis Simons is reported
on the sick list, suffering from
an attack of the grippe. His
friends hope to soon see him
around again.
Bays M&iTi
And the Sample Store is no more, as the building
is already rented to other people and there is noth
ing left to do but get out. In the next five days
our prices will surpass any ever offered. Don't miss this
great oppoatunity.
Ik a.
Boy's Knee Pants Men's Pants
Something Good for the Kids A Big Lot to Select from
1 9c 98c
Childs' Suits Men's Sample Hats
You Never Saw Their Beat Worth More Than Double
98c 98c
Men's Good Suits
Well Worth $10 and $12
Our Shoes, Men's and Ladies' Furnishings, at prices that will
open your eyes. Remember we must get out and the goods
must be sold. Price cuts no figure.
E aim pi
Wctenkamp Bldg., Across from the Court House
From Wednescla y's Daily.
Last evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Thomas
in. this city was solemnized the
marriage of Mr. Oliver Earl
Powers of Murray ami Miss
Mahle Ravenscroft of Auburn.
Tint wedding was a very quiet
one, being attended only by the
members of the Thomas family,
and was performed by Hev. 1). L.
Dunkleberger, win in a very im
pressive manner pronounced the
words that made these two happy
young people as one. The bride
is a very highly esteemed young'
lady of Auburn who has a vast
host of friends in t tint city, who
will learn with great pleasure of
her hapiness. Mr. powers is em
ployed by the Missouri Pacific at
Murray as a telegraph operator,
and is a' most estimable gentle
man in the fullest sense of the
term, being one of nature's
noblemen and a man whom to
know is to be numbered as one
of his friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Powers will make their future
home in Murray, for the present
at least.
The garage building on lower
Main .-.treet is having the front
remodeled to fit it b'tler for the
needs of the occupants of the
building, as the door to the build
ing is altogether too small to ad
mit of the passage of the large
sized automobiles into the build
ing. The doorway is being widen
ed several feel and will nw allow
the passage of large-sized cars
with ease and will allow Mr.
Manners, who has charge of the
garage, plenty of room to get the
machines in and out of the build
ing. This will prove a great deal
more satisfactory to the patrons
of the garage and will result in
quite an increase in the business
of the concern.
It will not be long now before
the question of the holding of the
public concerts by the Burlington
band will be agitated, and thest
popular forms of entertainment
should be encouraged to the ut
most by the citizens of this city
who have in the past few years
been criven the benefit of the
weeklv concerts bv this splendh
musical organization, which, un
der the direction of K. II. Sehul-
hof, is fast becoming one of the
best bands in this section of the
state, and any boosting that is
done for the Burlington bard i
sure to result in good not only
for the band, but to this city,
where many strangers and visit
ors from the surrounding coun
try are attracted on each and
everv concert night. When the
time comes to take hold of the
tow line and pull for the con
certs there should be no one hold
back, but all should do their ut
most to make them a great and
glorious success in every way.
Make up your mind now what
vou will do to aid the band and
when the time comes get in line
and be a booster for this line
musical organization.
For Cigar Makers.
Mr. Florian Zeman wrote us
the following: "Both men and
women employed at the cigar
Tiaking trade lead a sedentary
life and are inhaling tobacco dust
all the time. They usually have
little appetite, are weak and in
many cases compelled to quit
their work. To such, especially
to women, I wish to recommend
Triner's American Elixir of Bit
ter Wine, which is very effective
for tobacco workers. K. Antos,
Eva Zatka, St. Granec, J. Zatka
and I, we all used it and recom
mend it. Yours truly, Florian
Zeman, 178 Liberty st., Allen
town, Pa." This is true in every
occupation. Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine will clean
out the body, which is full of
w-aste matter, will create a sound
appetite, will correct constipa
tion. At drug stores. Jos. Triner,
Manufacturer, 1333-1339 S. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, III. In all
pains employ Triner's Liniment.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The board of education last
evening held their regular
monthly meeting and transacted
a number of routine matters that,
demanded their immediate atten
tion. The hoard is feeling ery
well satisfied over the fact that
the teacher's who were selected
for the ensuing year have a:! ac
cepted and there will be only two
vacancies in the force so far,
that in the West Second ward
and Mercerville schools, as the
teachers in these schools have
not signified their intention of
applying for the school for an
other year. The board also has
taken up and discussed the mat
ter of repairing and bettering of
the steps that lead to the High
school and Central building
campus from Main street, and
will take the matter up thorough
ly in order to provide a better
means of getting to the school
grounds. These steps are very
rickety and decayed, and having
done service for the last two
generations, it is about time for
them to be replaced with new
ones that will be in keeping wilh
the large number of students
that attend these schools. It is
thought that concrete siep.--, of a
greater width will be necessary
to provide the proper moans of
entrance to the grounds.
From Wednesday's DaIZ3.
Word has just been received in
this city from Chicago that Miss
Ethel Ferris, who is in the city
taking treatment at the Pasteur
institute for the effects of a bite
inflicted on her by a small pet
dog about three weeks ago, is
getting along nicely and the
brightest hopes are entertained
for her complete recovery from
the effects of the bile and that in
a very short time she will be
completely recovered from the
effects of the injury. While it
was feared at lirst that the little
girl might contract hydrophobia
from the bite the results of the
examination at Chicago fail to
show any signs of this dread
malady. It will be necessary,
however, for the little girl to re
main at the hospital for twenty
one days in case any symptoms
of the rabies appear.
B& Y&u Kodak?
THEN you want your films devel
oped by someone who is inter
ested m the product you use. If you use Eastman
films (the kind with 27 years experience behind it)
have it developed by an Eastman dealer and not one
who knocks Eastman products, for he has an "axe to
grind" and will not give you a square deal.
If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a Kodak
Is our Registered and common-law Trade-Mark
and cannot be rightfully applied except to goods
of our manufacture. When a dealer tries to sell
you a camera or films or other goods not of our
manufacture under the Kodak name, you can be
sure that he has an inferior article that he is
trying to market on the Kodak reputation, and
he also makes himself liable to suit by us for
damages and injunction.
WEYRICH & HADRABA are the only author
ized dealers in Kodak goods in Plattsmouth.
Rochester, N. Y.
Bring or send us your films and
they will be developed and printed right. Velox pa
per used, which no other finisher in this city does.
We y rich & Hadraba
We show a complete stock of
Fiber silk hose. Remember we
are airents for the Phoenix silk
hosierv. Zuckweiler & Lutz.
From Tuesday's Dany.
This morning James V
Thomas departed for Mil ford,"
Nebraska, where he will again
enter the Soldiers' Home, after i
short visit here with relatives
"Uncle" Jim, as he is bes1
known throughout this locality,
is verv much pleased with the
Home and the treatment he has
received there and speaks in the
highest terms of the manner m
which the superintendent and
officers at the Home treat the
men who make their home there
While he has enjoyed his visit
here he is very glad to again
leave for the Home and mingle
wilh his old comrades there.
New Rhinestone hairpins, 10c,
25c and 50c. New Rosebud jewl-
ery at 25c and 50c each.
Zuckweiler & Lutz.
Why t Suits Particular People.
Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound is prompt and effective for
coughs, colds, croup hoarseness,
bronchial coughs and throat
troubles. Thomas Verron, Han
cock, Mich., writes: "Foley's
Honey and Tar quickly relieves
tickling throat and stops the
cough with no bad after effect."
It contains no opiates and is pure.
That's why it suits particular
people. For sale by all druggists.
Floyd Kuhney was a passeng-
... fi i
er tnis morning ior umana,
where he will spend the day look
ing after matters of business.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The St. Luke's choir of the
Episcopal church in this city are
feeling very proud over the. new
vestments which they are now
wearing, and they have a perfect
right, as the vestments rep
resents the donation made by the
Junior Guild of the church to the
choir and the church. The vest
ments were worn for the lirst
time Sunday and made a very
handsome appearance and the
young ladies of the Guild cer
tainly have demonstrated their
interest in the church work by
their efforts for the betterment
of the church by lending their aid
in the upbuilding of church organizations.
Children's Diseases Very
Whooping cough is about
everywhere. Measles and scarlet
fever almost as bad. Use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for in
flamed throats and coughing.
Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Island,
Neb., says: "My three children
had severe attacks of whooping
cough, and a very few doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar gave great
relief." For sale by all druggists.
When run down with kidney
trouble, backache, rheumatism or
bladder weakness, turn quickly
for help to Foley Kidney Pills.
You cannot take them into your
system without having good re
sults. Chas. N. Fox. Himrod, N.
Y., says: "Foley Kidney Pills
have done me more good than
? 150.00 worth of medicine." They
give you good results. For sale
by all druggists.
Mrs. Ralph Smith was among
the passengers .this jrutrnjnsr- -Ur
Omaha, where she will visit for
the day with Miss Florence
Balser at the hospital.
Mrs. J. A. Murray came in last
evening from Omaha, aft'r a
visit for a few days with her sm,
George, and oilier relatives in the
Mrs. M. F. Manspeaker was a
passenger this morning for
Omaha, where she will visit for
the day with friends in that city.
Foley Kidney Pills Successful for
Rheumatism and Kidney
Positive in action for backache,
weak back, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder troubles. P. J. Boyd,
Ogle, Texas, writes: "After tak
ing two bottles of Foley Kidney
Pills, my rheumatism and kidney
troubles are completely gone."
Safe and effective. For s2?e by
all druggists.
To Obtain Good Results
In Gardening;
0U must use good, fresh and reliable seed.
Our store is well assorted and complete
of fresh seed. We sell nothing but seed
in the bulk seed that can be examined before
A good stock of onion sets just arrived,
(both top and bottom sets.
For good reliable seed and best value for
your money, call on
G. P. Eastwood