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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1914)
y t 1 r. -i- 1 J '.v THURSDAY, APRIL 1914. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY -fAIIBMAI r I. . -. - r wwwBiaM . . . THE HEW CASS COUNTY ARY COMPLETED Tho County Commissioners Visit the Farm and Inspect the New Buildings. Tiie . county commissioners yesterday visited I lie new county building' on the farm west of this city, which is now rea'dy for oc cupancy, and as a result of their trip were greatly pleased with the condition of affairs there. The new building is being moved into by Superintendent George Tains and family and in a short time they will be settled in the new quarters in the new build ing and the task of placing the inmates at the farm will be com menced. The building is a splendid appearing structure from the exterior, and the archi tect, Mr. Lawrie, has made the plans so as to make it strictly up-to-date and constructed along lines that will give the greatest ease in handling the old people who make their home there, and no detail ha? been overlooked that will serve to make the build ing modern in every respect. Throughout the building' everything lias been made in a simple and sanitary style that makes the structure an ideal one for the purpose that it is intend ed. A system of ventilators in the different rooms will make the sleeping quarters in the building much more sanitary than the obi ont's in the building that former ly occupied the site of the new structure. The building is equip ped in line shape for the handling of the work, in the kitchen ami laundry rooms, as in the laundry stationary wash tubs connected with both hot and cold water, have been placed to allow the handling of the work, and the kitchen, too, is fitted up in a spbndiI manner that will make the work there a pleasure. In each room on the first and sec ond floor there are ample closets and finely equipped bath rooms and toilet rooms, which are also one of the great improvements over the old building and tliey are so situated as to be of easy access to the old people. The lighting system of the building is another point that deserves a great deal of praise, as the lights are all of the latest type of ceil ing lights and they are ample to suit the needs of the family of the superintendent and the in mates. Take it all over the building is a luinhty fine structure and the contractor, Mr. Hedding, has given the county a fine building that they ran be proud of, and tin commissioners are deserving of much credit for having se cured it at such a low price. Play at the K. S. Hall. The ohemian Catholic Dra matic club has made arrange ments to give another of their pleasant dramatic offerings at the K. S. hall on Saturday even ing. April 25, and are making every arrangement ' make the eent one of the most pleasant e-r gi-n by the society. The title of the play is "Zastavenicka J'ri Mesicku," ami it is a comedy of the type much enjoyed by the Iloliemians in their native land, and in the hands of the excellent company of actors of the club will be a great success. The ad mission will be 25 cents. Taken to Stato Hospital. Vincent Davis of Weeping Wa ter was examined at his home on Tuesday by the insanity board, composed of Drs. K. D. Cummins, ;. II. (iilmore and J. II. Hungate, and was adjudged insane and will be taken to the stale hospital to day by Dr. (Iilmore. Go to Murray Saturday. The Nebraska City drill team of the Woodmen of the World will go to Murray on Saturday afternoon, where a new lodge is to be organized. The order starts out with fifty-five members. The Nebraska City drill team is con sidered one of the best in the west. Nebraska City Press. John Urish, one of the enter prising farmers of Light Mile rove precinct, accompanied by his wife, drove in this morning from their home and were pas-.-engers yn the early Ilurlington train for Omaha, where they will visit for the day. flfi PLATTSHOUTIl FORTY YEARS AGO I Items of Interest to Our Reader Gleaned from the Newspaper File of Many Yeara Ago. - John Fitzgerald, esq., returned home on Saturday, after a pro longed absence in Wisconsin. L. Y. Reed of Weeping Water is quite sick. The Herald is very sorry to hear such news from that quarter. L. T. Shirley of Elm wood call ed on us last Tuesday and paid for the Herald and Prairie Farm er for a year in advance. Ilevs. Clark Wright, Davis and Adair were in our town this week attending the quarterly meeting at the M. E. church. Miss Lizzie Stinchcomb came down from Omaha Saturday and spent a day with her friends, re turning home on Monday. Died Monday, April 27 th, 1873, at 10 a. m., Lillian, the in fant daughter of Alva and Emma Drew, aged 5 weeks and 2 days. Chauncey Willse, whilom a resident of Plattsmouth, paid us a visit on last Monday and went out hunting on the old Platte again. Hob Doom, war horse, etc., Salt Creek man, was in town elec tion day. Had to come up old associations, etc., etc. Come to see the Herald, too. Our representative from Cass, the Hon. John Ilrown. organized Oranges in Colorado the past winter and organized their Stale Orange, under authority from headquarters at Washington. Mr. Ilrown will soon be an fait in the business of State Orange Master, at this rate. Azro Smith sends us some very fine sweet potatoes. Samples of the kind he intends to raise so largely this spring. Mr. Smith will furnish all information needed about sweet potato cul ture. Married Jennings-Hal lock, in Erie, Pa., May 30, 187 5, at the residence of the bride's brother, by Dr. Wheeler of the M. E. church, Mr. John W. Jennings of Cass county, Nebraska, to Miss Lissie Hallock of Erie. So that's the business that took Johnny boy east so mys teriously, is it? If we were only young again, And could live over life, We'd sell the Herald, loss or gain, And start east for a wife. We'd want the same old girl, my boy; For her we'd never change, Hut like the fun and love and joy, When all is new and strong Oeorge Nichols of Ileatrice has been in town for a week visiting his relatives and friends. We are reliably informed that Mr. Frank Nieniau is having his house remodeled and fixed up. "You know how it is yourself." There was an auction sale of the household furniture of J. . Dilley last Saturday afternoon by Sheriff Cutler, to pav some of his debts. The water washed out some of the piles in front of the 11. & M. boat landing- last week, and the president has been busy replac ing; them. Professor U. W. Wise, county superintendent, has removed to the house formerly occupied by M. L. While, our county commis sioner, who has removed with his family to Omaha. Jo.eph Ferree, son of U. W. Ferree of this county, arrived in town last Wednesday evening. Joe has been swinging around the circle since lie left here three years ago, and is as good looking as ever. He will remain here a short time, then strike out again. Our friend, Mike Murphy, mail agent on the II. & M. II. II., and who resides in Plattsmoulh, is the happy father of a 'i-yoarold boy who is extraordinarily cute Tor his age. During the recent fine coasting he was enjoying himself by ridmg ,doyu hill with a young ladyf whom he calls "auntie," and: after a half hour spent in coasting' they eame in, and Charlie' informed the guests congregated at Mike's that he eoujd do something- that "auntie- couldn't. Ou being asked what it was, he said: T can ride down hill "belly-buster,' 1 and auntie can't." It is needless 'lo say that the company exploded. Omaha Republican, ' - ' Ml. Pleasant, May 21), '75. Mr. Ed. It is with great pleas ure and sincere gratitude, to tho donors, that we acknowledge the receipt of the generous sum of $20 from the hands of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hailey and Mrs. Wm. Hobson. The above sum is the proceeds of a festival held in the school house at ML Pleasant, for our benefit, on the evening of the 20th inst. Although the evening was unpropitious, yet those pres ent had a very enjoyable time, greatly aiding in reliving their pastor ami family from a heavy burden, and adding another link to the golden chain of friendship that, binds our hearts to each other, "a friend in need is a friend indeed." With many thanks to all, we hope ever to re main worthy of the esteem and confidence of our friends. Adaline Crippen. G. II. Crippen. THE LAST IN THE FAMOUS BRIDGE CASE BETWEEN SARPY ANO CASS COUNTIES What will probably be the last chapter in the famous Louisville bridge case between Cass and Sarpy counties was enacted yes terday afternoon when the board of county commissioners received a warrant for s'HUi, representing the interest on the principal of S3, 000 which was assessed against Sarpy county as their part of the case, which they lost in the supreme court of the state. This case occupied the attention of the district curt of Sarpy county ami the .stale supreme court, being tried before that body several times and remanded, but the court finally found for Cass county and awarded them judgment for the amount prayed for, with interest. The lawsuit arose over a bridge at Louisville which this county was forced to maintain entirely, as Sarpy coun ty refused to contribute a cent toward its maintance. The bridge has long since yielded to the elements and been washed away. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH LADY MARRIED IN LINCOLN The news of the marriage of Mrs. Hull, a former Plattsmouth lady, has just, been received here by her friends, and while the an nouncement is a great surprise to the many friends of this most estimable lady, she will receive their most hearty best wishes for her future happiness. The cere money which united Mart Howe and Mrs. Hull occurred Wednes day at Lincoln, where both of the contracting parties have been making their home for the past few years, and was a very simple wedding. They will make their future home in Ihe capital city. Mrs. Hull resided here for many years, where she and her hus band, Ihe late Caplaiu W. W. Hull, were among our best peo ple, and the friends of the lady are legion throughout the city and county. From St. Joseph to Omaha. This morning a man ami wom an appeared in the city, who were engaged in walking from St. Jos eph, Mo., to Omaha to live with relatives there, and from their appearance they had evidently fared very poorly on their jour ney. They left St. Joseph the middle of last week and have walked all the way, so they stale, and while the man is standing the trip well, his wife has apparently not gotten along so well. They stated they had had no breakfast and Sheriff Quinton furnished them with food enough to satisfy their hunger. Night before last they found shelter in a school house near Nebraska City, and last night slept in a straw stack in the vicinity of Mynard. They were married at lied Oak last August. After a short stay here they continued their journey to Omaha. Farmers, Notice 1 Have you seen our special Work Shoes for hard use? All leather, guaranteed. Electric Shoe Store,1 So; (5th St. :-.' .v. ' . "i-9-lwk-w STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC., of The Plattsmouth Journal, published Daily and Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Neb., required by the Act of August 21, 1912. Editor, M. A. Hates, Platts mouth, Neb. Managing Editor, R. A. Hales, Plattsmoulh, Neb. llusiness Manager, II. A. Hates, Plattsmouth, Neb. Publisher, 11. A. Hates, Platts mouth, Neb. . Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or. otherwise, to paid sub scribers during the six months preceding the dale of this state ment: Daily 810 Semi -Weekly 1,000 It. A. HATES, Owner. Sworn fore me 101 i. (Seal) to and subscribed be this 8th day of April, T1IOM. W ALL! NO, Notary Public. (My commission expires Feb ruary 13, 1010.) Local RSews Charles Oerlach of Mauley was here for a few hours today to at tend to some matters at the court house. Miss Rose Kremla of Omaha is here for a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank Ohm in this city. Miss Florence Cory was a visil-or in Murray yesterday for Ihe day, the guest of Mrs. Ed S. Tutt. Oliver Ilallam arrived this aft ernoon' on No. 2i to visit for a short time at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Kate Oliver. Mrs. Wayne Twilchell came in last evening from Seattle, Wash ington, and will visit here for a week or ten davs with friends. Lee Nickels of near Murray was in the city today for a few hours looking after some busi ness matters" with the mer chants. County Commission 0. It. Jor dan departed this 'morning for his home at AIvo, after attending the -meeting of the county com missioners. Mrs. Columbus .Nell was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, where she was called to spend the day looking after some busi ness matters in that city. Mr. and Mis. Albert Schafei Troiu near Cedar Creek, were in the city a few hours this morn ing, driving in from their home for a brief visit with county seat friends. Miss Ilarbara Oering was among the passengers this morning for Omaha, where sin was called lo look alter some business matters for a few hours Mrs. W. A. Robertson departed this mornintr for Fremont, where she will be the guest of friend for a short lime. Mr. Robertson accompanied her as far as Oma ha on her journey, and spent tin day there looking after business matters. Mrs. Nellie Wright of Hay Springs, Neb., has been here visiting at the home of her rather, T. M. Carter, departed this morning for her home. Mr. Carter accompanied tier as tar as Omaha. Mrs. Oeorge Lamley of Omaha, who has been here visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wil liam Parker, for a few days, de parted this afternoon for her home in the metropolis. Her sister, Miss Heulah Parker, ac companied her to Omaha for a short visit. William Starkjohn was a busi ness visitor in the metropolis to day, going to that city on the early llurlinglon train. Farmers I Shoes 'repaired while you do your shopping. South 01 h St. i-9-lwk-w CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TT.b Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r"-.i " 1 ll :m "will mm they Cr will they lose the soft, clastic cling that molds a glove to the h-nd, and become "baggy" and chnpclcss? Probably two women out of every fcizr would like an answer to this question when silk-glove season arrives . . . Oihers have already discovered that rOWNEN I Kid Fitting .SILK GloveS rcal!y (It and keep their shape. Fine quality cf silk; care in w eaving; expert cutting and stitching; vlz'd inspection; rll these, combined, produce Fowncs "kidfittins" silk gloves, a pleasure to see and to wear. 50c 75c $1.00 $ 1.50 The r.arr.c revvrxs in every pair. rcuWa tips of course, and Guaran t:c i AH lengthy sizc3, shades, at good r.ofci everywhere. .. a a l ownc tfcM u c j y o'l rcet to taow about A Cloro." 4 its Local News From Tuesday's Dally. - iU'ii Ik'ckmau came in this morning from his home near Murray to attend the meeting of the county commissioners. V. A. Wheeler and wife de parted this morning foj Omaha, where they were called on'some business matters for tho day. . Schroeder attending to of Cedar Creek some business was matters in this was a pleasant ofliee. city today and caller at this County Commissioner C. H. Jordan came in last evening from Alvo to attend the session of the county commissioners thai is be ing' held today. . Frank Vallery was among the passengers this morning for Omaha, where he was called to look after souk? matters on the live slock market. Miss Helen Horn and Miss Viola Uoeker were among the passengers this morning on -tin early JJurlingloh train for Oma ha lo visit for the day. Mrs. Acnes Chapman of Lin coln came, down last -evening on No.' 2 and w ill visit here for a short time with friends and Iook after some business matters. John Toman and Tom S.voboda were among the passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for a few hours with Frank, Bouckasek at the hospital in that city. A.F. Seybert and John Busche, from the vicinity of Cedar Creek, were in the city -today for a few hours looking-after some road matters with tiie county commis sioners. Henry Heebner of Murray fame up last evening, in company with his ""brother,-'-County'Coin- inissioner --Heebner, and visited here for-several - hours w ith his many friends in this city. Mrs. Ida Tril Miss- Margaret, llargtTt weue- ; sch and daughter, and Mrs. JIarvu passengera-1 lhi4 TOR this Saturday only we offer the Famous Elgin Sweeper and Vac uum combined for $8.50 This Sweeper is the reg ularly $12.50. Remem ber no Sweeper will be sold for $8.50 until Sat urday. Come in and let us demonstrate it to you, so that we may be able to place your order for one. morning on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where they will visit for the day looking alter some business matters. From Wednesday's Daily. Ir. (J. II. (iilmore of Murray was in the city today for a short lime looking after some matters at the court house. Mrs. J. M. Johns has gone to lied Oak, Iowa, fTtr a few days' visit with her sister, who has been quite sick with erysipelas. Mrs. E. J. Farmer of Valpariso, Neb., who has been here visiting her son, Theodore Farmer, de parted this morning for her home. James Hoover and James Slander of Louisville were" in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters at the court, house. W. H. Seybert and brother, A. F. Seybert, of the vicinity of Cedar Creek, were visitors in this cily yesterday. W. II. Seybert was a pleasant caller at this ollice. Oscar Oapen drove in this morning from his farm home and was a passenger on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where he will spend the day look ing after business matters. Herman Tank and son, 'Oeorge, of Lakelield, Minnesota, whoare here visiting at the homo of John Wichmann and famil, were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they will take in the sights for the day. jur. Tank, who is a most genial gentleman, is con templating removing to this city to live and ho can bo assurred a hearty welcome. Money Loaned. Six per cent 'loans' on farms, orchard lands, city resident or business property, lo buy. build. improve, extend or refund mortg ages or other securities; terms reasonable; special, privileges. Correspondence invited; Com monwealth Securities'" Loan Com pany, n:'767 Gas and Eieclric Bldg., Denver, Colorado. 7 19 Henry .Bldg., Seattle, Washington. r...--, -w ; vv-3-30-4tw New Boy at Jelik Home. From Wednesday' Dally. A line new ten-pound boy is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Jelik on West Pearl street, on last Friday, and tho little man is reported by the parents as one of the brightest and liveliest youngsters in the city. The mother and little one are getting along nicely and James is feeling mighty proud and happy over the new arrival. We arc desirous of se curing the name of every person now living who traded with "C. E. Wescott Tho Boss Clothier," in the year 1879. Will you please J call at tho store or send us the name by mail? C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS. I-I-I' John Lohnes and son, J. fS. Lohnes, both from near Cedar Creek, wore county seat visitors today, transacting business and visiting with numerous county seat friends. Thev were pleasant callers at the Journal office. C J"! IP Spring Pigs will be vigorous and healthy if you keep the sow m condition with Animal Regulator i5c, 50c, (1.00; 25 lb, pail $3,00 An indispensable tonic before and after farrowing. Increases milk, improves digestion and the general condition of the little P'gs. The best disease pre ventive. - Kefusa substitutes: insist on iTatts. ' . . v. $ Saiisfactioa Ccaranteed or Money Back Uet Pratts Stock Book For Sale' by J. V. EGENBERGER, Plattsmouth." WOLFF & AULT. Cedan n.L , 1 .-UJiU,l14uUiiiUI..UJ.illlkl -45i5.J '."- - . , ' SSJ V A I T "TIT-