The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 06, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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. . ... ...wva w MiiK.uitt '- "MONDAY. APRIL 6,
"Honest John"
The Gasoline Saver. Is the la
bor of 50 men worth One Dollar
a day to you? "HONEST JOHN"
will do all the hard farm work
pump, grind, shell, saw wood,
wash, churn, bale hay, spray, ir
rigate, cut alfalfa and put it in
the barn, light your house, per
form all the drudgery of the up-to-date
farmer, saves time. To
save time is to lengthen life. Com
mon sense counts as much in buy
ing a gasoline engine as anything
else. Buy an "HONEST JOHN,"
made by western men for west
ern requirements, keep ycur mon
ey at home where you can get it
back again both sides of your
dollar work when you get an
"HONEST JOHN," most sub
stantial and economical engine
manufactured. Made in Platts
mcuth, Nebr., by the Western
Machine and Foundry Co. We
also solicit the general machinery
and repair work of farmers and
others in the community. We
install machinery for any pur-
Machine and Foundry Company
(Not Inc.)
Plattsmouth, Neb. L.C. Sharp, Treas
Has His Toe Mashed.
From Mmlay"s Iaily.
John ;eyer. who is employed
i-i the ISurliuirlou shops in this
city, in--; with tpiile a painful ac
cident Miis morning. He was eii-i:a-e,
in loading some end sills
from a rubble car to a slock car
for shipment and in some man-v-er
one of the end sills slipped
off the rubble car and fell on his
left foot, mashinir one of his
!i..'s ery severely, ami while the
injury i not dangerous, if. is
quite painful.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
I have several thousand frood
hedre posts for sale. All sizes.
Louie Puis, 5 miles west of
The Journal does job work.
-'.I ; t i ' I
Copyrighl. 1914
if Vv
W -
Something like 30 different
Styles, colors and band or bov ideas.
Mostly from John B. Stetson Co. Prices
$2.50, $3, $4 and $5.
Manhattan Shirts
A New Carber at Clark's Shop.
The line, up-to-date harbor
hnp of Ward Clark has just r
(i-iv'd fli addition' of annlher
lir.-f-class harbor to look after
the need of the patrons of this
line establishment. The gentle
man is Mr. C. K. llalloek, who has
been employed in the leading
barber shops of Lincoln and
eomes to tin's city well rrcnin
meinled as a first-class man in
every respect and who will keep
up to tin' usual hifrh standard of
work turned out at I his shop. Mr.
Richard Wells, who has been
workinir at the Clark shop, will
romoe from the city soon for
Wisconsin, and if is to take his
place that Mr. Ifalloek was se
cured from the slate capital.
We hae ood news for every
person in I his lown who has any
form of tomai'ii trouble. It is
about a remedy for indigestion
and dyspepsia thai we have so
much faith in as to offer it to you
without personal guarantee that
il does not relieve you and satisfy
you in every way, we will refund
the money you paid for it without
question or argument of any
kind. You risk not hi'iir : either
Itexall Dyspepsia Tablets will re
lieve your stomach ailments or
the money you paid for them will
be handed back to you. There is
no red tape about our guarantee.
II means just what it says. Your
word is enough. If Itexall Dys
pepsia Tablets don't satisfy you.
the money is yours and we want
you to have it.
Itexall Dvspensia " Tablets
soothe the inflamed stomach,
check heartburn and distress,
stimulate a healthy secretion of
i:astric juice, aid in rapid and
comfortable digestion of the
food, and help to quickly restore
the stomach to a comfortable,
easy-act insr. healthy state. They
also aid greatly in promoting
regular bowel action. Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets are sold only at
I he 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in
this town only by us. Three
size. -2 or. 5Cc and SI. 00 F. CI.
Fricke & Co.. Union Block,
Plaltsmouth. Neb.
16u Acres of Land.
Will trade ICO acres of land in
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property. XV. R. Bryan.
The Want flds ge results.
3 w-nrerregr w. wmsssr
Give Easter Clothes
"Immediate Attention"
a greater claim to your
attention this season than
ever before,
weaves and
stripes, mixtures, etc., in new
close fitting models, with the
highest grade of fine tailoring.
.Among the projects for tin
entertainment of the. amusement
loving public in Ihe city that arc
being planned lor tne coming
season, is that of an air doun
that E. F. (Jrybsky, manager of
the Crand theater, expects to
erect during Ihe next few month
1 tie ait dome will he located on
the lot just south of the Wescoll
buildinu: on Fifth street and will
be of easy access to eyeryoni
down town. Mr. Crybskv will lix
thep lace up so that it will h
most, comfortable to the palroji
and easy resting seats will b
provided for those attending, am;
(tie same fiitili class ol pictures
thai are shown at present at lh
(rand wilt be continued m tne
air dome. This form of open air
entertainment is one that, will
please Ihe amusoment-Ioving
public and is certain to bring the
enterprising gentleman ample
returns in palronage, as the air
dome that was operated here
three years ago did a great
amount of business and the peo
ple silting in the cool of the
evening in the open air could en
joy the movies' to their heart's
content. It is also figured by the
manager that the site can be
used as a skating rink in the
winter season and the pains will
be made to iix this up when the
season rolls around.
Check Your April Cough.
Thawing frost, and April rains
chill vou to the very marrow, you
catch cold Head and lungs are
stuffed You are feverish
Cough continually and feel
miserable You need Dr. King's
aow Discovery. It soothes in
flamed and irritated throat and
lungs, stops cough, your head
clears up, fever leaves, and you
feel tine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of
Slickney Corner, Me., "Was cured
of a dreadful cough after doctor's
treatment and all other remedies
failed. Relief or money back.
Pleasant Children like it. Got a
bottle today. 50c and 51.00 at
your Druggist.
Motorcycle for Sale.
In excellent condition, good as
new. Bigr, powerful 2-cylinder,
developing 7-10 II. P. Need the
money. Must sell at once. See
Ed Steinhauer at Journal office.
The Journal ads pay.
All the new
patterns, fine
Multicolormixturesand brighter
hues are exceedingly popular. Weve a
great range of these novelties at 50c,
neckwear usually shown at 65 and 75c.
Stetson Hats
Return From Teachers' Meeting
From Monday's Dally.
Couulv Sunerinlendenl Mary K
Foster has returned from Lin
coin, where she attended a meet
ing of the teachers of the stale
Held mere for a three days' ses
sion, and while there had the
pleasure of hearing a lecture by
Prof. Driggs of Salt Lake Cilv
wiio is tne author ot a work on
language, and who will be here
for a talk at the Cass county
teachers' institute to lie Held in
An trust.
From Tuesday's nally.
What, aecording to physicians,
seems lo he a case of smallpox,
has developed at Ihe home of Jef
ferson Cross, a few miles north
west of Union. Mr. Cross has
heen sick for he past few day
and yeslerdav afternoon medical
aid was summoned for him am
it was then that it was found that
he was apparently suffering from
a case ot smallpox, ihe math
was reported to the county cierK
this morning and steps will he
taken at once to fully investigate
the matter and to take such steps
as may he necessary to prevent
the spread of the disease in the
localitv. The case is not a
severe one and Ihe family did not
think anything serious was tlx
matter and Mrs. Cross yesterday
at (ended church as usual at
Union and taught her class in the
Sundav school there, and the
Cross home was visited hy a
numher of friends in Ihe after
noon who dropped in to see Mr.
Cross, and if the case is finally
proven to hi4 a real case of small
pox there will he a wholesale
vaccination in the neighhorhood
and in Union. The county physi
cian will visit the ross place
this afternoon and lake whatever
measures he thinks hest for the
protection of the health of the
From Monday's Dally.
The following is a short
biographical sketch of -the late
William Leddy, one of the sub
stantial farmers of near South
Itend, who died there on Sunday,
March 22, at tho age of 71 years:
-William l.eddy was horn at
Cincinnati, Ohio, December (.
Isi2, and for several years was
a resident in that locality, but
came west in the late Jjh's and
engaged in freighting business
for a number of years, and in
lS(i2 operated out of Nebraska
City for Ihe west, with his teams,
hauling the freight across the
then almost wilderness of the
stale of Nebraska. He was a
resident of Plaltsmouth during
the year 1SG5, and on June It),
1S73, he was married at Des
Moines, Iowa, ' lo Miss Kliza
Daniels, and . this estimable
couple for the past twenty-eight
years have resided on their farm
near South Tiend, in this county,
where Mr. Leddy was one of the
most highly esteemed citizens
and well beloved by all who knew
him. Desi'les the widow four
children an; left lo mourn his
death as follows: Mrs. Mary
Marshall, Mrs. Anna Duerr, John
Leddy, all of the vicinity of Alvo,
and William Leddy, jr., who re
sided at the home of his parents.
The funeral was held at Allan lie,
Iowa, where the family resided
at one time.
From Monday's Dally.
A change in lone of the busi
ness houses of the city was con
sumated Saturday evening when
the Simons company, a' recently
incorporated business establish
ment of this city purchased the
store of I J. Holding. Mr. Simon
has been in charge of the Sample
Store here for the past few
months, and his company will
now take over the Holding store
and prepare to operate it along
modern lines. The new firm will
expend some $1,200 in improve
ments on the store building,
which they have leased for a
period of five years. The new
proprietors will operate the
establishment as a 99-cent store
and all the articles will range in
value from 1 cent to 99 cents.
The most modern methods will
be used in the management, and
its success isa matter that: can
not be doubted! in the least.
Most of the (owns of flic coun
ty, also the newspapers, are dis
cussing the matter of organizing
a county base ball league, and in
all the discussion the village of
Union has been figured as one of
the live wires, a fact of which we
are proud. The Ledger editor
has long been a real bae ball
"shark," even after a broken leg
compelled his retirement from
actie service, but we are yet a
great admirer of the game and
will be one of the boosters for
the county league if properly
started and conducted jn ;i busi
ness way and with .justice to all
Ihe towns.
First, we suggest, that in organizing-,
the playing talent be
confined to actual resident, play
ers of the town, the jus! ice of
his being apparent, for this town
as well as most others, cannot
afford to earrv salaried men, as
the support in small towns
would not warrant the promoters
in doing so, while Plattsmouth.
with its larger population, could
very easily employ men to make
up a team that woulu lar out
class the smaller towns, the re
sult being a one-sided contest
that would not interest lb
"fans." Let the countv league be
made up of home players, then
count on Union hemg strictly in
it with a team that will make the
fur fly from start to finish. We
are for the county league, and
this town will no doubt be rep
resented at any time a meeting
i held to organize. Union
From Monday's
farm and business
Ihe dairy
which has been owned and oper
ate.! by W. C. Hamilton for tho
ast few years, has been disposed
of to J. S. Heuscholer, who will
continue to supply the patrons
wilh 'the same excellent service
they have had for the past years
under the management of Mr.
lamilton. The new proprietor
f the diary conies well recom
mended to this city as an old
land at Ihe dairy business and
ne that will prove a live one in
this line of business. The Hamil-
on dairy, farm is equipped in
good shape for the conducting of
ine of business of this kind.
Mr. Hamilton desires to express
through the medium of the Jour
nal, his deep appreciation of tin
patronage he has received ami
bespeaks for his successor a
most splendid endorsement.
From Monday's Daily.
This morning Joe Houkacek
edparted for Omaha, where he
visited with his brother, Frank,
for the day at the hospital, where
he is recovering from the effects
of an operation. Frank was
operated upon a few days ago, as
it was thought that he was suf
fering from the effects of an
operation performed a few years
ago for appendicitis. When the
operation was performed it was
discovered that he was suffering
from a rupture which had evi
dently been caused by his lifting
something shortly after the first
operation, which had resulted in
the injury to himself. He is get
ting along nicely now, however,
and expects to be able in a short
time to return home.
The Titanic Goes to Union.
That monster automobile for
merly owned by our genial coun
ty judge, Allen J. lieeson, has
been sold by its recent owner,
Frank Vallery, to Henry Becker
of Union. Mr. Becker expects to
turn it into a truck wagon to be
used for all kinds of heavy
For Infants and Children.
ma Kind You Have Always Bought
... Bears the
Signature of
P. E. O. House Party.
From Monday's Dally.
Mrs. Shropshire, Mrs. Camp
bell and Miss Mayme Hutchinson
entertained the guests of Mrs.
Merlha. Clear-Hughes, who make
up a bouse parly al their lunch
eon for the I K. O.'s Saturday.
These guests are the slate board,
including Mrs. Hughes of Oma
ha, .Miss Owens of Bloom ington,
Miss Anna Morgan of Hebron,
Miss Abbie Hums of University
I'lace, Mrs. K. JL Travis of
Mali-month, Mrs. -L. It. Spencer
of Lexington, Mrs. L. T. Andrews
of Curtis, Miss Ida Johnson of
Lincoln. Omaha Hee.
The field of democratic can
didates received an addition Sat
urday by the tiling of H. C. Dailey,
the Maple Orove blacksmith, as
a candidate for the nomination
for sheriff on the democratic
ticket. Mr. JJailey is a splendid
young man ami has resided in
this county for a number of
years and possesses a vast host
of friends throughout the. coun
ty. He is well qualified for the
office in every way and if chosen
by the electors will prove a valu
able man for the ollice. He has
been located near Murray for a
number of years and his reputa
tion there is above reproach.
There are rumors that there will
be other filings for this office on
both tickets, and there is little
danger of there being a lack of
candidates for the position, and
already Sheriff Quinton and For
est It. Cunningham of Xehawka
have gotten out on the track for
Ihe republican nomination and
will do battle for the position of
securing a place on the ballot,
and for several days it has been
reported that one of the young
republicans of the western part
of the county would get into the
running before the lime of the
In--most of the statements is
sued by the government no men
lion is made of the penally for
killing water fowl during the
closed season prescribed by
regulations of the department of
agriculture. Mr. Lane, United
Slates district, attorney for Ne
braska, has received details of
the regulations which show that
the penalty for spring shooting is
a tine of from 1 to 30n. The
nenallv is not based on a certain
amount for each bird killed, but
is left to the discretion of the
iudirr. of the federal court who
imposes the fine. It is reported
that ducks are being shot in Ne
braska, but thus far no arrests
have been made by the United
States marshal or his deputy. No
other persons have power to
make arrests.
Children's rompers in crinkle
material. Saves ironing. Price
50c. Zuckweiler & Lutz.
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
E are offering all our customers
an Easter Gift in the way of a
discount of 10 per cent on every arti
cle purchased in this store from now
until Easter. Here is an opportunity to
save 10 per cent on every dollar you
spend. Exchange your 90 cents for
our $1.00 in merchandise
Fanger's Department Store
V. ZUCKER, Manager - Plattsmouth, Web.
Direct From the Mill
That's what we can say
about our Hosiery, because
it is
"Black Call"
Always made by the same
skilled knitters dyed under
the supervision of the dye
authority of America in
spected by trained experts.
We have too many cus
tomers who insist upon
"Black Cat" Hosiery to
trifle with any other brand.
You can get heavy, light
or gauze weights in silk,
silk lisle or lisle but always
the best for the price.
Test it let us prove our
claims that our hosiery
department is worthy of
your confidence.
Come NOW to inspect our
newest values just received.
Found a Cure for Rheumatism.
"I suffered with - rheumatism
for two years and could not get
my right hand to my mouth for
that" length of time," writes Lee
L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. "I
suffered terrible pain so I could
not sleep or lie still at night. Five
years ago I began using Cham
berlain's Liniment and in two
months I was well and have not
suffered with rheumatism since."
For sale by all druggists.
Butter Fat Wanted. ;
The undersigned manager of
the Lincoln Pure Butter. Co., at
this station, is paying the highest
price for butter, fat, -as .de
termined by the government Bab
cock test. We are also paying the
highest market price at all limes
for all kinds of produce and
poultry. Call and see me before
disposing of your produce.
Fred. Dawson,
Lincoln Pure Butter Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas Coaoty, .
Frank J. Chciify makes oath that be i aenior
riartniT of the firm of K. J. I'heuey Sc Ca., do
nir buslm-Rs in the Cltr of Toledo. County and
tate aforesaid, and that raid tlrm will pay
the turn of ONE IIUXDRE1) DOLLARS lor
each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Uall'a Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before me and snbRcrlbed In my
presence, this Ota day or liecemuer, A. v., 1SSU.
Seal. A. W. GLEASOX.
Notary Tublic.
nail's Catarrh Cu'e Is taken Internally and
acts directly uion the Mood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
V F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpaUon,
ia -far ,1 , r - y-tft.-