The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 06, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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MON DAY, - APR1 L6. 1914..
To Obtain Good Results
In Gardening
' ' Bl HTTCNinilTU tPIMIl lAPFIfl V .intlRNAI'
PAut.- -.. - -i-!Li . i .
YOU must use good, fresh and reliable seed.
Our store is well assorted and complete
of fresh seed. We sell nothing but seed
in the bulk seed that can be examined before
A good stock of onion sets just arrived,
(both top and bottom sets.
For good reliable
your money, call on
Q. P. Eastwood
From Saturday's Iaily.
This morning while Jolm
Kopp, democratic candidate for
councilman in the Fourth ward,
was enuagcd iii hi duties at the
Hurlinglon .-hops, h met with an
accident which will lay him up for
a few weeks with a broken leg.
Mr. Kopp was working with some
wheel axels when one of them
swung around and in doing so
struck Mr. Kopp mi the left leg
knocking him down, and in the
fall ho had the leg quite badly
tra-tur'd below the kin'c joint.
This misfortune will he learned
with great sorrow by the many
friends of this genial gentleman,
and as a result of it he will be
compelled to remain confined to
his home for several weeks. As
soon as the accident occurred Mr.
Kopp was conveyed to his home
on a stretcher and the company's
surgeon summoned to look after
his injuries and dress the injured
"member. At last reports the pati
ent was resting as easily as the
circumstances would permit.
Spring Laxative and Blood
Flush out the accumulated
waste and poisons of the winter
months; cleans your stomach,
liver and kidneys of all impuri
ties. Take. Dr. Kind's New Life
Pills; nothing better for purify
ing the blood. Mild, non-griping
laxative. Cures constipation;
makes you feel fine. Take no
other. 25c, at your Druggist.
Smoke "Keno" cigars.
Why not make-up one of these
Two Very Fashionable Afternoon Gowns
Modish in every line; proper for receptions,
dinners, theatre, calling
m i if i
V if w y
Corner. Sixth Xnd "Main'St.
seed and best value for
From Saturdays Daily.
This morning a message was
receied in this city announcing
tin' death at Oakland, California,
of George V. Vass, a former
resident of this city and a broth
er of Mrs. Mat lie Williams, who
resides here. Mr. Vass left this
city about twelve years ago, as
his health was not of the best,
and moved to the Pacific coast to
engage in different business
enterprises. lie was taken sick
a few weeks ago and taken to a
hospital in Oakland for treat
ment, for dropsy nf Ibc stomach,
and for this ailment lie was oper
ated upon a short time ago, but
the result did not prove as suc
cessful as it hail been hoped for
and he rapidly grew worse until
death resulted yesterday morn
ing. Mr. Vass was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Vass, old resi
dents of this city, and for years
lived here. The remains of Mr.
Vass will be cremated at San
Francisco, and the ashes shipped
here, where they will be interred
in Oak Hill cemetery beside those
of his parents. The deceased was
about 50 years of age and was
Dross ginghams; 150 patterns
to select from. Zuckweiler &
Our new stock of sunbonncts
are in. You'll want one soon.
See ours first. Zuzkweiler &
liucklen's Arnica Salve for All
Materials for size 36. In each case,
below (other sizes in proportion).
Ladies Home Journal pattern. 15c.
Wide-Wale Serjre-4 J yds, 52-inch
required for size HO, at $1.00 per
yard, with I yd silk for vest and
cuffs, and I yd $1.00 vel
vet for girdle
Serge 6 yds f0e, .'J6-inch wide
serge with same trim
ming $5.80
No. 7993 Draped skirt costume.
Serge-3i yds, 5'J-inch at $1.00
yd, with J yd lS-iuch all-over lace
for vest and standing collar; 1 yd
3-inch lace for frill;. J yd fancy
fancy silk for collars and(tJ jf
cuiTs, and i yd forgirdle..VOD
Ratine 4J 3t-inch at 50e. dQ fr
Other items as above YOD
From Friday's Daily.
The news was received here
today of the arrival at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Tight',
in Chicago, on Monday, March 30,
of Miss Margaret Weir Tighe, a
line bouncing little lady weighing
seven and a quarter pounds. The
many friends hero of the proud
father will be delighted to learn
of his fine new daughter and
their best wishes will be extended
to the parents with the hope that
the little lady will live to be a joy
and comfort to her father and
mother. Mrs. Tighe was former
ly Miss Alice Weir of Omaha, and
Mr. Tighe resided here for a
number of years, attending
school and graduating from the
IMattsmoulh High school in the
class of 1D0 i.
From Friday's I"aily.
l .-isl. viiiiir .i eomnanv of
young people were, entertained in
a most delightful manner at tin
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs
doc MeMaken. The occasion was
in honor of Mr. and Mr. Theo
dore West, who are visiting at
the MeMaken home. Music ami
dancing provided plenty of
amusement for this jolly com
pany and made tin hours pass
all loo rapidly. Inning the
course of the evening's enter
tainment, a delicious two-course
luncheon was served, which was
likewise greatly enjoyed. At a
late hour, after having expressed
their pleasure in enjoying the
hospitality of the MeMaken home
and (hanking the host and host
ess for the splendid eening's
entertainment, the merrymakers
Joe Mik, lhirlington passenger
director, has returned from Chi
cago, where he went in the in
terest of the national linliciniaii
Sokols tournament to be held in
.Omaha July 21 to ,'0. Mik said
the Chicago turners were en
thusiastic about the big meet to
be held in Omaha and expected
that at least 500 from Chicago
will attend the tournament.
While in Chicago Mr. Mik made
arrangements with the Bohemian
Theatrical company lo conic to
Omaha during the tournament
and give several performances
The tournament will be held at
Hourko's park and several thou
sand visitors are expected to at
tend. Omaha News.
There are quite a number from
this city members of die society,
who will attend this great athletic
event and there may be a num
ber of the turners take part in
the meet. The gathering will
bring turners from every section
of the country to compete for tin
different prizes offered and (he
event will be one of the best
athletic events held in the west
for some vears.
From Friday's Daily.
Last, evening C. C. Wescotf re
turned from a four weeks trip on
the Pacific coast, where he was
visiting with his father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. 10. YVes
eoll, at Los Angeles. While the
trip out was filled with a great
many disagreeable experiences
due to the excessive rains, the
viit was one filled with much
enjoyment and pleasure to Mr.
Wescotl. As soon as the weather
becomes more settled Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Wescolt will come to
this city lor a short visit Vith
their sons.
See our ratines and crepes. W'-i
are showing the largest line of
popular priced goods in the city.
Zuckweiler & Lutz.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve for All
Sores. -
From Friday's Dan-.
This morniuir the case of Mc
Carthy & Strum vs. the Mis
souri Pacific Railway company
was on before Judge Ileeson in
the county court. The plaintiffs
are engaged in the grain busi
ness at Union, in this county, and
have during the time of their
ownership of the elevator in that
city shipped a great deal of grain
over the railroad, having a siding
built to the elevator." In the past
four years, the plamtills allege,
they received many cars in which
to ship grain thai were not in the
proper state of repair for this
purpose, and in order to permit
them to shin the grain it was
necessary for them to employ the
services of a carpenter to place
the cars in repair, there often be
ing a board torn oil" or the doors
not being in proper shape to ship
the cram. For the expense in
curred in the repairing of tin
cars the irraiu dealers hav
sought to secure payment from
the railroad, as the amount in
the last four years aggregates in
the neighborhood of S-.'OO, and
the defendant company refuses
to pay (he sum. Attorney C. II.
Taylor appears in behalf of the
plaint id's, while Alorncy Kennedy
of Omaha appears for the rail
road company.
From Friday's l;iily.
The ISurlington band held theii
weekly praclice iasl evening at
the council chamber in prepara
tion Tor the season's work. The
band is showing marked signs of
improvement and the organiza
tion has received several new
members in the past few weeks,
wliich will aid materially in the
strengthening of the playing
ability of the bam!, and under the
careful guidance - of Director
Schiilhof it will only Tte a short
lime until , ilhey good
shape for all playing dates for
(he summer. The new men are
taking readily lo the music offer
ed and rounding into proper form
for the work of the season. The
band has had in contemplation
tile giving of a concert in the
Parmele theater in the near
future before the warm weather,
and such an event would be
greeted with a crowded house
from the music loving public of
the city.
From Friday's Daily.
The many friends of Mrs. II. J
Streight will be greatly pleasee
to learn that she is showing some
improvement over her previous
condition, and while still in very
serious condition, it is hoped sin
will be able to rally from the at
tack of pneumonia from which
she has been suffering-. Mrs
Sireight is quite well advanced in
years and her health has not
been of Hie best and the attack
of pneumonia has greatly weak
ened her, but with the improve
incut shown it is thought she will
recover all right from her af
Look to Your Plumbing.
You know what happens in a
house in w hich I he plumbing is
in poor conidlion everybody in
the house is liable to contract
typhoid or some other fever. The
digestive organs perform the
same functions in the human
body as the plumbing does for the
house, and they should be kept in
first-class condition .'ill the time.
If voi i have any trouble with your
digestion take Chamberlain's
Tablets and vou are certain to get
ijuick relief. For sale by all deal
ers. V
- O. Sandin, D. V. M.,
graduate of the Kansas City
Veterinary College, is per-
inanently located in Plalls-
r mouth. Calls answered
! day or night. 'Phone 255.
' Office 606 Main.
Local P2ews
Mrs. Hussell Harris oT Omaha
is in the city visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
!. l'ricke.
County Attorney C. II. Taylor
returned this morning from
Omaha, where-. -lie was visiting
with friends.
Miss-Carter of Hellevue college
is spending the spring vacation
in this city, being a guest of Miss
Olive (lass.
Clarence Ileal departed Satur
day evening for Peru, where he
isited over Sunday with friends
in that place.
Will Wehrbeiu of near Murray
drove up today to look after some
buisness mailers with the mer
chants for the day.
Mis Julia Kerr came over
from Cagle Saturday morning for
a short isit with her mother,
Mrs. S. L. Kerr.
Karl Uarclay departed Satur
day eveninir for St. oseph, Mis
souri, where he visited over Sun
day with friends.
Jay Vaughn and wife were pas
sengers this afternoon for Oma
ha, where they will visit for i
short time with friends.
o. C. l)oey was a passengt
this morning for Omaha, where
he was called to look after soiin
business matters for a short
Miss Nettie Jirousek va:
among the passengers (his morn
ing for Omaha, where she wil
visit for the day with friends
that city.
Miss Sophia Siecztlowskie, who
is teaching school at South I5end
was down Saturday to spend a
few hours with relatives am
Frank Konfrst and Ludwig
Houcliek were passengers this
morning for Pacific Junction to
attend to some carpenter work in
that city.
Mrs. Jennie. Fillers of Omaha
came in Saturday evening am
visited at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tuey,
in this city.
Mrs. J. A. Murray departed this
morning for Omaha, where she
will visit with her son, George,
for a short time, as well as with
other relatives.
CI. C. Witel of Greenwood was
in the city for a few hours today,
coming down on the Schuyler
from his home to look after some
business mailers.
John Gorder was anion? the
visitors in the metropolis this
morninc. croinc to that citv to
look after some matters with the
wholesale houses.
George Fuller and Herbert
Cotton' departed this morning
for Glenwood, where, they will
resume their- work on the state
institute biiildipgs, there. , . "
; . , I . -
John KafTenberger was among
the business .visitors in the' me-,
tropolis today, driving iir from
his farm home, and departing on
the early llurlington train.
Mrs. W. C Tip pens was a; pas
senger this morning on the eafrly
Burli-iaton train for- Omaha,
ivfere ihe ; w;ill visit for the tiay
attending to some matters of
Easter Week
Your Easter Togs Are Waiting for You
Exclusive designs in our Quality Clothes 20 to $35
Exceptional values in our Styleplus Clothes. . . .$17
Newest spring shapes in Stetson Hats. $3.50 to $5
Rich neckwear 50c to $1
Newest shirts $1 to $5
A splendid top coat for spring $17
For men, women and children $2.50 to $25
John Heck and wife came in to
day from I heir home in Mt.
Pleasant precinct and were pas
sengers (his al'lernooii for Oma
ha to visit for the day.
France Uallance was an over
Sunday visitor in I In? ci'.y at the
home of his parent. Mr. and
Mrs. William l!all;ince, returning
to his duties at Olenwood this
P. (1. Hanson of Omaha came
down Saturday evening on No. 2
and spent Sunday here with his
mother and sisters, returning
home on the afternoon Missouri
Pacific yesterday.
Superintendent W. S. Askwith
of (he Masonic Home was a pas
senger this morning- on the early
Hurlingtou train for Omaha to
all end to some mailers for the
Home in this cily.
Mrs. R. 1 3. Shehan and little
daughter will arrive in the city
tomorrow from their home at
Galesburg, Illinois for a visit
here with Mrs. Shehan's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith.
CKde .tones and wife and Miss
Hazed Myers were passengers
this morning for Omaha, wheri
they will visit for a short time
and look' after matters of busi
Mrs. J. I. of Tibbelt,
Garden county, ' Nebraska, who
has been making an extended
visit with relatives and friends in
Ibis vicinity, has returned to her
William Feddy, from near
South I.end, was a Plattsniouth
visitor last Saturday. While here
he called at the Journal office and
enrolled his name for the paper
for one year.
Miss Flsie Scheel, from near
Murdock, was visiting in Platts
niouth today, coming in on the
train this morning. While here
she called at the Journal office, to
renew her father's subscription
to the Journal.
Mrs. G. II. Tarns and daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Itezener, of Alli
ance, who is here visiting at the
home of her parents, were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha
to spend the day looking after
matters "of business.
P. F. Ruffner was a passeng
er for Omaha yeslerdav morning,
where he joined his wife, and to
gether they enjoyed a visit with
their children, their son, G rover.
coming down from Duncan, Neb.,
lo spend the day with them at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Itoy
F ".I ; 1 ' 1
At Gering & Co., PlatUmoulh, Nebr.
Charles Ilerrou and Will Ren
tier of the vicinity of Murray
were visitors in this city Satur
day. K. J. Mougey of Union was in
the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters in the
county court.
Dr. IJ. F. Hrendel - came up
this morning from Murray lo
look after some mailers at The
court house for a short time. .
C. 'Lawrence Slull was a pas--sener
this afternoon for Omaha,
where he will look after some
business matters in that city. .
John V. Halt and , -. son'; Jack,
were passengers esterday morn
ing for Lincoln, where they spent:
the day with relatives in that city.
Mrs. F. C. Garrison of Have-'
lock, who was here' visiting al.
the I?.;C. Hyde home,', for 'a few
days, returned home Saturday
nfternoeni. " ' : , .
P. If. Meisinger and daughter,
Miss Lena, were visitors in this
city Saturday, ;ynd Avhile.,hejy, Mr.
Meisinger made this office, a,
pleasant call. ,
Mrs. Ward Clark and Mrs. Joe :
Wales were passengers this aft
ernoon for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day with rela
tives and friends.
Miss Lillian Cole, . who is.
leaching school . at Iiawson,
Minn., is spending her spring
vacation with her mother and
sister in this cily.
Philip 1 1 i let, from west of My
nard, was in the city a few hours
last Saturday, driving up from
his home to look after some
business matters. '
n. H. Fitch,' jr., and T. G.
Lewis of Union were attending to
business matters in this city
Saturday. 3Ir. Lewis was a pleas
ant caller at this office.
Strengthens Weak and Tired
"I was under a great strain
nursing a relative through three
months' sickness," writes Mrs. J.
C. Van De Sande, of Kirkland, III.,
and "Flectric Hitters kept me,
from breaking down. I will never
be without it." Do you feel tired
ami worn out? No appetite and
food won't digest? It isn't the
spring weather. You need Elec
tric Bitters. Start a month's
treatment today; nothing better
for stomach, liver and kidneys.
The great spring tonic. Relief or
money back. 50e and $1.00, at
your Druggist.
Omaha. Nes.