The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 02, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8.
Next Week
We are the Styleplus Store
when new clothes count. We are
making a special showing of
Styleplus y
Clothes. J! L
"The same price UJtwldcyerI
variety of style that is correct. You pick out the
suit that best becomes you, knowing the price is
only $ i 7 and that the quality is guaranteed.
talked about. If you don't know the Styleplus
quality-points, you ought to come in, even if you
don't need a new Easter suit. We will gladly show
The big two page advertisement in the s3&$!7 Iji'I
Saturday Evening Post advised you to look for the
Styleplus Window in the Styleplus Store. Notice
our fine display and come in.
11 mm1
til ihb&
Everybody's Store
The following account of (In
wedding- of a former IMal I snioul Ii
voung- lady appearing- in ine ijm
coin Star (i luesday evening
will Im of pro a I. interest, as lit
bride, .Miss Lthel lave Craves,
was porn ami reared in tins 1 1 y
and frr;nliiit from tin I'lalls
mouth High school. She was Hi
youngest uauginer oi me la i A.
J. (iravfs. formerly county at
torney of ('ass county, ami since
I he death of Mr. Graves the fam
ilv has resided in Lincoln:
The marriage of Miss Kth
Fave (Jraves of this cily fo Wil
liam II. drage of Oakland, Ca
was celebrated last night at Holy
Trinity church. The Rev. S,
.Mills Hayes read the marriage
service at o clock in ttie pies
ence of a company of lvenlyliv
close friends ami relatives. The
bride wore a beautiful gown of
white crepe de chine with shadow
lace trimmings and carried a
diower ltompiet of white rose:
Mie wore a diamond lavaner. uie
gift of the groom. A reception
followed at the home of th1
bride's sister, Mrs. K. V.. I.owry
Mrs. J. It. Amen, also a sister of
the bride, had charge of the din
ing- room. 1 lie pride and groom
left todav for their home in Oak
land. I In? bride's gomg-away
frown was a tailored sun oi king ;
blue Willi Ii at and all accessories
In match.
W all Paper and
The Paint Store
Frank Gobelman
Hotel Riley
irf.rnri.rm-,. , --s.,,.-.
- - Jl. .Ti i
Yesterday afternoon there wa
a scare created al the steam
laundry on lourtu street when a
man named Fleming- entered Hie
place about o clock and an
nounced in a loud voice that, lit
proposed to clean out the estab
lishment and was ready to do
business with the first corner that
wanted to take his offer up. and
the announcement of his readi
ness to declare war caused as
much alarm among the workers
at the laundry as the approach of
I In
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of
Those Ugly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest
need of feeling- ashamed of your
freckles, as the prescription
tt- i t . i
ouiine iioume sirengtn is
guaranteed to remove these
ugly spots.
Simply fret an ounce, of othine
double strength from anv
druggist and apply a little of it
night and morning' and you
hould soon .-ee that even the
worst freckles have begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones
have vanished entirely. It is
seldom tnal more man an ounce
is needed to completely clear the
kin and gain a beautiful com
lie sure lo ask for the double
strength othine as this is sob
under guarantee of money back
if it fails to remove freckles.
(Continued From First, Page.)
smaller hall of the building-,
where they perfected an or
ganization by the election of
George Tushinsky as chairman
and III F. (Inns as secretary. The
rump convention proceeded with
the election of the delegates to
the state convention at Hastings
on May Cth, chosing- Dr. K. Y.
Cook, Henry R. Gering and A. L.
Tidd as their representatives and
O. C. Hudson, F. M. Best or and
H. S. Barlhohl as alternates, and
then adjourned.
The regular convention, after
the withdrawal of Cass camp,
proceeded In do business .by
electing; a credential committee
of five members, who reported
the different camps present as
being correct, and the report was
adopted without difficulty. The
temporary organization was then
made permanent and the conven
tion took up the task of electing
the delegates fo the state con
vention, after securing the serv
ices of Clements of Klrnwood
;s assistant to the secretary, and
the names of W. Ii. Banning of
Union, L. A. Tyson of F.Imw ood
and John Cory of IMaitsmoulh
were chosen as the delegates to
represent the county at the state
meet ing.
The delegates present at the
convention were very sincere in
their beliefs on both sides of the
question and defended to the ut
most their different views of the
question of the election of the
delegates who would represent
them, and as a result of the two
conventions there will be two
sets of delegates presented, from
this county at the state conven
tion in May. The county outside
of the camp here was solidly ar
raigned on the side of the lower
rate and against the present head
officers and were on the job tn
see that they won their point.
i ne deietraies elected to 'rep
resent the dilVei-ent camps of l!n
. . J ii n 4 .
couiny ouiside oi ine camp in
this city were;
Wabash John C. Brown. .
I.fmwooiJ f. II. Hogge, Ed!, L. A. Tyson, C, S.
Ablrich, A. X. McCreary.
Louisville C. (I. Maytield, J.
V. W I, C. i:. Xoyes.
South Bend John Campbell.
Avoca C. Karslens, B. c.
Xehawka J. A. Whit email,,
Xick Opp, J. S. Rough.
Weeping Water Wilson nil
more, x. . Holland-, C. X. Xew
iands, I'd Jewell.
I'n ion Joe Banning-, R. I).
Stine, F. W. Young, Y. B. Ban
ning. J. T. Reynolds, Frank
AlvoCr. v. Cm-yea, fi. 1.
( ireenwood William I loud,
William Boucher. '
Murdock llenrv A. Tool, S. M.
Murray W. W. Hamilton. 1).
A. Young, Lee Kniss.
Our Spring Millinery Opening
TJELD last Friday and Satur
A day, proved to be one of the
most successful in the history of
our store. Even though the
weather was not very favorable
there were a great many ladies
of this city and community in attendance
to examine our beautiful spring line.
From the number of hats sold we know
that our efforts this season are appre
ciated. We are showing everything that is new
and stylish in Ladies' and Misses Apparel
in Millinery, and while many of our pat
rons were unable to attend the opening
we want you all to call and examine our
line this season.
girls made a mail lliglit out into
the street, leaving the warrior in
full possesion of the battle
ground until ttie arrival ol ill
ponce, when ne was taken out to
i place of safety, where he could
vent his wrath on the cold, tin
feeling- stone of the prison cell
I'he man, after a few hours' rest,
F. O. Ma-yHeUJ. Sunday' editor sohered up sulliciently to he
of the World-Herald, accom- taken to court, where the pro
, i
named hy a staff photographer of prielor of the laundry refused to
that paper, came down this appear against him and he was
morning to secure some nhoto- released
raphs here of the different in-
leresung- puiKliiigs ami resi
dences of the city. The appear
ance oi ;ur. Maylielil Here was
the source of a great deal of
pleasure to his friends,, as
tene, as .ne is nest Known, is
one of the most genial of men
and it is always a pleasure to he
with him and to take him hy the
hand. The., World-Herald will
have a write-up of the different
points oi interest nere in ineir
edition of April 12. prepared
from the able pen of Mr. Maylield,
and the photographs secured to
day will be used for this purpose,
ami with the; long residence here
in Nebraska and the splendid
store of knowledge of the history
of this city, Mr. Mayfield can be
depended upon to furnish a most
pleasing and interesting- article
for the readers.' While here Mr.
Maylield' was a most pleasant
caller at the Journal head
quarters to visit for a short, time
with the proprietor.
Departs for Home In West.
Ed Baumgart departed today
for Newport, Washington, where
he will make his home on a farm
there in the future. Mr. Haum-
rebel army in Mexico, and the gait departed with his live stock
and household poods and will ar
range all the matters and will
then be joined by his wife, who
for a week or ten days will re
main here In visit with relatives
m tins citv. ine pest wisnes of
the many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Haumgart will go with them on
their journey westward and that
they may enjoy unbounded pros
perity will he their most sincere
Pumping Station in Fine Shape.
The pumping; - station of the
I'lattsmouth Water company is
now in shape for the spring;
visitors, and many an excursion
will he made there by the I'latts
mouth citizens to view the plant
and its working, and a more
pleasant way . of spending a few
hours could not possibly he de
vised. The lawn has been sown
with grass seed and will present
a line .appearance . during- (he
coining summer months.
Gets $5 and Costs.
This morning- Thomas Smith
was a caller at the office of Judge
M. Archer, where he was called
to answer to the charge of being;
intoxicated, and on his appear
ance there acknowledged that it
was possible that he had been in
such a state, and as a result of
his spree he received a fine of S3
and costs and was remanded back
to the cily jail to remain until
the amount of the fine and costs
are settled.
FOUND In front of the Bank
of Cass County, a door key. Own
er may have same by calling- at
Iverson's blacksmith shop and
paying for this advertisement.
The Journal does job work.
Rapid Shoe Repairing, and the
est work siioes in tiie cily, at
the Electric Shoe Store, South
Sixth street.
State f Ohio. City of Toledo. I.nraa Conoty. .
i rann j. i neney tuukes oatti tnat be It neolur
partner of tlio tlrin of F. J. Cheney & Co., do
nir business in the City of Toledo. County and
State aforesaid, and nail firm will ay
the sum of ONE ni'XDREO InrLLAKS for
each and pvery ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the usc of Hall's Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this tith day of l't-teinuer. A. D., ISsli.
Seal. A. W. OLEASON.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cu I taken internally and
acts directly upon the Mood and mucous aur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by ell Druggists, 7fic.t 9
Tako Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Money Loaned.
Six per cent loans on farms
orcnnnl lands, city resident or
business property, to buy, build,
improve, extend or refund mortg
ages or other securities; terms
reasonable; special privileges.
Correspondence invited. Com
monwealth Securities Loan Com
pany, R. 7(7 Has and Electric
ltldg-., Denver, Colorado. 749
Henry Hldg., Seattle, Washington.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. . I have now an extra
fine stallion; the best in the state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour, '
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
The. Kensington club yesterday
afternoon enjoyed one of the
most pleasant meetings they hav
had for some time, at the hos
pitable home of Mrs. John Ruth
erford, in the northwest part of
the city, and the large crowd o
ladies in attendance were de
lighted with the lavish hospital
ity shown them by the hostess
The ladies had come prepared to
enjoy their time in sewing, and
many dainty articles were pre
pared while the hours sped by
very rapidly in pleasant social
conversation. At an appropriate
hour the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Martha liaumeister, served
a most sumptuous four-course
luncheon, which embraced every
delicacy that it was possible to
conceive of, and this treat was
one that will long- be remember
ed by the guests as one of the
most delightful . they had ever
taken part in. The dining- table
was most pcauiituiiy decorated
with white carnations and green
foliage, making- the setting- for
the luncheon a very handsome
For Sale.
First-class alfalfa seed, at my
farm, 5 miles north of JVehawka.
Z. W. Shrader. 3-30-Gwks-w
Hedge Posts.
400 or 500 hedge posts, many
large corner posts, extra long-.
Win. Gilmour, Tt. F. D., Platts
mouth. Call at place or inquire
at Soennichsen's store. j
.J!Jl!l'tfJ."-L'-'.'--.'"...i . lUJimi i m ... i ii -.j..ji an ., ,
Torchon and Linen Laces
Watch for a special bargain next week on
Vacuum Sweepers
Our Summer Garments are now ready for
Your Inspection
We now have in our Spring and
' Summer line of