The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 02, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    TittJnCOAY, APRIL T14
Alvo NotQS
Local News
Tor Infants and Children.
J 2 !
Na i
""Jo I
-( .
leg lite isais ardiioM-kut
ness cad Itst-Contains ncitir
Opiini-Mcrphinc ncrIirni
CLru'xd Stir
i n
Apcrfrct Remedy for CcitsiTpa
tion , Sour Stoiuacii Diarrtetn.
Wcms .ConvulsioiisJrcvcnsB
nessandLc SS or SLEET.
TacSanite Signanre of
The Centaur Compaq
ihe Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
JSSo bui.i-3rJ.CJii undcrthe Foods
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Mayer John I Saltier ant! Hit
city council Iwn y .cars ago pur-
cha-' i! property for a city hall j
a.;i a:'c now ready to make the j
luial payment fur this property.
This was accomplished without'
ini i f a.-iii- 1 1 i taxes. The irop
ct'iy which was purchase, for a
c;!y hall only (wo years aero
wnuid sell today f.r .liearly
i!..ulle what the city pai.l for ii:
Jli.ynr Satth-r's eiforts for
eci 'iiiy ai!l ::ii(l hn.-iiicss c'.l
iiiles him to the mIc-; (f every
man who stamN for the best in
terests of p!a! tsi.iouth.
Cough Medicine for Children.
Too much car' cannot be usc
it; select in1-'' a c u-h metiicine for
chihhen. It shouM be jib asant to
take, conlai.-i no harmful sub
stance ati'l !' most e'Tectual.
riNtmberlaia's r.oiiuii Ilemeily
inee-i tlle-e ret ! U i I'c ! i 1 en t S iU., !S
a. !avo!-ite with the mothers ,,f
younir cti iltb'en everywhere. For
sale by all dealers.
The Jeurnal advertisers are do
ing the business.
A Fine Jersey.
C. K. Jtabbitt, residing just
west of lMattsmtjulh. received a
fine registered Uiorouphbreil
Jersey bull from Shenandoah
this morning, which will be
placed amonir bis fine milk cows
on bis place. Mr. llubbit t is a
a real lover Mf fine stock, and in
f.ndinjr the top-notch stock he is
v.illintr to pay the top price. He
already has some line Jersey
blooij in his milk cows, and with
the new addition of this line bull,
the strains will :je greatly increased.
Accounts Must Be Settled.
There are still a great many
accounts due the estate of Aug
ust Girder that we must insist
upon being- setteld at once. This
notice is final, and if ame is not
paid within a reasonable time,
ihe accounts will be placed in
other hands for collection.
Fred G order.
16u Acres of Land.
Will trade 100 acres of land in
Perkins county fcr Plattsmoutb
property. V. It. Bryan.
jj )ST Between Plattsmoutb
and my home, a f.ashlight. Find
er ph ase return same to Journal
ollice or to me. John B. KafTen
berger. 3-28-tfd
What Reasonable Prices
Every Day We Hear This Remark
Tc iiavc di l auijcu a iiiuai ai-
tractive display of
Vi V.'V' cr f.i
Ch arming Pattern Hats
I AfCi Stylish Trimmed Hats
At prices you can't afford to
miss. Hats priced elsewhere at
S10.G0 to $12.00 you will find
them here for $5.00 and $7.00.
Joe Foreman went to Lincoln
Fd l'atterson was in town Sat
urday. George Froeblich is in Lincoln
this week.
Get your incubator oil at the
drug store.
Alfred Stroemer spent Sunday
at Wabash. .
Mrs. Ll Evans returned from
Lincoln Tuesday.
Will Yeager had business in
Lincoln Saturday.
Rev. Snocker was calling on
the Stenners Friday.
Get your varnishes, paints and
colors at the drug store.
Clay and Will Foreman went to
Lincoln Saturday on No. 13.
Sherman Wolfe had business
at Ihe state capital last Saturday.
W. Timbliu and little son were
in Lincoln Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Carleton Gullion is in
town visiting relatives this week.
Born Sunday, March 21), a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Scott Jordan was in Omaha
Monday and Tuesday on busi
ness. C. It. Jordan was in Lincoln
Tuesday and Wednesday on busi
ness. Will Kitzel went to Omaha and
Plattsniouth Monday on busi
ness. Mrs. Frank Linch of Lincoln
spent Monday with Mrs. George
The Ladies' Aid society met
with Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick
Henry Clapp ami ClilT Apple
man were doing the capital city
Albert Xoland took No. 13 for
Lincoln Saturday to make some
Mrs. Minnie Kraft of Lincoln
visited Saturday and Sunday with
relatives here.
Jesse Mullen left Wednesday
morning via Omaha to settle on
his claim in Montana.
Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr., was
in Lincoln Friday ami Saturday
having dental work done.
Dale S. Boyles and L. B. Ap
pleman were transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth last Friday.
Irwin Woods of Idaho, who has
been visiting his brother, John
Woods, sr., returned home Sunday.
Sam Roseiiow purchased the
George Kecfer 80 acres, one mile
north of Alvo, the price being
John Mnrtey and Will Casey
attended the funeral of the lafe
James Clarks at Elmwood Tues
day. John Woods and family and
sister. Miss Grace, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Curyea.
Morgan Curyea and wife and
John Murley ami wife were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Curyea.
Dr. C. C. Fall, dentist, will be in
Alvo on Tuesday of each week, at
the hotel. Ten years' experience.
Work guaranteed.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Stutheit
of Lincoln came in on Xo. 1 i Sat
urday to visit Mr. and Mrs. II.
Moore over Sunday.
John Murley and C. M. Jordan
shipped cattle to South Omaha
Monday. Mr. Jordan accom
panied the shipment.
FOR SALE A 100 size Old
Trusty Incubator, in good condi
tion. A bargain for cash. Call
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Alvo, ,.-b.
Elizabeth Albers, formerly of
Nelson, Neb., now a school teach
er in Oklahoma, is visiting the
Hucknell family for a few days.
Frank Linch and family of
Lincoln came down Saturday to
visit Mrs. Linch's brother, -J. E.
Parsell ami family, over Sunday.
Paul Froeblich of Lincoln was
visiting bis daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Hucknell and family, a few days
last week, returning home Satur
day. S. C Boyles was in University
Place Saturday and Sunday
visiting Mrs. Boyles, who is car
ina for her mother, Mrs, Alex
G. W. Curyea and Will Stewart
went to Plattsmouth to attend the
M. W. A. county -convention to
eb-ct delegates to the state convention.
Eggs for Hatching.
While Plymouth. Rock eggs for
hatching; also baby chicks for
sale. Mrs. 'Geo. A Kaffenberger,
Direct From the Mill
That's what we can say
about our Hosiery, because
it is
Black Cat
Always made by the same
skilled knittersdyed under
the supervision of the dye
authority of America in
spected by trained experts.
We have too many cus
tomers who insist upon
"Black Cat" Hosiery to
trifle with any other brand.
You can get heavy, light
or gauze weights in silk,
silk lisle or lisle but always
the best for the price.
Test it let us prove our
claims that our hosiery
department is worthy of
your confidence.
Come NOW to inspect our
newest values just received.
--- -
.-.?... .....-..,
Eva Sorick Sundayed with her
parents. . ;c
Will Boelter was in Lincoln
Sunday and Monday.,
The Geohrv sisters were home
over Sunday.
Rev. C. W. Boelter returned
Monday from the conference.
George Nicklas was an Omaha
visitor Friday and Saturday.
Ida Wieshiet was visiting her
sister in Elmwood Saturday and
Mrs. Lawton of Wabash was
visiting friends and relatives
here Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuehn
entertained the Johansen and
Gillespie families at a card party
Friday evening. At the hour of
11 ice cream and cake were
Louis Hornbeck was an Oma
ha visitor for a few days last
Elizabeth llongger was born
anuary 25, 1871, in Switzerland.
She came to America in 1892, and
died at Lincoln, Neb., March 30,
Kl i. She was united in mar
riage to Carl Eisenhut in 1893.
To this union was born four
children, three oL,wbich have
preceded the mother iir death.
Her body was brought- to Mur
dock and the funeral services
were held at the German Evan
gelical church at 1 o'clock, March
31, interment being in Louis
ville cemetery. She leaves to
mourn her death a husband,
and daughter, besides many
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all lliose
who so kindlv "aitled us in our
hour of sorrow, and especially to
thank the school and town
friends for the flowers.
- Charles Eisenhut.
Vera Eisenhut.
Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. E
G. Dovey.&Jon have them.
Yale Motorcycle for Sale.
Fully equipped and good as
new. Inquire at. the Journal
All Rectal Diseasss cured wrhhout a surgical
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen-A !
eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED II
! " .. .. to last a LIFE-TIME, examination f?es. II
i - Omaha. Kbrfc - , -
W. A. Brown of Murray was in
the city today for a short time
attending to some important
business matters.
Ben Dill of near Murray was
in the city today for a few hours
attending to some business
matters with the merchants.
C. E. Metzger of Mynard was
in the city last evening looking
after some matters of interest
and visiting with his friends.
Floyd Richardson and wife re
turned this afternoon from
Omaha, where they were looking
after some business matters for
a short time.
G. W. Roman returned yester
day afternoon from Corning,
Iowa, where he has been visiting
for the past few months at the
home of his brother.
T. M. Carter departed this aft
ernoon for Blair in response to
a message; announcing the death
la.-t evening of his daughter,
Mrs. Fulton, in that city.
Mrs. Joe McCarthy departed
last evening for Afton, Iowa,
where she will visit for a short
time with relatives and friends
in that city.
Mrs. A. L. Cox of Nebraska
City visited with friends here for
a few hours Tuesday. Mrs. Cox
is conducting a 5 and 10-cent
store in that city.
George W. Thomas was a
passenger this afternoon for
Omaha, where he will look after
some matters on the stock ex
change for a few hours.
Mrs. Scarbrough came in this
afternoon from her home at
Watson, Missouri, and will make
a short visit at the home of her
son, T. M. Scarbrough.
Mrs. Fred Rezener arrived last
evening on No. 2 from her home
at Alliance, Neb., and will visit
here for a time at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. II.
Mrs. R. B. Hayes ami little
daughter were passengers this
morning' for Sac City, Iowa,
where they will visit for a short
time at the home of Mrs. Hayes'
Thomas Sullivan atul wife
were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will visit,
after a short visit here at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fight,
the parents of Mrs. Sullivan.
Mrs. John Livingston and
daughter were among the pas
sengers this morning for Omaha,
where they were called to attend
to some matters of business for
the day.
William Fahlson departed this
morning on No. 15 for Davey,
Neb, where he. was called by an
accident that befell his son in
that place, he having: broken bis
leg a few days ago playing ball.
Mrs. James Jelinek and daugh
ter, Mrs. Joseph Zilka and two
child, and Miss Lillian Jelinek
were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will visit,
for the day looking after matters
of business.
Mrs. II. D. Travis was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where she will attend the meet
ing of the state board of the P.
E. O. society of the stale. The
board will be entertained this
evening at dinner by the Omaha
chapter of the society.
Philip Schafer of Cedar Creek
was in Ihe city today for a few
hours looking after some trailing
and while here called at the
Journal office and renewed the
subscription of George B. Wey
rich of Randolph, Neb., to the
Semi-Weekly Journal.
Mrs. W. Taylor and Mrs.
George Ellis, who have been here
for a time visiting at the home
of Mrs. J. C. York and family, de
parted this afternoon for Cres
ton, Nebraska, where they will
visit for a few days with 1 heir
son and brother in that place.
From Tuesday's Rail.
John Koke departed this after
noon for Sheridan, Wyoming,
where be will enter the employ of
the Burlington in that city.
Frank Schilie and wife of Oma
ha were here over Sunday visiting
at the home of Mrs. Schilie's par-
Jfr P
mm '
Bill ii rSp
if mr
1 1 T 1 1 1 i I ! " 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 : 1 I I 1 1 I I I I . I iw bw .X. it 1 Ji f III at
i i iii m ii mil it 1 1; iii 1 1 it .r jr avt ii is-'w .w- -a
1 i' tVV;5!.-Sl
The cook is happy, the
other members of the family
ore happ appetites sharpen, things
brighten up generally. And Calumet
Baking Powder is responsible for it all.
For Calumet never fails. Its 1
wonderful leavening qualities insure
perfectly shortened, faultlessly raised
Cannot be compared with
other lakinE powders, which promise
without performing.
Ercn a beginner in cooking
pets delightful results with this never
failing Gdumet Baking Pou-der. Your
grocer knows. Ask hini.
World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicago, EL
Puis Exposition, France, March, 1912.
Q ys (o;1' vt nasty w'm yon l-tj ckrap or bii-can fcaVin? powder. Doc't be tniiiei Buy Cthxmt.
en Is, Mr.
and Mr:
John Ossenkop, one of the
prominent residents of Louis
ville, was here for a few hours
today attending to some matters
at the court house.
Luke Wiles and wife were
among the passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they will
visit for the day looking after
some business matters.
John M. Leyda and wife de
parted this morning for Falls
City, where they were called by
the death of Mrs. J. E. Leyda, a
sister-in-law of J. M. Leyda.
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard
came in last evening on No. 2
from Omaha, where he spent the
day looking after some matters
of business on the slock market.
Nicholas Halmes of Weeping
Water was here for a time to
day looking- after the interests of
his flouring mills and disposing
of some of the products of the
II. K. Piatt, who has been here
for the past few days visiting
with his brother, Bert Piatt, de
parted yesterday afternoon on
No. 2 for his home at Malvern,
Mrs. J. E. Wiles and sister,
Mrs. Elizabeth Spangler, were
passengers this morning for
Omaha, where they will visit for
the day looking after some mat
ters of business.
Walter Cotner and wife depart
ed this morning for Blue Hill,
Neb., where they will make their
home in the future. There was
quite a number of relatives and
friends present to bid them fare
well at the Burlington station.
Eggs for Hatching.
Light Brahma eggs for hatch
ing, for sale. Only the best we
could get for iO years. Mrs. L.
E. Gilmour, Route 1, Platts
mouth, Neb.
For Sale.
Assorted eggs for setting,
$2.00 per hundred. Also duck
and geese eggs. Mrs. Fred
Spangler, 'Phone 2104.
Children's Diseases Very
Whooping cough is about
everywhere. Measles and scarlet
fever almost as bad. Use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for in
flamed throats and coughing.
Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Island,
Neb., says: "My three children
had severe attacks of whooping
cough, and a very few doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar gave real
relief." For sale by all druggists.
Do you know that E. G. Dovey
& Son have a full line of printed
and inlaid linoleum?
You may need an
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office for
col vn sin
the Weeping Water Auctioned
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
Chicks Come
keep them. On the care they get
the first three veek3 depend their lives
and your profits.
Baby Chick Food
25c, 50c and $1.00
is just the right combination of nourishment, tonic and
conditioner to do the most rood to new hatched chicks. It
makes for rapid, sturdy growth and protects from bowel trouble
and other diseases waiting to attack weaklings. No other food is
as well suited to start the babies right.
Lester Tompkins. Concord. Uass.. the Rhode Island Red King, writes: I cannot
oy too much in favor of Pratts Baby Chicle Food for bftby chicks. I have just srot to
feeling I must havo it when 1 have little chicks commit along, as they take such a
start and the we&kly ones brace up and em to be as strong as the rust. Ywu an
certainly quote me as recommending it iot baby chicks."
White Diarrhea Remedy
25c and 50c
kills the germs of thi3 costly common profit killer. It saved millions
of little lives last year. Kef use substitutes; insist on Pratta.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back
F5 Get Pratts 160 page Poultry Book
For sale by J. V. Egenberger, Plattsmouth.'
Wolff & Ault, Co dar Creek. 4515. . .