J - - - jljyj.. rnv. j I Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Picture Framing '' -' at the! : . , PAINT STORE FRANK GOBELMAN Hotel Riley Block DEATH OF A FORMER CITIZEN OF PLATTSMOUTH Dr. W. H. Dearing, Formerly of This County, Passes Away at His Home in Lushton, Neb. The sad news was received here last evening by friends of .the .death at his home at Lushton, Neb., of Dr. W. II. Dearing, for merly a prominent resident of iiiis county, and for years one of the leaders in the democratic party in the county, as well as this part of the state. The cause of his death was heart failure, as the doctor had been s'ulTering from .trouble with his heart for years,' and iii the pasl year had suffered a very serious breakdown pUystuallyv - -t C-.-. " Dr. Dearing" came here in the eighties from Iowa and located at Wabash, where he practiced medicine for several years, and in 1891 was selected by the demo crats as a candidate for clerk of the district court, and after a strenuous campaign was elected to the office, but in the political uphcavel of 1895 he was -defeated for re-election by CI. F. House worth, and retired to the practice of his. profession, but in I89G the democrats and populists elected him to the state senate to repre sent this county iithat body, and he served his term out, retiring to accept a position as superin Ready and Right With 1914 Springwear i or Men and Young Men t4 ' : . . .. V.'1 C Manhattan : Shirts This Morning if you are up town, drop in and see all the latest creations in tendent of the feeble minded in stitute at Beatrice, and later, un der Governor. Poynler, was head physician at the" insane hospitals at Lincoln and Norfolk, retiring when the republican administra tion -cilme into pover in the state. He continued to reside here for a short time af(er his leaving- the state institutions, and in 11)02 the family removed fo Lushton, where he had since continued the prac tice of medicine... Besides the widow, two sons, (ilenn of Lincoln and Howard of Lushton, are left to mourn his loss. Dr. Deal ing; was a very popular man throughout the county, and the news of his ileal Ii was the cause of much regret among' the large circle of friends with whTnii lie had been associated during- the years of his residence here. He was a genial, pleasant gentleman and his gentlemanly ways won the friendship of all with whom he came in -contact. The. funeral wfll be held this afternoon from his late home and the interment iriade in the ceme tery at' Lushton. There were a number of the. old friends very desirous of attending- the funeral, but the short notice of the death would not permit of their reach ing; Lushton in time to attend. Foley Cathartic Tablets are entirely effective, thoroughly cleansing- and always pleasant in action. They contain blue flag", are a remedy for constipation and sluggish liver, and a tonic to the bowels, which are improved by their-use. Try them. They do not fail to give relief arid satisfaction. For .sale by all druggists. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. E. G. Dovey & Son have them. There's probably not a doubt in your mind that this store is a place where goods of fine quality are to be had; even if you've never been here, you share the general opinion, we're sure, that this is a high class merchandise store. If you're personally familiar with it, you know. For Easter, we are showing the new models from Alfred Decker & Cohn and Micheals, Stern &. Co., for men and young men. You know the wonderful merits of these goods; for quality of materials, for style features, for excellence of tai loring, they have no equals. We have these clothes at $15, $17, $20, $22, $25, $27, $30 and $35. " - s' ': '. ; ' " :-.. ' ' y ' We invite you to come arid see make a general inspection; act as if you felt at home. We'll not urge you to buy; your wishes in that matter are ours. ... , SPECIAI Boys' Confirmation Suits in fine serges plain or norfolk style, knicker pants at $5 and $7.50. Boys' long pants $12.50 and $15. THE "GB-TO-DHURDH" MOVEMENT HAMPERED BY INCLEMENT WEATHER The "Go-to-Church" move ment in this city yesterday labor ed under rather unfavorable cir cumstances in the threatening weather that held many away from their attendance at the dif ferent houses of worship. The attendance was very good, how ever," at all the churches, as the Christian and Presbyterian churches have both had new pastors enter into their duties in these churches, and their ser mons yesterday were very pleas ing to the worshippers present at the services. At the Episcopal church Rev. Wesley Barnes of Nebraska City occupied the evening- worship hour celebrating- the services of the church, as well as giving in struction to the class for con firmation. The attendance at the Method ist church was very pleasing- and the sermons delivered by the pas tor, Rev. F. M. Drul i'er, were up to the usual high standard of those which this gentleman is so well known. The two Catholic churches were well filled at the different serv ices, as these churches usually have a very fair average of tin members present at their differ ent services. 6 Per Cent Loans. Obtainable to buy, build or im prove farm, ranch and city prop erty or remove incumbrance therefrom; special privileges and reasonable terms. For pro position, address: Finance Dept., 1527 Busch Bldgv, Dallas, Texas. INCREASE YOUR ESTATE. Would you not like to in- crease the value of your J estate for the amount of 4- -$2,000.00 or $4,000.00? Would you feel better know- -l I- ing- your family would re- i $ ceive this amount ia case J i you were to be takeii from 4 them? i , ' The Guarantee"- fund J Life is writing- a very Hat- tering policy. At ages of 25, 35 or 45, it will cost you K $10.00, $14.00 and .$18.00 A respectively per thousand; other ages in proporition; A A no assessment nor increase A of rates. A For further information A A A address, WILL RICHARD- A SOX nf Mvnard. A 4 P. S. I also write farm A insurance in the Farmers' A A Mutual of Lincoln for A A -$1.00 per hundred. Can A A you atTord to carry your J A own risk? A . . ,T T.., .T,.T..y..T.A AAAAA. T T A.T Ti Stetson Hah Able to Be Out Again. Saturday afternoon Everett Wiles, who was injured so severe ly on Thanksgiving- day in an automobile accident south of the city, was able to be down town, although forced to use crutches. Mr. Wiles had one of his hips dis located and fractured in the ac cident and this was healing nice ly when he fell at home and re opened the injury and for the past few months has been at the hos pital in Omaha waiting for the members to heal up. This is cer tainly a pretty long- spell to be practically bedfast, and Mr. Wiles greatly appreciates being able to be up and around, even though it is with crutches. LITTLE GIRL BITTEN BY DOG TAKEN TO PASTEUR INSTITUTE IN CHICAGO Saturday evening- Mrs. Ada Farris, who resides in the vi cinityof Mynard, in company with her little daughter, Ethel, departed for Chicago, where the little girl is to take treatment at the Pastauer institute in that city for a bite received on her wrist from a pet dog. The little girl was playing around home, on last Tuesday with the dog, which was apparently not dangerous, when it jumped on her and inflicted quite a deep bile on her right wrist. On the following- morning the dog died, ami it was at once feared that the animal might have been sniveling from the effects of the rabies and the later develop ments in the case are such that it is feared that Ethel is suffering from hydrphobia and it is to pre vent any more serious develop ments that the girl is being" taken to Chicago for treatment by the most eminent specialists in this line of work in the United States The dog that bit the girl was bit ten about the 5th of March by a small black and tan dog which was at the Farris home, and later this dog was observed to be snap ping and biting at all with whom it came in contact. The case will be watched with great interest by everyone in the city, as to de termine if the child is afflicted with hydrophobia. HAIL STORM SATURDAY EVENING LOOKED VERY OMINOUS FOR A WHILE This city was visited by quite a heavy slorm of rain and hail Saturday evening about 5:30, which for a few minutes looked as though it would do consider able damage, but forunately the force of the storm was somewhat broken when it burst over the city. The clouds in the west for a few minutes presented a very foreboding aspect and the more timid-minded were apprehensive of some great storm that was about to sweep down upon us. For the period of several minutes the hail came down in a steady down pour and the sidewalks and streets were whitened by them, and in a few minutes the hail was followed by a heavy downpour of rain that caused the street to run with water to the depth of several inches, and the bottom land east of the Durlington station was covered with -the overflow water from the city sewers to the depth of several feet, but the new ditch dug- along the' road through the bo,om served a good pur pose in taking off the water very rapidly. In South Park the wind seems to have been more violent lhan in other sections of the city, as a barn on the premises of Mr. Hale was blown off its foundation by the wind, but without a great loss to the building. For Sale. First-class alfalfa seed, at my farm, 5 miles north of Nehawka. Z. W. Shrader. . 3-30-(wks-w The Best Flour on the Market WAHOO MILL C0: Wahoo. NEB- ;:: fo rest rose. MANUEL TRAIN ING IN PUBLIC L The Benefit to Be Derived by the Young Pupils Who Attend Our City Schools and -They Need It. From Friday's Dally. One ol the problems our schools have to solve is to pre pare young people in the ways o living so that they will be able to hold a job when they get it. Too often school work is done in a reckless way because the pupi does not realize its importance or regards the work as something which he wilt never use. Later when society calls for this same work in the form of service the boy or young man fails to make good. Manual training has help ed much in the solving of this vital problem. The knowledge o the use of tools and their power to change the useless into tin useful, has made clear thinkers of many boys and girls in every community where manual train ing is taught in the schools. The boy finds the application of llu principles learned in the work shop will make possible articles of play that add to his enjoy ment, according to the care h takes in making them. This wil help to hold him in school during the adolescent age. The age when so many of our Plaltsmoulh boy drop out of school. This is bo- cause he wants to do something that counts. If the Plaltsmoulh boy takes manual training i it school he will be getting some thing that he can take right home and apply. Too many of our boy. are drifting from home because of a lack of something to do which they regard worth while j. ne expenses oi uie averagi home will be diminished when the boy can handle tools and paint brush. lie can mend fur niture that would perhaps be thrown away, make useful ar ticles for. the. kitchen, such as breadboards, clothes racks shelves, towel rollers and many other needed things that always cost money. The boy had better be doing this than wasting his time in places of bad influence as many of our boys are doing for lack of other things that ap peal to them. Manual training gives the boy a practical applica tion of the studies he takes in school. His arithmetic becomes real when he can apply it to the making of the parts of a chair or even a thing so simple as a towe roller or handkerchief box. The making of every joint brings out the real application of hi geometry. He sees his mistakes without being told by the teacher because he is dealing with "things," not mere characters on paper. One trouble with our schoo work is the fact that pupils are always ready to excuse their own errors because errors only effect the grade the pupil gets. Thi habit of inaccuracy, if carried in to life, becomes vital. Manual training makes the mistakes of school appeal as vital, because the boy can see them for himself If a boy makes a mistake of a fraction of an inch in a problem in board measure his teacher will have difficulty in getting him to see it, but if he is making a table and gets one leg too short, the consequence of his error so impresses him that he places the blame on himself and makes the correction. A prominent' manual training teacher relates this in cident: A boy who received 90 per cent in geography went to his home well satisfied with his grade, and did not care to im prove upon it by trying If? know his work better. He had 90 per cent, that was good enough. lie come to his manual training class, made a joint, look the joint to his instructor, who com plimented him upon the good work, which would have been craded above 90. The boy then turned to his teacher, and showed him the defects qf the joint and asked if he might make another and correct these errors. In this case the boy saw the flaws of his own work because it was the kind )f work a boy could judge, while geography and most. 6f our school work, which we are equip ped to do in Plattsmouth schools, can only be judged by the teacher and the pupil has rp part in it. SGHOD SYSTEM Children Cry Tlio Kind You nave Always in use lor over ISO years, . w - wwv v All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio neaim o Infants and Children Experience against Experiment . What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fev irishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep ' The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CGNTAUR COM PANY, NFW YORK CITY. y urn n iiTlJ?uf HHW i of it in something1 besides a grade. Thus a boy's school work be comes a practice which when carried into life will make him a young man in which the business world has conlidence and trust instead of the shiftless, happy-go-lucky element that constitutes so large a percent of our young life here in Plattsmouth. A prominent authority has said that a school with a well equip ped manual training department is able to develope carefulness, neatness, attention, accuracy, honesty, economy, industry7 and success to the maximum and re duce carelessness, slovenliness, heedlessness, errancy, deception, wastefulness, idlness and failure to the minimum; while the school without manual training always leaves ample room for the last named qualities and the com munity suffers the consequences Can Plattsmouth afford to be without manual training and do mestic science in her schools, even though more room is needed for their introduction? Just Right for Bacxache and Rheumatism. Foley Kidney Pills are so thor oughly effective for backache, rheumatism, swollen, aching joints, kidney and bladder ail ments that they are recommend ed everywhere. A. A. Jeffords, McGrew, Neb., says: "My drug gist recommended Foley Kidney Pills for pains in my back, and before I finished one bottle, my old trouble entirely disappeared." For sale by all druggists. Yale motorcycle for Sale. Fully equipped and good as new. Inquire at the Journal office. TfiOfl wiI1 make the season or 1914 on the G. W. Rhoden I U 11 LI fann- three miles west and two miles north of Mur i w w v ray He ig a Mack Percheron, nine years old and weighs 1800 pounds he was imported in 1907. SERVICE FEE $12 to insure colt to stand and uck ,0RG Morg is an excellent grade stallion, Morgan stock black and white spotted, seven years old weighs 1050 pounds. He is a good foal getter, and has some He will make the season at my home. II fine colts. SERVICE FEE $10 to - insure colt to stand! and suck 1 rCare will be taken to prevent accidents, but should any oc cur owner will not be held responsible - When parties dispose of their mares or remove from the.locality, service fee becomes due and must be paid immediately. - . - , : . . . , f G. R. RHODES, Owner - for Fletcher's - Bought, and which has been lias Dornetno gigrnaiuro - and has been made unuer ms per ,.JzL sonal supervision since its infancy. uvr VliO ,v w j " and i Just-as-good " are but Signature of THE REASON FEWER PEOPLE TAKE SALTS We find the use of salts and other harsh physics is becoming less every year because more' anil more people are using Rexall Or derlies, which we and they firmly believe to be the best bowel rem edy ever made. They taste, so much like . candy; that . even the children like them. At. the same time they act . so easily and na turally that there is nu purging, griping or pain. They promptly remove the constipation and, by soothing and strengthening the bowels, jnake it less liable to oc cur again. We have the utmost faith in. them. We know what they are. made of and the pleas ant, beneficial results that always follow their use. You needn't take our word for it. If Rexall Orderlies don't help you if they don't entirely relieve all your bowel troubles come back and tell us and we'll give back your money. In vest pocket tin boxes; 10c, 25c, 50c. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at The Rexall Stores, and in this town only of us. F. G. Fricke & Co., Union Block, Platts mouth, Neb. 4H''H''WMI"I"II-'l-.l..HI'-fr h O. Sandin, D. V. M.. A J graduate of the Kansas City 4 veterinary. College, is per- Z mancntly located in Platts- i moutn. Calls answered l & day or night. VPhone 255. Office 606 Main. a This boy strove to become more r juou , i ll M,l efficient because he saw the need