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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1914)
L Journal VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSIVIOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1914. NO. 26. GOV MOREHEAD IS A CANDIDATE FDR CONGRESS Will Submit Ambitions to Test in Democratic Primary for the domination for Congress. In a formal statement issued Friday morning (lovernor More head reiterates that lie will not again be a candidate for chief ex ecutive, but that it is his inten tion to enter the congressional primary in the First district against Congressman Maguire. The governor says he does not place any exaggerated idea upon his own worth, and that as he be lieves, he can best serve the peo ple as a legislator he intends to submit his ambition to the demo crats of the First district. The statement is as follows: "To the Democrats of Nebraska: "A sufficient demand by letter, as well as in person, convinces me that I should reiterate my declaration in the campaign that I believe in a six-year term for president, a four-year term for governor, and that I would not be a candidate for re-election. "At present we have no restric tion in regard to these positions and there might be occasions when a man should change his views, but under our present plan of man drafting himself, in place of the people drafting him for public service, I desire to be sure that I am not placing too high an estimation on my services and importance in being able to serve the people in a way - that is gratifying, as well as profitable to them. I will do, as I have tried - to do in the past, not to place too high an estimation on my own worth. I believe, and have al ways believed, that a man should be subject to the call of the peo ple to a public duty, but should not be too hasty in deciding that the people are anxious for his services. "It is my intention, however, to give the people who have known me best, a chance at the pri maries to support me for cong ress from the First congres sional district, and if nominated I will endeavor to be elected. I have had experience as an agri culturist, merchant, banker, as well as holding the ollices of count v treasurer, mayor of my town, state senator, president of the senate and governor. On in vestigation, I know that my pub lic services have never been selfish, as it has not been finan cially profitable, and I can only expect to receive the commenda tion of the people I serve as re ward for my services. If I am not selected I will return to my private, work, where I have always made it. profitable when looking after my private affairs. If I possess any qualifications to serve the people, I believe it is along legislative lines. I know one man in four hundred would not be able to accomplish as much as he might contemplate, but I have certain things which I believe are of importance that I would use all my time in trying to bring about. Favoritism has been expensive to the people, of this country, " and the expenditure of our public-money, in the nation as well as, in the state, is the most important matter before the people of our country at the pres ent time. "My intention in making this statement is to assure my friends that I ain interested in the state of Nebraska. Even though look ing after my private affairs at tbe expiration of my term of olhce, shall take an interest in our pub- lie affairs, which is the duty every citizen owes to himself and his country. I want my position in the coining campaign to be understood thoroughly, that may not be accused by men who are honest -and conscientious, that. I have stood in their way in speiiriner the nomination, or have kept the party from endorsing men who are anxious to make the race." , - Has Finger Injured. From Friday's Daily. This morning James Newasek, one of t ho employes of the Bur- ington plaining- mill, mot with a ery painful accident while en gaged at his work. lie was brushing some shavings off of the shpwer, one of the machines used in the mill, and in doing so lis hand struck against the teefh of the saw, with the result that one of his lingers was slightly aceraled, necessitating his mak ing a trip to the surgeon to have the injury dressed, which while not serious, was quite painful. OADS UP TOO HEAVY FOR NAVIGATION AND STALLS AT COURT HOUSE From Friday's Daily. Last evening about 0:30 -i stranger, plainly carrying aboard a much larger cargo of intoxi aating liquors than he was capa ble of handling, was coming down Main street and reached the niilding just east of the court louse, when his burden became too great for him to carry and he selected a nice spot, on the court douse lawn and laid himself down o rest. Fate was hard for the gentleman, as he was no more than securely wrapped in the arms of Morpheous than Chief of Police Rainey came down the street and discovered his form traced un against the building fast asleep. The chief brought the slumbers of the man to an end by shaking him quite vigorously and trying to arouse him, but it was some job, as the man was well filled with sleep producing liquor and seemed de sirous of duplicating the feat of Rio Van Winkle and his twenty- year sleep, but lie was soon jerk ed to his feet and compelled to go to the jail to take up his couch there. The appearance of the man, who was as limp as a rag, was truly laughable and there was quite a number stopped and watched his progress to the jail. The man arrived in the city last evening on the Missouri Pacific. SEVEMl USES IN THE DISTRUST COURT WERE DISPOSED OF FUMY From Saturday's Daily. At the session of the district court yesterday the case of the 'irst National Bank vs. Jefferson Cross, et al., came up for hearing jefore Judge Begley, and after learing the arguments in the case the court decided in favor of the defendants, to which the plaintiff excepts and was given forty days to prepare and serve bill of exceptions. The case arose out of a note given the bank by Theodore D. Buck, on which the bank obtained a judgment, and they attempted to have a deed to a one-fifth interest in an eighty- acre farm in Liberty . precinct, which was purchased by Mr. Coss from Buck, set aside in order that they might satisfy their judg ment. In the case of Frank Bergman vs. Charles (ierlach, the defend ant was given seven days in which to file an answer. In the case of Mahala' Johnson, et al., vs. Fannie Frisbie,.et al., the report of the receipts of the referee, J. M. Teegarden, was re ceived and the referee was dis charged from his duties. In the matter of the restrain ing order secured by William Nickels against Charles W. Tig ner, Bernard G. Wiley was given permission to intervene, and the hearing of the case was post poned until April 14, and the re straining order continued. Hedge Posts. 400 or 500 hedge posts, many large corner posts, extra long. Win. Gilmour, R. F. D., Platts mouth. Call at place or inquire at Soennichsen's store. Seed Corn of 1912 Crop. " Reed's Yellow Dent, for sale. II. G. Todd. 3-23-3tw HIDE SUSPECTS PLEAD NOT GUILTY IN COUNTY COURT After the Testimony of Both Sides the Prisoners Were Remand ed Back to Jail. From Saturday's Daily. The arraignment oT John Jones and Ben Tangeman, charged with having broken into the slaughter house of George Thomas, north of this city, on last Friday even ing and stealing several hides, occurred this morning in Judge A. J. Beeson's court. The state was represented by County At torney Taylor, while Attorney Oddy of South Omaha appeared fop the defendants, who entered a plea of "not guilty" to the com plaint. The first witness examined for the state was Frank Karvarnek, who is employed by Mr. Thomas as a sausage maker and butcher, and who was working al the slaughter house on Friday, and who was the first to discover the fact that the slaughter house had been broken into. He testified that when he went to the slaught er house last Saturday morning he found that a small piece had been broken off of the door, through which it was customary to lead the butchered cattle, and that the door was open. He also noticed marks in the snow as though something had been dragged along in the snow, and followed the marks out to the auto. .road .some distance east of the slaughter house, where there were tracks as though quite a number of persons had stood there, and also several cigarette papers scattered around over the ground. He had followed the tracks made by a wagon or buggy alonsr the auto road north until he came to the automobile bridge over the Platte river, and here found what seemed to be an end- gate out of a wagon and several straps belonging to a harness. Returning, Karvarnek, in com pany with Frank VanFleet, anoth er young man employed at the slaughter house, he had entered the building and discovered a glovo Iving in the center of the killing floor, as well as the fact that several hides were missing from the place where they were on Friday night. The testimony of VanFleet was practically . the same as that of Karvarnek, covering the finding of the glove, as well as the loss of the hides. Besides these witnesses Sheriff Quinton and Bridge Tender Tip ton of the Platte river automobile bridge were called by the state to give evidence in the case. In the case against Tangeman the evi dence was not as strong as that of Jones, but in both cases the evidence was largely circum stantial, all indications pointing to the fact that someone had evi dently used the team belonging to Al Harkins on the night of the burglary, and Judge Beeson de cided that the evidence offered was strong enough to bind the men over to the coming session of the district court. Jones was taken back to jail, being unable to furnish bonds, while Tange man was released on a .$500 bond. M. E. Ladies Meet. From Friday's Daily. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church held their regular meeting yesterday afternoon in the church parlors, with Mes dames Ilandley, George Hall and E. C. Hill as hostesses. There was a large number of the ladies in attendance, and after the- en thusiastic business session, which was held during the early hours of the afternoon, they de voted the hurrying moments to social conversation and other amusements, which made this occasion a very pleasant one. The hostesses served delightful refreshments, and at "the usual hour all dispersed, declaring the hostesses excellent entertainers Returns Home From Hospital. From Friday's Daily. This alternoon l). A. Davis drove up from Murray, bringing with him the automobile of S. C. Pitman, and met Mr. and Mrs. Pitman, who returned from Oma ha, where Mrs. Pitman has been for some weeks taking treatment for stomach trouble, from which she has been suffering for some time. Mrs. Pitman. returns home feeling much improved in health, and this fact will be very pleas ing to her many friends in this city and vicinity, who have been greatly worried over her state of iiealth. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAVE MEETING AND ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR From Friday's Daily. The congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian church of this city was held Wednesday evening at the church and was attended by a large number of the membership of the church. The officers for the ensuing year were selected at this meeting were as follows: Trustees, C. C. Parniele and W. F. Warga, re elected; elders, D. B. Ebersole, and Judge J. E. Douglass, who will take the place made vacant by the death of Thomas Pollock: church treasurer, Lynn O. Minor. George L. Farley was re-elected superintendent of . the Sunday school, as well as the teaching staff of the school. The Presbyterian church here has just secured a new pastor for their church and are looking for ward to a most successful year in the church work, both in the increase in membership arid the bringing of greater - interest to the work of building up the church to greater ends. The Presbyterians have a beautiful church building in this city and have in past years been one of the greatest of the churches in the city, and their efforts toward in creasing their sphere of useful ness during the coming year is certain to bring forth good re sults. BENSON HIGH SCHOOL ' TEAM IS DEFEATED BY LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL The basket ball game last evening resulted in the over whelming defeat of the team rep resenting the Benson High school bv the team of the local High school, and the score of 22 to 8 tells belter than words the su perior playing of our boys. This game was witnessed by one of the largest crowds that has as yet. at tended any of the games of the season, and the enthusiastic cheering of the rooters inspired the local team to greater efforts to secure the victory from the isitors from the Omaha suburb. There were a number of very brilliant plays made by the mem bers of the local team and they are deserving of a great deal of praise for their splendid work. After the completition of the first game the girls' junior class team played a very spirited contest with a team representing the pick of the different classes and the two teams of girls played a very close game, in which the final outcome was hard to decide until the final basket had been thrown The result was 3 to 2 in favor of the picked team, but both the vic tors and the vanquished have cause for feeling well pleased over the showing they made, and the next contest between the girls will draw a large crowd. Issues Marriage License. This morning County Judge A J. Beeson issued the necessary permit to allow William J Schlauker, aged 31, of Elmwood, and Miss Ethel F. Bothwell of the same place to. wed. . The young people -will be married - at Elrn- w-pod tomorrow. They. are." both quite well known- in. the -sections where they have made their home for some time. CASS COUNTY MAY HAVE BASE BALL LEAGUE The Matter of Forming League Seems to Have Struck Popular Chord in County. The question of a Cass county base ball league, which was sug gested some few weeks ago by the Journal, seems to have struck a popular note throughout the county, as the reports from the different localities show that the fans and ball players are taking the matter up in an earnest man ner and beginning to discuss the proposition in a manner that shows that thev are thoroughly in favor of the idea of having an organization of this kind in the field during the coming summer. One of the most enthusiastic towns for the idea is Eagle, where a first-class team is maintained, and it would be a fine thing to in clude this lively little village in the line-up, as the ball players and live wires of that place can be depended upon to see that the reputation of their town is de fended in proper shape. Elmwood is another of the places that is taking a great interest in the idea of forming the league and getting down to business and they are fully as enthusiastic as their m . 1 JT neislibors on tne west, auu oe- lieve if the league is formed that thev will be contenders for the pennant with their fast aggrega tion of ball players. It is getting time, that some steps should be taken to start the ball rolling by having a meeting of the different towns that are in terested in the proposition and forming an organization to carry on the work and arrange the de tails of the playing schedule. There could be a very fast ag gregation of ball players secured in the county and most of the towns are so located that they can be reached easily by train or auto and would make the matter of making connections easy. , If the team in this city does not feel that they care to enter into an organization of this kind, then the other towns of the county should get together and put. it through, as Union, Nehawka, Avoca, Weeping Water, Louis ville. Elmwood, Eagle and Manley could all give a good account of themselves, and Cedar Creek and some of the other towns of the county would also desire to take part in the ' league. The pros pects for the forming of such an organization seems bright in our neighboring cities and it will be watched with interest to learn just what they will do in regard to forming the league. COMPLIMENTARY TO M. G. KINE, ONE OF THE BEST MEN IN CASS CO. A few weeks ago the Journal announced that there was some talk of M. G. Kime of Nehawka precinct being brought out for the office of state representative, and the cordial feeling that is entertained for this worthy gen tleman in his home is shown from the following, taken from the columns of Editor Long's, in teresting Nehawka News, and speaks well for Mr. Kime: "If Cass county feels she must elect democrats to the legis lature, we believe she ought to nick bood ones, and the party has evidently taken the same view. M. G. Kime is out for represent ative, and the editor of this paper wouldn't for the world throw one straw in the way. In fact we, with a lot more people of this, community, would . take a irreat deal of. pride in. seeing Mr Kime one: of. the lawmakers next winteCi rv ': :. . c v. ', - The Journal ads pay. . Have Antlers Placed on Building. The front of the beautiful new- Elks' club on North Sixth street has been decorated with a. large pair .of antlers of the splendid animal from which the order has chosen its name and emblem, and the new addition to the front of the building' has added greatly to the appearance of the structure and can be seen from quite a dis tance as a beacon light to the visiting brothers who may be in the city, as well as a source of pride to the local members of the order. THE MOVING SEASON IS NOW ON AND MANY CHANGES WILL BE MADE From Friday's Dally. The family of G. P. Eastwood, who have been making their home in the Briggs' residence on Pearl street, yesterday removed from that place into the resi dence property of C. II. Fuller, which he recently purchased of Mrs. Agnes Chapman, and which the Eastwood family will occupy in the future. This is one of the best, situated residences in the south part of the city, being only a short distance from the busi ness section and situated along one of the principal driveways of the city, is of easy axcess, as there are no hills to make walk ing or driving there an incon venience. II. J. Sireight and wife, who have during the winter months made their home in the Coafes block, yesterday decided to move, as the weather has moderated into spring-like conditions, and will in the future reside in their own home in the Second ward, or at least during the summer months. Mr. Streight has been in poor health for the past few years and it. is desired to avoid exposing him to the excessive heat of the down-town district, and so the family decided to move back into their own home, which is situated out where it will be much cooler in the sum mer months. AUTOMOBILE CRASHES . INTO THE CURBING AND WHEEL IS DEMOLISHED From Saturdays Daily. What might have heen a fatal automobile accident occurred last evening between 8:30 and 9 o'clock at the corner of Sixth and Pearl streets, and while no one was injured, the car of Edward Shoemaker of Nehawka was badly battered up. Mr. Shoe maker had started for home and was accompanied by Frank Val- Iery. As the car came up Sixth street they made the turn into Pearl street, and here the car apparently skidded, as it crashed into the curbing . on the south side of Pearl street with great force and one of the front wheels was demolished, while all the spokes in the other one were de stroyed. It was fortunate that the occupants of the machine were not killed by being thrown from the car, and while the loss to the machine will be quite heavy the owner 'can feel lucky that it was no w orse. The car was taken to the garage of Mr. Vallery on lower Main street, where it will be repaired and fitted for service again. Assessors Hold a Meeting. From Friday's Dally. The different assessors of the county are meeting today at the office of County Assessor W. R. Bryan at the court house to dis cuss the matter of taking the as sessment of the county the com ing summer. The work of ' t ak ing the valuation of the county is a very, laborous one and the as sessor, Mr. Bryan, makes a very earnest effort to see that as' fair a return on the different:.: pre cincts is secured-as-possible. Wedding stationery - at '.' the Journal office. MURRAY MAN MEETS DEATH IN SIOUX CITY FIUE Seeley Lawton, Well Known in Murray, Victim of Disastrous Fire in Sioux City. From Pa turd ay's Pally. A message has just been re ceived here by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck of this city announcing the death of Seeley Lawton of Sioux City, who was killed during a lire in that city early Thursday morn ing. Mr. Lawton was married to Miss Oma Young of this county, a daughter of I). A. Young of near Murray, and a niece of Mrs, Henry Boeck of this city. Mr. Lawton was a driver for Fire Chief Kellogg of Sioux City, and was working in company with several other firemen at the time the walls of one of the blazing buildings collapsed. The build ing was a five-story one and the loss of the two men was not, noticed for some two hours, when the absence of Mr. Lawton and Frank Fulton, a pipeman was re marked by the other firemen and a search of the ruins brought forth their bodies, buried be neath the wreck of the building. The body of Mr. Lawton was brought to Murray this noon over the Missouri Pacific and the fun eral held at 2 o'colck in that city, the interment being made in the Young cemetery, where the mem bers of the family are buried. To the sorrowing wife the deepest sympathy of ..the entire , com munity will be extended in the loss of a loving husband. Entertained at Li I lie Home. From Friday's Dally. A large number of the mem bers of the Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's church and their friends gathered at . the cosy, home of Mrs. J. Lillie yesterday afternoon and whiled away the afternoon hours in an enjoyable social time. This was the reg ular social meeting which the ladies hold once a month, and Mrs. Timmas was the hostess. Much pleasure was derived from social conversation, games and the like, which made the time pass all too quickly. The hos tess served a dainty luncheon, which was greatly enjoyed by the large number in attendance, and it was a late hour when all de parted for their homes, after having extended their thanks to the hostess for the splendid entertainment alforded them and to Mrs. Lillie for her kind hos pitality. Short Session of Court. From Friday's Dally. Judge Begley arrived this morning from Papillion and con vened the session of the district court, to take up several matters that have been brought up sim'e the last session of the court. The morning was taken up on the hearing of motions of the differ ent attorneys who are getting their cases in shape fop trial. The application of T. II. Sher wood for a modification of the decree in the divorce case of Nel lie Sherwood vs. T. II. Sherwood, was set for hearing on Tuesday, April 7. The decree granting Mrs. Sherwood a divorce was given by Judge Travis some two years ago, and the defendant now seeks a modification that he may secure the custody of the daughter,-aged about 12 years. Mrs. Julia Thomas Improving. From Saturday's Dany. Mrs. Julia Thomas of Glen wood, Iowa, who has been suffer ing the past week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Monte Franks, with a severe case of erysipelas, is reported as slowly improving. Motorcycle for Sale. In excellent condition, good as new. Big, powerful 2-cylinder, developing 7-10 H: P. Need the money. Must sell at once. See Ed Steinhauer at Journal office.