fi t : PAGE G. PLATTSIttOUTH SEWI-WCEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 2S. 1914. JViurray Dep artment Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surixmndin Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers Tf any of the trader of the Journal know of any sorlal I'vrutor item of lim-rvst in this vicinity, nmi will mail s;un to lliisotHi-e. It will ai l'ar under this heading. N e want all news itvins Koinm MaSgeJ&fkTfils Owe. mth uo&r husband r tyOTJSEHOLD expenses mount up. The cife, no matter how econom ic ical, is liable to LACK BUSINESS METHODS. Install business methods in your home by teaching your wife the simple AST OF BANKING. She will enjoy her new responsibility and you will be agree ably surprised to note the saving at the end of the month. START YOUR WIFE WITH A BANK ACCOUNT TODAY! MURRAY STATE BAftSiC If. C. Creamer was an Ouiaha visitor Wednesday. Mrs. A. F. Nickels is listed with I lie sick I his week. Mis Vera Yardley i reported anionjr the sick this week. Dr. U. O. Ymms spent Sunday with J. I). Lewis and family. Order your honeuls of Mrs. Bremlcl for tlie bazaar, April 11. Mrs. le Shrader was in Oma ha Tuesday doinpr smiie shop ping. Nohle, the little son of Ouy Ki-er, is reeoverinir frm his late illness. Frank l)u?ay was eallirii; on friends in IMattsniouth Sunday "?VMiififf; I. C. Rhoden and Dee shrader were in Plattsmouth Monday on iinportarit business. FOR SAFF A pood cow that will soon he fresh. F. R. Queen, Plattsmouth R. F. 1). C V. Titrner and Lee AUison were looking after business i,i Plat tsniout h Monday. The bazaar will be held in the church April 11, in the afternoon and veninj.'. Remember the date. The new lliph school building will probably be located in the north part of I own on the Virgin or Rice land. F. L. Rhoden, the O. T. C. hojr man of Levvistoii. has 10h as fine sprint: piirs as ran be found in Cass county. Vance Todd departed for Can ada Tuesday evening, accom panied by Miss Jessie Todd, his aunt, of Union, who will probably remain during1 the summer and may buy some land. The new harness man conclud ed he couldn't, "make the riffle" here and pulled out fop his form er home in Weeping Water. He didn't really remain long enouirh for he people to find out that Ihere was a harness shop in town. F. II. Queen and wife were transacting business in Union Saturday. Come in and see (he pretty sunbonuets and aprons at the church April 1 1. Fggs are only l." cents per dozen in this market. The hens are nioing some now. James W. Holmes and James Loughridge were in Plattsmouth Monday on some important busi ness. Bird Wiley of Walla Walla. Washington, arrived Sunday for an extended visit, with relatives and friends. Mrs. L. McVey had the mis fortune to fall Saturday from a wagon and suffered a severe spring of the limb. Mark While was in town Wed nesday conferring with the stockholders of Hie Murray Horse company, which associa tion has concluded to dissolve. Mrs. F. L. Rhoden and Miss Ft I a Nickels were passengers on the early M. P. train Friday morning for Plat t smoulh, where they spent the day shopping. Dr. Brendcl was looking after some patients east of Union, one of which is a daughter of William Rakes, whom he accompanied to Omaha Wednesday evening, where she will be operated upon for appendicitis. John Connelly of Holt county arrived Wednesday morning' for a lew days' Aisit with his mother. He came to Omaha with stock and took this opportunity to run down to visit with the folks at his former home. The Journal overlooked one very important item last week, and that was the arrival of a pretty little boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coonts on Sunday, March 15. And the re joicing is still going on at the Coout s' homestead. Till Uli lllrfln When you buy a glove you want it to wear good. You also want it to feel comfortable, don't you? W e have a bigger selection of Men's Work and Dress Gloves this year than ever before. They are the kind that's soft and pliable and the best for your money to be found anywhere. Don't buy your spring Cap or Hat till you see our swell line. , ;:-;-.HIATT..a TUTT MURRAY :: NEBR. u wife were and family F. R. Queen and guests of J. D. Lewi- Sunday. William Nickels was a busi ness visiting jn Plaltsmouth Tuesday. Lewis ec Merrllt are giving Joeph Campbell's barn a new coal of paint tins week. Airs. Alf. Nickels has been juite jli for a few days, but is convalescing' at this writing. Mrs. Robert. Futon, southeast of Union, has been unite sick for several days, but is improving. Charles Carroll departed for Orchard. Neb., Saturday to visit his son, Farn and family, for a few days. John Hobseheidt. sr., and wife left. Friday for Iiarneston. Neb., where they will visit, friends for Miss Neva Latta of California and -Miss MabU Lai la of Red Cloud are visiting relatives and friends here for a few days. I W. D. W! ler of Fast Rock HIulVs took in the Bryan ban ipiet at Lincoln last Thursday, returning home Friday evening-. Mrs. John Hendricks, who has been sniveling from injuries re ceived from get tin:: her buggy upset last week, is slowly im proving. Miss Verna Tracy of Beatrice arrived in Murray Tuesday morn ing'. Miss Tracy will do dress making: in this community this spring. A thimble bee for the mission ary society was given Friday of last week at Oldham's. Quite a, crowd was present and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Murray is preparing to expand somewhat. Surveyor Patterson has been engaged for several days laying oil' new lots in Lat ta's addition north of town. Ie sure to attend the bazaar Aprjl 11. A program and supper in the evening. Two cents for every inch your foot measures. Don't miss the good time in the evening. Two members of the school board. Dr. Oilmore and D. Boedeker. made a trip to Platts mouth Wednesday afternoon on business connected with the High school bonds. Mrs. William LnRue wnt to Omaha Wednesday evening to visit her daughter, Miss Fva, who' is in St. Joseph's hospital re covering- rroin an operation tor appendicitis. Minford &. Creamer shipped a carload of hogs Wednesday to the South Omaha market. Among the number was one weighing fGO pounds, which was raised by Louie Puis. This js certainy a whopper. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson of Ber lin were over Sunday guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll. Mr. Erickson had charge of the Murray schools several years ago. Mrs. A. L. Faker and daughter, Opha. ver in Omaha Saturday, and during their stay they visit ed Miss Fva LaRue at. St. Jos eph's hospital, and found the young: lady doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. deorge Shrader are rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing- baby girl at their home on Friday. March 13. This is another important item that should have appeared- in last week's Journal. Notwithstanding some opposi tion to the High school proposi tion, it will be built just the same, before another winter's snow flies. The board of direct ors, consisting of Dr. ("J. IT. Cil more, W. (L Boedeker and Chas. Spangler, have the hustling' qual ities to make it, go, now- that the $5,000 bonds have been carried. m School Notes. Margaret : Spangler, Mayone Chambers ami Oraee Long spent Saturday and Sunday with their teacher. Miss pollard, at her home near Nehawka. Many of the pupils have been absent on account of (Jerman measles. The volley ball club member are taking advantage of the nict weather by playing1 volley ball The new oillcers are: President, Mae Loughridge; secretary. May one Chambers; treasurer, (Jeorge Cunningham : sargeant-al-arm Ralph Holmes; captain, John Long. Margaret Spangler is back i ... i scnooi alter a long nnscnce. The eighth grade is diminished omewhat. Fred McCullough left on account of spring" work: Oeorge Jenkins is visiting- out of town; Nila Cook is absent on ac count oi sickness, ami .aomi Adams has moved out of the dis t riot. The primary room has a gar (ten in die school room. 1 liey will be eating garden vegetables before anyone else has a garden planted. Reb-n Oilmore is back at sohool after a week's absence on account of sickness. Everyone was glad to see her back, for sin was greatly missed. Exams are all over and all the pupils are rejoicing. FINE PERCHERON STALLION A' PUBLIC AUCTION, At Murray, Wednesday, April 1, 1914. Everything Moved. The entire slock of hardware of Maker vS: Nickels lias been r moved to the postoHice building. and is now being arranged in systematic order. They have ad ded great lv to the stock and ex pect, to keep everything (hat i usually kept in a lirst-class hard ware store. Arthur Baker ami ;corge Nickels make a good team, and being- clean gentlemen and accommodating- to all. it is no wonder -their trade has in creased.- The people around Murray know these gentlemen and know that their word is as good as gold. Soed Potatoes. I have a fine lot of Earl Ohio seed potatoes for sale. Call on or address, William Sporer, half mile north of Murray. Entertains in Honor of Guests. Mrs. W. S. Smith entertained a number of friends Tuesday at a i o'clock luncheon in honor of Misses Mable and Neva Latta, guests of Mrs. Smith. Covers were laid for twelve, and the table was beautifully decorated with sweet peas and ferns. The luncheon was served in four courses. Fun making verses and toasts were given between courses. The afternoon was spent in playing "Pit." Mrs. Cilmore won the most points and was awarded the prize, a bouquet of sweet peas. The guests en joyed the afternoon with Mrs. Smith and her house guests and hope to have many more pleas ant times with them during- their slay. Creamery Station. The David Colo Creamery com pany has their cream station at Oldham's and is paying 28 cents for butter fat. D. J. Pitman Doing Well. While in ' Murray Wednesday the writer spYnt a very pleasant hour at the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman. We were pleased to find our old friend sit ting up and as cheerful as he possibly could be under the cir cumstances. He is able to get around the house with the aid of crutches and hopes to be able to get down town in a few days, but not on slippery days. It was in deed a hard fall for Mr. Pitman, and he was lucky in not farcing worse. We enjoyed our visit with Mr. and Mrs. Pitman very much, for two such excellent people are hard to find. The Murray Horse company having dissolved co-partnership, will dispose of the celebrated im ported Pereheron stallion Jalico, barn and accounts for sab- to the highest bidder, at D. C. Rhodeu's livery barn, in Murray, at -o'clock p. in., on Wednesday, April 1, Jalico is a beauti ful black, 5 years old this spring, and weighs -',00(1 pounds. Come and see him. Murray Horse Company. .'U-'u-L'tw-tfd Murray as Stock Shipping Point. The following is the shipments of live stock out of Murray for 1!F. as compared with the ear of I'll 2: 1 .!. Cattle 1 .".,?. Hogs o'.Ti'.o Sheep l l . 1,75.x i , !' Total 5, ISO 5,ilo Thus it will be seen that the increase over IV12 is worthy of note, ami that Murray as one of the principal shipping points in Cass county makes a splendid showing-. Some of these days we will endeavor to give the num ber of cars of grain shipped out of Murray during the vears 13, but there may possibly be a decrease from the year PJl-, but we seriously doubt it. Murray Property for Sale. A brand new house, two acres of ground, good barn; well locat ed, in Murray. Will sell or trade for good eastern Nebraska land. For further particulars apply at this ollice. e Sure and Visit the Murray Lumberman and et estimates and prices on the building material you need We Are Here to Please and propose to do it both in quality of material and prices. Don't go away from home to get what you can just as well get right here at home The Murray Lumberman Alvo Emotes Very Serious Acident. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs. John Ilendriks was thrown from her buggy, one half mile north of her home, and badly injured. Her team became frightened at an auto belonging to William Spiilt. The bugg was a complete wreck. .joitu drove out to pick up the frag ments one hour alter the acci dent, ami his team became frightened anil he experienced a pretty bad smashup. This cer tainly was an unlucky day for Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks. While quite seriously bruised, we are pleased to learn that, the excel lent ladv had no limbs broken. V MURDOCH. (Special Correspondent.) 5 9 9 9 9 9 mm r The Season is Here! and I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing. Bring in your work now and avoid the rush. I also carry a line of oils, both auto and machine. Also Farm Implements Wagons Carriages and Buggies R. C. BAILEY Better known as the I i Maple Grove Blacksmith U - . I gag "t, - ..-r Mrs. Oeorge Nicklas of Omaha is visiting her husband. John Smith was in Lincoln Sundav between tiains. Mina Ooehry was home over MiiHlay visiting her parents. O. fi. Williamson was home over Sunday Willi ins lamuy. Rev. C. W. Poller has been at tending conference this week. Art Sehildemeier left Saturday morning on No. IS for California. William Purke, who has been critically ill, is now up ami arou nd. Olga Neitzel, who is teaching school in llavelock, was home over Sunday. Dr. McDermid of Omaha was visiting- at the home of Louis Neitzel Sunday. Mrs. Alice Heal and (laughter, Francis, of Omaha, are visiting Frank Peal's tin's week. Mrs. J. W. Hughes and daugh ter, Faushine, left Thursday for their future home in Omaha. Will Sehildemeier and Murel (iillespie attended the dance at Weeping Water Thursday night. Miss Harriet Morris of Ash land has been visiting I. D. Jones and family for the past two weeks. The Clover club met at Edna Joehansen's home last Friday evening and they were highly entertained with games, and at an appropriate Hour a uainiv two-course luncheon was served. Mrs. KirkpalrJck v.. is in Lin coln Monday. Fd Carr -hipped a car ..f cattle to South Omaha Tieda. Alfid Strot-mer wen! i Liu- Iii Wedne-da on bui:o . Mr. Kahb-r was r-sn.n t n business in Lincoln Vined.i. . Albeit For. ..Mian wa- jn Line.. In on busine- Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Kahb-r went to Lnh-peud- nce, Kan -as. Saturday .n ui- IM's S. .Prof. Dick was railing ! Mr. and Mrs. . A. .Sttie and famil Sunday. Jdi:i Mu.'tey ..hipped a mixed car of cattle and h"gs to .uth Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Fd Pat ter. mi i- reported as being" dangerously ill a: her le ine at Ftica. Mis. Fred Prouty wa. rep-r!.d worse again with iut!ammatory rheumat im. Mrs. Nellie Oarria of CIal..n-a . i-it. d her si. ter, Mrs. Dan W il liams, last w.-.-k. Orion HaMuiu relurne.j from Fniversity Place, wh'-re be had busincs.. Monday. Mr. and Mis. Sam Ca.hner of Fnierity place took dinner with It. A. Stone and family Sunday. Alex Skiles was down from Fniersity Place, and says fie is uo much improved in health. J.-e Foreman and broiher. John, spent Sunday in Lincoln visiting friends and relative.. John Fliotf was in Lincoln a few days visiting a brother, re turning home Monday evening o:i No. 1 ',. Mrs. L. E. Pe.bbilf of Lincoln .pent Sunday visiting her folk here, returning home on N. L'f Monday. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Plymouth Rock eggs at .15c per setting. Mrs. Rudolph Kuehn. Alvo, Neb. .Mrs. C. C. r.uekneM came Home Monday evening. She was visit ing tier sister. Mrs. Clyde Ilojles. who has been sjek. John Woo.N. sr.. had a brother from Montana come in to pay him a visit. They had not m.-t for thirteen years. Dr. (I. C. Fall, dentist, will be in Alvo on Tuesday of each week, at the hotel. Ten years experience. Work guaranteed. Mrs. Myrtle HinchauL-h and lit tle daughter, of South F.end. v t-. i: .1 1 Mr-. K l'u. -.J IV. . C. p.yl., an w.-ie in pia::- !..: p-r'ainir g late .i.d t.?;-: M- I I! i: I- W 'it J.i;-:: -ta'. of . Ti..'..!.n. FOR SALE A ! -i- Tru-ly Ineiibator. ir. I i-.' lion. . bir-aia f...- ra-h. Mr-. J. A. haf..T, !v... r,. Ml-. fe!l: She.-.l-v W.- i :. C-!i h-r .1.- Li Mr-. Car ,i f .i ti M- .t V I . -'.-A '1 A. S' ie. a.--f.d Mr-. a P.'..-. f... I. I I J'.ei .," ir:' on Lull; in lav-. feJuir No. 1 i. Mr. and Mr-. R. compai'.ed by Mr. Ca- ti f I : ; - i'l the Merchants iTnafi.t Wedr.e-d.iv. am Jordan and LV?.' S?e---I-y -larN-d for C..I ..r.i-i Spriv.---Ved.!. -d.i . They w ;! -r.iy i their i;o'i!M-t-;id-. ai.oi.t frv lUl'e. f.'- 'f! til ;e. Mr.. R. A. -r.T.e ,-... . j. f ler fro: i M"rr i', V-i.. n : i fv - lo r of the .1- .l ti of Mr-. J Stanton. wh n-.vlv '.!-d here. She .I.e.! Saturday ' ! u. iv J:.;o a. in. ..r;: To M-. ard .Mr-. til .!lhou-e. Saturday I -t. a -r.l. M. the-- and ba:e ii e!. Mr. Althou.e A rend thi- i-r-V family eini-Weekly f.r the r-'n-ing v . ar. Mr-. Hatfie !rai:: and I.tib daughter, and tor fattter. Mr. I S.-ifur. IV and Vtnc-,f. t IU U- Jtardner. vi-tft Sunday with Mr. D. A. returning to their horn ar.v Sunday n.-iui z. ti. p. F.-renun. S. P.- yl. .. rt. W. Stewart arid John M irtey ni lend.-d tfi.. Pryan birthday .Jn rer at Lir:r..;.-i la?. Thur-diy right. lliey rep...- "Mc fi:i -peaking and a g.-feral '- ! t ime. The Ladies Reading r:;I ,,f Alvo will give mi entrtamrnerit at Stone' halt Saturday evn.r.g. March rjs. at x "clock. A r. .:: -." in three a-!-. en!i'l-d. "How the Club Wa- Formed." Adrni--i.-n. "J."c; children. !."'. Te k-'ts ri sale a? Stone's -tore. Farm fop Sale. Farm of 12! acre-. rj nn. northeast of l"ni.n acre, finr land. '20 acres p.i-ture lmdT. rest in cultivation: weR improv ed. Price r cht if Liken on. Addre-s Mi- Etta Nickel.. Mur ray, Neb. Try cards. tho Journal for calling ii Buy your rancy the Journal office. stationery at .J. REX YOUNG, J. Auctioneer, ! Murray, Neb. 4 J Ready to cry your sales, $ J and guarantee satisfaction. -l Dates can be made at the Bank of Cass County, in J . ..11. 1 i V . i 1'iaiismouiii, lveu., ui- mc t Murray State Bank, Murray. & GIVE ME A TRIAL. 4. i- A. L. BAKER GEORGE NICHOLS Baker & Nichols The New Hardware Men Upsides a general line of Hardware, and Stoves, w carry a full lino of the John Deere Farm Implements as well as some other lines of Farm Implement.?. AVe are here to j) our patrons, and pro pose to do so, if kind treatment and th right price will do the work. Come and iee tw. Baker & Nichols Murray :: Nebraska