The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    FACE 4.
Q)c plattsmoutb journal
Published ml-Wkly mt Plattvmouth. N b r.
Kutcrwl at U Powtortlc tt rutuunoutlt. Kvbraskft. u Mvciul-clasd null matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Priori $1.60 Pr Yr In Adveno
Some astonishing results from
the lowering of the tariff are be
ing reported. It was positively
asserted bv the whole standpat
aggregation that if the tariff was
. materially lowered this country
would "be Hooded with foreign
goods," and even those who
favored lower tariffs expected
that there would be some in
crease in importations. Th-a re
sult is that there has been a
great decrease in importations.
The official figures for February
- . s ,. i
thow a decrease of ?10,U0U,'UM.i.
It was expected' tba', there would
ie a decrease in revenue on ac
count of the lowering of rates,
but there has also been a gre.'.t
decrease in actual importations,
allhought the rates are lower.
There has been no decrease in
the consumption of goods, for
trade in all lines has been up to
the average. The only explana
tion is that the manufacturers, in
making arrangements to meet the
expected foreign competition,
lowered their prices to such an
extent that the foieigners could
not get into the market, and they
have done so without any dis
asters. This is the best evidence
so far brought forth to prove that
under the old high tariffs they
were charging extortionate
This falling off of importations
has lessened the government
revenues to a very great extent.
It is reported by the government
authorities that in the seven
months of the present fiscal year
the government disbursed $27,
000,000 in excess of receipts,
whereas in a like period of last
year the receipts were $0,500,000
in excess of disbursements. Un
less, therefore, there should be a
great increase in receipts in the
last five months oT the fiscal year,
the government will apparently
run behind from thirty-six to
forty million dollars.
The Wilson administration has
had a run of good fortune and
there seems to be more in store
for it. From the latest estimates
it appears that the income tax
will produce a much larger sum
than was expected and there will
be no deficit. World-Herald.
If Huerta does not hurry up in
that little matter of taking the
field in person to fight the rebels
he may have to take to the woods
:o ;
The city ticket nominated by
the democrats is one of the best
eer presented to tho voters of
IMattsmouth, and no doubt wiil
b- successful at the pedis.
The proposition to grant the
use of the streets to the carnival
company for one week didn't
seem to receive a very cordial
greeting by the city council, al
though " a petition signed by
seventy-five business men was
Those who made garden dur
ing those few warm days can now
have the pleasure of going over
the same .ground again, remem
bering thai it is not always "the
early bird that catches the
worm." And that 'haste makes
waste" sometimes.
. . : :o :
t'lants, seeds and cuttings
may go through the mails at
fourth-class rates in packages
weighing more than eight ounces,
by a bill which passed the sen
ate. A rate of 1 tent for two
ounces was provided for pack
ages of eight ounces and less.
While the Washington cor
respondents are making merry
over the rhetorical defense of
the allotment of 20,000 packages
of garden and llower seed to each
congressional district, made by
Representative Fowler of Illinois,
discerning readers observe that
the appropriation of $257,000 for
seed distribution, which does not
The city hall clock in New York j include cost of carriage, went
has stopped, finding it impos-1 through the house. While the
sible to keep up with the life of other members "jollied" Mr.
the emtropolis. . I Fowler, they did not oppose the
:o; I appropriation. This perquisite
Last week a live-inch snow was is too valuable politically for
worth mauy millions of dollars to congressmen to surrender it at
the wheat crop of the northwest, the request of the Department of
which constitutes another good Agriculture or as a result of the
reason why the federal reserve shafts of satire hurled at them
bank should be located at Omaha, by the city press or city con-
:o: I pressmen.
I ra i . J i 1 i
Some democrats are wonder- vaiue oi me garden seen
ing if the republican factions will 1 the recipient is inconsequen-
amicably .adjust matters and get ilul lo ue persouauv re
f.nroiiw.p in wi.m.i While membercd by the members of
thev are doing ibis it would be congress is anoiner mailer, ine
iust as well for the democrats to average citizen, even though
ti. a i;ni. muiminpv w.wi- in scoffing at the practice, feels
their own ranks along this line
Only a short time now till the
Fourth of July, and our people
don't seem interested in a cele
bration. "Take time by the fore
lock" and talk about it, anyway.
We knew, of course, that
someone, would test the "con
stitutionality" of the income tax
law. Well, here he comes: Frank
11. lhishaer of Hrooklyn, X. Y.,
a Union Pacific stockholder.
The wife of an Illinois man ac
cused of murder, protests that he
is innocent, "lie never loved thai
girl," she said, "for he loves me."
Psychologists should give us a
percentage of trust, confidence
and vanity in the statement.
Some of the dairymen and
The democrats could not have
nominated a belter man than
John Nemetz for city clerk, lie
is a successful young business
man, well qualified Ij perforin
the duties of 'the office, and no
fears need be entertained on that
score. uesiues, he is a nice,
clean gentleman.
Three candidates for council-
men have declined the nomina
tion, as follows: Fred Wagner,
in the Second ward; Kd Smith, in
the Third, and J. C. Peterson in
the Fourth. All good men, but
just don't desire to be bothered
with the position. A busy man
never wants an office.
The two weeks have expired
and no appointment has been!
made for the Lincoln postoflice.
It is a matter of "I'll be damned
if I do, and be damned if I don't,'
writes Maguire. No one could
have any serious opposition
to ex-Mayor Frank Hrown. But!
he won't get the appointment.
some pride when he finds that
his congressman considers him
of sufficient importance to try to
gain his favor. And human be
ings rejoice in getting something
for nothing, even if they in
directly pay for it through taxa
lion. The congressman whi
stays long on his job never neg
leets these littJe things. lit'
usually employs a private sec
retary, who is an indefatigable
worker and who judiciously
sends out garden seed and liter
ature. He is careful to attend lo
every request by mail and to
foster the belief that he especial
ly delights to honor a particular
constituent. The tenure of office
of such congressmen is much
longer than that of members who
expect a grateful people to re
ward them for their fights on the
floor. The members who de-
vole much time to debate and to
constructive legislation have
those little things attended to b
their secretaries, if thev are wise
Mr. Fowler was franker than
some of his colleagues in openly
defending the. garden seed
privilege. Hut there is some
question as to whether he was
wise in opposing the plan to have
Huerta says he will not reim
burse the United States for feed- ino distribution made by the Do
ing me soldiers who came across partment of Agriculture directly.
the border to escape capture by using lists of addresses furnish
Villa. It is a small matter what 0)l 1v congressmen. There might
he says about it. When it is all have been some advantage in
....... ti... i . : 1 1 r .1 ..... . ..r ii... I .
Human s .. i sucu an arrangement. The con-
United States will be paid, noLr(lssIlien CouKl assure his con
mauer vvno rules in .Mexico cuy. Utituents by an imitation type
-o. written circular letter that be
President Wilson certainly has had placed their names on the
a fight on his hands in his ef- list and requested the Depart-
forts to repeal ttie Panama canal ment of Agriculture to send
tolls law. We will soon know as J them seed from time to time. He
to his ability to control congress rould request that he be notified
in this matter. It may prove a of any remissness on the part of
harder job than he thought, but that department: He could also
great is Wood row when he sets request that he be advised of the
his head to any certain proposi- failure of any of the seed t"
lion. germinate, so that he might have
a, . I 11. . ll ' 1 1
.o. - line mauer investigated. ins
A petition signed by a number would further Hatter the vanity
of voters of the county was tiled to the constituent, who would
for the re-nomination of G. K. feel himself co-operating with
Heebner for commissioner, his congressman in seeing that
in the clerk's office yesterday a great department of the gov
Mr. Heebner has been a valua- J eminent was properly perform
ble member on the board ofjing its functions. And in event
county commissioners for the the seed failed to germinate or
past three years, and it is always turned out to be something dif
customary, and in fact right, ferent from representations' on
where an official has given good the label, the congressman would
satisfaction, that ho be given a bo held blameless.
second term. Charley has cer-j :o:
laiuiy done ins duly. the democratic income tax
:o: will bring in something like a
More women should be like hundred million dollars the first
Mrs. Charles Mohr of Davenport, year. Rich folks pay every penny
Iowa, she thought so much of of this sum. The democratic
her husbands jokes that she tariff will reduce the cost of
laughed herself to death a few sugar, clothing, shoes, woolens,
days ago, at the age of 43 years, etc., to the extent of a hundred
The jokes her husband told were million dollars the first year, and
related at the supper table, and every penny of this saving will
she was in the grip of hysteria for remain in the hands of the earn-
six hours. A statute should holers and consumers of this cohu-
erecled to the memory of Mrs. I try. In taxing wealth on the one
.Moiir, w no seemeq 10 nave neen hand and relieving the earner
one of the few women who ap- and consumer on the other, the
preeiate their husbands. More democratic party, like a good
women should follow her ex- rule, is working both ways to line
ample. j advantage.
rRANKINQ PRIVILEGE ABUSE. I There is a ureal deal more
truth than poetry in the following
Whatever the merits of the from ,ho ()Iuaha Trade Exhibit :
controversy between the post- We are having a lot these day
office department and a member I about 'community building." but
of congress as to whether a par- l!,, better term would probably b.
licular speech he sent out under """' noiuing. i,r, as a
r....v- i.w.i...i..niK- ?i tter of fact, communities are
4 1 II U VI H V MMU Oil - I
lie document, it is an interesting ,M,1',im'"r al1 ,m' li,m' r' r'
fact, that he sent enough copies lril l1''1 ' expanding, and
lit; i ......
of the speech to remiire a nav. u ' 10,1,1 lONX" ;1:'"J
ment of 4.000 postage if it had l,,y l" 1,0 nggr.-ss.-e cam
paigning just to hold ihe territory
now contributory. That can't b
Congressional Record, that fact r'"" """""i reai iriemny co
operation among the business
men. Io!l Mi.!:-a r.ui t!.
White hou- ha- t- u u-t:.-ru::y
adauttcd. but thai o- bk-Ai-
conducted th- . r:.f:e :ii Wiii
d.sputcd by many.
"..v i- the lnn. t a i..
for coii '.ty K ' -i a:-.' i
ea:n!iad!f. l i th'
It will eo-t :i
d iiioerat or l pul'I."a .;.
T on.
not been privileged. If the speech
had never been printed in the
was a mere oversight. A mem
ber can easily get permission to
"extend his remarks in the I io:
Record" by making the request
All kinds of books, speeches, manv smart thin
... ....... ..r ii.. ...I... I.... I.......
charged with selling impure milk.
This is a matter in which other
communities are interested out-
ide of Omaha. There is a
penalty attached to selling im-j resent at ives
pure milk, as well as stale eggs
butter and impure food in gen
1 tie pure food commissioner
or me stale promises to answer
any call to any town or city of the
state any day to candle out the
eggs brought in by the farmers
If a few farmers in each county
were fined for selling over-ript
eggs it would go a long way to.
wards improxing the genera
egg supply. Omaha Trade Ex
Senator John Sharp Wil
Iiams certainly hit the proper
chord the other day in a speech
in the United States senate a few-
days ago when he opposed the
habit of the federal government
buying automobiles for depart
ment heads a id other high olli-
cials. John Sharp said the street
cars were good enough for him,
and if anybody felt like using an
auto they should .not expect the
taxpayers to furnish it. Hut
there was too many opposed to
Senator Sharp's views and of
course the practice will continue
at the expense of the taxpayers
of the country.
Secretary William (I. McAdoo
of Wilson's cabinet is to marry
Miss F.leanor Wilson, youngest
daughter 'of the president. She
is 2i, while the secretary is 52.
He is a grandfather, but remark
ably agile for his years. He dan
ced his way into Miss Wilson's
heart, for he does the "hesitation
waltz" and the "tango" better
than any society man in Wash
ington. He is the father of six
children, and the grandfather of
wo, so that on her wedding day
he lady becomes wife, step
mother, step-grandmother and
mother-in-law. The president al
first was inclined to demur on
account of the difference in the
ages, but the secretary oi me
treasury is not a man to be light-
y put down and so the wedding
will take place soon after Faster.
Ml objections, therefoj-e, will be
?imply much Adoo about nothing.
The election on the school
ond question takes place at the
city election on Tuesday, April 7.
Some people put up the plea
against the proposition that il
will be belter to wait a few years
and erect a new and more com
modious school house, while
here are others who are opposed
o bonding the city for any pur
pose. All of these win voie
gainst the proposition. Taking
uch things into consideration
the outlook does not look very
osy for a new school building.
Yet, at the same time, all these
mow that more room is needed
o accommodate the increase in
pupils. Then, how are we to gel
this additional roam, unless an
Addition to the present school
mildjng is provided? The ex
sting condition of Jhese mailers
should be taken into considera
tion before any parent casts his
vote for or against the bonds.
documents, reports and miscel
laneous literature have been read
into the Record for the side pur
pose of permitting them to be
franked throughout the country
Divers investigations have shown
to what extent senators and rep
have lent their
franking privileges to the cir
culation of literature by or
ganizations. Tons of such mat
ter is carried free by the govern
ment every month.
inuy rougu esiimaies oi un
Attempts to check the abust
expense of this have been made
have failed. The franking pri
vilege has been esteemed one of
the chief perquisites of a member
of congress. The defense of the
practice has 'been on the high
ground of enlightening the. pub
lie. Hut the character of the
matter usually sent out warrants
the conclusion that the average
congressman s chief purpose is
his own political advantage
The law provides a penalty for
misuse oi i lie iranK, bill il i
seldom imposed on members of
congress. I here have been cases
where va.-t quantities of franked
mail, containing pamphlets com
posed of speeches made by mem
bers outside of the halls of con
gress have been mailed at I'niia-
lelphia. Whether this was to
evade examination by the more
vigilant Washington authorities
is a matter of speculation.
The proposal that each mem
ier of congress be allowed a
speeihed sum lor postage na-
een frequently made, but it has
met with but little favor. The
Flbert Hubbard, who says
with stiu-ers
attached, says the doctors are not
fighting the quacks for the good
..r l i . . i i r i. .
oi nu.iKtmiN, dui lor ineir
doctors') own l I. Which in't
t . . I. . . .. I I . I r
o. iti- eoiistrueu a uMcn-e oi
the quacks; not all of them, at
least. The sage tJf Fast Aurora
points out that doctors are paid,
when they are paid, for curing
people and not for keeping them
well. The latter method would be
infinitely m re sensible, ami
could easily be made practicable.
Which leads him up to taking a
crack at the lawyers, who. doubt
less are entitled to several. Jus
tice should be automatic, an. I you
may have lead something in the
constitution or Declaration of In
dependence about the equal rights
of man. Hut it is a notorious
fact that justice is frequently a
high-priced commodity. Senator
Onward, ri-b. onward. w:ta l'.: -cleaning'
up cat.i. ai-'i. A-it i-
tin matter iit'i-'ii-' ur-!-. -.
and when the nr-t of April ur
ines n;oe right on t!i w -rks.
Yi. i- in a pre
pU'Aie. He want- to . n.
Ooro lately paid seven thousand a:;. 1 since hi-; ;i;;. :iiei,t
It is ertain!y a r-:! ct i
the Lterury kiil of a:i an.I.--sa.Jor
to liiiat Diiiii.-'t when i'...-
senate demand that h- vxp!u;."
a speech he i.:u!-- n the l:.a:..a
canal que-tia.
4 1 o r n ' r M rek-ul h is i
a " io-toC!ii;rrh" ; r : t:.
designating n-t Sunday. M u - a
-U. ii- the da ?..r all ! -.. t .
church. It we:"t lr;."t a!!-'-.- t.
oberve the da; . n;a.e u4
y ur mind
As .-n a- !! t I: '! - a:e
arrange. f. ai d I tie ; cim-i-s
tilled, we shall print 1 .!!: d-T:'..-
cratic and .'piil'lf;;.; it ti'.i-
in the , ui.til e-etj..;i .1 v,
so that the Vi lif- CM! ee Wh
the candidates are.
J. dm .
ickle. II.
dtllars to prove he did not do it.
although no one really believe. he
did, and there is a chance that the
cae may be appealed and the ex
pense increased. Of course law
yers and doctors have to make a
living and other luxuries, bul it is
possible Hubbard's suggestion af
fords a faiier method of pay
ment, ami belter for the health
and happiness of the community.
It is a mistake to put off until
August or September the working
of the roads. ?ow, when the sod
is damp, ttie roads should ie
worked. Dragging now would
help wonderfully. Hy working
the roads this ni'.ath and next,
the ground is left in such a cond:-
lias e.-n ii dct .1 :; a r!i..: :e . f
blackmail by a D.t;-l.ts t-..i;:.;y
grand jury. I'r.Ity ..t:h on
J-diu j'ist at this ti i:.:r. 4r
"misery l es c..:iij.a-:j i -.
Out .'f the m: -id..-.; j.;!--I:le;i
1!1 I'..!'.!, ml. :....;.
city I ;ts pr...d. I f...- . .::..- !!. -wint.-r,
ee.-n lej. f.-r d-.'y
win u a "m;..:i s,.t;i ,a
a r. ;i si f,.p ,.n.. hi.r. ;r d. Tli-'.v
ou-ht he s. , :: ;;.
i-oi..n, ..rd. r d at ti.-aL
The sujrra.
hy the members opposed li"n il l'nkos arM Pts u hanI c,,aU
ing on the surface later on.
a government report: Repairs to
reason w
it is not diflicult to surmise. That
some limit should be placed on
the amount of franked mail sent vo'1 u'll!J ,je n,atl- "
I . . f .... j . . - r ......... .
out bv members of congress imisl 4tu'1 n"1 ,MU - ' -1 '
. . i 1. .i: ....... 1 1 are laid by. Hecause oi its
e OMiriMiru u an iipiiiuu-hu
plicily, eiliciency, and cheajutess
the silil-og drag or sime
persons. The abuse of the frank
ing privilege is one of the chief
causes or the great, deiicu in me
postotllce department. Now that
the country is embarking on new
rovernmental enterprises, it
might be well to correct this
abuse before it is extended to the
new ventures. While some mem-
ers or congress abuse uus
special privilege more
similar device is destined to com
into more and more general use.
Willi the drag properly built and
its use weli understood, the main-
tainance of earth and gravel
roads become a simple and inex
pensive matter. Care should b
taken to make the log so light
jnanthat one man can lift it with a-e.
V. il. )' !l
:ed tu
braska have r.
the r.'ijiiij'f.j i'
ttieip peilllOis. Hi.t
question arise-: lb..
ill S:-I'.ers Wlil ...
for miJI'im:
the most.
W io n I i.e
i o I . . -
re MiJ'l
i.a:.ies j
l . W Uie
ii:a:.y .f
per- ( I -;.-
-n..if ;.L
id hers, there having been cases
where even typewriters were sent
through the mail under congres
sional frank, practically all have
used the mails more freely than
hey would if a specified max
imum sum for postage were fixed
y law.
What's the use of trying to
make a man run for an office he
on't want? Oovernor Morehead
oesn't desire the office of gov
rnor any longer, .and why not
give him something he does want,
and one that a man of his ability
would fill with honor and whose
presence in any legislative body
would be noticed and whose in-
uence would be felt? He should
te elected to congress from the
"irst congressional district of
The wife of a Kansas man
uing for divorce testified u ider
oath that she and her husband
moved from Nebraska to Kansas
some years ago with the hope
that there he would get over his
intemperate drinking1, but that
matters went from bad to worse.
his is certainly pretty tough on
the prohibition state of Kansas.
as a light drag can be drawn by
two medium sized horses and re
sponds more readily to various
methods of hitching and the
diifling position of the operator
than a heavier one. The best ma
terial for the drag is a dry cedar
log, though elm. walnut, box
bier or soft maple are excellent.
Oak. hickory or ah are too heay.
The log should be seen to ten
feet long, and from eight to ten
inches in diameter. It should be
split carefully as near tin center
as possible and the heaviest and
best slab chosen for the front.
When the soil is moist, bul not
sticky, the drag does the best
work. As the soil in the field will
bake if plowed wet, so the road
will bake if drag is used on it
when it is wet. If the roadway is
full of holes or badly rutted the
drag should be used once when
the road is soft and slushy.
The Christian Scientists at
Hastings were refused a card in
the church directory at the new
Clarke hotel by the olhr de
nominations. That kind of ad
vertising will hdp the Scientists
more than having a card in the
D w n in Kansas :.:-. ae,
in-r b the Siar. thev waul t.
out so-called "p litica::-."
ad-.j t the commissi..;; f..rm .(
government. fn ..jf,.-r w.-rd-. tii
S!;:r wants to put .eit the p.
cal j olit !cian s it, ra'i;; t r::rs a .1
put in "ho'i:e rub-" poJu-ci i'is ki
can onlrol.
Republican .i-!!i:n ;t wh-
to te!I I,.. p.-. rde
"Were a-lia:; e.j t ,
in the f.l-e. wi l
loved so Well
the democrat
look a sh'.-
revise their st-.ry r...v. She.-j,
are btt!r'i!:g reeord-breukurg
prices, de-pit- 11,.. f t t!:ey
prediet.-d the i..,tbeM V...iM dr
out if W ilson wa-
te.i pr.
The Department of Commerce
recommend-. sa!.i.o'i a, .
redneer of the e..-t of hviri;. 'I!..
Departmetit ,,f Agriculture ii.i
already ree..m'iiend-.l pop.-.-ru
for breakfast. So-iie other de
partment S.....I ,,;...;,.. a
third meal and our or.N v.-rry
will tlo-n be a to w h, it hat we
shall be cbdh.-d.
rt Jii
I.'l his reply to so n,- ai-i-;-a-tioj.s
made against D.t.: :.-ph-
us. :ne -..'i-re-sM:a-i,
hits the bull's. j:. . j.
a political ,,., f vs. ,:
bos, is a s.-hish. gr... j? p.
cian. who has n-.-d Ins ; ;,
further his .c. i -. i;;i
I :
the pe,.p!
e i.-l
' r . - -
lUst ll-e if
iepresent.1 ,x Pr p. h;; -.;
boss whom they r.ever wa:;ted."