The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 23, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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MONDAY. MARCH 21, 1314.
p. ?ra f i i
til fi'rSH! Jill
Saturday afternoon saw two
more names tiled in the olliee of
the county clerk for tlit honor of
serving the people during 1 1: o en
suing two years. County Clerk
Frank J. Libersha) tiled his ap
plication for the placing of his
iianii' on tin primary ballot for
the democratic nomination bli
the oilier of county clerk. Mr.
Libershal was appointed to Hie
ot'iee ho now holds by the county
commissioners on the ivigp.a
tion of I). C. Morgan, and prior
to that time had served during
uie jour jears occupancy oi Uie
oliice by
Morgan as the
A petition was also filed sign
ed by a number of the republican
voters, asking that Sheriff Ouin
ton again make the race for the
office he has held for the past
seven years, lie has not as yet
filed his acceptance of the offer
of the petition.
Stubborn, Annoying Coughs
"My husband had a cough for
fifteen years and my son for
eight years. Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured
them, for which I am most
thankful," writes Mrs. David
Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What
Dr. Kind's New Discovery did for
those men, it will do for you. Dr.
Kind's New Discovery should be
in every home. Stops hacking
coughs, relieves lairrippe and all
throat and lung ailments. Money
back if it fails. All druggists".
Price 50c and $!.oo. . ). luick
len & Co., Philadelphia, or St.
Brief Visit In Plattsmouth.
Charles Teipel of Verdi gree,
Neb., was visiting witFi IMatts
inouth friends a few days ago,
coming d.Twn from his home to
South Omaha with a ear of slock,
and while in that city decided to
come on to I'latlsmoulli for a
brief iit with the old home
friend. Charley is doing well in
bis new home, fie Nn a peas
ant cailer at the Journal op're.
Don't Wait Unlil the Lsst FiUnuie
to Do Your Spring
FASiTSlM and
Gome Early and Get the Pick of Our
Large Assortments of Strictly
Wall Paper and Paint Store
Hotel Riley Clock Plailsnouth, Neb.
Gloihcs for Liiile Hen
These clothes are especially de
signed to help the boy to help him
self to look right, stand right,
walk right ami feel right.
.Because they are designed
right, tailored right and priced
The shoulder device is
these coats, and we want
to show them to every
parent of boys in Platts
mouth. It' a new departure in
boy's apparel. Price
$5 to $8
G. E. Wescott's Sons
Everybody Storo
Tin You npr Men's Ib'ble class
of the First Methodist church
yesterday afternoon held their
annual memorial
honor the memory
services to
of the mem
hers of the class who have pass
ed to the (I:vat Bevond since the
organization of the class. Sev
eral very pleasing and approp
riate musical numbers were
given bv the Young Men's (llee
club, as well as a .-olo by Mrs,
Mae Morgan in keeping with th
pirit of the occasion. The ad-
.lt.i . . f lit.. fl.trYiti ti"k ll
.. , ,
Mereu ny
Rev. Y. II. McCluky.
;ator of ttie First Presbyterian
church, who spoke on the sub
ject of "Thins Worth While,"
and the address throughout was
tilled with many helpful thoughts
to tlie young men who were
present and his remarks pointed
the way for them to higher ideals
ami inspirations in their life. The
roil call of the absent, members
by Secretary Jesse Perry showed
that three," F.dward W. While,
near ilalistroM and Hen ilenn.
had passed to the Metier Land.
The meet ins was one tilled with
many lender neurones of those
who hail gone and the
members of the class all felt a
feeling that by thee meetings
each year they are brought in
rlo-er touch with their absent
The Forty Year Test.
An article must have excep
tional merit to survive for a
period of forty years. Chamber
lain's Couch Remedy was first of
fered to the public in 1872. From
a small beginning it has crown
in favor and popularity until it
has attained a world-wide
reputation. You will find noth
ing belter for a cough or cold.
Try it and you will understand
why it is a favorite after a period
of more than forly years, it not
only gives relief it cures. For
sale by all dealers.
Typewriter paper at the Journal
Quite a peculiar accident be
fell Fred AVynn yesterday, and
one that he will remember for a
lime at least. , lie was at the
home of Maldou Brown, and in
response to a request, was in the
space between the roof and the
ceiling oi me room Deiow exam
ining the electric wiring", walking
carefully along on the joyee sup
porting the ceiling, and in doing
so his foot slipped and the next
thins the parties in the room
knew was the appearance of the
lower limbs of Fred through the
ceiling, bavins in the fall broken
throush the ceiling, but without
doins much damage except to
himself, as he found it necessary
to use about I.8 worth of
plaster to do up the injuries re
ceived. The room below received
a larse amount of plaster, and in
the future when Fred engages in
this kind of service for hi
friends he will insist on beinj
protected asainst loss of life and
Hat came near hems a very
serious conflagration was barely
averted at the home of M. S
Mn'sss on Saturday afternoon,
and but for the prompt work of
the members of the family their
home would have suffered sreat-
ly from the tire loss. It seems
that Murdett Mrisss was ensased
m uiawins 'out trie (train pipe
lead ins from the bathroom to the
outsido of the house, usins a
blow torch for that purpose, and
in the operation the wood of the
wainscoatins in the room became
isnitcd and started to burn in a
very danserous manner and for a
few minutes it seemed doubtful
whether the fire could be put out
or not, but a liberal application
of water carried by the members
of the family soon subdued the
ansry flames and the loss will not
amount, to over $10, and Mr
Mriss and he family feel that
they have certainly sotten out of
it in good shape.
This mornins about 11 o'clock
vicious dos belonging1 to a fam
ily named llrasky on Wintersleen
li!l attacked ami indicted a very
severe wound on a little child of
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pries, who
eside in that neighborhood. The
it tie one was playing around
where the dog was, when it jump
d on I ho child and inflicted a
very tons and ugly gash on the
scalp that necessitated the serv
ices of a surgeon to fix ui. The
mimal was riot afflicted with the
rabies, but is unite old and had
been tied up for 'some time and
was quite irritable and cross, and
seeing the little Pries child pro-
ceeded to vent his anger on it,
with the result as above noted.
As soon as tlie authorities were
untitled the animal was ordered
shot, and by this time it has been
put out of the way where it will
do no more damage to the chil
dren or anyone else.
Last Triday
three men made a
raid on the
daughter house of
Oeorge Thomas & Co.. north of
tins city, on the Watte bottom
....... i .. . . . .
io.nj, auo punoincu some six
hides, which were in the
slaughter house drying. The
officers hae a very good de
scription of the men taking the
hides, as one of them is described
as being tall and slender, while
one of the others was a tarire.
I'olmst .inniini-iiiir ii-n K.,t n.
is no description of the third man
in the party or men taking the
bides. . reward of $10 is offer
ed Tor the return or the hides or
information that will lead to their
recovery. 1
The Journal for stationery.
The Funeral Services Were Con
ducted in a Most Impressive
Manner in the Presence of
Many Sympathetic Friends.
Yesterday afternoon the fun
eral of the late Mrs. A. P. Camp
bell was belt! in this city, the
body arrivins on the 1:15 train
froni Omaha, and was at once
taken to Uie First Methodist
church, where the funeral serv
ices were held at 2 o'clock.
There was a larse number of
the old friends and acquaintances
present at the church to pay their
Iast tributes of respect to the
memory or mis wormy iaiy, who,
durins her residence here, cover-
ing a period of twenty years, was
a uevoul and raiiniui memner
of the Methodist church and one
of the willing workers, who was
untiring in her efforts for every
thing calculated to upbuild and
strengthen the church of her
choice, and in his sermon Rev.
Druliner alluded most touchingly
to her service, under the subject
of "Faith," and his remarks were
most convincing to all and por
trayed the Christian spirit stead
fast in its belief in the doctrine
of the church.' A choir composed
of Mesdames Mae Morgan, K. 11.
Weseott, C. S. Johnson, Miss
Leona Mrady and Messrs. W. (I.
Mrooks and C L. Farley, gave a
number of hymns which were so
well beloved.- by the deceased
while living, and as the memory
of the times the departed had
often sang them in the church
came to the friends there were
many a tear-dimmed eye. The
casket was borne, at the close of
the services, to its last resting
place in uak Hill cemetery ny trie
following old friends: V. 1).
and Ralph Smith, cousins of Mrs.
Campbell; C. S. Forbes, C. M.
Foster. Ci. I.. Farley and L. V.
Copenhaver, and the body laid to
its last long rest in the midst of
the city where so many happy
years had been spent.
mong those from out of town
in attendance., at Uie lunerai
were Mr. .Mrr artano, a son-in-
law: Mrs. Parsons of Lexington,
Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Men Davis
oi umaua. ine enoris io jocaie
the husband, who was in Cali
fornia, were without avail, as his
address was known only to Mrs.
Campbell, and be could not. be
located in time to be present at
the funeral, while the daughter,
Mrs. Olga McFarland, was at the
hospital in Omaha, where she
was operated on a few uays ago.
F.lla Florence- Rankin was born
December ll, lSt)0, at Hurling
ton. Iowa, and resided there for a
number of years until her mar
riage in 1873 in Mediapolis,
Iowa, to William Allen Martin
and to this union two children
were born, one a son. died in in
fancy, while a daughter, Olga.
was born in September, 1870. Mr.
Martin died in March, i 870.
Mrs. Martin and family moved to
IMatlsmouth in 18SS to make
their home, and in September of
that year she was united in mar-
rjage to A. I Campbell of this
city, and here the family resided
until December, 1908, when they
moved to Lexington. Nebraska,
where they have resided since
that time, Mrs. Campbell making
her home with her daughter, Mrs.
Olga McFarland, in that city. He-
ddes the husband and daughter.
one sisier. .Mrs. J. ll, (iorman. or
Krenso, California, and one
brother, Charles Hankin. residing
in Missouri, are left to mourn
her loss.
Chronio Stomach Trouble Cured.
There is nothing more dis
couraging than a chronic dis
order of the stomach. Is it not
surprising that many suffer for
Portr wilU Muh an. ,ul,m;nt Nhon
a permanent cure is within their
reach ami mav b had for tritlet
Vbout one year ago, says P. H.
Heck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I
bought a package of Chamber
lain's Tablets, and since using
them I have felt perfectly well. I
had previously used any number
of different medicines, but none
of them were of any lasting
bcnelU" rp sa, by al1 dca,ers
For Sale.
Assorted eggs for setting.
Ss.oo per hundred. Also duck
and geese eggs. Mrs. Fred
Spanglor.-'Phono 2101.
in PLATTsnouTii
Items of Interest to Our Readera
Uleaned from the Newspaper
Files of Many Years Ago.
F. J. Metteer was kicked and
severely injured one day last week
by a horse.
One of the thinnest shows of
the season was in town. last Sat
urday Tiight.
Dr. Winterstein has turnei
farmer in earnest and drives j
lumber wagon with great eclat.
1-rank Whites ice house came
near going in the river during tin
late high spell of the Old Muddy
John I.easley, good youth
brings us the fir-j asparagus of
the season and it was delicious
Do so some more, John.
Mauler, tlie irxvpressipie, is
around as usual, and he has done
gone and put up a bran new awn
ing for Mushizer, the barber.
Hilly Neville has moved his bil
liard hall up stairs in the room
formerly occupied by Dr. Chap
man. J lie damps drove turn out
of the basement and now he has a
new. clean place and the beste
Old Dublin porter in the place.
Arthur Woodford, near Weep
ing Water, who broke his les
some time aso, fell and broke it
over again not long since and had
to go through the torture of hav
ing H resei. ne nas sintered a
world of torture first and Iad.
A funny thing happened to Doc
Jones the other day, and it wasn't
so funny, either. Some how in
coming home from down country
Doe lost his poekethook with
"122.r0 in cash and a large
amount of due bills, notes, etc.,
inside. As soon as discovered he
put back down the road and when
near Jordan's was hailed by a boy
who told him mother hail his
poekethook. lie went in and
found Mrs. Jordan had it all right,
and singular to relate, a perfect
stranger, a "traveler" apparently,
had found it near the house in the
road. He opened it, counted the
money, looked at the notes, and
brought it to Mrs. J., asking if she
knew such a man. She said yes.
"Well, tell him here is his pocket
book with $122 in it and he is a
lucky man," and that was all Ihey
knew of it.
Miss Lizzie Huttery has- gone
to Sidney, Iowa, for a long visit.
V.. A. Perkins, It. n. man, wa
here Thursday and dined with!
Messrs. Iloldrege & Co., on some
of Hatt's beef. The boys live high
in Nebraska, doift they, Colonel?
A steam ferry between Louis
ville, Cass county and Sarpy
county is talked of now. Noyes
says it will be put in the coming
season. We hope so ami wish
it success.
S. V. Lee of Burt county, 70
yearp old, rides high strung colts,
walks eight and ten miles at a
time and bids fair to keep it up
for twenty years longer for all
Ihe Herald can see.
Oeo. Do
and Charley
to open a
V. ZUCKER, Manager
This cold snap will not last long, even now
the buds and birds are reminding
us of spring
Now is the Time to Select Material
for Your Dresses, Waists, Etc,
and have them in readiness when the warm
days of Spring come
Our spring and summer goods, embroidery and
laces are ready for your inspection and you should
see them to appreciate the patterns and colors.
McCall's Patterns
large wholesale sroeery tore in
IMair in about r-ix months. Oood
for lilair and bok out f'r a bis
trade, Charley knows how to
do it.
Mr. Hesser sends the Herald
some very tine bunches of early
lettuce, raised we guess in the
green lioiie. mey are winuer-
fully crisp'and niee, and the s'od
people oiisni m juuroiiiz .n.
Hesser abundantly.
T. W. Shryock moved bis fam
ily to the we.-dern part of town
last Thursday to the hou-e for
merly occupied by Jacob Vallry.
lie is going to enlarge hi busi
ness and use the whole of his
buildins for furniture.
They had a lively time at the
council meet ins la-t vvtvk WVd-
nesifny. in inaor aim iau
Wheeler had a but. and Way
man and Wheeler had two bouts.
It was represented to the Herald
as warm enough for anyone for
a spell, ll an grew out i i.ajn.
aines assessment bill.
Our English friend, Mr. Young.
of Weeping Water, has friends
come from over the water, we see.
Regular h'old h'enslishers;
honest and capable looking they
are though, and we hope Mr.
Young can settle them around
him here in Cass county, in fact
we are sure they will fare better
here in the end than by goins
farther from markets, mails and
home, for cheaper lands.
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
The Best Flour
on the Market
Ve announce our early show
ing of Paliorn and Tailored
Hals tha! will soon be on dis
play at our store. Watch far
our opening date in ihe very
near future. Ve will have ihe
finest tine ever shown in ihis
city for your selection.
Moves Back to Nebraska.
Yesterday tie.rnms Jn-eph
Kotikal and wife and tM rh;' d
arried fr.-m Tacma. W a-!.:
Ion. wtwre 1 1 1 -y haw l,- -n r'f.t...
ing their li"in for the p.:t "v
M'.irs and tt.ey -v;--t ::i fh
future to r--i.b h-fe. th- .-
icilie con f. d:d U"l M!-a-i;r i;: ;
thejr fUi c.'af i' r. and t: y
(bided to ba'k f.
bra-ka to r--;de. "Ho-ir
were -ry rnii' li pa-d
fhefn and they r-e.-;e.f a
welcorue back, to t!i-ir old
ins ground.
I t
! r ! :
Building Large New Barn.
William Miller. :.- of pla't--
utb"s actr- nr-t ::!'-
r. has, b.n d
pasf fi-w day iT"-: i: s
new barn u ftie farm
Warsa. -onfh ,.f this i:v
'r !!,e
ihis -trui't ure
has .r.e to b'ii:
plare, -uth'Ai
-Hillie" j, a s
sav lie ha- er:
i -i
-Mi f -d l.e
on the It ::Tr:-r
-t .f Mwi.ird.
.! workman a!- I
o'!!i t,,:-ir-- n
sittf t. k p
eral months.
turn (H'V f.
Worm Killer
The cause of V'"r chad's ill-
The foul. fetid. o::-:;.
breath The f art ins up v ilh
terror and grindins f-f teeth
while asleep Tt; a!'..v orr.
plexion The dark circles ur-.d -r
the yes Ar ail indication f
aorms. Kickapoo Worm Kiilr
is what your chill n -d; it erf-els
tlie worm, the f th-
fhild unhealthy condition.
the remoal of --at. stoma -h an 1
pin worm. Kickrp-n Worm Ki!!
r gives ure relief. It laxative
effect ad ! tone to th general
system. Supplied a a can.!.
confection children like i!. Saf-
and sure relief. (In!ee.f. I: i -
a box today. Price 2-"c. All
drug2it r by mail. K:ckapoo
Indian Med. Philadelphia, r
St. Louis.
Jor InlisXs and Childrta.
Tha Kind Yea H2tj AIisjs E:: t
Bars the
6iiuttor of
Plattsmouth, Nebr.