PAGE. 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. MARCH 15. .SniBJc.-l We are just in receipt of our spring shipment of Hole proof Hosiery for men and women's wear. Men's . Assorted or plain colors lisle one-half dozen in box $1.50 All silk assorted colors, one quarter dozen in box $2.00 Women's White, tan or black lisle, one half dozen in box $2.00 All silk, black, one-quarter dozen in box $3.00 Saturday Special Our famous Automatic Sox. brown with white heel and toe, per O pair .OC C. E. Wescott's Sons Everybody Store KENSINGTON CLUB ENTERTAINED AT THE ROBT. A. BATES HOME Tln Kensington club was e n I o p ?Vi " , V'y- p-l o ;m 1 1 y es ter'day afternoon at I homo of Mrs. U. A. lutes, ami the oc casion was one thoroughly en joyed by the ladies of the club, the afternoon was spent most de lightfully in the making of fancy work and in pleasant social con versation, which served lo pass the time very pleasantly until an appropriate hour, when a very tempting luncheon was served by the hostess, which aided greatly in making the event a most enjoy ahle one. Mrs. F.d Spies and Mrs. Nellie McCune nf Iowa City, Iowa, whit is here visiting her sister, Mrs. I.. P. F.genherger, were the guests of the cluL for the after noon. Farms Wanted. List your farms with Payne In vestment Company, Omaha. We make a specialty of New York and Minnesota farms, but have sev eral customers who want farms in Cass county. (Jet down to hed-rock. Payne Investment Company, Ware lUock, Omaha. Neb. J-l'.-tfwkty Genuino Fletcher's Castorla, this weok only al 19c. Oaring & Co., tha Spot Cash Family Drug gists. 'Phon 3C. i v j r j ' f ' i " '" s ' ' ' ' THE SNOW FALL A BLESSING TO THE i t ' TILLERS OF THE SOIL The snowfall which visited tin city yesterday afternoon and las evening is fast disappearing be neuth the warming- influences of I tie sun and n few hours as warm as Ibis morning will take away the supply of the Iveauhful snow The M;owfall was quite genorou while it tasted, Ibore being some thinir like four inches reporlei last evening iti this city, but the weather was very warm and com fortable. The reports from the western and northern parts of the state indicate that the snowfall in that section was considerably heaier than here and was accom panied bv a biting cold wind tbat swept over the sand hills with atl the vigor of an old-time blizzard but here in the eastern part of the state we were more fortunate in this respect and did not suffer to anv extent from the storm. the rain of a few days ago and the snow of yesterda.N will furnish a groat deal of moisture that will be of great benefit to the farmers in this section and greatly aid the betterment of the conditions of the soil and the crop of winter wheat, of which there is a threat ileal in the county. LIST OF CONTESTANTS IN THE SOENNICHSEN PIANO CONTEST The interest in the piano con test at the store of 11. M. Soen uichsen is constantly growing and the list of otes piled up by the dilTcrcnt. candidates is consider ably larger than al the last show ing made. The following is the standing to date: Uretchen ivin 3 1. 03 Christian Church T.o.'O Mabte l.edgevvay U.OSO Mrs. It. V.. Wamplcr 2O,3J0 Cosmopolitan Club JOJOO Uessie Wiles lO.Nt'.." Mrs. F.. Morelaud 1 l.sso IClla Neumann 1 1,3 Mrs. W. Simons I I.OIO t Jladys O.otncr . . . Josie K. Shobalka Mrs. Wm. Cravilt Caroline Lahoda r.ertha Jackson . Agnes Kreck .,o?n 0. 7 im 3.(2S -W.m -M05 . I rr 'J.t.m L075 1,000 t.t(H) l,3S5 1.3:0 1. JS.'i t.-'50 1,070 1,020 1,020 1.015 1. 000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 l.ono 1,000 Louis Kopitsehka . . . Yerg ie Campbell Anna Wagner Proshv terian Church AITred (Jicen Mrs. John MefJeo . . . Anna Mys Harold Croscarry . . . Iter! ha ishubeek Klla .Voiding F.lhol Lewis llermia Jeliuek (Srace Hunter Adclia Tritsch Nettie Smith Myrtle Hall Laura Mrisingor . . . Mrs. Phil Hirz Players' Club Hattie Hoesler Nett ie Kauf mann . . . Fred KaiTonbergor . . Single Comb While Leghorns. Yesteilaid strain. Hred to "shell out eis" in wilder, Acknow bducd the be-t t. IT Slate Fa eriment stations. Kuirs, $1.50 pei lo; 1( for ss.oo. . 3-lt-2twkly HANSEN Gloves for Spring work, me largest line we have ever shown. A special style for every purpose; fit the hand, lit the work in hand. . Price, $1, $1.50 and $2.00. Ma tt h a tta n S h iris SUtson Hats ANOTHER DEATH AT THE nSONIG HOME TODAY Alfred A. Cary, S3 Years of Age, Passed Away This Morning at an Early Hour. From Tuesday's lilly. At an early hour this mornin Alfred A. Crary, one of the aec gentlemen living at the Masonic Home in Ibis city, passed away from old aire, having lived 88 years, during I be last few o which he has been unite feeble, but for one of his age was quite bright mentally. He was born November 22, 1820, and during his long life hail been a most useful citizen anil his lifetime was tilled with an effort to aid his fellow man as best bo could. Mr. Crary was a member of Solomon lodge No. 10, A. F. and A. M oT Fort Calhoun, Neb., which he joined at an early day, and he came to this city Novem ber 2T, llor, and has since made his home here at the Masonic Home, where be had greatly en deared himself to the members of the Home. He was a very devout Christian ami always was an earnest laborer in the cause of what he believed to be right, and his death will leave a place bard to till among those who knew him best. , The funeral will be held tomor row morning at the Home, and the body will be shipped to Freeport, Illinois, the old home of the de parted, where it will be laid to its tlnal rest, being sent to Omaha on ttie 1 ::S Hurliogton train ami from there shipped oer the 11 liuois Central. He leaves no im mediate family. THE PLATTSMOUTH BUILDING a LOAN ASSO CIATION PICKS OFFICERS From Wetlnos-Uv's Pally. The directors of the Plalts- moulh Huilding A Loan associa tion, at their meeting on Monday night, elected the olUcors for the association for the ensuing year as follows: President F.d P. Lutz. Vice President H. A. Hates. Secretary T. M. Patlerson. Treasurer Fred Hamge. Solicitor .1. M. Leyda. The directors also expressed their appreciation of the splendid services which the retiring di rectors, Messrs, William Hallance and J. II. llallstrom, had given to the building and loan association during the time they had been connected with the board of di rectors, and a resolution was passed by the board commending them for their vers- able service. BEAUTIFUL AHD ARTISTIC DECORATIONS IN HONOR OF SAINT PATRICK Krom Tuesday's IallT. With the true spirit and in recognition of the dy celebrated by the Irish the world over, the tlrni of Warga oi Schuldice have arranged a window in their store that will certainly make a big hit with the descendants of ttie Km erald Isle, Handsome shamrocks decorate the window, to which streamers of green are strung to the rear of the window, and the green-shaded lamps cast a beautiful hue over tbe entire win dow. The display in the window is of electric lamps or different kinds and is a rry handsome one that is certain to attract a great leal of attention from Ihe pass ers by and is well worth looking al. Mr, Warga, who is nn en enthusiastie admirer oT St. Pal rick, is the artist who prepared tbe window. Beautiful Shetland Ponies for sale at all times, for the next 100 years, unless I dio in' the meantime I have now an extra fine stallion, the ocst in the state, for sale. Well broke for both harness and saddle. Wm. Gilmour, Plattsmouth, Neb. R. F. D. No. 1. ; Try the. Journal for calling cards. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Hi SESSION YESTERDA Tho county commissioners, their meeting yesterday after noon, decided to pass over tbe matter of taking; up the incor poration of tho village f No- hawka until Ihe next meeting, us the signers of Uu petition for in corporation were . unable to be present; and on the next meeting day the "fors" and "againsls" w il be on hand to present their re spective sides in force. The petition of Walter Conner for a license to iron and operate a pool hall at the village of Cedar Creek was refused bv tho board on the ground that Ihe petition ilit not contain a sufficient number o freeholders' signatures. M. 1. Thomas vt Co., who have had the task of auditing the book of the different 'county oftleial from 11)08 to date, have tiled their oftleial report to the county board with the results secured from their work, and the job done by these gentlemen is' very complete in every way and shows that they have been very painstaking in the work. Kickapoo Worm Killer Expels Worms. The cause of your child's ill Tho foul, fetid, offensive breath Tho starting up with terror and grinding: of teeth wiuie nsierp me sallow com plexion The dark circles under the eyes Are all indications o worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is wnai your child needs; u ex pels the worms, the cause of the child's unhealthy condition. For the removal of scat, stomach am pin worms, Kiekapoo Worm Kill er gives sure relief. Its laxative effect adds tone to the genera system. Supplied as a candy confection children like it. Safe ami sure relief. Cuaranteed. luy a box today. Vrice 23e. Al druggists or by mail, Kickapoo Indian Med, Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. CASS COONTY COUPLE WERE MARRIED MONDAY IN COUNCIL BLUFFS From TujtJaya Hatty. Among the items in Ihe Coun cil Muffs department of the Oma ha World-Herald appears the notice of the issuance or a mar- iaire license to Harry McCarroll of Union and Miss Vergie Fitch- orn or ims city. lne young couple were married yesterday in I hilt city. The bride is a daugh ter of Mr. ami Mrs. Fitchorn, who reside on a farm a few mile southeast of this city, and is well known here to a large number of friends, having been born and reared to womanhood in this lo cality. The groom is one of the prominent young men of Union and bis friends 4w ill give him a warm welcome when he returns home to that place, as he is one of the most pleasant and genial young men in that village and his friends are without number. MISS EMMA CUMMINS GIVES FINE PIANO RECITAL From Wednesday' Pally. At a recent meeting it was de cided that each member of the ,. society of the Prcsh terian church would earn a dollar. lie Miss ing an excellent pianist. Cmma Cummins concluded that he would earn her dollar by giv ing a piano recital. This recital was held al her' home last even ing at 8 o'clock, and was so well attended that instead of making the one dollar, it amounted to Use. which was very pleasing to the Noung lady. The program con- isted of twelve piano numbers rendered by Miss Mmma, all of hose being difUeult selections, nil were rendered rrom memory aim were most highly appreciated by those fortunate enough to Tie resent. Miss Km ma was assist- . . , . ........ .... . ..r u in ner aciigiiiiui piumum m music by her sister, Miss Mildred, who contributed a number of eadings, and her father, Dr. K. ). Cummins, with a cornet solo, which were likewise most thor oughly enjoyed. Hedge Posts for Sale. I have several thousand good lfdge posts for sale. AH sues. iOuie . Puis, 5, miles west .of Murray, FECIAL OFFER! For the Rest of This Week ONLY We will place on sale in our west window your choice in SILK POPLINS and SILK FOULARDS at E. G. Dovey PROMINENT YOUNG PEOPLE OF NEAR HEHAWM TO UNITE IN MARRIAGE From Tuesday's Dally This morning a marriage li cense was issued by Judge A. J. Uecson to two young people wln are members of two of the lead ing families in h, southern part of the county, Mr. (trover C. llo. haek. aged and Miss (;-orgia 11. Massie. aged U. both of the vicinity of Nehawka. These y.'iing people are well known in I lie id eality where they have resii'ed during their lifetime and are pos sessed of a large circle of friends who will learn with much pleas ure that they have decided t en joy life together as one. I he bride-to-be is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I M. Massie, prominent residents thai precinct, and is a vounu lady well and favorably known. :u by her delightful personality she has endeared herself to all with whom she has conn' in conlaet. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Iloback. who have for years been among the m.i high ly respected residents of that part of the county, and to the vounu people who are about ! take w their future life together, the best wishes of their acquaint ances will go. Chronic Stomach Troublo Cured. There is nothing more dis couraging than a chronic dis order of Ihe stomach, is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailmenl when a permanent cure is within their reach and inav be had for a Iritle? About one year ago," says p. II. Heck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I bought a package of Chamber lain's Tablets, and since using them I have felt perfectly well. I ad previously used any number of different medicines, but none of them were of any lasting tenelit." For sale by all dealers OUTBREAK OF SMALLPOX IS REPORTED SOME THREE MILES NORTH OF MURDOCH From Tu-.lay lally. The western part of the county is reported lo be suttering irom an outbreak of tbe smallpox, as two cases have been reported to the county clerk's oflleo in tbe family of William Wilkin-, who resides some three miles north west of Murdock. The sheritV will e sent out there this afternoon o quarantine tho place and see that the disease is not spread. Just how severe the cases were was md reported to the author ities, but it is not thought that they are of a particularly severe type. There cannot be too much rare exercised in cases of this kind and the residents of the b- alily where Ihe disease is re ported from should take steps to . . . . . . . i : r seo Miai lliere is no vioiauou m the quarantine regulations that might endanger the safely of the residents of that er!ion. Tha Mothers' Favorite A cough medicine lor children hould be harmless. It should bo deasanl to take. U should be tTectual. Chamberlain's Couirh tcmedy is all of tins and is the mothers' favorite everywhere, j For sale by all dealers. 50c per yard meetings Are Postponed. The series of no i-t iurs that were bring conducted at Louis ville by lit v. I). L. hunklebergrr of this city, have been forced to elosr nn account of the fai t I hat the singers assisting in the m. -ethics have been quarantined on account of the earle f. ver and it will be necessary to postpone the meetings f r some time. RULES 10 BE FOLLOWED BY MO DRIVERS 'Ihe near approaeh i.f tl;r sp;n- season I'ii l ion-fit out .n i '.i ieae in th" number of auto mobiles that are l !!;u driven ,.a tln streets of the cilv an. I in the I ofteouutry roads 1 it i- tllticr ! t!i rules laid dow n : vrrr.i..c t!i us- of the pu! lie oo-erv e.i n i n. i feirnt machines. Tie Ameriean Automobile asportation ha- n;- proved of the following rule- tdatj -rreoin meu(!-, . the ui t-' in.-.i ..T III., ilrjv ,.r .f .!! oil.! m ' i'l .it. .f I," l mot -ile. and c;i": Whielrs sliall keep to ttie :i-.!:t lim.l ;.!- . . I- I 1).. I-, . . I All vehicle- verlain otb.-r-. hall, in passing, keep to 1 1 1 - - !--ft of ihe center of road and -halt h ao! pull over to the i i ti t of 'help road until entirely clear of t!ie R vehicle pas-ed. Vehicles meet in:? eaeh other shall pa-s each other to the -r-ht of ! he center off I.e road. All veliieles turnini: to Ihe ri:!tt inlo a:iol!ie; road shall turn the corner as near the curb ;s j rae- iiranie. i 1 All vehicles lurninir to ihe bfl!H into another road shall pass tojy the l iht of and l.evoiid the renter!!! of the interseelj-'ir road before turning. j All vehicles t rii-si'i; from "ii'i side of the street io Hie othrrj shall do so by turning to the left so as io m uie same lUieeiiou as t'ie trallic on each side of the Sl I ...... i Commissioners View Bridges. KrtMii VVci)ii!a..v"a I:ii'y. The county i-oiuin i--i.ners lit -inornir'.g drove out into the coun try to inspect the biil-e- thatjS have been placed there and alsojg in see what repairs may bede. ni-ll a necessary. They rertaiiil : struck a poor day for the venture,; as the cold, biting wind and snoj(J fall made the traveling very di--S ... : r ...... I ?J agrecabte. mu me cotiimi--iou. rs stuck to the job and vi-tted a number of the bridges in this -c-liou of the i-ouuty. Franca Callanco at Homo. t-'r Y-vj;y' iKUly. t'lauce I5aliaiic who vva- in jured some few week- ao b be i,g kicked by a team of mules while engaued at work al th -tate in.-iilule al illcuwood. bwa. aivlj vvhi from the riVeets of the ac- . . . ........ i i ... . 1 .... i CNieill It'l l IVl'tl MM l.ll .;o.v. .l rib-, as well a- a sprained an! l. is home in this rity to visit fr a f.'w da.vs and re-l up from the -f-fects .f his illne-s. I ranee is feeling much better, although he is stiil quite -litV and -ore from Ihe effects of the aeeideut. rOHESl' HOSK Host Hour on the market. Sold by all leading dealers. Yalo Motorcycle for Sale. Fully equipped and good as new. inquire at uie Journal oflice. o Son Stubborn, Aanoying Cougha Cured. "My I.r-i.iud had a c liflrrii JrUI"- eiv:ht ear-. id my Ki-g i -! I Mr-. Al i. .-ry i f r . .V ri. r t... I . - 1 Mxcov ery eofupli thern. f..r w!n.-h thankful." vri?es M.Mt of Sa:naw. I: K;:;'s N,v !.-. t!ie.' p)e;, jt will Kind's .-.v i ;t e , ry I., rn J :?-!;. re!,. .-s I.r:i : ; throat and It:-- a;!; . n? -. i-.i'-k if iL f.tiN. All !:: I'll.,- ."ior a::d si."". U. I.. i: v. Co l'hil.t-!. Final Settlement in Ken: C5. Tilt- r:i..:-ai-: i" !! r i' . .art th. li :;! ! . " I 'p : . .: I w. i: a. i !il t -t., N- ..f i-, i . J a h t l It : . a:, r. l! fro v. a - r.. , 1 i. a: : I at. d i f ih. r ove Creel 1 N 1 1 .j t M Li For any Waist in the House in Black, t White and Colors made of I lafeta,MessaIine Shaded Silks and Ail-Over Laces these waists are worth $3 to $6 Just for a Flyer ampleSiore a- - - .... Lower Main Street MM y f -r