The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAQE fl.
Our stock of seed is now complete and fresh. We buy noth
ing but the best grades of bulk seed seed that is grown
in this climate and will thrive better than any others
from which to select. Remember our seed is all in the
bulk, and can be examined before buying.
Why Not Have the City Try the
Experiment of a Free Day on
the Platte River Cridge?
In the spring program of im
provements ami enterprises cal
culated to ait the growth ami de
velopment of the city and its
future from a commercial stand
point, there are several very
strong features that have been
advanced that should, if possible,
be adopted to aid in the bringing
of new trade into ttu city and to
assist in the development of the
business life of th; city, and
among the one of the strongest
is that of having1 free days over
the Missouri river ferry and also
on the Platte river automobile
and wagon bridge.
North of the Platte river in
Sarpy county lies a territory that
should come to this city to do
their trading and would be clad
to do so if the proper inducement
was extended to them, and the
merchants of the city should get
trcrether and arrange to provide
free passage over the bridge at
least once a week to those farm
ers on the north side of the river
who might desire to do their trad
ing here, and a few experiments
You Can Now Buy Original
Luther Burbank Seeds Here
We have secured the exclusive selling rights of
Luther Burbank original seeds for Plattsmouth, hav
ing been appointed the special representatives of
THE LUTHER BURBANK CO, San Francisco, sole
distributors of Luther Burbank's original productions
To tell you of the seeming miracles
wrought by the hand and brain of Lu
ther Burbank, and their history would
require many large sized books. You
now have the opportunity of bringing
the great Burbank genius right into
your own garden. It has always been
his desire to share with the world the
results of his years of creative effort,
and the opportunity is now offered you
to enjoy the fruits of his labor to grow
the extraordinary flowers that he has
been years in creating to have a gar
den that you and your friends will ad
mire constantly.
With Every $1.00 Purchase
we will give you a copy of "The Culture of Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables"
written by Luther Burbank, himself.
"The Daylight Store" ...... . ... Plattsmouth, Nebraska
j j
ssortment of Each Variety
of the free day on the bridge
would be a revelation to those
who have doubts as to the value
of the amount of trade that could
be secured from Sarpy county and
which now goes to Fort Crook and
South Omaha, because they have
never had any inducement offered
to them to seek the metropolis of
Cass county to do their trading.
Only last spring one of the farm
ers from that section made a trip
to South Omaha to price a
quantity of clover seed, and it not
being satisfactory he decided to
call on the dealers here to see
what he roulj secure tho seed for
and was surprised to find the
price considerably lower, and
while here he also purchased a
range for his wife at a cost of
some J?G less than the price asked
for one in the South Omaha mar
ket, and he returned home with
his eyes open as to the oppor
tunities offered to the careful
buyer in the Plattsmouth stores.
All that is necessary is to
bring the people here and the
value of the goods sold here and
their prices will at once impress
itself upon the visitors anil result
in a steady customer for the mer
chants. For the free days the
business men should send out
their coupons to the residents on
the north side of the river and
when they arrive here give them
a royal welcome and show them
the values they can receive here
for their money.
Residence for Sale.
The Mrs. McVicker residence
property on North Sixth street is
offered for sale. For particulars
call on Mrs. J. E. Leesley.
The Journal does job work.
There was quite a large attend
ance yesterday at the services at
the Methodist church, both at the
morning and evening services,
and all who were present enjoyed
to the utmost the excellent ser
mons delivered at these services.
Miss Flla Watson of Lincoln,
corresponding secretary of the
Topeka branch of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society, was
present and occupied the time at
the morning service usually de
voted to the sermon, giving an
outline of the missionary work,
and her address being clear-cut
and delivered in a most able man
ner, was one that appealed great
ly to her hearers. In Ihe evening
the pastor, Hev. Druliner, oc
cupied the pulpit and gave one of
his always able sermons that has
during his short time here won
him a great deal of praise for
their fairmindedness and clear
exposition of the doctrines of the
church of which he is a minister
ing member. The choir gave a
number of pleasing selection that
were much appreciated and added
to the impressiveness of Ihe
. WANT TO BUY A good, gentle
work horse, weighing 1,200 lbs.
Inquire of Fred Hesse. 'Phone
3 i 0 -W. 3-11-1 wk-d & w
Best results are secured by ad
vertising in the Journal.
This Seal Guarantee An Ori
ginal Burbank Production.
No other store in. Plattsmouth
can sell you the original Burbank
seeds. The prices are moderate
no more than you would have to
pay for seeds ot good quality.
The securing of this exclusive
right to sell Luther Burbank origi
nal seeds is but another indication
of the progressive policies of this
store to give the unusual at all
" Look for the Burbank seal on
every package of seeds that you
buyis is for YOUR PROTECTION.
The business streets hero Sal
imlav were thronged Willi a large
crowd of busy' shoppers who Inn
come ia from their homes in tin
country surrounding u
spont a great part of the day here
looking after the week-end trad
ins:. Most of those from tho
country state that the roads are
in very good shape, although tho
last few days has caused them to
become rather dusty, but as
rule they are in fine shape for this
timo of the year, perhaps more so
than for some years past. Tho
gtod roads makes it easy for the
residents of the county Jo come
into this city in their automobiles
and teams and wagons to visit the
up-to-date stores of the city, and
they are beginning to take ad
vantage of this to the utmost and
there is no opportunity passed by
the farmers for coming here to
do their trad inf.". as they
recognize the fact that tho trm
value of a person's money can bo
secured from the merchants of
Plattsmouth. From now on tht
Saturday crowds will become
much larger if the weather con
tinues good, and the visitors can
rest, assurred of a hearty welcome
from the business men of this
Says the Detroit Free Press
Oh. yes there are new ways of
fooling ns being devised every
day. And some of us are being
just as easily fooled as were our
ancestors, in spite of all the
knowledge we have packed in our
heads. Sometimes we are snared
bv the scientific swindler. At
other times we snare the scienti
fic swindler just to preserve the
balance of things. Only the other
day Samuel Spitz was telling per
sons in Oakland, Cal., that he had
invented or discovered a machine
whereby he could throw on a
class disc at night the imago of
anything out of doors within a
five-mile radius. He olTerel
"stock" in this "Wireless Spect
roscope" concern at low figures.
Some boobs bought if, too. But
iconoclastic persons investigated.
lney round at a "test" mat a
panorama iilm was hidden in the
machine and worked off on them.
Now they propose to prosecute
the "inventor." What does this
all amount to 3 Well the fellow
with the "show me" mental al
titude isn't wholly a nuisance, is
Yesterday Mike Ilild and wife
and daughter, Miss Sophia, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Libershal
and little daughter, taking ad
vantage of the splendid weather
that prevailed, drove out to the
mine of P. P. Meisinger and fam
ily, a few miles west of Mynard,
to assist Mr. Meisinger in the
celebration of his fifty-fourth
birthday, and tho occasion was a
most pleasant one for all who
gathered at the hospitable home.
In honor of the event a most
sumptuous dinner had been pre
pared by Mrs. Meisinger, and
there was everything that the
heart of an epieurian could de
sire prepared and served to the
jolly gathering of relatives. Tho
company spent the afternoon
most delightfully in visiting
among themselves and it was with
regret that tho visitors started to
wend their way homeward.
George A. Kaffe.nbergcr and
Luke L. Wiles were visitors in
Omaha yesterday looking after
matters on the live stock ex
change, where Mr. Kaffenberger
had a load of stock on the market.
rood for
chickens, as
(or all other
birds and for domestic and
pet stock. Germozone is,
beyond donbf, ihe most
popular medicine for poul
try in tne worm toaay.
It Is so because It fits nine
out of tea needs in poultry
disorders, except the need
(or insecticides. For roup,
canker, swelled eyes or
bead, running at eyes or
mirtls. chick-n dos. sore
bead, bowel complaint, ulnew bora catin musty or spoiled
kxjii, tc yoa won't tegrrt Irytn Grmoion flrrt. Ofgreitt
vaiue . preventive. ot ucmici. au ... r
remedies at SO cants, or (unpaid from Omaha. Send lot
U:eat literature o ue aara of twekrr sod ax stock.
GEO. H. tCC CO., OatsHA. tttm.
Local News
J. M. Meisinger ami son were in
the city Saturday for a few hours I
broking after some trading with
tho merchants.
W. T. Vallery was among the
farmer visitors in the city Satur
day to spend a fow hours looking;
after some trading.
C. F. Vallery and wife drove in
Saturday from their farm home
west of the city and spent the day
here visiting with friends.
Harry Wills and wife of Auburn
are in the cifv for a short visit at
the home of Mrs. F. W. Elliott, a
sister of Mr. Wills.
Luke Wiles departed this
morning for Omaha, where he
will attend to some business mat
ters on the stock market.
S. J. Reams, tho gentlemanly
tonsorial artist of Cedar ('reek,
was m the citv todav attending to
ome matters of business.
Mrs. Alma Yardley came in this
morning from her home south of
this city to visit for a short time
and attend to some trading.
W. F. Gillespie, Ihe Mynard
grain man,-was in tne city satur-
day afternoon visiting his friends
and looking after some business
Lee Nickels of the vicinity of
Murray was among the farmer
visitors in the city :aiuruay tor
a few hours, having- driven up
from his home.
Henrv Kehne came up from
Weeping Water Saturday morn
ing for a visit over Sunday with
his brother, Fred Kehne and fam
William and W. II. Puis of
near Muray were in the city Sat
urday for a few hours looking
after some trading with the mer
Harry Hinton, one of our oner.
getic farmers of tlav vicinity of
Mynard, was in the city Saturday
visiting ins menus ami attending
to some trading.
B. L. Philnot and wife of
Weeping Water motored up yos.
terdav from their home to visit
for the day at the home of Fd-
ward Fitzzgerald and family.
Robert Good and wife of the
vicinity of Murray, came up this
morning from their home and
were passengers on the early
Burlington train for Omaha to
spend the day.
P. II. Meisinger, Ed Tritsch ami
G. Meisinger were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
they will look after some matters
on tho stock market.
J. M. Stone and son, Bruce, and
Silas Sheldon, of near Nehawka,
were in the city Saturday for a
few hours, visiting at the Hotel
Riley with Mont Robb.
H. C. Long of Murray came in
this morning to spend a few-
hours here attending to some
matters of business and to visit
his numerous friends.
Fred Spangler was in tho city
Saturday attending to business
matters, and while here took time
to call at this ofiice and have hi:
subscription to the Daily Journal
extended for another year.
Wm. Puis and father, Wm.
Puis, sr., Charles Hen-en and
daughter, Mrs. Will Renner, were
Plattsmouth visitors Saturday,
cominer un in the auto of Mr.
J. S. Hall departed this morn
ing for wateriown, Minnesota,
where he will look after the in
terests of his line of furnaces.
Mrs. Hall accompanied her hus
band as far as Omaha.
T.ouie Puis and Mrs. Adam
Iild, from Mt. Pleasant precinct,
. I. I, 1
were piaiismoum visitors utsi
Saturday, making a brief visit in
the citv. on their return trip
rom Omaha in the auto.
Mrs. S. Ray Smith of Weeping!
Water came over Saturday even-
ing to spend Sunday here with
Sam G. Smith and wife, and these
adies were passengers this after
noon for Omaha, where they will
spend the day.
Horses for Sale.
25 head of horses and mares
for sale. Mostly broke and ready
to..goto work. . Prices, and terms
at-p risrht. Frank Vallery. Platts
mouth, Neb. 'Phone 305-J.
Local News
From Friday's Pally.
J. X. Jordan was among the
passengers this aflernooa for
Omaha, where she will visit for a
few hours.
J. W. Heasoner of South Bend
was a visitor at trie court nous
today for a few hours, calling on
the different officials.
George P. Meisinger of Cedar
Creek came in this morning to
pend the day here looking after
some trading with the merchants
C. T. Richards of South Bend
arrived this morning on No. 4 to
visit for the dav and look after
some business at the court house
G. If. Olive of Weeping Water
was in the city last evening visit
ing with relatives and friends and
looking after matters of business
Claude Jones of Boulder, Colo
rado, arrived last evening for a
hoit visit here with his friend,
Dick Wells and family, in Ibis
Mrs. W. II. Seybert of Cullom
came in tins morning on .(. - u
attend to some matters of busi
ness for the day and to visit with
relatives here.
Mrs. W. R. Bryan and daugh
ter. Miss Lucille, departed this
morning for Ashland, where they
will make a .-diort visit in that city
with friends.
Mrs. J. A. Murray returned
last evening on No. 2 from Oma
ha, where she had been for a few-
days visiting her son, George, and
her sister in that city.
Mrs. W. F. Moor. and daugh
ter were in the citv today for a
few hours, having come up from
their home near Murray on the
earlv Missouri Pacific train.
Mrs. William Spangler of
Weeping. Water was in the city
todav for a few hours en route to
Omaha, where
die will look afte
some business
matters for th
Harry Graves in Town.
Harry Graves, who for the pas
few years has been looking afte
the mechanical department of th
Keithley paper at Syracuse, Neb
arrived in Plattsmouth Saturday
evening, en route to Fnion. when
he spent Sunday with his rela
tives. Ho spent a few hours in
Plattsmouth, a portion of which
time was -spent at the Journa
office. Mrs. Graves has been
visiting her parents in Union for
the past few days. Harry say
everything in Syracuse is moving
along nicely and the newspape
business is good.
Hedge Posts for Sale.
I have several thousand goot
hediro posts for sale. Alt sizes
Louie Puis, 5 miles west o
Home grown recleane.l, teste
red clover 91) per cent pure
S10.25 to 10.75 per bu. Alfalfa
99 per cent pure. J? t .00 ; timothy
$3.00; alsyke and timothy pasture
mixture, i?5.50 bu.; blue gras
25. Ask for price list of held
and garden seeds and samples.
Johnson Bros., rsebr. City. Acnr
.'5-1 2-3 tw
To Move Into Plattsmouth.
G. Cm. Meisinger and wife are to
become residents or tins city,
having just completed the pur
chase of the residence property
of Hnnev Howietor on Marble
street, and will move in a few
ilnv from their farm Home into
the new residence. This will
i.ioL-o Mr- nn.l Mrs. Meisinger a
most pleasant home and is situat
ed within easy walking distance
of the business part of town and
our worthy friends will receive a
hearty welcome to Ihe city where
Hw.v Imve decided to make tneir
future home.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to take this method of
n-rnrnincr 111V Sincere IIKIIIKS l
the Ladies' Aid society of Mynard
for their charity and kindness in
trying to help us. Only for my
baby's sake will I accept tneir
kind offer, which shall be used for
his benefit.
Mrs. Merle Schaal.
The Mothers' Favorite.
A cough medicine for children
should be harmless. It should he
pleasant to take. It should be
effectual. Chamberlain's. Cough
Remedy, is alLof this and. is. the
mothers' favorite everywhere.
For sale by all dealers.
Stat t.t olii. CltT .f T.lfV. ln-a r
rrana J. limrr tnk- oath tna' b i ''
partner of th lirm of . J. fhmrj ... d -lug
bu-iii-- ia Ihf l'1'T of To! uunfs an. I
Stat afor-aau!. aad toar aai.l flrtn :!
tL- mint nt SE III ' N f ' B 1 1 Ih'IAAR t-r
ra.-b aift Try raw of I'Mtsr-b tnat ranraut tw
cured J tin- use of Hall's t atarra "ur
, rniNK j. cnENFT.
Sworn to bffr m and aifrfNf.f In Bf
prwB(t. tLla Oiu la f l--TtitMf. . J""jk
St-al. A. W. t:i-Fsov.
nail's Catarrh Cn' N takra lotmallT an.I
a-t tiirrily umz ttn M ! and nui-t- wp
farm of tn Jtiu. SrU'i t-r titiOijnlai,
Urr' r. J. nir..ET or. Tir... o.
Sold ty an Tnt-rt. ".
Take Hall's l am!: rUU ( eocsUaULO.
(Special Correspondent.)
Will Prolyl
iited in Omaha
W. B. Porter limited in Omaha
Mi porter i- v iif inir w i fi
friends in Kana City for a few
Joseph Tubbs helb-d an.I de
livered corn to George Snyder . rj
Torn Ruby is hauling hi nnu
mer s wood. iMiig a'-ir-d fv
Floyd McCarthy.
Tom Stoke- of PlatNmotith w.m
looking after tuines intere-ts
in Mynard lat Wednesday.
The road drag has put Ihe
roads in such good condition that
automobiles are used by all own
ers of cars.
Guy Kiser has been numbered
among the sick. However, we
are plad t say that he j. r t-
iny nicely, and hope to soon s.,
him his former self.
The appearance of the summer
birds, rakinir of lawns, prepara
tion of gardens and th warm
sun.-hine are very clear indica
tions that spring is upon us.
A number of loads of fat h-cs
were shipped to tru- or-utri Omaha
market this week. The hi-'h price
of hogs induce farmers to iis
po-if of tlio. ready for market.
Our town was well represented
the pat week with insnra:ic
agents, and a number of policies
were written. That make -ome
men worth more dead than alive.
A brother and cou-iu from
Glenwood. Iowa, visited at th
home of Ival Hunt, the idack
smith, for a few d.iys last week.
They like this side of tfi river
The west side of the Long farr.i
is undergoing a much m-ed- d im
provement in the way of cutting
down the scrub tree ihat lire
alon." that side of the farm a-id
Sain Giimore has oId to Geo.
Snyder a tine lot of alfalfa hay.
Mr. Snyder is transferring this
hay to his feed lot wet of town,
where he i feeding a large num
ber of cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wri. Fight wer
called to Omaha Wednesday on
account of the seri ..s iilne of a
sister. Mrs. Silas Scholtman. who
lives in VaIparao, but was taken
to the Methodist hospital f -r
Our little village i ery much
in need of a bank. A large amount
of money fop which checks an
given is paid the farmers f r th-ir
grain and stock. And then he is
compelled to drive to piattmou!li
to cash his check. (od busy,
somebody that has the capital.
and give us a ban.
Dance Very Successful.
The dance Saturday evening at
the German Home was one of the
most delightful that has been
given at this place, and there was
large crowd present that tilled
the dance floor to it capacity an.I
they enjoyed the pleasures of the
new dances until a late hour. Th
music was furnished by the Holly
orchestra and was up to their
usual standard of excellence.
School District No. 29.
For some time past the boy of
School District No. '29 have been
playing what they might err;
huge jokes around the -cti... ,J
premises, that must be stopped in
the future. The lad are known
o the members of the loard. who
are willing to givp them dur
notice of their intentions to
prosecute the lads should such
prank be repeated in the fuf ire.
This notice should be sufficient.
By the Board.
Wanted to Buy.
A 1 0-inch plow and ine.hor
cultivator. Inquire at the Jour
nal office. i t5-"s
Por In fan U ajul Ciilirea.
Tfca Iti Yci E3T3 Iteiji E::t
Bears th.
For Sale by F. O. Frieke A Co.