PLATTSMOUTH SSRII-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1914. PAQC 4. ; 'Cbe plattsmou tb journal : Publlahtd 8mhWekly at Platttmouth, Nebr. , Entered at the Postofflce at PUttsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher 6ubaorlpt(on Prioe; $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe 4. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. J J -J The ' habit of viewing J- things cheerfully and of thinking about life happily J may be made to grow up in & J us like any other habit. J. S. Smiles. :o: ; Still, - if the corn and wheat crops triumph, what the summer has in store for the Federal league Will make little difference to most of our teeming popula tion. :o: The democratic city primaries are to be held' in each of the live wards on Saturday evening, March 21. Ward committeemen should get ready for. these meet ings. ' -:o: It is ; probable, however, that the go eminent will get its Alaskan railway built in time to deliver your share of the peoples' coal before the beginning of an other hard winter. :o: . Andrew Carnegie, the cele brated peacemaker and armor plate manufacturer, lately an nounced that times are getting better, although he isn't in a position to know much about the rigors of a hard winter. :o: The news from London in dicates that Great Britain may change her mind about the par ticipation in tbe Panama exposi tion. The reasonable assurance that the United States will keep inviolate her treaty may have had something to do with it. -:o: The matrimonial lectures of a deaf mute married couple must be interesting. Since both talk with their hands it is necessarily a hardship for the wife to have to strike a match to get in the lasd word. :o: While many men have been ar rested and brought to trial for murders alleged to have been committed thirty or more years before the arrest, has anybody ever been convicted after such a lapse of lime? :o: Referring to the world over, it doesn't lake much of a mystery to baffle the police. Still, every one knows how to run a police department, just as every one knows how to conduct a news paper or a church. :o: Men scorn openly to be in terested in women's small talk and harmless gossip. But it is frequently noticed that husbands will road a book in the "back" parlor for anentire evening with out turning a page when a num ber of women are swapping news and views in the "front'-' parlor. :o: ; Omaha Bee: Put it down that there . is nothing vicious or dangerous about a well conduct ed pool hall any more than there fs about a well conducted thea ter or picture show. It all de pends on the kind of place kept, on tho kind of folks who patronize it and on the kind of proprietor who runs it. :o: If the pictured face of Villa's Mexican wife, which j going the rounds of the newspapers, is a true likeness of the one he is forced to sit opposite at meals, much clemency should be extend ed to him for his Villa-nous disposition. Why are so many newspapers for government ownership of telephones, telegraph and rail roads? The government doesn't advertise a thing, especially in the smaller papers. ;o:- r ranee has invented an in flammable part that will enable aeroplanes to burn buildings But any capable English suf fragette can do that and keep both feet 011 the ground. :o : The voters will not be compell ed to wait much longer to know right where Governor Morehead stands as to running for re-elec tion for governor or will be a candidate for congress. We are satisfied that he will stand for the democratic nomination, but some people won't be satisfied until the governor says so him self. :o: There is a certain tendency on the part of the public to criticise the railroads because of the charges they make, but there are but few people consider the great expense the railroad has in main taining traffic. When there is a wreck, which is liable to happen at any time, thousands of dol lars worth of properly is neces sarily destroyed and if there are any fatalities occur the railroad companies are face to face with the payment of heavy damages in addition to the loss on their own rolling stock and tracks. :o: More school room is a matter that interests every parent in this city. The school rooms have all been over-crowded during the winter months, and the only way to remedy the condition is to build another building. And this means that the bonds will have to be voted to provide money to do the work. There will be some who will oppose a bond issue, but no man who has children attending our public schools or those who have children who have graduated from our High school should op pose the providing of larger quarters, and we do not believe they will. :o: The parcel post has given the express companies such a ter rible jolt that the companies are now fighting against any further extension of the service. One man declares that if this thing goes on they w ill be sending bales of hay and barrels of sugar through the postoflice. Well, we once knew a member of congress who franked a cow from Wash ington to his farm in the west, and it was a common thing for congressmen to send their wash ing home to save laundry. It was franked both ways. The express companies have made enormous sums, ahd until old Tom Piatt fell under the malign inlluence of Mrs. Janeways the companies had fat picking, without any competi tion. But the wheel turns, and sometimes the worm does the same. The oaly thing that saves the express companies now is that senders are obliged to go lo the postoffice building with their packages. The express companies call for them. When parcel post packages can be sent from sub-station then the ex press companies will feel the iron entering their souls. For a long time' the country - has' demanded this reform,"' anil were beaten by the corporations, but at last the measure was put through, and the result of it is that under the fierce competition the express companies are now advertising lower rates and better service. GOVERNOR MOREHEAD. Omaha World-Herald: The Lincoln Star, at a time when can didates for governor are present ing themselves with attractive programs, pays deserved tribute to Governor Morehead for the record of fulfilment he. has made with respect to the program on which he was elected. Governor Morehead, it says, has kept con stantly in view his pledge to pro mote economical, honest and ef ficient government, has kep steadily on the job, and has se cured results. This is commendation that the present governor has earned. He has proved to be what it was hoped and promised he would be, a "good business executive." He has lopped off useless expenses, simplified and consolidated the machinery of government so far as was possible under existing law, stopped petty graft, pro moted and demanded efficiency, ami kept his skirts clean of im proper inlluence, whether politi cal or otherwise. He has adhered strictly to his promise not to use his office to build up a political machine for his own aggrandize ment. While he has made mis takes, as all men in important positions must, he has been level- leaded, conscientious and seru pulous in the performance of his duty. And he has shown a re freshing degree of independence and courage, as when, in spite of the most powerful influence, he appointed Harley Moorhead elect ion commissioner of Douglas county. The American people are very luick to find fault with and criticize a public official who does not give satisfaction frequently, 00, when he is doing his best. They are not always so quick to commend faithful and efficient service as it should be commend ed. Yet one is nearly if not quite is important as the other. John I. Morehead, the present demo cratic governor of Nebraska, is entitled to an appreciative, word from all Xebraskans who realize, and appreciate the fact that he las performed and is performing lis duties with dignity, courage and efficiency. :o: Rev. F. C. Atwood is the pastor f the First Presbyterian church n Brooklield, Mo. Miss Harriet G. Meyers is the daughter of the editor of the Brookfield news paper, known as the Linn County budget. He attacked the min ster, alleging that the man of Jod had kissed his daughter. Therefore he demanded $5,000 damages. Mr. Atwood freely confessed that he had kissed Miss Meyers, but only on the side of the head above the ear. He did this because the young lady asked him to feel of her arm, which he 00k as a sort of a challenge, which he accepted. The jury re- urned a verdict for the man of od, holding that when a pretty woman invites the attentions of a member of the other sex he is no man at all if he doesn't re spond, and this is the conclusion hat most of the members of his congregation hold as one of those undamental facts on which rest he authority of the church. :o: If our schools are crowded to the extent that is reported, every sensible voter knows that some- hing must bo done to secure more room. A new building will lave to be erected, rooms rented somewhere down town or some of he smaller scholars will have to remain at home. More room is nevitablc, and it will have lo be provided one way or another. It s simply a question of a very few years when a new building will have to be erected, and why not now? :o: A marriage certificate should be looked upon as a peace treaty. But some men seem to consider it a license to raise h 1 and abuse their wives. . Some of the slouchy effects in styles for women's skirts these days reminds one forcibly of Abe Martin's knee-bagging trousers. : :o: Hysteria may not be successfu in working reforms, as former President Taft declares, but it is a fact that efforts to work re forms sometimes leads to hysteria. , :o: That was an awful hard jolt that Victor Rosewatcr got in the vote on the new charter las Tuesday. Vickey isn't so much in Omaha any more. What will his next scheme be? -:o: The women bouncers in Lon don are no more effective than tne policewomen of cnicago in dealing with militant members of their sex. They are a great failure in Chicago. :o: According to the juries, grand and petit, who have heard the testimony, there has been some decidedly rotten blackmailing and attempts at blackmailing and shyster law practice at Omaha :o: There are ancient ruins still to no excavateu, and tne scientists will be disappointed if they do not discover in some of them the original automobile and tne re mains or a primitive teiepnone line between the Roman and Trojan forums. :o: The Journal would like to hear from some of the largest taxpay ers in reference to tne scnooi bonds. They are the people who are most interested, and whom the shoe pinches the hardest Write us your opinion in regard o the matter for publication. :o: There is no fuss and feathers about President Wilson. He is roing right ahead, paying very ittle attention to republican criticism, doing what he thinks is right, and receives the praise of a great majority of the people of ho country. ; :o: Republicans arc criticising the administration's Mexican policy bitterly. But what would they lave us do? The only way to protect the interests of Ameri cans and other foreigners in that country of rebellion, bandits and cut-throats, is to send an army nto the country. That would mean war, tne sacrifice of thou sands of valuable lives and the spending of more money than the value of all Americans own in hat land. :o: The postmastership at Lincoln s still hanging fire, but it prom- ses to be decided in a sohrt time. That old war horse in the demo cratic party, Frank Brown, who carried the capital city twice for uayor, and has been a worker in he democratic party all his life, M . s a candidate lor tne position. ind we are belting marbles to chalk that he won't get it. The party workers don't get anything. t is the fellows who stand off and iews the battle that get the pro motions. :o: Chris Grunlher don't seem to bo getting the colleclorship very fast, notwithstanding the en- lorsement of Senator Hitchcock. The powers at Washington are simply playing horse with one another and nearly every move they havo so far made has injured the democratic parly. Wo think Chris Grunther deserves the posi- ion, and if one faction is not go ng to stand for tho appointment o office of a member of the other action, then who will be to blame for a split in the party? If some ellows are simply in the demo cratic party for office then the sooner they step down and out he better. It should be borne in mind that Champ Clark carried Nebraska, and if an applicant for offico is blacklisted because he supported the speaker for presi dent, then there- is bound to be a day of reckoning1. . v EARTH TO BECOME , MAN'S PARADISE 1 How Tills Will B9 Dens Is tfis Gospel .Message. THE WORLD'S REGENERATION The Earthly Paradise Lost Through Disobedience Redeemed at Calvary, Messiah's Great Work Tho Restora tion of Paradise ''The Story of the Cross" Importance of Character- Development Its Effect on the Fu ture Life The Heavenly Paradise. Who May Attain It How The Al ternative of Paradise, the Second Death, Everlasting Destruction. "March 15. Fas- tor Kussell today depicted the beau ties of Paradise, so well presented In his free Photo- Drama. His text was, "I will make tho place of My feet glorious.' (Isaiah 00:13.) He said: I'araoise is an other name for tho Garden of Eden, the abode of bliss. It -was lost through the Bin of our first parents. but the gracious promise of our great Creator Is that this condition of earth ly blis3 shall be re-established not merely In a little corner of the earth, but that the -whole earth shall become the Paradise of God. Heaven is God's Throne and the earth is His footstool. and He assures us, "I will make the place of My feet glorious" "in due time." now this will be done is the Gospel Message. The Divine Promise to Father Abra ham, that all the families of the earth shall be blessed through his Seed, in cludes the thought of man's full res toration to Divine favor as before he sinned and fell, before Paradise was lost, before man came under the curse, or sentence, of death. The Jews hoped that Messiah would come and consti tute their nation the earthly Kingdom of God and re-establish Paradise with Palestine as its center. They expected that unJer His wise ministration, us ing th-Jr nation as His instruments. tho Divine Law would extend to all and. by bringing all people Into har mony with God, would gradually bring all back to the Paradise state. The Garden of the Lord. It was in full harmony with this that the dying thief asked the Lord to remember him when He should come into Ills KingdQm the Kingdom whose dominion would establish right eousness in the earth, and thus con vert the world, under Divine favor, into the Taradise of God. Our Lord's answer was that verily, truly, his re quest should be granted the thief would yet be with Him in Paradise. Paradise has not yet been established; for God's Kingdom has not yet come to earth; it delays until a certain work for the Church shall bo accomplished It is not the Divine purpose to make of the nation of Israel God's King dom in the highest sense of the word. though it will be actively Identified with the Heavenly Kingdom as its earthly representative. God is select ing during this Gospel Age a new na tion. Spiritual Israel, from every na tion. Deonle. kindred, tongue. At our Lord's First Advent and subsequently, He gathered from Israel such as were saintly and ready for the Kingdom; since then He has been taking out from other nations enough to complete the foreordained number of the elect flhnreh. These will, constitute the Kingdom per te, and It cannot be set up or established in power until this election, or selection, shall have been completed and the Elect "changed" or glorified on the spiritual plane, by tho power of the First Resurrection. Faradise. or the Garden or tne Loru. not only represents that earthly condi tion which will be restored for the benefit and blessing of tho natural man as the reward fcr his obedience to the rules of Immanuel's Kingdom dur ing the Millennial Age but it also applies to the glorious and Heavenly position which God has In reservation for the Church. Thus we read In the r.ook of Itevelation that God has prom ised to the overcomers of the Church, "To him that overeoinoth will I give to eat of tho Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Taradise of God." The World's Regeneration. This is a grandly beautiful and sym bolic message and promise, assuring us of the happiness and Iloavcnry bliss In eternal-life conditions of all who are faithful followers of Christ in the pres ent Ago walking in His footsteps in the Narrow Way. Tho Cook of Rev elation pictures the history of this Gos pel Age down into tho Millennial Age and shows us Paradise re-estublished, with the Heavenly City, t!ie glorified Church, as its center, or capital. The River of life Is pictured as flowing from under the Throne. On either bank of its crystal waters of Truth and Grace grow the Trees of Life, after the manner of Eden of old. The future state will all be Taradise. The completeness of blessedness will first be manifested in the Church on the spiritual plan: and secondly, it will be manifested in the Ancient Worthies on the earthly plane Abra .A"-' '.7 V ' r 1 - $ PASTOR. RUSSELL) ham," Isaac,"" Jacob" and all "the holy Prophets perfected, the earthly repre sentatives of tbe Ilearenly Kingdom. Gradually the Taradisalc condition shall fill "the whole earth. The wilder ness shall blossom as the rose, tbe soli tary places shall be glad, and streams shall break forth in the deserts, as we read in Isaiah 35. The morally lame shall learn to walk in tho paths of righteousness. Yea, they shall leap for joy as they come to a knowledge of the grace and good ness of God. The world's eyes of un derstanding shall bo opened and their deaf ears shall be unstopped, that they may see and hear the Goodness, tho Mercy, tho Justice and the Love of onr God. "The willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land," but evil doers shall be cut off in the Second Death. Gradually the boundaries will be spread abroad until they will In clude the whole earth. Gradually the number enjoying Taradise will in crease until, in the end of the Millen nium, the enure race or Auam snaii experience the privilege of God's Love and Mercy through Christ. St Paul, like St. John the Bevelater. was caught up to Paradise in a vision, and saw the glorious things of the fu ture Age, which he was not permitted to explain to us, because the due time had not yet come. Neither was St. John the Rovelator permitted to re veal fully the particulars of the Tara dise condition. He could merely give us a few symbolical hints or sugces tions respecting the glories of Tara dise restored. Redemption Through Christ. We have already noticed that Tara dise was lost through disobedience to the Heavenly command. Life. Eden bliss. Divine favor and fellowship, were all lost to Adam and to us. hLi children, under the death sentence. There was no hope for any of us mor than for the brute beast; for while the latter was born to die. man. created with possibilities of life eternal, was sentenced to the loss of all. Indeed, under the demoralizing InSuences of sin and death, we find many of the human family more degraded than the brute creation and apparently less worthy of Divine favor. Cut God. rich in Mercy in the great Love where with IJe loves us, has provided for mankind a recovery from sin and death, while lie has made no provision for the future life of the brute creation. God's provision for man's recovery from the sentence of death is the story of the "Cross of Christ." Decade a man had sinned, the Redeemer must be a Man. Decause the penalty was human death, a Ferfeet Man must die for the sinner's release from the death sentence, to uplift the willing out of sin and death conditions np. up, up to fellowship with God and eternal life. Cecause the race of Ada 13 In herited naturally his mental, moral. and physical defects, therefore none of his posterity was worthy of eternal life. Cut in the Divine arrangement, as Adam involved all of his children and their Paradise home la the wreck of sin and death, so a redemption has been effected through Chrfct- The great work of Messiah will. therefore, be the restoration of the world to all that was lost In Eden and redeemed at Calvary. The work of Restitution, St. Feter tells us, has been spoken of "by the mouth of all God" holy Prophets since the world began" and will be accomplished by Messiah at nis Second Coming. (Acts 3:21.) But the Divine rian changes not. Sin is still abhorrent to God and will rl ways be so, and the Divine sentence 13 that no sinner shall have eternal life. Hence the offer of Divine grace is merely to all who may have a heart desire for Divine assistance, resurrec tion, restoration, uplifting out of sla and death conditions to perfect condi tions. These things will be accom plished only In those who are willing and obedient Only such "shall eat the good of the land" the fruits of Tara dise. Isaiah l:lS-20; Acts 3:23. Furthermore, it Is the Divine ar rangement for mankind, and a Just one, that every good and noble deed in the present life works a measure of character-development which will be assistful in tho future life, enabling the faithful the sooner to mount up to full perfection of earthly life. Cor respondingly, every wilful sin. every violation of conscience and principle, works a defilement and impairment of manhood, which likewise will have Its effect upon tho future life In the dlra culty of rising out of degradation to the heights of human perfection. Di vine approval and everlasting life. If all mankind could appreciate these facts, what an influenco it would have in restraining and governing self and In developing self cont-ol and true manhood! Galatians C . The Divine Program. Does some one Inquire why He who redeemed Adam, his Eden home, and all his race, and who proposes a restor ation of all, has not begun this Festl- tutiou work during the eighteen hun dred years siuce tlrr sacrifice of Him self? The Scriptures answer that dur ing the Interim another feature of th Divine Program is being carried oat. The Lord Is gathering the clert Church from Israel and all the nations to t Messiah's assistants in Ills Kingdom and in the gracious work of uplift- resurrection restitution- This elect Church-class, first selected. Is in the Scriptures called "a First-fruits nnta God of His creatures." (James 11S; Revelation 14:4. The world of restor ed human 'ty win be the after-fruits. The Scriptures exhort snch as la the present time are blessed with the hear ing ear, to give heed to the special In vitation to the Elect. They exhort such as have the eye of faith to aspire to the crown of glory and Joint heir ship with Christ that Is now being tendered to a very select c'ass. "11 that bath an ear, let him hear." lit j that hath an eye. let him tee. So annj of us as have teen blessed of the LonS with the ear of filth, the eye of faith, let us rejoice la the L'esscl opportuni ty. Let us S!ek lndei to make our calling and election sure to tLls Ilenr euly estate cf glory, honor, immorali ty and Joint-heirshi? with our Lnl. the King of kings and Lord of lords! Christ's Atonement. Both the thieves cruciSfl with v;r Lord lost their rizht to the orUi-nl Eden, or Taradise, of GcI through F 1 ther Adam's disobedience, as did w alL Both those thieves were bora it sin. shapen In inl-iniry ami In sin d I their mothers conceive them, as Iti us alL Both thitves were redeemed br the preclons blood of Christ, as w.r- we all; for Jesns "by the grace f God tasted death for every man"; "II- Is the Troiltiation for our sins t!. Church's slnsj; and not for "uri or.iy, but also for the sir.s of the wfc. worI.L"-IIebrew 2.0; 1 John 2 2. Thus, as we have seen, the RIeii r has made provision for both of t thieves, as well as for all of u all Adam's rae to be r"overol from t'; sia and death conditions rt t!i? f 1:1, and restored to Farad. 5?. The Chnr-h. called during this Gospel Ac-, reach the f,ir!taal rara!I or l.lz'.i cst condition of holir.ess and h.irriR'H: The two thieves and the renin !r.d.r mankind wi:Z have thlr opportunity during the Millennium. TLHr or pr rt 1 nlty will be for a return t enrtL'y l.f , perfection and hap; Jr., and t an earthly Eden worM-wide. How nrj !i grander a work will tJns rrn't f.-..ri our Lord's death than we Lad rrevl u ly nnmsH! Let none nupps. fcoweTfr, thnt those two thieves wi'.I enter iMrr!: on the same fx tirsr. While b"'h wt guilty of robbery, they were evident! dissimilar In the condition r th r hearts. The ozo wai hardened, fl evi denced by the fact that he conM so rudely to the Red"niT, b'H f .' bespoke gentleness, purify and inno cence of crime. "If Thoi t t"v Christ, save Thyself and n-?!" (Ln 23:30.) Such cruelty 12.;!I a iIo dtrraLition cf mind impil.-d that l.i was sln-bardpned. And yet we mut rerar.i!r eth ers of the multitude ftani ty nl similarly cruel lanriaz. We rr.sst remember, too, thnt there are many thieves who ara -t conzht; and there are- many, per?!.";- as Bin':; wrocr. as evilly Intention, who. f r fear of the cor.sei n. es. never o To rn It ted the wrongs. We can even s :p pos that s-'me of the Scribes ar.-I Pharisees ar. I Doctors cf I:Tln.!ry cf those days were la God's slzht rnnch worse than the Irr.;;nltert th:ef mur derers at heart and In Yet of the latter St Tetor doc!ar-L "I wot. brethren, that through Ig-.onnce ye did It. as did also your rulers," whn yon crucif ed the Lord cf Glory. "He pent ye therefore and te converts." Acts 3:13:10. An Earth! Paradise. Ignorance, superstition and inhcrlfr depravity all bore down up n the Ira penitent thief to a degree which are not capable of properly estimating The Lord will Jndce ti:a Letb thievn all mankind. Th.; penitent thif will unquestionably have a twofo! 1 b'ep-t-irg: first, he will be b'es4.i for fcU penitent attitude of mind; jiee-jn-L b will be blessed for tis faithfi'rie! la eipre-.ising that penitence and In show ing mercy to ocr LorJ la His ilLrr9.. Our Lord declared that even a r? of cold water civ?n to the least cf Ills disciples shall have its reward. Sure ly It will be In harmony, then, that te penitent thief will hare a reward f r his defense of the Master. That rewanl will consist, first of all. In the blessing of Lis own heart through tne action therein of the mer ciful sentiment A reward wi'I m to him in prnjwirtlon t- t!ue Ai?en-les of the occaioa and tlie greitrses of the One whom he kvcL If tile one who favors a rlshteuns man will re ceive a rlshteoa mans reward, and. the one wh-- favors a prophet wl!I re ceive a prorhet's reward, screfy th one who favored tbe nleeraer will receive a sp-cLiI reward. su h as tho "Redeemer micht be expectM to jjrant. The penitent thief manifested r t only sympathy, but honesty. He sn: I t the ether, who railed at tte Lord. "Dost thon ct fear Cod. seeire thi art In the same condemnation? And we indeed Jnt!y; for we re-efTe th due rjwanl for our deeds; bat thi man hath done nothing arsLn" (Li';e 2C:1. 41.) It is entirely ia keeptr -with the general teachings of t! e Lord's Word that the honest henrte-i and the mer'if U shall haT special tlesslnc. Those t!e!rrs rn nat reach them in the grave. anI it Is nc always that J ist returns reach the de serving In the present 'Ife. Vlrt ie U not always its own rewjr-L Our Lord dec'ares the tmth on th subject, assuring cs that rr:h shall b "recompens-d at the resTrre-t5"u ef the Jut" That is f say. wha tv Just, the Jistiflod. the Charea. its'l have been awakened lu the F!rt Res urrection, and when the Urixt-.'.r Kingdom hall h-ive ten established r.noiirst men. and the grml awn ening of the world frota th s'ep ef death shall gradually f ..-How. then ev ery good and very evil word, every good and every evil act. will b recon pensol In Let u b g'.jd aaj rejoice tint th Divide arrarjtfmect la x raraiis an earthly F4rdie. p:L." to evrry merat-er cf tie r:i.; a:.-! a riearen'y Paradise. ptwsli. t every rjc!er f the Spirit begotten th'irvh. and th-it th a'terr.ntiTe ef F3rj1;-e U not eter nal torment, bnt eTer'.mtlr- detn. tloa the Se.-,u:.i Death F'.r.Vly. r ery creature la U-sven sn I eirtl !'! be h'uri jt;-K'w h-'or. glorr and fr r nr:, II. as thJt s.ttera opo3 tti Throne, and :a the Lirci foc tvtr and rer.