The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1914.
Samuel G. Stone. Plaintiff.
KrJrloh Fuchs. et al.. Defendant".
To KreUrU-r Kuchs, Mrs. Krderich
Fucli. hi 'wife, tirst uml real name
unknown, th unknown heirs and de
visees of Krederii-li Kuchs, deceased;
T. W. Newman, first and real name
unknown, the unknown heirs and de
visees of T. V. Newman, deceased;
11. K. I'rice. and the unknown heirs
and devisees of II. b I'riir, deceased,
You and each of vou are hereby
notitied that on the 17th dav of Feb
ruary. A. 1. lH. the plaintifT herein.
Samuel G. Stone, filed hi petition in
the listriet Court of Cass County, .Ne
braska, against you as defendants, the
object arid prayer of -which are to quiet
and confirm in the plaintifT the fee
simple title in and to the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit: Lots seven
t7, eiRht ts and nine t9. in block
seventy-five (75. in the City of
i-'lattsmoutli. Cass County. Nebraska,
except a strip four and one-half feet
H1,) in width off of the east side of
said lot nine 9), to obtain a judgment
liecreeing that the plaintiff js the
owner in fee simple of all of said de
scribed real estate, and to forever ex
clude and enjoin you and each of you
from claiming any ripht. title, claim,
lien or interest in or to the above Ue
scriled real estate, and to remove cer
tain clouds from plaintiff's title there
to, and for equitable relief. Plaintiff
alleges that he and his immediate
jcraritors have been in the actual, con
tinuous, open, notorious, exclusive and
adverse possession anfl ownership of
all said described real estate, claiming
the same against all the world ami
especially against the defendants here
in, since the year 1S6C.
You and each of you are required to
answer sai1 petition on or before the
27th day of April. A. IX 1914. and if you
fail so to do your default will be
entered therein and judgment entered
as pmved for in plaintiff s petition.
Outed thi. 12th day or March. A. IX.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
County of Cass. ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph
Havir, leceased.
To All Persons Interested:
Vou are hereby notihed that there
has been filed in this court petition
for the appointment of an administrat
or of above estate.
That a hearing will be had upon
raid petition before this court in the
County Court rooms at Plattsmouth.
In said county, on the 24th day of
-March. 1914. at 10 o'clock a- m.
That all objections thereto, if any.
must be filed on or before said day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Countv Court of said courty this 2nd
day of March, 1914.
County Judge.
Alioe M. Smith. Smith, her
husband, first real name unknown,
the unknown heirs at law and devisees
of said Alice M. Smith and
Smith, and their unknown spouses,
James Plummer and Nancy D. Plum
mer, his wife, the unknown heirs at
law and devisees of James Pluramer
and Nancy D. Plummer. and their un
known spouses. Selwyn li. Plummer
and Sarah Plummer. his -wife, the un
known heirs at law and devisees of
said Selwyn H. Plummer and Sarah
Plummer. and their unknown spouses
Fred J. Plummer and Plum
mer. his 'wife, first real name un
known, the unknown heirs at law
and devisees of said Fred J. Plummer
and Plummer. and their un
known snouses. Harriet M. Young and
O. P. Young, her husband, and the
unknown heirs at law and devisees of
said Harriet M. lount ana J- '
Youmr and their unknown spouses
and John Doe real nam unknown)
and Hichard Roe (real name un
known), lefendants. will take notice
that on the nth or -eDruary, isi.
Lillian C. Wilson. plaintiff herein,
filed her petition in the Kistrict Court
of Cass County. Nebraska, the object
and praer of which petition are to
quiet and confirm the title, ownership
and possession or saici piainiirr in anu
to the following tlescrlteu real estate.
to-wit: The west half w Vs of the
southwest quarter Iswi,) of Section
six S). Township twelve ti2. ;sortn
Kange ten (10). east of the 6th 1. M..
in Cass County. Nebraska. and to
establish her fee simple title thereto
and that she and her Immediate
grantors have been In the open
notorious, exclusive, continuous, ad
verse, visible and actual possession
and ownership of all of said above
described real estate. claiming the
rame as owners thereof against all
the -world and especially against the
defendants herein since the 2th day
of October, lt78, and praying that the
defendants and each oi them and all
persons claiming by. through or under
them, or any or inem. may te enjoin
ed from claiming or asserting any
right, title, claim or interest of any
name or nature in or to the abore de
scribed real estate, or any part there
of. and for general equitable relief.
You and each of you are hereby
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 6th cay of April,
A. D. 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
COl NTY, Ellll AMv l.
Uoc. -X." Page
j jq 62S3
Thomas Collins. Mrs. Collins.
first name unknown, wife of Thomas
Collins, and the unknown heirs of
Thomas Collins: Mrs.
Pronger. first name unknown, wife
of Oeorge K. Pronger: Mrs.
Morgan, first name unknown, wife of
Greeley Morgan: Mrs. Wat
son, first name unknown, wife of
Allen Watson: Mrs. Snyder.
first name unknown, wife or A. Ai.
Snvder: Mrs. lodd. first
name unknown, wife of Theodore 11.
lxxld: Mrs. Snyder, first name
unknown, wife of Matthias Snyder;
Mrs. Hickey, first name un
known, wife of John Hickey:
.ou and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 25th day of June.
A. U. 1912. Fred Christian, as plaintiff,
filed a petition in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, against you as
defendants interplead with other de
fendants, and that subsequently on the
2nd day of March. A. I. 1914. a sup
plemental order was entered by said
Court for supplemental service upon
you by publication. The object and
praver of said petition is to quiet and
confirm in the plaintiff the title to
Government Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5,. 7 and 8,
the Vi of SWtt. the SKVi of SW.
and lot 11. & ub-divislon of Govern
ment Lot 6. all In Section 6, and the
EH of NEVi and EH of BE V4 of Sec
tion . all in Township 12 North.
Kange 10. East of the 6th P. M Cass
Countv. Nebraska, and each and every
part thereof, and to obtain a Judg
ment decreeing that the plaintiff. Fred
Christian, is the owner in fee simple
of said real estate and every part
thereof, and to forever bar and ex
clude you and each of you from any
right, title., interest, or claim in and
to said real estate hereinbefore de
scribed, or any part thereof: plaintiff
claiming in his said petition to have
acquired the title to said real estate
and every part thereof in himself and
his grantors by virtue of open,
notorious, actual, adverse, hostile and
continuous possession of the same
under claim of ownership for over
forty years.
You are required to answer said
petition on or lfore the ISth day of
April, a. z. a4 CHRISTIAN.
Hi Attorney. ....
Visiting cards at the Journal
la the County Court In and for the
County of 4 ana. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of David
Stettler. Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that on the
2nd day of March. A. D. 1914. Elizabeth
Stettler filed her petition in this Court,
alleging among other thing that
David Stettler departed this life inte
state on the 19th dav of Februarv. A.
D. 1914, being a resident of Cass
County. Nebraska, at said time, uos
sessed of an estate, consisting of real
ana personal propertv. to be aa
ministered, and that he left surviving
rum as ins only heirs, at law the rot
lowing persons. to-wit: Elizabeth
Stettler. Jacob Stettler. James Stettler
Sarah Jackson, and the children of
William Stettler, deceased. Daniel
Stettler. deceased. Harriet Ealuman
deceased, and Hmmeline liall. deceased
names unknown, and asking that find
ings be mail1 in accordance with the
allegations and that Letters of Ad
ministration be granted to S. C.
A hearing will be had upon said
petition at the office of the County
Judge in the Court House at Platts-
mouth. Nebraska, on the 24th day of
March. A. D. 1914. at o cloc k a. m.
before which hour all objections there
to. if any, must be filed.
Bv the Court.
County Judge.
DALE S. P.OYLES. Attorney.
Notice is hereby srien that the
undersigned will, on the 17th day
of March, A. D. 1915, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the court house
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, make application to the
board of county commissioner?
of Cass county, Nebraska, for a
license to operate a pool am
billiard hall in the hotel build-
in jr. Village of Cedar Creek, Cass
County, Nebraska.
' Dated this 5th day of March,
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public that the
undersigned. I-.u Donat, has hied
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk or the c:ty or I'laus-
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, siirned
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a lK-tnse may lie issued
to the said .fc-d lonat lor the sale oi
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
the period of one year from the date of
the hearing or sam apnncution in
building situated on the east half
e- of lot twelve 12. in block twen
tv-nine 29 in the First ward of the
said Citv of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 16. 1914. Applicant.
Liuioit i.i( i:i.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public that tin1
undersigned. Ed Egenberser. has filed
his petition and application in the orMce
of the city clerk oi the city or fiaits
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required numlr or resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the aptlicunt is a man of
respectable character and stanulng arm
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praving that a license may be issued
to the said Ed Egenkerger for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date or the hearing or said application
in a building situated on the east half
teV.) of lot twelve 1 2 . in block twen
ty-eight 2S, in the First ward of the
said City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
K D EG EN B E i :o. i : I :.
March 16, 1914. Applicant.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public that the
undersigned. J. K. McDaniel. has tiled
his petition and application in the office
of the citv clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
hy the required number or resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praving that a license may be issued
tit the said J. E. McDaniel for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on lot six 6. in
block thirty-three 23). in the Fourth
ward or the said Citv of Plattsmoutr.
Nebraska. J. E. McDANIEL.
March 16. 1314. Applicant.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public that the
unaersigned. 1'eter l.oos. has riled
his petition and application in the otlice
or tne city clerk or the Citv or Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
xorin mat the applicant is a man or
respectable character ami standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license mav be issued
to the said Peter l.oos for'the sale of
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
trie periou oi one year from the date
of the hearing of said application in a
building situated on lot twelve 12. in
block thirty 30. in the First ward of
tne saiu city or Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 16. 1914. Applicant.
I.IUl Oil 1.ICKN!K.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public that the
undersigned. Adolph Geise, has filed
his petition and annlication in the ottice
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. county or Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the reoulred number of resident
free-holders of the aaid citv. setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praving that a license mav be issued
to the said AdolDh Ueise for the Rule
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the west half
(WV) Of lot Six (6). in block tblrtv.
four 34). In the Fourth ward of the
said City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 16. 1914. Applicant.
I.I it l OH I.ICKNK.
Notice is hereby given to all nersons
Interested and to the public that the
undersigned. J. L. Russell, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. county of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said citv, settinc
iorin that tne applicant is a man or
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praving that a license ma v be issued
to the said J. L. Itussell for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period or one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building- situated on lots eleven and
twelve cii ana izj. in block twentv
seven (27). in the First ward of the
Said City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 16. 1914. Applicant.
Do you know that the Journal
office carries the finest line of
stationery In the city?
notice op appi.ic mox for
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public that the
undersigned, Wm. Henrichsen, lias filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, und State of
Nebruska. as required by law, siened
by the required nuralr of resilient
f i-ee-liulders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praving that a license may be issued
to the said Vm. Henrichsen for the
sale of malt. spirituous and vinous
liquors for the perid of one year from
the date of the hearing of said applica
tion in a building situated on the west
half (wl-il of lot one 1. in block
thirty-four C!4. Fourth ward of the
said Citv of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
March 1C, 1914. Applicant.
We are druggists right here in
your town and mako a living out
of the drug business, tm I it is
because people have to have
drugs and not because we like to
set' people sutler we don't. Our
duty is to render the best service
we can. and when someone is ail
incr, we are interested in seeing
them take the best medicine
there is for their particular
trouble. We don't recommend
"cure-alls," as we don't believe
there are such things. We don't
want you to spend more than you
have to. Some of 'you get small
wages, and when you're sick, none
at all, and you should, get the
most you can for your money.
We recently came across a new
remedy for increasing strength
and building up people who are
run-down and emaciated. We
know that a slight trouble some
times grows into a serious one,
ami to stop it in the beginning
will save you money in the end.
This new compound is called
Hexall Olive Oil Emulsion. It is
the best remedy, when you are
run-down, tired out, nervous no
matter what the cause. It doeMi't
merely stimulate you and make
yon feel good for a few hours, but
takes hold of the weakness and
builds you up to a healthy, nor
mal condition. It is a real nerve
food tonic and builder of good
blood, strong muscle, good diges
tion. It contains Hypophosphites,
which tone the nerves, and pure
Olive Oil, which nourishes the
nerves, the blood and the entire
system. Pleasant to take, tam
tams no alcohol or habit-forming
drugs. We promise that if you
are not perfectly satisfied with it,
we'll give back your money a-
soon as you tell us. Sold only at
the T.miO Rexall Stores, and in
this town only by us. .1.00. K.
a. Fricke & Co.. l'ni.n Mock.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
From Saturday's Dans.
Friday, which is generally
great day in the fish market in al
most every city in the country
was made more noticeable yester
day in Omaha bv the raid made on
the lirdi markets by the deputy
game wardens, acting under
orders from Oust Huttenbeck
slate game warden at Lincoln,
who will take charge of the
prosecution of the cases. Among
the fish seized was a shipment of
003 pounds at the market on
South Eleventh street, which it is
claimed were shipped by John
Richardson of this city to the
Omaha market and were caught
here in the Missouri river. The
fish were seized on the ground
that they were shipped out of
season in violation of law, and
the punishment for the offense is
a tine of from 925 to ?100. The
fish caught here have been in
great demand on the Omaha mar
kel. as they arrive fresh and fine
for sale and the traffic has been a
very profitable one to the fisher
men here.
FOR SALE Eggs for hatching
Fishel White Rocks, bred to lay
S1.00 for 15 eggs. Inquire of
Ella Kennedy. 2-1 3-lmd-d&w
The Best Flour
on the Market
Item of Interest i Our Reader
Gleaned from the Newspaper '
Files of Many Years Ago.
Sam Taylor, the life insurance
man of Nebraska,' was in town
again last week.
Captain Wiles, our well known
citizen'and fanner, dropped in
and rejoiced the heart of the
John T. Bell, well known as a
short-hand writer in this stale,
visited us last week and took
dinner with the Herald. Olad to
see John.
Olis Chickering of Andoyer,
Mas is stopping with the Her
ald a spell, on a visit, to hi coun
try cousins, nut west.
Stale Orange Master W. B. Por
ter has sent for e."0 bushels of
early seed corn from Michigan.
It is warranted to ripen in ninety
days ami will help our grasshop
pered. Miss Etta Ray of Shepherds
town, Va., who has been visiting
some relatives in this county for
the past year, left for her home
on last Monday morning. We
wish her a pleasant journey and
a safe arrival at home.
Miss Julia Porter, oldest
daughter of Wm. B. Porter, of
Cass county, yesterday received a
telegram that she had been ap
pointed as an army and navy
clerk and Miss P. leaves tomor
row for Washington. I). C. We
wih her success. We clip the
above from the Lincoln Journal.
Nothing like going abroad to
learn home news.
Master Benny Pettee, a young
gentleman who came to this town
about a year ago, held a levee on
the occasion of his birthday lasl
Monday evening, to which the
Herald was very cordially invited.
We greatly regret that "the
problem of life" was so arranged
at that time as to debar us from
the pleasure of Master Benny's
society on that interesting oc
The sidewalk on Vine street
between Fifth and the Episcopa
church, is not only a disgrace to
the city, but it is absolutely dan
gerous and will yet cost the city
a bill of expense. .A lady la
Sunday evening1 Variously hurt
her ankle, ami we again call on
the city marshel to cause that
sidewalk to be fixed before next
Sunday. There are persons who
will not and cannot go to church
on account of this walk.
Ceo. A". Creamer, a gentleman
living near the Ityehart family
anil we believe a justice of the
peace there, desires the Herald
to make a correction from the
apparent statement of the com
missioners that he charged 818
for three trips to visit the
Rvharts. The facts are that the
bill was not itemized, and that
the charge covered six trips to
Plattsmouth and five to Loui
ville. He was obliged to go to
the Ryhart house two or three
times each day; he furnished
bushels of fresh lime and S3
worth of good bedding. All this
was included in the one charge o
18, besides he went to Louisville
for nurses on Sunday. With the
exception of two times he had to
take a team on each of these
trips. He thinks that $18 would
not pay for his time at day
mm t A
wages, lei atone me imngs ne
furnished or the use of the team.
and if his statement is correct it
would not.
At a meeting of the vestry of
St. Luke's church on Monday
evening the following vestry for
the ensuing year was elected
Senior warden, Dr. R. R. Living
ston: junior warden, P.' H.
Wheeler; E. B. Lewis, W. White,
W. Balance, Cowles and Mac
Murphy, vestrymen; F. B. Lewis
was elected clerk of vestry, and
Walter White, treasurer. The
Ladies' Aid society and the young
men of the parish, headed by Mr
Lewis, have purchased a fine
organ, paid on some sum oi
debts and repairs, and otherwise
aided in sustaining the parish,
for which they received due
thanks here below and were
promised more hereafter. Some
resolutions were passed, but as
the Herald has not seen them yet,
we all return our tnanks to tne
choir and start in new for an
other year. . i
Local News
From Saturflars Dan.
Mrs. J. 11. Adam
was a visitor in this
of Mynard
citv Thins-
CI. M. Mark of the vicinity of
Xehawka was a visitor in this city
today and a pbaant call-r at this
Charles Fetzer of near Louis
ville came in this morning t
spend the day visiting with his
many friends in this city.
John Busche and wife of near
Cedar Creek were in the city es
terday visiting their old friends
and looking alter some trading'.
O. P. Meisinger, jr., wife and
daughter drove in this morning to
spend a few hours lookinsr after
some trading with the merchants.
Mrs. Jacob Vallery, Mrs. Kate
Minor and (laughter. Miss Made
line, were patenters this after
noon for Omaha to viit for the
Enoch Moreland and wife drove
in this morning from their home,
south of this city, to spend the
day here looking after some trad
ing. Mrs. John Fight was a pas
senger this morning f-r Omaha,
where she will visit for the day
with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Louis Meisinger, Philip Forn"ff
and John Krager of the vicinity of
Cedar Creek were in the city this
afternoon to visit for a few hours
with friends.
L. A. Meisinger, wife and two
little children departed this after
noon for Benson, where they will
visit over Sunday with Philip
Meisinger and family.
Miss Clair Bookmeyer came in
yesterday afternoon from Cedar
Creek. where she is teaching'
school, and will visit here over
Sunday with her mother.
W. T. Adams departed this
morning for York, Neb., where
he will attend to some business
matters and also viit with hi
son, Max, at Gresham, near York
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was
in the city yesterday for a few-
hours en route home from Oma
ha, where he was b.kintr after
some matters on the live stock
Mrs. Henry Born and children
were passengers this morning f
Benson, where they will visit over
Sunday. Henry will take a spin
up to the big city tomorrow t
spend the day.
Miss Margaret Mills of the
Eastern Star Orphans' Home wa
a passenger this morning for
Omaha, accompanied by a number
of her little charges, where they
will visit for a few hours.
John Rohrdanz and family o
Cedar Creek drove to this city tin"
morning and spent the day with
friends. Mr. Rohrdanz called at
this office and had his subscrip
tion extended for another year.
C. J. Meisinger, wife and little
son were in the city today from
their farm home, and while here
Mr. Meisinger called and renew
ed his subscription to the OK:
Reliable for another year.
Mrs. F. M. Stennett of Red Oak
Iowa, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. M. Johns and fam
ily in this city for the past two
weeks, returned home this even
ing on No. 2 over the Burlington
Joe Sabatka and family and
sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Prospt,
departed this morning for Woon
socket, S. D., where they will visit
with relatives for a short time
and will then ?o to Brooklyn, in
the same state, for a short visit
with the brother of Mr. Sabatka.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Meisinger
and son, Albert, of Cedar Creek
drove to this city this morning,
coming in to spend the day and
see how Mr. Meisinger's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meisinger,
were petting along. Mr. Meising
er and father were pleasant call
ers at this office.
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek was
attending to business matters in
this city today, and while here
called at ihis office and renewed
his subscription to the Daily
Journal and the subscriptions to
the Semi-Weekly Journal going
to Mrs. George Nickel at Pekin,
llinois, and George W. Horn at
PLainvicw, Neb.
3 Good Breeding Stallion
, ' .
... -
v " - - - r - i
. ., " : . f
-, s -i - 1 . - - -
PRIZELANDER A thoroughbred trotting stdlicn. is a jet
black and weighs 1200 pounds. He was foaled in V.s7. ly
Borolyptal 32229; dam Minaletta. by Wrestler 1x75 1: mnd da-n
Minola. by Alpine 9011; ire Boro!yptol H2229. FJectionerr. Jr.
The season of 1914 for these horses will be made a: rry furrr.
one mile south of Mynard.
The Great Breeding Jack "Tom"
Torn is a black jack with white points and weighs 1 000
good bone and a sure foal getter. He will aLo make th er.rire
season at my farm.
T For Herbert and Prizelander $10 to insure cnlz
I fiimS1 to stant aml suck. For Bodenham and jck Turn
IUIII1UI t0 insure colt to stand and suck. Care will
be taken to prevent accidents but will not be held re5por:5ibIe
should any occur. When parties dispose of mares cr remove from
the county service fee becomes due and payable immediately.
W. A. FIGHT, Owner.
Henry Horn in the City.
Frr-m Saturly' I'ui'.y.
H'iiry Horn, -i: - of lh cr.ial
and prp'ru- r i l-r: t
Odar C.r- k. wa in t!i- eity t.5 jy
f.r th. lirt tun.' in two m..n!t:-.
hain:r only r"--r.t!y r-c-r-d
from an oi-rali-:i at on f t!ii
Omaha h'pital-. and hi- lar--cirri.
of fri":i!-; wer d-lthfd t'
m-t him again an. I ta5v him by
tlw hand. Vhi! in th.- ritv Mr.
Horn r-ri'vM hi- si;h-'ript i. -n t-.
th.- Kx.Tiinr Journal, a w-ll n
th ub-eript ion- of i o-or- YV.
Ib-rn at PIaini'. nv-l Mr-.
Nickel-, a? P-kin. 1 1 1 i r- i to th.-
S.-mi-.-Uy. Tto' vi-it of Mr.
Horn wa- much appreciated by
the Journal.
Special "Health Warning" for
March i- a trying for
th very youn? and for elderly
people. Croup, bronchial cold-,
lagrippe and pneumonia are t
be feared and avoided. Foley
Honey and Tar i a great family
meaicine that will quickly si 'P a
cough, check the pro-sres of a
cold, and relieve inflamed ard
congested air pas-are. It i
safe, pure and always reliable.
For sale bv all drujrgits.
28 Cents for Butler Fat.
The undersigned mana-er of
the Lincoln Pure Ihitter Co.. at
this station, i at this time pay
ing 2Se for butter fat. h- de
termined by the government Ilab
cock test. We are aU.t payir.? the
highest market price at all time
for all kind- of produce an 1
poultry. Call and see me before
disposing of your produce.
Fred Daw-on.
Lincoln Pure Ilutter C,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
See my horse collars and
notice if any mail order hou
beats "em in shape, quality and
price. J. F. Frank. No. io. Main
street. H-13-Otd-ltw
tfJhere Will You Go
This Coming Summer?
Will you make that grand tour of tht Pacific Coa.-ti
There will be Pjeetal Summer
rates in Summer are generally
Or will you make a le$s
Mountain eountryt including Scenic Colorado, Yellowstone
Park, or the newest scenic wender Glacier Park? It i- not
too early to be thinking over a vacation tour for nxt Surn-
mer. men mere i uen uour iu juu, , iui i.-
camping places and resort?, including beautiful rl?tes Park
just north of Denver, lou
accomdations in Estes Park.
Will you make use of our
to 1
LESS 22132 i an Lr.
Iih Shire anl .is fxilf-vl
ia lf0;l Bred hy Mrs. Mt-ti:;-cott.
Eoilenha.-n. Lt-jrr.i::-ter.
England. H i bay in
color, with white f.icr. nn-i
weighs 2000 pouvis. Eiri
ham is an excell?:.t Irmi
t acd has many fine ct!:
in Cas3 county thai will
prove this tattrzeT.Z.
HERBERT L a forrel hore
and is a t!xl fil j:ttr
and producer.
Fr-m rr;.'r' Pa-Ir.
I.D-t ee;.i;; UJ . tJ.ef n
qu.t- a (':: :n ',: r-d
Fifth -tr.-t wI.-m I ar; I'-i--' .v
-t;dder !y k t't- i r ' a . !
j r .-. ! I t --I I.. .-! . .s
treat d- al f - o- . "1 . . -man.
wb- i : ti.: .. r .; v a, w -mar.iirre.l
a:.. I -.! i;..
man. h. ! ,.r:: , : r a
hitle ar-.d t.i- Ii ; t a S cm.!-- ' v
oj erafe.j take a, f... !
j i". 1 -V ' . 7 u -r''" i'' .
s VP- Kra:. -I .-;-'- i -
r.!rr the c il .,-,. .. N- -
Je;i:. i.n F if?y -tr I i
(-"-!-, J hrn. ca a : -- i!
fiutii---. ii. i- flat. !!. i' .1 :h - wa-
If t I.-'tiee.l l,y ..i I- J f.-'
-tart-.i H, w!ie; . J, -.-. k.
a- the .y..i:i.!-rt !aV. ly I
who f. dli.V. e,J t!i; w w il
thr ld"W a i i ji--k. -fa".-'t
run aT'-- th 're.-. I,-.'. ; i-
was pur-'i-d by lur : iv. i.r-.r.i t
carrier Man -T--.
Ilar.k f Ca-s C... wa r : .'
ed. whn ii:!" V- a" i ;.--wared
on th- ': - a l ;
the di-turba:: a:: i ; la. .:
clay under arr- t. :-t--i
him toward the ja.!. b-;i i tv
payment of a ca-h b. -..! f M"
wa- reb--eiJ irt.i t.'.- ;-. ..;y . f
hi- father, vlio f.-rc-.J t'..- . to rejjre t" r a -.1
-le.-p Off the . f the . J . r.
Tlie ra-e wa to hie rar:
this ni-'Tmr- l-'-f'-r- J - -e M.
Archer, but fh- d.-.!a-.. wis
-irk at h. :: n:;.j !h r: itl.r w is
Continued until th n fer.-
when i will ! tak'n r-p.
Sett your property through thm
Journal Want Ads.
rate, and California hoM
If: than in vcintfr.
exnsive tour of the Kooky
will have to arrange early for
Send for bokIet.
information service? I)r?rir
generall the tour you would like to make
and let U3 akvise you as early a- the
new rates will permit us.
V. C. CL1!IT, Ttfket lz.
L W. WAIELEY. Esstnl PiKJrjir lw Csiii. liir.