THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. FACE 3. LEGAL NOTICE. To Lucv TJoee-s. Carrie Wonderheide Henry Stoehr. Joseph Stoehr ami Kilward Stoehr: Vou are hereby notified that fhilllp Stoehr. as DlalntifT. has filed Ills petl tlon In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, aKainst you and an other for the purpose of enforeinj? a written contract executed by tJeorpe Stoehr, your father, and Christ Stoehr, his father, pledgrinff the Inheritable in terest of Ueorpre Stoehr, under the law, in the estate of his father, as security for indebtedness of said George Stoehr to Dlaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 30th day of March. 1914. or the same will be taken as true ana juus- nient entered accordingly. riIIL.1,11- STOKHK. Plaintiff. By IX O. DWYEll, His Attorney. in" coi'xtv ronn. STATE OK NKHKASKA. Oonntv of Cuss, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Havir, Deceased. To All I'ersons Interested: Vou are hereby notified that there lias been nled in this court petition for the appointment of an administrat or of above estate. That a hearing will be had upon aid petition oefore this court in the Countv Court rooms at 1'lattsmouth. in said county, on the 2-ltli day of -viarch. 1H. at 10 ociock a. m. That all objections thereto, if any. must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said county this 2nd day or .March, is 14. tseal) ALLEN' J. BKESON. County Judge. NOTICE TO NON-HESIDENT DKKKXIHXTS. Alice M. Smith. Smith, her husband, first real name unknown the unknown heirs at law and devisees of said Alice M. Smith and Smith, and their unknown spouses. .lames l'lummer and iNancv I, rium- mer, his wife, the unknown heirs at law and devisees of James l'lummer and Nancy I. l'lummer, and their un known spouses, Selwyn II. l'lummer and Sarah l'lummer. his wife, the un known heirs at law and devisees of said Selwyn B. l'lummer and Sarah l'lummer. and their unknown spouses, Fred J. Plummer and l'lum mer. his wife. first real name un known, the unknown heirs at law and devisees of said Ered J. Plummer and l'lummer, and their un known spouses. Harriet M. Young and O. 1. Young, her husband, and the unknown heirs at law and devisees of said Harriet M. oung and O. 1. Young and their unknown spouses, and John Doe (real name unknown) and Kichard Roe (real name un known!, Defendants, will take notice that on the 14th of February, 1914, Lillian C. Wilson. plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition are to quiet and confirm the title, ownership and possession of said piaintin in ana to the following described real estate, to-wit: The west half wV of the southwest quarter (sw'4) of Section six 6). Township twelve (12). North, Kange ten (10. east of the 6th P. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska, and to establish her fee simple title thereto and that she and her Immediate grantors have been in the open, notorious, exclusive, continuous, ad verw," visible and actual possession and ownership of all of said above described real estate. claiming the same as owners thereof against all the world and especially against the defendants herein since the 26th day of October, 1878, and praying that the defendants and each of them and all persons claiming by. through or under them, or any of them, may be enjoin ed from claiming or asserting any right, title, claim or interest of any name or nature in or to the above de scribed real estate, or any part there of, and for general equitable relief. You and each of you are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the tth day of April. A. IK litn. LILLIAN C. .WILSON. Plaintiff. I P. WHITE. Attorney for PlalntifT. NOTICE. la the Coonly Court In mil for the County of I'mmm, Xrbrmka. In the Matter of the Estate of David Stettler, Deceased. To All I'ersons Interested: You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of March. A. D. 114. Elizabeth Stettler filed her petition in this Court, alleging among other things that David Stettler departed this life inte state on the 19th day of February. A. D. 1914, being a resident of Cass County, Nebraska, at said time, pos sessed of an estate, consisting of real and personal property, to be ad ministered, and that he left surviving him as his only heirs at law the fol lowing persons, to-wit: Elizabeth Stettler, Jacob Stettler. James Stettler. Sarah Jackson, and the children of William Stettler. deceased. Daniel Stettler, deceased, Harriet Baluman. deceased, anil Emmeline Ball, deceased, names unknown, and asking that find ings be made in accordance with the allegations and that Letters of Ad ministration be granted to S. C. Bo yles. A hearing will be had upon said petition at the office of the County Judge In the Court House at Platts mouth, Nebraska, on the 24tli day of March. A. D. 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m.. before which hour all objec-tions there to, if any, must be tiled. By the Court. (Seal) ALLEN .1. BEESON. County Judge. DALE S. BOYLES, Attorney. 3-2-3wks IX THE DISTRICT COl'KT OK CASS CO I ATI, XKUKASKA. FRED CHRISTIAN. Plaintift. Doc. "X." Page vs. 12. No. 62S3. THOMAS COLLINS, et al.. Defendants. NOTICE. Thomas Collins. Mrs. Collins. first name unknown, wife of Thomas Collins, and the unknown heirs of Thomas Collins: Mrs, Pronger. first name unknown, wife of George E. Pronger: Mrs. Morgan, first name unknown, wife of Cireeley Morgan; Mrs. Wat son, first name unknown, wife of Allen Watson: Mrs. Snyder, first name unknown, wife of A. M. Snyder: Mrs. Dodd. hrst name unknown, wife of Theodore H. Dodd: Mrs. Snyder, first name unknown, wife of Matthias Snyder; Mrs. Hickey. first name un known, wife of John Hickey: -ou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 20th day of June. A. D. 1912. Fred Christian, as plaintiff, hied a petition in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, against you as defendants interplead with other de fendants, and that subsequently on the 2nd day of March. A. D. 1914. a sup plemental order was entered by said Court for supplemental service upon you by publication. The object and praver of said petition is to quiet and confirm in the plaintiff the title to llovernment Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, a. 7 and 8, the V, of SV4. the SKU of SW. and lot 11. a sub-divlslon of Govern ment Lot 5, all in Section 5. and the ES ot NEV and E, of SE- of Sec tion i. all in Township 12 North. Range 10. East of the tli P. M.. Cass County. Nebraska, and each and every part thereof, and to obtain a judg ment decreeing that the plaintiff. Fred Christian. Is the owner in fee simple of said real estate and every part thereof, and to forever bar and ex clude you and each of you from anv rlKht. title.. Interest, or claim in and to said real estate hereinbefore de scribed, or any part thereof: plaintiff claiming In his said petition to have acquired the title to said real estate and every part thereof In himself and his grantors by virtue of open, notorious, actual, adverse, hostile and vontinuous possession of the same tinder claim of ownership for over forty years. ... You are required to answer said petition on r before th Uth day of April. A. I. I.J CHRJST1AS Plaintiff. By ARTHCR C, PANCOAST. His Attorney. 3--4wks Visiting cards at the Journal offlcs. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO OPERATE A POOL AND BILLIARD HALL. Notice is hereby eriven that the undersigned will, on the 17lh day of March. A. P. IDii. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, make application to the hoard of county commissioner of Cass county, Nebraska, for a license to operate a pool and billiard hall in the hotel build in?, Village, of Cedar Creek, Cass County, Nebraska. Dated this nth day of March, 1911. wai.t nox.xt: n. DEATH OF LITTLE SON OF MR. AND MRS. ALBERT JANDA AT LAWRENCE, NEB A telephone message was re ceived in this city last evening by relatives announcing the death at Lawrence, Neb., of the little l.r- months-old son of Mr. ami Mrs. Albeit Jauda, who reside near that city. The little one had evi dently been ill only a few days, as no word of his sickness had been conveyed to the relatives here. The cause of the death was driven in the message as pneumonia. The death of the little one will be deeply felt here by the friends of the bereaved parents, as they re sitted here for several years and were married in this city. Mr. Janda is the son of John Janda, former street commissioner of this city, while his wife was for merly Miss Clara Jirousek. The funeral will be held Saturday morning1 at the Catholic church in Lawrence, and the interment made in the cemetery there. Miss Clara Jirousek. a sister of Mrs. Janda, departed this morning for thai place to be present at the funeral. Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more dis couraging than a chronic dis order of the stomach. Is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had for a trifle? About one year ago," says P. II. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I bought a package of Chamber lain's Tablets, and since using them I have felt perfectly well. I had previously used any number of different medicines, but none of them were of any lasting benefit." For sale by all dealers WILL OF F. W. SCHLICH- TEMEIER, DECEASED FILED FOR PROBATE IN CO. COURT This morning in county court the last will and testament of the late F. V. Sehlichtemeier of Ne- hawka was presented for probate in that court. The deceased, who was one of the largest property owners of that section of the county, passed away at his home in Nehawka, on Sunday, March 8, and left an estate estimated at $7.r,ono of real property and $35,- 000 in personal property. There were a large number of the heirs of the estate present in court to witness the submitting of the will to the court. The hearing on the matter was set for Saturday, April 18th, at which lime oppor tunity will be afforded for any opposition to the probate of the will. The deceased was one of the strong and influential citi zens of Nehawka precinct and his death will be keenly felt in that community, where he had resided for so many years. Those of the children in attendance at the pre sentation of the will were: Mrs. M. J. Tucker, Holbrook, Neb.; Fredrick Frank Sehlichtemeier. Fredrich O. Sehlichtemeier and William T. Sehlichtemeier. Local RSews From Tuesday's Daily. J. V. Holmes and wife of Mur ray were in the city yesterday for a short lime visiting with relatives and friends. Louie Rheinackle was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. R. C. llailey came in this morn ing from his home and was a passenger on the early liurling ton train for Omaha to spend the day. John Wunderlich of Nehawka came up this morning to attend to some matters in the county court which demanded his attention. ITnzolOIenthol Plasters, a quick relief in Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica, Neuralgia and many painful affections. They drive away the pain until it is quito forgotten. Yard rolls $1.01); suiallersizeS.V. Dealers have them in stock, or direct from lvl Jt Lawrence Co., New York. Samp If mailed Uxu rvflut-t. Sc. utampa. Don't experiment, take Allen's Cough Balsam ad rMt Is rrtaln to lol low. I'sc4 tor obtlaat coughs, rolda, mtc throat, or bronchial laUammatlom. Comtmim mo Hmrmtul aV-aa All dealers. DAVIS A LAWRENCE COw New Vara. Mrs. John Wiles and two sons were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they visited for the day with Kveielt Wiles at the hospital. A. M. Holmes and daughter, Mrs. W. S. Smith, who have been here visiting with relatives for a short time, departed yesterday for their home at Murray. Lee Kniss, the hustling rural mail carrier of Murray was in the city last evening for a few hours looking after some dental work that he is having done here. F. J. llennings and son, Albert, drove in this morning from their home in Kight Mile CJrove pre cinct and visited here lor the day looking after some trading with the merchants. Thomas Hanson and fins Holmburg were visitors in this city today and while here called at the Journal office, at which lime Mr. Hanson renewed his subscription and that of Ray Young at Lal'orle, Colo. IMPORTANT MATTERS DISCUSSED RY COUNCIL (Continued From First Page.) Hon. C. E. Metzger was in the city yesterday from his farm home near Mynard. and taking advantage of the occasion called in at the Journal headquarl ers for a short social call, which was much appreciated and greatly enjoyed by the editor. P. J. Vallery departed this morning for Omaha, where he goes to have an operation per formed to remove a growth from his nose that has been giving him a great deal of trouble in the past few months. Mrs. Vallery accom panied her husband to the me tropolis. WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS HAS M PLEASANT Till The W. R. C. held their regular social meeting yesterday after noon at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Carter, and which proved a most delightful occasion. There were a large number in attendance and the ladies were honored by having Comrades Windham, tJlenn, Thrasher and Carter in attend ance. The hours were very pleasantly whiled away in social conversation ami plying' the busy needle. The company sang a number of army songs, Mrs. Dan nie IUirkel presiding at the organ. During the course of the afternoon's entertainment a tempting two-course luncheon was served by the hostess, Mrs. Carter, which was enjoyed by all. The hostess was assisted in serv ing by some of the WV R. C. ladies. At the usual hour the W. R. C. and guests dispersed, very much indebted to the hostess for her kind hospitality and the splendid afternoon's entertain ment afforded them. The Forty Year Test. An article must have excep tional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy was first of fered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it lias attained a world-wide reputation. You will tlnd noth ing better for a cough or cold. Try it ami you will understand why it is a favorite after a period of more than forty years. It not only gives relief it cures. For sale bv all doalers. FOREST HOSE ltest flour on the market. Sold by all leading dealers. The finance committee of the city council reported the follow ing claims against the city and warrants were ordered drawn for them, with the exception of the light company's bill, which was held over: John Fitzpatrick, salary, i?20; len Rainey, salary, S75; Mike Lutz, street work, .G.C.0; Charles McHride, same, .Si.iiu; Roy Mclhide, same, .3.i0; M. Archer, salary, .'$0; Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co., rent for phones, $5; Cass county, boarding prisoners and one com mitment, $10.70; I. N. Ciimmings, burying two dogs, si; Clans Boetel, burying one dog, HO cents; Nebraska Light Co., light at city hall, $ 1 ; Nebraska Light Co., street lighting, SloO; Frank Neumann, salary, ,f.r. Mayor Saltier,- in addressing the council, said that if the lights were not, kept burning as they should that the cily should not pay for them, and he quoted figures as to the lights that were out in the different parts of the city .and he also slated that on one occasion the electric lights had not come on until 9:l.r in the evening1, and he did not think it right that the city be required to pay for these lights that were out, some of them for several weeks. Councilman Patterson arose and asked that the council establish some fixed policy in dealing with the light company, as at one meeting they would al low the bills and at the next hold them up for deduction, and the finance committee would like to have some settled plan to work upon in considering the matter. Lushinsky made the motion that the lip hi company's bill be withdrawn from the bills to be allowed and that it be re ferred to the light committee to reduce the cost of Hie lights that were oul.of commission, but be fore this was voted upon Chair man Hallslrom of lb" light com mittee made the amendment that it be referred to the claims com mittee, as he and his committee were tired of having to try and gel the bill reduced each month and indulge in a controversy with the. light company .e,ach time. The question was settled by the adop tion of the amendment of Mr. Hallslrom, and now Councilman Lushinsky and his committee will take up the task of trying fo se cure a more equitable settlement from the cornpanj. Mayor Saltier called the at tention of the council to the fact that the telephone company had not yet placed the extensions in the lire house at the city hall as per their agreement with the city, and he favored the passage of a resolution that if this was not done the city would remove the telephones from the police judge and city clerk's ofiice, and on motion of Lushinsky the city clerk was instructed fo notify the telephone company to have them installed by the lirst of April or to remove the telephones without any further delay. The report of Chief of Police Rainey for the month showed that fifteen arrests were made in the month of-February, with dif ferent dispositions made of the prisoners. City Treasurer F. W. Cook re ported to the council that, there was a balance of some ?S,091.2i 'in the city treasury at the close of the last month and gave the value of the assets of the sink ing fund of the city at 610,000 invested in securities yielding the city a good per cent on their money. After the reading of the report omnia ini ML UABm ft..?: fp$j feU v vK U--I J :-? ED EGENBERGER 4 J n to ; J A CSS MV 100 Fat Market Horses and Mules We especially want draft horses, full age and sound, 1400 to 1800 pounds, five to twelve years old and farm mares. 20 draft horses, 1400 to 1800 pounds, five to twelve years old. 20 southern horses and mares, four to eight years old, weighing from 000 to 1100 pounds. 20 big and little FAT plugs buy them blemished five to thirty years old. 20 mules from four to eight years old, sound, any size FAT. All stock must be fat, as we ship to five different markets. We come to buy not to visit and can pay you more than anybody. Plattsmouth, Wednesday, March 18 (At Sage's Barn) Louisville, Thursday, March 19 We want drafters, drivers, chunks, southern farm mares and some plus. We buy any kind that are lat. We are the buyers for the farmers, as we buy the best horses and also give you prices for the bad ones. Leave your thin, leggy horses at home. WLOS of the treasurer Councilman Hallslrom remarked in brief that as there was sfloo in the build ing fund he was in favor of pur chasing the half of th. city ball building which was owned by Mr. Egenberger, and on motion the matter "was referred to the judiciary committee and the cilyi attorney to look up and report; back to the council. Councilman Hallslrom asked the council what the board of health could do in regard to the diphtheria that was reported in the city, but was informed by the mayor that there was only one case so far reported, outside of the little Peterson girl, who had diet!. The judiciary committee of the council, to which had been refer red the matter of the request of a number of land owners near the water works to have their property declared out of the city, reported back that the petition was not worded in a manner suitable to the city, and re quested that it be turned back to these parties to re-write in a manner that would be approved by the city. Councilman Huttery stated that he bail noticed the water of Fifth street running down onto the pavement at the Wescott and Schlitz corner, and desired to have it diverted so as to turn it in some other direction than into Main street. The report of the census com mittee, including the report of Mr. Hurnie, I he census taker, with 4,3(7 names, was present ed and this was the cause of a very interesting question being brought up, as when Mr. Lush insky moved that the report be accepted and the committee dis charged. Councilman Iluttery atose and asked if Councilman Richey had the right to sign the report, as tie had for the past Iwo or three months been living outside of the ward tie represent ed, living at the Hotel Riley, which is located in the First ward, and he called upon the city attorney for his opinion in the matter as to whether tie was on lit led to act as councilman. Mr. Tidd replied that Mr. Ilichey hud informed him he was living there temporarily, but as the matter of the census had been referred to a eommitte of which he was the chairman, he would have th rii-'ht fo sign if. ewn if b. had! removed from the tate. j Councilman Iiajeck aske.i f.r! further time to prepare fh Best Family Laiative. Ifear .f i-o". : j r if .. .ri. r. Kn ' N-w Li.'-- I ... p:: a ; w. n. ordinance cierinir the le-aut i fy- ing of the city, but hn-usht up another question of great im portance, that of Inning a g-! walk from the city t the Oik Hill cemetery, and the great need of this can ouly be xpres-e.j by (,., roii- ue'se na.e waieti oui mere. Mr. Itajeek de-enh.-.J (he r, .n.ii-fion-t of the Walks and the pl.U'e. wln re there were no w.ilks al all and made an earnest j!e,i f.. bae the city fake some aefji.ri in the mafler that would gi-.e per-on-lraeling there a decent place to walk. He was he.irtilv seconded in the matter by Councilman P.ntterv. and the matter was re ferred to the park and improve.! menr commiuee ( canvas irie: matter with the taxpajers alone the way there and secure their aid in the mailer of putting in the walk. Mr :ft i: rntlh. of Wt Frn-;.:j. M--.. call theni '"Oir fir; v livi'iv." aged. C i them t mu. ;j Druggets or Ly mi. I. If. V. Pu.klen C... l,!u!il-:rh..i r COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST BERT STEWART OF EAGLE, HESRASXA --"v Try a Jac3c of Fort Ro i!-:r Your rr.onffjr refund-M if not aal; factory. No. X )It REPORT OF THE CONDITION or ti FIRST NATIOnCLBAnX h. in the tate of Ne braska, at the e!M of h-s;rei Marr-h irh. 13: f. resource:-? (Km r. flt-wrmrt T"- " "7 t ?Tf !rf n-'irmt srvt ursr"irc! . T : I", s l..rsi. t s-n- r: r.i.- -! j..J totfH. . t ' r'rTi.m f. s hh 1 . ... -l B-hkI. "ini ir. rt.- Hai. mr hm. f jrmr ur. fl i; uns. . . i fnr r- A i r . . w n. I 1 t-..' Im fr-m n':. .n4 f.r. rvm wr! ... .... ! t rT f nin .tr"ril r -t. wn . . ii !" nil ntA . Sirti" j, . : f unr j ir oat ut r:r"ui-.ii . ii" This morning a roninlaint wi tiled in the court of Jn-tiee M. Archer against Hert Sfewart of I'.agle, charging him wi'li asua:t and batlery upon the person of Ralph Johnson, manager of the grain elevator in Ilagb. The as sault occurred on .Monday, it is claimed, when the men became invoIed in a dispute nieernir.g some matters oer the sale of grain. Stewart, it will be remem bered, was in court last summer j r.xi K1;. - on a charge of assaulting a farm. -r:uf "n , ,.,,. - i .1 'eunry of t jm I I!. N trT. er named I red Prum. a n'Mvnt', lh, li, -unir ..f ll Kim r,..i-lifl..rh I l.r, ! I "t th ilf. rmr-f. a Sf u, J W .f LIABILITIES rlrl rnrlc tf.Ui in... I " sjri'lu f-arui. - JS. i Hinvti'l S M; lmsiui .-rr. if ii'.l n." -T T rr.t r--n;rt.-; -f f' i . I I-t"-"f Ci"i -!. Z.J'X '. Z 11.:!. C XV rvl fl iut uu.Un fur awlir; b.jrT-rr-i - l Js was found not guilty by Judge Archer. There has been con siderable bail feeluvg in that locality, engendered by this ri-. and both sides hae fe!t quite warm over it. r5iK sr. s iLitu t."y Coct A;tt: FISTULA Pay Vhsa CU?iE3 opento. No Caiorcfar-s. TLihrr of otier t . v. : j - o xj - n- UUltaUCb-IUliU lUuini.T0.4 nti. If WRITS FOt COOK OM TVLZS ASO SLZZTxZ. CIS3ASE3 WITH TTSTUiCSLUJ jl CK. C K.TAXKT. 224