The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 05, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PACE S.
Are you soliciting all of
your friends for piano cer
tificates? There May
Be Some
of our customers w h o
would transfer their certi
ficates to you if you
would only ask them. You
can materially increase
your chances for getting
the piano, if you will use
a little extra effort.
Get Every
you can and do not lose
one opportunity of bring
ing new customers to our
store. We want everybody
in this community to be
come familiar with cur
store and cur business
methods during this piano
If you have friends who
do net regularly trade here
bring them in. Your
friends can help you win
the piano.
In passing: up the street one
day this week a representative of
tin Jiiunial happened Jo he near
Wagner's I-.-licatesseii just at
the noon hour, when a couple of
traveling men eanie out of the
popular ealing plaee, and one of
theia remarked that "that was
the hest meal lie had for many a
day." We do not mention Ibis
because the remark was some
thing ul of the ordinary, for r.o
douht it is made many times each
and every day, Put knowing as wo
do that Mr. Wagner exerts every
effort to supply his patrons with
the very hest of "Ever.v thing
Tiood Jo Hat," as his slogan de
notes, we could not help hut
make a slight mention of it in
these columns. W hen .Mr. War
ner selected as his slogan
"Everything (mod to Eat," he was
then fully determined to see that
it was fully lived up to in every
way, and how well lie lias suc
ceeded is certainly demonstrated
hy the many people who have be
come daily patrons of the Deli
catessen, lie not only servos
regular im-als. but short, orders
may be secured at most any hour
of the day. Almost a year has
lapsed since the launching of this
business in IMatlsmouth and
each month has shown an in
crease in the volume of business
done by Mr. Wagner, which is
convincing to him that the peo
ple appreciate the methods upon
which the Delicatessen has been
You may need an
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office for
the Weeping Water Auctioned
Careful Attention to Public Sales
Rates are Reasonable
Members of the Methodist Con
gregation to Gather Tomorrow
for Big Annual Event.
The all-membership rally of
the Congregation of the First
Methodist church will be held to
morrow afternoon, beginning at
2:3d o'clock ami continue
through the evening. District
Superintendent, Kmbree will be
here for second quarterly con
ference. A program of papers
and discussions on different
phases of church work, inter
spersed with music and an ad
dress by Dr. Kmbree in the even
ing will make it. worth while to
attend. All regular attendants of
our church are especially invited
to come, and others who can at
tend will be made welcome. The
business session of the quarierly
conference will be held from l to
.j o'clock, following which the
ladies of the church will serve
supper. The program will be re
sumed at. 7 o'clock. the main
feature of which will be an ad
dress by Dr. Embrec.
We are anxious to make this
rally a splendid .,iiH:f'(,';s, the best
one in the district; let no one fail
to attend: make a little sacrifice
to be present. These papers
have been written by laymen of
the district who are qualified to
speak on the mailer assigned
them. We give below a list of
the subjects and the name of the
persons here wh"m we have se
lected to road the different
"The Junior League, Why and
How?" Mrs. Mellie Oobelman.
"The Epworth League," Mr. E.
1L Wescott.
"The Mission of the Ladies'
Aid Society." Mrs. Nannie Rurkel.
"The .Methodist Rrot herhood."
Mr. E. C. If ill.
"Making a
Woiih Whih
W. C.
H rooks.
"Financing a Church," Mr. R
15. Mayes.
"The Woman's
sionary Society,"
Foreign Mis
Mrs. Esther
"The Woman's Home Mission
ary Soieefy." Mrs. Lffie Cobb.
"A Difficult Problem," Mrs.
Jennings Seiver.
Yours in CJu-jslinn Fellowship,
F. ?I. Druliner, Pastor.
Dr. J. s. Livingston returned
this morning from Fairbury. Ne
braska, where he made an osVicial
visit yesterday to the Elks lodge
in that city. The doctor is the
official representative, of the
grand exalted ruler in the South
Platte territory, and being one of
the leading ami hardest workers
in the cause of the R. P. O. K. in
the state, is filling the position
with great credit to himself and
the order. His duties require
him to visit the different lodges
in his jurisdiction and inspect
them, and a more qualified man
for the position could not pos
sibly be found in this section of
the state and the members of the
order here feel very primd over
the honor that has been bestowed
upon them and their distinguish
ed brother in selecting him for
this lost.
Bridal Couple Returns Home.
This afternoon Fritz Seimoneit
and bride, who were married in
Florence, Neb., yesterday, re
turned to their home here, ac
companied by a large number of
friends, who were in attendance
at the wedding, and the young
couple received quite an ovation
from the friends who were as
sembled at the depot to greet
them on their return. They will
reside on a farm northwest of
this city.
Any skin itching is a temper
teaser. The more you scratch
the worse it itches. Doan's Oint
ment is for piles, eczema any
skin itching. 50c at all drug
. Do you know that the Journal
office carries the finest line of
stationery in the city?
New Stenographer at Court House
This morning the county at
torney's oHiee was graced by t lit
presence of a new stenographer
in the person of Miss Alice Tuey,
who will take the place madt
vacant, by the resignation of
Miss Bernese Newell, who ha
accepted a similar position at the
otlice of tin; Plat I smoulh Watei
company. lSoth or these young
ladies are experts in their line of
work ami will fill the positions
they have accepted with the ut
most eiiieieney.
The county commissioners, at
their session yesterday afternoon,
seltclcd the list of names from
which to draw the jury for the
ensuing term of district court as
follows :
Tipton Precinct Levi Hoot,
Adolph Siiroder. Sam Westiake.
( :reeiivood Precinct (Charles
Ik-.ertel, A. L. Jardine.
Stove ('reek Precinct John
Hoover, .John Hall, Paul .1. Mar
shall. Sail Creek Precinct Frank
Laughliu. (Ieorge L. Fids, F. II.
Sulh Rend Precinct John
Heasoner, C. T. Richards.
Elmwood Precinct Cyrus
C.reainer, William Cook, Henry
Weeping Water Precinct
Henry Hughe, W. V. Woolen.
Center Precinct (ieo. Schafer,
W. J. Han.
Louisville Precinct J. W.
P.robst, M. C. Core, Charle?
Aveca Precinct L M. Ward,
John 11. Hush.
ML Pleasant Precinct J. L.
Terrybcrry, (ieorge Wiles.
Light Mile drove P. II.
Meisinger, (!. (I. Meisinger, A. O.
Au II.
Nehawka Preeinel--J. S. Wun
derlich, Henry Shoemaker.
Liberty Precinct C. F. Harris,
J. I). Cross. John Larsh.
Hock Chill's First Frank
Moore, J. W. Holmes, D. C.
Hock Hltiirs Second L W.
Moieland, W aller (o uchenour.
Plattsmouth Precinct C. II.
Vallery. Peter Mumm, John Yete
snik. Weeping- Wafer City J. Davis,
H. C. (Hover, H. F. Huby.
Plattsmouth City First ward.
Dei) Drooks. C. II. Smith: Second
ward. J. C. Brady. Frank Slava
cek. Hoy Tax lor; Third ward. D.
('.. Yic-k. C. E. Martin. (Jus John
son, Jacob Mason; Fourth ward,
Frank Sivey. (leva I Henner, Tom
Olson; Fifth ward, (Ieorge Kling
er, jr.. W. II. Tuey.
The jurors will be selected
from the above list by the sheriff
and the clerk of the district
court for service.
This week 1. A. Cregory of
Lincoln, normal training inspect
or the High schools of the state,
was here looking over the situa
tion, both in the High and graded
schools, and he was very well
pleased with the showing made
by lh'3 Plattsmouth schools in
their work' in this line, as well as
their general advancement.
There' are few schools in a town
the size of Plattsmouth in the
state that can show better re
sults in the work of the scholars
and the management has been
able to acomplish one thing that
is unite different 'from tin
few years, and that is the hold
ing of the membership class in
tact ami having them re
enter upon their second year in
the High school as members of
the sophomor class, as it is
usually the case that a large
number drop out after their en
trance into the High school, but
the class or last year has stuck
to their gnus 'in line shape.
State or Ohio, city of Toledo. Lues County, m.
Frank J. Cb-nv tu.-ikt-d oath that he It aenl
partner of the linn of b J. Chenejr & Co., lo
vg lus!ne in the City of Toledo. County and
Mute afon-Kaid. iul thnt "aid firm will pay
the Burn of oXK IIlNDUrJn IiOLLAItS fT
e.ieli and r-ry caso of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of UaJl's Catarrh Cure,
Sworn to before rae ami itiilisrrlhei! In my
presence, thU OtU day of lu-cvuib.-r. A. I)., lSi.
Notary l'ubllr.
Tlall a Catarrh Cu- U taken Internally and
a-t iirrcti;.- upn tiie Mx and inurotm anr-fiut-s
of the ytem. Send for teftimonlul.
J r. J. CnENET & CO.. Toledo, O. "1
Sold fcy a!l Druggists, 73?.
Take Uall'a Family Villi for constipation.
State Authorities to Take Steps
to See That Dangers From
Fire Are Reduced.
Yesterday Mr. Harney Mc-
Cardle of Omaha, a represent
ative of the slate lire conimi
ioner's otlice, was here looking
over the situation and consulting
with the chief of the lire depart
ment in regard to matters per
taining to the fire protection of
the city, which is something that
should be given immediate at
tention bv the citizens in gen
eral. The conditions throughout
the smaller towns of the stale
are mucn the same and are con
stantly demanding the attention
01 me nroneriv owners to sec
that the possibilities from fire
are reduced to the lowest pos-
ible chances and that every
precaution is taken to see that
places that, might be lire-traps
ire kept cleaned up and the
j-afelv of the business nouses
md residences safeguarded in
everv way.
The representative was well
pleased with the interest that the
chief of the Vivo department is
takinsr in the matter, and
specially the steps I hat he ha:
taken to clear up the chances of
fire from defective chimneys and
the accumulation of rubbish in
the rear of buildings, as welt as
the habit of some persons to al
low accumulated waste paper
ami trash to be piled up around
their buildings that is liable at
any time to cause a serious fire
and mav perchance result in
severe injury to someone.
The matter of these little help-
that may save serious hres arc
such that every citizen should
co-onerale in the campaign of
"safety last." in the lire danger
and see that their places of busi
ness and residences are made as
safe as possible. The safe
guarding of theaters and public
places is one of the chief cares of
the lire commissioner's otlice
and in this work the department
is receiving I he support ('f t Ii
different lire departments anil it
oilieers throughout the stale ju
order to prevent loss of life from
a panic due to a lire alarm, and
so far they have been very sue
cessful in the work.
To Start Selling Trees.
Stark Delicious apple, Stayman
Winesap and Black Hen Davis
Have you seen a sample of these
winter apples. P. E. Ruffner and
C. C. Despain are now taking
orders for spring delivery. Only
a few more days until spring de
livery will close. Remember that
the Stark Delicious is the best
winter apple now grown last
until apples come again fine to
eat fine for cooking. No farm
er should be without a few Stark
Delicious in his orchard. 'Phone
or wire us and we will call.
P. E. IlufTner.
C. C. Despain.
Here to Visit Old Friend.
J. S. Spaulding of Shenandoah,
h-wa, was in the city today visit
ing with Orovernor Knapp lor a
few hours. Mr. Spaulding learn-
ed his trade as a machines! un-
der Mr. Knapp while that gen-
tleman was employed at Shen-
andoah bv the Hurlingion, ana ne
..... . . -k i
was delighted to meet, his former
kiss. Mr. Snauhling is now em-
ployed in the Hurlington train
service, and in comnanv with Air.
Knapp was a visitor
Ibis afternoon.
in Omaha
Broke the News to Them.
From Tuesday's Dally,
Yesterdav Rev. F. J. Langtiorst,
pastor of the 'Bethel Evangelical
church, informed his congrega
tion of his intention to leave t1'4 I
charge the first or .May. no win
. . - it t 1.
preacn ins iareweu me
m April. IIis , congregation, 10 i
member, expressed ineir sorrow
on hearing the news and request
ed him to change his mind, but
he said he had the matter under
consideration for some time and
was going to a charge near St.
Louis. Nebraska City News.
Notice. I
nxr t w Vmiimo riisfrirri?
ijiuini'in i iiuoan i tv i i i i nil i iil i
111. i im L UH) - I " I
n-,.. t i.' v..,t.Mi n Vvnnrd next
Sunday. March 8th. at 3 p. m.
Everybody invited to come.
The Journal ads pay.
Local News
From Tuesday's Bally.
lbn W. R. Ranning of Union
was in the city today looking af.
ter some matters with the conn
tv commissioners.
Ceorge Hanson of Nehawka
came up this morning to look af
ter some matters in the county
court for a few hours.
Louis Ingwerson of Nehawka!
was in the city yesterdav lor a
few hours looking after some
business mailers at the court
Ehe ;uth of Omaha, architect
of the new jail, came down Ihb
afternoon to jook niter some
business with the county com-
.1. M. Jeaganien ami Attorney
C. i:. Te(Vt of Weeping Water
were in the city today looking
after some matters of business at
the court house.
(ieorge P. .Meisinger of (.edar
Lreek came in tins morning km
No. i and spent the day here
ooking after some matters of
business with the merchants.
(ilenn E. Smith of the Ne
braska Construction company of
Lincoln came in last evening to
look after some matters with the
lroard of county commissioners,
A. F. and W. II. Seybert of near
Cullom came in this morninir on
No. I to attend the meeting of the
county commissioners and to
visit the merchants and look af
ter some trading".
Editor John I. Long of the Ne
hawka News came up laf even
ing in interview the county com.
missioners in regard to in.
eorporating the village of Ne
hawka, and while here, as usual.
paid his respects to the Journal
Al. O. .ucouinn and wife came
up this morning lrotn fheir home
at Union ami visited here for a
few hours with friends, and while
in the city Mr. MeOuinii called at
the Journal onice and renewed
his subscript ion to the Old Un
liable foi another year.
Frank Sienmniet departed this
morning for Florence, Nebraska,
where he will visit for a short
time and look after matters of
business. He fore departing for
his home Mr. Siemoniet called at
this office and had his name en
rolled as a Journal reader.
John Wunderlich, one of the
enterprising citizens of Nehawka
precinct, was in the city today
calling on his numerous friend.-
throughout the city, and while
here was a most pleasant caller
at the Journal headquarters. Mr
Wunderlich is one of the best
fellows in the world and a visit
with him is one that is always
thoroughly enjoyed.
Need Attention in FCDruary and
March or Face Will Stay
Now is the time to take special
care of the complexion if you
wish it to
look well the rest of
the vear
The February and
.March winds have a strong ten
dencv to bring out freckles that
may stay all summer unless re
- . . .
moved. Now is (tie time to use
othine double strength
This nrescriot ion for the re-
nioval of freckles was written by
in m-oniinent physician and is
usually so successful that it is
sold by druggists under guar
antee to refund the money if it
fails. an ounce of othine
double strength, and even a few
applications should show a won
derful improvement, some of the
it . - .I.'.-
smaller irecKies even vauiniiii?
... I
por dyspepsia, our
national i
j. Hurdock Wood
ters. Recommended for strength-
a . II
ening digestion, purnying me
blood. At all drug stores. $1.00
a bottle.
Harness, norse umar.s
Mraus. s?uuf&, iuhm-i
a''.- - - - -
prices. Repairing a
spec- v
at J. F. Frank, i05
Main St. - 2-27-2td-ltw .
..T....t .T..T..TmT.
New Showings in Our Dress Goods Dept.
Silk Crepe Ratine in all shades.
Ratine Suiting in all shades.
Cotton Crepe in all the newet shades.
Cable Cord Crepe.
Cobweb Weave in Crepe.
French Zephyr Gingham.
Cheeney Bros. Shower-Proof Foulard.
Crepe Meteor.
Embroideried Crepe Flouncing.
New Shadow Laces.
See the Display of Ratine in Our Window.
Local F.ews
"WertneMlay's Iaily.
s Yernu Oraes
f I'nion
came up la -I evening and vill
spend the day here having so no
dental work looked after.
L. A. Meisinger .f Ihe ii-i ii it
of Jleilar Ltt'eek was in the rit
today lookimr after some tradim.'
and visit ing w i! h his friend.
Jaim-s IS. Tipton, tin- La Piaffe
bridge man, was in the city thi-
aft'Tiioon looking alter some
trailing with the merchants.
Paul Roberts, the Cedar Creek
lumber man, was in (he city fo.
day tor a few hours Pming after
on:c matters at the court h-u-e
L. I. Meisint:er ami wife ie
parted this morning f i- Mm alia.
whi te they v iil attend the Siem
oniet wediug at Florence this aft-
Herman ise ami wile were
among the guests pre-em irtp
this city at the wedding of 1'ritz
-iemoneif in l'loi-ence tfii- after
Mrs. Luke it.-s was a i-itoi
wsterdav in the metropolis for
i few hours, bulking after some
-hopping and visiting with
James Lounhridge of Murray
.vas in liie eilv la-l evening in at
tendance al the meeting of (hi
Llks lodge, of which tie is a
Edwin r.rinkb-y of Itoundup.
Montana, who has been hen-
Msiljng at the home of A. Al.
Searle and family, departed tlii-
afternoon fr his home.
P. A. Meisinger an. I wife wen
among I lie passengers tin-
morning tor Omaha, where n-
will be guests at the Sie'in m iel
Maresch wedding in Florence thi-
Harrv Smith. the rustling
farmer from west of the city, wa-
among the passengers I hi- morn-
ing for Omaha, where he will
nend tlie dav looking alter some
matters of business.
August and Frank Pap.-rile
were passengers inis mumm.
Tor Omaha to visit bu- itie nay in
that cilv with friends and to at
tend the edding of their friend.
r,.it. siemoniet. at Florence this
Fred Nolting and wife and Mis
Teresa Lent and Carl and Albert
srergune were passengers i.ii-
a t
morning for Omaha, from where
they will go to Florence, Nib., t-
attend the wedding of Fred
iiemoniet. which occurs them to
Many persons are not willino
to answer I lie uuestn.n how o.)
thev are, not that they would !
as hameil of their age. nui ne.
cause they look oiiier-aiM run
. t i
down. This premature senilit
shows that, the liver and the in-
testifies are not. woiKing as lrie
houhl. which may be due to
sedentary habits, hygienic abuses
or a careiess meuiou m uiex.
i i . . r i :. : .
The first symptoms usually are.
i poor appetite, conslipalion.l
yellowish complexion, weakness.
. . . . . - .
For a quick relief of these eomli-
tions Triner's American Elixir of
Hitler Wine is recommended. It
will quickly clean out the in
testines and aid digestion. In
diseases of the fixer, the stom
ach and the intestines, as also in
weakness, tins remedy should be
used. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, Manufacturer. 1333-1339!
So. Ashland Ae., Chicago. III.
For pain, whether rneumafic or
neuralgic. Irv Triner's Liniment.
Il is very string.
Hedge posts for sale. L. A.
Meisinger. Telephone 2313.
Local IMews
J. E. Wiies nr, wife wr"
i-ifocs m Oiiiah.i y-.t-iiLn f.
1 r i
Ioi.k ailer oli,e iii!
fer fo.- a f.-w b-iiii-.
Mr. Ever-tt Wile v..i i-i Jh
nu lrop dis e-rd.iy. goirrg t-
that ci'y f i-il Willi Ik i- fm
band af th fe-p;.it f- r t!i. day.
R. R. Nickel of in-ir t in n
iMi.i" i:p thi ii'-rriM-g fr-: i li -lioioe
to took afii-r -i.o-,g
with fhe merchant.
IoM C. HI...
ir tfie t 1 1 V t,
.-fie matters
(lie Cromwell
eourl. .'en of Murray w.m
d.iy b- 'in afl--r
t:r cor'M-i-l o .tfi
!;!! C.le i i j 1 1 f ;-
Charles p.-aco- v w :n ;i p.l---tT;sT
(Ins loornn-g for S ,r.'h
Omnfia. where he will afleml a
-hurt horn to If held in Jhut
cilv fod. iv.
Elmer Fran, on of the efi-
eieni i .-! ii t of ill.- roiintv. re
turned tfn- toornii.g front o.n.i
h.i. wlo-re be ;:ilei;d-d the per
formance of 'Hen 1 1 ii r"
Fred F.bin-'ep wns a ra--
thi- mornii!g fi-r 0!e;h,i,
'A here sli.. f..f
with to-r bii-band at the li..-r,;, it.
Mr. Ebiir-'-r is geitir..' al--r:g
incety ard U n liiouht wi.i
n-fi'M-r in hue iiri.- rem in-
petat io;i
which he hi ju-t nn-
Jerw inf.
Fcp Sale.
Fine re-i lenc-e. 7 rooms a? d
bath: two lots; city sewer; bc
trie lights and ca, s.T.r.oo.oi.
Tel. I3S or 3r,.t f-LV .v
Firsi in
Fint in ChaHty
First rtt Rcfltm
flrtt in Parity
Firtt in Economy
and fr the rr.ior$
Calurart RakinX
Po-wdcr is first in t!is
hc-.rt 3 of the millKjp.s
of liousrtrirrs trbo
uc it bsmI it.
rtrrvra bsoutt ivkn
baking Forrf
ft feg