The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
9 9 9 9 9 T t a
J'.ifwm Sehomaker snipper a
far of hogs lo Omaha Wednes
day. Kilwin went 1 1 1 willi Iboin
and will take in the automobile
.- Mow.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hansen
were passenger Tuesday even in g
for Wall smooth. where they
spoilt tin night, going lo Omaha
the next morning lo attend the
automobile show.
A petition 22 names
has been submitted to the tri-aml
chancellor of the slate and on
March a lodge of Knights of
Pythias will be instituted al
J. It. Fries, who spends his win
ters in the south, confessed that
lie made a tactical error in com
ing home from Florida, tie ar
rived Wednesday morning and
looks as though the south had
agreed with him.
D. C. West was a passenger to
Omaha Friday eveninir, where he
went to visit Mrs. West, who is
taking treatment in a hospital
there. Her many friends will ie
ph-a-ed to know that she is re
gaining her health.
I'x-Oovernop Oeorge L. Shel
don has boon here since last
week, lie came lo Omaha from
his Mississippi home last Thurs
day, and has divided his time
since between here and Omaha.
This is his first visit lo Nebraska
in nearly t hree years.
E. M. Pollard, who has a
"thoroughbred" t hermomelor,
says the instrument registered !(
lu'low .uoiuiay morning, other
I hermomelors of commoner lino
air e went down around 20, and al
most anyone is willina: to testify
I hat it. was cold enough.
A miantity of straw in Will
F.happel's sled caught lire in
town Wednesday and before the
lire could he put out it had creat
ed no little exxeilement. 'The team
was tied behind Sheldon's store
and no one, knows how the lire
started. The box was set off the
sled and the tire stamped out.
A. W. Plait of Plattsmouth has
been hired by the Commercial
club lo act as a special peace
ollicor. The club will pay him a
nominal salary, and he will work
in the east quarry. Ho has a
family and will occupy the Chap
man property. .Airs. Uiapmnn
will move to Newman and the
the family to a farm near Weep
ing Water.
. i it.. .
iav in revrani id me case m
Charles Crew. Under the cir
cumstances and the fact that Ihe
familv wished lo care for Mr.
Crew at home if possible, it was
decided to keep him at home for
the present, and should he be.
come worse he would be taken lo
Ihe asylum at Lincoln.
f4irr - rirr
...... ...". J. with every prospect that. Ihe in-
.J. jury would have no permanent
. UNION. A effects.
- -
I Ledger.
ijusi Kignt tor Bacnacno ana
Foley Kidney Pills are so thor
Miss Charlotte Fetzer of ougniy ctieciive lor nacKacne,
Plalismnuth visite.l yesterday rheumatism. swollen, aching
afternoon with friends in this joints, kidney and bladder ail
village. inenis mat iliey are recommend
n..... n,w of norlmn,! crime ' everyw here. A. A. Jeffords,
,v....L -....l mi.le several McfireVV, Neb., sa
ilavs1 visiL with relatives, the
(Special Correspondent.)
gist recommended
: "My drug-
Foley Kitlney
ni . a 1
j no recent eoiu snap lias boon
taken advantage of by those win
wished lo store ice for next sum
nier, and in consequence all th.
ice houses have been filled with
a very tine quality of ice.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Wm
F.rskine. J- relay. J ebi uarv !'(. a
John Mayer, who has been con-
lined to his bet feu the last two
months, is able to be up and
around the house.
Mrs. A. L. McDonald left Tues
day morning for Severance, Kas.,
for a week's visit, with an old
time friend. Mrs. Cronin, who i
seriously ill.
Mrs. Oscar Lehman, who has 1 2 I si.
been senouIy ill for the patj James
lour mouths at nor noine in tins was here
Koss families near here.
Mrs. Wm. Woodard of Palmyra
was here last weeK lor a visu
with Charles Woodard ami fam
ily, and returned home Friday.
Mrs. A. 11. Chiblestec arrived
home Tuesday from Indiana, hav- Lt.
iutr spent the past several months Lj.
visiting" among relatives anil
friends at her childhood home.
A card from Tom MeQuin of
Laurel, Neb., announces that he
and his wife are the parents of a
new K-pound girl baby that ar
rived at their home on February
ft. WOnll 1 Mllruwl i IIITHI w: il .1
ltillj fitn h-tin in mtr liotL- o rl I I '
, ' TV. ' """ to give the names of parties at
tending the auto .show in Omaha
before 1 linished one buttle, my
old trouble entirely disappeared.
For sale by all druggists.
'" W V
durintr the past week. Kach and
all report a trrand display o
autonudiiles. All seem to be verv
favorably iuqiresseil with tin
Mrs. Albert Wetenkamp at
tended the wedding of her
nephew, which look place in tin
metropolis last Monday.
Fl.lec Mvers went lo T.oi.ivilto ' ','"'- ' uome on
Tuesday lo preach the funeral of 4 . u" 11 J".,l.fc,ir--
Mrs. Livinprslon of Fairfield
M. Slone of Xehawka
Tuesday evening on
city, is al.le to be up and arouix:
which we are glad to report.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. AI
Purbaugh is seriousily ill with
pneumonia. They secured a
trained nurse from Lincoln, who
came down Thursday afternoon
Horn To Mr. and Mr
s. Pele
Horn To Mr. and .Mrs. Wil
liam New ham, Saturday. Feb
ruary 21, an eight and one-half-pound
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Patterson
are rejoicing over the arrival of a
girl at their home Saturday
morning', February 21.
Ira Parker and son went to
Louisville Friday, where they
ienle.1 a farm just west of town,
where I hey will move this spring.
J. J. Walker of Berkley, S. I).,
was in town trie last of Ihe week
looking after his properly here,
lie is the owner of the stock
Mr. and Mrs. H. ;. Klinger,
who have been visiting with W.
P. Silzmann and fa'mily for sev
eral days, returned to I heir home
at. Plattsmouth last Saturday.
1 Mrs. II. P. Hayes and little
daughter of F.lmwood changed
cars here Saturday morning en
route to Harlaud, Iowa, for a
week's visit with her mother and
sister, Mrs. Lanna.
Mr. Ole Oleson reports that be
and Mr. Patrick have their con
tract all signed up and the only
thing nccesasry for the installing
of the crusher at the Oleson
quarry is lo get a permit from
Ihe railroad company, which they
think will be arranged soon.
Word has been received telling
of Ihe happiness that has come
lo Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Williams
of Anoka, Neb. An eiaht and a
half-pound girl was born to them
on February 10, which makes
them a family of three boys and
one girl. They are living on A. I.
Ualston's farm in Boyd county.
Dr. E. D. Cummins, a member
of Ihe county insanity board, was
over from Plattsmouth Wednes-
I'aierson. i relay, j ehruary i., a
girl. Also to Mr. and Mrs.
Mogenrief. Saturday, February
1 i. a boy.
Dr. C. W. Palmer, wife and
u;oi. accompanied oj .urs. uiko
Zapf, who has been visiting them
for Ihe past few- days, departed
Tuesday lor F.lkport, Iowa, where
Mrs. Palmer will remain for th
present while the doctor goes out
to look up a new' location.
P. F. Venner was called lo Lin
coin by telephone Saturday even
ing on account of the serious ill
ness of his brother Ed, and ac
companied by his wife and
daughter, took the ririo train to
be at. his" bedside. Later II
died Monday of this week and the
funeral was held from the family
home in Lincoln Wednesday alt
-Mr. and -Mrs. .1. n. La! ram re
turned borne last Thursday after
noon from a two months' visit
wiih Jeiaiives anq lrienus in New-
York City. Mrs. La from took a
trip to Washington, D. C, and
made Miss Maude Jack a short
visit. They made Fred Dihel of
Ihe r. s. marines, a short visit on
the Arkansas, which was laying
in dock waiting- for orders. Jim
says they had an excellent time
and a pleasant trip both way.
the way to Omaha to visit his
daughter, Mrs. D. C. West, who
lias been in a hospital the past
few Weeks.
It. B. Talor. brother of Mrs. J.
F. lloback, accompanied by his
friends, Frank Bringar, came in
from Salem. Neb., last week and
visited until Tuesday at the llo
back home, northeast of town.
Ilarrv Thomas, former Mis
souri Pacilie agent here, has been
enjoying several days' vacation
before going to Plattsmouth to
lake up his railroad duties, and
spent part of the time seeking' a
uitable home there for himself
and family.
John B. Nichols, who has been
m the real estate business m
Omaha Ihe pa4 few years, visited
with friends here Saturday and
Sunday. Mr. Nichols recently;
purchased a large department
tor.' in Manning, Iowa, and is
going into the mercantile busi
ness on a very large scale with
excellent prospects of success.
Mrs. Henry Hayes departed
Saturday for a visit with her
molher and other relatives at
Harlan, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fleisclunann
rejoice over the birth of a baby
daughter at their home on Fri
day, February 20.
Alton Miller went lo Lincoln
Tuesday lo be with his brother.
Walter, who was operated on for
appendicitis at Ihe St. Elizabeth
Lit lie Edith Perry of near My
nard came up Saturday to spend
her birthday with drandpa Mc-
Crory, whose birthday also fall?
on the same day.
Mrs. Ethel Bird came down
from Lincoln and stayed between
trains Wednesday afternoon. Her
son, Cecil, was operated on at the
Orthopedic hospital Monday.
Attorney William DelesDelnier
won his case in the county court
of Lancaster county wherein the
oil her to quit her school teaching
for the present. Her many
friends hope for a speedy and
eoumelte recovery, that she m:iv
again lake up her line of work.
Miss Anna is leaching- at DeSola.
A royal time was had at school
district No. '. Friday evening in
the gathering of the patrons of
the district, accompanied by their
children. Social conversation.
.polling- and voting- on the most
popular young- lady, which show
ed Miss Molly Cook the leader,
she carrying- away a fine box of
bon-bons, were some of the
amusements. After all had done
justice to as much oyster stew
and other eatables as they saw
best to partake -of, the small
hours of night was the indication
that it was time to depart for
home Mr. Elmer Frans is teach
ing in this district, and ho is to
be. commended for his work.
Oillispie, the slock dealer, was
The "Ides of March."
On account of the death of
Mrs. (Inner Li inton. she be
ing a members of the Loyal
Daughlers, and Mr. Livingston
being a members of the Loyal
Sons, the "Colonial Evening."
which was lo have been given al
the home of M. S. Hriggs mi Feb
ruary 2.5, was deferred. This -creis,.
Wi ) taken up Wednes
day. March i. and will be known
as the "Ides of March,' anticipat
ing the date. At this the pro
gram which was prepared for the
other evening will be given.
Judge J. F. Douglass will lecture
on the subject, "Abraham Lin
Coin,"' and a number of other
features on the program will be
unique and interesting-. After
the program a box social will be
held, and to both the program
and the social all are invited.
There are
bd of p
' ill
bank of Ashland sued the bank nf on the South Omaha market with
Eagle for damages, he represent- " hue load of hogs Friday.
"Health Warning"
March is a trying nionlh for
the very young and for elderly
people, (.'roup, bronchial colds,
lagrippe and pneumonia are lo
ing- the bank of Eagle. The de
cision was handed down Saturday
News of Ihe death of Mrs. An-
drew Elliott of Plaindale, Wash.,
has reached Elmwood relatives.
Mrs. Elliott is known lo early
seltlers of this section of Cass
county as Miss Ella DelesDernier,
Thayer Propst of Ralston
visited with his parents last Sun
The stormy weather has been
the means of discontinuing- the
revival meetings for the present
at the U. B. church.
W. T. Richardson and daugh
tor, Emma, visited in South Oma-
she being- a sister of Richard ami "a Wednesday
J. V. DelesDernier, who are Samuel Swank and family havt
Ml MM I'll : I I .IVIIHIt'll. I'lllt'1 I . - .
. - .. ni'itnnnpn . f.innni- eili7ons iie-imoveu onio one oi .nr. toeioi
MlMiri ,11111 l ll l il pir.u lili:ill . .. , ,
medicine that will quickly stop a
cough, check ihe progress oi a
cold, and relieve inflamed and
Congested air passages. It is
safe, pure and always reliable.
For sale bv all drug-gists.
.-,'V?. W!--!
The fact thai there is less
dyspepsia and indigestion in this
community than there used lo be
is largely, we believe, due to the
extensive use of Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets, hundreds of packages of
which we have sold. No wonder
we have faith in them. No won
der wo are willing to offer them
to you for trial entirely at our
Among other things, Ihey con
tain Pepsin ami Bismuth, two of
the greatest digestive aids known
lo medical science. They soothe
Ihe inflamed stomach, allay pain,
check heartburn and distress,
help to digest the food, and tend
to quickly restore the stomach to
its normal, comfortable, healthy
There is no red tape about our
guarantee. It means just what
it says. We'll ask you no ques
tions. Your word is enough for
us. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
don't restore your stomach to
health and make your digestion
easy and comfortable, we want
you lo come back for your money.
They are sold only at the 7,000
Rexall Stores, and in this town
only by us. Three sizes. -c, r0c
and $1.00. F. C. Fricke & Co.,
Union Block, Plattsmouth, Neb.
FOR SALE 8-room house,
modern except furnace. Price,
3,250.00. Will lake some live
slock as part payment. Windham
Investment & Loan Co.
the Journal for calling-
RATEKINS NEW ALBERTA. Canada. O.ts-BIj.'iwst. heaviest ylelriinc Oats In the
World We have sent out thousands of hushels to every eart of the United Stnt-s where
m-lnirOats are (frown dutinir the past fours-ears. K very where they have revolutionised Oat
MA iViir It U a easy to jrrovr 1U0 to Ho bulieLs of thw ats jwr n-r- as 3. 40 and 50 bushels
nr mmmon to best varieties of American crown Oats. A sample v ill be sent FKKE upon re
Wo also irrow and handle all the best varieties of American jrrown Oat. W rite us to
il, VfAr our bhr Seed Cat alojrue. We also trrow and handle til varieties of farm, garden and
flnr w"ds aUo Nursery Stoek and ean save you money. Te!l its what you want, even If It
alinaor two more to tell it. Mention this paper when wrltinsr.
Address RATEKIN'S 8EED HOUSE. Box 126. Shenandoah. Iowa
Seed Corn a Specialty) Larurt S-td Corn Growers In the World.)
A prirl was horn to Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Stander, Tuesday,
I-Yhruarv 2 i .
ceased is survived hv a husband Merry's farms, south of town
and live sons. The Utile daughter of Cor-
Stevo ';vrors team fell nelius lienprer has been quite sick
throuph the ice Monday nfler- with croup. JJut is reported mucii
noon while Sieve, with a force of hotter at present.
Mien wire cle.iiinu- snow oil the William r i.-lit liUlOliorcU a
crook with n v-shaned imide. number of Hol's for Home use on
ment. preparatory to puttinjr upl Thursday.
ice. The animals were extricated
from their verv precarious con- l oley Cathartic lanlots art
dition with much difficulty, and entirely onVehve, thoroughly
- ' i
Mr. Cvcer was pretty thoroughly cleansin? and always pleasant, in
soaked with the cold icy wafer action. They contain blue 11a
(!urinir the- excitement. area remedy lor eonstipaiion
and slusish liver, and a Ionic to
the bowels, which are improve!
by their use. Try them. They
do not fail to uive relief and
atisfaction. For sale by all
First Time In Six Weeks.
From Saturday's Dally.
.Yesterdav afternoon W. F. Ciil
Miss Margaret Ihiele has ac-Mespie, the jrenial trrain man from
copied a position as assistant Mynard, was in the city en route druggists
operator al the local telephone home from Omaha, where he has
si n I ii in I
Miss Ida Ross of Maitland, Mo., Ln (he stock market. This is Mr. I TEAM RUNS AWAY AND
i iimi ii, -i niiri., x . w. tiinespio s iirsi visil iiere in
Nichols and Mrs. C. T. Pierce. about six weeks, as he has been
Mrs. F. A. Seeord of El Paso; suffering from an attack of that
Texas, visited her parents, Mr. most painful malady, rheuma-
and Mrs. (J. W. Maylield, and Usui, but is feeling somewhat im-
other relal ives over Sunday. proved now, although he still
A boy was born to Mr. ami feels a slight touch of Ihe corn-
Mrs. John Straltou on Tuesday, plaint
rebruary 2 1. Ihe little one
passed away on Thursday al 1
To Start Selling Trees.
Sl.irU- Delicious annle. Stavman
At a primary hold Thursday r,, ,ii. nor. nn,,.;a
eveninir II. F. Pankonin, Walter irn.. 0r, n .f,mnin .,f ihee
.seiiKop NNOie .vintor armies. P. F. RufTner and
nominated for the oflire of village r c n0cn,;n nnw inking
.Ciavuat uav av
orders for snrinc delivery. Only
TllUrsdaN n fnw mrrn ilfivo until cnn'nc He
U AV 111 V.J l l VltJ 3 UUHI . . ll.f
Blake ami Wm. O
I r us tee
James Lee's team, attached to
a luinner wagon loaned wun
household goods, created a great
deal of excitement this morning
about. 11 o'clock, as they dashed
up the street at breakneck speed
and also breaking several ar
ticles of chin aware, and furniture.
The team was at the liurlington
station and in some way became
The funeral of the late Joseph
Donal was hold yederdav mrn-
:iir at 1u::jo from the lioly
Itosary Catholic church in the
vet part of the city, and there
were a large number of the old
friends of the deceased pro-cut
o pay their last tribute to his
memory. J he impressive burial
service of the church was cele
brated by Rev. Father Ylcek. nr.
lor of the church, following
which the body was borne to its
last re-ding piace in the Holy
Sepuloher cemetery, followed by
a large cortage of carriages con
taiuing Ihe frieiuls of the depart
ed gentleman. There was a
wealth of lloial remembrances
laid i'U the ea-ket that silently
attested tin' high re-perl in
which the departed hail been hold
during- his eighteen ears' ro-i
deuce in this city. To the sor
rowing children the deepest sym
pathy of tfn community will be
extended in Iheir loss of a oing
fathi-r. but they will hae lto
memory of his lonir and u-i'ful
life to choi-r and sustain them in
the years to come and to 1 k
forward to a meeting- with him in
ihe land where pariinirs are m
There were a number of rela
ties anil friends present at the
funeral from out of the city, in
cluding: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Janda and family of We-toii. .Ne
braska: Charles Ionat of Verdi
gris, Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Woila ami Mrs. Maehacek
of Weston, and lMward Ihmat of
Omaha. II. M. Doiial, a son of
the deceased, was unable to at
lend the funeral as the train
coiineciions would not aiiow uim
to reach the eilv in time.
this town who cannot a Hon I t
be sii-k. I'erhap- niue f yo'i
fed that oii can. but certainly
some, of you can't, for as s....n an
you an -ick. your ages stop
and worry and debts begin t pii
up. Ttie sensible thing for !!
to d, a- soon as ymi fee; rurt-
iiown and worn out. no ru.uier
what the cau-e, is to take- -..rn.-
thing ju-t a ijuick u you cm !
build ui strength and b-a.t!i.
Mak ourself more comfort. !
ami provide again-t seriu- -ii-k-ness.
W d.n't believt- there is any
nthi-r rnedirMie mailt that will (
as much towards saving your
health arid thus helpiriir "U -ai
your iin'r.'-y a- R-alI oiie o,I
KtrMil-iou. It is a ni'-dieine
get riulit at th troutde arid re
lieves il by toning' the nrvf. n-rii-tiiug-
tin tdMd. arid giving new
strengtii and healtti ti the who-.
tod. It iloe-n't i.t fhi- by mean-
of alcohil ..r habit-fotrmirig
drugs, becau-e it contains i;niy,
It- -trength ami bt ait h-giv ing
never i- due to pure OliVe Oil
and the Hpopho-phitt--. long-endorsed
by succe-sful pliv -icians.
ttie one for its f 1 value, th-'
other for its tonic value. Here,
for tin lirst time, they are com
bined, and the result is a real
nerve, blood and body-buiMiuir
hiedieiri!' a real -trengthener
that we are proud to tell yoti
about. You don't need to hesi
tate in using- it, because if it
doe-n't do all we -ay if vvi! amf
-ali-fv ymi in every way, it vvif!
! o!l nottlilig-. If (t tjoesn't
make ymi strong- and well again,
come back and gel your money.
It will b given to jnii without
word or tpiestion. Sol. J only at
the mme than Rexall
Stores, and in Ibis town only by
us. si. on. p. ;. Kri.-ke A Co..
I'niou .-k. Platt-moiit h. .Net.
Pubic Auction
Plain Truth That's Worth Money.
Using- Fole.v's Honey and Tar
for a cough or odd may save you
both, sickness ami money. F. F.
Monahan, Menoiiionie. Wis.,
says: "i am exposed lo an kinds
of weather and I lind Foley s
Honey and Tar Compound always
fixes me up in good shape when
I catch cold or have a bad cough.
recommend it gladly. Refuse
substitutes. For sale by all
lert Jacobson left
for (lull Lake. Canada, where he livery will close. Remember that frightened and larUd up Main
resumes his position with a rail- lhe stark I)elicious is lhe best fhe IUIU l'n the leani
company as wi:lter appIe now grown last ,'aem'(I. l 11 ,ux ."1 0,r" "V.
until annles como again line lopwi "reeis uiey .urneu souu,
eat fine for cooking. No farm- on Sixth, and here j esier Asur-
fn. fiiart rows s)t busy and leaped into
Delicious in his orchard
or wire us and we will call.
P. E. RufTner.
C n. IVnsnnin.
" 2-17-tf-d&w under control as it passed near
' 1 the F. M. Richey home, on Chi-
road construction
commissary clerk.
John Ossenkop has advertised
a sale to take place March 10 and
will then come to Louisville to
make his future home with his
son, William ami family. Mr.
Ossenkop has been a successful
farmer and he will now retire
with a competence to insure his
comfort for the balance of his
life, for which the Courier con
gratulates him.
Karl Wiles met with quite a
painful accident
'Phone hne wa?on ana" crawled over the
load or lumiture, secured me
lines that were dragging ami
succeeded in getting the team
noon, which came near resulting
in the loss of his eye. While run
ning a gasoline engine, he was
slciieL- hv in iron Inn whieli in Frank J. Cheney niuki' oath that he Is nenloe
-uuck ny an non nar wnicn in partm.r of the iirm vt v. J. cia-ney & co.. do-
some way became detached fmm fe'a '1?'.
the machine. The bar struck liim sum or one hindrki iwiaaks for
eacn ana every cane or . surra mm iivi
cago avenue, and lo the action of
Mr. llurrows the owner can thank
himself that he had any fur
niture left intact, as the animals
were traveling at a great rate of
speed and would undoubtedly
- have smashed a great deal of the
Rtnte f nhlft ci f T.leAi. tiicaa County, as. SlUU ill men niciu
Residence for Sale.
The Mrs. McVicker residence
property on North Sixth street is
ofToroil for sale. For Darticulars
Tuesday after- cal, on Mrs J E Leesley.
just aoove ihe eye, mllicting a
deep anfl extremely painfull
wound. Grave fears were at first
felt that the sight of the eye was
destroyed. This fortunately was
found lo be not the case, ami
cured by the uso of Uall's Catarrh Cure,
i ' - . ' ; FRANK 3. CHENEY.
Sworn to beforw me and subscribed ln my
presence, this 6th day of December. A. D., 18SG.
Seal. A. W. OL.EASON.
rtotary rubllc.
Disordered Kidneys Cause Much
With pain and misery by day.
sleep-disturbing bladder weak
ness at night, tired, nervous,
run-down men and women every
where are glsd to know that
TT .U'. r l af-An lntntin'1' ft tlft
eta directly uion the and nniroun - I ! oleV IvHinCV Jllls rCSlorO hPallll
twm Af tha crutom Soml toe testimonials. I ...
after the wound was. dressed and I free.,. .. andstrength. and. the. regular ac-
mppH for. the ininrwl m.nn tra. - , .l cnET. TOieal " ticm of kidneys and bladder. For
reported as resting com fort ablv-.l Tata Hairs Family run for constipation, jsale by all druggists
Returns From Kansas City.
Oeorge Poisall. who has been
taking treatment at Kansas City.
Missouri, for the past month or
two, returned home Saturday
evening. Mr. roisan nas nm
lenelited as much as it was hoped
le would from his stay in the
Missouri city ami his condition is
so serious as to great ly aiarm his
family and frieiuls, who had been
hoping that he miirht recover
from the trouble with which he
has been a f Hided for the past
few months, but fie does not seem
to have received any noticeable
relief from his treat emnt.
Petition for Administrator Asked.
A petition was tiled in the
county court, this morning ask
ing for the appointment of an
administrator of the estate ,f
David Stettler, a former re.-idont
of tin1 vicinity of AIvo. The de
ceased died recently leaving an
estate of I(,b0U worth of real
property ami $7,000 of personal
property. He leaves besides hi
widow a number of brothers and
sisters residing in Indiana. Tin'
petition asks for Ihe apopintmenl
of S O. Boyles, the AIvo banker,
as administrator of the estate.
Fox Infanti and Children,
Tha Kind Yea Haia Ataajs Ecuht
Bears the
Signature of
I have -o!d my pl;u-e and will
. . .
leave i. ass county m in very
near future and Aill theref,.-
otTer all my personal property
for sab at Public Auction. 'ft.
sale will ! held at my home. tvvi
mib-s we-t of Itock I'lufTs. .md
four mill's norttiwe-t of Murray,
on MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1914, at
which time the f-oilow iutr in
erty will bo sold to lhe I:i-..-t
bidder. Positively no b-bt-l.
ling. Sab will commence at
Io:o0 oclok and lunch will t-"
served at noon:
One team bbn k geldings, well
malcheil, i vears Jd. vveitif.
One .-potted team. hor-e and
mare, r and 8 years old. weight
One f,ay gelding. t2 year old,
weight l.'JOd.
One black horse. 9 years old,
weight l.rloo.
One gray rnare. 9 years rdd.
weiiiht I.J'.
tour sets of work fiarnsj.
One vva-on.
One Itisuy.
Two -ets of single harness.
Oit! garii plow.
fine .No. t Sandwich bar baler
self feed.
One stirring plow. g.d as new.
One six-foot Ieerinr lind-r.
Three milk cows, ore fre-f.
Three yearling heifers and two
-teer calves.
One year!insr Durham b ill.
Three dozen White : u'h-jrn
Four head ff hogs. br.o.J
sows and two -boats.
The following pniperfy Til!
also be otTered for sate, nil of
which belonirs t, dher parties
whi are desirous ,,f dispsin- of
it to the highest bidder: "
bay horse. 10 year old. weight
l.iOO; one gray horse. 12 year
old, weight l,iO0; one black
horse, 8 ears old. weight l.JoO;
me bay mare with foal. 10 year
old. Weight I.O0O; one i,ar h ore,
7 year idd. vveik-ht I.nno;
bay mare. 3 year- old. weight; one pair of colls. 2 year
old; one pair mare colt, j y.-ar
dd; one teu-hor-e power wood
saw; one hay baler; on new
Deering corn binder.
TKHMS OK S.M.f- All sums,,f
I0 and under, ca-h in hand. A
credit of .me eyr will t. 2iven
on all sum over o. purchaser
uiving good fanl.ihl paper hear
ing K per rent interest. All prop
erty must be etU,d for le'or.
being removed.
Wm. H. Yn n sr. Auctioneer.
Geo 0. Doej, Clrrk
Th Wnl Ads Ql results.