The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
tbe plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, N e b r.
Entered at the I'ostofflce r.c riattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prioej $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
What is the greatest happiness
for woman? "To keep house,
wash dishes, sweep and cook for
the man you love, constitutes a
woman's greatest happiness,"
says Chicago's -'jnos't beautiful
newly wed working girl." She
might have added "and caring for
the baby." To forget the baby is
to forget the best of it all. But
how many girls of today are of
this opinion, and how many are
there that are trained and pre
pared for such joy when the one
man arrives? It's old-fashioned
to do such things. Mother did
them and her mother before her;
and many a pert young miss of
this age acts as if this were a
good reason why she should give
them the go-by. Young people
now-a-days think they must have
a fine home and a hired girl, or
we would say, "a maid," before
they can think of marrying.
The high cost of living is a
bugbear that is making bachelors
of the young men and old maids
(again we stand corrected, and
revise to "bachelor girls"), and
incidentally not helping the
social evil reform. Over 5,000,
000 men over the age of 30 are
living in single blessedness in
this country, and of course as
many more women are left to
tight the battles of life alone. If
this is an undesirable, state of
affairs, what is the remedy? We
believe it is "in the getting back to
old principles in the training of
both boys' and girls. Boys think
that straight forward work with
the hands, useful work for which
thoTe is a crying need, and a
wholesome respect for woman
hood; girls to be good house
wives and not ashamed of a good
husband who toils honestly, and
to do her full share toward mak
ing the home, even as her mother
dfd and her mother's mother be
fore her, and to care for the
baby. Don't forget the baby.
While a preacher's wife. may
not have a college degree, she
knows about all there is to know
about economies.
While installation of dielo
- grabs may check profanity at
polling places, the right of
electors to cuss after an election
cannot be constitutionally derived
or abandoned.
A woman in Pittsburg attend
ed Billy Sunday's revival meeting.
She became jealous of her hus
band and so, in order to save his
soul, tdie shot and killed him.
She will use his life insurance to
secure the service of a lawyer to
save her from the scaffold, and
so we go.
The boom for Senator Banning
has gone glimmering among the
things that were. Bill has been
up to Lincoln and denied the
charge. That settles the busi
ness. But he maintains that
(Jovernor Morehead has made a
most excellent chief executive,
and wants him to run again. But
the governor slands for congress,
and will get the nomination and
be elected.
Nothing riles Speaker Champ
Clark so greatly as the persistent
cry that the public men of the
present day are corrupt. The
peoples' representatives in
Washington, he said, were
"honest, conscientious servants."
Ninety-five per cent of the men
sent to congress, he added, leave
poorer than they come, although
they could acquire fortunes by
stooping to dishonesty.
A woman who lias a che-ild
and doesn't know where it is, is
hardly the proper person to bring
action against any man. And it
also seems strange that three
politicians were handy and caniej
into the room just as the alleged
assault occurred.
While the Journal hopes the
new president of the Commercial
club will prove as active in the
interests of the city as the retir
ing president, it will be a hard
matlen to do so. The retiring
president has proved an inces
sant worker for l'lattsmouth and
her interests and a great hustler,
and the people of the city owe
Henry Schneider much more than
a debt of gratitude.
One legislative candidate has
already filed his application with
the secretary of state to have his
name placed on the primary
ticket J. F. Sturm of Nehawka,
as state senator for Otoe and
Cass counties. Senator Barlling,
of the past two sessions, who
had much to do with the passing
of the Sunday base ball bill, will
not be a candidate. Grand Is
land Independent.
The ollice of building inspector
should be created for IMatts-
mouth, whose duty it would be to
inspect the construction of new-
buildings and also old ones. He
should be paid a good salary, and
to a great extent should under
stand plumbing and furnace
pipes and also electricity wir
ings. Such a man would prove a
great saving to the property
owners. A great deal of the elec
tric wiring done in this city is
placed by incompetents.
A glance across history, an
cient and modern, leads one to
believe that the disturbers have
attracted the most attention, and
been embalmed In songs more
frequently than their useful
neighbors, who sawed wood
while the sun shone. And if you
doubt that the same tendency
holds good today, you have an
abiding failh in human nature
which we should hate to shatter.
Not that we haven't faith, also,
in the justly celebrated human
race, but it isn't largely based
on those who gad about telling
how much they arc going to do to
hold in its forward march down
the ringing grooves of change.
Change is correct, so far as they
are concerned, and most of them
want it in bunches.
Spain, according to a Spanish
paper which may not know what
it is talking about, has not for
gotten the Spanish-American
war. That makes it mutual, we
should say, for: neither has
America. This home of the
brave, by that brief struggle, ac
quired the Phillipine islands and
fifty-seven varielres of trouble in
that direction, not to mention
the strain involved by frequent
intervention in Cuba, which is
free, as we said it should be in
several different Languages,
while engaged in remembering
the Maine. That is one trouble
with Cuba; its tendency is to be
too flee, particularly with fire
arms and politics. Then there
has followed the necessary in
creases in army and navy, and
the chance of complications in
the far east, which wouldn't have
resulted but for that brief un
pleasantness with Spain. Yes,
America remembers, mid is also
curious to know what Spain s
sore about.
The Murphysboro (Illinois)
Independent published a queer
case oi me operations oi a Dana
of religious fantics in Jackson
county, known as "The Holy flol -
1 a ji. a
iers. ' n seems mat waiieri
Lilis, a youtn living in the brush
in that county, attended a series
of revival meetings last August influence of the moon surely will
and listened to the story of hovy not dispute the ancient supersti
Christ sent the devil into the lioil about the time to plant
hogs. He concluded from the
preacher's remarks that his
father's hogs had the devil, so he
went home and killed them all
Recently they have been holding
another revival at the home of a
farmer named Dojph Hickman
The old man got religion. One
of his sons, Noah, who is subject
to epileptic ins, refused to ac-;
cept the influence. Thereupon
the Holy Hollers held a clinic on
him and decided that the devil
had taken possession of Noah.
Thereupon the entire congrega
tion set upon Noah to beat the
devil out of him. They almost
killed him before his cousin, John
Hickman, made them stop. " The
doctor who attended the youth
found heel prints on his breast, j
tiis face was battered, and there
was hiood on the walls or the
room. Three men have been ar-
rested and are now in jail, but
they say they are not at all wor
ried over this fact, for when the
time comes they will pray and the
Lord will open the jails as he did
for Paul and Silas. The whole
settlement has gone mad. The
loly Rollers continue in session
all night long. Most of their
.. ... to cultivate the health habit, and Him. We da red not say that such a note the fact that our text does not re
it niou ceremonits apptar to volin ns ,, ' ns nossiblo in JS"" on God's part was wrong. late to either of these; for their Judg
be rolling around on the floor, - ' -,u"5 113 ,UIIp' ,l3 f J-- "- malicious, devilish, yet we were un- ments could be discerned only br the
- 1 II . 1 I ... 1.?. Ml F
vellinir howlintr and heatinc
and beating
this way they hope to overcome
the devil and drive him out of
thir midt. ine people Of Hie
surrounding villages are tryin?
to stop these meetings, but thus
f:i wifhmit sncfpss f.m thev n I
semble at each other's houses,
and then carrv on their frenzied
worK. It is 1 eared tnai me youtn
whom they so badly mistreated
..-:u :.. .i.:k -k.-i
uie, in Milieu imu
set will be nrosecutcd for man-
slanchlop either as mincinals or
... . . , . "
accessories, uui me religious i
frenzy that has seized them ren-
ders them impervious to threats!
or entreaties. They say that they
are obeying the command of the
Lord. I
A hninnnn ii. o iw, I
snend iheir lif.timeoi- nvnn
half their
lifetime traveling
about the country
women into clubs either for the
increasing of her duties and re-
sponsibilities or for the chang
ing of them from the care of the
home to the cares of the coin-
munity or state, and the women
who devote their concentrated
attention to the maintenance of J
an orderly, law-abiding, God-
fearing Christian home, there is
no question as' to which really
accomplish tho greatest good in
the world.
Advertisements in practically
all of the larger citv newsnaners
have notified the package ship- J
ping public that a great reduc-
tion of express rates was going
into effect. That new rato is in
effect now. On a certain class of
mailer the express rate is less J
than half of the former rate
, ,,in , , , ,-.. . in I help toward ageing Cheerfullv U nave come tne general perplexity or wor:us judgments uuring tne .Miuen
eacn oiner ana intmues. " . . Christendom, the general alienation of nial Age. Then God's Judgments will
tween Chicago and San Fran-lually
Cisco. The reduction in the face
if Pmnr.t:i.v. .,r ii,.. 1
1 W1 l"c
uumission Uiat their form-1
er rales were too high. How are
we to kiiow that they are not too I
high now? In some cases the!
new rales are under those of the
,.i,.,i r.,. 11
paicel pot, but not always. Ihen
there are some lines discriminat-1
ed against which the parcel post
will not tiairdle. In this new re- had, two-fors, stogies, rich or cjai 0vereomers" have been chosen, or TLe basis of tte blessing is the re
adjustment of rates all the ex- poor, come to ashes at last." elected. These shortly, in association demptire work of Christ, finished at
press companies worked lo.
gether. That is business and
they can effect a saving to them-
selves and to their customers by
o doing. Government competi-
tion will eventually crush then,
out or absorb them.
. . Three girls were recently found
hidden in an opium den in San
Francisco, probably because they
were airaia some cruel man
I would w ink at them out on the
l streets.
Tho scientists who ascribe the
recent volcanic, eruption to the
I'resiuem Wilson is again in
luck. Joseph G. Cannon says he
regards Mr. Wilson as "a pres.
ent detriment and a future
menace to the prosperity of the
country." Please hold us ere we
Most any man would make an
average congressman, if some of
those fellows at the capital are
the "average." But it is more
than likely that some of them
lack a whole lot of coming up to
the "average."
An old man, who thinks he's
smart, would like to trade his
. . - i i in t i
wisuoiu unu weann ior tne
privilege or Doing young again,
aml a ?ood deal f 'ioney is slill
expended in Ponce de Leon pil
grimages which fail to get any
where. One can't stay young,
and it is dillicult to grow old
rracefully when rheumatism is
kicking one's joints around, and
the world seems largely com-
f v-mili; .l vwnUnn f
pirit. Hence it is a great idea
IM1U(J Us vtl1 as uou wt'ii i"
,MJ"U "3 tls "
help toward ageing cheerfullv if
not gracefully. The fact that "you
caa 1 ,lvc foIever 1S a hum cx-
I r .-... I:..:-.,. . .......
' "
The first thing Colonel W
oethals did after being appoint-
M governor of the Canal Zone
'UJi,u"J ",a""r11 "l
l commissary department and
I. ...... ...
Ills rnief Pert. It. nrme.n- 1 int.
" " ' '
mo two oflicials have been re-
reiving presents from linns vlio
f ..., n
canal commission. iney lound
lurke had deposited many
thousand dollars in the banks in
Tndianapolis and New York which
were the result of commissions
from dealers, and so Goethals
li a i rni ?
uounceu ine wnoie set. aiiis
1.1. . it. i i .. f l
Mlls 111(1 SOUI1U policy Ol pin-
uu l,ie management unuer one
i - . i. . . i .i
head and is another argument for
i i i i -i .
- nine m. oi our um, uy
a business manager. The plan is
not new. It has been pursued in
Germany for many years with
great success, and it is in this
country finding favor over gov-
eminent by commission.
Because of his solemn garb a
cigar salesman was mistaken for
a man of the cloth and invited to
make a few remarks, lie acced-
cd to the request and ascending
the platform said: "Men are like
cigars. Often you cannot tell by
the wrapper what the filler is.
Some times a good old stogie is
more popular than all important
celebrity. Some men arc all
right in the showcase, on display,
but are great disappointments
when you get them home. No
be-haltcr how line a man is, event-
he meets his match. A
two - for often nuts on as many
hi;,., w, ,,,. J
...... .v. ......
never gel to tne iroiu at ail ex-
cept during the campaigns. Some
are very fancy outside and are
selected for presents. Other?
have a rough exterior, but spread
, . i .i
cheer and comfort about them
because of what is inside.
all men, as all cigars, good or
imh rr the hon.elv girls, for
. - -- '
We see by the paper that, most of
the girls who disappear from
their homes in Ootham are
pretty. Which recalls that handy
little saving of Mr. C. W. 1'ost,
i - i
"There's a Reason."
Lord's Gracious Provision For
Ifte World of Mankind.
Eternal Torment Wholly Foreign to
the Divine Charactei God's Judg
ments Are "Righteous Altogether."
Death tho Divine 'judgment Against
the Race of Adam God's Special
Judgments The World's Judgment
During the Millennium Healing and
Uplifting From Sin and Death Con-
ditions Destruction Only For the
Wilfully Rebellious.
February 22.
rastor Russell
Btill preaches oral-
ly as well as by
his free "Photo-
Drama of Crea-
tion," which is pre-
scnting tho Gos-
pel J eye and ear
daily to thousands
in the great cities,
His sermons are
still reaching mil-
lions through the
public press, 'ills
text for today is
When Thy iiid"-
ments are abroad in the earth, the in-
habitants of the world will learn right-
flsai'ih c-Oi He said
Only those who come to an advanc-
ed knowledge of God's Word can real
ize how Divine judgments arc al! good
all blessed. Under the influence of
the fog of superstition, not understand
ing aright the teachings of the Scrip
lures, buinwsjiis luai mey icacu eier-
nal torment for the malontv of our
race, we feared God. rather than loved
able to see it in any other light. Hence
able to see It In any other light. Hence
have come the general perplexity of
Christendom, the general alienation of
heart, and many intelligent minds driv-
heart, and many intelligent minds driv-
en to infidelity, to dislike to think
I olmnt ClnA nuil TT!j cnniuKnllr trrM1.
r.,,,,w?r, . .
eral awe respecting the Bible, and to
fear of its misunderstood teachings.
Word Shining as Never Before.
-f. . , ,, , . a . . -
nut now m iuu uutuiiuj: ui lue ew
t,.aauwu, lu w
""""s ,l"ul"cl' L i
'"V. .."1 I"
uegin 10 unuersianu iuai iuo luimt-ui
. ,
uocinncs wmcu we ieceieu are uoi-
ly foreign to the Divine character,
hm."? the contrary, is distinctly
ma.rK l,y JU!'"ce- ercy
and Love toward all. we nnd our
selves now in agreement with the
Scriptural declaration that God's Judg-
ments are "righteous altogether," and
we delight in them.
Instead of a Judgment of eternal tor-
meut as a penalty for sin, we liud a
judgment, or sentence, of death. We
agree to the righteousness of that ver-
diet, or judgment. God had a right to
demand of His creature the obedience
he was able to render. He had a per-
fect right to destroy him in death
when he refused the blessing of life
I a a. t a . M i. .11
orernni on ine lerius ui uueuience. oft-
w e are tQ note
tlie Divine Mercy in the rian of Be
demptlou for the sinner and his off-
spring through the sacrifice of Christ!
As a result we have good hope in His
judgments; for He who once Judged
us worthy of death has with equal
Justice redeemed us and granted us
the opportunity of eternal life through
the resurrection.
It was another part of the Divine
Judgment against our race that, in-
stead of the death penalty's coming in
stantly upon Adam and Eve. it came
gradually, that through the processes
of gradual dying they might the better
learn the lesson of "the exceeding sin-
fulness of sin." to the intent that,
when granted the new trial secured by
the merit of Christ's sacrifice, they
misht profit by it the more. The same
principle applies to all of Adams pos
terity. "The whole creation groaneth
and travalletu in pain togetner untn
now, waiting ior ine mannesui-
tion of the sons of God." (Romans
8:22. 19.) They are waiting for the
establishment -of Christ's Millennial
Kingdom, under which they will have
a .full opportunity or coming 10 a
. . A Al 1
knowledge of the Truth.
This is God's provision for the world
in general! What God did for Natural
Israel during the Jewish Age. and
Israel since Pentecost, in this Gospel
Age, are matters separate and apart
from His general dealing with man-
kind. The natural and the Spiritual
Seed of Abraham are exceptions to the
rule. Natural Israel under the Law
Covenant and Spiritual Israel under
the Abrahamlc covenant have been
granted special privileges and blessings
not granted to tlie world in general.
Fmm iIiosa two nominal Israels sDe-1
IVPigUOm OI VjOU. J. lie uicnuuirii
Spiritual Israel, becoming the Bride
of Christ by resurrection change to the
Heavenly nature, will be like Him and
shnre gi0ry. and will constitute the
Kingdom class, in the highest sense.
m,ers. " ' "
lirrpcrpn rr ine iienecuvu uum.wi iw-
tre. will constitute the earthly phase I
or trie Millennial Kingdom. Mankind
may see and Lave Intercourse with
tfcrse, but will not see nor have direct
intercourse with the glorPJed Christ,
Head ami Body the King of Glory.
"God Will Judge His People."
So far as the world is concerned, it
has been under the one i;cneral sen
tence of Divine Justice, "Dying, thou
shalt die." Rut Natural and Spiritual
Israel have been dealt with as freed
from the original sentence and on trial
for life or death afresh under God's
Judgments, or disciplines. Thus it is
written, "Jehovah will Judge Ills peo
ple." Not all under these Judgments
have understood them; not all were In
the condition of heart to receive their
"The secret of the Lord Is with them
that fear Ilim; and He will show them
His Covenant" (Psalm T:14). Thus,
during the Jewish Ape, Israel often
lapsed into more or less darkness and
idolatry, and failed to see their spe-
ial privileges nnd relationship to God
1 tinder their Covenant.
Hut amongst
Ithem were the few who with the eye
ot laitli discerned tho righteousness of
God's dealing with them. Of these
were me i ropnets, wno reliearsed the
I Divine rewards and punishments, de-
daring that they were true and rigbt-
eous altogether and merciful In the ex-
Similarly during this Gospel Age
Christendom as a whole has not been
in the condition to hear, to understand.
to appreciate, the Judgments of the
Lord. But some have been "Israelites
indeed," who possessed the secret of
the Lord and who were able to rejoice
in Hi judgments His righteous deal-
lags, iney have realized by faith
God's love for them. "The Father
Himself loveth you" (John 1G:27. By
tney nave appreciated the Apos-
tle's assurance that "all things work
tcgeiliur for good to them that love
God. to them who are called according
to purpose." Bomans Si.
God's Judgments In the World.
"We have seen that God's Judgments
in the past have leen merely with
those who shall constitute the Seed vf
braham (natural and Spiritual).
through whom, according to the Prom-
Use. "i'l the fumiiiM nf tim Mrth sh.-i'i
be blessed" (Genesis 2S:14). We now
eye of faith. Our text r
eye of faith. Our text refers to the
world's Judgments during
nial Age Then God's ; Jm
be abroad in the earth
be abroad in the earth-not confined
merely to one nation or esiocially call
led rlns .niil will include pvi'rr mem.
her of Adnm's rn. And while th.sf
are declared to be the Lords Judg
ments. note the fact that they will be
administered by The Christ of which
I V . 1 l l AkWCVlUl 1 .flit W IUC
in tr 1. .r-Ifij.jl T ? j-v. 1 nMiiiit" i -T 1 l.A 1ia
i ,, - , TT, , . , .
1 I Tfi n n nil Ilia rtimli..n n-hoti r!rri-
I lied, will be the Bodv-the Church.
tlie earth wiil not mean bavoc and dis
M"ay to mankind In general, but the
.. r.,u,,e u
-' "'",,llr lv
, rnln ,ntn Iin m f!lo Hell
eous arranirements of that Kingdom
designed for their uplifting from sin
nnd death conditions. Tho Judgments
of that Day of a thousand years will
be severe even to destruction, against
the wilfully, the deliberately rebellious,
after they shall have been brought to
a clear appreciation of right and
wrong, good and evil, and their results
life and death.
Mark the statement of the Prophet
David when prophetically referring to
the Millennial Age. He points out that
the judgments of that time -will be a
cause cf gladness. He says
Say amonsr the heathen that the Lord
The wor'd also FhaTI be established that
it Fhall not be move J;
II shall judge the iI'le righteously.
Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth
bo glad
Let the sea roar, and the fulness there
Let the field be joyful, and all that Is
Then shall all the trees of the wood re
Before the Lord; for He comcth.
For He cometh to Iii'Imu th earth;
lie shall judge the world with rishteou
And the people with Ills Truth." rsatm
A Millennial Judgment Day
Note the words of St. Paul respect
Ing what God has in reservation for
the world. He says: God "hath ap
pointed a Day the thousand-year Day
of Christ in which He will judge the
world in righteousness by that Man
whom He hath ordained." Acts 17:31
In this work ordained for our Lord
He Is to have associates the elect
church, nis members, of whom the
Apostle writes, saying, "Know ye not
that the saints shall Judge the world?
(i Corinthians 0:2.) And the Ancient
Worthies enumerated by St. Paul (He-
brews 11:32-40) will also be Judges,
earthly representatives of the Heav-
1 At I I ' A. A ti W
eniy iviuguom. s ii is -nruieu. i
will restore thy Judges as at the first
and thy counsellors as at the Dogm
ning. isaian
Our all-wise Creator, who has thu
nrnvided both the Heavenly and the
earthly Judges of the world in the
election from Israel and the election of
the Gospel Age. has thus demonstrat
eti, to the few who understand "the
seCret of the Lord," "the Mystery hid-
den from ages and dlspeusauons past
it is evident that there will be no dis-
appointment, no failure, in respect to
Go(l si great Oath-bound Covenant made
with Abraham "In thy Seed shall all
r !.. . i. ... . .
ing will come through the glorified Lord
and the Church, His Body.
The first work will be the establish
ment of a righteous government in the
hands of those already pf-" abso
lutely loyal to God and to His ri;it-
eousness faithful even unto death
... . . ....
e baTe ru'1 commence mat in
that Kindou Ju-tice will L laid to
the hue and rizhteomn to V-i
plumnut. as God hn tTond.l. G
iah 2S:17.) N. t only o. but e iT
have full coniidi ure that WT y wi:i
have a free hand there, to do ail for
mankind that would b rrnsotall and
posMiUe. The -on-.!iir4ALin of ntrn
(iovernment with inmiful as-i"tan'
is assured by th? fact that our Ir 1
will 1k, not only the great King. b;t
r.!o the great I'riest. Pmphft an 1
Teacher. Lven ao. alsr., th t'hufh
shall be klnzs aixl priest. of
fice, their service, wi'.l be a combina
tion of ruling an.1 healing, iastructi.-ig
and uplifting.
KverytLIng d'ir.e will come iindr th--hea.l
of Julgment righteous d-i!ir. -.
Every god Ie-d, yea, every g-n-I rf
fort, will 1k rewarded Tho
will l a Messing. It wiil mean an In
crease of harmony with the Ird an-1
of character development. al rrri
tutional physical experienc-. (Acta
3:10-21.) Instead of the ways of d.iJri
ness there wiil 1? the way of
Instead of the broad rwj leading 1
destruction, vith the mass gli.g
down therein to th tfml there will
1? the Highway of HI!n-. Instead
of stones of stumbling, we are aur 1
that all the stumbling tine hall Im
gathered out of the way. Inntend of
tastly violence, overmastering terap
tations and Iw-setmenL. devuri.ig
mankind because of their Inability t
resist the Adversary, the Lil le ansurex
us that Satan will be li;nd and that
th wild b"ast" of vice arid tlegnernry
will all le l rough t int. au!Jfrthn.
Thus nothlnz "shrill hurt nr dfrry in
all God's Mountain l Kir.cloml."
"And an highway shall t there, and a
way, and It shall le -aiiel tlie Way cf
nollces." Isaiah 11 3; C"..
The 51es:hinl'; Psalm vnfy-s-ond
find its ai r Mention In that glori
ous Millennial Kpo-h. Tim we rad:
"Give the King Thy Judzm. nt. O t.
and Thy riirhtu.'ii'i utto tli Kin:'
Son. He shad Judge Thy p-.ple with
righteousn-s and Thy r-wr with J i !g
ment Justice. shad Judge
tlie ioor of ti e reople. II? 5hail h ixn
the children of tho r.c-dy nr.d
break in pieces the opj rt-vf.
He jdiall come tlwn like rain ni-n tlie
mown gnis. r.s showers that wafer th
earth. In Ills days shall th; righteous
flourish; and abur.d.iLe cf j-eace as
long as the moon rndureth.
Tha Pcopla Will Learn RigMaoua
naaa. As already shown. G-d's la
the past have been with tho world only
hi the sense of executing a general
sentence for Ada rale sin a death sen
tence with c'.l that It involves of men
tal, moral, and physl. al deg. neracy
dying. All of God's spe ial Judgment
have leen with those who wen? Justi
fied to special relationship through
faith. If we were t) Julg of th
number w ho will be bl-sel during th-r
Millennium by the ijueiNts in the Lit
tle flock of Natural Isra.-l and tL?
Little Flock of Spiritual Israel, saved
under God's Judgment in cdrance of
the Millennium, the outcome of tho
world's Judgment would not apiar fa
Vora ble.
But these wuuld nt be fair criterlj.
Present conUtions are i.Tm:tt-I to
test and to prove the faith as wII m
the obedience of those who are undi-r
trial, or Judgment, and who have nU' h
a faith as permits them tj grasp the
glorious features of the present call.
Consequently, few there will l wh.
will find the great reward now oUerrd.
Matthew 7:H.
This is as Gol designs It. tnn He
Is selecting n si-ial class. Itutthear
rangernents maIe Tr manklrid hi gei
eml are that the darkness and sin nf
the I resent time shall flee away. Th.j
dawning of the Millennial Morning,
with the rising of the Sun of IL'ghteoM
nes with healing In His U-an:s iTlio
Christ In glory to enlighten the world,
will mean that knowledge will b
granted mankind facts, evidences,
The world will not bo required to
"walk by faith and not by sight." as
are the Elect of the Gosel Age. In
stead of tho EYE 1)1' FAITH of tho
present time wiil be the EYE OP L'.V
DEItSTANIUNG (knowledge). thn.
Instead of the secret of the Lord being
kept from the world, all of Hi gra
cious purposes will then stand fuhy
revealed. "The knowledge of the glory
of God shall fill t:e w hole eartli as th
waters rover the great deep- (HahnSc
kuk 2:14). As a result, none shall
need to say Ms nelzhbr and t
his brother, Kiww the Ird. for all
shall know Him, from tlie lenst to tb
greatest of then. Everv knee shall
bjw and every 'ongue cjnfess. to the
glory of God (Jeremiah Itomant
14:11; Philippians 2:P). ID. Wlirn
every good diHi shall receive rromj t'y
and manifestly Its reward, and ertrr
evil deel shall receive promptly ita
punishment, the world will s;eeli:y
learu to avoid the punishment and to
win the rewards by ob-dience to th
laws of the Kingdom.
Tha Scop of Our Tt.
The Prophet in our conteit Derscn-
ates The Christ. Jerus the Head ard
the Church His Body. Note the state
ment in our context: "With n,j- 50 Jj j
have desired Thee in the night." The
night of sin has been ur.n the wor'd
for centuries. The Morning Is at hand,
but not jet fully come.
During the niht tin. the faithful of
the Church are represented as walking
in the light of Gods Word. "Thy
Word is a lamp unto mv feet, and a
lantern unto my path" iPiInj ID;
P3.) St. Peter says: -We har .i
more sure word of prophery, to wh--h
we n-y w-e.: t tgke heed as r.nfo a
light ahiaii. in a d.irk place mitil th
Iay dann aii.1 the luy fct ir arie. (2
Peter l:l:.) la this eight tl:ne th
Elect aTe different froir. th triJoritT
of tLose ar-vjtd then:. Thy deire
iiol'i rirhTeoun- jknj thr pray:
"Thy Kiajdonj come; Thy yu' Jooe
oa eartli, ven is It U do la UeaTea."