The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Notwithstanding Bad Weather
There Was a Very Respect
able Attendance at the
Churches Sunday.
Despite the intense cold and
threatening blizzard, there was a
jrood attendance at the Methodist
church yesterday inorrunir to
hear the excellent discourse de
liered by the jiator, Rev. F. M
I)ruliner, and all those win
bra-wd the cold were more than
repaid in the strong and able dis
course. In the evening the storm
kept many away, but those wti(
earn were treated to an excellent
talk from the pastor, as well as
several excellent musical selec
tion from the choir, which is on
of the best in the city, and their
offerings aided greatly in making'
the services very pleasinir to tin
members of the congregation.
St. Luke's Church.
The services at St. Luke
church yesterday were well at
tended, there being a large nuni
ber of the parishioner? present
to hear the very interesting am
instructive discourse delivered by
Rev. Wilbur S. Leets of Lyon.s
Iowa, who was here to hold serv
ices. Rev. Leete is a very able
churchman ami his address yes
terday was one that greatly im
pressed the members of the
church by its force and clearne
and the splendid manner of de
livery of the eloquent speaker
added greatly to the beauty of the
services. There were several ex
cellent numbers furnished by the
choir under the direction of Prof
H. S. Austin, which also aided in
the impressiveness of the serv
ices. The services at the church
during Lent will be held each
Sundav evening by Rev. Barnes of
Nebraska City, who will assist
Hishon llhams in carinir for
the needs of the church members
here during this important time
in the church year.
Mi? Maria Oilman arrived in
this city from St. Louis yesterday
morning for a few days' visit with
her sitser. Mrs. S. E. Kerr and
famiiy. On Thursday she will de
part for San Franoi-eo. from
which point she will sail for the
Philippine Islands.
Buying Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound saves money because
just a few doses stops the cough
and cold and one bottle lasts a
long time. It quickly heals raw
and inflamed surfaces, stops
tickling; throat, harsh, rasping
coughs, croup, hoarseness, bron
chiai and la grippe coughs. For
sale by all druggists.
Todaj' is being; generally
observed throughout the city as
Washington's birthday, as the
anniversary of the Father of Hi?
Country came on Sunday thi-
year, and as as the government
has decided to observe the day
following as a holiday and the
custom was generally followed
throughout the city. The Bur
lington shops, the court house
and the posloffiee, as well as the
banks were closed, although a
few of the county officials were
on hand to look after some
routine matters, though no mat
ters of a legal nature were at
tended to. and considering the
weather there was not a great
deal of need for looking aft-r the
oflices at the court house, as the
snow stopped most effectively
anyone from the country coming
to the city and the day was a very
dull one throughout the city and
in the afternoon a number of the
stores closed their doors and
gave the employes an opportunity
to enjoy a half-holiday.
Try a sack of Forest Rose flour
Your money refunded if not satis,
For Infants and Children.
:Tt3 Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Bears the ySjff
Signature of C&aJ
A O. Sandin, D. V. M., &
s graduate of the Kansas City
s Veterinary College, is per
r manently located in Platts- -J
mouth. Calls answered
V- day or night. 'Phone 253.
Office COG Main.
l iw m w m.m mm
The presentation of the Bo
hemian play, "Ftuze Luzanska,"
at K. S. halL. last evening was
greeted by quite a large-sized
audience and those who were
present felt ampl repaid for
their journey through the storm
by the very clever offering; of the
dramatic club, ami to the audi
ence the whole play was a delight
and portrayed scenes in the old
country across. the sea where
many of them had formerly made
their home. The whole company
was very good in their respective
parts and were warmly applauded
by the delighted audience. Fol
lowing the play a very pleasant
social dance was enjoyed until a
late hour, the imiie being fur
nished by the orchestra under the
direction of Anton Toman, and
the bewitching strains of the
music served to pleae the merry
crowd of dancers for several
hours and it was with regret that
they retired for their home-, feel
ing that the occasion had b-en
one of more than usual pleasure.
Owing to the stormy weal her that
prevented many from attending
and the unusually fine play the
company will probably repeat the
performance at a later date, and
it will doubtless attract a very
large crowd.
Farm of 121 acre-
mil 0:
northeast of Union; 14 acres hay
land, 20 acres pasture timber,
rest in cultivation; well improv
ed. Price richt if taken at once.
Inquire at this office.
Colds, constipation and head
ache are three common afflictions
and relieving the constipation
helps the cold and stops the
headache. Use Foley Cathartic
Tablets because they are very
prompt and thoroughly clansin-,
with absolutely no unpleasant of-J
fects. A whole bottle full for 2o j
sents. For sale by all druggists.
16o Acres of Land.
Will trade 1G0 acres of land iu
Perkins count for Plattsmouth
propertv. W. R. Bryan.
Land for Trade.
A quarter section of fine land,
small house, near leadwood. .
I)., that I will trade for Platts
mouth property. For particulars
inquire of this office.
Clover Seed for Sale.
Extra good Red Clover Seed at
Si 0.50 per bushel. Robert Wohl
farth. Inquire at fi order's store.
From Friday's Dally.
For the past few days George
V. Roy of Omaha, traveling rep
resentative of the International
Sales Co. of Omaha, has been in
the city looking after the sale of
stock in the S. & F. Co., which
owns a larjre ranch in the west-
em j.aib oi me siaie, ana ine
company guarantees a return of
The company has their ranch Io-
i.iit.-u in .uoiini coumy, consist-,
ing oi 4.000 acres, as well as a
large farm in this countv. The
fiicers of the company are: Ed
ward Fitzgerald, Plattsmouth.
president: Henry R. (iering. Oma
ha, vice president: Frank E.
Schlater, Plattsmouth, secretary
.and treasurer, and these, with
James Fitzgerald and Samuel Or-
off of Omaha, constitute the
board of directors of the com
pany. Mr. Roy is a most pleasant
gentleman and has met with a
great deal of encouragement in
lis work with the sale of the
stock so far. The gentlemen in
the company are all well and
favorably known throughout the
state and their corporation will
undoubtedly prove most success
ful in its workings.
By special arrangement the
Ratekin Seed House of Shenan
doah, Iowa, will mail a. copy of
their Big 191 i Illustrated Seed
Book, and a sample of their fam
ous "Diamond Joe's Big White"
seed corn that has a record of
over 200 bushels per acre, free to
every reader of this paper who
may be interested in the crops
they plant. This book is a com
plete compendium of farming
and farm and garden seeds. It
tells how to grow big crops and
all about best varieties of seed
corn for your locality; also Seed
Oats, Wheat, Barley, Spells,
(brasses. Clovers, Alfalfa. Pasture
and Lawn Mixtures. Seed Potatoes
and all other farm and garden
seeds. This Seed book is worth
dollars to all in want of seeds of
any sort. It's free to all our
readers. Write for it and men
tion this paper. The address is
Shenandoah, Iowa. Box 227.
mm Ml ,
went to Murray
Mrs. Corbet
Wednesday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Harmond Beck.
Attorney lieleslernier trans
acted legal business in the Lan
caster county court Wednesday.
Silas Ireenshite returned to
his home at Omaha Tuesday after
a week's visit with relatives and
Mrs. A. II. Weichel and Joy at
tended a birthday dinner at Alvo
Thursday, given for the former's
mother. (iraridma Kitel.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Penterman
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eiden
miiler and daughter spent Sun
day with Win. Mueller and family
at Union.
The Misses Elsie and Mona
Turner and Hazel Harnsle rger
spent Saturday ami Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler near
Man ley.
Floyd L. Wolcott. traveling
representative of the f.naranty
Fund Life association of Omaha,
is in town again this week on
rompany bu-iness.
Mis-, Orare
!iadi v of Akron,
Colo., arrived Tne-day for- a
week's vi-it with her -ister. Mrs.
II. d. Penterman. Mrs. Penier
man met h-v sif.ep in Lincoln.
A rni-re Hanenns shower was
lendf.'-'Ni Miss Emily Reeve on
Wednedav evening at the L. F.
i.nnlioj-st home,
( ,.', u. pre
Th.i-e present
nuptial event o
t!i" fullest extent, each giving
voire to the hope that Miss Reeve
would ilral joy and happiness mi.
bounded in the new matrimonial
life which
sue is
.( M III
o ex-
Fast Being Realized by
mouth People.
A little backache at first.
laily increa.-ing "till the back
is lame and weak.
Urinary disorders may quickly
In-opsy and often Bright's dis
ease. This frequently is the down
ward course of kidney ills.
Ion't take this (nurse. Follow
the advice of a Plattsmouth
fit izr n.
Mrs. Adam Kurtz. Plattsmouth,
Neb.. ays: '"I was ulVering in
tensely from my kidneys and back
and I could not stoop or stand
erect. There was a dull, nagging
pain through my back that rob-1 ( ianzell, who taught school sev
bed nie of all energy. My sighl eral years ago in Mount Pleas
became affected and dark spots ant.
appeared before my eyes. I got Jim Peterson explains that his
O.ran's Pills from Oering & Co- crippled condition is the result of
Brusr Store and in a short time a bad fall on I he slippery walk in
they relieved me. Since then I
have recommended this remedv
to a number of nTv friends."
Fo. ?ah, 1y all dealers. Price
riO cents. l-'oster"Iilhnrn Ho
Buna!o, New York, sole agents
f,. t,M United States.
Remember the name Poan's
and lake no other.
Best results are secured by ad
vertisinf? in tne Journal.
Is eood for
Does as for
Chickens. Pigeons,
Sinning Birds, Talking
Birds. Pet Stock and
r . . A : 1
ar to
5 Dogs, use for feverish-
-C .17 : J ness; looseness of bow-7jt'.-
els: distemper; sore
r f 'Tt4 throat or month;
H. -vfcVar. colds and emiphs: eank-
-v. t - c c.a . " s w. ...wU...(
. sores, cuts cr wounds
on boilv: illness frtim
eathie sror.ed food, etc. Sold by most dmeni-s,
seed or feed stores t 50c per pkc-, or posrp.i 1 b y us.
Snd Int lace pmrbia oa can; of pocluy aaj pet atyca.
GEO. II. LFE CO.. Cmaha. Ksb.
For Sale by F. C. Fricke & Co.
Miss Cora McNurlin went (o
Havelock la-t Saturday for a visit
w ith her sister and family.
Mrs. Frank Johnson has been
bedfast this week with a seere
attack of tonsilitis. but she ha
almost entirely n-coveivd.
Mrs. Edward Fribble is re
covering from a -e ! a'taek of
lacrippe which pontine.! tor to
the hou-e for about three w-fk.
We are glad to report thai .Mrs.
("has. Borumau is aide to be out
ag'aiu after a serious illness ex
tending over a period of eight
Frit Schmard'-r lias purchas
ed the Dunn properh on (lo-p.-!
Hill. jn-l east of the Mela-ran
property. The eo.Msid'-rat iori is
-aid to have been roo.
The wedding of Miss Clara
Kraft and Charles Schwalm oc
curred on Wednesday of this
week at I he home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Anna Kraft, near
'Twins, h'osh." exclaimed
Scott. McOrew as he came pran
cinir down town Monday. In
than an hour everyone in town
knew that Scott was the daddy of
twin babies, a seven-pound hoy
and a nine-pound girl. May they
lie long and their daddie pro
sper. Mrs. Lewis Eddy of University
Place has been here the past
three weeks assisting in the care
of her mother, Mrs. J. P. Wood,
who has been verv ill. Mrs. Eddy
expects to stay until her mother
i- able to accompany her borne,
which -he will do as soon as she
b conii s convalescent.
Oscar Chizek of Chndron, who
informs us that the Chizek family
own ten sections of fine qrazincr
land in Dawes county, which they
bought at a very low figure twenty-live
years auo when they left
Loui-vi'IIe. We are always glad
to chronicle the succ-ss of our
former residents.
Incorporation js . furnishinsr a
source of conversation tlo-e
Mrs. Eimer Boedeker of Mur
ray was oer the tir-t of the week
isitin-r her sister. Mrs. J-. A.
Mrs. II. R. Will, who was called
here several weeks ago by the
-ei'ious illness of her niolher.
?.lrs. Isaac Pollard, returned to
her home in Seattle. Washington,
The Royal Neighbors drill team
comoo-ed of twelve members of
tiie lodge went to Weepinir Water
Saturday evening", where they put
on the work of initiating some
new members.
Tom Kivett came home from
Omaha, bringing Mrs. Kivett wiih
him. she was opeiated on in an
Omaha hospital about two weeks
ago and is recovering nicely from
the effects of it.
M. P. Wheeblon left yesterday
morning for their new home near
Syracuse. This family will be
missed from N'ehawka, as they
were good citizens in the be-f
sense of the word. The News
will visit them once a week.
Mrs. Will Schlichtemier and
Mrs. L. (i. Plybon were passeng
ers to Berlin Friday evening,
where they attended the funeral
Saturday of Mrs. Young-. The
deceased was a sister of Miss
front of the butcher
was carrying- a set of second
hand fale teeth in his hip pocket
ami hit himself severely in one of
his hams, lie will not take treat
ment fr rabies.
On every hand we here praise
for the excellent efforts of the
intermediate ami primary grade
pupils at the school house la.-t
Friday night. The teachers
certainly accomplished wonders
in making, as near a finished
product out of the raw material
they had. and this is not said in
disparagement of the kiddies, not
at all.
RATF.KINS' NEW ALDEPTA. CsnaoA. Oats-Hlprrest. brarie- rlf l.Tirc ( af In l
World. We liav s)t oit thou-ands of luisiiels to every part .f the l'i;it! s,,!, ,. r
Sprimr Oats are rrr.wti durlrie t ho past four vears. Everywhere I'ney haTe revolut .i:;jel . ai
mxtviiig. It is as easy to grave im to 14 liuhi Is of i hese iiats jier a. -is- as :. 4 ar-,t f.i l,Tiheis
of common to Ix-st varieties of Amerieaii ciown )ats. A sample will tw sent I'l;rT ia.n re-
lui'st. W e also gro7 and handle all the ln-st variet ies of A;i;eri'-an .riwn Outs. riie u-t..-(lar
for our hie ,-eed Catalocue. We also emw and handle all varieties, of farm. tra"ien arid
flower seeds, also Nursery Stork and can save you money. Tell us what rou want, even If it
takes a line or two more to tell it. Ment ion thi paper when writinc.
Address RATEKIN'S SEED HOUSE, Box 126. Shenandoah. Iowa
Seed Corn a Specialty) (Largest Seed Corn t rowers In the W orld.)
safe for Babies, Effective fop
That's Foley's Ib.r..y and Tar
Compound. It has the confidence
of your druggi-t, who knows it
will give you satisfaction. W.
W. Nessmith. Slate-b-To.
says: "I have i:-e. r..;."
Iloney and Tar Compound in r:iy
family and have -od i! in my
store and it neer fails to cure."'
Rffu-e a substitute. I.r a by
all druggists.
Carey SloMe;- departed M.-r diy
evening" for a two we.-k-" l.ti-i-ness
trip to Minne-ota.
Mis- Ou-sj.. R.d-b d Pl.ift--month
was i-i!ing h-r Ufikn
! !;. t j -fi t iiieii.t- M-:.!. iy.
Maurice Baek.-r arr.-d M
da from Okemah. Ia.. ar J i
luakuig a vi-it with hi- -raid-parents.
r. and Mrs. John
Saimid E. peck of" Burkme;-.'.
S. !.. a m-ph-w ..f Mr. and Mr-.
J'diii Pearsiey. a: r i-, Tue-d i
to make -eeral da-' i-:t w.'h
hi- relal ies.
Will L. T.iIt was ca!:e. o.-r
to Manning", b-wa. on Wedu---day
to Like char-:.- f a mercan
tile estaidi-hfi.-nt for a l-i.i;..'.
who took several days acation.
lr. E. W. Col, of platt-n.onth
and Henry R. C.-iin.- of nmaha
l'enl a few hours with friends i:i
this illa-'.' Wednes.j iv. and w re
Welcome callers at our o'liee.
Th- many fri.-nd- of R..l.. rt !I.
Urans are plea-e.) to L-reet him
. ;! Hi.. -Ire. t and at the stole, af
ter his several w-. !-.-" -v.... pin
up" by the paraMic attack th:it
came near re-ultircr
o-m..u: .
Mr. I r an- is i ee.. .Ting his
tir;.e ii:or and i- abie t.. b
Old much f he t due.
James In-art and Ib-nry W.df
and wife arri-d h-'ine !..: d:iy
from their trip to I.oi ; i-i.i ;ui. ;i"d
report ttiat tiny had a -i
joyable time. Mr. l-a:t ine-!
d in bind there lime a...
and Mr. Wolfe wa- -. faornbh
ir'npi es.,.,i with th- country tha!
lie bought a frnct of l jo a. re- .f
th- land.
!ae E. Ea'.-n and hi- f.tnioii
trailiiig hounds -tart.-l .,ut Fri
day morni'ig' w it h the intention ..f
runuinir d"wn a few d".-n w. ie,
;n .re or b-ss and a- in. w-de-
stl.Wed Up they took Il.e
h-st thing- in stfit. two r .-d f.-v.-s.
which they (railed to Hoar .i.-ath.
This kind of inline . n.-t ry
plentiful in this e.eintr and th
hides are valuable, therefore
have thinks it was a better day's
work than piichit"- a .oi:;.',e
header ball gaine at F.rt Ccio .k.
Mrs. Iie.ia Slander and hT Iv-'o
daughter of L"Ui-iIIe -pent sev
eral days la-t we.-k i-i!ing Mrs.
Ceorge Spohn.
Miss Mabie r.erard has aec. j.t--d
the offer to tini-h leaching the
remainder of the term at the
Fairland school. -i and one
half miles noithwe-t .f Murdock.
where the regular I'Tk Iht ha- re
signed. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eolh-it.
-on Horloji and ("Irandma F.oIh-rt.
went to Elniwoi.d Saturday evening-
to take supper wilti Mr. r.nd
Mrs. (Jeo. F.olbert and to spend
the evening", as the lalter's
daughter, Mrs. Howard iSrown. is
home for a visit.
Mrs. Frank Itokleruan was
seriously burned about the arms
and body Tue-day from Hie ef
fects of falling" on th- stoe while
cooking dinner ar.d spilling the
teakettle of boiling water and the
gravy sh, was cooking", all omt
Mrs. If. R. Reed, who has been
critically ill the la-t ten days and
who was operated on at tb home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Domingo last Sunday by doctors
Welch and Shoemaker, is report
ed as gelling along as well a
could be expected unler Hi" cir
cumstances. Mrs. Earl Jenkins and two chil
dren of Murray were vi-iting h-r
sister, Mrs. Henry Snell, and
other relathes last we.-k. Mr.
Jenkm e;o. v. -r I' diT - v. - :. -
m-- an.! th-y ..I! ret -r-.-d t.. Mur -
r.i th- ti:-t of the w-.u . T!.-
v mak::.:.- a far. -.t. a -
thv will rr.. e -. : (.. I; - ij --.
w ti '- tfi'-v li ie- ? : ,i a
Th fu: of If. B. J-:
av-i!t," 'J't. -'!.! ;it ." iov
... .! -. .... ..ri i.. . ft,
M. !:. to. n il. e-.r de. -t-! i v . -
M. W. J'o -e. I h" -erl. -' w.
LI; , a . '1 '. ' "' '
hi.:: - f. U i: t I.- -
t...r. ;.s , w.- P.-'.-v r
It. I w-.-e i .,. II.. .. -
i l.. . i l. ...i i . ...
1 ..o i: t w . i fi .i ;. : i .
. .
v t a : - ..f tor-.
Th- !";-.--. d ..r l.irt P.u.I I it7
pai : e-k. w te .to-,, '.: ! j ro-.; r
1 1
k t fi. r'.e . f hi par
Mr- .,- . lr. .Io - i i1 7.
i?' :-,.. jr.. w.i- li-.. I ..e-.:.i
J:.: fr. v, t he f.e.;.T
iio-: or; ffie ':'( Th
s.-r..-es w, .,! . e'.,;...t .
t '
e- W.o
a n.f.w
i.'es I
Ros.. , f ?! M. E. f,---rt..
if,- E. U. ! h-
e U .1 t h-
f a !.:;. e T -.
t!.e r. h :r. wb-:;
t ! : r : a ' ! v I - I a e a .::! '
.!.. t ;
hon-e. ?-.!. af' the ,, a - !
! ! 'I I . r I ! :' ' ! .I - e i:.
i ,
We !.,.;:-
d fh.f a few
i w . : d -w 5 i in t ' -l,.
''-e ai d a ..,- !' . '. a
i -ear-., f.-r lb- f ir: a .1 , th- . - ?r
people e.ryw! ar- r-.'.kir.i
'f the p;iek r.r.d t'.r - re-;';
F'dev Kid'.eV P.1:- in b a ' k-
acne, rro-i. . :!.: i-rn. :.!;. ey rr.
biadbr tro.ibb-. rar,-;.
take t J.em --!ern u.!h-
e:;f co. ..j re-ult. That i 1 1'ilr;.,, Wi
F.d-y K ;.!: Iv;:- -e t . th- 4 1 ! ; " iz
kid:ie- a -.d Mad-!er j .-t w ha. '. '';v ' "r ' "
nature rails f. - t- be,,; th- tr-,--'' .
weaker..-.! ar.d i-.a.?;v- r-a
For -al- bv a!', dri:--;-!-.
. .
PLEASANT VIEW. rrep..;. . i-r:---
Mr. and Mr-. I : ai.k W 1 c tne.;- e.'.i,:, r.-r-ar
,. 1
a';.rd.i .- .'M!..'. I a : I 1 ...
: ;-;a.: their fr;
t a:: ;- a r i - 1 1 i : . v ; - a' ; -. .. '
1 . 1 1 --p r - d wiiti 1 "...''"... .
n.n-ic. r-.i-ni-hed i'.e an.u-e.j
liter.- 'f the ee;. l.:.".li A a ;
. , j
Iippt opri.I.e li - :. Woe;; a t'A - .
e..(;r-e 1 1 : ! i C h . ;j w I- -efe.J. M T. t
.r..I Mr-. W... -1 er- the r-cji-i
;,s ,.f -. inc.- pr L"
-ei- a e.-j.-rou- -urn ' HfUvy
-;en j.y tlios,. pr--e:.i in
that th.- ii;:i puich .-e
thin-- t.. o';g fern. 'U,!m I tile
I h p, :.t
W e e ;
Mr. a:;i Mr-. Char,.
Me. r. Mr. and Mrs. L- r ry M..r.
Mr-. II. A. Hart. Mr. a:. 1 M--.
Ilarr J . T y and baby. Mr-. F.o -
b-th !.:. Sl.-r u.-.g A'in.-k. Ir.i j
W I. Mr. and Mr-. I:.:d Ii-a- n I
and family. Mr. a:,d Mr-. J. W.j
P!i;!p.t, Mr. ar d Mr-. W. M. Pin.'-j
pot, Mr. and Mrs. p.r .-a:'.!
loorge Frown. Mr. ar.d Mr-. El;
Hubv a;-.! family. Mr. ar.d M:
AIImH mIi.iI.t. Mr". J..!i!i!,.. .
1 11-11. .nr. an. 1 .ir-. aa- irn-.r rt
and dau-hlvr. E-t!ier.
Ml-s F'iI7.a!e:h oe- -p-r.t
Saturday and Sundav with her
par. :i!s. hi;.g ej-t ..f ?Jnrray.
I- ( -5
V 9
The R. ya .-i-hl.r, , t Man
ley ga- a i-. o. ;a! ar d ! :.- m
the bail, winch wa- largely at
tended and all report Hi.-m a
rova! entertainer-.
When in pee.j of a pb -ician's
help d.-n't f .rget th- fact that
M. F. ('.illi-p;- i- ready to a--it
v 'ii.
Mrs. rre.j ?pahr.! and ;-. -r-
Iteitf-r of Fa-!- ram- down M--r
day on bn-ine-. rnakj: th- tn;
in Mr. Spahn!.' nr.
tf-, V I lli,,.rliin-.n -. j rill,.,!,
b. Nebra-k City or: am,:,' ..f
Ihe ii!r,e- ,,f b.-r -i-N r. Mr-. F.
I. Sava;.'.
II. Sefrind wa an O .sah i
visnor iue-.ia.
Ir. o. F. inHi-p.-'- 'pho;:- m
The farraers nr
d-drr o'n-
repair in if t.n lti'ir 1 j
riei-ehnian broth.-? - a-e d. -it .-z J
th- work.
Mr. Ii;r I .on? ar.d family ar I
rnakincr preparation b" vn-t to.h!! fT t f'T rir th: ri
their new horn at Tiurw!!. N-b..
wli-r- Mr. I,f-:ir ha- a farm.
! ,.,
! PlaHcTnOTlt fl .Sf-fp Rnt-
b.-inrv. i 't "f . . v.
iff ' . nw . f ,
r.r- .enrr
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N -1 -T .
!-'. Tr -r.Tr. n t . . r ' . .
;:r.rnn7 of the condit:1...'
of th-
Bank of Murdock
cKAJtm s.
Of Muriork. Nb.. Ir.rr -ruii m ti
Slate of Ntraka. th r of
i.-i3ir!. ' . ;:!.. ::.
r.r. r fr"
' ' .-r.r, . .. f :: 1 1' .
: a-Kj. tir. .r-i ft-
t:,ri;;;' ...... - "
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at . 1
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I rv: r .-"t fr f .
I';- ... i ft! h',ru' ...'.-
I r k "..!
T "7 w r ', tt ".. .
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1 I. II A ".i'''-rn. ( t s'-'
1 r 11 i.r,.. trm . ,--
li. A. : ine'. i-
i ,if
.:.'Tji lJ I'-r-.r- ... . .n
iX -f I ' "
C iri'. .in. -.jrr i" :-
l-o Wl.-nT.-ti' ti'( Mr j;.
Tf;- Ar .-.e-.t , f R r 4
. jt,r ;,, . j T;.-. -.
--a a : -!
A!; th- r . - -
, to-M ji-:r f.r-i
:nv e
d da'e- t th- irot;.4'.
1...J fo j... ha; i v th- r x; ,;iy.
we th.r k th n : .' - - : r
r - . K.
,,,.. ,..,.', ....., .-,,-.
;.-ar. i; a M'Kt m r. :-'y :'.
a! th- f. .n - of t.:- di .-hV- Mr-
M-. ar 1 Mr. I ' -r v : a--r-,.
. in". g .. th- arr: ', f 1
c-r! af the.r t. ;-.--i
- -r. ,:.g .f th.s 'A
Mr. A. I. V r . 1 d.:.. i.
ca o-d 1,. Piatt:;.. . h M - i ,i by
f. a:. J Mr-. F.-r- - .
1 1 o-e .r- . ..
M' Ar"-- M 1 " ' ' M '
I Lb. M M v-.-h-
1 f; ! I T: 1 ' 1
k of h.T .r.d -'.. I .
ar- i-,f i-.c at th- f th-ir
u W.L..1-I I.
Th- Fag!. h... t.t- ' !
Tti'"-il iv a f: TT: - 1 h "1
i -. , .
: ac;.Ts a-.-i -..:
" - . , ! a " -
f . 1 th f . - n ' . ' a
pupil. Ilarl I - ' 1: 1.
Mr-. r.a-i r-. --k r.turr -. .
!a!- tra.n T', l iv
-,- J
x'er. !! r' hiV.- ar 1
j fr -r- ,n '''r" '' ar's :ar!
Mr, o-ear .".d-". t i f.....-
Mi f .!!. n i I t in th- ;
r..a.-v ro.m of ?!.. F..r'- a- h I
hf I' - n .s ah-r t . S
ai r-1 r. " i i ii. :-i .n : .. r
f.f !-r.
;.-..ri.-- Feii'r. a-. J W. A.
Wh '- rei 1- a fv,
a '.to
Mir.I-T Mr..iir afl-rr --. n t- x-
in)in, a f :Tfl, r.,..
. i. t . . . i S . i f . . r i - r h -
I r th-
j Tal:-?.".. - ..f ?h
,n rri:p.! bv in-
r ta-.rant. tab-. ! . at ;r:r:.
N.-b.. i t.-.ppinr a! th- Fax!
fa.r hr-.