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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1914)
irintautb VOL. XXXIII. PLATTS1YIOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1914. SO. 1C. Sroutnal SEVENTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF IHFJ. L OF S. Members Celebrate the Event in a Most Becoming Manner, With Over 100 Present. From Fridav's raily. Last evening the seventeenth anniversary of t li - Knights aiiI Ladies of Security was celebrated in a manner that will impress the importance of the event upon the members of the lodge anil the corninittee in charge of the gathering had arranged a most delightful program to aj- propriately carry out the pleas ant evening. The committee had labored most diligently under the direction of lion. It. U. Windham, the chairman, and the result of the delightful eveninir speaks well for their efforts. The Holly orchestra opened the program with a very pleasing number, and was followed by Miss Mina Thierolf, who gave a most delightful number on the piano that fully demonstrated the skill of this talented young lady. Miss Delia Moore rendered a very charming vocal solo, and in her sweet clear voice the music was most thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience present. Miss Honor Seybert ami Mrs. A. O. Kggenberger also gave two very pleasing piano numbers that, won for them the appreciation of the entire audience and were enjoyed to the utmost by eeryone pres ent, a both of these ladies Nire gifted musicians ami their con tributions to the program was indeed most pleasing. Mrs. A. J. Beeson. who is an immense favorite with the Plattsmouth people, was on the program for one of her excellent readings, and the selection offered by her was up to the usual high stand ard of her work as an elocution ist and there was much pleasure expressed at having her present to assist in the great success of the program. A very pleasant surprise was given the audience by having Ten Windham render a most delightful vocal number, anil there was a great deal of ap plause for this young man, who is gifted in many ways and is rapid ly forging to the front in his chosen line. One of the most thoroughly enjoyed numbers on the program was that given by Plnttmmith' talented violin vitourso. Prof. Frank J. Kolbaba, and the sweet strains drawn from the violin by this talented gentle man marked him as one of the most gifted musicians that has ever been heard here in many a day. He was accompanied by Miss Emma Cummins on the piano in a very able manner, which aided greatly in making the work of the violinist such a great success. II. A. McKlwain, Mrs. E. II. Wes cott and Don C. York all con tributed vocal selections to the program in their usual finished manner that always characterizes their work in the musical line, and it is unnecessary t add any words of praise of their delight ful contributions to the evening's entertainment. Miss Ellen Windham was also prevailed up on to give a reading on the pro pram, which was most thorough ly enjoyed. After, the program a very pleasant dance was enjoyed by the members until a late hour, and it was voted that the oc casion, was one of the most pleasing in the history of Platte council. The Holly orchestra furnished the music for the dance in their usual pleasing manner. Last, but by no means least in the celebration were the efforts of Colonel J. H. Thrasher and his committee on refreshments, which had .prepared for the gathering of something- like 125 a most sumptuous " repast, and there was nothing omitted from the menu that would "'please": the most fastidious; and "the dining, room was filled twice with the jolly crowd to enjoy the "feed" prepared for them. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Soper of Nebraska City former ollieers of the lodge were present, arid look purl m the delights of the eveninir. Train Is Annuled Today. Jiurlingtou freight train No 29, which runs out of this city ior me we-t over the old mam line, was annuled today and did not make its usual trip, owing ti the very heay snowfall, and the engine belonging on the train was used on No. 1 for the west, which was double-headed out of Pacini Junction, owing to the immensi -now drifts that made trattie al most impossible. Yesterday aft ernoon No. 2 was double-headed from the Junction east in order to keep it from losing1 several hours in time. D. CLEM DEAVER DIES AT HIS HOME IN OMAHA SUNDAY EVENING Last night at his home in Omaha, I). Clem Deaver, for years one of the prominent political figures in the state, ami of late years general agent of the land- seekers' information bureau of the Hurlington, passed away after a short illness. Mr. Deaver was only 50 years of age and for forty-one years be had resided in this state, where he has occupied a very prominent place in the history and development of the commonwealth. He was offered several positions under President McKinJey, but declined them and was later given the position as receiver of the land office at O'Neill, which he resigned to enter the employ of the Burling- ton in its land department. He eaves a wife and two-children t mourn his loss, in politics Mr. Deaver was a strong member of the populist party, and in re- igion was a faithful member of the Catholic church. He was also aftliated with the Elks and Mod ern Woodmen. ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY BALL AT GERMAN HOME WAS A GRAND AFFAIR The twenty-fifth annual mas querade of the Plattsmouth Turnvereia was held Saturday evening at the Oerman Home and was attended by quite a goodly number of person:, who were de lighted with the pleasant time af forded them. The weather, which was threatening and disagreeable under foot, served to keep many from attending that, otherwise would have been present, but the occasion was a very pleasing one to all who were on hand. The music for the ball was furnished by the Plattsmouth orchestra un der the leadership of Tom Svo boda, and was very pleasing to the dancers. To act as the judges of the many handsome costumes on the floor, threie ladies, Mrs. H. Thomsen, Mrs. Jesse Warga and Miss Tony Janda, were picked, and awarded the first ladies' prize to Mrs. W. H. Mason, as CSermany, while the first gentleman's prize was given to Albert Schuldice, jr., who ap peared as an old-time farmer. Mrs. Cius Carlson, as a Holland er, won the second ladies prize, and W. H. Ilnlly, as a comical Dutchman, carried off the second prize. The dancers tripped the light fantastic until a late hour, when all departed for their homes, feeling that the event was indeed a more than usually pleasant one. Piano on the Way. The magnificent $350.00 piano which we will give away absolute ly free, will arrive here within a few days, and will be immediately placed on display in our store room. Come in and have us ex plain the plan wherebv you can get this piano FREE : OF ALL cost.; H M. Soennichsen, The Daylight Store." Smoke- "Keno" cigars. WOODMEN CIRCLE HERE ENTERTAIN HIGH OFFICIALS A. O. U. W. Hall Filled to Utmost Capacity by Large Crown to Meet Executive Council of the Order. One of tfie grandest social times that was ever helj in the A. O. I". W. hall in this city was given last Saturday evening. when the Woodman Circle (iold en Rod drove No. t0 entertained the ollieers of the supreme ex ecutive council. The lodge rooms were crowded with the members of this nourishing order to lake part jn the impressive and pleas ing events of the evening, which was started by the initiation of a class of eight candidates into the mysteries of the order, and the drill team of the lodge here, un der the efficient leadership of the captain, Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker, deserve great praise for the manner in which they handled this feature of the evening's entertainment, and their work in protraying the ritual of the order was pronounced ery line indeed. The grove here is constantly increasing its membership, due to the splendid work of the local deputy, Mrs. Joseph Droege, and the live members who belong to it, and their work is shown in the pleiidid organization that has been mult up here until tins bulge is one of the largest in the city i'i point oi emiersJi!n aruj the first in the interest taken in the work by the different mem bers, ami this fact was very deasing to the members of the executive council who were pres- nt. The guests of honor of the veiling represent the following states: Texas, Arkansas, Okla ioma, Nebraska, Missouri, Min nesota and Iowa, and consisted of Supreme Clerk Dora Alexander, upreme Advisor Campbell. Su preme Danker Kelley. Chairman of the Hoard of Managers LaRocca, Supreme Managers lirison. Tay r and Rogers, Supreme Physi cian Drown, and their reception was one tnat hrousnt out almost very member of the order in the citv to do them honor. The only egret of the occasion was that the Supreme (iuardian, Mrs. Emma 15. Manchester, was xinable o be present and take in the festivities of the evening, owing o her recent illness, and it was not thought -advisable by ner physicians that she undertake the trip. After the regular lodge meet ing ttie members were invitel to the main hall on the first floor, where a sumptuous banquet was served to the company, which numbered about g"0, and the hall was beautifully decorated in the lodge colors, lavender and green, and the scene was one of great beauty with the tables laden with all the good things lo eat that was imaginable and illuminated with candles, and the banquet was one that was thoroughly en joyed in every way by the gather ing of the members o fthe order and their friends.. After the banquet the com pany indulged in dancing- for several hours, and the executive ollieers were greatly pleased with the showing that the grove here has made in the past year in their increase in membership and the interest shown in the further de velopment of the order. Dissolves Partnership. From Saturday' Dally. A change in the partnership in the drug store of Smith & Mauzy occurred yesterday, when Mr. C. H. Smith, by mutual consent of his partner, James (. Mauzy, re tired from the firm and Mr. Mauzy takes sole charge of the place, assuming- the indebtedness and liabilities of the firm and will conduct the business in the future. The building in which the store is located is owned by Mr. Smith, and he wiiTTe'tairrthissf for himself in the dissolving of the partnership. Fine Pictures Coming. The pictures of the animals at the wafer hole shown in reel IV of the Paul J. Raiuey African Hunt Pictures, . hae been pro nounced by prof. Osborn, presi dent of the American Museum of National. History. to be the greatest contribution I natural science that has been made in ten years. In fact these water hole pictures are the most famous animal motion pictures ever taken, j m y win be shown together with all the other Raiuey pictures at the (lem theater for two performances on Wednesday and Thursday, February 25th and 2(Uh. (BE (00 GETTING III SHAPE FOR THE FIDDLERS CONTEST FBIDSY NIGHT? The time is getting- short for those who an; contemplating entering - the annual Fiddler s Contest ami all who ate desirous of displaying- their skill should get out info the open and enter their names for the big event. The Redmen have arranged to make this occasion one of the best that the lodge has ever held here, and no detail will be omit ted to make it a splendid success in every way, and those taking part will be given liberal prizes. The contestants will be divided into three classes. The first class will consist of the oldest tiddlers, ovec JJO years of age, and three prizes of $7.ri. and S2.50 will be given out to the contestants. The second class will include those from 20 to no years of age and the prizes in tais class wilb be r, and $2. The third class will be for the young people and will include all those up to 20 years of aire and the prize will be S3. 2 and SI. There will be a number of other prizes given for the different specialties, such as buck and wing dancing and trick fiddlinir. and all the old-timers in the city are warming up to be prepared to take part in the event on next Friday evening. February 27th. MRS. ALVIH MURRAY ' IS IN FAIR WAY OF The friends of Mrs. Alvin Mur ray in this city who have been greatly worried over her state of health will be pleased to learn that she is apparently getting along nicely from the effects of an operation that she underwent on Friday at the hospital at Mc Cook, Nebraska, where she was taken a few days ago. The health of Mrs. Murray has not been the best for some months past and it was thought advisa ble to perform the operation while her condition was such as she could stand the effects. The news of the operation was re ceived here yesterday, and while of course she was still suffering greatly, it was believed that the operation would be a successful one. Furnishes Some Fine Light. On Saturday evening and last night during the storm the peo ple oil Main street were greatly pleased with the ej egant il lumination on the street furnish ed by the electruic arc lights in front of the Gem and Grand theaters, which made Main street in that section of the city as light as day and the lights served to show many a wearied pedestrian their way through the storm to their homes. The enterprise of Messrs. Shlaes and Gribsky in keeping ia the front ranks of progress by installing these lights is much appreciated by everyone down town, and if other places of business were to install similar lights there would be lit tle need to complain of having to plow through the dark. Get your harness oiled for $1 at John Gorder's. NOTABLE EVENT M ROBERT TROOP HOME A Number of Mr. Troop's Old Army Comrades Drop in Upon Him Suddenly and Enjoy a Pleasant Time. Toe most notable event in i. A. R. eireles for many ears wa pulled off at the home of Mr. and Mis. Robert Troop on r-aturday evening when several of hi., com rades, without his knowledge, gathered at hi.- home to spend the evening and renew their youth m leminicences of war times, and those who were present were: Comrades Newell. Leonard. Mor rison. Free-e. Windham. Carter. Fight and Olenu. The ladie present were: Mrs. McCaub-y. Miss Newell, Mi-.- Freese and Miss May dlenn. The party was a surprise for the Troops, but did n't in any way embarrass them, as they were full and overflowing with genuine iiospiiainy, ami in uj moment eeryone was made to feel at home and happy. The evening- was spent in placing games of different kinds and i:i singing the old war-time song and some dancing was indulged in, but no prizes were given for this last-named amusement. At a late hour Mrs. Troop repaired to the kitchen and "dug tip" an elegant luncheon, which was not looked for by the guests, as they thought the host never kept any good supply on band unless they were looking for company, but ihe result of the e egant repast more than satistb-d the company that as entertainers Mr. Troop and his wife were without an equal. When the guests began t leave for home Comrade Wind ham told them there was a duty yet to perform and no one inii't leave until it was tin-bed. and he then in a short speech, pre senting Miss Violet Free-e with a ('rand Army badge from MeConi hie post a 1 1 4 1 informed her that the post at its last meeting- had unanimously voted h'r a member ami appointed her to the position of musical director of the post. Miss Freeze very gracefully ac cepted the honor conferred upon her. with many thanks and promised to be a g 1 and faith ful member as long as she lived. Although no one knew it at the time it was learned later that Sunday was the seventy-fifth birthday of Comrade Troop. Dur ing the evening Miss Uernese Newell and Mrs. Troop gave two very pleasing readings that served greatly to make the oc casion a most pleasant one. and everyone left for home and bed thinking of the happy time they had and blaming- the coffee for keeping them awake. DEPART FOR JACKSON VILLE FLORIDA. TO ATTEND NATIONAL MEETING From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Miss Mary E. Foster, county superintendent of schools, and Superintendent W. J. Drooks of the city school, departed for Jacksonville, Fla., whre they will attend the meet ing of the National Association of Superintendents, which is to meet in that city. The trip will be made by the delegation from Nebraska in a special car, and will include many of the leading educators of the state. The party will be given opportunity to visit Washington, as well as a number of the leading cities of the east and south, and the trip will be one that will long be remembered with both pleasure and profit by Ihose from this state who make the journey. The Journal advertisers are do ing the business. C. I. S. Club Holds meeting. From Fri-l.ty's I.:y. I.a-t evening the !:.:! bom in tin th. Iti.. -..ofli T.irl ..f tli.- . i ! v i j v w a -ef-iie of ti, u h i i' r: t:. occasion of th- entert.iinM Hi bv .Mi Mav ii r.n of th. I. s. :-ir!-. All th.- member of thej c;ii Were pre-e.jt to take part I'! I the pleasure- of tl v : , n and! after Ihe bu-ine-- I(.n ,,f ih club was llni-fie.l th- oi;i g pie amu-ed l !i'i!'-! r- n tfi p!a i:.g of ariou- ;. until a l appropriate hour. wfei ,-rv de licious -..f re-ti me ;i : - Were -erve.j. At a late hour th- oun- lade -departed f..r their h -u . vo!i:.g the Joe-- ;i Il!ol o;ll e: tef tainer. BilltE GIVEN EI THE T. J. SOIIl SUV The mende rs of the T. J. society a;uriay eeni:rg gave thejr annual oM-lirne darc-. ar., l-artv at their hall in th- we-t part of the city arid the era-ion, wa- one that was Jille.j wi'h mucrij fun and plea-ore fop ail who sernbled there. The ..-!!;:!: Wofn by the g;.--t- Were III -ev- eral in-tance- the -rune a- tho.e brought over from the old coun try, and there w.i- init-h amu-e- llient del IV e.J f"o!il t t-e .'irTefeT: t variety of color-d an I uu;-p;e roTubinahon-i v. vi by the member- of the jo?i pa:h. T- fur-ni-h the mu-ie f -r the o-ca-io t the "Weary U iliie" ban. I wa .-a hard and during the evening cursed many of th f avorile dejection of flohenii a. and to the plea-illg Tlili-e the jo'.;y rfo'v!. both and !.J. dar e...j away the J'vir.g hour- urjtil the wee sma" hour. wh-n everjoe.. ,.. parted for their home, votrig the event a rno-t th'rou-h'v en jovabb one. The old-time gathering' ha become an annual event and i bked forward t- with much pl.'a-ure . h -u--cee.iing year. ar! the aMendar ro Saturday wa- mo-t fatten: -". ! -pite the very t hreatenir... w.-ath- v that made any di-tane Very di-a-Teeable. and a!-. the fact that tlo-re wa- a number of other attraction- .n f .r th a:ne night. JOE OAKEN HAS THE SPIRIT OF THE Thi- morning bright and early. Joe McMaken. with a true -psrit of a man tiavirig- th- cmfort and inlere-t of hi- fellow un af heart. wa- ut with hi -n-.w plow clearing the walk in d,:Ter ent part- f town in order !hi! the little folk CUM get ..l.t to school and re-ident- of the outlying- di-trict could reach th bii-ine- part f t.-wn. Th- h-.g? wind with the -now fall had re sulted in forming deep drift Wherever the wind faile.J to ..weep and travel wa almo-t j:ipo--iM- and th- early n--r wa c..nipei;. d j to wade tnrougn -ome rnigro- i deep drift in or-b-r t reacfi tto ditTerent store and bu-i:: houses, as Mam -treet at an ea hour pr-ente, an a!u-t -'ImI wall of -now frm rurb curb and it required several hur t, fore the walk eould be cleared ojT. There should be on.e way arranged that in ca-e of a heavy snowfall like la-t evening' that the street department of the city could put a force of men at w .rk removing; the nw from th-cro-sji.o ar,,j I,.j,jne- part of town, a well a n the walk leading to the High -ctiooj build in jr. No Cure, No Fay. You shall be quickly and per manently cured of ingrown te nails, no matter how bad. if yu address Dan Kir, B"x 01. Plattsmouth, Neb. HAVE YOU HEARD that the -Third Dezree" i corn ing to th Grand soon? Dim rrrm u, in uriJ SERIOUS WRECK III LOCAL YARDS One Engine Almost a Tout Wreck and Hurrtber of FreisM Cars Badly DamaerL i .-liv ! fr r:? - if Af-.. h .:i irie :-'-r:u -a i w TI." -t.irte.j to b. re ,., to - , fa-! .': e..r.' : i - - .. : pot f a- tf. ir-g bv. .. d - r g : ' e w r file e ' ! i r - f.a 1 J t !. t!. t-.c- i . t.'.e bcl'v ! t : - U ' e w i - witch ' z W .4 t age.J. The .-..e f r ". - i were a , i ' ar.d lorr :' th- - '. I !o, ke t .'! I IV v a - b ! tf;- a-t a- j We-- tra. k- we-.. :.- ar. i th- will re ; j i r ..:.. : -; v the !; T.- i fr.en the ,...r!h. J 1 a- a re--, , . . f t . brax-t .a.. ..p. '. .1 Jadiv i,M.,-ed i.p j i t:;-- I -it r -er.. t THE OREAD DESTROYER. TUBERCULOSIS. HEK07ES AS ESTMELE UDY TI - ad re-.v f.VV.e.. Mr-. iir.. h - .f t.e- r.-ived !.'! friend Zr.l tin.eiy j i'i: of a prof.--; cor,,mr. , r.KM.y h id of vea:. a: t b- :: .. r i re. i : e g a 'v a v -. i - ', to tU !'.- I : f - a W f)e' re-,. I d Wl, Ve v r.e l.t V .4 I ail wh t.iVi - I i from -prr, -m; t !ii.e- I.ivir: I 'l ' ' ?. . r ! I- . a; : r r i;- -oy d i'-.r t t :. "e.- t r: gi -:i I ttie e h-,-!. I- I-.'f t' ; f the a r e f. - !i a- ' -v , i the U- irf f. t ir Cor: rl I h- t- v: t! er a I w T' r ;r Va'Jn Itu- d-' lhvan. c i v w i n w a - .- .:; T .1 ft - M .4 ' g af ! .. .. ! f " a 1 M !- a; .-v r j f ro,:, a d . F. a d .. f- ar'. V 1 1 - I - l ; g . - . . e --TV i.r - I . a 't c h :. r 'i i r t ti .i ' i-fi.i rti I.-v il - l.o-.a!'r i. ?. . Iiefr; ...Ted th- f .' er-ll i r . I ; t . it To Start Siling Trs. ! -' IeIiC.o.; nn '" Wir.e-ap ard i'.Iflv I'-- It-, Have v.ei e, r; a -a":;,i f ii!ter app!e. I. F. U::.T.-.-r a: I C Z. !; i t " - r..-v tak rx .-rder for pri-r '.'. ry . o r a few m.-re ,l.t? u.nrii j :::g !-- livery Will rl... e. Il'ii-r" t U 1 1 the ( .- Iei:. ;. !: i t!. wirder arr-T- r..-.v g - . r. ur.f i! ni ; ' r .;... zga; i ' ' eat fr.e f..r c- king. er houl.f I- with-.ut a f I' t r . fielict.-.t.i in I.- orchard. T'h or w i.-e u and w w j t a P. F. R i:T 2-tT-!f--f l-v Residence for SoJ. Tb Mr- MrVicir r:-. rrcprtr on N-rth 5:its tr t crd for a. F-t r r.ri'- all fn Mr. J. E. Iy. UUIILIIIUIU