jf 9 PLATTS!S!CUTH SSSH-WEEKLY JCUPJSL. Che plattsmoutb journal Publtshsd Senti-Wkry at PTattsmauth, Pltbr. Euterext at tan Posrtolflee M PTattMnomh. ISetiratiUa. as e-and-claa mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Price: St. WILL. MOT COUJECT. President Wilson and his ad-j,,r :x:r are playing the M'Xi'aa ga:iie c ..usi-i-cnny acci nuo-i - the rule anni::rett in the be--in;ii:i- absolutely non-inler-ference and a withdrawal fr-ni a!i int ere mrse.. It was a new pniii-y fur natim. have j tv.ir ,-.n-i.i.Te,i a Breaking orf" of! ii pi. -ma; ie relation. a.- a drop-; ping of the hat to tight, u e are ii- begin to see ,nio of the re-u'i of lih policy. The ilrst, reu!i. i J hat we have no war. an.i that in if. -elf is the greatest reial :-ns. Xo ma! ter how in s.giiif'.caut the opponent, or the .-?i..rtne.-s of the struggle, a war mean.- a terrible sorrow to- :na;iy home ar.ti an expenditure "f rr.onev anil resource that toe rears r. recuperai-e. i--- r. i . . b. . V . i- t!ie tinancial ls that apparently inevitable t..v tho-e uho have iipporteil the liner?. a government by loaning it- money an.i buymr it bn.J-i. N"".v Y-Tk banker who recently a.-iei the -fate .iepart mn ;.". a. I vice a t.. the bert mean of pri ecti:vj: Hie Mexican bor.tl ani.'iintinz' to ab-'t:t t .iwn.oa. which they h"M. have been infornieil by Ii-if..r F-.Ik that the .iepart meat ha no nsierif n ,n to offer at pr-,writ. At the sa.T.e time the -..li.-i:..r eaile.t attention, to the fact, th.it reio:-nf. V"i!-..n al ready ha fafed that he would n..t rec .rnize any act 1 n ' r ant h.'i'izeii to be d)ne by i.ieaeral Iluerta ince he beeanie dictator "f .fexieo. .'T by the rontrre-i which he had in-tailed. He warn ed the tinaneial w.-rld that the administration w uld n t be re pon.ilJe f.-r any act of the H';er?a -jverninen t. financial or tMhe-wie. TIlO-e wh t.."k the rambier chance mt:r. expect, to , we whea Iluerta h.-u.-re of card fill.-? about hi head. :o : At a recnt conference f.r race be i ferment at Battle Creek. 3Ie-h.. a hi-h brjw r'je to remark that the Tie of tobacco set the user back about 1.9 per- cent in. eiEci er.cy. Another made the tartl ir.r statement that a s!a. of beer ice a c n t . .nuou ja-. although not viol.-nt. And another espre.e.i thi till more -hockinz tate n:entr "Notwithstanding: the many a.ertion at thi confer ence, there is no cientiti; evi dence that alc"hd and tobacco weaken the human race. In fact, they h..ie weeded out the weak Iinr who c.'uld not s-tar.d the ai ditional handicap.' And there you are. or in that immediate vieinitv. Indicatiu-. if any! bin-, that lhee scientitie trutli are important if they can be recocrnied. But if the able ex t.e"t. dis.'i-ree. it i n-'t tranje that, the plain pin- find hTm.eIf jrri'pinr in darkne. r han-inz to the rope an.i wondering why and what' what. ro : Of course the tpie-tion of the removal of the state university i a matter in hich every taxpayer i directly interested. They are the one that should howl the loudest. They should take into-cmsid'-rat ion the fat that it will ro-t severai millions of money to remove if while it will hardly exceed a million if i.he impmve ri.eiit are made rihi. where it ha bceu located f"r .. many y-ar.. Don't vote for removal hecau-e a few real estate men w.u;t t. make money by .- dotnz. r..e. at the mailer in I lie- j.rojier JivrhL. le'Cau-e you. a- a l;iU' l"r will be out of pocket. 50 Pf Yar tiv Adanc So far Nebraska"" ha enjoyed, a InvK elegant, winter. Only three f(i,u. .lay that could be voted , ,.,,(, . and these widely scalter- mj. i: na. Deen liie cuiem ior r:x.-f!i;i people to hike for- Cali fornia to spend the winter fce i:aibH of the high temperature. ft init-etintc to note that uine Oalifor localities arw cutting while Nebraska folk. are praying for a bit of ice weather. : : The J.-iiriial is infortueif that i project! ha been hied with the county commissioner against "Xpert employed foe the pur- p, of investigating the bocks an.i aivnuati of all the county otlieial. It i possible that rmh protect come from taxpayer i of Cii.. county? Have riot, all the I ta."tpayer a riuht to know how hee otllce have been run? We i hone the enunLv ciMnnn.ioner will pay no attention to the pro i.ef. and that the expert will zo r:hi on with hi. work- :n : There i a feady and ever increa;n-r kick bein made by I the tarpaver of the state over the increa.-se in taxe. that L o-m-r to be heard fr'Mii in no un certain way in future election. The taxpayer doe not under- -tand why hi. tax. burden houoi be practically doubted, when he jet no beneiit from it. Jut wait till the rmoval of the tate university occurs, and then you will have anothep increase, be i':mi a fev real eta.'e peculal- r want, it done. Tote a;?ain.t the removal.. :n : To I.-.ok after the work of im provement of the road through .Nebraska, and particularly that stretch acres the state iesizna.' ed a.s the Lincoln hizn- , j way. t he yxv-ir ha. appointed aa adviscry highway commission. It consist of 3. E. Frdr:ek.n of i)m;i!u, staie consul of the Lincoln Ilizhwiy association; J. T. Beeler of Xorth Platte, and (Z. U. iutafoa of Mad. The cura mijian will wori without salary and will adviae CGunty boardd of the proper methods of ennatmc tion and encourage the buildin? of permanent roads and bridges. :o : According to the year-book of vif;, ,i, Co., there were slaught ered during 1'.) eiht million pound of veal, says the Missouri RuraiisL This. it. i estimated, would be sutlicient in furnish a city of Had.OOO people with its total meat, supply for 3d year. Reducing this to a one-year basis, it would do the same tiling for a country of i J.aOO.OOi) inhabit ants for one year. In other words, the y.Minz- calves slauzht erde in i'.)t:J to satisfy the call f.r veal would have furnished, had they been allowed to live one year, sufficient beef for over one tifth of our population for a whole year. -o: If there are any democrats who think they are pro i n -z to have an easy time carrying the state next fail,, they had just as well -et such a notion out of their heads. The republicans are quietly orzanizins all over the sta'.e. and there will be but one republican party and one repub lican ticket at the next election. while the democrats, unless they perceive .some plan by which the party can be harmonized and fac tion united they can't possibly have the slightest hope of carry ing the state, it is just a well "take time by the- f..rerH"k" and tliiiili of the (natter hfeiv it is too late. WILSOJ1 OH THU3T COJITROt- Prpsnlenr. Wilson, navmu: se cured the passage of the tarilT bill and of the-currency bill, ap ; peared in person before a joint ; meeting- of the senate and. house, and elaborated on the methods by which he proposes- to attack ! the trust problem, which has : vexd the three or four preceding administrations.. Uur readers may be interested in a brief summary ivinz- merely the points of attack r First Prohibition of inter locking directorates of prreat corporations, whether they be banks,, railroad, insurance, com mercial, or public service bodies. That is. a man must not be a di retcor in. a number of diirerent corporal ions through, which he may deal with himself- Second A, law sivimr the rnterstate Commerce Commission pmver to determine how much capital railroads need for the proper conduct of their business: in other words, what amount of bonds and stocks they may be al lowed to issue. In other words, he proposes to zive the Interstate Commerce Commission power to say t.) what extent they may in ilate either taeir slock or bond issue, the idea beiuz that, these issues, whether of stock or bonds, shall teil the truth; that for every dollar of capitalization is sued there must be a dollar in the business. Third A deiinitioti of "unlaw ful restrains of trade" by explicit legislation supplementing the Sherman law. Fourth The creat.on of a commission to aid the court and to act. as a clearing house of in formation in helping business to conform to tile laws. Fifth Provision of penalties md punishment of individuals responsible for unlawful business nractice. other words, he would not line the corpora ioa that doe wTron-x. but the man or lieu in the corporation who hnve ordered the wronz to be done; a .jail or penitent iary sentence in--rfead of a tine. Sixth lie propose to prohibit holding companies; that is. one corporation holdinx the stock of another- corporation; and uz--rests that men must elect as to which corporation they will rep resent as director, and one only. Seventh He propose to zive the private individual the ripcht to institute suit for redress of wrong" suffered -where the gov ernment has already tried the case and decided ajrainst the cor poration- La other words, if a man ha been injured by a corporation- and one man ha proved the injury zrowmsr out of the ac tions of that corporation- then another man who ha suffered the ane injury from it. is entitled to redress without proinsr into a Law suit. This, it will be seen, is an en tire reversal of the methods of dealing with trusts adopted by either McKinley, Taft or Roose velt. Let us hope it will succeed; but before jrivinr an. opinion on it- let us wait to see it tried out. ro: As Ions- as the price of beef re mains where it is- home will re main the dearest place on earth. :o : Look out for -SI') and counterfeit bills. Be sure you don't try to pass any of them on us. :o : Nebraska beat Kansas on the production of the most alfalfa. They can beat us perhaps on broom corn, and we know she doevj. on sunflowers, but we take the cake on alfalfa. :o: Sulzer, the deposed governor of New York, avers that Colonel Rooevelt will return from South Africa in time to run for gov ernor of New York, and that he wilt be elected. Sufer is hank ering after revenue. but he i Ttaiiinz the wrmii steo to meet with success. "EiTly Sunday has added ?300, 000 to his private coffers during the last four years,, indicating that farming in the vineyard of the Lord is a prosperous busi ness.. n Both armie can now have all the good and ammunition they want shipped to them from the L'niLed States, so long as they have the money to pay for them. ,Nov they can play "hide-and- seek." to their hearts content. Villa is pleased, and if he doesn't -et Huerta' scalp before many day it will be because of hi leaving between two days for a refuge in foreign lands. :o: Butter that ha traveled 1 1.- on miles from New Zealand will soon be placed on sale in Chicago and other section of the ,'nileu st ate, .1. .i . i i . JJi "'Hi' it. ...... . : a;inouneeu mat. ii. na sr-meu ai contract for .'JUO.ooo pounds of butter shipment, thi year. Re .(.nil ion f ii .,if UU tl'JU il "111 l-O 2 ' in .Vlj.. pound is said to have enabled i merchants- to profit on importa tions. Part of th .shipment will !e received by way of the Paciiic coast and oilier by way of Lon don. :n r i The old-time custom of wnr-j ing to newspaper to expri'ssl opinion on mailers of public in-! I crest fell away many years ag". j . t . .. . , i, . i .MIL. IL '.Mil i DO wen LO re (e i.ii.r , . , , I worM 'JaJ' .,"mr,ir-if?ie r L nsfnr l-t-practice generally.. The man who j .(j. rh;to-rrriaia of Cr.-ntion acl it cinceive valuable an idea to the either a protest against public j wrong or a iget.jii wiiere -onielhimr can b r"medied. h is' f!enfimcs offer-iT a sugst nm i that has done much zood. R.it.'iei ih.in complain that certain ideas are not exploited, ii. would be well for the person in whose mind an :d"a that mizht do public ir -"d is orn. shoubi set it down, bc-ily. giving the facts, and submit it to :he newspaper. ll would help, perhap.. aad mis.lt at least start i discussion that would deve'ope some irulh. The Journal holds oseif in .rea.line!' t. giv.j full consideration t.v euiumunications proided i which may he sent, there is nothing of an offer. I ' j character that mr-int be of a -landerous or libellous nature. Be plain; be frank. To help beautify Piattsmoutli it, is almost time f..r mdivHiuals !o begin doing their part. It is about the time of year when seed j catalogues "and nurserymen should be consulted. Shade trees for tqu sidewalk parks. Adam and Eve. ami bude them mnltl . . ,. pir and fill the tsarti, ?atia uw hi as. for your back and tront rportun.t7 t) p,:: bis ani!lition. gardens vards. Individual effort will a-hieve much in the wav of city beaut iiication. herever a shade tree is ueeijed. one may be planted this sprin; .;n, .r,,. effect.. Some prefer fall plant ing, but last fall is passed and next fall is too far off, so begin to consider where you will plant tree and how many. ix weeks from now the tree should L put in the ground. .Voihing make a city seem more desira ble as a residence place than to have trees- lining the streets. Sanitary measure are neceary, too. but the tree planting ap peals to the eye, and especially doe it appeal on a hot day in midsummer. :o; Yes. the ice crop is safe now. if the dealers wilL hustle in put ting it up. :o: A large number of tires are generally punctured on the road to- wealth. :o: Before trying to love your neighbor as yourself, be sure her husband isn't looking. Senator Banning is receiving considerable free advertising since the announcement ha been made that, he is a candidate for governor, and the !-:iuty of it is t.'iev are .-ilt coin o I i tie-n I a f 1 o i that gentleman, too. PASTOR RUSSELL'S PHOTO-DRAMA FORMl? QpSIISl Ll B0StC3 Ttai'er Sunday. SUCCESSES EVERYWHERE. Ir Sarmart Paator Russell's Subject Was, "Satan's Graat I a VtfHat Harm It Did" Tna First Lie Wher It Was Told W'ny It Was Told To Wham It Waa Told Its Result Its Repetition. Trie Disastrous Results to Humanity. All Manner of Crimea Ara Its Fruit age The Only Remedy Why? When? How? E.)stii. llaso.. February Stti. r:i.'tur EusmmI L h re, anii in tliii B.fsU'U T'Jcutns cj day ..'.'Uiui.-ti tile ujjeni'i.g i.2iili Cin wC 111. I'iioto Draaj.t Crt.- tiuu, iv h ch moJI tv jij;;.i,uii c thi. tlic:r- " vj e-v 1'X-1- hiy at, t' -V, i aa.t 3 and L. t i.'i.-e t!ie rij..t.- Hi ' V 1 V.-. It-. .? "f 4t r.-. C 'i Draaia of Crir.:uu wi ri:c i:..'u t the puijilir -it The 'L'enipe; ia Ni.w V.ri City on ..aaiuir;' 11. w 'licil :!. t'le t-e-iniiing of a .Tii" of worid-w. :de fn dnctioii. iC lias been iar.'il-i.l ia seriil citie lo cr-oviinl Ileum's, ta alt i of 'vliic't it contiii'ie nn.'oy :i wi.J yijrrjna';. rmfoumt DiU there ner!ii;i ;1"i.!'- ;?;,' t"J.t " L'le lii:jd i-i the that, mav be ninety-six rvmaiviaoie n"i;'"i, Jt'.' ,(im!im-,iivjtalte. and that ir -veraJ part arv i i:rer;ur t a s-:!L:iarv c.'tiie la tkeo. lotf,.aI PnTarr:t!ou. Ia his sertrion La the f"r?n"ei fn- '5SS4''' 'h."n!iseI tliat teurrirp t fie r'inr :"-rr-:ma wivi-h rvt.ife r ..c.,,n- -.,-.,, f r v.-i,.it tl.ira it rid." EI' re'.: and discourse f jl low: "When he sre-icra a lie. be speak eta of hi.s own: f -r lie is a liar, and the father of it." John S: U. yons4;ii.ical tr.iditioi: h.iudeI t cs from the I'arli Az hav rv.izl? coa faseii ti:e people of .;od 'n very Hibie sn!ije..'C: far iustaace. Sataa kaj Leea piL-taril jrr-)tt.-.'l'ii!y. a:;.! 'itseribed a.s pn?si;lLog ia a far-off torture chamlP. IIv? ha b.:.!H rpr'seari-i x-i ":perin temlinx the t rtan . C the non-elect humanity. The DiHe acctoiTit L- ?e-n wtioi!y ini?re.L InstenI of the Bibie'a nprHennng Satan a. a rpaiiTe be ir.LT with hoofs, horns, and forked tail. 'x t,!!la lls t-1:,t h'- v::l nn :,n-'lJ tC 8 very hinh order heaariful Li peroa and liis'.ilj endoweil. Insre id of resid ing afar ol, he is tlie "rri:i-? of the power of the air." Icstejid of tok;ng nres. he "worketh in the heart.s of the fhiiilren of IIoi?'i:er:ii'" seeking ta biLnd them ami to land them with Ig norance, superstition, faiseiioo!. Satan's First Grat Lie. Accnr'Iin- to tJie EiMe. Saran" pri mary ;n was an ambition rriite. fie Imagined he could .Iir?et the a.Talrs of the universe, in w!iu:n He eigne set cp a separate dominion, and try out his schemes. When T'lvini Power created schemes into orerarioo. T!ie holy a I?" - ''l!'1 n')C - or r!.ei;iEg I against Divine aarhority t criopmf witil him -a hU .m,. hKt here was Ian inexperienced man. who mlht be lleetHVeii U1T.O iOue.ieiin! r., ,oi. ar.fi thiis be won over t Satan and h.'s schemes. Thronzh Lim te saw his way to an earthly empire, ii w'licli hi will would be doue as Jehovah's will Is done in Heaven. Thus it came that when Gxl insrmct etl Adam and Eve hi respect to the fraifc of the Tardea of Eden nr.d for bade their eating of one rprtaia th.d of fmitage. and put a penalty upon diso bedience, then Satan, through the ser pent, lied to tliem. lie toM them that their Creator wished to keep them In a measure of slavery, that tte fruit for bidden them was the very fmit neir essary to their hlgliest development, t-'iat so far from doing them Injury It would be n roon, a:.d irr. ee them as wise as 'Tod Himself. Satan Intimated to them That God did not wish them to be as wise as Himself, but desired t acid them in the slavery of lg!ioran..-e. The thirst for knowledge and th doubt of God's Wisdom and rve rame before our first parents as a tempta tion; and they yieMeiL They disobey ed. This was s"n. An.i It brouxht npotT them the p"n.-ilfy Gid had fore told "Dying, thon -halt die." The dy ing process began Immediately, but s strong was the perfect man that even In the imperfect surroundings of the accursed earth outride of Eden he was able to prolong his dylr.i? fO) years. Sataa obsessed, or t:k control of tiie serr-nt. nnI so guided It that it spoke the d?ce-.tions to oir Crst par ent. It is not even necessary to suppose that the serpent spoke with an audi ble voice. Quite llieit-. as oar adage, goes, its actions spoke loud?r thaa words. It partook especa"y of the, fruit forbidden to our Srst parent. The fruit did n.-t kill the- rpent. On t!ie c..t:ir;ir'r Mother Ile p'rceivel tl'iau iu w.is l-ir th.n auy .,r!:,.-r -if rh. bea.f of the e-; rt ii. Br Ir th-ia it declare..! to ter cJad, ia: G-l - t ' ' Had misstate-i tS-r fct iia E tu2 theni tiiat th eating of that foritld fniit woii:.I ?tfn deith T.i them. Satan's Pt "!.'. Wiett SaLin. teheid Adam usI E" jutTists tvrm Edec. snd c-erretrfl that xradiah'y tc cenai'r. "LryUg. tbou iait d-e." wici.I ejee 3:-n tnaa liicd. we iieaing them Ta --'l:, Ia "-T and In. mora:; fc aSouid tea vmrinL of the f nlj oC ii C3'irs. But no. aa cour- of ;rt.. :a-s entered u on. Ieais fartaer saI fsr tner astny. Iastea l of ';r-"cderh; tile j.j-i .C a..! grce. Saraa I more dethiac l3DfflJ of rerearlr: of the lie by wfciea he had injured a rar-. he added ty It. tili seeWlnx to lower i.T-.'d ia the eye of hum.miry. Arrrently. Sanaa somen t s- t. i at and .lea7.cire mankind that a Cr pectil tarrter wj-tlil N rjlei La tiir hearts igainst tie AhiJilty. and tiat thus humanity might t Liaderl f-jm ever aaia eouih:g Jnt fil?rhi? w.a God. no matter what pr?vr;.'n Gi nier.-y or g-ace might mle f .T thetr return, t'oc Lx tivisand years ?Jtaa 'ju te.'n carrying on hi wi.-ke-l w r'; o slander a:;-! uim,nrfs.a!i.'a cf th Divine character acd pur;.'. Satan's Nt 0vc. Ac.vilx.g t tie S-.-ftarvs. S.i'au wis d.a;'i'vv;;:el t?it ti uiie.:r4 tTv livii.', ai:d j r- i tI t rrm eiy tfci tuattwr. lltw t;s nTt tep t iLf.vuLit tt- riov w.ta a frh tm!n of life. -itah:.r - bi-r fr-nn th jug.t. wh- tit t!-v.-r sh-'wi any svtoptoius vJ dwith. Tb '. ;.sfcri v( tv ;vvr t c.Mtf rUlise-to jsaiie bayau N !v-s - w-rv riice':rl by Si ts i to li'.'l-Hc U f ttn-it t H-j-l le 5.IW of ttieir Hit!Ie- tk Bit 'Is tfir vxxw n hitn ts. 4t.m vi'i I;' vur rrxt vitvtd-. "Ye shall not vjwtv die," iuu-t ! uptirM Iy h'-li. ir l-v ctvhA he would n'rtv tJ h-s wd. te tt'aie the At- Tt t',turvu:fttt uc-fab Mjijx vt ttw su;-U li--deil Gils I xttviry i:il iuJut;l lti-uiWv- la tbe plv-awri f Of ltd uuttef we- rvad la lo uvii 0 Th nn.-'ll'' !.-o ef ilil. kjiw th djiiitilrrs f cjeri. that tS-y were fir. l-enutlf ul. and tik of them for Ive such t':ey ch.tse. and started liUUian fac.l bsaU contrary n the IiIrie r nngement of th-tr tsir:. holly nil :?r:g their iwt of materialization. Satda's course jie'n:".! to prosr". lei's tln-e Il Interfere bad not yet conue. He wvwild al'-ow dl !"-' ietjee and a certain amount of HN-rty that It mizht eventually Illustrate to all cer tain great principle atid Ieons re sp.sting the I!viue ctarartcr. Han and arransrements. "l-viznel fi-r the srd cf all G.-l's creature. The children of tfci combination cf angelic vlta!ity graftal upou the hn cian st' t wa a rac? of jrianta phy icaliy and intelle-ttLi'Iy T:rcr!.?r t the con.lenined ami dying rsce of Adam. rVicg tg-HTea and t--ra unJT rnr ly lustful conditions, and In Ti-jlr.t opp,sition t the Iivlne srjll. this new race of clar.ts retalne! nothing of the imag or likeness of T "I- They were brutish, sensual tyrants. Tader thni the human family would soon haT tn exterminated; f :r we read re pectin g rondltlor that M 7 relv that the earth was full of violence and that the thoughts of mn" Kinds were only evil cor.tinu.iliy. God" Wivlora h.it that It would be lest to Hot out entirely that order cf things, and t start a new arranyecietit.. The Dei-jge acirompiished thii. Thene-f.-rth those ar.g!i who for centuries had livel Jn ia were re traine.i from material Ira tlr-n and sep arated from the holy angels. tiny rcn fined to Tartarcs or earth' acoo phere. ileantlme. instead of start:: a new race of men, God carried over Noah and his famCy of pe-vn. Tte constltated a new start f r the Adamlc family. Are! the statement that thy were perfertly gr.erate.1 ar.d that they tad n angelic adulteratl--:. as sures ns of the ii.lar'.tr of our ra:. and that the nierr.pf Ica-rrtre tTd for Adam Includes every one cf os; under the Lord's afTsr.zment that "As ail la Adam d. evt, 90- aH la Christ shall be made alive. Satan's C-at Ds'tat. This was 'be. Crt def-,it th.it Sa'aa had met wlth-the Crt rreat rr.anlfe- MtJon of riTlne Po-rer in 07-1 tl-: a to him. But srlll Jt only r-artl.tlly sroppel his program. The hurtle of himself and bis associate fallen a-ge's were theni'ef.-.rth rstri. te-L Iimlr-L t earth. N longer had tley r-rivilee t- roam the universe. f urrherm. re no fct.ger were they -e-riitd to a. ;n.e a human form by caterti.'irateix They still, however, had their origin-i! rerferrion of orx.misai aaI ti--tr jsi ernl i;?-erty. 5a ran thus L-id orr-rti-nify for asnmlnx that GI h.t-1 done all that He was a Me t. do la ie wit of restraining arul opp',tcg h.na. Ada r ting hiniseif ti the new .-editions. Satan and Lis fallen h.nt at tacked mankind tn a nw wit a'r-r the T-eluge. They w.uld i.c the min.Is of hnm-inity agnir.st Tty would declare that Sataa'a original he was the truth, and that Gor state ment was the lie. Thy w?ild to prove to mankind that the dad are not dead that they have rcn'y changed their ron.LLtioa feca a J.wr to a higher rue and th.!t tny ir more alive than ver. heTer wnti'! ome under the laJ-jere-e of tM. tielr tea- hing wouI li...-re;it G d' state- Uiect WOU1.1 "lei;Te the .- wo; .1 think of a dei-l ai;in a n?ai!y advanc ed to a high-;r station. ii.-,:u 1 .S hat ing fallen Into death. Hen. porsuadevl that the t?e.l jr. alive, could ea,iTr. vui tb bj,;. wf that error, be t betieve fi.it tl-t dead fere su.Tricg t'rawnr an. I i1 thought ta.it G .-I wuT.! 3.,-rV.H t. arwl remut :T-h t srtorn n.i'.l to brui.ili'e TaiaaVii:.". an.! te..J ! etop tileur Crvut t:u:jg tff vToX at Ciiey w.nt oe a.r-- " irfsja r t 'rJ i el a e- s tf s fais-so-vd. .. l"" e-.1. ' e" rr-rs -.n d l''- ' ' ,a.".I he tjk-ixz. vri.i- - and rC'-'X fi- -s-! .r.r7 -.-rs;e fn-3 .-x r7 --" - era aa.S e-.r..::-"- -.s a:; :- ' ter..I t fcri.-.x v-it 1:e s - ' har-u -j mta-L V. t- ' tier ;srt 7 f.'. r rt u rf" i d'--.e- - eca.iO. s-d t7 s la -' i-fnw.. tna: rnr " Ue." tea j- t-W -"-a I s ; -i tbe trri These .rr-. - - teen. rrzr.x ta tr " I ' - -iicr- thaa ff tn-".si..-: 7-"- ' wm wordier fhvtt fhe i4 trcr i-e-.i npot a-j-r. -..? : ' winder r.'at t7 a-? Tr . ' rr-er f the -r-.v . - r ' o.t i V- Ir.-iJ-.J ' AS"-", a ..-g " t Ma -is of A men. -r.o-.x ' ' :-r a: thi. -:-''. j " " ie t:; at - - " - t r- c w -h i a.-.d 1 . t - i wi---I ...-.". -'--'" . W.'eaa. r s es Of r--. -;.-. t .-r" . ''""'' '" Ot. ry. -.- d ' xiv-n la ur;- 'f m'o'i ' I ;t ii a-r'-'-; ' ' 7 .'-" ' T'3.ir. The ;r-.c d t nT-.e-ir- -v'-. r - ' I " - -fr-n tni a v' ' '' " ' fr-m T: T - " ,;tC I "-L.v .- --a o-e-n'I r -it. -. 1 ' ' " 6.7wiug re. rf fhe lr.-'. tlocs and t-d"-T-. r--f.. . !-- were irz-'.t'-l ? Z" ' t - thus l-'r.-lrsz th-r-. Try r " m-r 'I : -. er witi. ft:er f Uz.nz' . pr"t.Tcr.. ?7 far a fh w-r i ia x--t' r..r. . -. 'd 'rr.:i'- ! f '. '- - tnr evntui Ty t- i".:'.iT r. "j- . -.d. f-t In tb rf G d f 1 tf te'u. II e-; la 1 1 I: rrr-."I -' ter thra frM th- iffi - f :' At vervary. t T ;e.-Lal ltw .:! tt " tior 71- h.' itlrg rr:-:' .T.i-'ic ' ti..ns of th evil : .-.' H- d ! - -ty warn.' Irad agir.t I.a'l-; " -thirg nt.i'evor t'" d wirlj tl.- w". bad familiar s;irli-w:: h--s, re--. mar --rs. wizard, rf-. I':. ' r f !.ra r..r.- 't tb- wr t r-. -la raie-tlLe. S-.m- r tbra. however, r -! J : lalfy and did r-A th-. -dr-n-e-I by Kir. Sa ;i' si.t ri Witch of r.r.d- r. whTi b- !; r! t cm-ii';nic.ite with Sam:e. t.', I . ; s et, b wa dcl- Of r S -w.:s dead, and ri'I.-r M-.i r.- r t: -wlt.-b o.erM revive tl-a. Hut th- e i splrtfs oul l !m;-r,-n.ite Mr.r;:. ar ! that t.Vy d: I -. i U r - ! T"-. caui tbe tr-1 r p r" j : - tl. whlctj sh deril-l t t. .g a- 1 wLi- h h interpret-! t' I.:m"f. Tl waa th err-r j r 'C-agitM ein ta G- X-'.al -iatl-----; artI f -Tt ". t'-e others ef the eri I f l IIU e. Jvsus Cast C m t C---- Ia tbe days - f o--.r Ixri w- ; - ! ?hi. many of tl e ba .'.- -rg in "Spfr'.ti'n. and hxl r-t-t n-:r t: IcfiTU' e .f the f ar g-- s t t..- i trr.t rf i(H!..n. and n f t,"-a th exfert of t-!rc J 1 7 1 rfrif. whS h 11 tr;:r th!r. r; sr.? talking ftr ttra. r-ur-'y r -. t " hunvi a i-rgTns a ttHr -var. T would s-m t hive rn tl s"ti tlve f materHTlisteei. If !l f:--. acjeis cou'-l re 1 r. zr m a :t .- r 1.- r wonid dj the ti-izg cx; t their jr-f erence they k;M yt ct:t- cf tie mind of sco ldivVlaal a .el th Vit coctrcl of tis boJy. Ia all aacb case, it w-n!-2 trv that th rlrtlra. t-"s.trr oof erix 7-,rif.. I fr-;at::T y thm t i- st5. f- ,. thirg :- '. !-g .le;nv.:y trat-r t-ia v r lad tf. t. e.' a tr-- T-'r..l-r:'-y of i; 1. rr -.-'-; . l twirl HiTtr; - ii rl d,,r of J-us id! II.s A:-f's. a rg ? ti S-r.Tr.iI a"-:r. t r -tZ fzt Crz.- r. f. m rasj p- v. if wVn hi! c: -r f .t-i - tr.aa had a I ki MtT ;-r! ' ) we"; th.j .-te 3 - tr' en'ir ir.an ar t?--c r-i ' t , -. t 7"""j 3""y ln;s I;s. TV.-T "'r an 1. .,.. , T, - -. V7hrn sevri! of t-- g-s'-. .- 1 e. ra r. tiv zia. l ::'- .--:"-!- bte bv t .--4 ...r -j". l.r.-kf-r rr- T-' .toe; tv "-r -;- :! Ms lr-i"3 1- - z t'--rcK. dr r---f-;: -: -.-.. . '.. h'v . ?;-":- "T ?! t"' TKe .rf r.-t rl.'-.b t" it :4r-r a " v iVve Sarj-j : 11 ..-- : "T sua 'I n.:n--r'-r N-..t ' r .j tie I .' L Te 7?" - r-'- the he v.?f . H---.- ; 1. in-!.- S'!; ; t.. '''.r'-'g - '. : --. 1 rt. I'.nSHi't S-:-l 4--t j ;erje-i; . a 'J :; f-r -t; Jd rtr i fc ti ..- :t'; f " -t h i1. .T'li'.i.: : '1 - ." .1 ; . f i P. i of Ke-' 1 a ' l-a ?J J. ; , w !J t"e ... . fj'- Jtr' : Tj 'V m . J fi'- . 1 .M'i. e I t ts W -id i f r'-- t . l - t ta Sth bj . --T" 1 1 l'-m'ii. '' ' . : t t j'!. S'J.l W U ' w. , . - fy tse lord s , , - s S-C il 1 .-, , , ti'-iiv "i 1; r-. ,- -f .r- ... -. eu-vs (- -.-j f , .,; , 4 f ; i. !S :.-i i ' v- 1 . ,( s, , , I t5- W.M-l .,f ; r w. r- . . f . Tr'.n aai ta- f-.-.--, ti.-e wj.f ot it i V I - sjr " -"" jpw-w r