The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 09, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914.
PTC 3.
.titTitxi: of i( (ini'inaTio
Srhlatrr JL Kltzsrald Company.
Knoirn All Men bv T ties presents:
That ve. tte unelersi-ri.e.el Incorjiorat
orn, purs'i?r.t te tie Statutes t the
Stat? of Nebraska, in such cases matie
ami provided, do lserebv lissiwiute our
Ivm as a politic atid incorjiur
ute, in the manner and ;'.r the pur
P'js'.'s hereinafter moiitioned.
Th narrs of this rori'orat ion fhall
"Se ll later A.- KitzjreraM e'omjianv,"
alreiiated title & l Stotk Com-
Peotlon 1. Ttte authorized
ptock of tbis corporation shall
Jiurtilred Thousand $ " 0.JOO
on fetal
divided into Five Thousand
5. -100 )
shares of the tar value of One .Him
flr-d (JinO.OJt hollar, each of vMc!i
Thirty-tive Hundred Jit0 siiare
f-liall be preferrol stock and i'ifteen
Jlunelreil l5Ch shares shall be com
mon stock.
See. . Preferred stock Fha'.l
famines be tirst paid dividends
two years from the date of issue
retirement at a rate not er.ceediris; !
Jer cent per annum, payable annujillv.
and shall after payments of divhb-nds
of 8 ier cent upon the common stock,
participate equally in dividends with
common stock. Preferred stock shall
have priority in payment in d:vidmls
up to S per cent per annum and also
for the jiaymtnt of the principal
Sec. o. The Board of Directors, mav
at its option. redeem any and all
shares of preferred stock at any time
after five years from the dnte of issue,
bv the pavment in cash of One Hun
dred and Ten ($110.00) lollur. per
share, and the amount of any accrued
ilivi lends and undivided net profits
then due and unpaid thereon, at the
rate of redemption.
Sec. 4. The holders of preferred
stock shall not be entitled to any vot
inir power in the corporation.
Sec. ii. When the stock is fully paid.
It shall bo non-assessable and the
stockholders shall not be personally
liable for the debts of the corporation.
Sec. 6. The stock of this corporation
may be paid for either in money, notes,
property, property risrhts. live stock,
machinerv. tools, and irrigation rights,
merchandise, fixtures, stocks or bonds
of other corporations, or service at
their fair market or reasonable value,
proivded that such propertv. property
richts. live stock. machinery, tools,
irrigation risrhts. merchandise, fixtures,
stocks or bonds, or services are useful
to. necessary for. or required by the
corporation in its organization, or in
the transaction of its business, and anv
stock so issued shall be non-assessable
and fully paid.
The principal plate of transacting
the business of this corporation shall
be in the City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, but it may have such addi
tional places, at -which it mav transact
its business, as may be de determined
bv its Hoard of lirectors. and it shall
lie empowered to transact
at such subsidiary places
whether within or without
its nusmess
eif business,
the s?tate ot
The ireneral nature of the business
of this corporation shall be breeding,
raisin?, buying and selling of live
stock of tny of the races: the main
taining of ranches or farms or elevat
ors or anything; pertaining to farm or
ranchinu; buyiner. seilins: and leasing
of rights, privileges and francnises.
real estate and other property to be
used in conducting of a live stock
business or in connection therewith;
buying, sellinar. making and transfer
ring notes, rnorteases. or other evi
dences of indebtedness: to purchase
and sell shares of its own stock: to re
issue and re-sell shares of its own
stock: to contract and transact busi
ness with its own stockholders, incor
porators, olhcers. or bond holders, tie
same as with other parties and to do
anv and all other acts or things neces
sary for the enjoyment and exercise of
its "corporate powers and existence,
whether conferred upon this corpora
tion bv their Articles or Ry-Laws.
The highest amount of indebtedness
to which this corporation may at any
time subject itself shall not exceed an
amount equal to one-third (l-o of its
paid-up capital stock.
This corporation shall commence
Tnisiness on the 1st lv of January,
1914, and shall terminate on the ::ist
lay of T'eceniber. li04. ami it shall be
authorized to transact its corporate
affairs v. hen these Articles of In
corporation shall have been fully filed
as required bv law.
The affairs and business of this cor
poration shall be conducted by a
hoard of five Directors and by the
officers hereinafter provided for.
Section 1. The following ramed per
rons, who shall bold orfice until their
successors are elected, at the first reir
ular annual- meeting in January. l!ir.
shall constitute the first Roard of
Directors of the corporation: Prank
E. Schlater, Edward Eitzperald. James
Fitzgerald. Henry R. ;erin.2 and
Samuel Orloff. ami from their number
the following named persons. who
shall hold office until their successors
are elected as hereinafter provided,
shall constitute the officers of the cor
poration: President. Edward I'itz
perald: Vice President. Henry R. Uer
injr: Secretary and Treasurer, Frank E.
Sec. 'J. The resrular annunl meet
of the stockholders shall be held
the second Tuesday of January
each vear at the principal place
business in the City of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, at which meeting the Board
of Directors shall be elected from
their own number. The Roard of
Directors so elected shall hold office
until their successors are elected at the
next succeeding rtprular annual moet
insr. Vacancies occurrinsr in the Eoard
of Directors shall be tilled as provided
in the By-Laws.
Sec. 3. Special meetings of the
stockholders for the purpose of trans
acting anv business. stated or em
braced within the call, may. be held at
anv time upon the call of the I resi
dent. Secretarv, Roard of Directors, or
the holders of two-fifths t L'-i". ) of the
common stock, after pivintr fifteen (Ki
davs' written notice thereof, by mail,
to "each of the holders of common stock,
at their addresses, so shown upon the
records of the Corporation. Special
meetir.srs may be held in the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or at such
other places as mav have been selected
by the Roard of Directors for the pur
pose of transacting business.
The Board of Directors shall, as soon
as convenient. after their election,
meet and elect, from their own num
ber as officers of the corporation, a
President. a Vice Iresidcnt. a Sec
retary, a Treasurer, who shall hold
office until their successors are elected.
Vacancies occurring amonc the officers
shall be filled as provided in the Rv
Iaws. The office of Secretary and
Treasurer mav be held by one person.
The shares of stock of said corpora
t'on shall be transferable on the books
of the corporation, in accordance with
such rules and regulations as may be
adopted by the Roaril of. 1 irectors. but
any stockholder who is about to sell,
dispose of. or- transfer his share or
shares of stock in said corporation
must first offer the same to the Roard
of Directors. at the same rate for
which lie is about to dispose of. or
sIl said share or shares and said
Board of Directors may purchase such
share or shares at such fijrure or
nrice. said purchase to be for the
benefit of the remaining stockholders.
Should anv stockholder dispose of or
transfer his share or shares of stock,
without first offerinir the same to the
Board of Directors. or should anv
stockholder dispose of or transfer his
share or shares at a price or figure
less than the price or figure at which
lie offered to sell the same to the
Board of Directors, then and in such
event, the Roard of Directors may re
fuse to recognize such transfer or sale,
and may cancel and annul said stock
upon tenderinsr to the holder thereof
the price paid bv him for such stock.
The Board of Directors shall have
full power and authority to make any
and all rules and By-Laws for the
proper government, management, and
control of the business affairs of this
corporation, and they mav alter and
amend the same, in accordance there
with, provided said amendments do not
conflict with these Articles of Incorporation.
These Articles of Incorporation may
be amended at any regular annual
meetinir of the stockholders, called for
that purpose after due notice, pro
vidded that sucii proposed amendment
he first approved bv three-fifths :;-." I
vote of the entire Roard of Directors,
and if so approved, be entered at .arise
;iport tie records cf said Roard. A
draft of any proposed amendment or
amendments, as ti.e case may be, may
be presented by anv stockholder, and
if approved by the Roaru of Di rectors
such amendment or amendments may
be adopted and made a part of the
V.ticies of Incorporation by a ma.i.'r.ty
vote of the holders of the common
slock of the corporation issued, present
and votins: provided, however, that a
majority of the common stock issued
mist be present either in person or by
proxy. Any amendment amend
ments so adopted shall thereafter be
subscribed and acknowledged by the
Roard of directors and shall then be
recorded and published as provided by
In testimony whereof, we have here
unto set our hands this .(nil eiav of
December, litis.
Executed ;n triplicate in t! pres
ence of
FRANK E. S 'I'l. ATI-ill.
lli:.i:v r. ;i;i:i(j,
State of Nebraska,
County of Douglas, ss:
On this llUth day of December. ISIT.,
before me, olive Weiner, a notary pub
lic, duly commissioned for, jalitied
and residing in said county and state,
personally came Henry ii. (lerinir and
Samuel Orlolf. to me well known to-be
the identical persons whose names are
subscribed to the f ore-iroinir. Articles of
Incorporation and they severally ac
knowledged the execution of the same
to be their voluntary act and deed for
the purpose expressed in said Article.
.In testimony whereof. I have i ere
unto subscribed my name and affixed
my notarial seal the date last above
writte n.
(Notarial Seal) OLIVE WKIXEE.
Notary Public.
My commission expires August Hod,
State of Nebraska.
County of Cass, ss:
On this "(.th day of December. 191H.
before me, A. L. Tidd. a notary public,
duly commissioned for. lualiiied and
residing in said comity and suite,
personally came Frank E. Schlater,
Edward Fitzgerald and James l-'itz-perald.
to inc. well known to be the
identical persons whose niimes are
subscribed to the foresioir.S' Articles of
Incorporation, and they severally ac
knowledged the execution of the same
to be their voluntary act and deed for
the purpose expressed in said Articles.
Intcstimony whereof. I have here
unto subscribed mv name and a:lied
my notarial seal the date last above
(Notarial Seal) A. U TTDD.
Notary Public?.
Mv commission expires October ",
Schlater !fc VI tit si era Id Company.
M e-t I n it f the Stockholder.
Section 1. All meetintrs of the
stockholders of this corporation, loth
resrul;r and stiecial. fd'.all be held :it
the office of the company, in the City
of Plattsm-uth. State of Nebraska.
Sec. At the annual meetinu (f th"
stockholders of this corporation,
directors shall be elected as provided
in Section i of Article VI II of the
Articles o' Incorporation. and sui-li
other business as may properly come
before the meeting may also be trans
act od.
Sec. ?.. If for any reason the annual
meetinir of ti e stockholders si all not
be held at th tim provided in Section
2. Article VIII. of the Articles of In
corporation, or if the stockholders, at
said annual meotintr, shall f.iil to elect
directors, a special meeiir.-r of the
stockholders may be called for that
Purpose in the ninner provided in
Section " cf Article VIII. of the
Articles of Incorporation.
Sec. 4. Xo business oth-r linn ti nt
stated in or embraced within the call
for anv soeoia) me, tins? of the sto k
holders shall he transacted or con
sidered at such meetings, except by the
unanimous consent of all holders of
common stock present thereat, either
in person o- bv prow.
Sec. T.. It shall be the dutv or the
President ti call a special meeting of
the stockholders whenever reonest .1
in writing so to do by the Voider of
two-fifths :.'-" of the common sto.-k
issoed. If the President neglects for
fort v-eisilit hours after such request ;s
made to cali such special meeting of
the stockho'ders. then the stockholders
makinir such reouost mriy themselves
call sue?) s-tecial meetintr in the man
ner provided in Section of Article
VIII of the Articles of Incorporation.
Sec. C. Xo special meeting of tli"
stockholders shall be called or held
except as authorized bv the laws of
the State of Nebraska, the Articles of
Incorporation or these Bv-Lawv.
Sec. 7. If the entire Board of Direct
ors shall lave died or resigned, any
stockholder rnav call a special meeting
of the stockholders, in the same man
ner that the President of the corpora
tion may call such meetings, ami
directors- for the unexpired term may
be elected at sm-h special meetings, in
the manner provided for their election
at annual meetings of tl e stockholders.
Sec. S. At all meetings of the stock
holders the President of the corpora
tion shall preside, a-nd in t'-e event of
his absence the Vice president of the
corporation shall preside, and if both
be absent the stockholders shall elect
a president pro tempore. vim shall
preside over such meet in sr. shall attest
the minutes of the meetintr. and who
shall have the s;ime powers as the
President in presiding at the me'-tinir.
Sec. H. At all metin'-s of the
stockholders the owners of a majority
of th common stock of the corpora
tion issued, present either in person or
prow, shrill be necessiry to constitute
a quorum for the purpose of transact
insr any business.
See.. 10. At all annml meetings of
the stockholders the order of
business sht.ll bo followed so far as
consistent with the purpose of the
meetintr. unless such nrdr of business
is waived by majority vote, viz:
1. Hoadincr of the minutes of the
preceding meetintr and action
2. Report of the President,
n. Renort of the Treasurer.
4. Report of the Secretary.
F. Report of the committees.
. Elect-on of directors.
7. I'nfinlshed business.
5. New business.
Meet!nir of the- Hoard of Direct om.
Section 1. All meet ires of the Board
of Directors, both resrolar and special,
shall be held at the office of th com
pany, in the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall
meet repularlv upon the first Tuesday
of each month, at ten-thiry lir:-.o"l
o'clock a. m.. provided that such
retrular monthly meetinirs may be
postponed to such future date as may
be considered advisable by the chair
man and Ihree other members of the
Board, who. together, shall at least
three davs before the t!m of the hoid
intr such retrular monhtly moctinir,
notify the other members by mail,
rostace prepaid. addressed to their
residence as shown upon the record? of
the corporation, of such postponement,
statin.? in the notice the date and
hour to which sucli meetincr is post
poned. Sec-. 3. Special meetingrs of the
Board of Directors may be held at any
time, upon the call of the chairman of
the Board. or upon the call of any
three CD directors, provided that writ
fen notice of such meetintr shall be
eriven by mailing, postage prepaid, at
least three clays before such meetintr.
to each member of the Board, except
ing to him or her callins such meet
ing, at their postofiice addresses,
shown upon the records of the cor
poration: provided, further that such
special meeting of the Roard may lie
held, without notice, when a written
waiver of notice thereof shall have
been previously subscribed by each
member of the Board, such "waiver to
he spread at la ret upon the records of
the Board at the meeting for which it
was executed.
Sec. 4. At all meetings of the Board
of Directors, the chairman of the
x.oard shall preside, and in the overt
of his absence the members thereof
present shall elect, from their own
number, a chairman pro tempore, who
shall pre side at that sneet in?', attest
the minutes of ti.e mevtsn;r. and who
shall have the siune pouers as lie
chairman in prcsidinsr nt iit meotin.;.
So-. ,.. The Board of Directors
a d : i r s'leh raVs and rev i. "at hi:' - f r
The conduct cf their merti-irs. a::J may
ado;t s licit rub s and r-.'r-c lalior.s. mcv
enter into or sum i.orize the execution
of such contracts or agreements, fori
the proper m.".ni srement .".:id conduct of I
the affairs of toe corporat ion i'S the j
1 1 . : I eoi.oer Toojie;-. i ;v i e i, j i im
necessary, provided tl,y are not in
conitent. or ::i eonf'iet vith t!.e
Articles of J nr-'.r ror;. t ion. tiitse T:v ur the Laws cf ti.e. State of Ne
braska. Sec. tj. At all meetings of the Board
of Directors. three tr.embers thereof
present sh.ii. be necessary to con
stitute a ouorurn, for the t ra n -c' t i t
of any l.i;:riess. unie-s two or m ie
members of the Hoard shall have died
op tesiirned. :n wl.b h event the remain
inu: members thereof shall constitute
u. lUi.'ic. m.
Sec. 7. The Board of D're' tors s'',
at tl eir first nootir.-r foiiowintr their
election by the stockholders-, elect one
of their own number as Una ir'nan of
the Board, anl he shall h id o-tlce
until th sureeec i ntr reirt.lar an
nual meeting of the stockholders.
Sr-ction 1. Tie President "f the
corporation shall pnsiue at fp.d call
to ail meetings of the stockhold
ers of the coi ion and shall be . x
otfiehj a member of all committees, lie
shall si-:n till ocrtiib ates of ctook.
deeds, liiorlsjvs and contracts and
shall count is ii.-ii ail h ks, bills and
submit a cotnpicte r ! irt of the cor
poration and condition of the corpora
tion for the year, to ti.e s lock h o ide is
at their regula r annual licet in r of
each jear, and also to the j;.nnl of
Directors, at such time as ho mav
be called upon so to .. . and shall from
time to time report to the Directors
ai.y and ail matters within his know
leOtre winch the interests of the cor
poration may i-eoaii'e to bo presented
t: their notice. lie shail perform such
oilier duties as may tie prescribed, or
such as he may be directed to portorm
bv the Roard 'of Directors, ami shall
have general power and dutios of
supervision and ::.a n:i : merit of t lie
le..siness of the eorj orat i n usually
vested in Ids oliice. lie shall have
power to employ and discharge clerks,
employees and j'trents. j'rovided. how
pver, that the Boa "d of Directors shall
have power to .i::e,l, by a majority
vofc. fi e ctri ! lo" tin tit or dismissal of
anv clerk. ;:,;ci!i or i mi'h'.vee.
Sec. '2. Ti e Vice president shall, in
the absence or iner pao: t v of the Presi
dent, perform the duties of its Presi
dent. Sec. .". The Secretary shall record
and sitrn the minutes of all meet ir tr
ot the stockholders, and of the Board
of Directors and shail a'so keep the
books, papers and records of nil busi
ness of the corpirati' :i : shall record
all votes of the stockholders and Id
rectors in a Pool; to be kept for that
Purpose. He shall record all issues,
trrusf. rs :pil c ar. llat ions of stock of
the corporation: shall cancel all shares
cf stock presented to him for that,
purpose, and shall preserve all cm ti
ll ates of stoc k transl'crrc d or ran-
(Med. He shall keep a record,
alphabetically a ria. n trod, of all pert oris
who aie stockholders of tic eorpora-
ii.Tl. sliOWiim tl.eir respective places of
residence. the nvmh-r and kind of
shares held bv t'.etii respo.-t ivelv. and
the d.ate when they became th- owners
respectively of each a-ra sio-h shares,
to- amour, t or ancf.its pah' thereon,
v nicii book s-i a'! )c open for i:isee
tion of s'ockhoidcrs. ilurm-' the i'.inl
hild;iess hours a' the n lice of tic
conipany. He shall a No be the trans
fer airent of the corporation for the
transfer of all c('t t:':ca t cs of stock, lb
shall attend to the trivir.:T attd serving
of i' 11 notices of tic corporate!:: !:
shail nliead to s:c!i c-orres onden ;
(as mav he .ssined to tici; ' st a .
j k"'':i the seal ei the corporation, a i; 1
I shall i-"ix the same to ail oeri ii-cnt es
or stock ano to su i oi. in i rc !.': -as
he mav 1 dire led s- to o i, by the
Rcard of Directors. ;: r.l s'-a. ii "'o: ..
such n'htT duties as may ) incidc ntal
t 1 is o'iiee. ur sin h as 1.1 i
be deleirated or jiss'srped to 1 ivi cit er
bv the pcard of Directors or bv action
of the stockholders.
Sec. -I. The T'-eastierr sha'l V.:vo
the arenernl custody of. and shall de
posit in the name Of the corporatcn,
all inonev and serrriiii--- beionsrins to
ti.e corporation, in brink or banks,
trust coTilpa n i s, ;tl"l safe depoct
a-dts rts mav be '-(hcte.l t!"
Roar.l of Director.--: !' !t 1 ! I
cheeps. ilraft.-t, iiot-s or oth r in
slruments for t he n;n ment of t: "!!' y.
or the deiivcre f'f S'-co r; t ies of to
coi l orat ion. v!.i-h s! ; also be
cr-u nters i'rned Iv the i'r-ilei't. or Iv
sai'i other ofiteer as tie Board of
Directors may desi-j-na lc: provid d.
however, tlat no p.t eoietit of ntonev i:'
trie corporation s! all ' node eso-v.t
bv check as l."reinbefori t.rovided. 'iTld
provi.'.ed further, that no dec!; slt.i;
be drawn, sitrned and cov rt t ers ; ;, 1
for the t ipynn-tt any stuns of money
of ti.e eorooration ver, ex ept
upon the v rittiTi order of the S -letary.
rontiterfi'-'ied by the President,
or upon the i ire- ' ion of ti.e Roard of
Directors. Ti c Treasurer shall kt :.
si h hocks of a eon i;; t. vhiefi may at
al! reasonable- b thtess h urs he e
r.thied bv anv director or t bolder
c f the oom:'ar ' as tl e Pond of
D. rectors mav i:-oct. and fl.ili make
a report of tic f.aan -i:! condition of
the corpora t ion to the stockholders at
each retreiar -rteetltisr. and to
the president, or to t!,o p.oard cif Di
rectors, whenever recc.-.-t'd bv the
President to do so: he shall, if rc
n uircd by tiopoard of Directors at
anv time, irive "itch bond to tie cor
poration a tl,e Roard of Directors may
rcfioire. jnd uti'oi failure to do so
wit'ii-i t-n davs thereafter. si all
forfeit his riarht to the ot'i-.-e of Treas
urer, which si-'all 1 1 cr-i'pon become
vacant and shall ho ft' led as proviih d
in Article V of II ,-- Rv-Inv. s. Ho s' al!
r'rfo;-m such ot'or duties as mnv
df legated to or re";:ired cf him bv ti e
Board cf Directors, rtcl shrill perform
all other duties incident to or usually
devolving upon his oi'iee.
Y!in;r lilid liieeiinni.
Section 1. At all meetintrs of the
stockholders, the ritrht of ountr shall
depend and be trove mod liy ti." trans
fer records of the corporation, aid
only sncii poisons shall be entitled to
vote who appear upon such transfer
records as owners oi tlie common
stock of the corporation; provided,
however, that the mvntr of common
stock mav jriv-. proxies to vote to any
such ineetintv. and provided, further,
tl .at no holder or owner of a share
or shares of common stock in the cor
poration shall be entitled to vote at
any election of directors, whoso share
of "stock has been transferted on the
records f the company within ten ( 1 1) )
days next precedintr. tl'O date of such
t lection.
S;-o. 2. At the meetintr of the stock
holders, the election of directors shall
be .y ballot. and a majority of all
votes cast shall be necessary for an
election of a director.
" See", ii. The election of officers by
the P.oa rd of Directors shall be by
ballot, and a majority of the Roard of
Directors shall be necessary for an
Sec. 4. At all meetintrs of the
stockholders al! qnevtioos except the
amendment of the Articles of Inoor
penation. the election ef officers, anl
other questions, the decision of whicii
is or may be retrulated bv statute,
shall bet determined bv a majority vote
of the owners of tlie common stock
issoed, present either in person or bv
proxy, and votimr ji:id in the ever, of
a tie veite. tlie presidintr officer of tl.c
meetinr shall cast the deciding: vole,
provided, that any s t ock !. older pres
ent may demand a stock vote. VI. en
a stock vote is .ictiianoed it si. a' h"
taken immediatel-i-. and each stock
holder present shall le entitled to erne
vote for eacii share of common stock
owned by him. as appears fror.i the
tratisfe- records of the- corporation, as
he--eiiia fter provided, and also one vote
for epcl; share of common stock owned
by any stockholder, as appears from
the transfer records of the e-orpora-tion.
ps hereinbefore provided! for
whom be may hold a proxy, and the
question shaii then be decided affirm
utivoly. by a majority ote of all
shares of coin tn on stik of said cor
poration issued, present either in per
son or by proxy, ar.d votintr. .Ml vot
i n at trei-tinT? of the stockholders
shall bo viva voce, except a vote for
the election of directors, a vote upon
an amendment to the Art'cles of In
corporation, or when a stock vote is
de-nianded. each of which shall be bv
ballot, and each ballot shall state the
name of ihe person votimr. b"!i per
. . i. i a . . r
sorct ,i ai.ei in'M ii.' itcioTr. i
shares" owr.t-d and voted for h I loi 'i :',
herself, or ts proxy for another. '. it h ,
t ic !
t o word ves if tto- vote b- in
iillrmative, and with t! word no if
the vote be i:i the- ri'-rative. or shall
s'at-t tho rune of t! person voted for, I
it it V- for ti:e el-ct ion c f dir-cto-rs. i
S . The 1'resid.eiit or t.iner i iv-
si.linyr o::ic. r at meet :r t: .- of tie stock
! o'ders ::o v vol- it so "i r:-t ti:;ys i :
ti e in.tnavr t iovid d I v S--. tion 4 of
.'.rt ! ;e IV of t hose By-Laws. e-ept iny
when a vivi o e vote is fii.ea.
Sec. ;. At all meetiiius of th" s'":-k-
!l.!-;ers f .1 the l-l-'.Ii"'! of dire efors.
t'- e.- ider: t of the oorpot ; j. n sitall
:. pooi'it two inspector..- of t cat en.
AKTlCl.i: V.
u fancier.
Vacr. n; ien orcurrinc ':rintr the year
rmoTitr the n.nrer.- or in tlv poa? I 'f
I iji-eetiirs, bv death, r cs ; yn.. i ion.
r. I'i.sal or neirle. t to quuiify. or ot her-
wise. si all be fi!iei for i!e t. .,. i.; d
term only bv the Board of Icre t i-s.
at its refT'ila r er special net i'.tr. by a
ma.itiritv vo -f the r. iraeptin-.r nc:i.
b"VS t I.C-retif. pre ' id"-!. 1 ::.i t tf:e per
son or persons so elected shall )
holder of ti.e common stock of ti.e
o 1 i po: a t ion.
Cororr:ie Seal.
T!i" seal of tiie corporation shall be
c; ;.!ar in form viih the Words,
"-tel hit' r-I'ityyera Id Covipan:.. "t
l'h:ti.s;,,,,;lto. Xebr.." vr lie circi.r-ifc;--eoee,
aid tpe wofils "Corpora t- S al"
in the center.
The fiscal yea r of !; corpora 'on
shall hi:, in '-n the- iii'--l .lay "f .!an ano croi "U lac 1 1 , i r t J-lirs t day of
r cc. m ocr foil ..viritr.
AETici.r: vii r.
Section 1. All cert do of stock
shail be sitrned by the j resident or
i Pro.-d.hnt. :i-:d ai- bv the Sec
retary, and shall be t ra '.s era hi on
t boohs of the c ini- ia v in accor d
ance with tie provisions of Die
Articles of 1 icorpo! at ::i.
Sec. Any stocki. older who is
ni to sc'l or ii .-; o. c i f any siinre
Of Sialics OI SlflCK IP .. t I' !i "111
the President in writiu-r. of the pr.o
t l.ii i; I t' intends to dispose of said
.-i.are r si:.: res. and offer to sell ;,U' !.
si are or si'ares to the Roard of Direct-1
i - at il same price. I pon r. ieipt cf
s'-oh not iflcat i n, it si., ii be the d'.ilv
of ihe Pre-ident to ca.) a. iiii. tia'r- of
the P.oard of Directors and decide
w' eoiu'r or rot they will purchase :a id
stuk at .s;.eh price.
Sec. :!. -Mi certificates of stock of
ti.e corporation sliali ! attested by
it s c oi'i'ur; t c s-,.a .
See. I. Celtiilcates of stock shall b"
nam i'ered and reiste red in the book
kept tut that purpose in tie order in
which they ate' issued, and be
ir.-ucd consec a t i el y according to
li '' r.l Per.
S -c. ... Subscript ions to the tapita)
st. 'ik must he fully paid to tpe
Tras:i:-er when the si . k is i-st:e,l.
provide.'.. huvever, ti:at vvlcn prop
ert" iptrl ts, live steak, r.l icii i ii.-r ,
toois. and irri-tat ion ritrhts. ncr
i .: nd titcrcs. stocks or bonds "1"
other corporations. or seiviies a re
y.d.l. a ss i trncil. 1 nuisferre.! or 'on'eed
to lcuo.rod tic coroo; at iop. as pro
vided in Se. tion s of .rr ie 11 of tl -Art
!' of lnc-frpora tbn, the Board of
I .rectors may ascertain the fair mar
ket or ri asona hie value of such t,rop-
-ty ritrhts. live sto.-K. maciii.nerv.
tools. and irt iuaiiot: ritr hts. tin r
i : apdise. tivtc.res. stocks or b.rtds of
othtr corpora t :o;-s. or s.-rvjeev. as the
;, . may 'be. atel aft r so :i-i.'.:r x. if it
tiads tiiat the samo ate usof,.! to. for
or required by tie e-c-i ; .ra : ca in it-'
or :. id v.: i hot. o- in t'.e transaction of
its Pi.-ipess, it si tail have power to
direct lie i-s'taTi.e of certificate's e.f
s o. l; in pa' net 1 1 ert-of. aid anv
st'".: so issoed be i,u:i-assfssa 'p.-i-.nd
fui'v paid.
.-sec. i. Vrt ift -ates .f stock m-v b"
t ra n.-ferre i. s-dd. j. ssi tr..e.- or piod-r.-.
h- J'Icl e'ldo) s"; merit to the prot'ef
rect in wriiinsc on '' bail; f tiie
. t 'per, ,.s. and t'p- d. -livery of .
. : tip -ates; ftuvi led t ' : t Ul.ti' n. ti. e
oi such transfer is piv-n to the Sec
retary of the co r po r.i ; , i-. bv
tiie e e!'t itii a t -f stock fo
c . . cc 1 1," t ic n . when a t: cert i tcti : of
M. ok i l lieu thereof si.Sl be iss.jed.
the i-orpov;, t jon mav I'.tra:.! and treat
tie transferer as tic owner t'c. of.
:'.- . V. Ml so i rer.d.p .-d rt :!!. es of
stock s' .til be eudors-,.' with the worn
V a p e. : i t d ' ti nd v. :l i- 1 e elate of (p n -e.l.pti.i).
ie. tlo Secretary, a n 1 saa'l
1." i n. no d ia t 1 y pasted in tic sterr
I,. !;, op'o.-ot,. tiie nu m.rain;u:n of
' i ir i.-s:'ic.
.-'ec. s. TMviic:.-e rol:p.',!t ''
st.-ck may be jsvtiod wl-ep lie oritria
:i ' lax" been p.t -r ! sircyed. i f"-
id-o tl" :i "o i ica n t furnish s. n :'t:id-s vit
- r- o t.or.d io of the loss or destt t,c
ficti and also a bond "'f ird. emit v.
set is-factorv to t:.e 'to;rd of ldieTo-s.
....:. i'lr.ed to protect the .tri;arv
ava ttst ail loss or t'ann'tif which iaa
occur - r t'son of tic Ds. tan co of the
da' !:f; if c-ttitia?e of st.,, c
See. !i. The ho'.'.crs of t referred
shall pot D' e-titi.d to votiptr
p r. . -s io t'c inef ti-t rs of ti e- stock
holders of th" corporation.
f ee. jo. pedemplion of anv or al!
d't"'C3 Of prefe-rred stock of tiie -.;-
pompon may be mndc Iv the f a.ard
"7 I dreet ors. in the t-anrcr t::id at tc"
tine provided in Section of .rticie II
ol the Article-s of Incorporation.
AiTii'i.:: ix.
The o fleers, el i rectors, atrepts. clerks
ar.d emp' .yees of the corporation sbalt
r-'eeive sii.-h sain rv r v.":i-res ys o'lti-T'ttsa-;
ri for id. ir .-t rvio s as mav
f r- :n tine to time b i'!ti.'.l and
tiyed bv the Roar,; of Directors.
A UTlC'.i: X.
T'ivid' ncs st all be d.-clared from
the survlus or net profits ot th" lm---u.
ss of th" oorrc-at i.oi. upon , the
diree'icns of. and 1 ec!a ra t ion "f the
s:r.e. b' tic Itoard of D 1 re. t , , vs. pro
vided, such dividends are d ';.. red ir
c... f. ,rrr. 1 1 y with Sect;.-n " of Article It
of tie 'r'clos if I ..corpora t :"'i. and
prte.i.led fqrther. that ro dividci!
"d-ill he de. -hired or tab!, witi.h cur
taiis or tends to curtail the e'Te.tivc
o. -ration of the br.siries of the c or
p...:. 1 Jon.
. A jut-nil uienti.
These may be- amended at
any I i rectors mcoli: tr by the jtt'.'trto
atie oto i f three d:ioo;ors. provided,
that a of the proposed auoael
rio:.t shall have ben sMbinitttd and upon the r -c of the Pond
at the next j.recediTitr Directors' me.p-it't-
or thov may le amended a any
nieetia.'r, e:f the 1 ;i rectors. wil'tout
.lotice, t loviil, d that three Directors
si, ail ailirma t i v c-ly vote for su u pi o
posed ndntciit. or they may l c
amended or req eai. d by the stockholu
ers at their annual meetintr r at anv
spfial nieetiii'-: called for that pur
pose by the ii dirin.itiv o vole ot a ma
jority of tlie stock.
!; i i va rd my.'i er a li .
.PiiliiS A. I'lTi'.dliliAhl),
S N.Mt'liL R1-' K.,I
llliMil' R. CiiiilXC.
Di re ctors.
lTI('Ii T CUM II M'TOlt".
County Clerk ins t rue t tl to ca'l for
1 ids for wood and sterl bri.itrcs arid
concrete work, such as iirciie. w in lis
and abutments, for t!ifl year PU1, .n
Cass Count v. Nebraska.
Plans and speciii'-at i -ns now on file
Plans and speed ica t ions now on tile
in I! -- orlice of the1 County Cic.-k at
Pia t ' ttm m: t h. Xe bra ska.
Ail bids to he tii.d up to R' o'clock
noon on Saturday. February L'-tL. J '14
: rtd bids to be opened on Tuesday.
March ::d. 1!'14.
Rotird of Pounty Comm is-stio:crs re
serve the i itil.t to r j-rt anv and all
hols, and in ie-tlintr contract r t-rve
the ritrht to let same in whole or in
A e ertife d check f r $"0f.00 must ac-c-or.ljianv
each bid.
J . C. iltRIAN. County Cb-rk.
I.IitJ i. :otice-
Rolicrt R. li.ita. tiie unknown heirs.
lotr-'tees and ile'ise.-s of 'tobert It.
I.atta. deceased, Na.tlianic! Tl. liarnes,
who appears of record as X. H. Karnes,
and the unknown heirs, ht'atces and
devisees of N. H. Rarne-s. uee easeil.
You an.l each of you are Pcreby
notified that on the iCnd -lay of
January. R1-1. AVilliam E. Str.iub filed
his pc-titifii in the District '"out t of
Cass County. Nebraska, the object and
prn yet- of which is to epiiet title in
himself pprainst you P the foilowintr
described premises, to-wit: The south
east quarter of Se-'tion twentv-nine
'LOtt. T wnshlp eleven (11. north of
Ronrro thirteen ill!), east of the Sixth
Principal Mcridau in Cnss County.
Nebraska, and to exclude you and each
f y u Doin taid iaa l a-el
S-erecf, a ad J t ::! I't.v ia.-;
I or !: a ;..!'" at.d .
or 1:
i a n
t ;
.lpp- a r.atr
n 1 v
rt P
for t
K. I.:
V '. up
J'..: "
d v. I
.1- -aid p-
.1 : 1 i tl 1 .
V H.7 T.M
A X. .:::
t :
o i p . :. . .
v.-. f. yut-
i p.-1;
Mi'IICi: TO i RllDITtiiiS
I i e to i ' u ri .
Ie th-
X ' ' i
, r -.
t P..
, .
Ma re
P- I t.
le . s
I a ad
I 4 !
. i
: s rti
i '. i . : r :
this c
Sealoil lti-i- w ill In- 1 I'd aj
ulci o nf tilt- (edlltlv 'l.-ik. i.i
Aili.-i' ;it I'hiti-iiP.i:! 'i, :.d
i!y, .c!.i;is!,,i. t:i ! i i it'.-h, L
. ..ti M'di.i :v. J ' Jo '!.." 1 '.
!'.' 1 I. f..r fivi I i
;!! i 1 1 iif d l'.v i-l'
dii, I .-iii'rii'.'s i o-i'i
ei'liln! "II ! L '
. i
y l.ri. J; y..
(.. I..
dl J ll-Mi-.
-i nu ! id 1 'la I ! - r , p o: ! ! i , ?'!
l'.:p; ;ii.J i-1 tii-rt ' i -
.-o. ii til l.'i.' e.iheo . f il o
1 1.
I.. '!' Ill
Ar.-Ii it
I !:. .., t'c ..f .1. p. i
( P:.:;!i:.. Wi.
A fo.-t : ! n i i
r s'tt'i.'bi
Pdl:-t I'.fi
iijdiiiy odcli !p.J
. itllllV I a it! Ill I
tho iit-Iil t" i
C.i.i:p!' i .: :
it 1 1 N'-ib. .I,t:;i:a: y
i -! r.-.t
Da!,..!. T'Jnl!:
i::. l'.'i i.; !. Mi rit i
!n III- tuiiilj 'rt e.f f i eu t: t J .
N ITU- 1.11,
MiiKR OP IllAi'lM. fM'.'l ! I ION
l id' l ! i v I O" 1 1; 'i i . ;. .
Ia tic ;,...! o. j.
e - r-
- ,i
l.-'.i. 1
Pi i o:is
To' -r
J t.t l i :- I
P ot;. e t'
die V.
1 t
1 .a
1 h
' P
I -
i -l
st: i
.! - '
i -
tea ';: the ; it1' .";
. at 1 e c,o. U ; a i
e i i: -i 1 v p t : R-,
sc. ia pi..t tstvo-M
::.'..'. and t ". 1 c -s
r h. ',,,-, !::!.
i er of - id p. ' i; : a
; pl.P - "S S ;.
itii-t ra i i o p of i aid
f !
I c-
;-v. r,,- 1 - T. d a-. 1 t
s;-, id "oi-rt. at i '! i ' t - dpi. t .
d- t !" .la'.narv. . "ALLPX L I
-MX M. T.i:VJ 'A. for j -.1 ;: i i:cr.
:.' o
.7 I :
1 ( I1IMI OU KT.
sttc U" n 1 . : :a s : i a.
I'o ii'p of t "::... v.s.
Ill tl ':. r !' "t 11-1. ite of il-C
d. ,:-. peceat-ed.
To Ml Persons I p t res ; ...
Vop a i c !. !' ie - .cd t ' at i h.
In. Pe.-t f). .1 in t! it e... it i.e.. : t
V.'ii ' . T. A.I r-c. ,.r . t -.pli
. e e'p t'd'il! r hi- ,..-t.t- ti to. j
t.p: ; ; t leue nt cad c - ; . I en a of j
said e'sta?... i
T at a t earip-r w i'l 1. ' :,d up 'i j
; ;d I epo' f a d p.'t I' I '"P ! '" c e t ' : s
coert i:i toe t'oprt House .: I I'iti't--ii'i-i
:.. :a sr. ' :'' i ' I
oh T 'Praa r.e. 1 !-. : t 1 ' . k ;. rt f
T ::ii a 1 1 ol, ie. t p.tis li.. p pi, i . i-T.v.
!ite-t .e ;i'"d on or 1- f. re .i i 1 eia v
1 .. c r i f h-:. i : p l. .
"r.. -s II. V I t-tid I ' s; .,' of f e
C.unt'.- P.. lift of .said i 'oi.v.ty tl.l.s 7t
,'o. " of" p. i.ritar . ! '' i I.
i S. a! ALL !i. .1. PPhiS- .V.
t'li'i'ii; .!...'...
;-!-.' r. 't
liv .sitcria! ui'idiiiidi.fiil tlie
Kalfkin Sroii li' ii-p nf S;i"!i:ui-li-ptii.
i..a. '"i'.v f
Ihi-ir I : i -r i'.'l i I i ! ti -1 1 di I ii I S !
B' " p-, nml a
i . ii. i i . a ;i i -Bi-r
i m-
'"1 ia.MP dni J.i
.1 r ii
! i;
La-, n I'-ci.rtl ..f
vi r Jim liii-lio
! -i J.eT ItlTl', f i l l' t I
t'e ry rt ailif "f t'dio-r'
may inl err-l ;-il i:i tin- rrnji
Ihcy i.Innt. Thi-s 1" k i- ;i ( ' Tii
j'it'ii' p 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 i t : 1 1 1 if fitiinipu"
a;p farrn a;il - m : 1 i i -!!. Il
U-lls linv to i'i"v 1 i r rfuj's iii'.i!
all alui'iil Jo'-t Miriot -.!
funi i.c ym;r J , t-; t ! i ( ; a!s.. Soe-.l
(, W'ltidil. !:.! loy. S;.. !!.
il: ip-i's, Cli. m i s. Alfr.lfa. I'.i-tiPf
an.l I, aw n ?.!it tin1-. Sen Ri latin -.'iiil
ft!! !i-r f.'.i'iii .nd! i:a:'!-n
il-1. Thi-1 si ri i. "ik i-i 'Aidl'i
ii"!Iarsi lo all in want nf .-. I of
any srt. H's fre.. ti aii .ur
roiiili :. Write fir it ai'.'i luoii-
ti.p !!)i j'liioT. 'I'!i ;p.l !r-"-s
Thcnandoah, !owa. Box 227.
Don't You Del.evc Ii.
Si.nif say that chri : ! con
sfiidilitin canaot In- rti'v.l. I n't
mi l.tiifM il. (V. 'aaiioTlain'.
Ta!'!t fs !tai rnifl i. !!:(; liy
;ii'! vi-u? ("ivp tli' iu a trial. 'I h
nsl .inly a .inartor. IVr sa'a- y
all tl' iilt rs.
Typewriter paper at the Journal
i - l " r'A 3 m ? h
- e C-,
1 2
A ".' ' sj . IjL, 3 I II l i i
r - ,
f j ' Tk ,.Ts'. ?t
i br. .v r " "A
; .Ix'otNaiicotic.
. . -
1 1
t'1."" I A-rtfi rr-Jv for rcrrsnrJ
r . -,
Public Auction
! ,
i ''
v. ; 1 1 -
, N .
v . : i .
Eich. Head cf Horses.
- 1
;i i -
I i;p
a r -i
' ' . i
: :. 1
. ,
Fi.e of CaLlIc.
;-..;:!-. !.J .-.v. .
Mr... J
"' -11.
i in ',- e:, .'-! I ip.'.v. fro-!i.
y -i !.-. "
i ' . ;c ! I d z i !"".
T a . . ! t ! i ", r -i r-., Wagons, Clc.
' ...el t i ; k y
wi'l d i
IV. ... .'A '
li--; !i -:
f- J
- : !:.-i.p
: ! -ii '
.' : .
i i. .
I . . . .
( i .
T ' i
t: I d".
!i;d d.-s
Tn.i f it
-j ;-..: .
: iia" . ...
" Itlif. '!- ie..,:
..,;. ' ' ' i ! " J I ' "
.- '
"A' p . ;
r- ,
i M !
".l.-l-a i
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'i ; :;m--
!::;.! '. '.!-!.
i' f ! ..r -:'
; i i'i i ' t .
t.,d..,i I.'
- .1 i: l.-icf.
II .-f s D ..
i ..ft ;:i'! r .'I'l
l . " ! l - '.:'! ! j , v c
:ii!"; ' ' i u It a
p-i:. !: ct-r x
if P ;;,i.T.-t.
M. G. CH'jr.CHlLL.
V.'m. R. Youn, Ai:cticneep.
W. G. Eocdckcr, Clerk.
The Journal arJs pay.
m ' nun " 1" I
" ,
-Ivtr- 1
S- A'' ti- "i ' - 11 " 1 "' 11
ft r-? 3 IrripctM Hi.m5teal Lar!. Cirey Art IimJ. arvl rri
vatc cl:piiel lands arc yet availaMe on favoraLIc t rms in til rrat h
ey, so clsc to nil f-j'Hi rr.arkt
The New RaiiroacU TLIs reat aCri--Itural vnlN-y L on t!.-Rev.-
mainline through Centrs! Wyorr.iiii now I t cr.m; trfi. anl th:-
is an imjKtrtur.t fae tcr in Ce.-iel;-r;nc: the f.Ui;rr yzli- r( t!.cs- ru h .Tri
ciiltural lands. Tliere is r.u ot!i-r irriatfJ valley m cl- t all th"
eastern markets.
Beet Sugar Factory already Icctel in tlie vr.I.'r-. an.i thous
ands of acres are pbnted to lef ts eaclj year, otro-r thrjs.1nd r.f crrc.i
are growing alfalfa, hut there is lots of room for more ror-
IOC-1 Farnam i if inr
j rorIifMr.t end CTiiHrcn.
Fhe Kind You Have
Always Bought
ror UYGr
Thirty Years
Public Auction
t: :
. ! M f
r 1 ii ;t: ! J,'
-. - c ! ..' ! - .
.,: ;.
t ,
ii. .
! .
- ! t
, !-!. -a.
A . - 1 - 1
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O r I l" - , ; I ( v .
... n-i.t - I -' r.
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T A . . . ' ?
i . .".. - ; :".--.
It i . .. f. .
.?:.--'-'. - I I - t
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it . v ;i - ! , r i I ' .
P. .! I. , " ! - f I 1 .
J ,... -t 'i ek. : -.
II. "... i - i- a-..J . ' r
;. - ! . - . : " .. .. .. r .
Tcrrrs of Sl:
M - . i : -
; . ' r ... '; ; . ' :
i-t d " ; : h- - , , : .
,-er : V : - ..... I'.'.,
: '-r I-- i ro . ; " : ,
. ! I1-. !: ;' " - i -
. ! f ... i.. r ,r.. r, t .-s..:.
BffRS. M. D. Schaal.
f. m!-.;. V.-
r-lZ), 51C0
, t .
. -
- m r
u .r
t t .!- .- . n
- ' '"
" I - ' t ""
. - - - , - p.
. r- w- ? t
i -
4m p. j i .rr m c . T . '.
t - t ; T -
i;-d j::.dr Idi I r a-dVj.
farther parti-ulars. ri m".
SL.Omaha.Ntl). Nn(ratlen Afrf