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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1914)
'fi Monday. rccnuanY ?. mt. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL. Final; ; ; . Clearance :.. . .New Ties Every Saturday f Be Up-to-date Men's Suits and - Overcoats 3 We're selling a lot of these- We certainly ought to at. these prices. Don't overlook the $10 ones. These are suits and coats from our high., grade lines. Also, don't overlook'cur big shirt offer One-half dozen Men's Dress Shirts, $2.75 E. Wescott's Sons Everybody's Store "UNGLE BE1IE" mil A MODEL ; 1MI AND ClflZEfl A Sincere Tribute Offered to the L Memory of an Old Friend and Workman. To Ihe 1-Milor of the Journal: I sometimes think' e as a I - ( i arc too prone to show honor fo the good ami great that come into prominence by the force of cirrum.sfaiices, and for get to some extent the great and beautiful lives that arc lived in our very midst. Hod, in His all wise economy, docs not allow one kind won! lilly spoken, one good act kindly done, a good, xveli sncnt life pro for naught; we can not penetrate with our short sight t!ic veil of futurity and see the results, but wc may rest as-sui-jed that it will all bear fruit, and richly in the end. A good life influences those, around them t better lives; they in turn pass it on and thus it goes down the corridors of time and forms a mountain of beautiful deeds. Mr. iVrnhard V.'url passed away a few days since and now sleeps in the silent city at Oak Hill. Mr. Wurl, "Uncle Hennie," as we loved to call him, was a most remarkably good man; his close adherence to duty as a shopman ami love of home was almost a mania with him. He worked here in the railroad shops for more than a quarter of a century and I am told by imn that worked beside him and knew him well, that they never knew his equal to try and do his duly worthily nnd well; his immediate foreman relied upon him more than anyone to nnd anything misplaced or lo.-d. In addition to his close adherauce to duty lie had a charitable disposition, cheerful and almost boyish in its nature, that made everyone love him. The other dace of interest to t'ncel jSemiie was that "ma lerial domicile." home. . In the evening when hi la-k was done al the shops he would take his bucket ami hasten t the home he Ioed o well, there to be greeted by his sweetheart wife, to whom he plighted his love beyond the seas in the Fatherland, and whose married lives had been one continuous honeymoon, so I air. told by people that knew them long: and well. Uncle, llennie's duties at the shops brought him one hour earlier than the other shopmen, and he was the first to greet me after my vigil as night watch, and in all the four years I never heard him speak the least harm of anyone, nor a base, impure word, and who could wish for a better epitaph than this, "He spoke evil of no one." There was a liiige of sunshine about the funeral of Uncle liennie, .he had lived a beautiful life and had reached beyond the years of the Divine allotment, and so, tike a well ripened sheaf of grain, ready to be garnered, and the regard shown him by his. -comrades; of the sdtops turning out almost en masse, besides his many friends, made it one of the grandest funerals in the history of Platts mouth. The shopmen inarched through the parlors at the home and viewed the still form of their old friend, feeling "he lay like a warrior taking his rest with his ermine robe of righteousness .around him." wearing yet on his mauley lace the beautiful expres sion born of a well spent life. Horne by his live stalwart sons his body was taken to the church house, where a splendid sermon was preached by Rev. Sieger. May we hope that many may be influenced by the life of this good man. and that all may "so live that when our summon:? comes to join that innumerable caravan who have taken up their chambers in the silent halls of death, we go, nd like the quarry slave at night, scorged to his dungeon, but with an unfaltering faith; go as one who warps the Jrapery of his couch about him :ud lies down to pleasant dreams." John l!radx THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE (IS. JANE A. DOVEY The county court was occupied this morning ami also in the aft ernoon in the hearing of the matter of the probate of the last will and testament of the late Mrs. Jane A. Dovey. The probate of the will is contested by the two sons of the deceased, Ceorge L. and Oliver C. Dovey, on the ground that the instrument was secured through undue intluenee upon the deceased by the family of her son, Horatio X. Dovey. The instrument, . which was tiled shortly after the death , of the lady, left her property to her grandsons, K. O. Dovey and O. O. Dovey, sons of H. N. Dovey. The document offered for probate was witnessed by Thomas Wal ling, Miss Olive Jones and Mrs. Nettie Ileeson. The amount of the estate is estimated at differ ent sums, depending largely on the question if the state supreme court holds that the' deceased lady was in possession in her own right at the time of her death of an undivided one-third interest in the partnership of I'. a. Dovey & Son. which is in volved in the case in the supreme court over the settlement made with Oliver C Dovey by the two id her brothers, and which it is sought to have seta side. Grxkache Rheumatism Vanish Away. Men and women having back ache, rheumatism, stiff and swol len joints are honestly glad to know that Foley Kidney Pills are successful everywhere in driving out these ills. That is because Foley Kidney Pills are a true medicine and quickly ellectixe in all diseases that result from weak, inactive kidneys and urin ary irregularities. For sale by all druggists. Do you know that the Journal office carries the finest line of stationery in the city? Fee! JVHsarablc? Out of sorts, depressed, pain in back Klectric .Hitters renews jour health and strength. A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not satis fied. It completely cured liobert Madsen, of West Hurlington, Iowa, who suffered from virulent liver trouble for eight months. After four doctors gave him up, lie took Klectric Hitters and is row a well man. Get a bottle to day; it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for liver and kidney complaints. Perfectly safe and dependable. Its results will suprise you. 5(c and x.00. H. . iucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Harr.v Cummiugs of Seward, Nebraska, was in the city today tor a few hours visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. II. N. Dovey, returning to Omaha on the afternoon Hurlinglon train. Put This Sale Through the Hardest Test You Know Measure it for value, measure it for style, measure it for quantity, quality, or what you will, and you'll find that "there's a reason" for its success. These prices only demonstrate the savings you must see the clothes themselves to appreciate their quality. HOWE Horrible Blotches of Eczema LYftlAN H. HEBE -. THURSDAY AT TUT niRSfiri P cakes of Dr. Hobson's. Dei A I I Hi i Alilsir 1 1" ria zma san- t,,,j;i' 1 ine m ill lllL I fli I 111 LL-L a spot anywhere on my body an Ouickly cured by Jr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. C. P. Cald well, of New Orleans, La., states; "My doctor advised me to try 'Dr. Hobson's Kczcma Salve.' I used three boxes of ointment and I nd can say I am cured." It will do the same for you. Its soothing, If You Want to Seo the Panama healing, auliseplic action will rid you of all skin humors, black- Canal Attend the, Lyman Howe. . Pictures of It at the Parmcle. If "peace hath her pictures no less than those of war," the con struclion of the Panama canal max- truly be considered the greatest victory of peace of all limes. The world at large right ly regards it as the most heroic and prodigious victory won by any nation in any era. How t It L immortal victory was won nx Americans will be shown by Ly man H. Howe at the. Parinele theater Thursday nigh!. Feb ruary ll', in a film reproduction of absolutely perfect photo. graphy. As such, Mr. JIowc's lilm is now universally recogniz ed as being just as much a crowning achievement in a photographic sense as the canal itself is as the newest and great est of all "world wonders." In. teresl in these scenes is in. tensitied not only because of their timeliness, but by the fact that Mr. Howe is the exhibitor For that, of course, is an abso. lute guarantee of a notable re production. Mr. Howe has chosen wisely in presenting this subject just at the moment, of the completion of the canal, when tens of thousands, of. workmen mil lur.tirn s n o ir.rers are pre paring to scatter to their home in all parts, of the world. From werv standpoint the lilm is in valuable. 'As a "human docu nent showing the grit, energy. Miterprise, skill, patience, en lurance, ingenuity and organ iza ion of the army of workmen, i s intensely absorbing. As an en luring historic record, it is u iceless, ami as a demons! ra ion of American mechanical re sources and invention, it is an i!- lumuiafcag revelation. It goc: ilhout spying that without the friend!!- and and co-operation of the niai,nr-luilder of the canal m. Oforge . iioetiiais. no mch vivi) scenes could possiidy lave been secured, and a great measure oi mis splendid re production is due to the excep tional facilities and courlesie extended bv him and the war de partment at asumgton, D. ( .. he program will include many ther lug new features. heads, pimples, Kczema bbdhes, red unsightly sores, and leave your skin clean ami healthy. Oct a box today. Ouaranlee I. AM Druggists, r0c, r by mail. Pfeif fer Chemical Co., Philadelphia & St. Louis. PAR AT THE RIELE THEATRE LAST NIGHT Notwithstanding the Cold and Disagreeable Weather, a Gocd Audience Was Present. Every woman likes to look her hest at o!l times, nnd it has often been said that pretty hair helps to make pretty women. For one wceU, com mencing. February 9th. we will have a Free Demonstration of the West Electric Hair Curlers ami (!Kids, and wc extend a cordial invita tion to the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity to call and see what they are like. Tht?y make a .so!t, beautiful wave in a few min utes they do away entirely with the destructive heating iron -I hey have rounded edges and cannot possibly injure the hair they are made of electrified steel and will last a lifetime they are ir.despenihle in making the Marcel wave they are charged with electricity, which benefits the hair they v.iil not absorb the oil of the hair, and are therefore sanitary they are simple in constracti'm and easy to use they have no Ioom; parts, and do not gt out of or der they are undoubtedly the cheapest and best wavers on the market. Card of 5 Curlers 25c. Card of 2 Curlers 10c. GflRBOBOMT Of Interest to Plattsmouth Readers. For months Plattsmouth cili ns have seen in these columns nthiisiastic praise of Doan's Kidney Pills by Plallsmouth resi- lenls. Would these prominent eople recommend a remedy that iad not proven reliable Would hey contirm their statements a f er years had elapsed if personal xpenence nail not sriown ine emedy to be worthy of endorse- i"ient".' The following statement should carrv conviction o the ifrom Saturday's Dallr. The interesting story, "Ihe Divorce Ouestion," was the ojfer- :g last evening at the Parmeb- theater, and tjuile a large-sized auuience was present to witness this verv heay and tragic story f the error and misjudi.! ut of the two parents of the young man and woman who form the center of the great drama. "The Di vorce Duesliou" present s '- plain, unvarnished la ;i;rii: ami acuou one sme oi nie u-o:e problem which has stirred tie country at. times and whieti i becoming one of the great cpn s- li'Uis that the churchmen, as well the h.ymen, are contemplat ing with increasing appreh-'usi ;i oi ine II uiv. The company last night at the Parinele presenting thi drama was one inai. gave a erv gooj int erperl at ion of the drama, and they carried the tragic slmy through in a maimer that im pressed deeply upon the audience Ihe story of the play. The cen tral figure in the drama is the character of Ilev. William Jerome, a priest of the church. who gives the church's side of the divorce micsticn in a manmT that leaves no doubt, of their efforts to suppress this growing menace, ami in this role ;eoige A. Lemming' was certainly all 'bat could be asked. As Mnmie and Topie" .loe, Ihe two victims f the parents' disregard of tin marriage vows, irgm:a .uai'K- ham and Calvin Ilisclie were ex cellent and carried out their parts of the stirring' plav in a verv ante manner. j lie ojienug last evening was al tended by a large number of the members of the Moman Catholic and Episco pal churches, the views of which churches'oii divorce the play rep resents, and there was not any- one in Hie auiucucc wiio Uni mo feci better for seeincr the play. jfiio iVi. SOENNICHS EN THE DAYUCilIT STOKE MS OLD PEOPLE i,, STRONG AND WELL! "I ! f I I I- i i t We want to g. t tii.- new - !.. a!i old peopj.. about H'X.lU Olie II,:, a ! rna xa;e n w j - food-medicine which x.e !i;i..!x j , on w ..J I r.J t:I" ii.tein-n.,,,. J.el.e i. the te-t rehlfdx e.r,'ir ,f . 1 1 1 iy a ri th r:;v ,t Maltsir.ouUi al t.'ie J. ;rnai i'.cr. iia- i oxercoii:e I tie WeaA lil.';g. of i;ic,-ea- ing ell'tfl o!d age. It helps to J 1 1 : ; i ! I V..'-f-e. tisie. Slreng'l -I! the ,.-. anil gie new- energy and a lix. lv let ling- (o the botly. Ft -oiit.ii -!i alcohol or daugeron- t!r!!-. ! in; y ii. d make ;..! f t i b !or T". a fexv !;., but if v" d' md o-.-l much belter and st!i i-er ! -f vnti haxe taken. a quarter r.s nw.t'h '.s you haxe of other me!icine thai haxe md helped you. e will gheliy gixe hack pmr moii' x. Ite.a!l olive Oil Liioil-io,! con tains pure olixe oil ami tie M popho-philes which. Ihoiigh I hey haxe long been -i ; J ; . . . J l.y siiec.'ssful h i'i m-. are h for tif lil -l lime ojol i. t-tl. The i-e-llli is a leal body. UelXe aid I ; mi i -1 m 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 g lot "1-ii !'! it-1 i a'Lc ilut t of 1 x idling and calling ard-. I -T. A Ncrvcti3 Vorrn Find Relief From Sncrlr.. Woirrn xv rfrvojn', i .t " rstrtine Mm. Jo--r;, ; ha 1 -:c!j in tTp-r:-: which iLc tyi: 1 r: ; a !',' W .J "f'.T TT.r in X w : -'.: .t& rrr.'"-.." j-"" tr-t'..-i. I r ! !.'-.-5: - : a n I. r l n- i it-t-i.I that xxe beheye j -iip.-n-r V ; . V ,ytr .j w.-l .t any thing He in oxeicommg ' ', . jl ' I ,-T ,s; bility, weakness and liability ! .. t-n r r disease. and i st rengi li.'il the nere. ille 1 1 od. You xxlio a: run-do n -x on xxh ! .lil'l i nd i'mi ir h ! x. -ak and. are olitll i r-r. mind cader. J. L. If you pian to spend $9.50 The sale at $9.50, com prises the pick of our lines that sold at $1:1 ami S1G.50. And every suit or overeont offered in this snie is a px wonder value'. . J. J3 U Manhattan Shirts If you plan to spend $13.50 Avail yourselves ol this special value if your means are limited $13.50 now buys the identical suits and overcoats that sold previously at 613, $20, $22,50 13.50 If you plan to spend $17.50 - You cant possibly se cure better values else where than we're offer ing now at $17,50. Most of our $30. $28, and $25 suits and overcoats are beinrf cleared at this price. . Stetson Hats 17.50 of ex cry IMaltsnioulh McKinuey, Lincoln Axe, I'lat Ismoiit h, Neb., says: "Doan's Kidney I'ills are Ihe best, remedy I ever used for disordered kid- ilex s. Whenever I haxe had oc casion lo take them they have given the lest results. Some xears ago I publicly endorsed I man's Kidney I'ills and I noxv gladly confirm what I said I hen." For sale bv all dealers. Price ,r cents. Fosler-Milburn ('o., IbilTaol, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember', the' name Doan's and take no other. Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Cought Remedy. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's 1'ougii Remedy has been a needed and welcome guest in our lionn for a number of years. I bi-hlx recommend it to my leiioxxs as being a medicine xxorlhy of trial in cases of colds, coir-hs am croup." (live Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and xxe art conlidcnl vow xxill find it xery ef fectual and continue to use it as occasion requires for years t come, as many id inn s have done 1'or sale by all dealers. .Mrs. D. O. Dwyer was a pas. senger this morning for Omaha xv here- she will visit for a fexv hours. She xvas accompanied I Ihe metropolis by Mrs. A. 1. Todd of Denver, who xxill be tlo ruesl ot .Mrs. r.I. A. DicKsoii in Omaha for a few days. The Best Flour. on the Plarket ' O j Misses Carolyn Schuldiee and Catherine l'enson of South Oma ha were oyer Sunday visitors in this city, being guests at tin At- b-.rt Shul lice home, and departed this morning for the n.etrojxdis. " . i i i vvahoomillcoJ VVAHOO, NEU- troubled by xariou-. edd x. aider ailment, u-e Revall oh. in! Kmillsioil to gel ami keep well and strong. It is a .-ii-ilde. pleasant -i at iug aid to renewed strength, better spirits, glowing health. If it doesn't help xon. come and tell us and xxe will g.xe back your money without a xxord. That is how much faith xxe haxe in it. Sold only at Ihe 7.o - all Stores, and m ttii- town only by us. si. on. I', o. Urieke A Co.. Union IbcK, l'!a ' t -mou i ti. .eb. The Journal for stationery. brf. rw I ) .1 r.r t l ur'il t vr.t v-"--' - . v.::.'. j- ; Z'z !;;.! r t .'sny rr ::K'';' -f t --r i i t i t'lat lad t. r ' ' : ' t':ry ! net rr :. h -trouble. Dr. rroven in t-!--many :!..;: it to n;akc c'r " i r it prove it a t - : , : Cctt nct a !-::' i y- !. xxi'l re! t .c receive ri ! r-rrf.t. MILE5 MCDICAU CO, t I r -.K c C- -xr i c n '' ' r tv:urt. In. J. t 3 11 B 25,000 POUNDS OF 7 un a Ji a 4F Rr ?s? On FEBRUARY 12th wc will load a car of Chickens at the Burlington Depot. Wc will pny . O. Sandin. D. V. M., graduale of the Kansas City J 'I' etermary College, is per- mnneiilly b:a?e, in platis- mouth. Calls day or night. 'Phone Z. -' J UUice tiU'j Main. l- Hans, f 2c Springs, 1 2c Cocks, Ducks, Geese, oc !2c I2c i iiier Lu 2 V I ! I I J- V.". 32 I v v. ( i 1 J factory. 1 - 2 C -2 wk s -a & w z z: man vjii