THURSDAY, FEHRU4RY 5. 1914. PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Every Women Likes to Look Her Best at All Times and it has often been said that pretty hair helps to make pretty women. Ve will have a FT rAJU NUEISEBila "f 5 M 8QBI I For one week, commencing, February 9th. of the West Electric Hair Curlers and Goods for one week and extend a cordial invitation to the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity to call and see what these curlers are like. We will also have the famous West flat hook and eye especially nice for wash dresses. If you have used them, they need no explanation if not we will be glad to show them to you. It is another case of when little things like fastners help to im prove the looks of the garment. Our spring goods are arriving daily and we are wiling at all times to show you anything you may wish to see. H. M. SOENNICHSEN careful 'mother would wish i withhold from her youngest son or daughter. The production o plays of this sort should he en. couraged and I hope Plattsmouth will show that it appreeiati high-class theatrical offerings by patronizing" 'Little Women.'" As most Plattsmouth' dweller? already know,' Mrs. Dovey is tlx mother of two of America's most successful young act resses the Misses Ethel and Alice ' Povey She is also a keen student of the drama, -and in recommending- a play he knows whereof she speaks. The King of AM Laxatives. For constipation use Dr. King's New fife Pills. Paul Mathulka, of r.uiralo. N. Y., says I hey are the "king of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." fJet a box and get well again. Price 25c. At. Druggists' or by mail. II. E. Hncklen A Co., Phila delphia or St. Louis. THE DAYLIGHT STORE PLATTSHOUTH NEBRASKA it LITTLE WOMEN" TO BE AT THE PARMELE SOOfi What One of Our Lady Residents Who Had Seon the Play Says of It. x nut imam jiiin in duction of "Little Women" is one of the finest plays that she has witnessed is the enthusiastic statement of Mrs. fJeorge Dovey. This expression of opinion by one of Plattsmouth's leading residents, is both interesting and timely, for the reason that the play is booked for the Parmele theater and will be presented their nil Wednesday, February IS, just as Mrs. Dovey saw it last winter at Mr. Hrady's playhouse. one of the most palatial of New York's t healers. 'Li! lie Women" is Louisa M. -ieoii s siory of lorty years ago, (old in a clean, fresh drama of today. Tbe fact that it ran all last season in New York has been taken as an indication that a great portion of the public still appreciates a wholesome play, in spite of the so-called '"crook dramas" and white slave plays that have been epidemic for the last year. The stage equipment and costuming are delightfully old-fashioned, depicting New England home life in the early GO's. "I wish every man, woman and child in Plattsmouth could see this splendid play," said Mrs. Dovey in conversation with a Journal reporter today. "It is clean and refreshing and there is not a line or situation in it that a German Ladies' Aid Society Meets The 4'iernian Ladies' Aid so ciety met Wednesday afternoon, January 25th, at the home of Mrs. Jake Ilild. southwest of this cily. The meeting was called to order bv the president,-and after the business session, the after noon was most eujoyably . spent by the company in visiting among themselves. At. an ap propriate hour the hostess served some ' .very tempting and de licious' refreshments, which were ery much appreciated by all who were there. Those in attendance were delighted at the hospitality shown them. The meeting was al (ended by a large number of the members of the society, and on their departure for thvir homes voled Mrs. Ilild a royal entertainer. The society will meet at the home of Mrs. Ceorge Meisintrer February 2filh. MAKES INQUIRY ABOUT THOSE WHO LIVED HERE the fast over the the city a gentle- O. Sand in, D. V. M.t graduate of the Kansas Cily $ -I Veterinary College, is per--I- manently located in Plaits- J mouth: Calls answered J- day or night. 'Phone 255. Oflice GOG Main. -!-: ..h-k- L G. SHARP LEASES Last evening1 when Denver-Chicago train JJurlingtou - arrived in there alighted from it man quite well advanced in yenr and approaching the Journal re porter he asked if Mr. J. A. Mac Murphy, I he editor of the Ne braska Herald, still resided her anil how his paper was getting along. He expressed great, sur prise when told that for many years UllS pioneer journalist. IKK! From Wednesday's laily BUILDING FOR 5 YEARS Don't You Believe It. Some say that chronic con stipation cannot be cured. Don't vou believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by all dealers. Most disfiguring skin erup tions, scorfula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit'ers as a cleansing blood tonic, is well re commended. $1.00 at all stores. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Pic ture Framing. Frank Gobelman. leen gathered home and hi paper nan ceased to exist, lie also stated that he had visited this city about thirty-two years o with the intention of pur chasing the plant of the Ne traska Herald, hut nai not tie. n able to close the deal with the owner. I i is name was . Is. Wright, ami his home was in Boston, where he is engaued lit the shorthand business, and he has just bevn in Denver, when: he had been, looking after some important 'matters, and he thought to, inquire about the menus lie Had iie'i. here, j lie late Judge S.;M. Chapman and Dr. It. R. Livingston "were among those whom: he inquired about, ami he expressed great regret, when he learned that they had passed on years ago, as during his slay in this city in the past he had a very pleasant W with them. The appearnnee of Main street was greatly different from that of thirty-two years ago, and Mr. Wright expressed regret that he could not stop and look over the city, but was compelled to continue his journey toward the east. of II. Hero From Plainview. If. G. IIoH'ort of Plainview has been visiting his many friends and relatives in Ibis vicinity for a few days, being a guest of his brother-in-law, Will Hummel and family, west of this city. Mr. HofTort formerly resided in this county and ,has a large number of friends, who were pleased to see him and to learn that he had been successful and prosperous in his new home. Mr. HofTort and Mr. Rummel were pleasant call ers at this office, and while here Mr. HofTort renewed his sub scription and that of his brother, Michael HofTort, at Osmond. ANNUAL 20 07 O Sale starts February 6th continues ten days closing February 16th. Wm I ell i 1 1 1 1 WtM 11 m MallallaHaallMlnaalaBallaalaiaallan"MBMnHnnBHniBHanBMa The shareholders Plaltsmoiiih Realty company. which owns the building on South Third street which is oeenpi'd by the Western Machine and Foiin- oiy coinoanv wiiii ineir engine factory and foundry, last evening held their business meeting at the council chamber in th- city hall, to hear the proposition of fered by Mr. fee C. Sharp. I lie owner or tlie macnine eompany, for the rental of the building'. I'he stockholders were ery wll pleased Willi the pl'opos 1 1 on made by Mr. Sharp and he was given a live years lease on Hie building", as if was enlirelv satis factory to everyone present at the meeting-. Mr. Sharp expects in a short lime to make a num ber of improvements in bis plant, and with his taking of the long term lease the permanency of the factory is assurred, ami tin's will e most pleasing to the friends of Mr. Sharp and the citizens in general, as it shows that Ibis in- ustry is growing and will in lime develop info one of the cading" manufactories in the late, and be the means of fur nishing' employment for quite a number of persons. Th-- build ing' occupied by Mr. Sharp was erected especially for the pur pose of a foundry and machine shop and is well arranged for the use it was intended and the shareholders feel well pleased that they have secured the leas ing of the building to Mr. Sharp. ENTERTAINED AT THE J. E. M'DANIEL HOI IfazolOrrnthol IMatr f. U of llr-ntkol atf tjuit'uljr fftt in liwU &ch.; libfumnvum. s--iat"- nnl ttLr jtiinful affection. Tir l r--i; I.0o: r-ri-l.ri.': All dra.'i;iJ "r il.fct i 3 Woman's Relief Corps Enjoyed a Pleasant Time and Praise Hostesses Very Highly. Kroni Veir.sfl.ivB Dally. Vi'slei-day a I'teriioon I li mem bers of the Woman's Relief Corps weir entertained m a nioi e. liulitfiil inaiiiier at the leooe id' Mrs. p.. McDaniel, ,y Mrs. Mr Daniel, Mrs. M. L. Man-pea k.-r and Mrs. Hairy"ii, and Ho ocea-0 liocd oe ill Hie loo-t plensjnir which i( has l-i-. n tlo pleasure of the MM-jety to hold diinni: the ear. A -iy pea-ni-r prog' ram had been arrange, ,.r the a 1 1 eiiioi ii, in!r:ii-M' ini:u- ers from s,.ral of the nio- talented musicians and eloeii- lloinsis in (lie cil. eeral ei delig'hlful piano number, were gien by Mrs. W. A. Rlef f s,,n. v. In. is a l:iii-h-il mii-eian. :mt (he oppor! unity to hear !. r pleasing selections was much ;p preciatd by the tat heriuu'. A very plea-iiig' seeeijlM, w i alToided the company b Mrs. . S. Austin, who wa-. f.rc . to re spond to an encore, which she done in a very plea-ifiv; man io-r. Mrs. A. .f I5ees, n gae two . r eiijoyabli- ieadin-'s m lo r uoal linisio-d m.uiiier. and lliis at!rd- ei a rare iren 1.1 iae g-aiueriu- of ladi'-s. One of the pleasing' features of Ihe .'lflt'1 M.hui was th H Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis f ; Contain mm UmnmM rmnt. y A:i t'.ra'.-t. DAVIS & LAECE CO.. Trfc. Public Auction The Illid r ig' lo-d I'll 1. 1 li" A lie I ut . j li . I l lio. ei i 1 1 ; : ii .N ii a - a a. i" 'in me i it" u, i- o"ci.-. siarp. on SATURDAY, FCSRUARY !(., :ug- ! m!' . pr lo.w ,i : Einfit Head of Horses. tejiui of III. lies. With f..ll, t .i!id '.' Jr.lf", W.-I.'lil .'.,'"". -..It. h'M'st- ..!lllll' .1 Will s,- ;,, l-t of Hie iii M'iri.n, It o;:. 14th, p.-1 1 ea i-s III '. "Ill-- I.I e:i s i Ml J c.r s I'M .Id. Id. I Id. I' l . IV Id. s. .rr- b .r - I...' III. I ; r i , i . 1 1 O ' i - It. Five Hrad of Cattle. two number Table Linen The largest stock of Table linen in the city for the next ten days at 20 Discount Wool Dress Goods Looks good to lots of-people at our 20 per cent Discount Sale. This means $1.25 per yard goods costs you $1 per yard and we have a large stock to select from. Muslin Underwear at from 25c to $0 psr garment. Yon will be looking for this soon at the price 20 Discount This Sale is on Our Entire Stock of Merchandise Excepting O.N.T. Thread, Carpet Warp, Muslins, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and Groceries. No discount on Sales Less than $1 E.G. DOVEY (SL SON -Hr MBMiMIHBHaaHBHHIIBaMnaiaBIIIBnaBaBHHIalIHaiBIBBI1 A Good Advice. No doubt you can pive a prool advice lo a man wbn is run down, who bas no appetite, who does not sleep well and who cts up in the morning all tired-out. You can advise him what he should do to avoid .such troubles. The question, i?, if you can advise yourself and live according to your own verdict? We doubt it. Tn order lo help you out we wish to recommend you Triner's Klixir of Milter Wine, which, in such cases, always has the de sired effect. It expels from the intestines all remnants of food fermentin-r there ami causintr an u.grly, yellowish complexion, an interrupted sleep and robbing u oi our anpenie. m dis-asis o Ihe stomach, the liver and lb bowels, this is a reliable remedv At dm it stores. Jos. Triii Manufacturer, 1:13.-1 :;:).) South Ashland Ave., Chicago. Kheii malic and neuralgic pains usual ly yield quickly to Triner's Lini ment. furnished I Master lai. II:i!o.", a little i id ii son e .. m' .i ii ri nr eiiv little selcl ions were thoroughly e;ijoci by tile ci.ili.lliy. Mrs. It. .M. stilaes also g'ae a numaer oi verv nne mst rui'ieni ru . . tjons that proved very d ligb and demonstrated that thi Mueii iauv was a ina-ier piano. A very ib iicious luccli e.n was served at an apnropr int hour, which added preatly to lhi pleasures of the afternoon, and Ihe templing and dainty refresh ments were thoroughly enjoyed by the company, which numbered some fifty ladies. ful tal- of the CEDAR CREEK. Death of Philip M. Steele. (Union Ledger.) The remains of Philip M Steele arrived here on the Sat urday morning train from Kan sas ;ilv. where Jus death occur red Thursday, January 1T, at tin home of his son. Frank, in that cily. The funeral services wen held al 10 o'clock on Saturday morninjr in the Methodist church attended by a number of friends of the deceased. Rev. W. A. Tay lor of this place preaching tin sermon, ami interment was maib in the cemetery west of town, tin remains beincr placed beside those of hi son, Charles, whosi deatli occurred in Hie Philippines some rears ago and were brought here for burial. Philin M. Steele was born De cember 1818, in Virginia During recent years he had made his home with his sons and other relatives, and spent some lime in and near Ibis village, where he had many friends. His health had been failing Ihe past three years, during wiucn nine ne resided with his son, Frank, in Kansas Cily.- lie was the father if eight children, of whom two Charles and Sarah are de ceased. The other children are: Frank of Kansas Ctiy, Emery of Grand Island, Cloyd of Nebraska City, Albert of Lincoln, and Celia and Alive of Gove, Kansas. , Wells Wener is busy chopping' wo. id for Fred Wayne r. S. J. Reams, the picture man. is busy taking pictures. Tbe boys and fiirls are bainr lots of fun skating these days. (ins Salsherg bong'bt a valua ble team from William Schneider recent ly. Jeff Salsherg. from Myuard. came home to see his folks Sat urday nig'lil. Henry Albert shelled his corn Saturday, the Thierolf Pa-others doing I be shelling. Mr. and Mrs. John Mejsing-er left Thursday for Pekin, Illinois, lo visit with relatives. There was a big turnout Tues day for Ihe wolf bunt, and the boys done well, tret ting one. Paltz Meisinger and Johnny Thierolf went out for a good lime Saturday ti i ?: t . and they had it. The show Tuesday nig"ht was largely alien led. It was about Mali!.' and P.illy on tln ir lmn'j niooii trip. Willie Meisinger of Myuard is making his In.idpiai I its at L. Meisinger's near Cedar Cre.-k. Look out. Hilly! Home Missionary Meeting. From WVilnesday's Iallv. Tile Oueeri Lsther meeting at the '.. C. il home .Monday even ing was a great success, there being thirty-eight young ladies present. Miss Dowers, confer ence organizer. conducted a splendid map- drill by pinning slips on a large i;. s. may at points where the Woman's Home Missionary society is maintain ing homes and schools, telling lirietly of the work at ea.-h place. A goodly number of women rso met at Mrs. Kalfenberger's Tin-s lay afternoon and enjoyed a ery interesting talk by Miss Powers on the scope and character of the work being done bv Ihe Woman's Home Missionary socii lv. Sev ral new members were secured. i!f ii." j- i at ;.i flesh. !.. r.-ear-.M f... ffe.h, by side. I In.- '.rliiig- Im i f. r. Tun e ir ling- sl.-. rs. Implements, Wagons, Etc. l!ie g s(1i;y p..w. Two walking- ni ! 1 1 .1 '. : Two re I i":-' u !t , a I r-. lie two-row I ! .4'' f I i ;je. On i' fS-ir;efi sijrri':- j'!"W. Two -c!s !ji;:i h liaine... Oae set !"-llnfi One s.i I'j-nnh l..iri.'-. Two discs. Two farm n.-..n. Uie sj.pj ig- v.a..!!. One i"g'!e harm s. Many olb' r artici (.. riunier ons to rueutj .n. i;n lud.iig ron iib"i ab!e property b-! g i g ti other parti'e. and n' li-te I. TKItMS AH si;r!1. or sjo an I under, cash; on ;;m. o. r o a ill I- with credit of i ri.ont ti purchaser l-;vhi- n..'. pr...-, v.'univ, a: cent ipNti m. M. G. CHURCHILL. GEO. NICKELS. Wm. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedsker, Clerk. a p. p.r For Sale. Farm of UI acres, r, i n,,;, northeast of Fnem; ; acres t.av Iind. ".'o acres psti;re I in cul 1 1 a I i..ii ; w-1 ir!M.r..v- if l;ik'n at once. i . I. ngtiL Impiit e tin-. 2 '-tf-d.vw- It'-hing piles j.r.. profanity but profanilx wmiT r'in..i the-.,. Doan's Ointno-nt is recorn ni.Ti.J- e( ior 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 i gr. Ideeiiiag or pro truding l.ile.; r.O,. ;,? ,llt . tore. II. For Sale. 'rile I.irm of XIO n.-re cir rules south of Plattsmouth ' . and lie-half mile n,,r't Murray. Mi-ht consider c-o...! h eres as part payment. y,,r rKir ticulars writ or rail Mrs. C. r.. Route l, plafts lll'Ullll. Nel Smoke "Keno cigar. P V -a j ' sstrv Try a sack of Forest Rose flour Your money refunded if net satisfactory. Stock Wanted. I will buy your hogs and cat! I and pay the highest market price at all times. I will be located at he Hurlinplon stock vards. where will be pleased to quote you the best price possible. Tel. 2t04. J. N. Elliott. l-2G-2wks-d&w : msi Boss iff r i ie wruskey,Suh.U; n Yr Time doia nebtxrr W ? . TVJ OLD I sa C2AKPER I Vt whiskey U 1 'rnf,Tb5r wen- John