The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1914, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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FT L,,
mid! T
And buy the I&ew Way air-cooled gasoline
: engine, The greatest engine value the world has
ever known.
A new System of cooling which the John Deere
Plow Co., of Omaha, Nebr., guarantees to run cool while
working under heaviest load. This engine is made
up of the very best material and workmanship
This engine has a great many exclusive patented features that are
well worth investigating.
We have these engines on our floor and invite you to look them over.
Agents for John Deere Farm Implements
Ufl- WW war WW WW w
Yesterday was Hie birthday
anniversary of 3Iiss Harriet
Forbes, ami the young' ladies who
art' employed at the Lincoln
Telephone and Telegraph com
pany's oHice in this city conclud
ed to plan a .-urprise on her, and
in order to make the surprise
more complete planned it for
Tuesday evening. Arming them
selves with many good tilings to
eat, they wended their way to her
home, in the south part of the
city, and invaded the Forbes
home and took 3Iiss Harriet by
complete surprise, as she had not
suspected anything of the kind.
The young ladies had come pre-
m .14.1. - i ii
juirt'ti io nae u goou lime ami io
show Miss Harriet how to cele
brate her birthday anniversary in
the proper manner. (James and
conversation, interspersed with
music, furnished plenty of
amusement. During the course
of the evening's entertainment a
tempting luncheon was served,
and at a late, hour, after wishing
Miss Harriet many more such
happy birthdays, the invaders
wit hil row their . forces, declaring
they had had the time of their
lives. Those iu attendance were:
Miss'es Marie Xesladek, Laura
Meisinger, Mabel Brown, Anna
Warga, Anna Kopia, Marie
isvoboiia, Ruth Hetherington,
Herniia Itoetter and Mrs. .A. -Xesladek
and little daughter, Mar
garet Anna!.
The Best Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy ever since I have
been keeping house," says L. C
Hamcs, of .Marbury, Ala. "I con
sider it one of the best remedies
I ever used. My children have all
taken it and it works like a
charm. For colds and whooping
cough it is excellent." For sale
by all dealers.
FOREST HOSE Host flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
Horrible Blotches or Eczema
Quickly cured by Dr. Hobson's
Eczema Ointment. C. 1. Cald
well, of New Orleans, La., states:
"My doctor advised me to try 'Dr.
Hobson's Eczema Salve.' I used
three boxes of Ointment and
three cakes of Dr. Hobson's Der
ma Zema Soap. Today I have not
a spot anywhere on my body and
can say I am cured." It will do
the same for you. Its soothing,
healing", antiseptic action will rid
you of all skin humors, black
heads, pimples, Eczema blothes,
red unsightly sores, and leaves
your skin clean and healthy. Cet
a box today. Guaranteed. All
Druggists, 50c, or by mail. Pfeif
fer Chemical Co., Philadelphia &
St. Louis.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to the many kind
neighbors and friends -who as
sisted us duirng our recent be
reavement in the loss of our dear
hubsand and father.
Mrs. Merle Schall and Son.
Get your harness oiled for $1
at John Gorder's.
The Plattsmouth Business College
Monday Evening, February 9th, 1914
At 8 O'clock
The College Will be Located at 504 Main St. (2nd Floor)
(The public cordially invited.)
Course of Study
Business Course Embracing Bookkeeping, Banking, Commercial Law.
Commercial Artithmetic, Rapid Calculation, Business Letter Writing
Commercial Papers, Spelling and Penmanship.
Shorthand Course Embracing Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Spell
ing, Business Letter Writing, English Grammer and Punctuation.
Combined Courses-Embracing all studies in both the Business and Short
hand Course.
The Famous Draughon System and Text Books, used exclusively. Five month's prac
tical business training guaranteed, which is sufficient time to eomplete the course. Students
who do not finish in one term may continue without extra cost. The Diplomas will be is
sued from Draughon's College headquarters and have the prestige of the largest and strong
est system of Business Colleges in the world back of them. Draughon's System has more
Bank indorsements than all other Business Colleges in the country combined. All graduates
will receive the benefit of the following Employment Bureaus:
Draughon's Practical Business College Company. Remington Typewriter Company
Royal Typewriter Company.
No Entrance Examination. No Classes. Individual Instruction.
A splendid opportunity to prepare yourself for civil service examination.
The funeral of Mrs. Louise J
Finch, who passed away in this
city Tuesday evening', was held
this morning from the home of
her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Shafer,
in the west part of the cily, short
services being conducted by Rev
I). L. Dunkleberger, who, in a few
brief remarks, paid a tribute to
the long and useful life of the tie
parted lady and offered to the
sorrowing family words of com
fort for the loss they had sus
tained in the taking away of their
mother. A choir composed of
Jesse Perry, O. Sandin and Rev
Dunkleberger sang a number of
the favorite and well loved
hymns, after which the body wa
taken to the Burlington depot,
where the funeral party departed
for Glenwood, Iowa, where all
that was mortal of this worthy
ladv was laid to rest in the
c metery in that city.
A stubborn, annoying, aepres
simr eousili Iiansrs on. racks the
body, weakens the lungs, and
often leads to serious results.
The first dose of Dr. King's New
Discovery gives relief. Henry D.
banders of Cavendish, v t., was
threatened with consumption, af
ter having pneumonia. He write?
"Dr. King's New Discovery ought
to be in every family; it is cer
tainly the best of all medicines
for coughs, colds or lung trou
ble." Good for children's
coughs. Monev back if not satis-
tied. Price 50c and At all
Druggists. II. F. Uucklen & Co.,
Philadelphia or St. Louis.
The residence of K. II. Perry,
in the west part of the cily, had a
very does call lrom neing mo
scene of a very serious lire last
evening and the members of the
family are congratulating them
selves on the narrow escape they
had from what might have been
a most serious conllagralion.
Jesse Perry came home last
evening about 1) o'clock from
town, and arriving home entered
the house and struck a match to
light the lamp and did not notice
whether any sparks had Hew over
the. room, but picking up the
lamp walked on into the dining
room, where he set the lamp on
the table, but the cries of his sis
ter caused him to rush back to
the parlor, where he" discovered
the rope portier which hangs in
the doorway connecting the two
parlors, in a blaze and he at once
grabbed the flaming curtain, and
tearing it from its fastenings
rushed to the stove and threw it
in, but the blaze had already
scorched the Woodwork on the
doorway quite badly. It is most
fortunate that Miss Perry dis
covered the blaze and gave the
alarm when she did, as the fire
was making great headway, and
to the coolness of the members
(tf the family in taking the mat
ter in hand is due the saving
their home.
Hold Enthusiastic Meeting.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Junior Guild of St. Luke's
church held a very interesting
as well as enthusiastic meeting at
the home of Miss Gretchen Don
nelly last evening. There were
large number of the members in
attendance and during the course
of the business session, which
was held during the evening, the
young ladies decided to hold ;
market on next Saturday, Feb
ruary t. f ollowing the business
session the time was whiled away
in a delightful social time. At
convenient time the hostess
served a delicious luncheon.
The pleasant home of Mr. ami
Mrs. John Kallenberger. jr.. was
the scene of a delightful miscd
laneous shower Wednesday aft
ernoon, which was given in honor
of Miss Luella Kallenberger. Tin
guests indulged in games, social
conversation and the like, which
made the hours pass unite rapi
ly. At the proper time a dainty
luncheon was provided, to which
all unl .ample justice, just prior
to tile close (f this enjoyable
entertainment the bride-to-be
was showered with many pretty
gifts calculated to introduce her
into the art of housekeeping',
Those in attendance were: Mes
dames Will Ilirz, G. G. Meisinger,
F. W. Nolting, P.ter Halme
Adam Kaifenberger, August Nolt
ing, Julius Hiltieker, Georgi
Stoelir. P. A. Meiisnger. John
KalTeiibfrger, jr.; Misses Louis
bonnes. Lena .Meisinger, llel-m
Heil, Katie Kaffenberger, K:ili
Meisinger, Louisa Meisinger
Helen Horn, Theresa Lehust
Maggie Kallenberger, Mamie lleil.
Anna lleil, Adelia lion. Maargio
Kaffenberger, F.dna Meisinger
Minnie Horn, Anna Gauer. Fmma
Gauer, Tillie llalmrs. Mable Kaf
fenberger, Fmma Tri'sch. Mar
garet Tritseh. Luella Kaffenberg
er, Marie Nolting, Yerna Kaffen
berger, Flmer Stoehr, Martin
Lohnes, Henry Nolting.
Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Cought Remedy.
Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca,
Minn., writes: "Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has been a needed
and welcome guest in our home
for a number of years. I highly
recommend it to my fellows as
being a medicine worthy of trial
in cases of colds, coughs and
croup. Give (.namueriain s
Cough Remedy a trial and we are
confident you will find it very ef
fectual and continue to use it as
occasion requires lor years to
come, as many omers nave done.
For sale by all dealers.
Principal and Manager
Teacher, Shorthand Course Field Secretary-
Feel Miserable?
Out of sorts, depressed, pain
m back r.ieetrie jmtcrs renews
vour health and strength. -
guaranteed Liver and Kidney
remedy. Money back if not satis
fied. It completely cured Robert
Madsen, of West Durlington,
Iowa, who suffered from virulent
liver trouble for eight month;
After four doctors gave him up,
he took Electric Hitters and is
now a well man. Get a bottle to
day; it will do the same for you
Keep in the house for liver ami
kidney complaints. Perfectly
safe and dependable. Its results
will suprise you. 50c and 91.00
II. K. Hucklen & Co., Philadelphia
or St. Louis.
Canning for Governor.
The following Lincoln special
to the World-Herald, under date
of February 3, sounds somewhat
like going away from home to
get the news: "That former Slate
Senator , W. 13. Banning of Union
would be a candidate for the
democratic nomination for gov
ernor was the statement made by
Sheriff -(Juiuton of Cass county
while here today. Mr. Banning
was the introducer "of the com
mission form of government lav.
at the 1911 session of the legis
lature . : -- ,..;...
The Keningslon club was
entertained in a most charming
manner yesterday after at the
cozy home of Mrs. J. C. Peterson
on lower Main street, and the
ladies who compose the member
ship of the club passed the
hours most pleasantly in their
needlework, interspersed with
social conversation, which made
the time fly, and it was with the
most profound regret that they
saw the hour for departure draw
near, so thoroughly were they
pleased with the gracious hos
pitality shown by the hostess. At
an appropriate hoiu a very
tempting three-course luncheon
was served by the hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. Carl Kunsmann,
that proved a most delightful
feature of the afternoon's enter
tainment, and the members of the.
club departed for their homes
feeling deeply indebted to Mrs,
Peterson for the pleasing time
they had enjoyed as her guests.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Snuggle up to these magic figures they'll
warm the lean and hungry pocketbook. Need
less to say these are exceptional and people are
not slow in picking them up. You'll be doing
yourself a lavor if you come NOW. See our
C. E. Wescott's Sons
M. Fanger of Missouri Valley
came in this afternoon to look
after his business interests in
this city for a short time.
$100 Reward, $100
The rvml'T nt ih'.x uniw-p
im it i!irn irt Ht li ai-l une cirvailiil iliscaH
1 scU'iicf b'-ji M un in all Ita
tii ami that it C.iiarrh. Hall' 1 aturrli Cure
s th.r only iu.uiv r.irt iiiiw kimwu t tii finil-
i .' l fruf rnl'v. Catarrh' Ix-intf cunHtitutbuui!
Iie:!t' reiwlrrs a cons! 11 utional trratii '-lit.
I la 11 Cit:r:h un It taken lnt .Tiu;l!y. iti-tlui;
i-Hly n'piiii tin? llo'jl ami thiri tis urfarss .f
Via- nystriix. tIiT('lr Kstroylns t!i- fi.iinclntixn
t f the ase, ami lvln.r tlif ratient flmijr.ii
! y biiililinc up tli( constitution and al.viln n i-
liiri' 171 iloi'is It wort. Toe prnprU'tnni hflTO
i- rourh f.-ilih In lt-4 -nrtiv rx"i-rs that tlirjr
fiiTtr One lluuilivil !llai. tor any cant" that It
fail to cure. H--u l tr Hit of tet-tinioQUU.
Addrew V. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
SuIJ by ell Druggist. 75c. V
Take Hall's FfccUj. PU1 for conatiDatlon.
Arrangements Have Caen Made
for Holding Same at Presby
terian Church Next Tuesday.
church in rniri.l tli.-:- i- li!t tier. will ! ;i I.r
at lMi'!ai;ie f Ho- fo u.o r . ..f lb-'
-M-it-ty pn-.i-n!, if Ui.- Irf-1.)-teriun
I,i.J,. are vi' a.:i ! n-hl
ii thf wh. ji ii ..nit I., iv -
'inv' ;u:.l --rin- t U- i;."-t
t'Ti.tting ianl.
1 lit j.'fi! ile ; if tltf ,"! J atf
!: ; r- h.-ktt- f-.r thf f--..-l at
om!, pl.iJ.-. ulis.-l- ui!i
l;-f' l ff;.t t!i- re t . - I - -
i-f Jh.. b. !:.: ; f. ;,- i f tlo- i: -
Jtfjite n t f th.. .... . ; j . ri,,i,.- it
The member of Hie Christian a r!" -:.. : - ; -.:. bul
Kiuleavor ieiety of !!o-
teriau church f thix city h.iv
arranged for li"l'lni'-r an an-i;iver.-aiy
l.aiitiuet m i:'xt Tin---
ilay evening at the fhureh ar-
b'rs, ami on this oceaiii the
members of the society aiel t f i
'UIlg leoile of the church will
uather together f r a pi'iiuiii-'
piunl time, which f--ies pro;ui-e
f being tilb-il not nly with the
social pleasure, but nIo with
much benefit ! all who attend.
Adtiresse.s will be delivered 5
Mtorney C. A. Itawls, Attorney A.
(J. Cole ami Rev. J. II. S.iiMiury
of Auburn, Ni b., who was for
merly pastor of the church here.
and who was a treat w;kp in
the young people's society, and
his visit here is being looked fur-
ward to with preat interest by the
members of the society. Several
very pleasing musical numbers
will be given on the pro-ram, iu
addition to the excellent lit if
speakers, that will prove a. I. led
attraction to the banqueters.
The banquet itself wilt be in
the nature of a chicken pie sup
per, and with the memories of
the delicious feasts that hav
ieen served by the ladies of the
an oee.i..;..:, pi ujj . ! : y r .in ;ii!
lake p iri w.tti i t , ; ;..
! hem -il s a:.d tUm . r ; of
the ;in i!i ui i!i i!''..'ir . ( ,. '.
i:i uhi.'h lhe h..e . i ii-!. d. TI.
parlors ,.f the fmrrh wi ! .
d-f. .rate -,,iy . r t : i ' n !!. nd
"I s of -..mi. !v, if.l a;.d w!iilt.
f.r th" oi-a-i'n of tlie I . i r i ; i i.
an. I will make a :;tt;:.- .-ttin-- for
th- ..i;t.
How Is Your Boifer'
II has in n s!.it.-d t a man's
l oi, i.'ich i .i!er. his b...y is
his ef-ine .1 .i I lii- ni"!i!h the f";"e
L. Is jniir b-oler h, iri
goo.J working ir.!T or i- it so
weak that it will i;. f t ir:d a fi ll
load and i!t able to supply lie
needed energy t yteir 'v.
body If Jon hai any !ro':b!t
with oiir stomaeh r.hambe: Iain's
Tablets wiil y.,i i.-..o,i, T!e
!!:!-1 lieu and in i-ora'e tlo
storrai h and naMe i' to i!
work naturally. Muiy t-ry re
markable rules ,,f .f.,rna' h trou
ble ha. b't-n IT-ef.-.l b them.
For -ale bv all .balers.
Ho't reults are M-ured by ail
vrrtisin in tto: Journal.
(I li l
i tut " r
f aai
THIS mid
winter sale of heavy
suits and over
coats at the
lowest prices ever
quoted on high quali
ty clothes one sea
son old continues to
hold the interest of
men and young men.
Every day's end finds
us with less of these
OrirtlJ Branll Gin tyro bargains, before long.
Coeyit 1013- Alfred Decker A X.a .
they'll all be gone.
Better act now invest $9.50, $13.50
or $1750 at any price you'll find
wonderful 'returns.'
Suits and Overcoats, worth cn rn
$15 and S1G.50, now $".51)
Suits and Overcoats, worth (i n rA
SI 8. $20 and S22.50, now . . . . tj) 1 0. 0 U
il l I
i i , i x. I
Suits and Overcoats, worth
$25, f27.50 and $30. now. .
shirts &aJ