The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 02, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    "5 S -.;'
0)e plattsmoutb journal
Published S m I-' eekly at Plattmouth, Nebr.! at ti.; ro-tcffos t ni'.'-sir.ooth. Nehru-la. . sCTii-c!2.- oc.trr.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Price; S1.50 Per Year in Advance
Some merchant- in Iotva are
cmplaKiin- tht the Sunday
La'A-j'' of that
:a"e ar-
hording the small b.wr:-, because
pei-pl- there, Ilw'I'Iiy liO
ariiij-'-:nnt permitted ami hav
ing their time lo-asy on their
haod-, are enticed t larger
cities tshere life is r; e.v:ii
i r, g.
Without any r f'-r'Ti'V further
lo the Sunday 'Iliue. La 3M we
.- in that tendency, or reported
tendency, a '.yarning lo the re
tail roe-: -chard- of th.i-e sfoali
.-.'. ii. It is Up to the bu-i.'S-s-Iti:.'i
of sUfh lottU t make life
jfi!-r--t;iii.', or, if y-u i r " t be
Ihe in putting it that strung, it
it at Pa-t bu-iiic-s for
them to do so.
Ail oer the middle wr.-t the
tendency i- growing to do -oris--thing
f that .-'rt on the jMirt of
the merchant? a:.. other bj-i-
i.'j n.
ij r-iii-f;iler
many town i i j"';r r.-i-'hhor-h-"lT
pri.'h.l!y ';;r a.'i J"vn,
la-f. year,
!;a.l a iay, a
i r . : ..'.. , i. .... , I
.,oo, o;. i.::f ou...j
dd home w--i, or sone-thin- of
the -ort. I'rbah!y ou have
ffi'ir;y of 'ii-iii, to say i.o'hir;-' of
nurn-ro'j- band concert-, etc.
As : have saiii le-f- n-. there
are a thoii-ar.d people looking
f-.r ariiu -ernent where there are
fen look;-." f..r education, ar:d
I he tfi n-and probably have a
vmil deal more money sp. ;.ii
than fh- ten. Is. r.ny -ut y.o
ir'djv id ;al:y to have a nice, juiet
tow n.
where: every or:
t'oe- horie
spend- the r--
to e;i-;rC.'i.
f-r dinner, and
: of the iav r- ad-
ir:' and r---tir!', but there n ay
If a mar.v of your cu-fom-
'r-i v. Iio
aniu -
If it i-n't rii'ht to have if. Sum
d a v
Jea-t ha-.
uht kind
Ofl other di:
The retail
of any
town or city have a r;-'ht and a
-..od iu-ine-- ri-ht, a- vv ii a
',iiafion, o take a o'ee-d-d in-lere-f.
in the amu -'-merits and
enterlainmetif s their town afford-.
All work and no play
.-till make- Jack the -ame dull
b-.y it always did, until Jack
pet- '-wise" and i- off to the
entertainment and the exeite
ment of the bi- city. If y..:i
want Jack to stay in town, to
e-tabli-h hi- family there and
buy hi- poods of you, u will
hav- (t make your town at least
ifilere-tinp for him.
This i- merely a suppestion
for jour consideration when
planrt in- I he year's wor k for
your t'ontmereial club, rr other
similar organizations. f imalia
Trade Kxhihit.
flornmereial clubs, like all
oilier organizations, can benefit
I lo l ily only a- tTie member lake
an interest and attend all the
.-fated rneetinps when it i po.
sible, and where the- meeting
are held at ni-'ht it is always pos
sible unless in ca-e- of sickness.
I f .I'latl sm)ulh bu-ine-s men will
take- such interest in the city as
they ou-'ht to the pood that our
Commercial club can and will do
will prove amazin-'. II ;s the duly
of every business man to attend
the meetings repu'arly. There is
always something beneficial jou
can suggest.
The court has declared lhal
Lieutenant Cjovernor S. H. M--
Kelvie canted make the race for
P'o'vernor. I.or fellw! That
deej-ion will completely break
hi- heart. He did want to make
that race, oh, so bad!
Mr. Metcalfe jout -eeiij to care
v.hete they en.J Lim, o Ion:-' a?
fie can hold on to the li,00
-alary. He is eeri willing to
t' i..f Lack to hi-. befve,J -t
The country i3 pror:pt!y ad -
;f:-tini" if-elf to the operation of
th- nev.- curre.-iev law and the
I men of Li--
-m -Aillin- to rr.-,l the srovern-
r.i-at half way in the effort to
L.-ler the coiiditioa of the
Tlte M'-iiea;i federal- d vit like
u a little Lit, Lut th-y preferred!
rti-hiri;-' over to the American
side tn Lacking up against Villa's
ad"Le wall. ALout twenty thou
sand are now Lein' f-d Ly the
L'nited State-? jown on the lrrd.T,
at an exp ri-e of live or -ix thou--rr4d
d'olars a day, and Uncle
?farn pay.-, the freight.
:o :
Cde-nel W. G,eth af-
has acced: d il.e 'overr:"i -hip i
of the canal zone. He accepts
I he po-f'ijon tendered him by
Pre-ident Wi!-'.rj
auv .specific!
a ;u (J no fi,f, apparently di.-posirii of
t!ie report lliat he would serve
for a 3 ear and then berome New
fork's police commissioner.
'I'h'-re is a a-l difference in
men who ho.j puidic po-itious,
either elective or anr-ointive.
"!.! take ri'ht a hdd and help
jjii-h a'.-n'' everything' that is
ci.cuia.ed to be.neiit the town
whieh he make- home
others vj;i do nothiup of the
kind v.hile ;:ur-inp the public
teat. Whicli of the-e is the best
citizen? This i- an easy matter
to decide.
:o :
Cole iJb-ase, governor of sfotith
Carolina, ha prepared hi an
nual message .y the b-pi-lature.
Cole is uriu-ualiy -tre.nuou-. Ib
wanls ne-'roes, Chinamen and
Japane-e barred from the puidie
s-ho.ds. He .-u-'-'e-t that base
hall ar;d foot ball are nuisance
and th'-y -hon!d not be en
couraped in any educational in
stitution, and he i particularly
s-vere e.n smokinp in restaurant
and hole!. The practice of hll
inp a d.'Tsir.'P room full of smoke
i an eviden .-e in his mind of de
generacy, and vve are not sure
but that Cob- is ri-'ht. It is an
other of tho-e affectation which
we have adopted from Kurope.
What should the povernmeid
do? Since its hist mad-carrvinp
c ntracts were made with the
railroads, parcel j-o-st ha been
adopted aid the railroads have
heeu oblii'ed to carry a preater
tonnape than was anticipated
when the contract were entered
into. Railroad eompani' claim
IV-y have been heavy lo-ers.
Were condition rever.-ed and the
railroads hail been the gainers
some stale-man, seeking aa c-p-'ortunity
to ruake hay, would
have pot up in con pre or in
Mi-souri, demanded an investi
gation, .started a lot of ligation
arid the courts would ".-ling" the
railroad. Now that the rail
roads are the ictims will they be
given the same square deal that
the people would have de
manded ?
:o :
It i- evjdained lhal the Chi
capo surgeon'- device is not to
t?ll when one is hungry, but when
one really need food. Hut every
owner of one would deem it as
unreliable a a woman watch
and the repair bill would Le en-
' Lrely too heavy.
: Japan is sorely afilictej. This
J our opportunity to strike.
Burdened already to the very
limit of endurance Ly the cot of
!the IlU5o-Japanee war, crop
j failure have left millions of her
people at the point of larval run,
i.aya the Chicago Public. And
now is added the horrors of vol
canic eruptions, earthquakes and
tidal waves. Seldom does- such
an opportunity come to a nation
to overcome ita opponent. This
is our chance to render Japan
forever harmless. One hold stroke
now, and our pacific coast will be
as safe frrn Japanese invasion
a lhf' 'l Co:orado. This is
lh'- phycliolr.sical moment. We
I . t
'ay neer a-aiu nave uen an
huines-"i,,J'rt!iIify lJu: U n'-L vith
dread r:ouirht.- or super-dreaJ-
m.-u-'Lts that the blow niu-t be
druck. It is not by any form
force that the Japanese are to be
overwhelmed. Physical blow will
provoke physical blow in return.
Were we to over-awe Japan today
with a fcTeat armada, -he would
a tr.'i': yet irreaier burdens, she
would starve l other million.
of lier people to retaliate. Jhii by
-'ri'lin' her shiploads of food in--tea.i
of shiploads of uiis and
armed men, we shall by one blow
ii-arm her. the cost of a single;
rbillleship -pent for fos-d t; savej
ithe-e starving" men, woroen and
children will ijo moii
',ur r"
ast safe fr.-m attack than
all the dreadnoughts We could
io.,,.,..l. '-... . . ' . .-.f,.
"-'- i'- "
Iu' f II'''n,i' su'-eorin-,- the-e
uuf'-rtunate f
win save the
butMinr-- of twenty battleship- ia(wjj, -fars or antbiuated ufis
the f iture. Will otir congress ri.-e
l the occasieui? Never iias a i.a-;
tion had a better opportunity to -
-how it- real worth.
Pift-bur', Kain-a-, certainly
posse--es one of the no-ari'
men on the face of the earth, if',.
all report- are tr ue. There inny
i.' in.r. u lin.o ft-i ' "i-. i - x !
j ..... i
r.ame is Win -ley, and
e i a
jpreaeher. He -eern t ! .' the
it of a Chrifian who hanged
witches in old Salern, but coming j
in later year, he lakes it ut on
hi- own -family. The o:Ten-e
thai brings him into prominence
ar.d I he police court is the beat- j
jri.' of a .i-jear-obl child because
'it wa reluctant about praying.
Which seem to indicate that he
i- a heiva Christian, to put it a
mildly a one may. He who said,
"Suffer little children to come
un'o Me," was wilting to take
'hem a they came, and Ihe rr.ere
mart who think he i- superior to
that standard i entitled to more
than the police: court can give
him. liven savages are cruel
only toward their enemies, and
the evidence indicate this Pitts
burg father ha made a mistake;
fie has mi-taken aa in grown
grouch for religion.
:o :
Harry Spencer will no? b-:
hanged for the murder of Mrs.
Mildred AUiou-i;exi-ero. The
-uprr;e court hr.s gran led a writ
of supercede,-!, on th; ground
that there might have been a
mi'. fake made in his trial.
Talk about the gforion tmcer
tainif ie- of the Taw. Juries d -tJiej
dufie. but court engage ir
all sorts of fiub-dub.
:o :
The popular chord struck by
the pre-ident the other day in his
toes-ape (o conpre-s was bin
recommendation that j'ndiv iduals
found re-pon-ible for violation
of th" anli-lru-t law be made
puni-hable personally by line and
imprisonment. That is the
proper- w,ayf afi. jresider;t Wil
son ha the backbone to eland up
for what he says.
:o :
Senator Core, the blind sen
ator from Oklahoma, has been
sued by a woman who allege
that he grabbed ami hugged her.
The Journal man begs leave to
remark that a woman who can't
dodge a blind man should never '
leave her own llre-ide. !
The Journal is not hankering
for a newspaper C?hl, but have
our-elves, and have aUvays en-
deavored to attend strictly to our
own Lusine-s and would sfu'e-i
to that man Hubner of the Ne
braska City ews that he do the
-ame. He -eerns to be meddling
in our affairs considerably of 'ate
because we choose to speak our
sentiments on certain matter-.
We have been a democrat all our
life and exj eci to die a democrat,
and in the future will take the
-ame prii!ei'-s that he has laker;
in the past supported men
otTW-e who are de-ervinu- and :: l
olherwi-e, even after they are
nominate. When a man whom
we have a--i-f-. time and & -'a in
to a p"-i?i-Ti of trust prove fa!-e
to u.- we a--ert ur rr'lit to pay
him in the same coin he has pa: i
u-. Osr ri-'ht to do that is nor:-
.Mr. Hu bner1
wfi-M he allow.- him-eif to :.eddle
h- a--umes the posstion of a
jackanape.- of the wor.-f. rder.
Men sometime- -uecee, in af.-feno'in-'
strictly to their own
bu-ine-s, Lut never by buftiri- in
where they are r;of. per-orsa:!y
concerned, and we de-ire to a--srne
our dear friend that we have
n-vr sfeppe. from the i-.-mo-
Cl 'anc ran.-.
', those who are walehin-'
Mexi.,, it n;rv b that sixfy.
r ei.rnarj me w ar i.e.-. ween inai
Court try
ended. J'r.Tri a fl-'hSin-'
I unt the war was a j"ke.
r.IM .oJdier, v,,-re arm J
and had b--s reprjtati
U n. i y than they have today. In
;. ; ,.;xa ej.-ai'ef.ient numb, r.-
bioni counted. One nervy
American soldier wa- equal to
four or m-o'e Mexiean-. Th-
t;i:;;i:ed tn
S."s hi, I no real x-
f'-r sroin to war. The rea-
Ln1 iriv'-n wa
to lie;;, out I rXl',
: . . I - ... . . f . . ..e ... n.. .......
k ,ir it ji.hj jooeo. n.-! i'-':u;
His;b'e ,,f fakinp care of her.'lf. Se-
fin-p a b-t of ferri'.orv
was the real object
I'rsi'ed State? had in view.
u(i that var give to
- number of young o!TIc--rs who
became noted generals in the
i-jvil war. On the I.'nt'on side
were Orant, Sherman, Thorna3.
.Wade. Ro-eneran, II""k-r and
Hall-ek. On the Confederate
side were, Albert Sidney
-J.-hn-on, Jo. II. Johnson,
"Sfoiiewair Jack-on,
treet and other?.
The February nurobf r of Will
Maupin's Mi lwe-t j- t-ib-d with
nteresiing matter, and a man
who takes so much intere-f. in
.Wbraka and ils a If airs in gen
eral, is one who should b en
couraged in his efforts in wl
vertiing the s.?a?c at b-a-t by
all who believe in the grand
commonwealth, subscribing for
one or mre t-opie of the Mtd-we-t.
These are no abler writ
er in the stale than I5,!l Moi
pin, and hi attention in the Un
reelion of Nebraska and h r re
sources cannot b-r dtifdicaf ,.
unle-s by him-e!f. Oood lu'-n to
Hill Maupin and his Midwe-t!
Tfie b'-ard of education of Chi
cago has ot.-d lo discontinue n i
hygiene arid per-onal pnrd
feac'iing, deciding to leave lhal
important .-object lo he taupld
by the parents at home, where it
belong. Tin's new fad louche
a very serion and a-creJ -ubfect
artd car; not be handled loo care
fully. The b-cfrire on Ihe am
given in public ehoo! lo younH
children create loo much free
dom of di-eu- ion nmoriK Mo
chilo'reji which i red. podneljve
of any pood. The sooner j. j
droj.pi.-d from all nchoolrt the bet
ter. :o :
Tol-Tance a;id opfii'ii.-ui arc
among our I'iroinineni cliaracler
istics, but if Johsi Hind's mi-sion!
to Mexico ha been a howling
succe---. vve ae I or fas awav fo
see it. i
n B n ni,An.. ,
I 1 II 1 I 1 J k L. L
nnTfiTIftM nnnCnfli1
Gospel Campaign Ly Motion Pic
tures Has Good Headway.
In D j;oure Psitjr Russ!I Points Out
Man Original Perfection Reisn
cf Sin ar.d Death A Cad Spectacle.
Thcuwnii ef riilicn:! Dead Hun
rfred of h'i'.'.'.ors Dying Weak In
2ay, Veak Mentai.'y, Morally, Fr.ys
icalfy Hyrran Power Has Failed to
Arrest tf-.e Matady Man's Qr-.f Hcpe
Is In Cod Messiah God's Assointed
A i -r. r-t i - i
Make New Soon He Vi!J Deliver the
Craning Creation Nothing Shail
Hir.dsr Vii! Ea Outpoured.
Tclefll, O.. Feh.
l.-Pastor Jlv:'.l
nrese-itel Lis I'h
t--Dr2ia c-f "."re
ati .'a t er'vds at
the American
TLiestre here t'
cl.iy. aftf r.n oon
and evcr.i n p.
Parts I. and II.
were exhil io-d
Parts III. IV.
wlil t-e s!i- wij t--niorrow.
TL- t-.-IiiJ
iti' ns cr.. "ivt-n
d'.i'v si.-l free, an 1 -.!!--tioLs are ct-n-ep:
uous Ly their absence. the International Ti!!e St'i-
int'-re-f i.'i- t,.(d-nti AssK-iaiioi.. of whk-h Pn-tf-r
j i:tt-s'Il is It..-: : I .nt. sueef-s-sfully
n.'.r :
n nt f -itr rtt; eenjiti':.""
i Atrial'.? in .T.v i or-; .i;v iiin-e wccks
ap'j, wLere cro-.vr! are tin. daily order.
it has fca 1 a series of remarkable sue
The CiriCirncti puMis pave t!:e ILo
to Drama a heart;, welcome, both aft
fcm von arid evemcg. (n the ISth. in it.s
ee ebrated Music: Hall, where ti.e Dra
ma cc-ntiii'ies to rn:i t:i'o d.-.i.'y: St
Ix.-ul.s greetir.g in the aftf riion and
evening of the g"rd. i;t the Vi- toiia
TLefitre. w.ih no le.-s v.arni. aim ca-
r-rscity crowd. witnessed both pr!uc
tlor;? in the I. Ii. S. A. Temple nt CIc ve-
IjhJ oik the 2-jth and fr!i; e.
Chanie to Co-operate In Lord's Work.
In presenting the I'hor.odJrama here
this afternoon I'a?: tor i:::-.-e:i sta Ud
thit the motive of the enter-.rbe i.
j.Tjrety iihn.tnthro'.ic; that the move
ment ii KU'-frted bj- volurilary cm
tr'butior.s only, rr.d tltat t!ie Wfrll
wide camr-'iipu wiil prgr: ns rat id
ly ns the I-rd'H provi.lejices will per
ec. P. This is not a Kod' itation. he
said. We never k !i' !t! We mi-rely
U.t th'i f'j' t'i und 1 1 n : m give onpertii
city t' all 't eo r an laMch r.-r
2.s little as ttif-y may de;dre.
In h'n er:rjo:j Jn t!ie foferifmn I'asicr
rm?:-ei! d: .eu.-c-ed that feature f t.'it
I'hotfeDrain.i wha-l n-hiten , Cnrl't'H
promise. h'il'1, I m; l.e all tUlui:
newT" I.i i text arid Jk our;-. foiluvv:
"Ilehoid, I mate nil thiiuts new.'
n:eveh-)tl-,f, M( -aid:
lt.H I'thhf Ilitiiafifr-4 that Hie K"M-II
days of the ordinary v- i !; no. Ijj.l
raZ of evei t:ii;if, li;i.B, Ii 11
thvinand 'e;r J'"i' 'J h"4 f-'.t. Pe
ter deeJarea tlt-.t n Day ultli le Lord
I ft It t !oU .ri od At !m ti;ln
Iiil.g of iti ih'i V' i H (' WHS 'lfer.
;t F-t,t'''t.U"t In IHfl.'-r A'lon- lei t
i'.,.,'V,i-tiii ii fi t I rcMilm- bietild
u;.oj liim lhf io-5v "Dvl", th'"i plinM
d.?" t h'U-t fleit i iirtn i.iir lie" l-is
leei .t-i;' !-.' M'A'ftd in iital
ly, lnHtr.'Aj 'O.'l t.l.fzii )' -4 ' flin oiil
',A-)i,l linn, I'.oil-- Unl l.-ta cliiififlid I U i iiui-, bit! l' ' H. 'i t
ft, y t-iiu M c---iu-.i to- lii'it" nil
laelila jU.d V;-t- u cci.o iionl-ih in'-r'il
fill 'I it, i.-ll I'll'" ' I' fcl'fiWti
Owl' j-.lls, . I. Mi nll'i' -)'-
l'ti.,x, h'.;i.itj. idl l.'iiii twf inu.H.y n
I'.As f;e I. I, Hi, If." ii"(i3 i.f 1 1 in
VOild hit. i..-f i.i. 1 1 Y dl lit l-.'V a lie
1:3 M.iild ! l.'i; hi' 'I. I til l' i ll
niir ja I. noo fifn i ell our Mian'ifi" -
laie nf le.!.f-'-l.lina ..I, nii-j i-l -to lei. eo, II V fli'l lil-J I'l ill lv
thi.-I.i lof.jeidii. b o lli l"li, l-i ln'.I'llll.V.
.-. it i.-t Cm.i: llel Un elimil'l IV
fefi'e-Vl. onl' .liinin inel I IV l'
f.f h.-ij. :!.' Vo j.ilJ.ili ii i l On e' o''
only i.iis r'H lel ii.niil' l lit" )i'-i
i,lil VOiJil l,"f V"J ilii Id" iivl!)eil
V,lii' If. lO.i '.'ill, , i: 111. 1 III II I Mll'-U R'i'lW
hi Meit (ill. .i.i jiiiiiil.te mi I'li-r.i
h,.i,d fii i..iij nr llni .ieiili!ng of
H rnal loilir: ly w miv v.i ll
fc.iy, "Vi: lelVn V. onliil ' l" l'ihte(iii--
le s.i iii i..iilb" "He Icive 'lone
(,o.- Ihb.eJj v l,i h wi "ii:.ld imt t'
ba Hi dm." and I' tl nnil'ii " lh'i.:;e thirty
Vlf'b niiiilil o ImV" done; find
Ihl Te la I" tn-.iillli In in,"
M' pf-ent l Ood' Opportuniky.
Pvt. tin tvn wt'in trrliK to the Al
InfiMV f"f Ilia Miinjiatsl in and fiid we
Jieaid it Ab-aae. Me urines im
tJ.i t lli l ii l le Ip upon Utif mlrlity to
fcavi lo the iitbrmot all who nc-ept
W ii hi. It ! iU) bavlor who ci.-litrrii
c ntrirl" iico died for im, "the Jixl fur
the iiiiJnKT." t' open up the vvcy for
oi;r i t turn to (in'l'a fnvo-. During the
CPjKpel A?e lie ha been gathering out
an eieet ("luircli. to lie J 1 ustm-hite!
ami Joint heirs In ft coming Kingdom.
It ia lie why with Hi e! ct Prl le. tin
Church, will rihrii for a tlimisand
j-i.-irs. II(j will bind Sri tun that dur-lr.ij-
thi period he Jmiy de.-ejve t!ie p"i-
plo no rEore. (Itert-lulieii IM.l 11. lti
j will use 1IU crettt powttr fl wfj
Jr. tA UrtoiU to jnt toa
' li: 1 ' w-t
I - --- -
'lie v.lil Lie-, l.v-'rrj t :,.! t.;...'t t'--
n:r.L:? all tjli.rt t-w-br.i?r.?
th!r f t!i'"r j-rfeet;oa of the sTAS.
'According to ths Premlw."
The Sivi j.-'i v.ork-i at t! I"ir-t Ad
rf r.t-heS:ir- tLe sl'k, 'fr.U.S
Llir.d crj :ir.? o-it 'terr.or.t &r.1 t!.e :-er-in? t!ea i sr-r-rr-erely
t;.T'al i.'.,;J'irafr. "f thf
greafer work which Ha v.ifh II:- clri
;d Chur'-h v.I'l a-cr.rr.:.II--h ar.ior.-.f
cK-a d::rl: t..e prent sr.tltj; J-al S..V
Lst?i. TL js J?- ;- ar.d III- i"
the aE.tir;-pkaI J-ed cf A'mha:ii.
fii!fl tLe IiTl:.e Pf-rrl-" r..'! t
At,rr.hs:-i. piy!r.?. 'In t!.y f- ! hiii
all tLe fa.Tii:ies of fi" earth he !--St.
I'a:! r-fyfr.r.- u I':r t
tan-.e I'ror.i:.e. ayJnr. VLI- h S. J-CL.-i-t:
and if ye be C!irL-t'-.
the:! are ye AhniLam.- S--r-d. niid he;.-
I '
rdlr:? to tho rron-Ise. fialatl ;d
3:I', '-
Ala-,'-n the r.o-r7e tatior.s of (i'l's hrir2 ter 1 r the
ereed of the T-.rk Ar-n to Ji:. ral r'.
The re-rj't is that rr-ny have gvt e t?
in-ar.e .isyl'jr.j-. fith'-rn have "i
driven r.wnv fpen ',f-l to pleasure or
to 5ln. In tb"ir endeavor to fnr?f t IDrn.
Others Lave been mad" very t:nf..ipry
a? they tho-t'it of frierdr ar.d r:e:-h-r.
kind and "O'l-I. w!jo have made
no i.rufe-!-.ri of walking in JuV
ffit.-tep5. Ala-, that we shouM Jnve
so ir.i-'inderstood our prcat 'Iritf-r's
f hara'ter and Plan! Abhoeg'i e iid
it izTjonr.tly. adding to the Word of
Jed hnntan trrtditif-ns. we, neverthe
less, have suffered for our eareles;itj
and temerity.
CHrisier.c'om's Great Mistake.
Gradually CLtristei. I-:n fed the
great mistake of di--regarding l'Y
Word and lulieving Satati's he, as the
heathen d-. (i-l !e--laril tint the
v.'Kge-? of tin would Ik; d..-:it!t tie u
ti!:ftio:i rf life. Snt?a eor.tradi b-d
this find fa!-;!li-d t 'hither live, assur
ing her that th.-rc would I -? no death
penalty. Satan and hli fallen angel
have insidiously s.jnght to perpetuate
his li-s by telling us that when our
fri"ijSr. appear t die they re.i'iy l-.--eorue
more alive than before. In c-f-f-pting
their testimony we have been
doing what the Apostle cautioned im
against giving Lt-ed to seducing spir
its and d'X nines of demons. 1 Tii-io-thy
Bs Not Dc-eived "The Wages of Sin
Is Death."
The evil spirits have seduced Chris
tendom, as they have sedmed the en
tire heathen world by giving feigned
eontnitiniciit i'lt.s Ix-tween the dead and
the living. Satan and his demen host
have f wil knowledge of all the affairs
of humanity. It is an easy matter for
them, therefore, to personate the dead,
and through i;pirit mediums, witches
and wizards, plain liettes, tipping ta
bles, writing pencil.-, visions and
dreams, to represent thom ns still
The heathen indeed are excusable for
falling into these seductive snares; for
the heathen have no revelation from
'Jnd and no warning against these evil
spirits. IPit bow shall ve i-mim' our
selves. l whom hd committed the
Oracle of Truth, w hidi c learly tell 'is
that Ihe soul that sinncth shall die.
that the dead know imt anything, th it
there 1; neither wisdom in r knowhilge
nor ileve(. in sheol. Iladcs, the tmb.
v lillber nil are going;
I o ri d th Scripture tell im that
lln".i demons. Hot content Willi se
ducing us from the Truth and teach
ing us doctrines of devils which dis
honor eir I 'tea I or. go further than
IM and. wherever po-,-.M.Ie. i-osse-s
poor li'it.i i nil , dl-povies-Ing the hu
man v III ntnl iicllng thro-mtl Ihe htl
iiiiiii body? pi't not .Ieiis nid the
Ap"li- denl with sm h jMsessi-d jx-r-
i.-on:. e;i, jng out demons? 1 ou st ra nge.
I h"i f i re. Ih"t w should liav firg"t-
li-n nll.llie'e ewon niid taken Satan
for our nt r'n ioid I low strange that
we should believe the itiririsrahle lie
and disbelieve tti real te-Hmony of
fi'd. that I ho wage of sin I- death,
'nd that the soul Unit slunelli It shall
fjtind nd Deaf Wo Ware.
lir'-n when wo h id In our hands the
Word of lit" Pool we made it of none
ffe' I, by believing Satan's lie. When
we ri ad hi the r!pt ui ,..,t the
wi'k"d Fball periti, that all ttie wik-
! will b'd ite troy, we were hoodooed
tiy th" :edi lug spirlU Into interpret
ing pcrbh nnd destroy to mean ever-l'i-flng
life in torment. It Is n wonder
th-it n f'hrl-llan hope could be held nt
all iridi-r nin Ii an avalanche of error;
fir""' who triumphed down through
the Age, we m iy ln sure, were itpheid
by Ihe precious promise of t bid's
Word, which negatived their fears and
l-d then oficu to say, Alas, wo do
rmt iindor-diind It; but we tru.-.t the
Iitd. that lie will do right.
Sow. us the dawning light of the
New I d-'pensa t Ion Increase, w e -r-
ccive more clearly where our mi-take
Was. Pibie Stli lents the World nVrf
rrc beginning n freh study of ;,hJ'h
Word In Its own light, nnd lire receiv
ing th" oil id Joy instead of the
of heaviness. Nn.v they see the l:se
urreell'in pipe, nnd perreive th;it it is
lm-i-1 ill-oil the fait tint Thrift dh-1
for nil; 11 at the I lrst lle-urre. t l..n will
be fur the saintly few who h.ive fob
lowed the Ma'tcr's fxt -ten-; tt.nt It
will be I" a higher than human
t" the Iti'.iue nature; ati l t!;.it these
.'Jo! ') 1 one- will be sharer in !e--riah's
Kingdom, which I.i to ble:-- i!h
Now !n-v mi- that the world's bh-.-pig
ill. o will ! :i rcsitrm li.m. bi;t t
hli. n. in p- if'-' t i 'I - it lifTiag n;-. not
or.iy tioi.i Ha- t.'..-i;i of the t ;.!. teat
nlj from u!) thu wukm.n mil La-
tt ni'-.r'-'t w i
Th Rst. t- i A I Ti--jt'
wo'.:-! '''J :; T '
Ii f . :ilr-.. t of t -- -' '
r br J-t- IV
t:.e- t.i r"f ."- -.;
e ' t.'.e f II
then vo-.M '-ir.-.e "" '.:; '
l:-sst:r -i. ' n of a:; v. - t
l.?. s;-V-n ty i r..
V, 7 I t p.!.t t:.-
r ; v
li!..f .- r .' ' . '--
TP..'-, or p'-.ri. f f '' '
one ti.i'r-.ii.l- In r
v. ill c v r V..t r.'I. c
Act .i.K rjr..
IPikir.g all f.'rg i.'
y re-toiir gall f hi: '
frf-rf - t r',:A.:. "111- i
ti ,n cf .'; tl Ir r - :.. h
Lei ! 7 t!.- IT' : - :
ir. ".". t-'-e r'- , '.. '
ai-1 I ' A l.ri f -.: fr n !..
I.i the l.T - g-- - I- II - r--Li
r;iki!..' r ' r..
the a " " ' - f" r-' the t
the rr.:-i:.r '"' ' ' c-
and i:r ;--rftl-'-M
w ..
his il i:.g. r'-i T .
beginning, -i i- rfe't r;.
t I." V. -
Pi j
t Tl
age -very g -I"!
Door C?f to AH cf A-a's tti.
Il .d Adam re . j;...-! ;--:-f.-- ?.i !..
dren wo-.ld h . ve 1-.:. , r.i ; - rf :
Aii ce;r I::.;.-f-to th-:.. -r- p-.-of
the ci:r- w:.. h I. . --. ; . u
thr e;gt l.T"!. ?;. V ; ' 1 .
w :pi:.g away of t ':. r .r-1-- . I.. -- 1 . ..
other way f t- 1 :. g of r-T.t r-r.e-w
iLr. res :rre-ti r. Th: w.. k w ...
t i-ghi v, it'j the -... .-;.- nt "f 3b
slats Kir.gdor.i. an-I w;.; g: :.
rje-n.hfr of Adtm's ri" the f ;l.e-t . ;.
pf.rt'ir.i'j of re--:;rrc t :. r -i: i. ..
Tlie ba:s f r this fivr -si Th-Pan-om
t ri- '!, i !i J. - ;s r.(,l i :
Adam and hi ra e nl.'-'i IP- "Tl
Ju-t f-r th-- ur.j :-T." f ! ri:.g ns 1 i
to (if I. Ti." fer. ,i'y v 1 1 !i J- - :- j .1
f ir i:s was r.- t t.-r:
d at'i !-.: i'y and
err. or s-I; at; n.
t -r e:.r. b ;t t'..
w t;..- r-- .i
r si v i g, w ; ; r
f t-.rf:r". bet fr -m
Ie fr m a I -d
t!.e tomlr th- r:;: .-. ?,. w -h- ..
br i'tti-rf. rep.' e f -;r I- half A I.;:,
ami a!! his r.t'" we'i'd !;! : it'-'j 1. ivi
f erPIii-!. as ! Ir.te I- -t bl
Peitieitv ha !:! C'hri-t" s-i'-ri-e
t- make satlsf.e ti'-n f -r .nr
f-ilow-d by T iiri-t's Klr.g-J m f '
Klngd.mih m lifting lnrTu ?.- t-
tlie willing x.nd o!-I..-r t frr.i sin and
New Hnvtri a"d New Ert-u
In t!n syml:i Iirgnage f t! '.
tie the Iieavens are ?-.n .eti v.-.- l t-
repre.-eiit the spiritn ;I J-v rs the
chnn-Ii; and the earth t ri r er.t
Civil and social orgar iz tti- n. Ti.- Po
hie repreenfs that the prc- r.t be irr'.
and earth are out of a-i-crd wlrlj th.
Idrine i;rp" s. nr I are t i p i-s aw.:y
with a great corn :uoh n.
We understand this t n;nn th ,t In
the end of this Age the m-ml:, il r. h
systems and all the ei-i b -i.ixti.-r.I pow
ers of the world wJ I fall p. to r iu
sb'ti. disruption, an ! pt-sawar. S;.e.J
fly will fellow sin.1.' ir coiiditioris Ir. lie
s ial nnd I -liti'-al arth. It al. will
pas away with great coo::t"l. n. cr:-fu-'on.
This Iesfri'"tion i sy m'
ly c.-diei! tire. l'.;:t the IjtI ln prom
ised a new heaven a-.d n mri'i
established along ! tfer line nnd t rlre
clples in full aeeord with the Idiirv
w ill. In this, we read, right. ;u .i:--i
will dwell. 2 Pef. r ?.". V2. JZ.
Tl'.e Ttew li.-::vi'i.i W ill n -t l-e th
cliun tt nominal. It will c r.-i.t of
'hri-t nnd the c!eet i .iur. h. gath n-l
out of ail the r. 'ti 'rs and d.-ri-'T. lr: -tl"it-sainf
. It w ill I " the very i b- it
of righb'oiwi. . tlu I i vi i !.- tt. ar I
will be given the cutf"! '' nai.V:.-!
for .- thou-.ind years. ;r.i! :il y b:r
Ing thos thousind y--nr a new irtli
wid d-'vel p s- b ty w id l-e org-::.'. .-!
under new condl'i in in h.-trr-;r.y
the regulation of J'.-s'..ih' Kirgd-.-.i.
This i anoth.-r pi t!:re f b-.w our !:-ilii'im-r
.n Ifie glorious, Kir g will rra'-e
all thing i.e-.v.
Th Grandeur f tha Nw.
Cbxl thn:ig!i the Pro; le t d-el-;-.-.
I'.? ye g'ad aid r'-joi-e in that w'.i h
I create." "For. Is Icid. I r. ,-.fe ;.ew
heave!! ar:d a new- earth: nnd tl;- for
mer shall n-'t Ih re?ae-:;I-eri-'l. r-'reo' ;,.
Into mind." Iai.ih -": 17. lv far
suisai ir in every w:ty wl I t the oV
I ;;--ii-:itiorj that n "lie w .11 -.en th i,
in akicg a om.pari ei ?
.:.g t--
it it d tin? thh-g of tht pr---.-:.t t. :..
eeept by way of ren.e.i,'-ri:tg the b -
sons. eerien':e. etc.. Ieart..-1 ur r
the pres. nt sad 'ns of tie- g-o :n
ir g creatioi:.
The lew creaj-n w i ; t. c-i.'.uai.
n- t sudden. Th- entire tli-'iviidunr
of Mi-ssi.iir Kingdom wi.I re--
sary f-r the p.-f.- ;;,.g ,,f t:.c f l , ,
race, t!i- i-stat.h-hi: . :.t of i;.p -u ;;;
en f aith r-n the s.-;;e at.s.. j j ,
that now dominate in Heav.i:. A
there is n. ith r crjmg. sighing, i -t
tiding 1 ii IP-.iviii. ls:u:e th- re i ;,
titer sin Ii T .leil.'i p'tillj tt.. r,.. I;
will l-e m ..rt'.i. Tlier- w !': 1. j
crying, sighing or d tng ar d t . ,o
I.i re. I ee:,i;-e sia. w ith u: j- rf
l- fs. wi.: t-. tb-.r..! p:.rg.-d - .
bv thf .M.-s.,;.,:.iv- Kiggd -m. P. c.
lifting w.rk ds h .ii.-ir 1 j. r-th-
wilfully r. ,'..,. I wilt le de-tr- :.!
Psahn 1 ."..".:; 2 Prcr k '2
'I!ie gl ri. . f the j ,-. ,. I-.,-,
are;: r.-j r 1 t-t,s i . t
word- or ,rr.: j u ;
tint nft.r ai: r
shai: haw- u ;.:
irfe!-tl-':i. !g:,..r;.
If f- -
ba.k to f;-.l j- T:
I'i-ohe.;,, ,.t d.-s:r.. t-i
1'iath. th. n i v, -y . r.
a?. d In i-;ir:li -hill .
"I'riSr and t.. : ..r r,-
. i
...... t ",-'-r
tho Thr.u ulJ u;j tLe f.r-
. . i. : - ii. i
. it-- o- .