The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 02, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914.
Schlatrr & Filxj-rrrald ninn -.
Known All Mn liy These Present:
Ti.ut xv-, the nni!tr.siKf t'U incorporat
ors, pursuant to ll.e Statutes of the
t-'iatft of NVi raska. in slp-ii cases inaiie
urid piovitleil, io licrely associate our-yf-lvf-s
as it body politic ami iri oi por
at. in the mami'.T and for Hie pur
poses hereinafter mentioned.
.i:ticli: 1.
The name of this corporat ion shall
be "Sc-hlater t.S- l"itzs-rald Omipany,"
abbreviated title ":S.i-. l- Stock Com
pany." ART1CI.K II.
Section 1. 'ft:- authorized capital
Ftock of tliis corporal 'on .shall lie l-'ive
Umpired Tliousat-d t iJM.O'M' lKillars,
divided into Five Thousand ( r.ij
f ha res of the jiar value of One Hun
dred SldO.oO Io!'ars, each of xvhich
Tiiirty-nve Hundred ooi.(.' shares
shall be preferred stock and Fifteen
Hundred (lotto) si. arts shall be com
mon stock.
Sec. 2. Preferred stock shall from
earninvrs be Iirst paid divide-pis alter
two years from the date of issue until
retirement at u rate . not exct'editiic
per cent per annum, payable annually,
and shall after payments of dividends
of per cent upon the common slock,
participate eoually in dividends xvith
common stock.
I'refrred st-ck si
have priority in payment in dividends
up to per cent per annum and also
for the payment of the principal
Sec. The Hoard of Directors, may
nt its- option. redeem any and all
shares of preferred stock at any time
after five years from the date of i-sue,
by the payment in cash of me .Hun
dred and Ten ($llo.oj Dollars per
share, and the amount of any accrued
dividends and undivided net profits
then due ami unpaid thereon, at the
rate of redemption.
Sec. A. The holders of preferred
Ftock shall not be entitled to any vot
intr power in the corporation.
Sec. .". "When the stock is fully paid,
jt shall be i:on-assessa ble and the
stockholders hall not be personally
liable for the de ids of the corporation.
Sec. ". The stock of this corporation
may be paid for either in money, notes,
property, property riarnts. live stock,
machinery, to.ds. and irrigation ritihts.
merchandise, fixtures, stocks or bonds
of other corporations, or service at
their fair market or reasonaide value,
proivded that such property, property
riirhts. live stock. machinery, tools,
irrigation risrhts, merchandise, fixtures,
stocks or bonds, or services are useful
to. necessary for. or required by the
corporation in its organization, or in
the transaction of its business, and anv
stock so issued shall be non-assessable
and fully paid.
The principal place of t ran saet in er
the business of this corporation shall
be in the City of Flattsrnouth. Ne
braska, but it niav have such addi
tional places, at xvhicli it may transact
ils business, as may be de determined
bv its Board of Directors, and it shall
be empoxxered to transact its business
at such subsidiary places of business,
whether within or xvithout the state oi
The ireneral nature of the business
of this corporation shall be breedinsr.
raising, buying and selling of live
stock of any of the races; the main
taininir of ranches or farms or elevat
ors or anything pcrta ini nsr to farm or
ranching; buyinvr. sellintr and leasing
of rights, privileges and franchises,
real estate and other property to be
used in corn! uctinsr of a live stock
business or in connection therewith:
luiv.iiir. sellimr. maKinij ano ininsn'r
rini? notes, tnortsa-,ri-s, or other evi
dences of indebtedness:' to purchase
and sell shares of its own stock: to re
isue and re-sell shares of its own
stock: to contract :-nd transact busi
m ss xviih its own stockholders, incor
p.irators. dncers. or bond holders, the
same as xvith other parties and to do
anv and all other acts or ihinirs neces-Farx-
for the enjoyment and exercise of
its "corporate power- and existence,
xx-hether conferred upon this corpora
tion bv their Articles or By-Laws.
The highest amount of Indebtedness
to xvhich this corporation may at any
time subject itself not exceed an
Binunt equal to one-third il-3; of its
paid-up capital stock.
This corporation shall commence
business on the 1st day of January.
1914, and shall terminate on the :;lst
lav of December. i:"'.4. and it shall be
authorized to its corporate
affairs xx hen these Articles of in
corporation shall have been fully filed
as required bx- laxx-.
The affairs and business of this cor
poration s! all be conducted by a
board of five Directors ami ly the
officers hereinafter provided for.
Section 1. The following named per
sons, xvho shall hold office until their
successors are elected, at the first reg
ular annual meetincr in January. 1'J 1.1.
shall constitute the first Hoard of
Directors of the corporation: Frank
K. Schlater, Kdxvard Fitzgerald. James
Fitzgerald. Henry It. Herinir. and
Samuel Orloff. and from their number
the fo!Kwinsr namtil persons. xvho
shall hold oitice until their successors
are elected as hereinafter provided,
shall constitute the ctiicers of the cor
poration: I'resident. lMwurd Fitz
prerahl: Vice 1'resplent. Henry It. l!i-r-insr:
Secretary and Treasurer, Frank K.
Sec. 2. The resrular annual meeting
of the stockholders shall be held oil
the second Tuesday of January of
each x-ear at the principal place of
business in the City of 1 'la 1 1 snwut h.
Nebraska, at xvhich meeting the H-ard
of Directors shall be elected from
their own number. The Hoard of
Directors so elected shall hold office
until their successors ate elected at the
next succeeding regular annual meet
i'nsr. Vacancies occurring in the Board
of Directors shall be rilled as provided
in the Hy-I-ixvs. , tl
Sec. :h Special mertincrs of the
stockholders for the purpose of trans
acting anx- business. stated or em
braced within the call, max- be held at
any time upon the call of the Presi
dent. Secretarx-, Board of Directors, or
the holders of txvo-fifths (I'-l of the
common stock, after pivinfr fifteen (1.1
davs' written notice thereof, by mail,
to each of the holders of common stock,
at their addresses, as shoxvn upfm the
records of the Corporation. Special
meetings may be held in the City of
Flattsrnouth, Nebraska, or at such
other places as max- have been selected
by the Board of Directors for the pur
pose of transacting business.
The Board of Directors phall, as soon
as convenient. afttr their election,
meet and elect, from their oxvn num
ber a officers of the corporation, a
President. a Vice President, a Sec
retary, a Treasurer, who shall hold
office" until their successors are elected.
Vacancies occurring amoni; the officers
"shall be filled as provided in the Ky
I.axv The office of Secretary and
Treasurer max- be held by one person.
The shares of stock of said corpora
tion shall be transferable on the books
of the corporation, in accordance xvith
such rules and regulations as may be
adopted bv the Board of J 'irectors. but
anv stockholder xvho is about to sell.
,H pose of. or transfer his share or
F hares of stock in said corporation
must first offer the same to the Board
of Directors. at the same rate for
which he is about to dispose of. or
ceil saM share or shares and said
Board of Directors may purchase such
share or shares at such fisrure or
price, said purchase to be for the
benefit of the remaining stockholders.
Should anv stockholder dispose of or
transfer his share or shares of stock.
-iti.otir first offering the same to the
or shouhl
Board of tMreciors.
stockholder dispose of or transfer his
share or shares at a price or fi-fVr
fi .., the nrice or fifrure at which
be offered to sell th same to the
Board of Directors, then and in such
extent the Board of Directors may re
f,,e to recognize such transfer or sale
Thp Board o'f Directors shall have
roll -oower and authority to make any
and alT ru?es and By-Laws for the
wTth provdcledTald amendments do riot
7onflic with these Articles of In-corporation.
These Articles of Incorporation mjiy
be amended at any regular annual
meeiintr of tiie stockholders, eallt d for
that purpose alter due notice, p:o
vidded thi, i such proposed amendim-nt
be lirst approved by three-lift hs :;-."))
vote of the entire Hoard of I ii ectoi s.
and if so approved, iit entered at kirire
upon the leeords of said Hoard. A
draft of any proposed amendment or
amendments, as Hie cast- may he, may
i.e prese:;td by any stockholder, and
if approved by the Hoard of Uirtctors
such amendment or amcndinf-nts may
be adopted and made it part of the
Articles of Incorporation by a majority
vote of the ho'.d-rs of the common
stock of the corporation issued, present
aril Noting; jroviiied. however, that a
majority of the common slock issued
tnn.-t be present either in person or by
proxy. Any anietu'ment or anior.ii-m-'nts
so adopted shall th-rt iil'u-r be
snbscribed atid aoknowleil-reit by tip
Hoard of directors and shall then be
recorded and published as 'nuvitled by
in testimony whereof, xve have here
unto set our hands this, HOth day of
le'-ember, l'HJ.
Kxeeuted m triplicate in the pres
ence of
ki iv. ni fttzo i:t:. ia
hhxhv i :Ki:i.;,
SAMi'Kh KHuFi-
State of Nebraska.
Countv of lioutilas. ss:
On this L''tli day of December, 1rJ",
before me, Olive V einer, a r otary pub
lic, duly commissioned for, ouaiit.'d
and residing in said county and state,
personally came Henry K. l5erinir ;:rol
Samuel orloff. to me well known to be
llie persons whose names are
subscribed to the foreijoiiisj Articles of
Incorporation and they se-eraily ac
knowledged the execution of the saaie
to be their voluntary act ami deed 1"r
the purpose expressed in said Article.
In testimony xvhtreof. I have here
unto subscribed my name ami attxxed
my notarial seal the date last above
(Notarial Seal) OLIVE WEIXEl!.
Notary Public.
Mx- commission expires Auirust i:;M,
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass, ss:
On this "Oth dax- of December,
before me, A. L. Tidd. a notary public,
duly commissioned for. 'i'.ialili"d and
residinsr in said county and slate,
personally came Frank K. Schhtt -r,
1-idxx-ard Fitzgerald and James Fitz
peraltl, to hp- xvell knoxvn to be the
identical persons whose names are
substiii.ed to the fore-joiufr -rii !es of
Incorporation, an 1 tlty -everally ac
knoxvleoired t!:- execution of ti e saint
to be their voluntary act and dee.! for
the purpose expressed in said Al ii- !s.
1 nt est imon y xv hereof. 1 ba.- ben -until
su tiscri betl my nam-.' ami affixed
my notarial seal the date last above
(Notarial Scall A. L. TIDD.
Notary P;:b!ie.
My commission expires October i,
1 ! 1 o.
ScUlatrr V- Fitxterald Conipnnj-.
MtrtinCM of the Mocklndiicr.
Sfctit.n 1. All rr.eeiiPtfs of the
stot kh. biers of t! is corpoi atp-n. !i
regular and sneciah sl.a.l be held at
the oriice of The company, in the City
of Plattsmoutl.. Stat- of Nebraska. tt-- dm .nt or ale e.-.,., p.. l..ere- n.
Sec. ii. At the annua! meeting of the xv;,: h b . k !fi!l be ;', ..,r ::s(,.-c-stockholders
of this c.)riorat:"-i. tioti of s' o. r,e . i s. t!;:rir-.-r ti e i.s ::m
i irectors siiall be elected as pro :f P-d
in Sfclion ot Article V 111 oi u:'
Artitles of Incorporation. and sin a
other business as mav propet ly otne t i;u:st,..- ,,. ;1 . . ,,.ri i . s .., sto,-.-.. it
before the meeting mav al.-t) be Iran- s-a. atn nd to t -ivm - and ferv.n;
Uete,l ef I'll l.oti-es of the t -p.o-at i 'P : I .
S.-c" " If for (inv reason the abuttal s a!5 attend to sn-.-h cTivpondopc..
meetinsr of the btoV:.h.'..!ers sha'l not j i s ma .- be i.-f -.i t hi: i: l-e si ai;
i." held at the t:;.,e provi'Pd in Sec! he j : " tie s---; .-t ;:.e f po-.. r- no
lh Article VI II. "f the Artb h s of Jr.- ) s' a'l i.-'i.K tl serr, to ah -it:i r-at-s
corp. rat ion. or if the sti U s. at ' -f .-t-.x k t-rd ; : iii.-'rri:! -n?--
said annual meeting shall fail t elect ;- he mav i .lire '! -. hv tl.t
lirectors. a iiio-!':i,' of the Board "f I'icos. a T-ti s: i.ll I""'"'' '
stockholders mav !e caii-d f..i- t ha t j s : other duii-. s as may J-J i:P-M,-pta'
To-.r-'ose in tl.e manner provpit-i iri'io i
Section 3 of Arti.le VIII of the he d.-le-att or :
Art'cies of Incorporation. tie H'.ir! : I
4. No brs;rp-ss otrer tbnn thai
'rated in or' embrace! xx it! in tiie
for nnx- special nptt nc: .f the stock
holders si all be transacted or c n-
sidered nt such, meetings, e'fept by t ! . a i 1
unanimous cons. -tit of ail ladders efit't
common stock present thereat, tat.p
in P'-rson or 1 x- i i '-.-.
Sec. It s! all be the date of O
Presider t to '-ail a special rrp.-tip-tl
e stoekboidt rs xvPfTP V. r reo ,-s
in xxrifinir so to tb by the holders
two-fifths L'-T. of t'e common st.
issued. If the President tiftrie.ts
.f i
1 I
fort v-eicat
Hi rs
s u c ; l
made to ea 1 s'aeh siieejj.1 pp-.! i !, o
the stockholders, then the st ckipe i- r.
mnkin-r sue!-, leouest mav t If'iiscl va
ecjal meetiritr in t la- man
ner t.roxi.'eil in Section " of Article
VIII of toe Articles of Incorporation.
See. C. No spee.fil meetinsr of the
stockliolders si all be e:.l!od or held
eceTt as mil tifir.ed by t!:e of
the State of Nebraska, the Articles of
Incorporation or these B v-Laws.
Sec. 7. If the entire iloar'l of Idrect
ors sha'l have died or rcsiirncd. auy
stockholder max- call a special Tre-ci in tr
of the stock holders-, in the same plan
ner that the President of ti.e corpora
tion may call such meetincrs. an.!
directors for the untvrip.l term mav
be elected at sii'h special meetintrs. in
the manner proxicod for tl ejr election
at annual m-.-i;nsrs of th.e stockholders.
Sec. s. At all meetings of the stock
holders the President of the corpora
tion shall preside, and in the event of
his absence t'e Vice President of the
corporation shall preside, and if both
lie nbs-ent the stockholders shall eli i t
a president rro tempore. xvho shall
preside oxer such me-t inir. shall attest
the minutes of the meeting, and xxho
shall have the same poxvers as the
President in presiding at the meetincr.
Sec. !. At all meetings of the
stockholders the owners of a majority
of the common stock of the cor;. ora
tion issued, present either in person or
proxx-. shall be necessary to constitute
a ounrnm for the purpose of transact
ing any business.
Sec. 10. At all ainral meetings of
th.e stockho' ders the following order of
business shall be followed so far as
consistent xxith the purpose of the
meetinsr. unless such order of business
is xxalx-ed bx- majority vote.i x i. :
1. lieadinn- of the minutes of the
preceding meetinsr i.nd action
t hereon.
2. Beport of !!' T'resident.
3. Bei.ort of the Treasurer.
4. Heport of the Secretary,
a. Heport of the committees,
fi. I'Ieeti--n of directors.
7. T'nfinishPd business.
5. Nexx- tmsinesa.
MeetlnC" of lie Itourd f Tllrerloni.
Section 1. All meetincrs of the It in nl
of Directors, both recrular and special,
shall be held rtt th.e ofTice of the com
pany, in the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall
meet regrularlx' upon the lirst Tnesihy
of each month, at ten-thirx- (lOhPO
jti.. prcix-iile.l that sip
retrtilar morittilx- mfftiiis's may bt
Tost ponert to such future ilate as may
be consiilere.l rulx-isable bx- the chair
man sintl three other members of the
I'.oarJ, xx-ho. together, sliall at leat
three ilnx'ss before the time of the lioh!
intr such reeulnr monhtly meetinir.
notify- the other rumlirrs hv m.-ph
post-ice prerai'l. pahlresseil to thir
resilience je; s'f.oxx'n upon the records of
the corporation, of f-ncli postponement,
statins' in th.e notice the thite atil
hour to xx-hich such mcotinsT h post
poned. Sec. 3. Special meetincs of the
Board of directors ninx- he held at any
time, upon th.e call of the chairman of
the Hoard. or upon the call of any
three C directors, provided that xx rit
ten notice of such meeting shall be
siven bx- mailinsr. postage prejiaiil. at
least three days before such meet inc.
to each member of th.e Hoard, exeept
inc to him or her caliitiir such meet
insr. at their postoffice addresses,
shoxx-n upon the record of the cor
poration: provided, further that such
special meetinsr of the Hoard max- be
held, xx-ithoiit notion, xx-hen a xvritten
waiver of notice thereof shall lave
been previously subscriber! bx- ea h
member ef th.e Ttoard. st'li wniver to
be snread it larire upon the reeor.'s of
th.e Hoard at the meeting for vvliich it
xva executed.
See. 4. -At all meetlr:trs of the Ripr.1
of rxirectors. the chairman of th
i.oard shall preside, and In the event
of his absence the members thereof
present sliall elect, from their oxvn
number, a chairman pro tempore, who
shut! preside at luat tneeti:i;. atle-sl
the mini. it s oi th? rue -.itm-, arid wi.o
sha'l have lie same powers as the
chairman in presiding at trttr met-iiiii.
.-.ft. .1. Tie Boa nl of Directors :a..
adopt s'if'h i"i!es and li-; -i iat iaps for
the copduet f their meetings, aial may
:o!opt sip. h rules and regulations, ma;.
enttfi' intj or authorize the exeiutioa
of such cort-aets or ai-n epp-nt s, fu
tile proper ma pa cement aad conduct vf
the af'aiis of the corporation as they
may consider piviper, bent ficial or
necessary, provit!. d they are not la
consislent "r i'a conhitt xvith the
Articles '"f 1 -u to -ora t io;i. these Hy
i ax-.-s .r the of lnt State of Ne
braska. S (-. l. At aii mei-iinss of the Board
of Direct. p-s. three n.-nsh. rs thereoi
t. resent sl'ji. be Tiec.-S.-arv to eoa
s i if.te a .por'.:pi, f .-.. the t ra"wa-ti'tn
of any busiiiess. uales two or Pent
niesnbers of the Hoard si. ail have died
or resigned, in xthi-.h event the remain -ins;
mem hers th-i--of .-i:a!l constitute
a tjuorum.
See. 7. The Hoard of Tirectors s! all,
at their first rip-etia'r f oi 1 o v. i n their
! tion by the s 1 ' ate. h-rs. elect o a
of th'-ir ov, :i ni.miier as chairman f
the I'.oard. and ! shall boh! ofh'ee
until the iet ; !..( t-(pi ire- reiruhir an
nual me' tin-,' of li e f toakiioitH-rs.
A I ; T I 'Li 2 I If
Sfftim 1. '!" e President of the
coi p..: atein s'aail pie.-ith- i' t aid call
to order ail -p- ti.'.as o." tiie i-toeKhto.l-ers
of the -orpira l .op and he -
oiii.-i,, a m- mb.-r of ail c !!". rp I ; e-. II.
siai'l sis-'i, ail ft it i th r. 1 1 s of stocks,
tie' ds, litot-t .;a -Tes and ont facts are!
-.a.-.ll etn:iu:-r iun a'l i ' cl.s, hiiis and a cor ir.'.-r.- relent of lit- nip
poialion and ci aditiori of the corpora
tion far the year, to tip- stockholders
at th't i'- n -ular annual pp etinc ef
each x . ar, anil also to t!:e I.oai tl of
I 'i I t-r tors, at such time as he may
be eaiP'ti upon so to do. and shall 1 -olil
time to time report to ti.e IhrecP rs
any and all matters xvit! in his know
le .iire xvl.i-.'i tin- intertsts of the cir
pora'.pvi max- retiiiiT-.- to he presented
l" their pt.ti -e. ile si. ail perfoi pi such
othtr duties :is max- be prescribed, or
such as he max- be directed to perform
by the I.oani of Directors, and shaH
ha o ir in rul po-.x er and tluti'.s ..f
satierxisien and ma in -eipep i of the
fiisiiii'ss of the corpora l i n usually
xested in lis office. He shall have
power to employ and tii.-i !:nrue clerks,
I'ii.iiioviTS a nil r-.p.'iis. proviiietl. how
t vt'r. that the Bo inl of l ilet lors shall
lata- pow er t o direct, by a majorit v
vit-. the emnio;.-i,.ent or dismissal of
an v cle k. r.trent or t-mplf.yee.
yir. '. The Vice J'r-.-s-ident shall. In
the absence or nc:: aai i 1 v of the J'resi-tb-nt.
perform tht duties of its Presi
dent. s-ec. The Secr-fary sh:ill record
and sisrn tip- reinutcs of ail tne-i i
of lha rtockhohh rs. aiel c,f t! t- H oatd
of I ire to'-s arm shall a'su keep the
b.l.iks. paP. .- ; ;;il !,(,, (its of I'll busi
ness of the corporal !: : shall record
all votes of the sto.-k holders and l-i-rccters
in a. ! m!; to bo kept for that
Pi. :p.-sc. He s! all record all irsias.
r;. listers ami c.i ... Shu i t.s "i siock i
the corpf.ra t ic-n : si ca: e! v.W si
o." st'K-k ; -i. ted to him for that
perpiw..-. and shall I --r. -serve all cert i
:'.;. tes of stock trar.sft rred or can
celled. K- .-l-.l'.l l.'-ep a feee'-,:.
altdi.ibctUah'v r-r-anfred. r nil per.-o;.s
n -o are .- ..l-.ho.u. rs or the (..;:., -
I ti:i. se.owin.r t..t-ir respective places .
n m-p i. t" JMimb.-r aro kind -t
.- ; res ! ehi ty T.-t:i res' ct ; c. . .up;
the '.;-te x h. :i ti-.ey 2 lie.- owners
I respective!;.- t.f c.k-!i a- d s.vli shares.
1. r.-ss 1pm: s M I nt
e.."i..:i n . i o- ::au o; ' t- . -s . i - -
ii:-tpt of t;e e P"n I r ire
e, d to 1: Oil t it
tors or l y act
e; ti.e sto. u i o :i: . :-s.
Sc. 1.
i- T-'r-'-'a
sit i- ti
i asp. rr I' a s . i
;! iev ef. ami sha'l
.:.!'! t-f the cor- --at
v lit!
r !
i. in s
eh 1
-i safe
S. 'feted
! - -;'
t ri st
e. r.-av
; IP.a-d of T-i- :
1 1
4-heeks. t'- ft -a
str; - !.! ' . t
:, :' ot
r i-ti-s '
1 ail :ihi
r tie .b-liyer-o
; "-i t i- .p.. x -
i -h
ei ' tela h :t
. -sf
.1 ,
o- bv
t .
' . -tt i -s
ho t ver. tl
- i - - a ;
t p t
r i'-nt o: p'tu
1' i lipid" e
. ''.re provided.
the c.:-ao,a:i
a v ( i e,-V: as 1
t.rox ; b d fin:
i e draw::. - i
for ta- Pif-rp
of I he corn. -
a i
.er. t! at ,a .-ck !
rned and oi:n! er i -'
t of ary r r. of pi
t ion v hu: -er. :
' ' 1 - '
V1T OI1 tl ( XVti't-Pl II I .-! of fee S.
rt ta: v. cf::r!.'i:c'-i bv the I'resi.b r
or ii'eeii th." d i re''l ion the Hoard of
1 'irectors. T'e Tr : si: re- s-al! keep
spei books of rec.i '.. v. 1, i ' i I I11.1V It
ail'tm I lo I Psinefs h.-ers !e e-.-:! bv M.v aire, tor s!"-';' ",:. -of
ti- co-ppat! -. ns t! e! "f
1 o t-ero 'p-s Plil'.- .lire,-;. a-,l si nil Illrlkt
a report of t! e tira 'via 1 cool 1, 5oj t f
tie cirpara ' iop to t'e s-bi-lt'irlil-rn rt
eai, p." iar a tip it'll "at ' i'pr. ;ip, to
the H' or tt the Hoard of lu
re tots: xxhepov, r repp, p ,1 bv the
l-vjder.t to do -.1: he shall, if re-ipiire-l
by t h . ! tort e.i ,,f 1 ,; : .r , , . at
apv tiliP'. tii'.-e su I: btitpl to the cor
poration ps !:c Hoard of I (irectors may
reip-ire, apd nii.iii faiiaie to il'i so
v. if in t. n dax's thereafter-. shall
f'"-;eit his irr ht to t'.e e;:p.- of 1 t 0:1 - -
prer. xx hicii s' ai' t"er." b. c.orp
xacapt arp' shall be plb-d as proxii'ie.'
in .ttirle V of the Hy-Iaxxs. !! shali
perftvrm nc!i c-iic- duties ion v be
th leirated to or re'iiiirt tl of 1 im I v the
Board or iMr-'tors. np.I shall ter.oepi
a'l of t r tlpt'es i:a i'l'T.t to or usuai''-
tlevol vin;r ui'on his o!Ii'-e.
Voiimr mul l'.lt--Ji?iM.
Ser-tiori 1. At all PP'-tiP-sS of tne
stot-kiiobU r.s. the riui.t of x miner shail
li.-Pepii atid I.. irovcrnel by the tratis-f.-r
records of the corporat ion,, and
onlv si'.-ii persons shall be entitled to
villi, xvho appear upon :-uch trr. iisfei
records a: oxvni rs of the ci niaioa
stuck if the cor; io ra i i o f provi'.",!.
ho xv ever, that tiie owner of c.-.pippi
stock mr.x- ;-;ix-o pr-oxies to vote to a.i
such met t;pr. riel Piox phfal. further.
taut 110 ho'der or owner of a s! pre
or shares O'f common stock in the cor
poration shall be entitled to xote at
any elettinn of directors, xjvhope share
of 'sto'.'k Its l"'(-'l trntisferred on the
records of the companx- xvithin ten ( 1 11
davs next preeod i.n. the date of such
Sec. 1'. At the rceetinfr "f the stock
holders, the election of directors: shal'
l-c bx- I . "Lot. ftp., I a ma ioritx- of till
x-oi's cast shrill be necessary for an
el-etioii of a i!:r(f t-ir.
Sec. :;. Tiie election Cf officers liV
the Board of 1. 'i.e. tors shall be bv
hrrTot. rnd a mu.ioiity of the Hoard of
I i rectors shall he necessary for an
Sec. A. At all rrie-tinu's of the
stockholders all (aie.-ti'tis- except the
timerenprt of the Articles of Incor
poration, the ele.-tion of officers, and
other (ue-tiors, th.e decision of xx'hich.
is or max' be retro!;' ted bx statute.
shall he determined by a majority x-ote
of the o-,x tiers of the opinion stoc-ic
issped, present either in person or b-
proxy, ami xtitinT anil in the event of
a tie vote, the presi linrsT oiMcer of the
meet in rr shall the decitlinpr vote.
1 ri'.x-itle 1. that any stockholder rres
ert may iVmarpl ,1 stock Yiite. AVhen
a stock vote is tlci.ia'p'ed it shall be
taken immediate!'.-. and each stock
holder present shall he entitled to one
x-ote for each share of common stock
oxvneii by bipi. as n.ppenrs from the
tratisfer records- of tire corf oration, as
S ereinn fter provided, aad also one x ote
for each share cf common stock owned
bx- anx stockholder, as appears from
the transfe- records of the corpora
thin, as hereinbefore proxided1 for
x-.-bom he max l-niil a proxx and the
O'lestion saa'i then He (ler-iileil a'iirm
i. t i vel by a tiia joritx veto of ai!
s hr: res of ommo-j sp 1: of said cor
poration isvaieit. jiierf-n. e:f;er in hit-
s on i-r 1 - rirp y. apt) X-'-t '-t.r. All Vot-
i stt i!je.--iinirs! of the
s'a.ll be viva -or-e. except a xote for
fie elect for n; directors, a x-ote nwn
nn n m'-r dmen t to the Articles of In
cerTio at!' n. or xx-hen p stock vote is
demanded, each of xvhicli shall be bx j
baliot, and each ballot shall state the
name of he person votlnsr. loth jier
soiiJly aud proxy tile number of
shares oxxn-d and voted for himseil,
herself, or as proxy lor another, wit a.
.he word "yes'' if the Vote be in the
;it!iniKii ive. and with the word "im" if
the vote be in the iptrative. or shall
state the name of the person voted for,
if it 1 fur the election of dirt ( tors.
St. .-, The President or other pre-shhn-r
ohif. r at meetings of tb'- .-tock-i
tdtlers raay vote at sip-Ii me.-t:n-;s in
the manner provided by Section 1 of
Article IV of these Hy-Laxvs. evcfptin:r
'. i.en a viva voce vole is taken.
.-e-. t;. . t a U meet uir.s of the stock
hoiia rs for the Ie lem of .1 i rt ci rs.
the President of tip- cor;. oration shall
appoint two inspectors -.f election.
Vacate" it s O' currinir .I'li inPT tho year
i: i i r. :z i !, o!'ficer or in la- Hoard of
I lirei'tors, c.'i' by death, res i lt pa t ion.
i-eihisal or !ifi-'!eet to iiia.iif,-, or other
wise, .-hail he tilled fo- !!, :ine;.i:.-d
tej-pi only by -the Board of I i re- i nrs.
a t its i i Miliar or spt t-ial tp.-tin-r. i.y a
taaiori'x- x . of the i-'.-.a i n i tm r.'.etn-b-rs
tiit-i'.-r. piovided. that the p.-r-s
,n ,. . is. his so eh-- tt'i shall !
i.oi.t rs of the common s'.o.-k of the
a; p.. ration.
rpor; I e enl.
The seal of tne -orporat !"n shall be
:( alar in form with the words.
"Sol. hi t f-r-!'; I zuet a hi Cotupanx-, ot
i '!a ' tsipo'it ''. Nebr.," or the t ir-camfer-
;p-.--. ai d the words "Corpi.rate Seal"
i.i ti,- center.
The fiscal x-ear of the corporation
,-!.:!! bt a-in or. the fir-: -:x- of Jan
oars an.! end on the t h i r ; y-. . i s t day of
i i.l'it..l.iT'.
S.itioii l. All eerl ii'n-i t es of sto k
.hall be s-iirntd by t! I' or
.e- Presahpt. and als.. bv tie Scc
r. tai-y. and .-hiail be t ra n-f t i a ! ! op
tie books of tiie com.p.ny in ae ta.:
;ipee xvith the provisions of the
Articles of I n corpora t i a a.
S.-e. Any stock! older who is
ah .ut to sti! or dispose of any share
shares of stock mrt first notify
;i,e l-resi.'.ent in writin-r. of the price
a; xvhich b-- intends to pi-pose o said
si are or sl.ari s. and ofer to sell spt h
shait1 or shares to the p. enl of Direct
ors at the same juice. I'pon receipt of
such notification, it slail be the dutv
o" the Pi-.-si b ut to call a meetimr t.f
tie- p.'ia ' tl if Diiecttrs and decide
- heih.-r or not they x.iil je.ircliase saiti
stock at su'-h trice.
S.c. :;. All oertif.caps of s'ock of
the corpoation shall attested by
it.-' cupel; to seal.
Sec. h e'eri iht a tes of stock shall be
nambered aid rcu-ister-.i in the book
kepi lor that purpose in the order in
u I i.b they are issuee, and shall be
i ; ;,. (i ( onsccut ix . ly a .-ordimr tci
Tl ',. !:i i ic I".
S -c. .1. Subscriptions to the capita'
s-o.U mast be fullv paitl to the
Trea -:!:- x h n the slo'-lc is iss-.p-d.
-.- o pied. how ever, th 't when prop
er' l iir'.ts, live st..; k. machinery,
t- .is. and irriuat ion risrl t. m-r-i.:
p'ise. liMiires. sloths r bomis of
: i or; atiops. or services are
sooi. assi srie.l. t ra -.sf er red or conveyed
to or i ai.1. ltd tiie c-. rp aatiop.. as pro
- id- .'. in Section . of Article II of the
' : a !.-s ,.f Incorporation. tl:e I'.e;:td o'"
iijro. ti-rs 'Tiny ; s c-1 ! ; i r. tiie fair ma.r
hef or reasonable xaliie (,f s'.ich pro;i-e-tv
rii.'!.ts, live sto. k. t.iaehinery,
to.-. Is. a nd irrivratio" t ishls. tuer-
.- ' apiiise. liNtaies. Sto( hs or botPis if
;:.- corp iotis. or s rvic.-s. as ti.e
a-- raa .- he. ami afttr - a f-eiinu-. if L
'litis tiat the same are useful to. for
or re.;;: i red by ti.e c r p.. ration in its
iir.':i uh'.at -on. cr i'i tl-- f ran.-at t ion of
Pi'sifess. it stall hav iMivvvr t' the of certificates of
s-..,k i'l pa ymer-.t tl '. of. and a n y
stc'k so issued shall be ip in-a.-ses.--a hi.
and faily Paiil.
pee. ( . rt r at es of stock may be
t -a f. rred. s- ihl. a-si'i-ol or piedtre.)
bv and ('! to tl e proper
,; in x. i i t in :r on tie tack "f tie
i i I ' ": es. ;uid the thiiverv of s-atli
' i : i:i' a tes : provided Cat until noti.-,-
;' .-;p-!i ti. T sf.-r is tr; vt-n to the S-a--
'ra y of the cor- or: t.oti. by sur-
' ri n'-T ti: cerliti; le of sto k for
. ,. ,..M ,ti,.fl to ..... : . a . iti'i. :'!. I .
t. -k in Hen thereof shall La issued. J
corp. -,-. ; 'en mav iv-.iril and t re.: t !
tie trt.nsfti-er as tiie invni-r there d.
S.-e. T. -Ml s ar-i-'o ,h r.-i 1 1 i lie-a t - s o f
st.. k s! a. M !e et.dorst i1 w it h tl.e v.ord
cr p--ciled" and with, :!. date of er.n-
:!!.-1 : 1 '" 'he Secretary, and sin'!
ir-.i!ip--.i;.'.t-iy paaled in tie1 shid;
h. i ..s;.' t he memora ml am of
! om Mi-iih- rertit-b
. - be j.-s ivi.pi t !:
. ' becii lost or ile st i-o
e : ! it a it fa rr ish p a
siii ti ef the loss or-
eth Jil'n-
aMhlax it
tb s; : iie
ib tap it -.
i t ;
I XV !
a t
il a h o a bot-.l of
to t he 1 ha Itl "f I Mr. i-frs.
; V : r iopc! to t'l'iil ct the compat;.-:-.-;
it., i ai loss or t'nnm re vhi-h m-ix-
hv jeason of the issuance of the
ti ,1 . a.' :: t e eel I i hea 1 of s'o'k.
S ' ' Tie- ht.'ii-rf iihe pr fcrre.l
stt.'- shall not 1 erhfrhci to votin-r
1 ..vers iti t' e rni :in s of the stock
I e.icrs of f e corporat i-.n.
Sc. la. i : i'ili-ri pf on of an;- or all
hares of pta ferrerl st'ick of the cor-'."-tioi
ti,:v be ?t:ade i-v tie Hoard
. - pip , ;,i:-s in t'e i:,;:;;per Ji :i' a.t tie
time provi. !,! in Section il of Article II
cf the Articles of i neuroma t ion.
.MlTif'hl' IX.
T'.,. n'TTeers. e i ' -e, t ot s. ac-cnts. clerks
apd errp lo-.-ees of the .-orpora t ion shall
io... -ive sip-h salarx- or xx.-ia;cs as coni
t ;.o, f,,.- tit i r rviffs :,s m.i
li.aa tirre- to tiliP- be tb h-l'l'i i tea! a 11 1
ff.e.l bv the Hoard -' !; rectors.
AHTlCI.i; X.
1 ; viderpl - shali be declared fr.-rn
t! e stir !!- or net p it ts oj tin' Mi-i
r.,.s ,,f th'-- i-oiT'ora t i"P. upon the
direct i"t'S of. and declaration "f tli
s;, .Me. bx- the B.itrd of I lirectors. pro-
vi.'.-i'. sn-h ilivi.l'-THP n re ib-elarcl in
e, .- f, .rni i 1 v xvith Stt tii n L' of Article II
,ir tae Arthles of I norpora t ion. and
pi-ovitb-d fi.tther. 110 dividend
.f ail le dechircd or paid, xvhich cur
tails or tends to curtail the effective
opt'-a'ion ef th hr.sincs of the cor
1 10 ra tion.
ttretiil me lit i
These Bv-Laws uiiix- be amen.dt-.l at
anv 1 lirectors mettinir by the athrm
ative vote of three directors, provided,
that a dr.-i ft of the -iropo-ou amend
ment shall have Ik e;i submiiteti and
oread ppon the records of the Hoard
at the next preceding J lirectors meet
or- or 1 hex- max- be amended at any
meetimr of the 1 rectors. xvithout
noti.,., provided t!:at three 1'irectors
shall a Mil-mat ix ely xote for such pro
posed amendment, or they mav le
amended or repcaied by the stockhold
ers at their annual meeting or at any
soeci-i! meetirir called for that pur
pose bx- the atT.rmati'. e vote of a ma
jority of the stock.
Apr't'ovrd :
FliANi; H. S( iilatki:.
11K.NHV 11. UKHIXr?.
I.i rectors.
Countv Clerk instructed to call for
bhls for wood am! steel bridges and
c inert te v.-nrk. sucii as arches, xvin:
-.r,.l .l.alpients. for the year 1!H4, in
'-ss 1 'iiiiTit x- XV brack 11.
Plaiis and " spec ideations noxv on fVe
Plans and specifications noxv on ti.e
in the cilice .if the County Clerk pt
1 Pi 1 1 in 011 1 1 , 'elii isk:l.
All bids to be til'a! up to 12 o'clock
to. on on Saturday, rfl.l'iiary lth. 1T14
and lids to be 'pened on Tuesday,
M.irr'i r:-l. 11)14.
Hoard of County Commissioners re
serve the rirriit to reject any ami an
lids, and in letting contract reserve
the rifrht to let same in whole or in
A certified check for $-"00.00 must ac. -
com pan x- each hid.
I ). C. MOKGAX, County Clerk.
i.i:c; i. ATICI
Robert Th Latta. the unknown heirs,
le-ratees atpl devisees tf Hubert li.
Iitta. deceased, Nathaniel TI. Harnes.
xvho appears of recortl as X. II. Harnes.
and the unknown heirs, legatees and
dexpsees of X. H. Barnes, deceased.
Vim and each of ycu are herelx
rotif.ed f it on the 22rol iay tf
.Tn titia r'-. Mil. AV'illiari Ih Straub tiled
lis petition in the I'istri'.t Court of
i'i'-.; County, Nebraska, the object and
t raver of x-hicli jfl to oirp t title in
b-rvs.-lf fi.raVisf x-ou to the folloxvinfr
descriled premise, to-xvit: Tiie south
iit mrrrter cf Section txx-en t x'-ni r. e
2''. Township eleven (11. north r.f
Pan -re thirteen IL'.I. east of the Sixth
Principal Meridan in Cass Countx.
Nebraska, and to exclude you and, each
of Viol from said iatnl arid i-vitv p;u t
UicP'of, and frtiiii any ii;t'ie.-l ti.e: tin
or lp. n thereon and in sati-Iy and
cam ri the Ihjliow iii.u tb-scrihed
iruye appt-arifiic of i -:-oi .1 arfuhpt sanl
land: Ora n,ijil'.'.iirc for J? I .siei.-ei
fix ett lv i'i. 1 i. h'h-ni:: . ir an I x i f to If. l.iiPa. dated 11,1..:.. r v. p. ..
anil .-corded in book " "' of m.n t u
at p..'r' ''. of ll.e I'li'C!','- ' . ss
'iiiptv. .'. iirra'ka. and oi.'- rrp :1 u i..-.-for
li - snrn of s:,..0.nii niv t-n by l.'niett
it. J-ii!ta and wile to N. li i'.arp.-.
v. Pol.- real name ;s hairi--: II. ili'i-tl A' h ho.. . nd
eor.iei ia book "hi" of pi.etaa.s at
p.t-e i.l'i, of tl.t; i.; Ca-s (.-.'Lilly.
You an- r'o'hrei! to ;. n vt-r 'ai'i
" ' r
petitio;, on or I, :'. re tie -j ,
Miii. I In.!, or .-a l , . I I
tak.-v ns true t,:.d a .; .. n p.btc!1
aii-tirh'!.:-. I
V. IL'.I Xl li. STHAI Ih
V. F. MOHAN, Atf.ft.e;. .
1-ii;--Hx k.s
Minn: !- ui:d roit-.
In I onrt nurl.
ST A T i i K NiiilHASKA,
Ca.-s Count-. , ss.
In I e Mah.T of ti" i;-tate of Jaroii
W. V.iiP-rv. I r's.a.
Noli, e is I el-ei.V IL . '1 to the t . 1 . t -
Ci?s ( f sa.d .i... i-:!-ol t!..;t h--:.rlr,-s
XCii! he .:d Upon era hied
.a: i e- ia 1 '..:.., p'.-. :n;y .la.
of Ca.-r- County. Nebraska, at ; i
Co"n"v Co irt rooiri in pia'tsi-ei
s a ! ',. . , on : - -; .it v '
)pr i. P-i-h and "P the -at!: dav i f
Aii'-:ust. li'li. :l 1" ii'cloi k a. n... . a. ,
ti:: . -or e . ii Pi 1 t ;o ri. loi.a-tlii i:t and
ill P 11 tiae.
.'. ! I clai n s m 1... h d i n -, ;,
court tin or h.fon- s ;i : 1 he t hoar of
V." 1 1
I 'o .; . I
;c ; s nix- hand and real of said
v Court. .it I Ma t s-aoii t ! . . -'..
tl.i - -sth il.ic of .liimira v . P. 1 I .
:l ) ALLH.V . I'.l-ii-iS' 'N'.
I' .l.i..he.
- : whs
S'hiltil lii'ls will lf itceix ml :if
llio tip.i.c (if tiie C unity (M'-rk. in
hi nllii'o p.t '!at ! iii"i;t It. r.a--f'ldnity,
X-?r;i-kd. tijt Hi i n"cl..rk
. ii . n Ali'ibl.iy. J'-'hriHcy 11.
I'.il'i. fr th- 'ifi-! ii in aritl t 1 1 1
I'lt lii'ii of a lvu-tii'y hrick jail
nib! sheriffs re.- i.leiir p,
Iiu-ati'il on t!io fotirt Jkhio
-rroi!ii'I in IMat ! snnni! li, N-h.
I'inus a in:! i"-ili-at inii can lw
so-ii at Hi'. o;i( f lln Cmin'y
Cl.-i k. IMatt-iiioul h. Nek, or in
t!i.' .lire. of J. 1'. ;uth, ArcliiU-cl,
Hnahn. X 1).
A en l iiiial chi r k of s.'imi.iui
nit!-! acC'dni a:iy ;tcli la'.!.
Cminty r.uiiitn iii iipts re-rrxc
tlio ri'-ht to ip.i'p-t any "i all 1 -i I -I).
C. MiMUiA.V.
Co'inty r.iork.
Datii. Plat tsnioutli. .Januaiy
i iii; i. Mini l
C ;i:il .nrl of ' uiitj.
In tin
i: ii' iii:ipxi. n im:-i i ri
In t!
n -.- of it- ii.i.tti' of Cot -
is I -a :.. !. I 't'.i'.i - : . t
X . i. .
1 este.l
. ii 1 t.a kt not i. .- that
ea;.- I'Ttii. Z'.'l'. X'i!i.e A. I.arel. vii--.. ;
:; . .1 1 or t :,'.!. n in ti.'.s Cm; 1 t .' 1 e -Ti I. - i
t cat ( 'ot p ' ii:s !::!. of sad I
Cunt'.-. i':ej.;.rte,l life, irtesj-.r.. ; ,H
sta. i.i Cn.ii.I'.' on t!:e ht i .la ot -;.P-
ua r v. I all. iravnir an estate t be a
it.: ::h-'e e.i. a;..', pra; int; t! at L'-'t.
, i
I -
jif V ! m ; p is i a t ion op s.ipl e-pte i- .
i s"e. to ;., hti.eii !, W i iif ,. Lan l. t
V. ot sai.l ie, e;c,,-.l.
I 1 .r.uir v. iil !! h.;d up.
1 h'P op the l' I I h d.ix- of I". '
at 1 1 "h ! .iik i " the foi
t.'.'i; n ! c, . ; : i : oopi. in t he
in" l iiitt-'l i.'ill . ' "a-s C.
;:nt v.
' own
r 1 i e
I ' . i s rP I .
r b.-ioi
. .r ,,f s
1... .
said P
Pt titi
-. .
! I ." '.
ia' i :'
t ra t ...n 11
ill c.-l.
e s. al of
Xs." i '. ner-s m v 1 a ol a tc!
srii.i I'.-uit. at 1 lr. 1 1 snoo' t
t i : r. . 1
t i r e t .1 a 1 1 1 1 a I X" , 1 '' 1 t
(Seal.) ALLKX.L HKi'S. .V.
C.intv .la.'.ure.
Ji'fi.V I. LHYI'A.
A t '."i ia v fo - ! VI it i, per.
Tnr ms
From Friday's I'ally.
The .eii a-k;i Li-lilin-r 1 1 1 1 5
any mi'ilei l ai i an-e-;
llie lis fi'I' the 1 ;l!lrfe- (if the,
c!'M Im c.nieiit frmu the H.I!
Oak lii'e Id Ihe Main r-lr.-et line'
uf ;li'' c.i m 1 .i i y in litis city, ami j
1 Api tl 'il (inlay t. in. ike tli'-;
rh.".n-e. hut nw inir tn Miinc wal k j
al the ariinle Ihealer it a-
fi'lllbl litres- i'iI'V tn 'sl nne Ihej
cliane until al'lep (he r-iinw thi-!
eYenin;-.. Tliis MirTeiif. il i
I'la.itieil, will !: ample , 1 1 . : 1 ! I
Ihe Jiii-ines i'f the cily and xill
he on a tventf(inrlin!i!- .- r
i"'e, v!i:i'!i v, ill Jo- a j!':i.-inir mat
ter t t!l USITS of tl,e eleetip-
iMirrenl in this city, a- thi-- ha
lo en one of the chief matters of
complaint in I'-'-'U'l t" Hi" serv
ice -erixe'i to this cily. and the
company feels that tliey will he
aide, in a short time to sati-fy
the users of the electric current
heie with a froml steady current
that will he ready for u-- when
ever it is needed. The company
here has hoeu unfortunate in a
numhor of matters thai has
inl 'i ferred with the proper
wo-kni". of its line, hut it is
tiimiulit, that after a few weeks
the service may he re-rulaf -d so
as to overcome the dillicullies
that lias con front oil them.
Saf3 for Eabies, Effective fop
Thai's Foley's Honey and Tar
Comp"Hiil. It has the confidence
of your drup-frist, who knows it
w ill privo you sat isf.".t ion. V.
W. Nes.-ipil h, Slate-lioro. ("la.,
pays: "I have used Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound in my j
family and have sold it in my!
store and it never fails to ct:re."i
Refuse a substitute. For sale by
all druggists. I
Govfrnnicnt Irriuntf I H.a'.ostpntl I-ir.!. Cs.rry At L'-n-l. ar.'! :ri
vate tlcc-'icl lands are yet avai!aJeV (n f.r. ord!! tem" ia til .rrat r; h
valley, so c!oc to all the K'xl markt-f .
The New Railroads TI. is
! new mainline through Central Wyo'
is an important factor in rir.r; th- fi-'arp v.iIup ,f tl; - ri-h a
cultural lanl3. Ther" is no t!i?r irricat 1 vaiivy ri- t all ti.-
ensttrn markets.
Beet Supar Factory a!rro !y I'r.tfd ia the a!.'cy. anI t.'.!;--ands
of acres are planted to Vets each ye ar; ti:cr th'j-.a-i.f a r--5
are rowincj alfalfj, hut there is l ts of r::i f r rnor r.f.rl
IOO-1 r Jrnjm
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Way5 February ifli
(Bi S?t:UI fn:;ess:t tits F.:wisJ L CLiFF-r.3
Submit for ttis Csnsideraiicn of a Thinking Public
WF.;. flaTKOHY
On Csnditisns cf Today
. . ill in l n- (If ij J M ""I.1 1 I II ' 7"
Bi r l m
And Superb Scenic Inreslure
Don't Gat Married 1 07 D2n'f Gst Di'3rc53
Until You Times in Until Yen
See This Play Cfilcago s" s Piay
Seals on Sola Wednesday 2! Veyrlch & FUdraba's
dn!ssi3n 25c, 35c, 50c and S.'.OO
reri: nCrln.Irurnl vrlle ra t!
- 'i" '-. now f.t inv iT-nip!-:!. an-1 xiU
lrihrr particular.-'. Vkri'-' rr.c.
D. 0LEF.1 DEflVER,
Sl.Otij'ta. Neb. t.nm irjtloo Ajft
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