I PAGE 2. STONDAY. FEBnUARY 2. 1314. PLATTSfWOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ; TIME TO THINK S I P m a a. m. a m ABUUI NbW WOHK Local Piew: Here they go all that's left of our odd suits and overcoats at just two prices and from M. this hour? Friday's Wolhn In Two Months Season fop Im provements Will Arrive and We Must Prepare for It. Da fir. of Av.'C:i morning to sn here looking after cam in ml a few matter." at the court house. Xuw during the winter months the Commercial club of the city .should begin to outline R. L. Fstes 4,f Sidney. Iowa i in Hie cny today looking after business mailers with tin- lirm of W. E. Rosencrans & Son. This is the final windup and your greatest opportun ity to save money. Don't miss it. See them in our windows Miss I.Uflah ray. armed tin WESCOTT'S Sft33 EVERYBODY'S STORE UNION. Ledger. 4 . 4 4.4 .Mi's I,'o!;i l;artu went to Fails City last Saturday to visit with Ii.-r brother, i-iu lSarton and wife. Miss Ada porter of Lincoln came Tuesday to make a i-it with her si.-trr, Mrs. J. C. Suave ly, near this v illage. Charles Anderson ami wife came in We.lne.-day night from Randolph. Neb., a;id are visiting tln ir relatives in this vicinity. James ;. Faster arrived home Monday from the .-late of Wyoming, where he .-pent seve ral days visiting and attending to some matters of business. It. M. Wilson of Osmond, Ne braska, departed for home last Saturday, after making a few weeks' visit with his sister. Mrs. V. II. Panning, and his brothers, Thomas and James Wilson. Mrs. Rachel I'ell and Jesse lliixhsoji departed Tuesday morning for Walthil!, where they will spend .several days visit intr among their delatives and friends in that town and vicinity. Kverell Hunt, who was suffer irr' with a very -evere attack of inflanimalory rheumatism, de cided to try the treatment at mineral springs at Burlington Junction, Mo., and on Monday he left for t lint place, accompanied by C. F. Morton. Christ lieil. Fred H.-il, Charley Sehwaab,- Joe lieil and Jimmy Conn, gool citizens of Kenosha neighborhood, were in town on Wednesday, bringing several loads of fat pokei:s to this mar ket and selling them to Abe L. Pecker, the ITnion stock buyer who does business. Exa Frans, who was operated upon for appendicitis a few weeks ago in an Omaha hospital, was able to return home Monday, accompanied by his father. Chas. Frans. The y.ung iian is now gelling along very well and will probably soon be enjoying Hie best of health. I- O. Sandin. D. V. M., v graduate of the Kansas City Veterinary College, is per- inanently located in Platts J mouth. Calls answered z- day or night. 'Phone 233. 5- Oflice GOO Mais. POSTMASTERS CHANGE HEXT 9 NEHAWKA. with their son, In. J. W. and wife. Mrs. J. M. Iuiibar came over from Avoca Tuesday even in? and took the two little Palmer chil dren back with her. while their Miother was in Omaha a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Carroll and little daughter returned to their home near York Tuesday, after spending a week here with Mr. Carroll's father. The old gentleman has improved slinht- ly. Oreenwoo., in the western part of the county, had a disas trous lire last week, and a usual when the fire started the people were powerless to slop it. Nchawka would burn just as ireeiy n a nre once got under way here. Ouy Rood came in Mondav aft ernoon from one of his periodi cal swings around the circle Cny has a girl living in one o j i -1 iii1 thosi lnarcossinio nnvns in - .11 -w . via. .m'iui .mcnca. it woman i fair to tell where it is. but vour guess of "Crete branch' is warm one. A little excitement relieve. the tedium of affairs Wednesday mornmir ariout n o clock wnen some:ie discferei that tin smokehouse belonprinpr to Ceortr l.a'o's, who lives in the ('ruber hotel, was on fir". Prompt ac tion on the part of the bucket brigade soon nut it out, ami the damatre consisted in the pre mature roasting1 of about liftv pounds of pork. MONDAY. lORiO Splendid Official Steps Down and Out, and We Truts Just as Good Takes His Place. 4 4 4 4 The town was pretty well d silled luesday while McCon- nell's sale was frnjntr imi. N. IJ. Catlin of Lincoln cam down on the train ve-terdav ee;iinir. The gentleman is a brother-in-law of . I. Adams. Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Stewart Hough, Mrs. Tom Mason a.id daughter, Ella, were passengers to Lincoln Saturday evening. Dr. M. U. Thomas and wife came down from Memphis Mon day evening and spent th-j night You may need an AUCTIONEER and we want to inform vou that dates can be made at this office for the Weeping Water Auctioneer GOL SUCCESSFUL EVERYWHERE. People everywhere are talkin of the quick and line results Foley Kidney Pills give in back ache, rheumatism, kidmv and bladder troubles. You cannot take them into your system with out good results. That is becausr Foley Kidney Pills trive to thf kidneys and bladder just what nature calls fnr to heal these inactive organs. druggists. weakened an.l For sale bv all K. & L. of Security, Notice! The Knights and Ladies of S cunly will hold their regular meeting at their lodge rooms on Wednesday evening, February i. instead of Thursday evening, on account of lh . Commercial club banquet. All members are urged to 1m? present, as there is busi ness of importance in connec tion with the anniversary of the lodge. August Steppat of Oregory, S. I., who has been here for u few days visiting with relatives, de parted this morning for his home, going on the early llur- lington train. Get your harness oiled for 1 at John Gordcr's. 1-12-lfwkly Careful Attention to Public Sales jRates are Reasonable LOANS 6 Obtainable to buy build or improve farm, ranch and city property or re move incumbrance therpfiom; un usual privileges and reasonable terms. Address Loan Dept., for piop osition, 1527 Busch Bldg, Dallas, Tex From Friday's Dally- The change in the postmaster- ship at the local po-toHice, which has been in view since the an nouncement of the confirmation of 1). C. Morgan, will probably take place on .Monday, as it will be the beginuig of the new morUn, and Postmaster Schneid er, who has filled that oiiiee for the past three years, will retire in lavor of Mr. Morgan. T" l I . Anere nas neen lew persons holding otlice in this city whose retirement will be felt greater than that of Mr. Schneider, wh uuring me time m? nas served a postmaster nas alwavs been the same courteous gentleman every day in ttie year and the patrons of the otlice have received at his hands every attention, and Ik can lay down the reins of office feeling that he has filled it in a manner that is not only a credit to himself, but to those win i ti . . . w.t-ve nan nusmess in transact al the postoilice, and he has always exerted himself to the utmost, to see that the service given tin people was the best possible. Mr. Schneider, in addition to be- ir.-' an aide official, has also been one of the liveliest proposition hi me way oi noosimg lor in advancement of the city and its n:iereis arm mere nas neen no le.sk too dillicult for him to un dertake if he felt that it was for the best interests of Plattsmouth and its people, and his friends are hopeful that he may decid to engage in business here and continue to make this citv his t. . .... ii'Miie, H.s ins removal wouni ne a severe loss of a good live boost ei as well as a most r ensnut nlleman. He has. during hi a lminisiraiiou oi me omce as postmaster, worked for the ad vancement of the oflice nn.i t Mace it m the most efficient 1.: .i . ... ""'Mi!- onier and w ii in ome instances he mav not have ached the desired end, he ha.- .. . . . .iiwajs none nts utmost to im prove the service, and his suc cessor, iff? lie fills the nosiHon their plans for the work of the sum mer months in the wav of nr vidmg entertainment for the visitors to the city and making them feel it was worth their while to come here to trade. It is essential to the welfare of citv fodav the town that then? be something ing after of this kind provided, as if some effort is not made in the direc tion of entertainment, the resi dents here, as well as in the country surrounding, will seek piaces wnere inis can be pro vided. the great and unqualified success of the special davs that have been held here points th way clear to making a success of I I. .. n .i i i .i me euori 10 uiaw nere tm residents of this section of th couiny and mere nas ijeeu no celebration or special event that has not brought hundreds her wno would probably oilier-wise seek a large or more attractive place to shop and make their (ratling point. Even the concert given here by the Burlington band gave great pleasure to a large number of the country peo ple who drove here in their car to enjoy the delightful mu-ii ami iook advantage or me oc casion to do their trading and shopping here. The time (o arrange Ihest special ieatures of the summer season is iluriiig I he winter months when everything is slack antl business men can give their attention to these matters and prepare a program of events to keen the interest of the citizens in the (dd town fully aroused in its advancement, and first among the matters to be considered i that of arranging for a celebra tion e,f the Fourth of July, which is the big day of the year, and even now our neighboring citv of Aubmn is agitating this question and if it is really desired to hold a ceb-bration here the ball should be started rolling now. It. T. Frans of Union was in the city today for a few hours looking after some bu-dnes mat ters and visiting with his friends here. Charles St. John and Hubert Willis of Xehawka were in the for a few hour-. l.k some matters in the county court. ans of near Mi;r aflenioon ! :d- lend the performance of "l.iff's Shop Window" at (he Parmel this evening. Children Cry for Fletcher's I 7a 1 x. - v V v Tlie Kind iu UVJ You Have Always Bon-lit, and wWdi La lffn for OTcr HO T ars. JUA4 lwni: "-";'"' ST rS?s-sZ sonal upcli!on dnc lt Ir.fan. y. Its, Imifatiorn ari'l ".eeea-,-t '. it. tritUt witU r.r.tl rrul-tnu'i r t!.' lu vl'li cf Mark Furlong i---turned this afternoon from Omaha, where he visited his little son. Earl, at the hospital. It w as found neessai v to perform a second operation. and the parents departed for that city on the early Mis-ouri Pacific ami Mrs. Furlong will remain with her son for a short time. John Mcisinger ami wife of the vicinity of Cedar Creek came in vesterdav from lln-ir hoi.. atul lejiarted on "o. 2 f.-r Pekin, Il linois. whtM-e Ihev will iit with relaties in the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Meisimier resided in Illimd's for thirty-eight year- be fore coming to Nebra-k'i. where they have iv-ided for the pat twenty-three years. Frc.m P.iturday s IJaUv. Ib nry Ii-helder of Ceil.ir Creek came in ttiis morning from his home to attend to some tradim: with the merchants. All .'oxinterfe liifanU and Children Uiiriciitc itMil. X-j;crir.trnu What is CASTOR J A Castoria U a Jinrml" sn?titife f.r r.it?r Oil. Parr Boric. lrops :inl Sothing: n:r. It 1- pi';-.nt. It contains m-ith r O; iui:i, .Morphiiio tit .t!: r .Tot..s substance. IN arc i It par.uitcc. It I-tr Worm and aLiv I'everisbiM . Yr more tli.tn tl.irfj jm IS has lCMi in emitant Ir the rfli-f of u-ti;u:n. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Ti-rthlrs" TrnuLl - ar.d lLxrrhL-a. It reg!il.t t!io Menu U and lin'I, assimilates the Vl, t:i intr healthy aid natural fclccw The Cliildxcu's Iana tu The lothcr'i 1'zlcuiL, GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of si The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years - h . . ... . -- - . -ir'n-11 il me.- in: (otlav. i;ig h-'d in i i Sent to Insane Hospital. 1 l: : a r s v V. t . Mr--. J. dm V.'ib-- ;:: Mrs. J. dm It. . km tr. W'ib--. jr.. w. ie pa--. morning I-v umatja. I .1 a::g!:f.-r. ISO .f .'-; r- llr - V- Jlov ! V. Mis IiiK'Iah Sans fl-parted Ihir ille. v.loMe mtirning she will f Mnrrav for f.mii- aitend th teachers' meeting' in that city. .Mrs. Henry jjorn and Mrs. i: Trilsch came in tin's nioinin from their farm homes near thi city ami wtM-e passensers on th early IJurlinglon trafn for Diiia ha to visit for the div. GEORGE POISALL IM PROVING UNDER TREAT MENT AT KANSAS GUY Miss Alma Holly, who is teach nig in tiie viciniiv oJ Avoea. cam in this morning on No. t to vi over Mintiay. it From Friday's Dally. The many friends of Ceorge I'oisall in this city will be greally pleased to learn that he is feel ing' much better since going to Kansas City, and he is receiving great benefit from the treatment at the hands of the specialists there. Mr. Poisall has not been in good health for the past year, but during the last few months !.. iir...,.i .,....11.. ,,-;ti iiuj r ti i j i I . J c- 1 l iX l l oui tomaeh trouble and his conditifm was a ouree oi a great tieai o worry to his family, but. sinc going to Kansas City he ha ained four pounds in weight am is ame now to eat almost any thing he desires, which seems t( point to his improvement, a .vhen here he was not able to re tain mufh food on his stomach ft is generally Imped that (hi worthy gentleman will son be able to return to his home here feeling a great deal improved in health, and his large circle o friends will await with interes any news from turn. Hen I)i!l of near Murray wa nere toiay ailemiing t sonn trading ami week-end shoppjn with the merchants. Mr- Mrs. City, Mrs. . J. M. I.eyda and mother li!Tenbai.igh, of "dra-ka and Miss Kllen I.cjda am . O. Moore were among tin visitors in the metropolis today. well, may feel satisfied he has duty in the fullest sense It'iie hi of the word. 1.1 Grippe Leaves Its Victims Prostrate. .--ome victims fir la grippe never fully recover the health of I he lungs, and per.-istent cough ing is weakening. The quick ac. lion of l-olcy's Honey ami Tar makes it valuable in severe la grippe coughs. F. (J. l'revo. Bed- id, Ind., writes: 4 J.a grippe left me with a severe cough thai 'oley's Honey and Tar cured, and am back to my normal weight. 'or sale by all druggists. Notice to Stockholders! The annual meeting of th Stockholders of (he JMaitsmouth Loan ami Ituibliug Association will be held al Modern Woodmen Hall on Monday evening, March 2d, at 8 o'clock. All (he Stock holders are requested to be pres ent. E. P. Lulz. President. The Best Flour on the Market 160 Acres of Land. Will trade 1G0 acres of land in rkins count for Platlsinoulh uoperly. V. R. Iiryan. l-16-d&w East results are secured by ad ertising in the Journal. WAHOOMILLCO. WAHOO, NEB. FOREST ROSE noun Ceorge C. Sheldon of Nehawka came up tliis mttriMiig to look af ter some matters of business for a lew Hours. Mrs. Everett Wiles was a pas scnger this afternoon for Omaha lo visit her husband at the hos pital for a few hours. William Pub (he city today looking after business ami friends here. tr .Murray was m for a lew hours some mailers visiting with his .Mrs. MarK ruriong came in Ibis ati'Mnooii from Omaha, where she had been vi-iling with her little sou at the hospital in that city. Mrs. ;eorgie Creamer came up this morning from her home. souiii or tins cny, ami win vi-ii here and look after some trading with the merchants. (Jeorge P. Mei.-jnger of Cetlar Creek came down Ibis morning on No. i and will spend the day here attending to some trading with the merchants. ill Wib- htle h fleets , for th.- dav w.th Imni.'ii!';.-! h---p j r . ''-M M'i:ig f.'-'-r.i his broken tiii-h. r-.-i f ita!. Hi" - n. FfiKIC TO FARM EKS l.y j..-eiai arrai:-. 1 1 .'l t ; kill Seed Ho'.l-e . t.-;t!i. Iowa, will mad their Hig ill i Ii!u-t: Hook, and a samp!.- of mis ''Inamond Jo.-"--e.-d corn that ha ot-r ;Miu bu-h.-is per acre eery r.-ad'-r ..f thi pa no ;it f SijeP. a -.!- lb : u- of Ii. I 1 : fa::i- i:.' Whit-" a .'oid of fl'ee to r wii a.-h.- ;.".! b- - i : - i i . r. Jh ; r... r l.e int. ! plant. Thi- 1-comp.-::.!inm farm and J-ard ii'ay I hey pl.-t. and tells how to i:r al! about le-t corn for your Oats. Wheat. tirasses. Cb.v iu t h Cf.'p- k i- a f-.-.-i;-of farmir . n - t-. Ii w bi- crops a; d A'arieties ,.f ... d cality: ;i!-o S.-.-.J Parley. Sp.Mz. . .uaiia. ra-i ur- 'A I 4' a. p.-e d : ;; w Ii r - f,-.: Tho Want Ads set results. and I. awn Mixture-. . and all other farm seeds. This -.-id boo tlollars to ail in want any sort. It's fr read.-rs. Write f.r it tion (his pancr. The I d P. tat.- i . : I gar.J. n ; k is woj th j f .is of .;. to a;! ourU: and Tii.-n- ; ;...lr. -s ,' A l nr.. I I it. I!r. Pla: Mur: REX YCUMG, Auctioneer, M';rrav. .. ;,. ' to c-y o:j-nra;;'.-.- -at;-f n.a.J.. 1 Co; -a at .! v. RATE KIM'S SEED HOUSE, Shenandoah, Iowa. Box 227. ran b of Ci Tie.ulh. N-l... ii ny :af. l:;:;k. M :r dVi: ME A Tr.I.M.. I -I . . . ."".-..--."- -- r t.. t:::t 7 '. II. Meisiuger drove in (his afternoon from his farm near this cily and looked after (he week-end shopping with the mer chants for a few hour?. Mrs. L. M. McYey of m ar Lnion came up today from lier ioiqe and was a passenger on (lie afternoon Hurlington train for Omaha, where she will visit her i-ler, Mrs. Walker, for the day. Misses Mavola Propsf. Flor ence Hicnardson ano liacliei Liv ingston were passengers thi- luornnig for Louisville. wti- i hey will attend the teachers' K mi '; . -.1 I'- U M THE Spring and Summe x woolens recently us by Ed. V. Price A- To . LV viiio IUU. r sent Iattcrns You may select your pattern -inv time now. and have your cIoi!...s ..... i r delivery. -iou.l made up for future Easter comes en April 12th. Hats I (