The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 02, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 13.
Building Is Well Arranged and Is
Fitted Up With View of
Members Comfort.
The plasters have began the
work of putting' on the first coat
of piaster on the interior of the
now Elks club house on North
Sixth street, following the lath
ers, who are rushing their part
of the work in great shape and
will soon have this part of the
work well in hand.
1 lie building is most com
modious and well arranged on
the interior and will make an
ideal home for the lodge when
finished and ready for occupancy
The entrance to the building will
be on the north side, where a
handsome entrance way has been
constructed, and from here one
enters the hall, from which there
are doors leading to the reading
room and the billiard room and
off of the hall a large cloak room
has been constructed. The bil
liard room is very large and is
the entire width of the building
and is connected with the reading
room by large double doors. Just
off from the billiard room a cozy
little committee room or office of
the secretary has been construct
ed, which will make an ideal
place for persons to indulge in
business conversation, and a
similar room has been made ad
joini.'iir the card room. The en
trance to the card room is near
the stairway leading to the sec
ond floor and from the card room
one can enter the buffet room.
A dumb waiter has been placed
in the building running from the
basement to the second floor of
the building, where the kitchen
and dining room of the club will
be located. The dining room is
of ample size for ordinary oc
casions, and when a large ban
quet is desired the large dance
hall ami lodge room, which is
also on the second floor, offers
room to accommodate a very
large crowd. On t lie second floor
also a shower bath room is being
equipped and will be connected
with the toilet rooms that are on
both floors.
The rooms throughout will be
equipped with steel ceilinsrs and
the building is to have an ex
tensive system of I i edits that will
insure perfect satisfaction in this
line and there is not a corner in
the building that will not be fully
illuminated. The floors will be of
hard yellow pine with the excep
tion of the hall and reading
room, which it is expected will be
finished in oak, making a very
handsome appearance. The walls
will be plain finish and will be
decorated in different tints suit
able to the uses to which the
rooms will be put. and there has
been no detail spared to make the
Elks' home a place of beauty as
well as convenience.
The exterior of the building,
which will add greatly to the ap
pearance of that portion of the
city, will soon be gotten ur;der
way and it is destined to be one
of the handsomest buildings in
the city when it is completed. A
large porch will cover the entire
front of the building and large
pillars of ornamental birch will
support the second floor of the
porch and from this handsome
round pillars will be placed to
support the roof of the porch.
The front of the building will be
of hard rod pressed brick orna
mented with trimmings of fancy
stone, which will make the build
ing an object of great beauty to
the eye, and the fide and back of
the structure will be finished in
stucco, which makes a very pretty
finish for any building.
The carpenter work on this fine
building has been done under the
watchful eye of A. B. Smith, the
contractor, and Emil Walters has
the plastering: and brick work in
charge, and as both of these
gentlemen are finished mechanics
there is no doubt of the work be
ing strictly all right.
Married by County Judge.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last evening a
wedding occurred
house, when County
J. Heeson united
bonds of wedlock
very pretty
at the court
Judge Allen
in the holy
Miss Delia
Francis of Waverly and Mr
Harry Standley of University
Place, Nebraska. The young
people, after the wedding, re
paired to the home of Hugh
Standley, a brother of the groom,
where they will visit for a short
time before returning to Uni
versity Place, where they expect
to reside in the future
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening a number of the
young friends of llillard Grass
man decided to give that young
man a pleasant reminder that he
has just passed his eighteenth
milestone, and accordingly they
repaired to his home to assist
him in properly celebrating the
event. The young folks came in
unexpectedly and the surprise on
the guest of honor was most
complete. The evening was de
lightfully spent in playing games
of different kinds until an ap
propriate hour, when a delicious
luncheon was served, which ad
ded greatly to the pleasure of the
young people. Before departing
the guests left with llillard many
handsome remembrances of the
occasion. Those present were:
Misses Florence and Margaret
Buttery, Edith Rebal, Pauline
Long, Messrs. Harry Forbes,
Hugh Foster, Roy South, Ed Mc-
Cullough and Mr. and Mrs. II. G.
From Friday's Dally.
Harve Manners of this city
has just perfected a little inven
tion that he believes will be one
of the best articles on the market
today. The invention is a device
to be used in electric signs
where a changing of letters oc
curs bv the current passing
through them and by means of
the make and break each light is
lit up seperately and the different
words in a sign brought out in
a manner that is sure to attract
attention. The invention of Mr.
Manners does the work that
others of the same nature has
done in the past, but the sim
plicity and the small amount of
space used by the machine
ni ikes it very desirable and it is
absolutely noiseless in its opera
tion, points that have been over
looked in other machines of the
same kind put on the market be
fore. The secret of the inven
tion has not as yet been divulged
by the inventor, pending the pat
enting of the invention, but he
believes it will prove one of the
best things that has been put on
the market in recent years.
Here to Interview Prisoner.
From Friday's Daily.
A gentleman by the name of
William Gregg, of Lincoln, was
in the city today to interview
George Clifton, the young man in
the county jail under sentence to
the penitentiary for sending out
"Ulack Hand" letters, in regard
to some automobile tools which
he claimed young Clifton stole in
Lincoln several weeks ago. The
young man told Mr. Gregg that
he had taken the tools and con
cealed them under a viaduct near
the Gregg place, but when he re
turned to get them someone else
had beat him to the place and
had taken the tools.
Box Social.
There will be a box social given
by teacher and pupils at Lewis
ton School District No. 7 Friday
evening, February Gth, for benefit
of school. Everybody invited.
Ueulah Sans, Teacher.
The Journal does job work.
Plattsmouth Girl Is Married to a
Louisville Man at Auburn, Neb.,
Father Shine Officiating.
From Saturday's Daily.
The wedding of one of Platts
niouth's charming young ladies.
which was held several days ago,
has just became public, and I hi
friends were greatly surprised at
the news, and the young lady can
rest assurred that, she was able
to put "one over" on the many
friends here in the wedding,
which was held in Auburn on
Monday morning, January HUh,
when Miss Harriet S. Fight of
this city and Mr. Thomas Sullivan
of Louisville were united in mar
riage at St. Joseph's Catholic
church in that city bv Rev. Father
M. A. Shine of this city.
The bridal couple were attend
ed by Rev. Father Feeney and
Miss Louise Hilger of Auburn,
and after the ceremony the newly
wedded couple departed for
Florida, where they will enjoy a
short honeymon.
The bride is ono of the r
popular young ladies in this city,
and has for several years been
engaged in school work in this
city and at Grand Island, where
she has been most successful in
this line, and she is held in the
highest esteem by her large circle
or menus liere and m tins sec
tion of the county, where she has
made her home.
The groom is a fine young man
and occups a good position as
uperintendent of a large quarry
at Louisville and is'verv highly
respected, by all with whom he
lias come in contact, and he is to
be congratulated on the charming
bride be has won for his help
mate in the future.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening the basket ball
team, representing the Platts
mouth High school, met the team
of the Elmwood High school at
that place and were smothered
beneath an avalanche of scores
which the boys from the western
part of the county were able to
hang on them. The final score in
the contest was 55 to 10, with the
Elmwood players having the big
end of the game, but the result
should not be taken as a sign that
the local team is not on the job,
as they have suffered greatly
from their lack of practice dur
ing the early part of the season,
and this accounts for the show
ing made last night, but they are
to take on the work regularly
from now on and will be in good
form in a few weeks to buckle up
against any proposition that may
be brought around. The team
will play a return game here with
Elmwood on next Friday evening
at the German Home, which they
are using for their practice and
games this year. Those who were
in the team going to Elmwood
were: Byron Arries, Waldemar
Soennichsen, Floyd Stone, Frank
Rebal, Paul Handlay, Raymond
Larson and Wallace Hunter.
"S. S. S." Entertained.
From Saturday's Dally.
The "S. S. S." were most de
lightfully entertained at their
club rooms last evening by Miss
Edna Morrison. After the annual
election of officers the evening
was spent in progressive games,
and the lucky winner was award
ed a handsome coin purse. At a
late hour a delicious- two-course
luncheon was served, which ad
ded much to the pleasure of the
meeting. They then departed for
their homes, having spent a most
enjoyable evening". - ' . '
Visiting in Oklahoma.
From Friday's Daily.
We are in receipt of a letter
from Mrs. Julia E. Thomas, in
which she states that she has
been visiting in Oklahoma lor
over a month and finds it to be
most beautiful country and tin
people then; state that in spite o
the dry season last year that they
had a bountiful crop of many
things and it has purely been
lovely winter so far. She states
that since she has been there it
has frozen but very little an
that the frosty mornings have
been the worst.
From Saturday's Daily.
The Journal has received
copy of the Laurel (Neb.) Ad
vocate, wnicn contained a very
good portrait of Rev. II. G. Mc
Cluskv of that place, who is to
occupy the pulpit of the Presby
terian church in this city, and
the Advocate, in speaking of the
gentleman, has the following to
"Rev. II. G. McClusky has re
ceived a call from the First Pres
byterian church at Plattsmouth
to become pastor at that place
Rev. McClusky preached there
two weeks ago last Sunday, and
this action of the church wa
taken at a congregational meet
ing held last week. He has the
matter under consideration, but
tells the Advocate that he will
probably accept it, resigning the
pastorate here. Rev. and Mr.
Mcciusky nave been in Laurel six
and one-half years, and have
made numerous friends here, who
will be loth to seejiem leave.
Plattsmouth is a city -of about
5,000 people, the Presbyterians
having a building that cost about
$20,000 and they expect to build
a manse tins year, it is only r.
miles from Omaha. There are
many advantages that this larger
place offers that cannot be had in
a place the size of Laurel but a
Mr. McClusky says, they also
lave their disadvantages."
A Very Fair Company. ,
from Saturday's Dallv.
The company which played
"Life's Shoo Window" at the
Parmele last night to a small-
ized audience, dime well in
rendering the play, and those
present were very well please.
Of course, as with all such com
panies, there are some in the cast
better than others. Hut as a
whole, they will average up with
oilier companies that make the
smaller towns and cities. The
company went from here to At-
antic, Iowa.
From Friday's Daily.
The population of the city has
been swelled by the addition of
two mighty line little ladies, who
made their advent here yester
day, as the stork paid a visit to
the home of Charles C. Janda, in
the north part of the city, and
eft a new Miss Janda there, to
the great delight of the parents
and all concerned are doing fine.
The home of George Hrasky was
also visited bv this kindly old
bird and a little daughter left to
end sunshine to the household
in the future. Both the mother
and little one are doing nicely
and the new daughter is the
object of much admiration and
joy to the parents. This activity
on the part of the stork will soon
result in increasing our popula
tion materially.
Ceautfful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime.' I have now an extra
fine stallion, tne best in the -state,
for sale. Well broke for both
harness and saddle.
Wm. Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
Residence of William Fight, Who
Was So Badly Burned in Gaso
line Explosion, Destroyed.
It is an old saying that mis
fortune never comes -.ingly. and
this was shown this morning
when the county home of Wil
liam A. Fight, near Mynard. was
burned to the ground a few min
utes after ( o'clock. Mr. Fight,
who was burned in a terrible
manner a few weeks aero, was
coming to Plattsmouth this
morning on the early Missouri
Pacific train, anil had started for
Mynard to catch the train, when
Mrs. Fight, bearing a disturb
ance at the barn, went there to
see what was the matter with the
stock, and was greatly startled
on looking back at the hou-e to
see flames bursting through the
rpof. She at once soundedtjan
alarm over the telephone and
several neighbors hastened to
the scene, but it was impossible
to check the spread of the flames,
as the space between the ceilings
and the roof was a mass of roar
ing flames that spread in every
direction, and soon the whole
structure was ablaze and it was
with difiicultv that several small
pieces" of furniture were saed
from the burning building by th
family and neighbors.
The fire was evidently started
from a defective Hue between the
roof and the ceiling, and when
discovered had practically gotten
beyond all control, and despite
the efforts of everyone who re
sponded to the call the entire
building was reduced to ashes.
This new misfortune to Mr
and Mrs. Fight will be greatly re-
gretted throughout this com
munity, as Mr. Fight has just
been able to be out after his ter
rible injuries in the gasoline ex
plosion, and this loss of their
home will be deeply fell by this
worthy family, and the bs he
quite heavy, as it was only par
tially covered bv insurance.
From Friday's Iaily.
The funeral of the late A. IJ.
Dickson, who died at his home in
Lincoln Tuesday evening, was
held at his home yesterday and
the body interred in its final
resting place in LImwood, near
where Mr. Dickson for years
made his home. Mr. Dickson was
among the pioneer settlers of
the county, coming here in 1872,
and located on a homestead near
Elmwood, where he resided up to
about eight years ago, when he
refiioved to Lincoln, where he
las since made his home. Mr.
Dickson was one of the most
lighly respected citizens of the
county, and in November, 188G,
was elected to the office of coun
ty commissioner, which position
he filled for one term, declining
a renomination to the oflice. He
lad been in very poor health for
the past few years and a few
months ago was compelled to
suffer the amputation of one of
lis lower limbs as the result of
an affliction that endangered his
ife, and he had grown steadily
weaker since that time until his
death at Lincoln Tuesday. The
friends of this gentleman in this
county have felt deeply his death,
and in his loss the family will
have the deepest sympathy of a
host of friends.
Benefit Social.
There will be an oyster supper
at the M. W. A. hall at Mynard
Saturday evening, February 7th.
Proceeds to be given to the wid
ows caused by the recent gasoline
engine explosion. l-2C-d&w
The Want Ads gel result.
Here on a Visit.
David Wichrnann of I.rai';ar 1.
Nebra-ka. i in the rity makm-' a
vi-it for a few week wiiti a
brother. J i dm Wi hmann ari l
family, and hi ifer. Mr. H. M.
Soennich-en and family. M-.
ichmann formerly re-jd.-d i
this city. leaii.c here al :.! ..
j ears ago, and when her.- wa
employed in the H .r 1 . f t
shops, but 'ir;re his removal !
Minnesota, ha er.:a-:-d m farr.i
ing. His many fn-r.d thro'-.-h-
olit the city Were d''!l-'tl!e. to
greet him and enjoy.-, J th- op
portunity to bae a short m-:!
with him.
ram. HEiists
The special rev ial service
that hae been Conducted at th
Methodistc hurch for the p.i-t
few Weeks by the pa-t-T. Ile. F.
M. Druliner. !-. d la-t tT-tii!..'
with a nn-'i:.- sermon on th
subject, "Another Chance
whieh wa thoroughly enjoyed J.v
the large audience that Mb-.J the
church to the door-, and ewry
one who wa in attendance felt
that it was one of the ahb--t ser
mons ever delivered in the
church. The-. service which
Hev. Druliner ha 1 n conduct-
inir have had a derided tender:' y
to lift the revival from the form
er hard pull and enrit mm-il
methods employe,! to a calm ar ' I
cheerful presentation of th-
teachin-s of thee hurch. and the
mesare delivered j,y the pa-tor
has been given in a manner that
left n one in doubt a t hi
position and a great goo. ha
been accomplished. v.t or.iy for
his church, but for the entire
oemmunify in the clear-cut ap
peal made for the Christian life,
and everyone who haa tferub'd
has fel! that they have received
an in-piration for better livin-r
anil higher id'-aN in the teach
ings f this !(.. pjent gei.t b-man.
The funeral of one of the
pioneer resident of thi county
and in fact of thi section f,f the
state, was held je-Srday at
Union, wlo-n Mr. Mary Ann
Stewart wa laid to hep r t
in the cemetery near that villa-re.
Mrs. Stewart and Iot hus
band, Calvin Stewart, were am t.
the early settb rs in Liberty pre
cinct, settling on a h ntetead
southeast of where the preen?
villa-re of fni- .1 i located, and
they endured many hardhip
during the pioneer days in theicity. Mr. .. . V. i
county and later, after the death
of her husband in 11. Mr.'
Stewart moved to Nebra-ka City,
where stie had made tier home
since that time with hep daugh
ter, Mrs. Calvin Chapman, in that
city, and where she died Thurs
day afternoon after a short ill
ness of pneumonia. Mr. Stewart
was born in Springfield. Mis
souri. January 17. 1H:!0. arid wa
married in 1M."7 to Calvin
Stewart at that place, after which
they came to Nebra-ka to make
their home.
Here From Avoca.
From Saturday's Pally.
Our friend. Sam Johnson, of
Avoca, accompanied by Henry
Heatie, of the same place, were
in the city today attending t
business at the court house, hut
found time to call on the Journal
a few moments, and while here
renewed for the Journal another
year. Mr. Johnson is one of the
substantial citizen of that sec
tion of Cass county, and vve are
always pleased to meet him.
Stock Wanted.
I will buy your hog and cattle
and pay the highest market price
at all times. I will be located at
the Burlington stock yards, where
I will be pleased to quote yoti th
best price possible. Tel. 290 1.
J. N. Elliott.
A Former Citizen cf Cat Count
and One Who Posd
Man Friend.
The .. tf, f A n I:. I" d !. f
: ' 1 ;i pro ? ; r - - !:.' of
hi o' am M.' y. u- '
'v r e i - i . : a ; ; i r .
few ij.n .o I't t.t.- .r: .!. -cur
re. Fnd.v '.!;- h.
h- me t l I. ;;,, r. af:--r . ' a i J afj'iCt. . W,'fl . . I
-!.:.. a-. l f -r ) : a ' ; -
tl -a W.l pej 'of ;:.e j . few w-.
a-' i :: Ie?;ve , w , : .i
a he f.ioe.j !.. ra:,c
? roi .4d -m re .v i-:,, !. i .
wor-e i. I h - . 1 :.e l
wa h"o!;-ii! to th: i :'. 01 .. 1'.
thi u ..; I I,.-- ; . :
home of tl i !!
I . . I W V rf.
.sr. "Jr.
o f .' r ii
-ervice W e ' e held I !o .if"
1, at 2 .!. .t ! t r '. v
n-i.TieiJ t r at r- -'.
pi ice m ( ik lii.S iTi ; -Jery ; '. .
Ana I:. To.M ,; ;r.-..- h. !.'-
time in th:
w .1 :
a:.d p--.r prrc: .. .-. h .
here, ... J. r.- 1 ,,f a.:-. i:n U : j i.-e-..
M-. ar.d Mr. Th m J. T : !. n
l-,7. H wa p..r:i n I. - ?. .-. -:
of r.hat;M!j.?'... N.w York. A: - I
'.. a::d v. h-'i wi ?.-
of ai.e hi p. ire;.' ft ;'. !
Irdtina. ar.d here to- !S- ; 1
-fhooj a th -pport .'T.t-I
between h-JpTV ' ' "I ff ff'T f
hi fattier, and afs- the r" v i!
of the f.-in!r (., .N-h-a'-vt h- a -ter-.ded
cho. ! f It. o ter :r I
later attended th" Wa-... .-.- -academy
at .r.f v. I w 1.
After fir.i-h - h- - ! he f. '.
ehar.-e of th- f.-m f h fa! r.
. me fo-ir in::-, fr t .-;'v.
ar.d continued ! r--i !!. re ;: :
ti! hi mar"i i-e ' M-.;.i''
Thomas, widow ..f W. I.. Th :.. a,
and the hf- of Mr. a- t
Mrs. T"d l wa a urv h i; ; v . -te.-mi:
aS.J ','- l y : he d- a h . f
the wife 1:1 ld.r';i- . 1---. W -.
Tod-1 wa eje.te.: ..,-.ri'v v
m:- toner of Ca- y ; i !.'
and a!-o in if"', a' d !.. S-d 'h.-po-;tion
with h .:i- r ! !..-;. -- If
at d ttc cot;r.t.
Mr. Todd '.a r .i r.e.j f..r the
h".'. to M-.
I. yd. a Kos'er of th - c;:y. ar ! f -a
;o:;.r period f j e.i- th-v n !
their ho i(e ir. tin . ' . i. ; t ! !.-
tim- t.f the;r rern' , I I Ie-:v.-r.
about :-rht ear a z . a .
that lino thev hv- r--: !-d i
that citv. Mr. T ! 1 wa- a !- "
er of (!: J.,', i:. n. Tod : of
L-'iii-vioe. ar.d Mr. S. I.. Th - . n
of I.oT !;ea - h. C.r. if -r -.i -.. a. I in
add. tiou ba.- tw . -;! : :-..
Mr. D. it. Iwer a- d Ilirry
Thoma. ch.ld-e-
w ife. l mourn hi ! -
Frnei Fri Ur' ri'r.
Today a tran.-r ; f in th- n- '.
ep of th- e-fafe of W,::i..i".i 1.
O'ltrjen wa filed i i '. .i -'r C
court on arpal from the d ;-'i
..f the rot ntjr c. .rt. wh..-h
-ranted to 'he wid. '-v of M-.
o'Hnen a one-third in?ere: s-
the e-tate aft T the w .11 had Z.V"!
the property Mr. V'i!; i:i
M .rley of thi r;ty. a r.i--. dr." claim that Mr. i"Hr: -n
received a jiett!e;r.'n? in fJI f r
he- hare i f th- r-tate d ;r;r r
the lifetime of M . o"p.r n ar I
i not entitled t arv f ;r.her
amount, a d irir-.c the !ar. uir
of th deCe.le,J he tiilje hi
home writh Mr. M..r!c. h-i- -ntir!r
blind, ard di I r t r-n
any attention or far fr -m hi
Letter flies at thn Journal office