f i r-.v PAGE t i II 1 .4 'i be plattsmoutb journal Published Semi-Weekly at Platfsmouth, Nebr. Entered at the l'ostofiice at Pfettsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloej $1.50 Per Year In Advanoe .T-.TT..?.-.T..t..IMM:'I''!I44'4 " - - - m . . . f THOUGHT FOR TODAY. ' The created world is but a small parenthesis in J eternity,' and a short inter-J- position for a time, he- tween such a state of dura- J J tion as was before it, and $ J may be ' after J Thomas Browne. it. Sir :o: A woman will insist upon hav ing the last word, even when money talks. :o: People who pay as they go do not go as fast as some people, but they find the going; much better. :o: The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy has decided to utilize the right of way alongside the tracks for the production of alfalfa. Farmers are being offered the right of way for use at low rental, with Hie stipulation that alfalfa only be grown. The road figures that the growth will not only bring in a small income, but will save the expense of mowing weeds, burning stubble, etc., while the view or the growing plant will be more pleasing to the eyes of the travelers than weeds. The new movement is one of the phases of the Bur lington's new agricultural de velopment system, calculated to bring the railroad and the farm er in closer co-operation for their mutual welfare. :o : The London News' and Leader, in speaking of Mr. Wilson as a conscientious and faithful presi dent, says: In President Wilson America has produced the most courageous as well as the most instructed statesman in the world today, lie may be tested on three cardinal points his refusal to countenance Huerta's unsurpa tion, his withdrawal from the six-power loan, and the tariff bill. In each case he has acted with a directness and loyally to high principles that are rare in statesmanship. And in each case he has been justified by events. Mr. Roosevelt scoffs at his Mexican policy, but there has been no finer example in our day. His action over the six-power loan has been followed by the dis solution of that sordid trust. His victory over protection is before us in all its significance and completeness. :o: An effort is now being made to induce people to go to church on the Sabbalh. It is a good idea. The moral effect upon man of dressing up, putting on a clean shirt and listening to a sermon, is great. . It lifts him out of the current of his thoughts on week days, surrounds him with a new environment, and tends toward a clean and wholesome life. A man who sits around Sunday morning unshaven, unkept, dawdling over his correspondence or his newspaper is simply con tinuing the atmosphere of his everyday life. What he needs one day in the week is to get away from it and to transport himself into a different atmosphere. He may not agree with what he hears, but the change is a mental stimulus, and lends to the' moral elevation. - The protest is now going up against working seven days in the week, and it is one that ought to be encouraged. Let us go to church, if not to wor ship, nor to pray, at least to think. Do you think we will enjoy any sleighing this winter? Speak up, but not all at once. :o: It is always quiet the first month in the year, but you can't make some business men be lieve it. :o: But very few people are worry ing about the income tax. It is the outcome tax that bothers the most of us. :o: What a happy lime everybody would have in this world if by sowing thorns they would reap sweet scenieu roses. :o: An Illinois woman offered her husband at a rummage sale. It is queer what a lot of useless articles you can find at such places. :o: One of the greatest causes of the high cost of living is the fact that there are too many people standing between the hand and the mouth. :o: In 1912 over 22,000 people were killed by snakes in India, indicating that a pure food in spector should inspect the stills over there. :o: The chautauqua salute of waving handkerchiefs is to be put under the ban as unsanitary. Pretty soon the audience will be compelled to boil its hands be fore clapping them. :o: "Ir. Elliott offers a new re ligion," says a headline: And never a new religion was offered but there were those who were willing and anxious to follow it around awhile. :o: A young man who is contemp lating marriage has written the Journal inquiring the best way to study a woman's ways. He should closely observe a balky gasoline engine. :o: A Plattsmouth man is bold enough to say there isn't a baby in the world less than six months old who is pretty. That man will never make a success at running for office. He is too honest. :o: So many candidates are com ing out for office in Nebraska that we have a notion to file for lieutenant governor ourself. All that keeps us from doing so is that no one has made the sug gestion. :o: Congressman Johnson of Ken lucky is keeping up the fighting reputation of his state. In a dis pute the other day with a Wash ington City attorney, he settled the dispute instanter by peeling away and knocking the attorney down. The Johnsons are some what noted for fighting. :o: Horses are being disposed of in many of the large California fields, and gasoline and electricity are being used in their stead. Great harvest-lhrcshers used for harvesting and threshing grain at the same time have become famous, but up to recently these mammoth machines bavc neces sarily been drawn by thirty teams of horses or mules, or more. Traction engines are now being used in some places, but the most recent development is the com bination of gasoline and electric power. One machine is pulled by a traction engine hitched in front of it. On this gasoline traction is an electric generator which produces electricity to operate a motor on the harvester. Had it e'er occurred to you that th6 wOrid Is not running very smoothly yet, after all the centuries that man has been try ing to adjust the machinery and deaden the jars andf noise? One can scarcely believe that the Af- mighty made man in his own im age, 6r that the work of creation has yet been finished. The job does riot seem to be complete There is a lack of the peace and harmony that owe would expect in the products turned out by cfeation's master workman, and there are so many things going crosswise arid crooked that one looks in vain for rule or reason why this or that is so. It seems sometimes that old Mother Nature gets cross and crabbed and starts out to vent her spleen upon poor mankind, and to visit punishment upon whosoever may fall within her reach. It may all be accident, or it may all be planned. We do not know, and we can see only the side of the picture next to us. Possibly the explanation is on the other side, and that sometime we may see with other eyes and understand Right now, however, ve may see no silver lining to some of the clouds that pass. Nature is for ever making war upon mankind. Today's papers tell us a sad story of distress 'way over on the other side of the world. Japan is suffering from one of the greatest volcanic upheavals that has ever occurred since man has inhabited the earth. Thousands upon thousands of people have been buried beneath the fire and molten stone, and cities and villages and entire communities have disappeared as if swallowed by the angry earth beneath. The whole nation stands trembling with fear and awe, and those who would help are held back by the hungry flames and deadly fumes. It has been a massacre such as only na-. lure could be guilty of or could commit. Men butcher each olhr, but they tire and quit to rest. Nature never tires In making war on man. This new affliction up- 'n Japan is not the only one from which she suffers. Some nine millions of her population are in starving condition because f famine. Nature has withheld ier harvest bounties, and the cry for bread is heard around the world. Why is all this distress bunched and piled upon the back of this small isiand people? Is Huddha, is Brahma, is Moham med, is Vishnu, is God mad? If there be a silver lining to this lark cloud that overshadows po'or Japan, it may be found in he world-wide sympathy that is carrying cheer and hope across he sea. Nature may be cross and cruel and unrelenting, but he heart of all rriankind is going mt lo this stricken people, and he world's granaries and purses are opening up to supply their needs. Possibly this is the silver filing possibly this melting of hearts into a heart big enough to ove and befriend all mankind, is he other side of the picture. Na ure can be kind why should she be cruel? :o: Representative Moon, who is railing at civil service, may thfnk he is shining; but of course it is 6nly moonshine. :o: In that great state of Califor nia it is estimated there are 100,000 workmen out of employ ment, not counting the thou sands who went there to get out of work. , :o:- Speaking about white slaves: In 1G20 ninety young while girls, and in the following year sixty more were brought over from England and sold to the settlers in Virginia for wives. The price was first 100, then 150 pounds of tobacco, Worth three shillings per pound, and a debt so con tracted was made of greater dig nity than any other. Secretary of Stale Wait thought for some time that he was big enough to run' for gov ernor, but now fie fs willing to accept a renominatfon for the posilin he now holds, and he is going to have d hard job in do ing that. There will be several 6andidates who will give him a race for his money. -:o:- Andrew Carnegie is now "a poor man" from his point of view He has given away $35,125,000, and has only a measley little $25,000,000 left with which lo shpport himself and family. As he is well advanced in years it is possible that he may be able to pull through on this amount, pro vided he exercises proper economy. :o : If a man is active in public af fairs, he is branded an am bitious politician. If he isn't ac tive, he is said to lack interest in the welfare of the nation. A man simply can't be satisfactory, and rets along best by keeping his mouth closed, devoting eight or ten hours a day to business, be ing polite, honest and the like, and telling a few people now and then to go to h 1. :o: Don't be too hard on the bums. This is a prelly hard world for the ordinary man to make his way through. With the ordinary man a little bad luck, a spell of sickness or any one of a dozen things may involve him in debt, throw him out of work or give him such a selback that he can not make good again. He be comes a bum. The strife in this world is intense. Those who fall behind or lose their- "nerve" are the bums. Fewer bums are born than are made by modern con ditions. :o: Is not Dr. Bitting somewhat liazy in his mental picture of the Monroe doctrine, .w hen he says it is going to disappear with race prejudice, because of stimulation of immigration into South Ameri can countries by the opening of the Panama canal? There can never come in South America any greater mixture of races than we already have in the United Slates, yet this mixture is not destroy ing the Monroe . doctrine, which has nothing radical about it whatever. End of the Mmiroe loctrine will come when other nations of the Western Hemis phere become strong enough lo maintain a Monroe doctrine of heir own. :o: Secretary Bryan will have to revise his drinks. Representative Barlholdt of Missouri told an audience in St. Louis the other night that he did not dare drink grape juice. G rape juice, lie said, "contains ( or 7 per cent of alcohol. Beer contains from 3 to i per cent. I prefer beer." (En thusiastic cheers from the audi ence). Adolphus Busch was once asked in Germany if he lived in St. Louis. "St. Louis," he said; 'Si. Louis? I believe that is a suburb of the Anheuser-Busch brewery." It is evident that Barlholdt was putting an anchor out lo the windward. :o: In spile of the fact that this country has been visited by strikes, drouths, Hoods, tornadoes and disturbances of various sorts, we have contributed more than $18,000,000 last year lo foreign missions and we did this at a cost of about 8 per cent. The general secretary of the movement wants $50,000,600 a year for foreign missions, and with this sum he guarantees to convert all the leathens and turn them into vot ers at the polls, where they will clamor for their rights and insist hat they are not getting paid for heir political services when their party gels in power. What we need is reform. As Gobbo says in the Merchant of Venice, "This making of Christians will raise the price of pork." PHOTO-DRAMA OF WORLD'S CREATION Formally Opened In Cleveland by Pastor Russell. GOD'S KINGDOM PICTURED. Messiah Was to Be of David's Lineage God's Typical Kingdom Overturned, 606 B. C. One Long Line of World Empires "The Times of the Gen tiles" Israel's "Seven Times" of Chastisement The Two Periods Syn chronous About to Expire Now. The Fifth Universal Empire Jeru salem and Messiah. Cleveland, O. Jan. 25. Pastor Russell yesterday afternoon In the I. I. S. A. Temple, corner of Prospect and East 22nd Street, personally conducted the opening exhibition in this city of the Photo - Drama of Creation. This Drama is acknowl edged by art crit (PASTOR. fcUSSELpj ics to be by far the linest production of moving pictures and slide3 ever pre sented, and is to be shown, free to the public, in all cities and lands through out the world, under the auspices of the International Bible Students Asso ciation, of which Pastor Itussell is President. In New York City, in his new $r00, 000 Temple, two weeks ago. Tastor Russell presented the Drama for the first time to houses crowded from pit to dome. Last Sunday in the famous Music Hall In Cincinnati he personally conducted the opening of the Photo- Drama of Creation there. The Photo-Drama of Creation is pro duced in conjunction with remarkably clear phonographic discourses, which hare behind them the forty years of Bible study by Xcw York's famous Pastor. By some process never before attained the phonographs used in this production have been relieved of the metallic sound altogether, thus pro ducing the very finest oratorical ef fects. It is the wonder today of talking-machine dealers iu the metropolis. The voice is resonant, clear, full and restful, and audiences rarely detect it as the voice of the ta Iking machine. The exhibition is in three parts: Tart I traces the creation of the earth and of man. Its king then his fall into sin and its death-punishment, the first promises of complete deliver ance from the penalty, and the Delugo and its causes on to Moses' time. Part II points" lis through the types to Messiah, the great Emancipator of the death-stricken race, and the world wide blessings His soon-to-be estab lished Kingdom will bring. It intro duces us to the Heavenly Logos, who became the man Christ Jesus. It also shows and explains His sacrificial work and His unwavering faithfulness In fulfilling the prophecies concerning Himself, and how His miracles pic ture the restoration of mankind during His Second presence and reign. Part III. traces not only the suffer ings of Christ, the Head, but also those of the Church, His Body, prepar atory to their exaltation and conse quent glorious work of blessing the non-elect for a thousand years "who soever will." Tastor Russell yesterday forenoon discussed that feature of the Produc tion of the rhoto-Drama that relates to the overthrow of Israel's typical kingdom and the foretold re-establislf-ment of it at the end (now due) of the "seven (symbolic) times" of chastise ment at the bands of Ilim whose right it is. His text and discourse follow: "Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same. I will overturn, overturn, over turn it until He come whose right it Is; and I will give it unto Him." (Eze klel 21:2G. 27.) He said. Cod established the Jewish nation as His representative nation, or kingdom. In the world, wlth the understanding that in some manner and at sometime that nation would be the channel of Divine blessing to all the families of the earth. In harmony with the orig inal Oath-bound Promise made to Abraham. After a precarious existence of nearly six centuries th star of Jew ish Empire set. and has not risen since. The particular date at w'jjch the typ ical Kingdom passed awiy is clearly marked in the Scriptures. The solidity of the Empire In the hano. of King David, and his son. King Soiomon, was lost in its division in the day of King Solomon's successor. Nevertheless. In harmony with the Divine prediction. the royal line continued in the tribe of Judah: as it is written. "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law giver from between his feet, until bhl loh come." Genesis 49:10. The Lord's covenant with King Da vid was that One from his seed should be the great King over the more glori ous Kingdom of God. when It should be established. In other words. Mes siah would be of David's lineage. The royal family of David's line had a pre- . - , ..!.. carious course ior several tfmnura after King Solomon's death until Zede- kiah. the last king of Judah. Of him the Divine declaration was. "And thou, profane and wicked prince of Israel. whose day is come when iniquity scan tave ax end. Thus snlth the Lord God Reniovo the diadem, and take off tbe crown: this shall not be tbe same. I will overturn, overturn, overturn It and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; ami I will give It unto Him." That statement was made Just prior to Israel's captivity to Babylon. And the crown and the scepter have been overturned ever since, and win con tinue so to be until Messiah nimsolf, at Ills Second Advent, shall take the Throne as the nntitypieal Son of Da vld. No king of David's line has been In power for even a moment since the overthrow of King Zedekiah. True. Israel had the Maccabean kings under (entile suzerainty, and later thy had the House of Herod. But neither of these lines was of the House of David: indeed, neither was Jewish at all. King Zedekiah lost his crown in GOJ B. C: and surely the kingdom has been well described as "overturned, overturned' and it is still overturned, because the foreordained time has not yet com although it Is near. "Times of the Gentiles." There were Gentile kingdoms In the world long before Israel became a monarchy. Yet God recognized only Is rael and entered Into covenant rela tlonshlp with no other nation. But as poon as the verdict of our text was given against Israel, to bold until Mes siah's Reign, then Divine providence recognized Gentile governments, al though not in the same way In which Israel had been recognized not as kingdoms of God, but as kingdoms of the Gentiles. Aor were an oentlie nntlons recog nized, but one great line of World Empires of several dynasties which, so to speak, were given temporary or leasehold privileges covering the pe riod of the overturning of Israel's crown until the time for Messiah's Kingdom. Indeed, In portraying these kingdoms and their leases of power, it is particularly shown that their domin ion will terminate absolutely when that of Messiah will U'gin. Furthermore. Moses prophesied the chastisement of Israel, and in symbolic numbers told that It would last Seven Times. (Leviticus 20:1S, 21, 24. 2X.) The lease of Gentile Times, or years. is likewise Seven Times. Both 1-ecan to count at the same date. Hence loth will terminate simultaneously. When the lease of Gentile domination ends, Messiah's Kingdom will by right leffln its Relpn: and Israel, "Jacob." will be associated with Messiah's Empire as His earthly people Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Prophets being made princes In all the earth as promised. The- Prophet Daniel's Foreview. God through the Prophet Daniel sup plies ns two pictures of the Seven Times of Gentile domination of the world. One of these pictures was giv en by vision to King eDucnaunezzar, who overthrew the crown of King Zedekiah. Properly, it gives the world ly view of Gentile governments. The whole period was represented by a glorious image, whose head was of gold, his breast and his arms of silver. his belly and his thighs of brass, hi legs of Iron, his feet of Iron and clay mixed. Given the tolntcf that Nebu chadnezzar's kingdom represented the head of gold, any school toy could show that the next Universal Empire was Medo-Persla, the third Greece and the fourth Rome the feet represent ing Rome ecclesiastical, with her daughters dominating Europe today. We cannot here go into details ex cept to note that "in the days of these kings" represented by the toes, the God of Heaven promised to set up His Kingdom Messiah's Kingdom. This is symbolized as a stone cut out of a mountain, which struck tbe image on its feet and demolished it completely. Then the stone tonic a great Moun tain, or Kingdom, and filled the whole earth Messiah's Empire. Dan. 231-43. Pictured as Beastly. The vision of Nebuchadnezzar repre sented Gentile domination as gorgeous. But when a vision was given to Daniel himself It showed matters In a differ ent light AH Gentile kingdoms to him were pictured as beastly. Tbe olden head of Nebuchadnezzar's vis- . . . . v ion. picturing tne lianyionian i.mpire. was represented as a ferocious Hon; the Medo-rersian Empire as a bear; the Grecian Empire as a leopard; and the Roman Empire of the Caesars as a nondescript, great and terrible beast. ferocious and destructive, as the pages of history corroborate. In contrast with these Gentile gov ernments, the coming Kingdom or Messiah was represented as human. One like unto the Son of Man" took dominion under the. whole heavens, in the name of God and as His Kingdom. The beastly forms of government dis appeared, but that of the Son of Man endured accomplishing to the full the Divine purposes. Daniel 7:1-11. Where Are We Now? As before suggested, the key to our problem lies in the Seven Times the period of Israel's chastisement and that of Gentile lease of power. The meas urement in both cases begins at the time of King Zedckiah's dethronement, S0G B. C. A Time Is one year; hence the Seven Times are seven years yet not literal years, but symbolic; and, as God declared through the Prophet, and fulfilled, each day is symlollc of a year. (Ezekiel 4.U) Tbe year Is lunar S(J0 days; hence each of the Seven Times Is IMO years; and the Seven Times equal 2320 years. Now noe that these Seven Times are almost ex pired; and hence Zionism Is the watch word of all Jews who are trusting stiil in the Divine promises. Reckoning from the date of the de thronement of King Zedekiah. we have the date 1013 A I- This indicates thht in 1913 Messiah's invisible, uplritin! Kingdom will be in power. The lease of power to the Geutiles will thn bav expired, and Israel's disfavor wili'be at an end. This fact Implies an awful Thie of Trouble at flut tfaW, tore told by the Trophet Daniel afid Try our Lord. Daniel 12:1- The great trouble of 1913 "af 'fic for all time, as My U PropDeC (Psalm 43 ) There will b no ovn war. Then the "princes- of Israel wtti have dictatorial power. Nicked up by the snu-ttmU Kingdom-Juet what tfc world needs, but what It dar not trust to any imperfect nun under tlw present reign of Sin and Death Jerusalem and Messiah, The time has therefore come for t message of Ialah 40:1, 2 to be gten to Gods ancient people. Tbe time has come for the fulfilment of the h!nt ideals of Zionism! lie that MeasefTi Israel ehnll be blessed of GV. 11 that cenrseth Israel shall be curwd of God! Let us all encourage Got an cient people to go up and pws thrfr land, as Cyrus did in a figure !onr ago! It Is mt our thought to encourage all Jews to return to Palestine. Many of hem are better off where they are at present- Ouly thowe who have faith ta the precious promises do we encourage to go now. Gradnally tfxlr nmbn will increase, as faith In the promts of God returns to the Jewish heart. But there is a work la which every Jew should have a share. If faTorabfy situated, and unready to go persona Hy. they should go by proxy-they sfjoall pot plenty of money Into the hand of the Zionist Manarer at Jerusalem. He should bo enabled to asyM rrery worthy son of Abraham fieetng from Russian persecution. He shonUI be prepared to advance money to every settler to purchase every ft of Isn-1 In Palestine that Is offered for sale. He should be enabled to supply all wit tools, etc. He should have a fre hsnd to do exploits In the came of God and of His Chosen People. Zionism will prosper, whether or rot. Messiah's Klncdom wl.l be set np. But who will have the honor of having manifested his faith by his works an-1 by his money? The lore of money Is a root of all evil amongst all perb. and the Jew has not escape.! it. Botn Jews and Christian need the exhor tation not to worship the Golden Olf. but the true God. I ran thus reprove and exhort Jew, Gentile and Christian the more fre-ly bemuse It I well known that I never solicit money for myself or the work entrusted to me by the Lord not even Chnr-h collec tions not even Insinuations that mon ey is scarce and desirable. I do, how ever, exhort Jews In prosperous etr cumstanees to Lless their own hearts by helping their own countrymen to fulfil the holy prophecies- God's Great Kingdom at Hand. The fault of Christendom has been the rejection of the Divine Plan anl the acceptance Instead of a human plan of salvation. The Church. It was asserted, was to convert the world fr Jesus and present It t- Him as a tro phy. Alas, we have not been able fo convert ourselves, which Is the partic ular work tho Master gave u to do! Greater humility wouM have shown us our folly long ago. ll through the Old Testament God's promises abound, telling all who have ears to bear of the rlorlotw Refn of Messiah and of the success of His Kingdom that the result shall be thst every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, to the glory of GoT; that "the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be nnstopped." We remember the prophecies which picture earthly governments and show us their termination anl the establish ment of the Kingdom of Heaven on their ruins. We remember the Jubilee picture repented by the Isrsellr- every fiftieth year, proclaiming liberty and restoration of property for the peo ple and typifying restitution of arr tSst has been lost thronch stn and that 1 to be restored through Messiah King dom. Bible students are more and more coming to see that the Gospel Age is the time In which Meia Is selecting rrom amongst men a saintly class, and is proving and testing their loyalty to God and to righteousness. The are to be Messiah's nl.tft rrts -the Bride, the Lamb's Wife." Bible student all know that the New Testament abound wun reference to the Kingdom. Near ly all the parables that our Lord rare were In Illustration of something con nected with the Kingdom or wfth the class being called out of the world to Inherit the spiritual KJnedom as Jolnt hefrs with Messiah. AH sorh know, too, that the Great Teacher proel i mei that Kingdom, and taught His follow ers to pray for It. "Thy Kinff-!..m rome; Thy wm be done on earth, as it Is Tn In Heaven.' Bible students all know that the Apostles referred to that Kingdom and pointed the Church to it establish ment for the realisation of br rvr- the time when the Marriage of the Lamb will take plae,i;e tlm wbn Cod's New I-nw Covenant wfrh I.raef will go Into effect-the time trhn He who scattered I.raet wlTl also fhej them, and when the Law will r- forth from Mount Zion. the Cete,rj kj dom. and the Word of the Lord fn Jerusalem, the capital of lh, J princes Milan's KInrd..n, that t nee. Is. I Un establishment a the Scriptures fleclare. -. dJ J? all nations slml! come." nt,,t The Scripture teach that Cuy, Kingdom t, not only hl, tl the SS1 y 5 th, nVd the tomb, a id to rtv a!1 of Aa rice a full opportunity for ,Va I! e everInMlng-or ,,th , la Mble nasnre u, lnat entmlTj hj from Messiah. la ,l!rt f , reived fro: Father Ad.un. for Mt erf through Thus Iaon;e thi rl ens titles vt 3Ies,iab Vd 5 the ProrLets i, thnt of "tie EerUs In Father."-Tjaj, 8 c' er-" Y