The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914.
Public Sale
Having decided to leave the
farm, I will ofTer the following
slock, implements and fanning
equipment for tale at Public
Auction. The sale'to'be hcld at
the Slarkjohn farm, G-j, miles
nnrthwc.-jt of Plattsmouth and
2 miles west of Oreapolis, on
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28, 1914,
commencing at 10:30 a. in.
Five Head of Horses.
One bay hor.e, seven years old,
weight 1,300 pounds.
One bay horse, live years old,
weight 1,500 pi unds.
One black mare, coming' four
years old, weight 1,300 pounds.
One black horse, coining three
years old, weight 1,200 pounds.
One bay colt, coming two
years old.
Thirty Head Thoroughbred
Shorthorn Cattle.
Seven milk cows, some fresh
and rest soon will be.
Nine good stock cattle.
Six heifers, coming two years
Eight calve.
Farming Implements.
One Mct'ormick binder.
One John Deere two-row ma
chine. One Western Belle riding
One Bradley lG-inch riding
One lfinch walking plow.
One I'eru disc.
One dic sharpener.
One stalk rake.
One Ooihain seeder. ...
One Victor feed grinder.
One Avery cultivator.
One Iloosier 1-horse corn drill.
One stack cover (size 32x16).
One Weber wagon and one
wagon box.
One bob-sled.
Two sets work harness.
One horse clipper.
One large lard press.
One l-'O-egg old Trusty in
Manv other articles too
numerous to mention. r ..-
There will also be offered for
ja!; two black driving mare's
weighing 2. -on pounds, and, one
good ct of buggy harness, be
longing to other parties.
of $10 and under, cash in hand;
all over -10 a credit of from six
to lw'le months will be given,
purchaser giving good bankable
paper bearing per cent interest
from date. All property nuit be
settled for before being removed.
WM. Ot'NN, Auctioneer.
It. F. PATTERSON, Clerk.
160 Acres of Land.
Will trade 4 On acres of land in
Perkins county for Plattsmouth
property., W. It. Bryan.
J Reverse the Telephone 4
Call to
J. Springfield, Neb.
'Phone 91.
V , . - 5
Local News
T. E.Parinele" ol Louisville
came in this morning on No. 4
to visit for the day with his fam
ily in this city.
Mrs. S. II. Atwood of Lincoln
arrived this afternoon to attend
the funeral of the late Mrs.
Thomas Pollock.
I Attorney William DelesDernier
of Elmwood was in the city to
day altendinc: to some legal
business at the court house.
Miss Susie Bintner departed
this morning on No. 15 for
Exeter, Neb., where she will visit
with relatives for a short time.
C. II. Lewis departed this
morning on No. 15 for Herman,
Neb., where he will visit his son,
who resides on a farm in Burt
County Attorney W. F. Mnran
of Nebraska City, was here for a
few hours today looking after
some matters of business at the
court house, .
Mrs. Beverage and daughter,
Miss Ethel, were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
will visit for the day with friends
in that city.
, W. R. Bryan returned this
morning on No. I from South
Bend, where he has been spend
ing a few days looking after his
business interests in that locality.
Mrs, W. B. Banning and Miss
Elsie Taylor of Union were in
the city last evening to attend the
meeting of the Eastern Star, and
while in the city were guests at
the home of Mrs.: Mary B. Allison.
W. II. Wehrbein departed this
afternoon for' Omaha, where he
will visit for the afternoon with
his wife at. the hospital, where
she is recoering from the ef
fects of an operation and is get
ting along nicely. ,
A. S. Will returned last even
ing from a trip of a week,r ten
days to Colorado, where lie
visited at Benver and Akron, be
ing in ' attendance at a' stock
show, as well as looking after
his land interests in that state.
Mrs. II. M. Young returned
yesterday from Seamon, Ohio,
where she has been visiting for
the past two months with rela
tives, and where she. was called
by tho death of a brother at that
place. .. . ,
Wc offer our i'JlS,-two-cyliiiJ
Hut- I'.vc.elftior mofirceIe Diimon-
strator for sale at' a bargain.
Fully equipped. lightly -used.
Has run in all about 500 miles,
and is as good as new. We will
ciale and ship anywhere.. Don't
wait till spring and pay: a big
price. Buy now, while the price
is low. , '
: For particulars and price,
write or call,
Motorcycle Agent. I 5
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meisinger,
from iT-ar Cedar Creek, were in
the city a few hours yesterday
looking after, some business mat
ters ami trading with the mer
chants of the city. They came in
on the train and returned in the
afternoon. While here Mr. Mei
singer was a pleasant caller at
the Journal oflice.
From Tuesday' Daily.
FOREST HOSE Best flour on
the market. Sold by all leading
J. A. Whiteman or Nehawka
was in the city today looking af
ter some matters of business at
the court house.
Aftorney C. E. Tefft of Weep
ing Water was in the city today
for a few hours looking after
some matters in the county court.
Olenn E. Smith, of Lincoln, of
the Nebraska Construction com,
pany, was in the city today look
ing after, matters with the couni
ty. commissioners. ; , C
daughter of Chariton, Iowa, who
has been visiting at Nehawka for
the past few days-with their son
and brother, C. A.. Duckworth;
came up Inst -evening, and spent
the night here, departing this
morning' for their home on No. 6.
"JeorgH'H. :Poiall departed lhi
morning for Lincoln, where he
will, spend the day - with his
daughler .Jihere,L apdVill then go
on to Kansas jnity tliis'veyening,
where by will p undergo treatment
for some 'stontaclf 'trouble, from
which he- has -leen suffering for
the past few" months.
" :
O. - Sandin,' D. V. M. 4
graduate of the Kansas City v
Veterinary College, is per- '
iTraoently located in Plaits
riiouTh. Calls . -answered
$ day or night. 'Phono 255.
Ottice ,606 Main.-; V;. -
Local News
From Wednesday's Dally.
Nicholas Halrnes of Weeping
Water was in the city yesterday
afternoon looking after matters
of buisness.
C. F. Tallery, the road overseer
of district No. 1, was in town
yesterday afternoon attending
the meeting of the county com
missioners. Clayton Rosencrans returned
last evening from Nehawka,
where he has been for the past
few days visiting with friends in
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Cole depart
ed Sunday morning on the early
train for Lincoln, where they will
visit other relatives before re
turning to their home.
Luke L. Wiles was a passeng
er this morning for Omaha,
whore he will spend a few hours
visiting with friends and in look
ing after some items of business.
Mrs. J. M. Eads came in this
morning from her home south of
this city and departed on the
early Burlington train for Oma
ha, where she will visit for the
dav and look after some matters
of business.
Yesterday there was quite a
great deal of comment raised on
Main street by the fact that A. F.
Reid, who was operating, a pop
corn and peanut wagon on the
street on Tuesday evening, was
ordered by the city authorities to
remove the vehicle from the
street, on the complaint of some
of the merchanls'Avho were als-o
engaged in the same line of
business, and their actions speak
strongly the broad view of mat
ters helpful to the best interests
of the city when they attempt to
run out a man who has come
here with his family to make his
home in this city and has pur
chased a residence costing in the
neighborhood of if"500, and the
wagon which he uses to sell the
popcorn and peanuts from is
worth at least' 1,200, and his
total investments here reaches
close to $4,000, which is cer
tainly pretty good for a man
who has just come to the city,
and he should have received a
welcome from the citizens in
stead of a rebuff.' 'A' number 'of
the more broad-minded business
men have agreed to let this
gentleman set up his wagon on
the sick" streets adjoining their
places of business,' and he will
be aide b resume operations in
a short time," it is thought.
Beautiful Shetland Ponies
for sale at all times, for the next
100 years, unless I die in the
meantime. I have now an extra
One stallion, tne best in the state,
for sale. ' Well broke for both
harness and saddle.'
Wm. Gilmour,
. Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 1.
Public Sale
On account ot poor health, I
have decided to quit farming and
am going to sell my farm and all
personal property at public sale.
The sale will be held at my farm,
seven miles south of Glenwood,
la., on Tuesday, January 27, 1914.
My farm consists of a good GO
acres of land, 50 acres under
cultivation, 30 of which is in
first-cltss alfalfa, and 10 acres in
timber. In personal property I
will offer 3 head of. horses, 10
head of cattle, hogs-and farm im
plements. Sale will commence, at
10 o'clock sharp, and farm will be
sold immediately after dinner.
' It Will Stick to yon aWaye, ot ccmrM
it will, because it'n a HazoJ-Menlhol Plaster
made to Ftjck on until it drive out tliepaiu
of Neuralgia, Lumbago, libeumatwui, etc.
Yard rolls 1.00; regular size 25c. At all
druggists or direct by mail from .
Ivi fc Lawrence Co., icw Y nrk.
mpie size matted on requrM. sr. rtamra.
used when attacked by a Couch
prevents dangerous bronchial
and pulmonary ailments such
as Croup, Asthma, ets.
..' Contmins no harmful drt&. "
.; 25., 6 So. and St. 00 Bottles.
DAV15 & LAWRENCE CO. Naw York.
Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement
' " ; from july isi iji3, to December sist, una.
Balance Transferred Transferred Transferred ! Ii,!ur-
frora Receipts to General to ! Ti!
July 1st Other Funds Fund Oth-r Funds rr.cnt
Slate General Fund
State School Fund
State University Fund
State University Special Fund.
State -Normal Fund
State Redemption
State Aid Uridge
State School Land Principal..
State School Land Interest...
State School Land Leese
County (Jeneral Fund
County Bridge Fund
County Soldiers' Relief Fund.
County Road Fund
District Road Fund
District School Fund
District School Hond Fund...
Louisville Precinct Fund
Jail Levy Fund
Teachers' School Fund
Individual Redemption Fund.
City of Plattsmouth
City of Weeping Water
"Vjillage of Louisville
"Village of Greenwood
Village of South Bend
Village of "Elmwood
Village of Eagle
Village of Union
Village of Avoca
Village -of Murdock
Village of Alvo
Free High School
Miscellaneous Collections . . .
Motor Vehicles
Interest on Deposits
Taxes Under Protest
Fee Account .....
Special Taxes
Liberty Drainage
Permanent Road
Docket Fees
1. i7
35 .31
55 . 7 7 1
15,1 .'!. 73 i
-.Ml, 833. IS!
15,-' -Mi. 98
111. 378. lit
33, mil .(IJ
1,0 ,1 .70'
i'.'hk; 1 -Mij
1 -in. 50
ill-' .3(1!
00 . 37
SO. i5
57 . 83
i'3 ('! 5
MO .83
3 5 . 7 i I
1 57 ..7
-.'ion i .03;
8,707 . 10
-Mid ,
15,1 08.01M ; , l.'.-3i.o'. 3. .:,'.:' , ?
3,140.7': , -.'..".. i " !,:..
1,0 15. -'5; ; , 1.3MM.I:, .in! 1 i..v.i.:i
i.50; ! , 3.11
0-M".0 5-5. ''. Lb.-.'
18(1. 00 ; 1 l.o I'.x.J1'
j i 1 . -jo i ;h . j
m . jo ! 01 .VI
10,J7.H5 ! 1.573. 1- . l.o:. 1 :..-...
l-:,i75.35 t ; 3.:p."..x
.in; 1 i:;i.nt :.i.
4,73i.on -,.i73.liv c:;h. :,; l -... I :."
8.831.0(1, i ! '.'.' I . I 7 . 7 i
40.053.85' t l,--.r(' i'.0 1- . 37 37. i i.""
2,1K3.H-; : j i5.3:; J. :;..:
.50 j ' .('t .'
3,8311.03, , 1 NM.i i 3.7 i. ..
! 5.k:;m.i.. t . t . r. 1
3.07(.13l i ",.l 3.4:t.H'i i.x.i
li. 730. H 1 II. '".:. '.'I '.'I..'.
1.J33. IK : 7o7. 17 :. ....
l,o7o. OX , ; -.'7 1. .. J i
3ii .35 -.' 1.7 !'. i
.................... ...1
7 40 ! 1 o . . '. 503 . ! . 7 . 1 :
87 . 5-'! 1 ! -. 37 ::.:;..
-'5K.!n 1 i'5..5k "..'. t 5
I i I .17
14,. is; I ) . i'-.M
i .:j.:
5i j.l'O;
x55 . 35 '
3 .73.
505. 1 1
5S.7S ,
15ii.3s .
i .mi1
5.5S i . i'.l
5 1 i .00
1 .i '. .0 . 8 ,'
151 .("
r. '. x . o o
l .or.o . on
i . 7
rs.; .
!fi 1 1,78.58,$ 1
lt,l 18. 815.51
I 0
O.n.'o . ST. s J t'. f.r'.'K . h;,hi 1
W. K. FOX, County Treasurer.
From Tuesday's Daily.
One of the most wonderful me
chanical ' devices .that has ever
heen brought to this city is the
Burroughs bookkeeping machine
that has been installed in the
First National baiik, and the lit
tle machine makes the work of
keeping the books an easy mat
ter and will lessen the time re
quired to post the day's business
almost one-half. The machine
makes a register on the leaves of
the ledger of the old balance of
the customer, the amounts of the
various checks cashed against
his account each day, the
amounts deposited and the bal
ance to his credit at the close of
the day. The machine has one
feature that is especially in
teresting, as it will, when the ac
count of the customer is over
drawn, lock itself and it is neces
sary to release the lock before the
overdrawn entry is made by the
machine in the proper column of
the ledger. The machine will be
operated by an electric motor and
very rapid work can be secured
in keeping the accounts of the
bank's customers straight, and
anyone desiring, to know how
they stand can find out at any
time by calling at the bank, as
every account is kept right up to
date and the canceled checks can
be secured at any time without
the least trouble. The machine
cost some .500, but is well worth
the money, as it keeps a perfect
ajid accurate account of the
business of the bank.
intoxication, one of the. brothers,
John Cox, being placed in jail b;
Slieriir Ouinlon, while the other
one, Ben Cox, was taken in by
Chif of Police Ben Rainey. J. dm
Co was released this morning,
as his wife came down from
Omaha and agreed to take him
back with her to the metropolis.
He met with much dilliculty last
e eiiing'while on his spree, a he
fell down with great violence on
the street, with the result that
the left side of his face was skin
ned up in bad shape and his left
eye was discolored, and he bore
the appearance of having been
mixed up in a ioii-h ii"u-e." an I
was in a e:y m 1
when taken back ). Omah.i thi-
niorning on '.. 15. The ..Mot
brother mad-- ijuil a dit urham e
at the jail Iat evening after he
had 1 n placed in that ejierahl -
building, and evpi -.d hi
pleaure at his c.tulinement i
kicking out a number of window
lights and making him-elf gen
erally a nui-ance, thai it wa
nec ary to routine him in the
cell in the jail where lie rotiM ex
press his anger without doing
any harm.
This morning C.n wn arraign
ed 1:1 p"!r e c.iiil ar:l -r 'r-. .1
pb-a r g'iiit v lo th - rh ,.'
b'i;:g drunk an. I T'- iti:'g a
turbance and n-e;.-. a ! '
I .(:. of J and !-. if '
.". whii h h- .11. 1 an.! n i
le'.-.i.ed fr.'SII the!. Wi'h 1
a. lining 1 1 I.e r f i. I
future a'-!i"t!. . -i,--.J
appar-ntly w!ii! rm-M 1
Mue :., ;..y" f.r t
f h -w
.1 -
C v
For a tlllld. e..y .li ti -:i ..f t! -
bowel. tr R.-ub-t-. i
modern laxative. z'f at i i
Issues Marriage License.
Yesterday County Judge A. .J.
Beeson issued .marriage license
to Mr. Charles George Glaubitz,
aged 21, of near Wabash, and
Miss Georgia Lula Stansberry,
aged 22. of Iowa, The young
people will be. married at Wa
bash, where the bride has been
engaged, in teaching school dur
ing. the past few month?.
For any itching skin trouble,
niles. eczema,- salt rheum, hives,
itch, scald-head, herpes, scabies,
Doan's Ointment is highly recom
mended. 50c a box at all stores.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Last evening two men nameu
Cox, w lju' gave their residence as
Omaha, were gathered into the
jail for being, found in a state of
usiness College for Plattsmouth
The Plattsmouth Business College will be opened
as soon as 30 students are enrolled. Five months' in
struction right in Plattsmouth guaranteed, which is
plenty of time to complete a full course. School will
be open five days of each week from 9 a. m. to 12, 1:30
to 4, 7:30 to 10 p. m. The same course of study will be
given as in any of Draughon's Colleges, including
Draughon's new system of bookkeeping, "Double Entry
Made Easy," and the famous Graham Simplified Short
hand, Typewriting, etc. Flo extra charge for use of fypenriiers
( :
BUSINESS COURSE Embracing Bookkeeping Banking Commercial
Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Rapid Calculation. Business Letter
Writing, Commercial Papers, Spelling and Penmanship.
SHORTHAND COURSE Embracing Shorthand. Typewriting. Pen
manship, Spelling, Business Letter Writing, English Grammar and
COMBINED COURSE Embracing all studies in both the Business
and Shorthand courses.
Ho Entrance Examination. Ho Classes. Individual Instruction.
All Graduates will receive the benefit of the Following Employment Bureaus:
Draughon's Practical Business College Company.
Royal Typewriting Co. Remington Typewriting Co.
For further Information in regard lo special rales, course of stucJjr, etc., write cr ses
S. P. RAHDALL, Field Secretary
Care E. H. WESCOTT, Sec. Commercial Club, Plattsmouth, Ncbr.
or at Hotel RHcy