The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1914, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914.
New Idea" Manure Spreader
Does flore and Better Work.
It thoroughly pulverizes all kinds of manure. Spreads more manure in
less time than any other machine of like capacity. The manure is spread wider
and more evenly. Simple construction makes the New Idea the ideal spreader
for busy farmers. Substantially made from the best material. Every part is
inspected many times from start to finish. No complicated gears to get out of
order. Has a steady, non-jerking feed and a perfect, endless conveyor that
positively cannot slip.
Here Are a Few More Features of This 100-Point Spreader:
Two cylinders (instead of one). Pointed cylinder teeth that never pull out
Cannot choke or clog. Unique and patented distributor spreads manure 5 to 7
feet wide. Low down, Direct chain drive and simplest of all feeding mechan
isms. Strong Wheels, lightest draft, Look at the 4,New Idea" Spreaders the
next time you are near our store.
Large, descriptive and and freely illustrated catalog, FREE.
""" " 4 .
Mrs. J. V. Gamble. of Omaha
was here last Thursday visiting
her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Thomas.
E. M. Pollard left Saturday aft
ernoon for Columbia, Mo.f where
he will attend a meeting of horti
culturists this week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Neilson Sunday morning.
Mrs. Neilson will be remembered
as Mis.s Mary Hansen.
Exa Frans, who has been quite
sick with appendicitis, went to
Omaha Wednesday to take treat
ment or to be operated on.
Mrs. Frank oBedeker carne.
home from the hospital in Omaha
Saturday night, and although
greatly improved in health t-he is
not able to be out yet.
J. M. Stone had a stick of
kindlincr wood swat him in the
eye one day last week and he has
been busy explaining that it
wasn't the result of a fight.
Mrs. Harry Patterson nee Anna
Davis, who has been so seriously
ill for the past two months in a
hospital at (lalesburg, 111., is re
ported as being some better.
Mrs. Charles Conrad and little
daughter were passengers for
Omaha Monday evening, wheie
Mrs. Conrad will consult a speci
alist in regard to her health,
which has been poop lately. Her
father came down from Omaha
and accompanied her back.
William Waldo has rented the
Mary Ketch farm south of town
.and Mrs. Dora MoConnelJ and
daughter, Shirley, will make their
home with them. Harry expects
to take up some kind of me
chanical work in Omaha, and
Frank will work for someone n
a farm around here.
I want a man with a rig or
auto in each county in Nebraska
to look after a well established
business in small towns and on
rural routes. 20.00 a week and
liberal commission paid right
from the start. Farmers who are
able to give this work their atten
tion make desirable represent
atives, while experienced agents
cannot help but succeed. Rep
resentatives must be high-grade
in every respect and stand well in
their home community. Inquire
at or address the Journal oflice.
1-1 9-21 vvkly
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f. -.a .. ' ...
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fee , ,
A, . -
Beautiful LOTTIE COLLINS in the Worlds Greatest Comic
Opera. "The Chocolate Soldier" at the Parmele Theatre
One Night Only. Thursday January 22
liorn Monday, January 12. to
Mr and Mrs. Frank Hoss, a gi-1
There are a number of eaes of
smallpox reported near the slat
Misses Clara and Mollie ,rafl
nave roin; id Wisconsin ior
month's visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Olio Sprieck at
the proud parents of a 15-poum
girl which arrived Tuesday, Jan
uary 13.
Ibinry Ahl and daughter. Mrs.
William Lohnes and children, left
last week for an extended visi!
with relatives in Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. ltav Long left on
Wednesday morning for their
home in Kimball county. Mrs.
Long was formerlv Miss Iloweua
Mrs. Wendell Hild and Miss
Carrie Heil went in Malcom Tues
day for a visit with the former's
daughter, Mr s. (George Jung- and
The news of the death of Doro
thy, the ir-year-old daughter o
.Mr. ana .Mrs. j. . warn, on
Tuesday evening-, January i:
came as a shock to the many
friends of the family in this
vicinity. Only the Saturday be
fore she had been in town and
was as happy and cheerful as
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Masters are
erecting' a neat little cottage on
their lot just west of the school
house. .During the cyclone of
1U0S they lost their household
effects and at that time Mrs.
Masters' father, J. M. Hoover,
presented them with the lot, upon
which they are building' their new
Intelligent people realize that
common, colds should be treated
promptly. If there is sneezing
and chilliness, with hoarseness,
tickling throat and coughing, be
gin promptly the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It is
effective, pleasant to take, checks
a cold, and stops the cough
which causes loss of sleep and
lowers the vital resistance. For
sale by all druggists.
Seed Corn fop Sale.
I have 40 bushels of good seed
corn for sale at $1.00 per bushel.
J. T. Porter, Murray.
Try the Journal Want Ads.
Reverse the Telephone
Call to.
Springfield, Neb.
'Phone 91. -
"Uncle Al" Dickson, we are
sorry to learn, does not gain any.
He now lies very near death s
door at his home in Lincoln.
The country residence of J. W.
Meudenhall looks very attractive
in a new dress of paint, the hand
work of If. A. Bragg.
A. E. Woods and wife of Iiur-
well, Neb., came in Tue-day for a
visit of a few days at the home of
the hitter's brother-, J. E. McOrew.
Mrs. Frank Cook and daughter,
Alice, of near AIo, look the train
here Mondav lor Weeping Water,
where they went to visit relatives.
J. D. IJritlell returned Wednes
day from Neligh, Xeb.. where he
attended the funeral of his
youngest daughter, Mrs. Max
White. Mrs. White leaves a hus
band and two children.
Wm. llarley returned Monday
from a visit with his stepfather.
A. J. Young-, of Firth, Neb., who
is very low with facial cancer. Mr-,
llarb-y also had a visit while
there with John I'atton, who he
says is also in very poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tolhursl
returned Wednesday from their
honeymoon trip and immediately
started to supply themselves with
the necessities for housekeeping.
They will reside in the com
modious lJackemeyer residence.
Floyd L. Wolcott came in the
tirst of the week from An-dey, Ne
braska, for a few days' business
and pleasure visit among his old
friends. Floyd is prospering well
as a'jrent. for the (Juaranty Fund
Life Insurance company of
Joseph Mullen of this place
and J. !. Adams of Eagle appear
in the list of names drawn at
Lincoln for service on the petit
jury of the United Slates district
court, presided over by Judge T.
C. Munger. The court will con
vene on January 2(.
.V! .VT-A
09 a Mmr bv Llm
During the past few months there has been a great many of our
scmi-scckly readers expressed their willingness and desire to be
come readers of the Evening Journal provided we could make the
price $3.00 per year. If we could double our daily list, vc can
place the subcription at this price per year, and during the next
30 days we are going to make an effort to more than double
our mailing list by placing the price at $3.00. Remember this
price is only good for 30 days so send in your subscription at once.
Mrs. ('.race liarker of rllrsca
Iowa, arrived her yesterday am
is isiting with her sister, Mrs
Tliede Frans. south of town.
Mrs. William Frdden of Lead
S. I)., arrived here last week for
a visit with her sister. Mrs
laniel Lynn, and other relatives
Mrs. Viola Walker of Counci
Bluffs came yesterday and i;
visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mrs
J. C. Sherwood, east of town.
Everett Hunt suffered an attack
of inflammatory rheumatism las
Sunday and since that time h
has been "tied up" for repairs
which is no pleasant pastime for
Thede Frans departed Monday
for Kingfisher, Okla., having re
ceived a message informing him
of ihe serious illness of his
mother, and stated that then
was but slight chance for her re-
Ci very.
This town can ami ought to
have a lighting plant and water
works, a reading room, a band
and orchestra and a blamed sight
less gossip and back-biting
Those things can be had by prop
er action, and mere s no nouni a
to the benefits being- worth tin
trouble ami expense.
Exa Frans was taken to Omaha
Wednesday morning by his fath
er. Charles . J-rans. to unnergo
an operation for appendicitis.
The intention was to have the
operation performed yesterday
morning, hut we had no informa
tion from Ihe hospital at time of
going tfi press.
About fifteen men, directed by
the new owner, Davie Blair Port
er, made snort worn 01 wrecKing
Ihe old livery barn Monday, and
soon had the site cleared for the
foundation, men to begin work.
Porter's new barn will be 50x50.
framed and boxed,' then finished
throughout with heavy galvanized
iron, making it practically fire
(leorge Johnson of Elgin, Neb.,
arrived Mondav nignt and visueu
few days with his sisfer, Mrs.
M. II. Shoemaker, and other rela
tives and friends. C.eorge brought
two cars of sheep to the South
Omaha market, and being so near
the old home town he had to
come down for a few days visit
Notice to All Patrons I
All parties who are indebted to
the estate of August Gorder, de
ceased, will please call and settle
same at once. Will find the ac
count at Gorder's Implement
Fred Gorder, Executor.
Miss Alice Klejtsch came home
from Lincoln Monday to nurse a
case of mumps.
Miss Kuth Hitchinan took
charge ( of tlie Wabash school
Monday morning while her sister,
Jennie, was nursing a bad cold.
The Misses Henrietta Hutb-r
and Carrie Marshall returned to
their school work at Ames, Iowa.
Saturday, after a three weeks
isit at home.
Miss Viola IVoonan is attending
hr school duties this week on a
nair of cr utches on account of an
injury to her knee while skating
on t he cr eek.
Mrs. Jessie Compton and little
child of Lyons. Neb., came in
Tuesday for a couple of weks"
visit with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Hopkins of Ml. Hope.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDermed
and little son returned Wednes
day morning from their visit in
Kentucky. Frank said it was loo
rainy and damp there for him.
Ir. and Mrs. Welch returned
Tuesday from their trip to Wis
consin. They report cold weather
with the thermometer i degrees
below zero; diirerent from our
spring weather.
Superintendent H. H. Keimund
has been appointed by State Su
perintendent Jas E. lalzell as a
member of the Junior Normal fa
culty to serve at Alliance during
the coming summr. The posi
tion is one which Supt. Keimund
tilled with credit last summer.
A post card received Wednes
day by (). V. Boone bears Ihe
post mark of Havana, Cuba, and
the signature of T. L. Davis, lie
and Mrs. Davis have extended
their southern trip much more
than they planned on and reached
Havana January D. They are en
joying Cuba immensely; were to
visit Morro castle on the 10th.
T. N. Bobbilt slopp.-d oip hi
town b'we-;i trains l :i"d.i
to look after business int-re-t-.
lie was on his way front More
head. Has., to Lineolu. where he
Will isjt fop a feW Weeks With his
son, C. E. Bobbitt and family.
Art Dodrill. wife and son.
Elmer, returned In-nie Sati:rdi
from a six weeks' vis if with Mr.
DodrilTs parents, j. v. I..dnil
and family, and oilier relatives at
Los Ange!e, California. Mr.
Dodrill's father owns a Ifii-vn'
oianue raneh local. -d at W hitto r.
about fifteen miles from Los An-
From Saturday La;iy.
llie poard of coiinlv romnus
sioners has made out the
mate of trie expense of operating
the county during the coming
ear. ami the iota! of the sums
needed to cany on the dilTerenf
branches of the county govern
ment and in the bridge work is
Si 10.0in.0o. divided among the
dilferent departments as follows;
Court llollse CXlese . . . . S 8. MOO
Commissioners' salary.. .
County superintendent's
Assessing county
Making tax list
Books, blanks and sup
plies Election expense
Jail expense
Paupers and poor farm..
County attorney's salary
Soldiers' relief
Court expense
Sheriffs salary
County cork's salary...
Deputy sheriffs salary..
Clerk of the district
court's salarv
From FrMay't ra.:ijr.
1 he i ieriaan club
f th
meeting on WVJ.
evening at th h.-ne .f
Mr. an. I Mr-. M.- ID!.!. beir;g t.e
of th
enjoy ab!
-mate. LoiS
Hi! J. a;. l th-
gUe-t. of their C.'.i-
ar;d Mi-s Sophi.i
event prove. I one ..f the Uet-t
pleasant of the s. r. ! year
was thoroughly,l ty tfi?
jolly party of y. ur;g folk. A
pr-'gram of reeilaf i..n a p.. I ...r.g
in ierman serv--! t. pa- th
time m..-t i.r.t:! an
appropriate hour, v. hen a b--Iieiou
luncheon wa e-ve,J. f.
which Die jouig pe.,p!e ,J:,J
ample justwe. and ih- reai ..ti
will long b rT.i.v-il.ere.l r',---t
l.l. II.. 1 . - I .
ti I'1' aaniiy iy an wrio were i r-
lunaie eii.ii-Il l ! pres.-m.
After several h- ur ..f the rarest
enjoyment the j-liy gathering
broke tip and departed f..r lh.-ir
horues. voting tli.-ir h--t anl
hosfe most royal nferta1;
in the fullest 'iif of tb.. u. r.l.
1.5 no
1 .iimi
1 5.000
1.7 5o
I. fir, r
5 i 0
A man workiM- diy i H
hours. Hi L dy organ m-i-t
work perfectly 21 hour to ke-p
hirn lit tr 8 hour. w.rk Weak,
sore, inactive kiln-y cannot !
it. They niust I, of;r.d ard
healthfully active all th tin;".
Foley Kidney IM: will rnak
thern so. You niiriot tr.k th-m
info your system without g 1
result following. F.r sale tr
all drus'ri-ts.
Buy your stationery
Journal office.
at th
The Beatrice cream station at
Ibis place has closed down for a
couple of months.
Miss Clara Crablree went to
Wisner, Neb., Thursday morning
for. a few days' visit with rela
Albert (Doc) Kettbhut and
wife of Belb' Plaine, Minn., are
visiting' relatives and menus m
and around Eagle.
Miss Edith Peterson visited
from Tuesday until Saturday of
last week at the home of Mrs.
Eugene Selz at Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Campbell
of Sioux Falls, S.. D., arriv ed Sat
urday afternoon for a few days'
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Hawkins.
Mrs. Will Lee, who received an
apoplectic stroke about 2 weeks
ago at her home 5 miles south
east of Eagle, is able to be up
and around part of the time and
we are glad to report that she is
radually improving.
J. R. Linguist of Coleridge, Ne
braska, and Olaf Hansen of
Grand Forks, N. D., visited from
Tuesday until Thursday at the
lome of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones.
Mr. Linquist is Mrs. Jones fath
er, and Mr. Hansen is her cousin.
Cief your harne
at John Gorder's.
oiled for -1
Obtainable to buy build cr improve
farm, ranch and city property or re
move incumbrance therefrom: un
usual privileges and reasonable
terms. Address Lm Dept.. for prop
osition. 1527B(3ch ELdc. Duxas. Tex
V X-a Lsm s
Under the new homestead law you can Sit on a fre
320-acre homestead in Wyoming at a c-oj-t of 122.00 and
buy 1C0 acred of government pasture land adjoining for
$1.25 per acre.
NEW HOMESTEAD FOLDER: Our new homestead
folder just from the press will tell you all about the,
acreage of government land in each of the counties!
along the Burlington in Wyoming, and contains a lot
of information of value to you.
TIMBER AND COAL: You can take up these land
where timber, coal and building stone may be had free
of charge within reasonable distance.
Such an opiortunity ought to interest you. Write me to
day for a copy of this new Free Government Lands
lOO-tFarnam SL, Omaha, Nab. Immigration AfaM