The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1914, Image 1
!feb SUla Historical 5o moutb 3roun VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914. NO. 6. platte E PRIDE SHOULD BE TAKEN : III COURT HOUSE The Commissioners Should Take Some Action About Repapering and Repainting in General. From Friday's Dally. There is one matter that has caused much comment from everyone visiting the court house in this city, ami that is the great need for a thorough cleaning' of the building and t lie re-decorat ing the fur the one anv of the walls and ceilings of different offices. The need this is strikingly shown in district court room, which is of the largest and finest in court house in this section of the state, and here the walls are disfigured by patches of dif ferent colors which were placed there to cover other spots, and this causes the room to present a very poor appearance to the ye. In the different offices throughout the court house the walls ami ceiling have ac cumulated dust and dirt until it is really impossible to tell just what their original color was, and the accumulations on the walls gives a venerable look to the building that it should not p ssess. The court house is a beautiful structure and one that everyone in the county feels a great pride in, but it should receive each year a little attention in being cleaned and such small repairs as the year's usage has made neeessary be done without ques tion and the building would be in tip-top shape. The policy of keeping the court house in proper shape should have been started years ago, when it was first erected, and not have been al lowed to run along for twenty years without a single effort be ing made to keep it in proper shape. There is no doubt that there is scarcely a taxpayer in the coun ty who would allow his own property to run year after year without being repaired and kept up in proper shape, and the same care should be exercised in the care of the public buildings, and if this policy were followed out if would in the long run result in the saving of a neat sum of money for the taxpayers, as it would save the structures from setting in a delapidaled condi tion. DEATH OF H. W. LLOYD A FORMER RESIDENT OF CASS COUNTY From Friaay's Dally. Word has just been received by the old friends in this county of the death at his home in Pennsylvania of II. W. Lloyd, one of the former prominent resi dents of Liberty precinct, where he was engaged in farming for a number of years, a few miles southwest of Union. Mr. Lloyd left Nebraska a few years ago and located in Pennsylvania, and since that time his friends have not heard much of him until the news of his death was received at Union yesterday from his wife. The death of Mr. Lloyd occurred" Monday, as the result of an in jury he received about a year ago from being kicked by a horse, and he was compelled to go to a hospital for treatment, where he passed away. He was a member of the Fraternal Union nT America, joining at Union, and it was the lodge there that received the notice of his death. His passing will be greatly regretted by the many friends throughout this county, who knew him tn well when he resided here. The funeral was held at his late home on ednesday. Buy your stationery at Journal office. the 1 Up From Nehawka. From Fridav'a Dally. B. F. Hoback, one of the best men from south Cass county, was up from Nehawka for a few hours this morning, having some business in the county court. While here he paid the Journal office a brief call, and we regret to learn that Uncle Ben's health has been very poorly for the past few months, he again suffering with Bright' disease, from which he has been aftlicted for several years. He lias been a mighty good friend of the Journal fir many years, and is always a wel come visitor at this office. Here From Union. From Friday's Dally. F. A. Finkle and Charles Ed- mundston, from Liberty precinct, were Plaltsmouth visitors for a few hours today, coming up this morning for the transaction of some business matters. While here Mr. Finkle let his jovial countenance beam in upon tin Journal people for a few mom ents, as he always does when oc casion calls him to the county seat. Mr. Finkle hasa lways been a good friend of the Jour nal people, and we are always glad to see him. ONE OF THE VICTIMS OE AC CIDENT 13 DEAD Merle Schall, One of the Seriously Burned in Gasoline Accident, Died Another in Bad Shape From Friday's Dally. As a result of the severe burns he received Tuesday in the ex plosion of a gasoline tank and engine at the home of George Meisinger, near Mynard, Merle Schall died yesterday afternoon at the Meisinger home, where he had been since the accident. The young man had been attend ed by Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Mur ray who has been at his side most of the time since the ac cident, battling to save the life of the young man, but without avail, as the burns were so in tense, and in fact the lower limbs were literally roasted and his face burned and distorted as to be unrecognizable as the result of the shower of burning gaso line that he was covered with in the explosion of the tank on Tuesday morning. Mr. Schall was a young man of some 32 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child to mourn his untimely and tragic taking away, and in this hour of deep grief over his death they will re ceive the sympathy of everyone in the community. He was a son of Hon. William Schall, of Springfield, Nebraska, a former state senator from Sarpy county, and where the family has resided for years and the body of the young man will be taken there for burial. The condition of Nellie Land, one of the other victims of the accident, is also most serious, as his burns are almost identical with those of Schall, and his re covery from the effects of the burns is considered very doubt ful, indeed, and his family and friends are fearful that his death is only a question of a short time. The Meisinger home has been placed completely at the disposal of the families of the injured men and they have had every at tention paid to them in an effort to afford them relief. For Sale. Good ICO-acre farm, 3i miles southeast of Greenwood, Neb.; 125 acres in winter wheat, 30 acres meadow. Also good 1G0- acre farm 1 miles west of Greenwood, Neb.; 70 acres in winter wheat, 12 acres alfalfa. Call on or write, A. D. Welton, or Farmers State Bank, Greenwood, Neb. Blank books of all kinds at the Journal office. LOUISVILLE BURGLARS 111 JAIL HEHE Arrested in Omaha, Brought Here By Marshal Seybert, and Plead Guilty. From Friday's Daily. The two men who broke into the stores of Slander & Slander and Frank Nichols at Louisville late Tuesday night or early Wed nesday morning', were brought to this city late yesterday afternoon and turned over to the county authorities by Marshal Seybert of Louisville, who brought them in from Omaha, where they were apprehended and placed under arrest. The men were traced by the marshal from Louisville to Richfield and thence to South Omaha, where they boarded a car for Omaha, where they were plac ed under arrest by Detectives De vereese and Rooney and held un til Mr. Seybert could reach there. They gave their names as Erwin Saan and Ray Dawson, and when questioned in Omaha acknowl edged t hat they were the men wanted for the robbery, and a part of the 'stolen goods were found on their persons, while the larger part was found near Rich field, where it had been concealed by them after their flight from the scene of the burglary. They were brought here and turned over to the county attor ney, who at once filed a com plaint against them in the county court, and on being arraigned they plead guilty to the charge of burglary and were bound over to the district court and will prob ably be arraigned there early next week. The amount of goods se cured by the men amounted to quite a great deal, consisting of a number of rifles, twenty-four pocket knives, one pistol and a great deal of ammunition, all of which they secured from the Stander store, while from the store of Mr. Nichols they secured two sweaters, four shirts, several pairs of sox, four pairs of shoes, three suit cases and a number of caps, all of which were brought here "with the men and are now in the office of the county attorney. Saan claims to be about 2 4 years of age and says nis Home is at Cincinnati, Ohio; while Daw son gave his age as 21 and he states that his father, Bert Daw son, was a former resident of this county, living here some twenty years ago on a farm a few miles west of Union. The value of the goods stolen is something over 100, and the two buys will prob ably receive a nice stay in the penitentiary as the result of their action in breaking into the stores. PRESBYTERIANS EXTEND CALL TO REV. M'GLDSKY OF MORRILL, NEBRASKA From Friday's Dally. The congregational meeting last evening at the Presbyterian church was attended by a very large number of the members of the church to pass on the matter of calling a new pastor for the church to fill the place which has been vacant since the departure of Rev. Lorimer some few months ago. The meeting, after due consideration, decided to ex tend a call to Rev. McClusky of Morrill, Neb., who was here some two weeks ago to hold services, and whose appearance and ser mons greatly impressed the members of the church. Rev. McClusky is a most eloquent speaker and genial gentleman and should the members of the church here be fortunate enough to secure his services to fill the pulpit here they w ill find they have a very able man and one who will add greatly toward strengthening the church organization. Six O'clock Dinner. From Saturday's Iaily. One of the most pleasant events of the season was a f o'clock dinner. given last evening by Mrs. Sarah Ellen McElwain at her home on Oak street-in honor of Mrs. Draper of Denver. The rooms were beautifully decorated with carnations. Thse two ladies were schoolmates fifty years ago, and met for the first time since in Denver two years ago at the home of Mrs. Draper. Mrs. Draper leaves Monday, after a week's sLay in this city. An Old Resident Here. From Saturday's Daily. Mr. II. J. Miller, from near Alvo, was in the city today, com ing down from his home out near Alvo, to see his half-brother, Frank Brinkmari, who was in jured in the Burlington yards a few days ago. While here Mr. Miller paid the Journal office a brief call and ordered the Journal for one year, lie formerly lived on a farm west of Plattsmouth, where he resided for many years, and has a great many friends who are always glad to see him. cin SCHOOLS CONDITION Rapidly Winding Up the First Semester, Showing the Work Has Progressed Nicely. The Plattsmouth cITy schools are rapidly winding up the first semester of the year's work and the showing they have made in the work carried on by the pupils is most satisfactory to the teach ers and the parents of the pupils attending the school, as it in dicates a deep interest taken in the school by the young folks at tending and shows that they are loing their utmost by their at tendance to keep up the high standard of the school, which has een growing steadily for the last few years, and which has placed the school here among the best in the stale from the point of efficiency and goou work. The report of the different teachers for the month is as follows: Attend- Per Teacher- ance Cent III FLOURISHING A. O. Eggenberger. . . . 186 97 Hazel Tuey 50 92 Elizabeth Kerr 49 50 Amelia Martens 39 91 Mat tie Larson 38 90 Teresa Hemple 38 91 Verna Cole 36 90 Clara Weyrich 50 95 Pearl Staats 39 91 Mae Morgan 40 93 Claire Dovey 30 91 Anna Heisel 35 97 Crete Briggs 33 93 Christina Hansen 35 95 Marie Hiber 30 9 4 Nettie Hawksworth ... 42 95 Vesta Douglas 44 94 Alpha Peterson 53 98 Hazel Dovey 43 92 Nora Ballon 42 94 Delia Tartsch 25 97 Hilda Barwick 50 98 Anna Kopia 22 95 Crand total ...1,041 90 There are 502 boys enrolled in the Plattsmouth schools, while 39 girls are studying at the same institution, and of these 62 oys are in the High school and 124 girls. The auarlerly examinations that will mark the finish of half of the year's work will be held at the schools on Thursday and Friday, January 22 and 23. To Attend Funeral. A. C. Carey, who for the past few months has been living over on the east side of the river, was in the city this morning, en route to Springfield to attend the fun eral of his son-in-law. Merle Schall, who was so seriously in jured and died from the effects of the gasoline engine accident last Tuesday. "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER" GREAT MUSICAL C One of the Greatest cf Musical Comedies at the Parmele Thursday, January 22. Still on the crest of a wave of popularity which only increases in volume with each successive season, "The Chocolate Soldier" win larry in tins env lor one night only, Thursday, January 22, at the Parrnele theater, to re gale amusement lovers of Platts mouth willi his merry ad ventures, his grotesque romances and a find of delicious songs and melodies of a variety that will appeal to people of eery temperament. Oscar Straus, the composer of this operatic conquerer of two continents and a dozen capital, is author of a long list of suc cessful operas, but in "The Chocolate Soldier" he has not only surpassed himself, but has reached the absolute summit of light operatic achievement, and given a stimulus to activity in that realm of music which it lias been sadly in need of since the days of Gilbert and Sullivan. Music such as has not been heard for a generation rings through the acts of the opera, which de rives its story from Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," and it is music that surprises by its capriciousness, when a song of warm, radiant passion gives place to a "mad, mocking ballad with mirth bursting at every note. Straus' spontaneous and easy response to every demand that the modes of the plot made upon him, is the grand secret of the opera's success. Full evi dence of this is found in the wide fame attained and maintain ed by "My Hero," "The Letter Song." "Sympathy." "Falling in Love" and "The Tale of a Oat," and as many more of equal beauty. The grandeur and ro mance of the Bulgarian atmos phere, the gay hues and colors in vogue among the people of the region, and the military note in music and costumes that per vades the opera have given Mr. Whitney many an opportunity t establish his prowess as a pro ducer. The superb mounting of the present production and the strong company of artists as sembled for its interpretation mean the greatest season in the history of "The Chocolate Soldier" in this country. As in past seasons, the Whitney Opera Comique orchestra will assume the orchestral duties, under the directorship of Sig. Chas. Plevin. Miss Nannelte Kopetsky, in the role of Nadina. heads a com pany of metropolitan artists. Sharing honors with her is Mr. J. T. Purcell, in the title role. The supporting company main tains the same high standard of excellence as characterized the company in all the principal cities of America, among whom are Lottie Collins, Lucille Saund ers, Francis J. Boyle, George Tallman and Sylvian Langloi. CAN SEMI-TROPICAL FRUIT BE GROWN IN THIS SECTION? Those who do not believe that this section of Nebraska can grow semi-tropical fruit can have that doubt dispelled by tak ing a look into the east window of the Wescott store, where a large, juicy lemon is on exhibi tion that was grown by Miss Ella Kennedy of this city at her home, and which is of a size as to put to shame the ones that are ship ped in here for sale. The lemon was grown from a seedless plant and the fine specimen of fruit grown from the plant is the object of a great deal of pride from the owner. Civil Service Examination. There will be an examination held by the government n Feb ruary 21 for po-ifiori in !le rail way mail service of the po-lol'a-c department. a there will ! a number of positions open shortly that must be supplied fr-mi the results of ciil service examina tion. Anoi who is 2- iri-u of taking this ciil i-n io- ex amination can uet the deirej in formation a ! the et required by railing' on Frank Cb.idt at the postollice in this rity. The posi tions that will be open -tart" out at a salary of S'.mo per annum. "in tiainey c-mpiei.-.i i ne u.-ai last Saturday x hereby h- poses of the twelve-acre tract of laud smith of Plattsmouth. known as the Stevens place, to Stewart Smith of Berlin. Mr. Smith wi!I move l his new home about March 1st. and will bee. .me a future resident of Plattsmouth. Mr. Rainey and brother. .Janus, of Union, also closed up jh- d-a! whereby they became the owner of the Then. Amiek eighty acre-, we-t of Mynard. Thi- is the place they purchased at the pub lic sale lat week. THE PASSING OF BEHIIHAHD The Remains of Our Late Esti mable Citizen Laid to Rest In Oak Hill Cemetery. The funeral of the late Bern- hard Wurl was held Saturday aft ernoon from St. Paul's Evangeli cal church ajil the attendance at the church from the ranks .f those who hid known and re spected Mr. Wurl during the ! n ir years of Ms re-nienr- lo re at tested the great re-pert and esteem in which he was held in the hearts of those with whom he had been associated. The casket was escorted fr-mi the home by the Members of the n- cient Order .f Ended Workmen and a delegation representing the Burlintg.-n shops employe, who also marched a a guard of honor to Oak Hill cemetery. The servic- at the rhureh were conducted by the pa-tor. Hex. J. H. Steger. who. in hi t moil, paid a touching tribute to the life and character of the de ceased and hi words of sym pathy and Comfort to the be reaved family and friend fell like balm on the aching heart of those gathered at the bier of the one they had b'Ved so well jn life. The tloral tribute were lavish and silently attested the esteem in which the departed citizen had been held, and every department of the Burlington shop wa rep resented in the tloral remem brances laid on the ra-kct of their fellow employer. At the Close of the service the ca-kef was tenderly borne by the five son and the brother of Mr. Wurl to its last earthly resting place in Oak Hill cemetery. Did Not Have License. This morning in Ju-tire M. Archer's court. June Morton of Union was arraigned, charged with selling insurance without a license, he having written a nim ber of polieie jn that place for the Pacific Coast C.a-ulity com pany of San Francisco, and for this offense he wa given a fu;e of 0 and rof. amounting to some ..(. which he paid. Morton was for a short time the manager of the hotel in Union, and found quite a field there for hi- inur anre work. STRAY EI Olt STOLEN A short-legged JelJoXV dog. Ill long body with white'brea-f. Any one knowing anything a t hi whereabouts pleae notify thi oflice and reward will 1 given. t-iy-lwkd The Journal ads pay. WURL U ANOTHER GAS OLINE EXPLOSION VICTIM DEAD Cornelius Nellie Land, the Other Seriously Burned Victim of Explosion, Passes Away. Ln- e. n.p.- r.f y:.'o Cm ,.o ,,. in,.,j ,.r i;,,. hun.-d ;,i it... ti t' - ,.XJl .,,.,;, a jj,.. pr , home ,,f ;.-..-e M.-I-! l-e , ! , - .j a a le-'ilr of tii- cij ;(. .it t f.ini home of Mr. M.-i-i where tie III li.iii - i , , , e the ii of the x 'o-iom. a h ri,' r ! Were of -l. h a I a'UI'e .i to l:i.'e J i 'i ; p. i--i hie ,, li;', i. V the ti.I.e the IP o. ?) W-Te !'. ; -' dr d it u ,i h . I I !i if Miiht recover, b'.t If ek r. V I t be I, -efe lh.1'1 Wa .t ! ! ' ' - ' -urr ii-ed and h wa u. Me j. . rally from the . f !!. . - jurie a:-d grad'iui'y g-ew ile wa kept iii igm-r. ,'.. of death of h, friend. f !e :. who a!-o received tii ";1"i.-- ' the Ijme of f... e,. . 'l ..f ' - g:io jrje tar-k. a -I ;i''!i-';.'Ii !' men Were J..-I- ;:ie- .ed ! '' .Hiii foiim. with or ly a hli- .'. hanging J.elWeeT; tt.e separate tlo-m. the .!. ;, J f....S f Schall wa r"i i"V e,J w .! v; . i f. .".-. l ir:g aware of t!.- f.o f ..r t, -de t'li. Mr. La-. 1 re.-.. .. .j , r of an except i. v . re r ! and ulth ;,-h all th . wa 5 ii!e wa d lie f !,. r !i-f. t.'.-" had ex j'ler.t !y 1 -n. 1 -a'e.i v tl 'rgar and hi d'ath rdlowc,'. I vi.' wa i ;a:r' d u - 1 Jeaxe a wife a t inf ' rhii-l ! mourn In tragi' ! it t: . Ife l. id lived for the greater ; rf of h lifetime near Mynard ar J w well known thr- ih ' f! ti-.n of the ro'inty ar 1 hi Will be ij.ep'v f-;r It a ' 1 nunde-r of fri'-r.-l ar I a-.; . i,-'-ance. He wa a - 1 f A;'-1 Ear,. I. who f.-r a nun..'- r of ye .- was ;iga--l in !- ; n it: Mv -nan!, a id th friend- - T the fa-oily are lesion I hrou-ho'.t ?,. county, wh.. will res re d-ep'v ! leai n -if hi- deal h. W. A. Fishf. who w a bur: . I quite -exrrrly at.ot.f t.'l- fie- a d hands, i f!!in;- ah-- - vry w.-I . alltioi sh he ha t-e- sr.-ai'i vvorre-d over the d.-a?!. -f h: tw- feoW' Wo-kn-MI. wto w.-re w;:h him "U th' f itefijj ,. of f,e ex plosion. Mrs. Pollard Very Sick. Mr. I-aac )'', ar 1. who ha been g. ad'i.iliy f.ii';::s 1!; wr i reported a- very 1 -v. TJe daughter m Wa-!i "sNf. Mr-. Shotwell ad Mr-. U ;,!-. h l e been notice, I of tie- ,- 1 ai d .ire eX ec!c,l h-" :e t .- la'oT ; lrt of the week. Mr. F- t it I an n'.iriiu'-.g -i.-kis-s pe'I ---U ne-dav msht. 1 ;! w r p--rfe. .1 little better e-er!'. N-illVl New. ANOTHER LARGE MliO A!ICE AT THE KETHOQIST Wh it wa- u'.d -.:' V, ', . the n -'st larg-'v a -J- J i- ins eW held ,-. M. f :.- ! .. church xv a I - t .v -: - s. w ' : the structure wa- ! f., th- ,...,! with and .' r- t ar t! -rxc.-II. -'r . rr i. ri .! 1 j v Itev. F. M. I..-ulin-r. pa-b-r -,f ti e church. The -.-r:n wa 1 s !h hue "f eouv a:.. I Who We.e pree!if W re .-".m! V i:i.jr---'--l with th.- -Ir-r-'ri a ! force of the remark f t!.; r. t p-M'.-r. A -pec; I J f-- ' ire ,f ; --i!i::.' wa the pre.. re ,,n I plat form of ...rue .- .r.y i, !- Ire, . ranging tn age fr 1 1". t- ft 'ear. and I he .we.-t ;,!:'. rhi!dih v.-ice. 1, the d. rec lion of Mr. E. II. U a- I Mi- ZcIrnaTuev. f,.r:-,!,-I nio-t delightful TM'i-ic. a- l' -y were lifted in the - ' -" - of the church.