The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
PLATTSMOUTH ! SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. 131. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of tlie readers of the Journal know of any social evt-nt or Item of Interest In this vicinity, and will mail same to this offline. It will ai-IH-ar under this heading. We want all news items Editok Why You Should Keep an Account with this Bank It is managed by men well known for their integrity, high standing and business ability. The personnel of the officers and di rectors are home men, and every person inter ested in home institutions should do their banking with a home institution. Strong, Conservative, Progressive urray State Bank W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier M Mrs. A. L. Baker spent Wednes day visiting with her friend, Mrs. J. II. Fairis. Communion services at the United Presbyterian church on Sabbath, January 18. Tom Isner, the boss carpenter of Platlsmouth, was down on im portant business Wednesday. The town was nearly deserted on Wednesday all attending Theo. Amick's sale, northwest of town. The date for the Lyceum num ber. Frances Gable, is January 16 in place of December 19. A mis take in dates was made. C. N. Hansen and Ernest Pres ton, from near Nehawka," were visiting with county seat friends last week, driving up in Mr. Pres ton's car. The young baby of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green has been ailing- for a few days, but the attending: physician thinks it is nothing serious. Adam and Fred Schafer, from west rf Murray, were Omaha visitors Wednesday, going up for the purpose of looking after the purchase of a gasoline , engine. They returned home via Platts mouth and spent a few hours with county seat friends. There was a very large attend ance at the Amick sale Wednes day. Everything advertised was sold, including the farm, which was knocked down at J5.00 per acre. Will and Jim Rainey being the purchasers. Many consider it was sold very cheap. Julius Engelkemeier, from west of Murray, was in Plattsmoulh last Saturday, driving up from his home, accompanied by his sister, Miss Roa. Miss Rosa has been making tier home with her broth er for some time, but was return ing to the home of her parents in Platlsmouth. Cashier Boedeker was in Oma ha Tuesday on business, return ing home via Plattsmouth. "Scotty," the genial agent for the M. P., was a Plattsmouth visitor between trains Tuesday evening. A. L. Baker was a passenger to Omaha Monday morning, in the interest of the new firm of Baker & Nickels. Misses Amin ami Arbel Hiatt of Rising City, Neb., are visiting at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1. Hiatt, for a few days. Mrs. M. Hiatt has been feeling pretty well for the past few day.- which her many friends will be pleased to learn. Mrs. James Brown was in from the farm this week assisting her mother at the hotel. Help is very scarce and almost impossible to get at any price. Glen and Myrtle Thompson who have been visiting the past two weeks with their . friend Esther Ray, departed Monday for their home at Wood River, Neb. Grandma McVey is on the sick list, and while her illness is not very serious at the present writ ing, some alarm is mainrest on the part of near friends on ac count of her declining years, she being 75 years of age. Robert Good entertained Glen and Myrtle (Thompson, of Wood niver, t,cd., jana isiner nay, r ri day evening1, January 9. The evening was spent in playing various games, music and social conversation. A fine luncheon was served. A. M. Holmes returned from Pl.ittsmoulh Wednesday morning, where he made a brief visit with his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Rawis and family. Mr. Holmes has been confined to his room for some weeks, and we are pleased to note his improvement. IT TIKI TOOTCH? There doesn't seem much use for a mer chant to tell you about warm clothes when we have California beat for weather! But we can tell you of the best asset your home could possibly have, and that is a piano. We have two high grade pianos at our store which were placed with us on consignment. As the time is up, we are going to give somebody the best bar gain ever offered in an instrument. Don't put off buying, but start your boy or girl in time with their music. Murray has one of the best teachers in the state, arid we have the best piano at a reasonable price and fully guaranteed. HBATT & MURRAY :: TUTT NEBR. Oscar Campbell, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Camp bell, is quite ill. Mrs. Jacob Lohnes of Eight Mile Grove is very sick, but not very seriously at the present time. Mrs. B. F. Brendel and Mrs. J. F. Brendel spent Friday and Sat urday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Will Brendel al Avoca. J. W. Berger was up from Ne braska City Sunday, and spent the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger, of the Berger Hotel. Miss Clara Young departed Wednesday morning for Lincoln, where she will spend a few days visiting her friend, Miss Ogla Minford. Mrs. O. A. Davis is still on Ihe mend, and expects to be around with her friends in a few (fays, if possible. She has been greatly missed from society circles. The Francis Gable entertain ment will be in the Christian church Friday evening, January 16th. This is the third number of the Lyceum course and prom ises to be extra good. Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mrs. D. C. Rhoden and Miss Pauline Oldham attended the Amick sale Wednes day and disposed of a large num ber of tickets to a charity dinner to be given in Murray on Friday, January 23. Homer Schlichtemeier shipped a car of cattle to the South Oma ha market Monday, and while there he bought a carload of months-old calves, whicli arrivet; Wednesday and were driven to his farm west of Murray. A. D. Willberger, of Omaha came' down Saturday and assumed the '.management of the Nold lumber yard. Mr. Willberger a very pleasing gentleman, and we believe the people of Murray and vicinity will find him an ac commodating and genial gentle man to deal with. There should be some effort made to have the early morning train stop. If the railroad com pany refuses the appeal, place the matter in the hands of the rail way commission. There is to much demand for the stoppage of this train, and the traveling pub lic is greatly discommoded. The Rev. Albert Gordon of Lin coin will conduct evangelisti meetings in the United Presby terian church during the week of January 11. The services will b held Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday evenings at 7:30 and Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Everyone is invited to all these services. Earl Jenkins returned from Omaha Wednesday morning, ac companied by Mrs. Jenkins, who has been receiving treatment at the hospital for several weeks The friends of Mrs. Jenkins wil 1 i a . dc pieaseu to learn that siie is feeling remarkably well, consider ing the severe ordeal that she passed through. Miss Margie Walker and Mrs. Adda Stokes attended the meeting of the 'Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles Creamer, when the ladies were entertained by Mrs. Cream er and Mrs. Mark White. They report an exceedingly pleasant time and were awful glad they were there to enjoy the event, and said on their return that those who failed to attend missed one of the greatestt reats of their na tural lives. Charles Royer, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roy er, was attacked with hemor rhage of the lungs Monday, and then again Tuesday, and for two days it looked as though the little fellow was not long for this earth While very weak from the loss of so much blood, it was thought Wednesday afternoon, with no re petition of the attack, that the ittle fellow would recover. The Journal sincerely hopes he will soon recover. Boring a Well. L. W. Ingwerson, from Ne hawka, has been out to the farm home of J. N. Beck, west of lattsmouth, boring a well. The well will be several hundred feet deep when finished, and will sup ply Mr. Beck with an unlimited amount of water for his stock. Mr. Ingwerson- was in Platts mouth Monday of this week, and made a business trip to Omaha. New Firm. Messrs. Baker and Nickels have assumed control of the hardware store, which they bought last week of Pitman & Davis. A. L. Baker is the present efficient postmaster of Murray, while (eorge Nickels was reared on a farm in this vicinity, and is a gentleman of excellent business qualities, and very popular with all who know him. Art Baker understands all the rudiments connected with the hardware and implement business, having own ed this establishment previous to being appointed postmaster. He has hosts of friends in Cass coun Alvo Notes Dr. Muir was a Lincoln visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans return ed from Red Oak, Iowa, I- riday evening, where they had been visiting the home folks the pat ten days. Their car of household goods also arrived, and they are TEACHING FORCE OF SCHOOLS REORGANIZED G. W. Curyea had business in now keeping nouse in uie nream Lincoln Saturday er property, now owned by .Miss H. Thomas was rioinir business Alice Kellogg. 0 I I i. l. . T itinnln TnnlQ.- worn nus neen receiveu IIT' Miiia r.Mvno Tinii -r im, lino- y ueorge foreman, sr., mat nis in the capital city Saturday. The Missionary society met on Wednesday afternoon with Aunt Bina Kitzel. George Skiles of Murdock was in Alvo on business Tuesday be tween trains Miss Pearl Eveiand of Hobson, Montana, is visiting relatives in town this week L. B. Appleman had business in Trenton, Neb., Thursday, return ing home Saturday Ola Ryan of Greenwood visited his cousin, Mrs. George Foreman, sr., and family, Monday Charles Suavely and Clayt Foreman were taking in son. J.em. vno was moving to Corsicana, Texas, reached his destination Sunday morning. Mrs. From Wedne-ly Dny. The teaching force of the city schools, which was slightly di lurbed about Ihe time "f the Christmas vacation by a number of resignations, has b-n re stored to its former Mate of good working order by the selection of Lem Foreman expected to reach I well qualified teacher. to take the place of those resigned. Mis Anna Daniel i occupying' the? position in the High school for merly held by Mis Catherine Maddox, and Mis Claire Dovey has been transferred from the ty and has alawys been reeogniz-Ljphts at Meadow Tuesday. there the same day from Los An geles, Cal., from where she had started the Thursday before. Mrs. George D. Bobbitt and son, Millard, left Tuesday for a short visit at Verdon, Neb., with her sister, Mrs. Aletha Rouse-Uhley, Columbian building to the Central from whw she will return to her building to take the place of Mrs. homo Mb Moorehead, Kas. Mrs. Wayne Dickson, while Mi Yet.i BobbHt spent the holidays with Douglass ha been selected as her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. teacher in the Columbian building Rouse, and her sisters, Mrs. Mart to take the place of Mis Dovey. Niekle and family, and Mrs. Or- Miss Teresa Hemple, who wa a the I villo Quellhorst and family. Died Mr. Stephen Sam on si-ling in the -school work be for the holidays, ha been elected to ed as a straightforward business man. The firm "of Baker & Nick els will prove a strong one. They will carry not only an extensive line of hardware and stoves, but expect to add a line of furniture, which will be quite extensive. They will also represent the John Deere line of farm implements, and carry a full line of all imple ments needed on the farm. The Journal wishes the new firm all the success possible and believes they will reap their reward by a good patronage from the people of this section of Cass county. It a a r i a l i . I i. : . a t i - I I . Casey went to Lincoln IJanuary v, rjn, at me uonie oiiieacn m me i-nirai ouji.iih. on business, I n,s uaugmer, Airs, i-.imer oaines, j taking tlie place oi mi. Airne at mair, -en. ine iunerai was Kennedy. i riese cnantre nave conducted last Sunday morning at done much toward strengthening 11 o'clock, at the M. E. church at the force of the teacher who will Elmwood, Neb., where the re- carry on the work for the ret of mains were laid to rest m tlie the term of school. Elmwood cemetery, by the side of his wife, who died about five "Suffered diy and niuht the years ago. The children who torment of itching pile. Nolh- survive the deceased are: Mre. ing helped me until I used Doan' Luella Porter, Omaha; Bert Sams, Ointment. The reult wa last- W. E Thursday evening returning Friday on No. 18 Mrs. Lida Howe and children came in from Omaha Tuesday evening, returning weanesaay. Mrs. J. A. Shall er was a pas senger for Lincoln Sunday even ing, returning Monday on No. 18. John Murtey went to Clay Cen ter, Neb., Monday, where his wife has been visiting for a few days. I l t - 1 K ! it- I; t r 1 Mrs. Gertie Boyles of Lincoln il iawi, r. tnare, iwia.; nuoey mg. nn. jmiiii was visitintr with her sister Mrs ms, lanu-owner ana reai esiaie .uayor, iiraru, Aia. r C TlnL-nolI lh InHer nnrf nf Ueaier, COllS 1JIUH, eo.: Milton R. Garrtt, Seed Corn for Sale. I have 40 bushels of good seed corn for sale at $1.00 per bushel. J. T. Porter, Murray. A Pleasant Affair. The Ladies' Aid societv of the Christian church was entertained by Mrs. Mark White and Mrs. Charles Creamer, at the home of the latter, Wednesday afternoon. There was a large attendance and the afternoon was whiled away most pleasantly in the usual the week. Mrs. George Sheesley and chil dren went to Weeping Water Monday to spend the week with her folks. Paul Frohtich of Lincoln was spending a few days visiting with his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Bucknell and family. T. N. Bobbitt came in Sunday from Moorehead, Kas., where he has been visiting his son, G. D. Sams; Mrs. Elmer Gaines, Blair, Neb., and Mrs. Herbert Shoup, Rising City, Neb., all of whom were in attendance at the funeral. The Helpers Entertained. The Helpers of the Christian church were mo.-t delightfully entertained yesterday afternoon Mr. Sams was a highly respected at the home of Mrs. C. M. Foster manner on such occasions. Those who attended from Murray praise Bobbitt, for some time me enoris of Mesdames unite Charles R. Jordan and Creamer very highly, and say these ladies know the trade of entertaining perfectly, and that mey nope it win not be many weeks until they will have the citizen and formed many warm friendships during his ten years' residence in Cass county, having lived between Alvo and Elmwood. The sorrowing children and other relatives have the sincere sym pathy of many friends. . by Mesdames OIier Hud-ou and Fo.-ter. There wa a large num ber of the ladie in attendance, who spent a mot enjoyable time in social ronersation and other amusement calculated to make the occasion one that would nt soon be forgotten by tho for went to Plattsmouth Monday morning, where he will spend the week at tending to county affairs. The Misses Clara and Ethel Stewart returned to Lincoln Sun- I tunate enough to bep resent. MURDOCK. (Special Correspondent.) an appropriate hour the hostesses provided a charming Iunrhe.,n. which the guests likewise thor oughly enjoyed. Pleasure oi peing entertained ny day evening, after visiting their mese estimame lauies again, ine brother, R. W. Stewart. Journal reporter felt somewhat grieved when he found that he I. G. Hornbeck was in Omaha could not be there for luncheon because he had the pleasure of partaking of vians prepared by these ladies. As culinary artists they are a success in every par ticular. Mr. Jake Umland, wife, two Saturday, sons and daughter, of Eagle, were Emil Miller was in Omaha last in Alvo Wednesday and called on Thursday. German St. Paul's Church. Owing' to the funeral of Mr. B. Wurl on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, (he instruction Ies,..n for both classes, German a well C. C. Bucknell and family Miss Dorothy Manners of Uni versity Place spent Sunday and Monday here with Mrs. George D Bobbitt of Moorehead, Kas Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weeks of Kewanee, 111., came in Friday evening to visit their cousin, Mrs. Ida Wieshiet was in Omaha on a Entflia", wM be postponed. Making Good as Auctioneers. The Journal is certainly mighty well pleased to learn from numer- Thomas Stout, for a few days ou.s sources, anu especially wnere tv n? ivfno - I a'I I U1IU &t7 ltUl K.A I J - l me saies are neing neui, tnat our and Mr an(1 Mrs Frank Davis and excellent young friend, Rex ( m. children took dinner with Mr. and K.) oung, is making good as an Mrs. William Connie last Sunday auctioneer, nex ana torn worn- Parties makinir remarks that well have been looking after there is no Alvo news in the numerous sales in this part of the journal, come through and help couni, ana nex S WOrK nas Deen 1IS either fho new nnH o-ef vonr giving the very best of satisfac tion. He went over to Elmwood last week and assisted in the cat tle sale of Mr. Cromwell. While Rex is a young man at the busi ness, he certainly handles sales like an "old-timer." Residence Property for Sale. The I. S. White residence property in Murray is offered for accompanied the shipment. mis is an excellent piece Peter Eveiand of Murdock is name in the paper. Bert Sams of of Delaware, Okla., and brother-in-law, Elmer Gaines, of Blair, Neb., took sup per with Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea Saturday evening. Jesse Hardnock, Elmer Klyver and Ausrust Johnson shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Mon day. Messrs. Hardnock and Klyver sale. of property and will be sold visilimr his dausrhter. Mrs. R. ngnt. for particulars call at the Keuhn, and nephew, Joseph Eve- Murray White. State Bank, or Mark Great Pain. Mr. F. J. Kuban, of Fort Worth, Tex., used to suffer ter ribly, according to his letter. He says: "I was suffering from a stomach trouble associated with a terrioie headache, which at times was unbearable. I happened land, of Hobson, Montana, who came in the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clifes of Scribner, Neb., came in Monday to visit Mr. elite's sister, Mrs. Elmer Bennett and family, and other relatives for several days. Ed LTptegrove and family of j Sidney, Neb., left Wednesday evening for Lincoln, after visiting Thursday between trains. Karl Eisenhut was in Omaha Thursday, having his teeth tend ed to. Lulu Edwards was visiting with friends in Nehawka Saturday and Sunday. County Superintendent Mary E. Foster visited the school Tuesday afternoon Miss Maria Skiles of Unadilla is visiting witn l-ern Williams lor a few days tins week. Mrs. Harry Davis left Monday evening on No. 17 to visit her sis ter in Lincoln for a few days. Ella Bauer accompanied her sister, Louisa, to Omaha last Wednesday, returning home on Thursday. A crowd of young folks went to Wabash last Saturday night to skate. They all had a very pleas ant evening and abah asked them back again. They are sure gom again. A party of women surprised Mrs. Will Rush last Friday, Jan uary 9, on her 4tth birthday an niversity. The evening was spent in visiting, playing and singing. At an appropriate hour a two- course lunch was served, which J. II. Stex'er. 210 ACRES 210 ACRES AT AUCTION, ON THE PREMISES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, AT 2 P. M. LOCATED MILE FROM PA CIFIC JUNCTION. IOWA, in MdU county; E. lj of NW. U and E. -i of SW. ; and N. -i of the SE. , all in sec. 2i, township range 43. ISO acres under cuItialion; r0 acres in fine meadow and pasture, and good oi chard; i mile t, good school and church; land all leval and of a dark loam soil. IMPROVEMENTS. Good 7-room house, summer kitchen; a good barn; double corn crib: tool houe, hog house, chicken houe; plenty of excellent water. THIS FARM WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON JANUARY 22. AT 2 P. M. ON PREMISES. (EASY TERMS; which will be made known on day of auction. This farm is located only a short distance from Council several days with Mr. Uptegrove's to visit a friend, Mr. J. J. Stangle, parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Upte- (he jay ana ne advise dme to try inner sis ove. American Elixir of Bitter Wine. Albert ironncn -and wire and A few bottles brought me relief daughter and two nieces left on and in a short time I was ner- Wednesday for their home at fectiv henifhv t shnii aiwavs Westfield. N. Y.. after visiting keep this remedy in my family relatives in the vicinity of Eagle and use it at the first sisrn of an and Alvo for the past month. indisnositioh. F. J. Kuban. 2225 Mrs. Sarah Parsell left Thurs- N. Main st.. Fort Worth. Tex." day for Denver, Colo., to make Bluffs, Iowa, ami should drnw aided greatly in the pleasures of People from different part of the those who were present. The country, a it i considered to b lunch was served by the Misses ne or the best prinlucing farm Nellie and Bessie Rush. The ln ,owa- l or further in format ion ad dress the undersigned, own'rr, or the auctioneer. I have engaged. F. D. VAN PELT, the well known and experienced real estate auctioneer to sell my farm at auction. Office, West Hotel, Sioux City, Iowa. Write him or myself fop further information. Trulv JOSHUA MILLER. Owner guests all departed at a late hour, leaving half a dozen silver knives, forks and spoons, and wishing Mrs. Rush many happy returns of Public Sale Triner's American Elixir of Bit- her home with her daughter, Mrs ter Wine always gives quick re- waiter Peters. Mrs. Parsell has ief in diseases of the stomach, spent several months here witn the liver and the bowels, because her son, Harry Parsell and family, it cleans out the body and Mr. and Mrs. Usey return On account, of poor health, I have decided to quit farming and am going to sell my farm and all personal property at public sale The sale will be held at my farm. seven miles south of Glenwood, lrenn-lhen if At Hrntr stores, ed from Omana FHOay evening, uuj, o..u.jr mvi, Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ash- wnere uiey visuea iur. wsry ""7 . t 1 narenls. Thev renort. Mrs. John acres oi ianu, au acres unaer dim v c. ijiiiuahu ijui uuan v. i i ... ... ... 1: fiaspv as ireffincr alono- some bet- cultivation, JO or Which is in 11 U1UO. 1 llUlllUllV U11U UihltM " - nains will usually miicklv vield ter, inougn not as I ----- - " mf W - - . friends had hoped tor. Miss Laura Hilderbrant, has spent the Good Road Through Mynard. The public hicrhu.iv !hrn,h Mynard i in good condition. Thi is accounted for by the use of th road drag, a som good brother has been dragging the road in that vicinity. One Who Was at the Amick Sale. to Triner's Liniment. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children, Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bought well as her first-cltss alfalfa, and 10 acres in timber. In personal property I who will oner J head of horses, 10 past three weeks head of cattle, hogs and farm im .j. 4. Bears tha Signature of 7 visiting with Miss Mabelle Stout, piemenis. j?aie ui commence atuj. left Friday evening for a brief i o ciock snarp, ana iarm win Del j. visit at Dorchester, Neb., from sold immediately arter dinner. kg. where she will return to her home D. M. WILLIAMS. at Primrose, Neb. She was ac- companied to Lincoln by. Charles I Best results are secured by ad- 4 FOR SALE DATES Reverse the Telephone Call to FRANK GRAHIJCI, Auctioneer, Springfield, Nb. Phone 91. tfg I Stout, - ii.-g,A.v I vertising in the Journal. -H-r I I I I I I I I I I I-H-H-fc