THURSDAY. JAHUARY . 114- PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. A ecial Sp Shirt Sale January earance C. EHT 11 Bill IS SURPRISED On Tuesday iM-niug .Mr. Wil liam Caird became I In- recipient of a birthday present wliii'li he will not smi hi fur-get. Mrs. Caird had very cleverly planned :i "surprise attack" upon her hus liaml, ami from tin reports received In execution of tin plan was most iii(Ti'ss Tul. Tht wiling- program al tin liaird hune was quite usual ami without Ihe leal .suspicion ii i mi flu part of Mr. P.aird. until about the hour of 8 o'clock, v.lii'ti Ih was sum moned Im tlii door and greeted by a chorus nf men's voices, aii'l tli cordial handclasp nf as many Ttin. Iim : i M-nli'il to invade his hospitable hnine. Tin genial su'i'riiili'!iiiT.I is seldom 'vaugli; naiipiiiir." ami his exclamation upon being 1 1 1 1 x . -1 1 1 y entrap ped, was most epivssj e (we tin not quote). I'pi'ii gaining his ciii)fKi!i'i' Mi". I.air.l f-u:id him t& Let CI Don't I Miss This B These Prices 1 Are Cash VV Yj fJ 1L L1 Vr ul n M W m la WEYRICH & HADRABA Druggists S3 Ut MANHATTANS all of our $1.50 Manhattans, now fcJ S1.15; all $2 Manhattans now $1.38; $2.50 now $1.83; $3 now $2.25. 2nd MEN'S SOFT-COLLAR SHIRTS worth $1.25, $1.50 and $2, now 89c. These come in plain cream, plain blue, plain tan and dark and light stripes, in both plain and military collars. 3rd NECK-BAND SHIRTS to be worn with white collar. Shirts worth $1.25 and $1.50, for only 79c. These are mostly Sample Shirts, carried on the road by salesmen. They may be slightly soiled, but are new, uivto-date goods and worth up to $1.50, for only 79a These will go fast. 4th MEN'S SOFT SHIRTS, with soft collars, in plain and fancy effects, worth 75c, 85c and $1, for only 49c. Here's a chance you'll not often get. 5th MEN'S WORK SHIRTS in good, dark materials. double sewed, well for 39c. Gth- -BOYS' SOFT COLLAR SHIRTS in bluej cheviot, well made, all sizes, only 25c. If you expect to buy Shirts this winter, buy them now at these prices. E. Wescotf s Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE self faced by the twelve men with whom In is most closely as sociated in conduct ing the. af fairs of thi? Burlington in this city. A company of men whos. skill ami ingenuity arc contribut ing' to cfliciency of one of tlie largest industries of. this stale. 'Phi evening was most pleasant ly spent in social conversation and some extra line musical se lections from Mr. Baird's Yie trola. Later in the evening Mrs. Band, assisted by Mrs. E. If. YVescott, served a delicious lhreecours supper, and withal the occasion was most enjoyable, and Mr. Baird cannot say that he I. as iH er had a leal '"surprise patty"' on his birthday. The names of those proseut were; C C. Hill. slorekeeer: .1. J. Cloida, chief clerk, and the following foremen: H. B. Hayes, II. S. Baithold , George Lushinsky, W illiam Hallance, V. C. Tippens, J. A. llolley, .1. K. Wales, C. M. I'arker, W. F. Warga, John I.utr. After a hearty meal, take Doan's Itegub ts and assist your stomach, liver and bowels. Itegu lets are a mild laxative. L'ae at all lores. FORKS p nsC Best flour on the market. i-Vdd by all leading dealers. the . BS3i mmMm mm K ODAK tell the winter story. Winter has charms of scene no less than Spring or Summer. The KODAK insures best re sults in all seasons. Let us show you how easy it is to KODAK. Everything for Kodakery at our store. made, worth 50c and COc See Our Windows ANOTHER EXCURSION TO SOUTHERN LOUISIANA TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 On Tuesday, January 20, there will be another big excursion run from this city to southern Louisiana under the charge of A. H. Bow dish, the land man. The parly will probably leave over the Burlington for Kansas City and from there go direct to Kent wood, Louisiana, and later to New Orelans, where a few days will be spent taking in the sights of that interesting and historical city of 'the south. There are quite a number from this city ami locality who will take ad vantage of the opportunity to go on this excursion. & -I WEEPING WATER. I (Special Correspondence.) J & Mr. Ira Wood of Lancaster, Ohio, arrived Friday morning for an extended visit with his broth er, Frank Wood and family, liv ing northeast of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doty, liv ing east of town, entertained a number of friends at dinner Sunday. Those present were: Miss 7-:iizabeth Oliver, Harold Daley, Ira Wood, Ora Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Dawson and daughter. Daisy, Mr. and Mrs. Will Partridge and children and Mrs. Mary Dawson. A most en joyable time was spent by all present. ' Mrs. Henry Meyer entertained a number of friends and rela tives New Year's eve in honor of her husband's birthday. The evening was most pleasantly spent and at the usual hour a dainty two-course luncheon was served. Those present, were: Misses Mildred Hart, Klizabeth Oliver. Mary Leffler, Mr. Ray mond Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Philpot and daughter, Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Meyer and children, Mrs. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Leffler and mother. To and From the Table. Nobody should go to a dinner table unless he feels hungry, and everybody should leave the table as soon as his hunger is ap peased. It is a common mistake to eat at any time, without being hungry, and to remain at a table after the dinner is finished. This is the source of many digestive troubles, : like flatulence, con stipation and headache. The tongue is usually coated, there is bad taste in the mouth and fetid breath. You need Triner's Elixir of Hitter Wine, . which quickly cleans out the whole body and then strengthens the digestive organs. It is to be recommended in diseases of the stomach, the bowels and the liver. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Do not let an accident to you find you Unprepared. ' Have always a bottle of Triner's - Liniment at hand. It quickly dispels pain. INSURANCE MONEY UPON THE LIFE OF MRS. VIR GINIA M'VIGXER RECEIVED The local treasurer of th Mystic Legion of America yester day received from the general ollice a draft for SHOO payable to Mrs. John Leesley of this city a the alue of the life insurance policy carried in that order bv the late Mrs. Virginia MeYicker. The local officers of the order are greatly pleased with the rapid manner in which the claim was handled, as proof of death was not sent in until December 2th, and on the Oth of January the draft for the amount was return ed, making eight days from the time it was sent in until it was received back, and this showing is one that, is very pleasing- to the other policyholders of the company. Mrs. McNicker was eeretary of the lodge here. JUDGMENT RENDERED AGAINST LAWRENCE STULL IN THE DISTRICT COURT This morning the case of W. If. Newell, et al., vs. C. Lawrene" Stull was called for trial in the district court, and the defendant not being represented in court at the time the case was called, the plaintiff's attorneys, Messrs. Hawls & Robertson, moved to waive the jurv and trv the case to the court, which was granted and the matter argued. Attorney D. O. Dwyer appeared later for the defendant and sought to have the case continued, hut the court ordered the case to be tried, and at the close rendered a verdict giving the plainim judgment lor the amount prayed for in their petition, together with interest, which amounts to something iver $100. ILE DRIVER LOADED ON CAR FOR SHIPMENT This morning- the pile-driving ut fit which has been engaged for the past few weeks in the driving of piles for the cofferdam which has been constructed around the government lots on North Fifth street, w as loaded' on :ars preparatory to being sliip- ed to Columbus. Nebraska. where the contractors will tane up the work of constructing a lam in the Loup river near that lace. The work here was com pleted in a very satisfactory manner and the government en gineers are of the opinion thai the difficulty of having the build ing settle will be largely over- ome by the construction of the cofferdam'. THE ST. MARY'S GUILD ENTERTAINED OY MRS. AURTHER EASTWOOD From Wednesday's Dally. The ladies of St. Mary's C-uild were entertained yesieruay au- ernoon in a most pleasing man ner at the home of Mrs. Arthur astwood ami a very delightful time enjoyed by the ladies in dis cussing mailers in regard to the work of the Guild, as well as in the preparing of dainty needle work, and the time was passed very rapidly in this manner. Dur ing the course of the afternoon the hostess served a very tempt ing luncheon, to which all did ample justice, and it was with great regret that the ladies saw the hour of departure draw near, ind they left feeling that the aft ernoon had been a most pleasant one for all who were present at the hospitable home. Many ills come from impure dood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is recommended for strengthening - stomach, bowels and liver and purifying the blood. FOR SALE DATES Reverse the Telephone Call to FRANK GRAHAM, Auctioneer, Springfield, Neb. 'Phone 91. ?. Local Mews From WeJ nesila v's Iaily. W. M. I'lnlpot of Weeping Wa ter was in the city today attend ing to his duties as a juror in the district court. Charles Felzer of Louisville came in this morning to attend to some matters of bu-iness in the district cmirt. Oeurge Spohn of Superior, braska, was Imti e-lnday tending the funeral of the Mrs. Alcimia Jane Crahill. Neat-late Fred Clark of I In ieinity of Union, was in the city today at tending to some b(i-ims mat ters at the court house. K. C. Twis and V. M. Ha. Id on of Loiiisille were in the eity to day for a short lime al lending to some matters al the court house. John Tighe of Mauley came in this morning" from his home to look after some matters of busi ness at the court houe for a short lime. Fred Wai'm r of L'Mijsl;ie came down this morning- n No. ( from his home to attend t i some matters oi i,iiiin'-s in the district court. Isaac King departed thi- morning for Superior, after ng here in attendance at the funeral of his ' m ! hcr-in-law, Mrs. A. J. Crnbill. W. K. Crahill, w ife and rhil deparled tin's momimr for home at Ieiiv.ood. Iova. being here in attendance a! uren I heir after the funeral of Mrs. A. J. Crahill. John Beck of Ml. Ph-asanl precinct droe in this inornin- to visit for a few hours hen- audi look after some trading with tin merchants. John Cbalfaut and son, John Chalfaut, jr.. were in the city to day for a few hours, driving up from their homes to look after some mailers with the counly commissioners. Fver body's friend Dr. Thom as' Fclectic Oil, the great, house hold remedy for toothache, ear ache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at all drug stores. 2.e and r0c. Etnt f Ohio. City tf To!fil. I.ufjR r.iimlf. . Fraiii: J. i lifitry ui.ikt-H ialli tiot li i Hni' Jarll'iT i tin- lll'IIl nf I--. J. Clu-Ili-y '.. !-lv!- l.iisiM.-s in tli.- city t.i T'il'-il". County auj Stut.- ii'iin sai'i. Mini Kiiiil tirm will i:i- tlie ix::m ..r um: m'Miuiai ih,I-ai;s f.T r:i'U nritl viTy f i"-it:!rrti ttirtt iinn-it. In curi-il by th.' u-k.- of H ill's Catarrli t un-. t FKAXK J CIIKXEY. Sworn t' ltfor. m utmI suV-.-riN-.l In nr pri s. Iio-, tUU Ctli tl:iy vf 1. .-.'tub. r. A. !.. lMj. A. W. CI.KASnN. N..try I'ui.lic. Hull- Catarrh Cii" N t:kfn hit. mally nnd nit i!ir"t'lly u,...ii lh. hl.n.l ji'i.l iioH-i.iis unr-f.H-.'s of the fy-Xt 111. S.uJ tor t.slim.inlalH, ! K. J. enr.xrv & Co.. Tuid.. o. pol.l t.y nil 1'rtlTc; -tt. T"-. Tak. Ilili's l'i:Uii!y ViU fir rQ.!t!iatl.,n. "3TMgI3WHg7r'RaiW1 entleinen, All Heavy Suits included Suits regularly sold $15 and $10.50, now Suits regularly sold $18 $20, and $22.50, now... Manhattan Shirts I if NEW HEATING PLANT FOR COURT HOUSE AND NEW COUNTY JAIL From Tuesday's railv. The county coiiimi.-sioners, at their mieting today, had up th matter of pulling m a new tieal- i 1 1 plant for th art h.u-e. and hae about decided to place the plant in connection with the new jail and In u-e a part of the appropriation for that purpose, in addition to the .-um of sl,r,oo vhich they will appropriate, in all likelihood lo a-i-t m the work of insfalliu-' the healing plant. There will be consider-; able oppo-ition to the u-ing of the money oted for the jail foi I tie pUlpo-e ,,f pUltillg III the plant, as tin amount for the jail is hardly eimu-'h to put up the riiihl kind of a building, but I he oliriii-ionils doubtless believt Ibis j (he b' -t way to fix tin mailer, a - u- nae i n com pelled o appropriate a great deal of mom y for ditlerent improve ment s. THE COONTY COMMIS SIONERS IS ROSY WITH IMPORTANT BUSINESS The county commis-ioners have been very bu-y the a-t few days in attending- to the matters that concern the taxpaxers of the county and they hae been allowing miite a number of claims on the different fund-. County A -or j Br an recommended to the board the appointment of Fred Weaver to in us..e.-sor of South Bend ll-e- cincl, which was accepted. The In. aid also gave the contract for fiimi-diing ollice supplies for tfi" diiTerent oilices to the !atls mouth Journal for the nuiu: e;o. 'flie board of commissioii ei and Counly Surveyor I'alter si.n had ipiite a controversy omt a number of claims for work and mileage claimed by the surveyor, and I his matter w ill likely .e threshed out in court, as it was reported around the court hou-e thai the sureyo would seek to secure the payment of the fees by process of law. BASKET GALL SEASON TO OPEN AT GERMAN HOME FRIDAY EVENING JAN. 9 The Plattsmoulh Turners will open I tic basket ball season in this city on n-t Friday ewnimr at the (iiTinan Home, when they Your Ship Has Come In THE most opportune time you have ever known for buying fine Overcoats and Suits is now at hand. We are cleaning up all heavy suits and overcoats, all goods backed by a strong guar antee. The deep-cut prices; a third or a half less than usual standard prices, offer a great in ducement. Here are more than 200 Winter Suits and Overcoats the best qualities known at big savings the most important sale we've ever conducted. All Overcoats regularly sold at $15 Q CA and $16.50, now t?.UU All Overcoats redularlv sold and $30, now $Q Cf) $V.OV Suits regularly sold $23 $27.50 and $30, now Boys' Suits and Boys Overemtc SlTsf50' $G-50' valued upa2 $13.50 on the I'jrjea tai Th- line-up b-" will be. F?nb-rr llawl-. Noble Aim". .Mann " i .... Uti not Ian. but th- p.-i..ns . .. .t .f.itm.f e- i4 u' i'-n --' ly. The boy have peeri ing great intere-t and nr:irl Iff ami 3 di p-..l in I d-bol ame i- b.ok.d forward t- by th leam, a well a th. basket ball fans of the citv. After Ibe K a social will be civen to defray ttie eVpeil-ei of the Ollte-t. an t as th- learn ha lo j-tar.d it- -:. . . i .11 . .-1 1 . :i Vpensc llie Mlolll " liberal patronage from th pub lic, as well a- a g -.JJy number of rooters- to assj-t m lb- " the game. Th- ba-ket bail game- of the Turnwein and th-Hi-'ti scli .d will tx lield at ih llHiman Home in th- futur. where ibe condition- ar- mm-.J b-tter f.-r p!amg th- ram- and wlo r- excellent b-hf can b- U id fop the game. I.-t -ro,i-who can turn out Ami a-i-i tb. team, both by their .euring ticket and by r-'hiivr. THE MEXICAN COLONY AT LOUISVILLE 171 A WARLIKE SPIRIT AGAIN Th- M-xican cob-ny at Louis ville sei-m-t to have become filbd with the warlike -pint that pre vails through .ut their nativ land, and occasionally a s.uail-i7-d revolution i l4rtd t some fit III- hot-bt .o.l-.l d-niri of th land of If'i-rtn. Tb lat-st outbreak tto-re occurred n Monday, wl.-n two of th-m b- cam- engag-il in a p;arr i mni larfed a littb shooting scrap-. which resulted in on- of th-rn r-ceiving a na-ly tl- h wourd in lb- leg from a bull-t. Th- man loing the shooting mnd- ii i - get away and may nave gone pacji get into Iti- warfar abng th- bord-r. while D-puly Sh-riif Maiispeaker. who was iiotit'i-. yesterday of th- affair, w-r.t out here and took charge of th- in jured man. who i- not, tiow-ve-, in a dangerous condition am! wiil recover in a short lini. Tins i th- s.cond Iim trouble ha h -n started there by th-s popf. .i a week or l-n dav ago on of th m-n was brought h-r tor carry ing a large bu.rh-r knife f.r u" on his enemies. Itching, torturing kin erup tions distlgnr. annoy. driv on wild. Dean's i.:ntmnt is prais ed for its good work. r.c at all drug stor-s. F.d and James Fifg-rald wer passengrs this rnornirt- for F.-I-som, fowa. where th-y will look after some lnins connected with the supplying nf bruh for the construction of riprap along the rivr. All Overcoats regularly sold $18, $20 CIO rn $22.50. now ..Jl0.5U 2ii ?7 ?:n $17.50 $17.50 Stetson Hats wtll take omaha. the pame