The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1914, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914.
! 36x63 Crystal Ruj
. pncei.oO, wye olfer
; !evgcpd5,-;Siew patterns, . good
''qjidlity .and-argodd value at
In from his rnncn in Perkins
canity, NebrnVlcrt. (!u:!'Po W,
- Hlflr"- gem-rUi niaiiaeruf the
Km !i;i-:1'.H. -finds that' iio Muck
' in lliis stale is bderirg well tin d
1 that1 the expense of carrying, cat
tle' through i- likely to "le".r.Vvrn
to th- ' minimum. ' - ' "
His own experience ' jiisi ities
a-;! tic:i made by Mr.'Hokl
' l r-c. He explains that owing Ho
Hi. -warm an.l 'l"-iS ;Nvirt'f. eat- j
tie men hav-e been Compelled to
feed hat lit I !'. except 'to animals
"being finished off f. .r tin market.1
'.!m.-t everywhero throu-h the
".-tale" t fl " -Sf tK'.-'l-' hs .been luii'f
'of r,iv the w.-nt-h- gi;Voril7-'
ly h-i r1?" tTTTi"nrfrr;-f-t'.t!' have
Pi ayJ -:ljas-A,'Ji vinv tnvii houl
havinr IrA.'-rf shf-ltere. .-i;-fTfed in-"
side the 1'iict.isiiri's.
In his trip across - Nebro-ka.
Mr. II' ddrcge closely .. observed
the condition- of. -Hi. winter
wheat and found that growers
without exception. s:.y that, tit
; -was ni'VT better. The.lritr rain's
" l-!-t tail r"f '" ground-, ia tno
1. t of ci.iiiill iMi for th;LT()vli
ft tii- plant an. J thest- f.Lhwel
hv ttij week (.r'm.jro of rain kjr--in
j- I .--en;'f"i-. llir?. tsarthy far"
- .eiiv the roi.ts of 'tlm. irraiu, so
there is -.n danireT .wliaU'vev of
the dryintr out .ami hetiii-'
-bjt'M niT atr in ' the --(.a-uLi. '
- i-.JiTr. .UolJpeso take : an opti
mistic iev of the vholBi.-iU.'t-
- I" . n" j'.ivil cis! iki reason wiiy t!e
- it:hiir year shi-iihl nthiconn of
tl;. )e-t that' Nehra-kans have
-t- ff eu' r-it-n''(J.' He. .-loi'iks f)"'
. a ifSivai of l.niites.s a!i line?
within a hort lii'i- with--a'prril)-'
-arWIity r it eoiitiiojfnir without
--interruption dminc: Ih pprjar
and stuunier. Omaha . lioe.
L . Tioilce ts All PatronsI
All par lies who are 'indebted to
--the estate of Ausnis't TJorder, de-
- consed. please call and settle
?nni" at onee.- Will find the aC-
'nurit at (iordor's Implement
" Store. ; - " " ' - i
Fred C5oi:der, I'xectilor.
Try a sack of Forest Tto?e floiir.
Your money refunded if not satis
factory. ;
Try the Journal for calling
cards. : '
Tor Infants and GMldren.
Tr.3 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
T -
American; Lady Xprsets -:
. It is a woman';? privil-ee to look as well as ylie j
I can, and evecy" woman nnderstaiuls that In order -to ;
look well, Jierrclotiies must fit properly. , The Aiuer-
' icaii Lady (Joivet gives' tlie proper line?. - : .
j ' We varry. a.conilete line of tliis popular cornet.--, i
1 Tliere' are models for" meditiin 'and stout liguresif
.vou-try diin ypu .will realily see.the jiieritj and( good j
-'points of these splendid corsets. - ; "" ::
We are sejiiiig
peaches, ;;l()c
for ' a limited
. f- T - 5 '
.-:of .j.-i..!!
v.-.. 3C. "r n
regular g S3
2t oitirese at
Hastings Man Will Direct Or
' - senizalicn in Nebraska.
:. Kearney, Xeb., Jan. S. The Nebras
ka State lecgue was well represented
in tiie state meeting held in tbe Mid
way hotel in tbi city. At the direct
ors' meeting. President A. C. Felt of
Supenor made his report or the year,
which shcw&d that after fines, tooncjs
Crcm the sale of p'.ayers" and other
moneys taken in Tvere cheeked up with
disbursements, the league head was
overdrawn '! 7 cents.- J
C: W.-Kibler of fcarney, A. C. Felt
of. Superior, Kilgore of York, C.
Polleek oX. Columbus and C. J. Miles
of Hastings ."yere in tbe race for the
rn-esidene - 'at tli'e cptnihg. After the
first ballet, v. hh b was in favor of Felt,
he withdrew his nanis in the two hal
Ir ts folloWins;. and C. J. Miles of Hast
inr "as elected. C. E. Poileck of' Oo
Uzmbus Was elected vice president, i
On the board of directors are A
Grady of Columbus, EJ , Williams . of
Grand, Island, A. C. Killian q. Kear
ney, H.. E. Stein of Hastinss. George
H. Etish rf Peatrice, Av. G. Eoye'r'of
York and A. I. Goll rath of Superior.
The scictirle committee will 1 he C.
J. Mile's, cF.ah inan : V. Li "Stiekel of
Kearney, 5TTb E-elyn "Broadstone of
Superior-antl P. L- Ecrticu of-York.
Fremont had :no delegate at, the
rneetinp, while JCorth Platte sent wo.
Siipfeme Court Reverses" Lower Body
" ; . in Registration Case. "."',,
Omaha, Jan. S. The .Xebraslia' si'
preme. court has reversed the local
district court In the case in which
F;ith;r Viilrarrrs, long a residerit 'o'
Orr.aha. soa'sfct'tb coapH the- elect Son
c rrand issi6iv?r to c-lcw hira'to register,
thou?b behad Jost his nctucalizaticn
paiers. 1 . .. - ' :
An op'nicn vritten hy Jurt-icc Seds
wick upholds, the election ccramission
er in rc-f using to rejitter fqreign-borc
residents'o fall t'o""proiucV written
evidence i t their nataralizat':6n. ,
As. a resalr of the cession the elec
tion commissioner will accpt' ' tt;
sworn statement" of a" voter that he
was born iri-the United States ts qn!
ifying him1 for registrafion, but, is en
abled to rec;uire men who admit they
are ,of .foreign birth to produce docu
mentary proof of . the truth of their
stMorcr-nt ., that they have been nat
vralizcili ,
Judpe Eri'irn,-who ctecided the casa
In the district -obnrt. ruled that it
x.-orc'd Tte r.nfair to refuse to acceot
the" oath of a foreign-born voter-wh era
sworn statements of native' born c-iti
zf ns arii not quticnad- .Jlis decision
1 iiori;j?thr?5;j;.-bi .tb,-? ujrex!?e. court. : '
i - - t . ...... t .
.Thd music -for-the. danc;Sat
urday evening at Coates hall will
be furnished ; by the , Holly or
chestra and there will be a .rat
tling good time for all who at
tend. .
- t : ,: f:
fancy dried ;
per pound L
time euly-
btrti& noY
aft zvz ...k'-w
.2 - V . i . . fl
licmswf tnterekt to Our Readers'
(J leaned tmrn tbe Newspaper.
File of Many Yecrs Ago.
. iloiu Judge '. Maxwell of Fre
moidh showed us Uis j,rrave and
legal, face down. Here last week. ,
- Our friend J'eCa.stro, just more
limit fulfilled his proiniess, . by
way of pe.rfcrniaace here:
Uev.' J. fl. Pressten, formerly of
the M.'F..-church hero, was down,
fo see us-nrrd lirlp-titeemperance
folks, 'ta TreV'k. : -'"4 M :
-Fammctt Kennard, son . of Levi
Kcnnard of Omaha, and an old
friend of the. Herald, visited our
sanetu-iu' last week. - Mr. K. is
toppinjr with some realtives, Mr.
Polk's, hi Cass county for his
health. .
Chas.X. Tiffany of Mt. IMeas
ant has paid his respect to the
Herald, and we hope le. may he
as successful
ben in 1S73.
in -187 i as he has
An' immense pair of
weighing '3,000 pounds,
bo seen at Hntlery's old
are to
They are' line' 'specimens for
farm use, and outrht t( bring: a
grood price and readj' sale.
II. S. Xewman, our old 'standby
in the advertising1 line. Council
man Newman, ' and Newman pron
erally'haV sold .outfall his .right,
title and interest 'in tho'iirm of
S.. Bloom A Co., and walketh'our
sti-ets more, a 'gentleman
of leisure. ' We are sorry do lose
Mr. Xt wnian, and hope he may
find a niehe' worthy of himself to
fill 'in Palltsmo'uth, Nfb.
We are both pleased and sorry
to announce to our readers that
tlie IJeiald has moved into tiew
ouai t'i s, ' on tlie south side'of
Main street, nearly opposite Hct
obl's , -store, ' in l!ie .premises 'of
M. L.' Wliite; please, because 'Ave
Ket nearer the ,,posfolice for
packing 'our ".large" jnatls so long
a' -distance is a severe .iob and.
farge'r .and bet (er rooms.'! Sorry
to-lyavV l lie4 old quarters, so long
home of
tlie first real lasting
newspaper in dv
count'y. aiiif to
leave tho
old river, .even for this
diort distance, on vho.e .very
banks wciirst matle our iioine -in
Nebraska, and close to whose,
shores, we have eyej since dwelt,
with one-jshoi t intorrnption. Our
friends down the si reel must not
imagine have left them be
hind, 'however, for a" warm place
ju our heart will ever remain for
Kiich fried and true friends as ,tho
Herald has found down by tlie old
river, and believe us, that' noth-.
jng hut the. real belief 'that 'our
bu'.-iue?s, .'interest s demanded a
change would have induced us
to leave the old and well known
quarters. , Come and see us, one
and all.
White &"arra,h have gone in
to the coal busines. Jought 15ur
kett out... See their new ad.
Imrket f,. our lovely, young' coal
merchant, haa k'ft fur .OUunnva
to.enter.into business on a larger
scale, (,'rmd !"', liurkell; all tlie
gjrls say-so, .anyway.. ,.
Joltn Cummins, our jMunienlly
correct;. and gentlemanly .county
treasui-er,- is head over ears in
business just now making out
and things for "de peo-
It "tickled us ro see JSiT Knight
John-It. .Porter' try to get his
saber-back ' in the sheath the
other evening at Omaha. It. is a
gotd ways over and 'around - in
front 'of 'tho juige before you gel
(o where a sabrr hangs, and as it
i many years since our friend.
Porter,--has seen that far around
ami- behirVil ''him, it' hiik some
ddiea4e. lingering to . ;gct ' Mhat
sabre in that sheath! that's alL!
I'-.'-- ' ' -. , '. '
- I'x-f Sovernor Jame?, now. of
West' point, ealhd on the Her
rd Monday. " . We were not in,
h-VU accept, the governor's - call,
afid f i is friernl's note- with due
meekness. Vlnv. James is an ojd
at-finaiitTt;roe of long standing,
hailed from Dakota' in the day
"long- syne,, -and miny iir! the
hours' chrtt we drive enjoyed in
the'j"ddfashloneit 'days, .when we
all tnvded foot", or horseback;
a ltd '' !.sJofifi'i ' at - (Jd-fasiijaned
tavcj iiAaud ..hc.ldi.'jiurt :a Jdg
hoi.iiff.'MiHl '-isich." . v j, .
VfF:-Vll?r ?f.Kight Mije
vi'' li 'fUJ htf llieVpapt ?t f'Jiu5rch
fBr-'irntrsda.y: foif.-tije pj.iraiosc of
friktlhg --"a-fes'tivahon: the -. 27th
day TfrJafiuary, 'AjSe JriuH'Ms f
which "shall be used to jiay otf the
in'debtedhe'ss "of th'& 'ch-ufdirTIi
following persons were .chosen
as idiicers and committees:
I). . Drapor,. iu-cidi'iit.
Ilidierr Metteer; secrtdary.
Special -" Committee A.
Miekle,' S.'.II. Draper.- .
Committee (tn Arrangements
C. II. King, Charles Uat"e"s, John
nichardoiY. .TarrteiRnro- II : Sny
der, 'Samuel nichardso.11. Aus
tin Charles-Motteer, John Mur
ray, James Mayfield, J. C. Oil
mi'ur and Mr. . Best., also Mes
dames E. K. King, K. Hates, M..M.
Richardson, James Ruby, Henry
Snyder. M. S. Riehardson, James
litdty, Henry Snyder, M. S. Rich-aid-on.
B. Austin, J. Murray. J.
Mayfield. J. C. (iilmour, Mrs. Best
ar.d Miss Cary.
The above committee are re
quested to meet at the. church on
the evening of the 2 lib of Janu
ary to make further arrange
ments. Crossing the river -on the ice
with teams commenced yesterday
for the first time this winter.
Rudolph Heisel takes charge of
Schluntz's new flour and grocery
John Cummins, esq., new coun
ty treasurer, from this time
forth: and W. L. Hobbs retires to
the "buzzum" of his family. More
next week.
The U. S. land ofiice will open
for business on January 2. 187 i.
Parties having business with the
ollice will subserve their in
terests by writing to or calling on
W. E. Sheldon, near the land
We call the attention of our
readers to the advertisement of
the Hubbard House, at Weeping
Water, in another column. Mr.
Huldard;openrd hrs house to tlie
public 'on Monday last, and will
l.e prepared to entertain all at
reasonable rates. We prophecy
that he will have plenty of busi
ness. Lee Est eH, the great emigra
tion acrent and R. R. land man f
Webster county, t ricd to go east
Christmas, and -failed to make
connections ; at Plattsmouth - on
account of the ice in tin river
and the drug stores Trf town. He
is' going1, .to' Clril lien the-, tin-
nuiuine town of Ohio, to get mar
ried,' it is 'said...! Expecting a live
ly ague shake 'there he laid in a
supply, of 'anti-bilious pills and
things. .
Tlie undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at his home, one
miles north of Murray; ten miles
northeast' of 'Nehawka, eight
miles north of Union, , and seven
miles south of Piatt snioulh, on
the following described property
to-wit :
Six Head of Work Horses.
One bay mare with foal, com
ing G years old, weight 1,500.
One black mare with foal, coming-
0 years old, weight 1,500.
One span of black geldings,
coming 7 years old, weight 2,000.
. One iron, gray marc, coming G
years old, weight 1,100.
One gray mare, coming 9 years
old, weight'1,400.
Two milk cows.
' One Red Polled yearling bull.
One yearling calf. '
Twelve calves.
Twelve head of shoats, weigh
ing 100 pounds.
Farm Implements.
Two farm wagons.
One spring wagon. '
One Badger cultivator.
One John Deere -two-row ma
chine. '
One Western Belle lister.
One John Deere walking culti
vator, new.-
Hazel-Menthol Plasters
Effectively relieve paiu. The wothing rf
focta of Menthol are quickly felt in Back
ache, ' Iiheninatism, Sciatica - and other
painful affections. .Yard rolls 1.00; regu
lar Hize 2ic. ! All druggists or direct by mail,
tlavis Si Lawrence Co., New Vork.
Samples mailed upon reqaeil, 6c st&mpi.
Deep-seated Colds
Coughs," Croup,' ; Bronchitis
- Qontain no harmful drug.
-.. ... . ... - AU dealers. . . .
PA li m
.?iVJ. ,3-section harryv.
- One Moline corn planter.
"" 'One oile-h'orse drflir' " " "
One ll-foo Hoosier seeder.
One pair stock srales. :
1 22-fisc press drill.
One McCorm'ick mower.
One 7-barrd steel tank.
One Avery stalk-cutler, 2-row.
Oae grindstone.
One Fairbanks windmill, 30 tow'c'r'.' " ' ' " " '
"One set inclfand Ihree.qnarter
One set inch and one-half har
ness. Some household goods and
other articles loo numerous to
mention. '
Terms of Sale:
All sums of -MO and urah-r,
cash in hand. A credit of six
monliis will be given on all um
over ;?lu, purchaser giving g.d
bankable paper at S pt cent in
terest from dale. Ail properly
must be .-etlle j for before being
removed. S.le will commence a?
1 o'clock sharp. Lunch at noon.
W. B. VIRGIN, Owner.
Wm. R. Young-,
Tom Cromwell.
And ioneer..
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
Owing fo the undersigned
having sold all our interets in
this locality, and are preparing
to move from the .-late, we will
offer at Public Auction. Jo the
lushest bidder, (lie I'olbtw im
properly. Sale will be hdd at the
home of J. T. Poi e;-. on what i
known as the obi Flemming
farm, one mile south and two
miles west of Murray, and six
miles north of Nehawka. on
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21, 1314.
Sale to Commence at 10;oo
O'clock A. Si.
r. Head of Horses.
One bay horse, 3 yeais old.
weight 1,300.
One pair of black match cd!s.
coming 2 and 3 years old, weight
One mare colt, coming 2 yiar.
old. weight 1,150.
One brown gelding, coming 2
years, weight, 1,050.
Two black Old. Shite mare,
coming 2 years old. weight 2.oo0.
One black Perchon mare colt,
6 Head of Cows.
- One brindle cow, 3 years old.
rresh in March.
One Red cow, 5 years old,
fresh this fall.
One red cow, i years old.
fresh this fall.
Two. Holsdein heifers, fre-di in
One first-class milk cow.
Farming Implements and
One Newton wagon.
On' Mitchell waron.
One single bucrgy.
One corn elevator ami dump.
Two end-gate seeders.
One Sweep grinder.
One McCormick binder.
One Oborn mower.
One- single drill.
Two 3-section harrows.
One hand sheller.
One Iron Clad incubator.
One Acme binder.
One 2 -row paite culivalor.
Two walking cultivators.
Two farm wagons one new.
One Wester Bee lisler.
Forty rods of hog wire.
Four tons of prairie hay.
One Bradley ridiug lister.
Two Case stirring plows.
One Bradley riding: cultivator.
One Avery. walking cultivator.
New Departure cultivator.
One forge and anvil.
One hay rack.
One stalk cutter.
One 2-rovv John Deere plow.
One old Trusty incubator.
One McCormick mower.
One McCormick lake.
Two riding cultivators.
One 2-row stalk culler.
One low wagon and rack.
One grind-stone.
Six tons timothy hay.
Some household good, and
many other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sale:
AH .ums.of H0.O0 ar.d under,
cash: on all nuns over a
credit of six months will be given,
.purchaser giiu- notes wi li ap
proved security, bearing iuler--st
al S per cenll All properly mu-d
be setlb'd for 'before being' re
moved from tlie premises.
'Ownars. -
WM. R. YOrXG. '':
At'cf ionrera.
V. G." BOEDEKER, Clerk.
jfjm h''Hii'-m liar, frili-, A rmi gm-tim ' 'iitiM
W h Q
0a January 14 .and 15 we will lead a
car of Chickens at the B. & i i.
depot. We wili pay
11 l-2c per pound for Springs
11 I-2c per pound for Mens
noticj: to cncDiTORS.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the E-!a!e of
William H. Bf-tt-. sr., D-c. a-ed:
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said drcea-d that
hearings will be had upon d.i'ms
hied against said e-tale. h- f re
me. County Jud-e ,,f Ca-s C , ,:,!-.
Nebraska, at the Coi.;,ty r... -rt
loom in plat t - m -i;J !i, j;i .-aid
County, on the l.'dh day of .T. ::
nary, 101 i. and on the 1Mb '...
of July, l'.l i. at " lock a. m..
each day for examination, a fj'j-f-menf
and allowance.
All claims mu-t be fibd in said
court on or before paid la: in-ur
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
.-aid County Court, at I'lntl--sr.oufh.
Nebraska, tliis VI It day of
December, 1913.
: Seal , ALLEN .1. BF.KSO.V.
County Juj-e.
C. E. TEFFT, Attorney.
OTI i: Ol' IIMIMiTlt TI.
In Ihr oanl l ann of I ftutl),
In the '.ittf-r ir- l-tale f .Inc.-t
W. Viill.Ty. 1 a-i-ii :
.Ml j..-ron ir.t. r -t'-il w!'! t.iU"
to t if ll.iit thrrf !a l.'-ri i -1 in li r
oir-re f th I'out.ty ;rt at i-:.4Tt-ri'.utli.
N liis iv.i. a ..t!tn ri f-T t
rtl.;.te f'f 1 1 "-t;i;. i.f ' W. Vs I-
! ry. ci- V lif ;oi",tr w i'l l
1i".N s.iii! Jn-iili'.n In a " :rt r
tlie ttli i.y ft 1!14. at
o'i! k ii Tii., are! ti nt ail ' - t .nn t
K U r U fif t i t i ' n i ! i t-.' ! . ; r . 1 it! -:.'.
tim-, Mrel :i Ju:tal.!. ' a 't i . :
H1m;r.f.--tr:t..r T-r l t:.
.-.ntlcn.i it .f ! -.;
V'itni--s l ) ,oi.l to. I v-;.l -f .i i1.
nrt fit f'l.ittym :'th. N '. i 'i . t..i
ol-t ('.li' Of 1 -t .r. UM't
i?.fiii .Li.nx .T i k:-
County J..-"t-.
t. o. rwvui:. .tt .i : - ..
oth V-
ln the District (niirt of (' (tmatf,
l'rar.k A. Lavis, ria.nt.rf.
Mapirfe K. T;'.vi.. If fr idjnt.
To ilatrcif M. Iavi.:
Y'.ur are lirel.v n " t : ft I t'. at Frnk
-v. Iavis, on th fiftn d.iy i . t. .
I 1S13. renim.-n-fi'l .in ai1i r f .r
r- ar:iir:t yen. .v ! ' j.- 'i-
ti.)n In tii 'M-strict rn.jrt i-t i"a.- r..;ir.
tv. N-rrak.-i. on V irr.i:i.; t.f -trt-nn-
c-rurllv nr..' t-rn i- n.
Vfti arc T-r:n ivt-Z T i'n-wcr Mf 1 -
tlon en "r lifore ?Iffirl:i . ti.w . cind
day of Fbnnrv. A. I 1!4
FLANK A. IV1S. rMalnriT.
J. K. IuL'OIS., Atit.rti' v
Ed M. McDonald nmII tak
noiiee that on the f:r-' day of
De-ember, lOl.'S. M. Archer, a
justice of the j.t-ace of Ca -s coun
ty, Ni bra-ka, is-m-d an orde;- .f
attachment for the mwu of slo.oo
in an action pending before hint,
A house with a ir rf is like an ; 1 1 i r I -
la with a leaky cover it's all rigrht till th- tet
comes. It is i'heaT in thf ei.rl to have a ::!
roof tlian an expensive cheap on. Our rl k ;f
olier vow variet! ;:s-rrtn!en; of tfiohs -t r'- r?;.-' r:::-
terials to select frr-rii. Conn- in ai:i ei;i::,i;i-- I:
rrn rpn rrz I
id ba LiP
m f5 fop ct
V x Lisa ii SS
& lull
, v. h- : . . n .1 -1. i C - i -and
I d M. M l . .: I -
! a-,f. Ci.i? pr.. p-.
co-i-i-tj: - f t i. - . -!
-e--. .M of l!,.-
i' . j
1 1 .
i I n a! i .". ii- d -i : ;
'S.'iai r;ni-.. W; i : . ! t
15i h .Li'. ..f J.ia ...r:
: 1 i . at
o'eI"--k a. re..
There will be .7 dircc 5irn al
i Coates hat. on S-ii'-rdjy cter.r.
: tr ti a C::-:.o;:i tn c ub. to
! w!-ici D"? put':c Is. cirially in
I vi'.ed, ar.d a fiood tin? ossu."-
ed to all wr.o take part.
Do you Knew that lire
! ofTics carries t.i fines; line of
stationary in the city?
VVediin" stationery at t
Journal office.
We r o :. - !.:.'. : w.-.-v!
der 1 A'' i - ..'T ! I.
strator f-T -.i :i a t.i.-i.
Itd!v .
Ha- r, n ir.
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i r.-r p-i"! ie-.:..- - a:. 1 1 re---,
j w I . : ; 1 a' !.
I H. STFfflEB 5 sea
I Motorcycle Agent.
! .-vrr-r V" - r -'-r
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rum jm. nzs
mill if ii .ir -