1! i L PAGE 4. PLATTSI30UTH SEMI-WEEKLY , JOURNAL. THUnSDAY. JAHUARY . 1311- ,JVffo IX; 0, 'j i,'-"'',JI:""- V No man or woman can afford to miss this golden opportunity. The cleanest, choicest good stock in Piattsmouth to be sold at such quot ed prices, some goods going at less than one half of its value. To save dollars, upon dol lars, read this adv. carefully and . remember no matter how ridiculously low the prices look they are not exaggerated. Come in and see for yourself. Remember the prices in this aav. go into effect, Saturday, January 10. MM US3 m D J SUITS AND OVERCOATS Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, nice ly made, and Bell regularly for S.50-Pub-if: AC lie Sale price. .... tc J iJ Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, ele gantly made of mixed "wool materials, sells regularly at $10 and HI $.95 miring tins riiD- MB 11c oaie, ui ..... . t - - . i , .. ' ' .1'. . :. i: Men's and Young Men's swell all wool worsted suits and all wool Chinchilla Overcoats, sells regularly up to $15 Pub- O QC lie Sale price. . . . .QUO Men's and Young Meh's swell Suits sold regularly up to $18.50 Q OC Public Sale price. . D Our highest priced Suits that sold regularly up to $28.50 in two O Qf lots, $14.50 and LLfOO MEN'S SLIP-ON RAINCOATS $7.50 Rain Coats. .$4.98 $14.50 Rain Coats $7.95 Young Men's all wool blue Eov'a Overmnts. ri11 nil serge suits, Norfolk style, ool chinchilla, elegantly worth $8 . j r- Public Sale price . . . j 3 Boys' Overcoats, worth nj to $4.50 rtQ Public Sale price . tL9Lij made, sold regularly up to $8.50 Public; r A QQ Sale price flr50 Boys' Suits worth $3.50 to $8.00, in three lots Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 Lion's Shoop Lined Coats $6.00 Sheep-lined Coats r during this Pub- A Q lie Sale... ...... VVT,A' Duck sheep lined coats in good lengths, $7.00 values, during this pub- tA AO lie Sale price $itJO Moleskin coats, sheep-lined extra)long $9:00 values-. Public Sale $C DC price. . Reversible duck and cordu roy, can be used for hunt atg:4.;a!lI.e.8....$2.45 Duck Coats with heavy blanket lining, worth $3.50 Public Sale. . fcO AO price, .....7 r Lion's Corduroy Pants $2. 9 5: Corduroy Pants, dur ing this Pub- $1 JO lie Sale ... PiJ Glovos and nitions $1.50 Men's Mittens 1 and Gloves, Public &Q Sale price OVC en's Furnishings 93c 1.75 Men's very fine QQg t Drpss Shirts . qJOC H 1.25 Men's Winter Union Suits 69c Men's Ilafs Men's Si.50 hat's CO- .98c $1.60 go at Men's $2.00 hats go at.... Men's fine $3.00 Hats;.,.. Rubbers and I Overshoes You will buy them -cheaper here than any : ' ', 'place else : Dress Shirts All men's Flannel Shirts worth 1.25 and 1.50, two big lots, to' close AO O 7Qr thera out .... 7JCC I JL Men's Fine dress shirts worth .I.OO-Piiblic'Sale price-, . . . . .. ....... Mens heavy sweater roll collar coats, worth 75c, pub- AQp lie Sale price fiJC Men's "Wool Mixed Sweater Coats, worth 1.75 6Q Public Sale. . . . . ...... OuC Men's Wool and Worsted Sweater Coats, sold regularly for from 2.50 to 6.50, must be sold, and they go in two indtr!"!....,..$2.69 Ken's Trousers 1.50 Men's Good Make Pants, all good patterns and 2Q odd sizes, at OSC Men's Fine Make Pants a very nice assortment to select fronv worth up to AO 3.00, at... Men's Trousers made of fine worsted, all new patterns worth up to 3.50 JJ gg 4.00 and 4.50 J9 AO Men's Trousers .... 'SO 6.00 Men's Trousers . . S Glen's Suspcnden aim Ties H Mens Ties and Suspenders 1Sc to 21c S Fen's Winter Caps 50c and 75c Men's Caps 29c isn's and Boy's Shoes The mammoth stock of Fangerl! mouth, Nebr.f to be sold, regardLs eus, stupendous, gigantic sale evlr dising. The object of this sale istc moth stock of General merchandise Owing to the tremendous stock ve compelled to offer to the public tils merchandise at A BIG SACRIFICE J. D. Rockefeller Says: "BUY WIIEf! 31 I! TAKE-KITD P3 B This sab vil who wil lb h all of hilod I you want to buy or not. Remember the opening 1 1 $339 Trunks and Traveling Bags We are. making a big cut on this class of goods i Mens Shoes worth $2.50 during this Public Sale at 1 .48 to 1 .79 $3 values at $2.19 3.50 values .2.79 4.00 values at 2.98 4.50 and 5.00 values 3.79 Boys' dress and high top shoes with two buckles worth 2.50 up to 2.85, Public Sale 1.93 to 2.28 Store I tod IFridoy, Jan Ladies' Heavy White Outing Flannel Night Gowns 48c $1.50 ladies real fine kid gloves $1 .09 Men's flannel shirts Men's Dress Shirts 25c Men's Garters 19c 75c Childrens dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years $1.50 black Heather bloom Petticoats 69c Men's 35c Neckwear 21c Samples of heavy bath towels ach 10c 12c and 9c Men's good weight cotton flannel gloves per pair he Bleached muslin, dur ing this sale. 10 yards 49c Best grade of Cslio I ; from the bolt, yd. f . 4c K o Best grade of Apron f Gingham, yard f" 6c Table Oilcloth, yard j'a;, r 15jc Children's Flannel " sleeping gowns !.';-: 39c One card pearl buttons '' hooks and eyes V pins, each J ! 1 c Never before have the people had the opportunity; to buy such new high grade merchandise at such ruih-; ous prices. It will be the greatest upheaval of bargains within the walls of this city since slie came on earth. ; The whole town will be awake. W$ : propose . to pour out to the people in the next 60 days beginning at 9 o'clock sharp, Saturday, Jan. 10, $20,000 worth , of sea sonable merchandise at public sale, regardless of cost. Outing Gown s worth from 75e to-1.48 ') will go at . 43c, 69c and 90c 3C Gloves 5 .siiiens fliii lalo Uil m AT 9 A. LI., FOR 60 DAYS. COWE til wint'r gloves fc mitt'ns lOc and I9e House Dresses Ladies' and Children's Ladies' House Dresses . ranging from 79c up - f7 of JnJllH mI rc,tnbursod to all out-cto rLhandiSC ?r ovcr- Every article tt rcgardlcs of cost, Saturday morning, Jai,ai IJOmO Ot LiUL ii "I ITT I I J ll iWi I -44-